THE WEATHER Citizen Want Ads. Bring Results Fair VOL. XXIV. NO. 321. ASIIEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY MOKNING, S.K ITEM li KIl 1, 1908. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ROOSEVELT PRAISES THE OLPMPIC HEROES WHO CALLED AT OYSTER BAY Takes Each Victor by the Hand and Warmly Con gratulates Him. GREATEST RECORD IN WORLD'S HISTORY Athletes Are Also Greeted by Mrs. Roosevelt and Son Kermit. (By Aiioclated Prau.) OYBTKH BAY, N. Y., Aug 31 With a gun from the local yatch club bnoininK a rousing welcome, the American Olympic team, victors iu the recent events In London, steamed into the waters of Oyster Bay today for their visit to President Roosevelt W hen they left their boat and reach cl the top of Sagamore Hill, where upon i perched the summer home of the nnllnn' head, Mr. Roosevelt huh on his veranda. They" apprniioli td two abreast, whistling "A Mot Time In the Old Town TonlKht." James K Sullivan, the American nnimisslonex, was first to be recei ved by the president. They then en tered the reception room. With the President were Mrs. llooaevilt and their tun Kermit. c,iniinlHloner Sullivan acted as master of ceremonies, presenting each one of Ills brawny charges In turn The president grawped each one by the hand and to each he spoke a few words of greeting and commendation- John A. Hayes, the Marathon hero, hail the distinction of bring the first to be presented. ""I am proud of you," said the pre sident to him, as he gave him a vig orous handshake. Your feat was marvelous. You won u great race and 1 am glad f It." The president then turned him over to Mrs. Roosevelt and she atid Ker mit engaged him In conversation. M. I ln Kheppard next came up The win ner of the 100-meters beamed when the president assured him that it was a "bully" victory, which he and the hoys had won In Liondnn. Twi-na, the Indian who came In ninth In the Marathon race, pleased the president Immensely "I am glad Indeed" hp said to him "that a real orlnin American compiled for Am- erlrn. and represented the countrv 1 abroad It wan a fine showing that you made " Ho It was when each and every one I of the team that had made the trip and when the last man had been I grasped by the hand and hi heart ; (dined hy the president's words and 1 he had passed into the dining room; and partaken of refreshments. Mr- j Roosevelt followed them In and had to listen to some cheers for him:,' ir Home one proposed three' eheen; for i "The liiiatcst President the frilled Stales Ever Had Theodore liooiv- ' i.dt" and everybody responded Mi Roosevelt cheeked an effort to r. peat ' th" i hern, ami addressed the ntlib I. : as follows: "Oentlemen: I just want to say one; word of greeting to you. I am .aire y ou feel that every one In America i f proud of you. I don't want t' el" a K ' In hyperbole ever, but I think it H, the lit. rat truth. Mr. Sullivan, to sav that the feat that thl team has per j formed has never been duplicated in! the history of athletics I think it l. the I'lggest feat that ha ev r b. en V1 1 formed by any team of anv na ' 1 n and I congratulate all of you. 'l ie re Is not a man on the team who do. not dcsirvp his share in the i.a M it. .lit it is not only the men who 14 on the first but It Is i-vwy mm on 'hi team who did his dutv a- thov 'l did who deserves hi -, share f tie '"lit I congratulate you all md I "'ink you all I want to i . Mi Sullivan, a word of special thank aid hi kio.wledgment to you Without '.on v never could have gotten together Kiel sent over such a learn, .nel our Matitud" gentlemen, Is due io.i i" Hoe.,. W,0 vvore so glntl to mil ' back victors we has. id. nt or those hut t th.ise win. in anv v iv contributed to sending em "dread III such shap- thai " ' ouid be victors. I think. 1 1 ' un, li"My near passing a on, pel it i v Toiimtiuj! on the record:! and bat ef , eurs. that we are In inusl ,f tie- forget how proud wt American riflemen and revolver nun (Continued on page four.) THOmS R, HISGEN TOLD THAT HE IS "INDEPENDENT" CANDIDATE NFW TOHK, Aug. Ill There v,as hot room enough In the new club- "f the Independence la ague f hoi, I the inrK(, crowd that gather, d to nlght for the dual purpose for b. im: l".-;ent at the notification of Tims O U'sgen. Independence party cnididnt. r"r president and the house warming of the club. William I!. Hearst and Mr Hlsgen entered the club house h..rtly after a o'clock and ware greet -pd by an outburst of cheering Hi' K'-n yas enthusiastically referred to a ' The trust huMer" and "our next pre sld. nt." These titles brought forth more cheering. Many Inquiries were mnrtr fnr John VAST THRONG HEARD BRYAN IN MINNESOTA Johnson and Win. .1. Con gratulate Eat'h Other at Democratic Love Feast. FORMER RIVALS NOW FAST FRIENDS (Jovernor Johnson Will Do All In His Power to Aid Nebraskan. (By Associated Press.) ST. 1'Al'L, Minn., Aug. 31. Satis lied that (lovernor John A. Johnson of Minnesota, his leading rival for the nomination before the Denver con vention, will loyally support him In the coming campaign, William Jen nings Uryan, democratic eundiihite for president, left tonight for Fargo. N, 1)., where he will speak t unoi-row . This was Johnson-Uryan day in Min nesota's capital. At a conference of the state central committee this morning, Mr. Kryun said: "1 know 1 am not the first choice of the democrats of this state, hut I am willing to be second when John A. Johnson Is lirst. "The news that you lirln;; me tlmt this will be a democratic year in this state is very pleasing." The meeting of the state central committee was a' real love feast, in which Mr. Itryan and (lovernor John son showered compliments and praise upon each other. Previous to the gathering of the committee, Messrs, Uryan and John son held conferences" regarding the campaign and not only In regard to Minnesota, hut the other northwest ern states. They discussed irganlza tlon and the question of speakers and these will be provided by the national committee. Governor Johnson pledg ed his active support of the national ticket and will make numerous speeches between now and Novem ber. Johnson Takes Charge. No soner had the presidential can didate stepped from the train this morning than he was taken hi iharge hy Governor Johnson, Natioial C.un mitlei man 1''. : l.ynoh and others high In the ihiiiii iis ..f (he parly The gri i ling an ord-s! to Mr Itryan at the station w,t - loosi .onlial Alter bred k fast lie V, as , : i uli il by I lov ernor Johnson to tile executive chain In rs. and flu re I'm- an hour shook hands Willi til. II Ii hied in to meet him An le the fair ground.-, found mie h I1 mli fair grounds he sp. mens, eiewd lli I li"a u lst ra au i nee i:t eat d. in. .ii . tra i ioi rliiced bv ' , .' rnor illei, Mr n si him lie lie,,re plr wa ' ' He re. i, n I lie John. ...ii Hi - n A I the an i i n K. j.uli iv.,1 a in tils pr. Mini na i reuiarl,: t..ok occa sion to i o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nt Hie gneiuor and congratulated hi In an rs mi having renominate.! (I.vernor J-dinson as th. ir i hi. I' v-eulh Mr. Uryan sp.d.e a: follow "The demoiralie platl'otin makes reptll'li'aii e I r;u aga nee one of tin Is sues of the pi-.e-enl i a rnpa it'.n The republican plalform Is Slb nl on I In suh b et a rid iril iii a lh - . . I o have liromi-ed eeonoiii' w-oiid tone bi n a n 1 tie k -1 ' . a 11.1 lo have ,, . tide. I t h. apiiropriallon . in. oh- In I he l ea , ... tvess would ha. been liup'.sslhl" The (HI I ji t e- ,ii:i . :ts i o 1 1 1 1 o o 1 1 1 '. call ed the billion-dollar conere :, Tie a.iroplisli'iiis made h that enures', e.o.r. d lie. . .ii-., -i mount hik i'.r the I'll si t inn I . "a billl .n dollar, or Iho hundred nnllioli d-dlars a i' n Til" ext ra nga nee of t lia t . on ere. -. has i-..ii-Iriluin .1 lo Id" no iwle 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1' H t" v by the deni". r.i Is in 1 s'lll The la-t c .ngr. -. h"W..i'. has made a new record in et ra :n::i n. e In --pil. of a ppropriat ions f sivt millions ifi the last li. al year. Ihe npproprl.i. Hons made b' (he ln"t session amount l m .re than a billion dollars, or tw ice as miK h as Hm a iipropriat Ions for a single session of the fifty-first emigres. 4 TVmpIo (.ri'. thr pur('s -;i 11 1 i iu t .r i -pr.-i')' nt. It h:i In n r i -K1m;i!! il.iiiii'fi l' have Mr. llifK'-n ii nil .Mr ( J ra s ni t i lifd at th-time-. Dut owinfi tn thf ionr hralth nf Mr. Criiv tt' pl;m w,ii aljttinlon(l .Mr ;raes wax not jin writ tniht av h. i-j Ht th' Surphvir SpririKf in Wcm " ir in i h Wlii n Mr Ui-(fn'w liaint H as first nit Pt'hKi as the n-itifiration rrp-in-my .." hLauI ti tttkt plHCf Uu-rr wn rent ,"l clM crlnpt. A!--Iv in 1 Pallt.f-r. Chairman of Uir meting thfii tnrn-d the prf'f,l infff over to Hfnry A I-h!11. rhnitman of thn notifK'nllon rommittoo. " 0aAr-fru no UNLOADED" Seven Young Boys Playing at Camping on Ashcland Avenue See Plavmate Fall Dead, a Victim of Accidental Shot. Pathetic Scene is Witnessed by the Onlookers Coroner's Verdict. Tlie "unloaded pistol" claimed an ither victim last night when William rainier, aged Hi, fell dead with a re volver hulh t in his neck bred by his playmate, Nathan Arthur, also aged 1 (i rainier and Arthur, with five other boys, were playing in a tent erected In Palmer's back yard on Asheland avenue, wln-n Arthur pointed the weapon, which he believed to be tin lii:' led, In Palmer's face and palled the trigger. Without uttering a word Pal mer fell dead at his friend's left. Horrified nt the result of his care less act young Arthur turned the pis tol on himself but the weapon was snatched I torn him by Kd. Lee, an other boy who was present and Ar thur ,r tak. 11 to the police station to u.valt the action of the coroner's Jury. It was a terrible scipiol to a harm less itliciing of seven l,,,y.s d' the in iglii-oi hood to piay camping In a H nt is a backyard, rigged with all the equips n' of a hunter's camp and with to ju-tois to add elements of realism, and to till the cup of pathos to the brim Those who came to the Mid sc. lie found the eleven- car-old sister tenderly washing Die white fa,-.-of tlie dead, and wicpiiig for one de parted. WU TING FANG MAY BE CALLED HOME Slated That Chinese Minis I i ter lalktd loo Much in This Countrv, rl.ll.'. Auk ': I The Chines km .0 miu-llt i ...II I.I.I i n i; lh. 'I 11 t Wll Ting King. II'' ''hinc iinni: ter al Wadiing!..!! owing to le.eiil'l" e-i I in lie Aork and 1I11..I the j Ii e.,sui . ..11 Iii 1 1.1 r 1 v. h 1. h ,11 b. oil' t.o 1 , 1 ,...,vi. ..n- 1 . . He u- d . ; lieve.l here ', buy, belli illdi.n.-t I' I. lie' ' .lo". illi; l,l..l.; i' The loe ei niiu 111 t'.i some 111. .nib- pa-a bus bee b. massed I,;, .Mr Wll' l.l.ilfol'lii and '.Her litt. rain e and bv his altilll'l. ,1- a public ihara't.T In . A ni1 I i. a I.iang Tun V. 11. asisl.inl s. ' el a 1 v j of HO' b e I I'd ol foreign II till II is I II" , badilic .aiidolale for the ,o: I t yy u'.iinini'ni in sin e. .,si',u i" 11 iin,. Kang 1 I be ma 1 11 . . 1 e 111 d .11 !.,. :'Oim, Am; ?, 1 Mr Wu !,,.,, , , a,, , , , ., Tim; I'',. ok llo ( 'li i nese m 111 i-l.T, "''0 11 ; ,, i)(niL. ., , ,,, ,,, , , shown the dispuli h from I'. Tin imI-i ' , , , ,1t) , , , , IT , Sum slating that the Kovern,,,",,! was,,,,, r t . 1 1 . 1 w I -'lie 1' i 1 outs Th, .'.", in "iderliig lh. il "ii ol bis ,1.. ml,, ,,,,.,, ,,, .niing ,,g el lh. ni en I ion 1 11 ' ill"', I, sine "I ,1 iionaoie successor. ,b . la r. d I hat On 1 'ok In g.,y el line , it h "I not in .1!,'. way m timal. d to him Unit il wo. . I issa t isle-d with Hiiylbilo'. in had done, and it has not call..! him to no.. mm lor u n thing that lo mav haw said IP I appeared rather amused and puzzle, I hit the statement Oiat tin govern ment bad be. 11 einlial rasped al bis at titude "as a public character in Amerua." and his disposition vins lo smile In talking Hliout it. i 0) I . ASH INfJTi l. Aug SI I'oreonst for ,'orth Carolina Fair Tuesday , ' 1-KC1 ,t sh,.w. rs m ar the coast, with freh to br!k norfhonft winds SVed - nesday, fair. Grant's Latin Academy 9i PISTOL CLAIMS THE LIFE OF YOUNG WILLIAM PALMER Dliln't Know. ll6ftaMtk!. The exact can Be of- the (snooting l perhaps Immaterial ttlthough accounts vary somewhat. Kd. Lee stated to The citizen that when the boys were as sembled to upend the nlifht In the tent Nathan Arthur shut at a spider nt the wall. N'uthan states thut he supposed the pistol was unloaded and playfully Pointed It at his friend What ever the cause the pistol bunged und a young life went out like the snuffing f a candle. Those In the CBtnpliuj party were Uichard Edward le, Cecil Ar thur, Nathan Arthur, Char lea Clrk, f Mark Davis and" Willie Palmer, all i residents of Ashehind avnuo, and hor rKled at the result they all ran from tin tent except Kd. a-v who told of the attempt of Nathan to kill him self. The dead boy wmih the son of Mrs. K. I Palmer. 10' Ashelund, avenue, who came here from Washington two y ears ago and is i mployed at the Pal Ion avenue oflieo of IhO Hide idge Coal Company she is a y idow and has ,iiie child. Nina. Nalhati Arltiur is tin sim nt Mr .1 W Arthur and Is well eeiiiieeieil .uol Is hlmsi If a yoiihw fellow of pleasing appearance as was William I'allni I. Arthur and palmer had long been RELIEF WORK IS FAST PROGRESSING Representatives of I'nited States Take a Haml to Aid Sufferers. iBy Ai&odated Prea I Adll'S'lA .,, Aug -t I - re I u e n i .1 ' 1 . e He I ' nil 0,1 St .1 1 . aim 1 r 1 . 1 . t! . Is lb ,.,l I , III 'I 'lal.. ire; 1 11-p, , I i . -n I , i. v urn . ,v 1 1 1 ;, 1 v )e I'lou-i , , ( , ( M ' Ill I I Og III I "I Uli !m I lull ..I' 1 le I I. !' I prol'.ibh. hni Ii b ' -e.y .11,,) 11,. I, in- j,e , Iv be ,,1 . 1 . 1 . I fi '.11 .1 HO' W.ll ,. , il.b' JlS.illiO I1..111 lh. I. p. 1 I I 111. Ill "I lllgenl I I I I e I I). I . III! I ' I " lie - 0 Iff lie. e -' I I Tie .lie I I : 'Ii,' 1 1 leu. I" I a- death let ha not 1, 'ii' I , All dlil" ioi '".' led II, ,. I, o.' He night lo s'ipj'l, 1 I 1,1...!:; wants ol the Sllffel. TTnirnni 10,000 Ifi AUGUSTA ACTUALLY SUFFER (By Associated Pres.) AI'OI'.s i .;a. Aus- .: ! I ' t housu lid j 11 A ijgti - t .. sr.- ni 1 a, t tin I 10 . 4 lolliing and b. d . ..lh- i iug I'ilpt.l 1 "., I' Hiiguel. I s A '.nt In ,.- li .1 Fort M, (To is. .11 alnij 11 day's In. . -1 .-alb ,11. louiid six llee.-J sand 111 so. :; '' .1 Alllillsla i lei I tllng t.rai .1 - a i d off sup, 11 1: l:. hut ' still de, lie. - , , ask .,111 -id, I though , u Mil- I In ( II y Will a. ' "1,1 "Il I'linirilaiti,,!'- , hoiisaiids ,,f ,101, ir- at work - ' . ' g Up and e 1",, I l,g I, ; ! nfter the do , I N Is W Vi .;K Aug - Appeal- I, r, ibf f,,r .p. '!,.,l sufferers in Co ea and s' lb and N'orlh ...nTi,. , have b. . n i- ., d by the N'.-w V'l j branch of the N11tion.1l Ited fro- iporletc 1 fast friends anil the former Was so overwhelmed with tha consequences of his accidental shot that he went Into hysterics last night. IjjUsr, be ing more compotfed, )hi Mtd to U (.'11 lz.oii representative that, among hla plnj mates in the tent It hail been an every day occurence for some of the boy to get unloaded Pistols and simp them at each other to ace wh could "pull the trigger the quickest". Coroner's Vorritcl, The coroner's Inquest, which was held at midnight, resulted In u ver dict of "nccldenuil shooting." Th tes timony of the ten witnesses enamVned "Stahllshcd beyond 'if fin'ubt tlmt th dealh of yoiiiiR Palmer was purely iccldellla I The ilenl boy worked at The Cltl y.en ortiee lor it'eis tjnys two weeks ago, to ueeomndate one of Ills boy triends who ivie sUk. He waa of a kindly dlsposlt lm nud siiowed uiium ual Inlelllgeiie, Tin funeral arran gements not yet hei n finnoiinced. Much sympathy was ixpresscd last niglil lor the deceased's mother and llltli- : ill . i Hy slanders at the telil, who arrlv'd aftei- the shoollng, shed tears as i hey gazed on the little girl who. w hili wiping lie blood from her dead liroiher, eallid plte.iusly on him to open his . .m s and speak to her. CHANGE OF VENUE IN IIARGIS CASE (itiicral Sent iineiit Against t lie I 'at I'icidc is ( i round for Removal, Says A ii(lrc. 'By A so.iil. I.ilod Piesi.i .1 .i -K.ii I-. ' A in- .: I - . b.i nt;. ''"ie . ' c 1 a 1 1 1 ' ' I 1 b, '.million - il li 111 t Ii. IS . - Ii ,,igi,. , a e h Si .l'io. I'" lay 'Mo II . I ' 1 1 ' ' I . d a . 1, 1 full '. pi . ..,l . I " . I.e. 11 1 mid lo , .il lib : -i I. 1,, . "I le . , el, 11. . 111 tin, :,, . . I ie I,;. A 'I 1 j in 0.1 1 1 ,1 1 ! I ' I e 1 I 'I 1 ! . II thai , i , 1 lie lie i,e e.t 11 11 II., 11 I 1 1 . , ' . , . , . , 1 ' , 1. n 00 O'.OI .', .,11b b.i , .i ,1 ' 1 , 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 1 , '.' s n 1 I lie Id II .1 . is un. I lb. ib I. .el.. HI e h lb lie .I- I. lel.inl. Hill', I,,' . d .. in, libel ,,l ..e, ,, pm 1, Me ion I 1 1 I lie , . .1111,1. 01 w . a II II 1,' ' I "!,.'' lei ,-. .1 , Ion III' 'I' I ' I. 'I. I IU I d' 1,1 ' O'llllC ,1 I I I,, I ., Mi .li,' lie p. o,b v leoi, II" ,i -lei s a ,. . '.. line 1 "I l,r- , '.IU 0 I ,',11 1 1 1 1 .i .0 . 11 In "in Wilms, a I .1 I I I 1 I , ' I . I I !:..,. i" - 111:1 -I. ,, 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 1 ' 1 no,, I . . 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 slid le, I,. Ho ill' ' " 1 Id. le . is , If , I . . 1 I. I I" .1.1- ml. Hit le ,. 11 tbi . In, 1 g, Wine tin I . an 11. 1 11 . in- I .,- g..."t men In Ihi- ni, n. le f nil lei ,:.'. In I .'. ! lo '. 1. b I. . - I II it nee 1. II i,.,t ,i ,e 1 " , II ' II ,1 t b, 111 b , , . . pi ,- --.. ,1 ' , , , i , 1 1 ' , f 1 ., ,,. b, le . , .,, !,! ,e.t be , . . ,, 1 1 m 1 . i,l u 1 . r - I n ,b : I le . ., udtlh.u I do not I" li. He ,.1-e ouuhl I" l In, , I n litis . '.'oil'. and llo , hungc o I' I'-noo v. ill b. 1: ( , ,, 1 . .1 Th, ,,tti,riievs ., lh,. .blenda nt . , , pied lo the lulhi" ,,l He . ..or t WtlTIIKH M'I'KM.. ,M .ll'S'TA ;. A :n S Ii, a .i lit ml. 1" t b- A m.'11-t', 1 I'l'-.l' I. I. . v. bile : lei lelilo people ,,,, He 1 '., , ' 1 1 , II :, sld. ,: Ib, S.jwnuiah II '.. I ..I'li'isl' All-fil-ln appeal for aid Tie I. Is il Is -.'I '.III H.e 111 it -,.v. re ' I . s I 1 1 1 1 , io ,1 tb : v. heri' homes and ..,. bay, be.., 1 , irrb-d aw "i'hf Aun.lJ!n rellr-t 1,1;, f. e I'.f olv. d .,!iil,t b, aid H ' 1 1" ' ' V, i- ie,,.. s. bin'. '.. I'. 1,1-1 liou '"' " r" I" "I i,.,,,l, deKijtulion II, .o- i- there An- ' gu.ta vi lli help these nnf,irlunie as 'long as Its fund lasts I VERMONT WILL TELL STORY OF BALLOTS TODAY Republicans, of Course, Will Win, I5ti Majority May lie Reduced. BOTH PARTIES WORKED HARD Result Tonight Will Indi cate Outcome (tf I he Big National Rattle. I By Aooclatcd Prett.) MON'l l'IDU. Vt , Aug .'II -aVImil arrangementH In the pollticiil earn piilgli In rinont were nuide on Ihe iittimp tonight and the Jury of the peo ple In choosing u governor, other ntute fficers, two member of longrens ami memliers of tltp state leglshiture will leehlo on the nieriiB of the various UUi'sllmiN sill, milled to them during the reeent cnmuilgii. many of which Imve boon of national Importance That 11 majority of the voters will favor I, lout, 'until (lovernor Unorge Proutv of Newport, the republican andldate for governor, was gnperBlly lulmltted tonight, but the nlxi of Mr. l'routy's majority, and eaperlally of his plurality over James K. Ilurlte of Htirllngton, the demorrullo cundlilate for govBrnoR, waa a matter of con nldorablo conjecture, Both the re pub- I Ivan und ilomoerutlc cinnpalgn man iiger have fought hard Ihui yoar, reul- laliijr that ulnce Vermont in the frrat tuts In thr union to hold an elao tlon this fall her attitude un material und national mmuc would have coii sideriiblo tearing on the conduct of the national campaign during the next two monthn. There l an lnturit In thtt election Hits year owing to th active par tli lpution of the Independnncw ltsaRUo, whuHc cundklaU) fur Kovprno, tjulm by H nauku of Xlrandon, haw nada a vlorouti ianaln. " o'.u" There are sfx cities nnd 340 townn In Vorrnont. and at the clectliin of 1 904 nil but f"tw towna gave rppub llcnn , In ra I It I. n. All thn iltlrl went rppublhun Haire by 409, Hlirllngton by tltl, Monlpeller by 413, Itutlund by l ilt, Kl. Alnuna 16. and Vergonnt' by 171 The total vole for governor In 11104 was; hell (republican). 48,1 13; Por ter (democrat). 19,fiS8. HUNT FOR MANAGER CENTERS IN EAST Search fop Chairman for the Kasicrn 'aiii)ai)jjii May lh: Km. led Todav. (By Aooclated Pr.n l I.W VnIlK Aiie .'II In the queal lot a tnamiKi t" lof the fasTern ealli, Piilgn, 1 on. 1,0-1 a I Ion has narrowed l.nyn 1,1 I ao , three east, in dem- .. 1, it, , and It I" I" IP M'd the appoint ment will I., mud. known tomorrow. 1 1' ,l e , . ill a Hi e Talbol, of Mttryhtnd, ei Ho, , I 1 0,11 11, ,1 1.,,, from that tale, lall-.ed with I ' 1 1 a 1 1 III a 1 1 Mack to be a I 011I I In- 1" 10 I .1 1 it lllll loll hi Ma 1 y land M 1 Ta II, ot told t he chalr 11 1 1, , 1 y 1 1 . 1 1 nd , as in no sen... , .bail.. I ill 1 ,1 1 . and would cast Its I, , l..i al i ol. lo, III an John 1. T"i n lo ad of the bu ll , 0 .1 .lol. . .1 a ,, l.a I I. .,!, baV'S "II . d 10 1 I'.i I : , Il ,111,1 , I o a 1 1 ,1 im. ,..i Hi. 1 , 1 r: , 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 -' 1 1 "I d. iiiocr aHe I ,, I, . in Ma 1 1 b, ml vt i Toiulinson, n. noil, I mob known o- .1 pp. did mint j I ll'dO I K I I'm, ol'. ml. I l.lg. . .Vlass , j , .. 1 1 a 1 1 n 1 I , ' ,1 tin- li a I lo 11 it ,, .111 111 II - j I. . on , .11. I.o .bile ..I I'd nl.'i I Ions 1 ,i IH, li w ill i,o 1 1 1 I . lh" following In ni in. in I.. 1 - I I I We Ion. Soul b 1 'a 1 -.Im, 1 . i VM.i Ma.'. . Alio 11 1 bi : A A M in id, , : I bo Ida , I ,k' I-' a. T, mo se e, 1 '. Il y mg I .11 1 V1H.-IIII.I II A Salig. l , I, . ,-. .lodioa W II. rtliig. Mainland, 111. 1 .1 W Sw.rrl.. ' , i. 1 ., b 1 in a Tb, cnnuiill' ,,e 11 Ioi , oll. g, i.e na 11 l.a 1 io, 111 lie ah. 1 -I, iles will be; , nno, 1 11, . 1 1 li-'ijn lie 1 "hi, ago and In 11 - .cr heaippial . Is I STRIKE OF THE COAL MINERS IN ALABAMA OFFICIALLY CALLED OFF (By Asnociated Preti.) IM 11 M i; II A Al A la A ok 1 A n ,.lfl ,al oi-.b I . allll.K off Hi. Ktlilie or . oal miner' in He I !i rm IiikIui in ,Jiw I I 1,1, w a- n-ie d I , ail the i a, up. r, I h b- ",, t ion lb:- le ' , h I ,, u. It w aw iKIl -. d le IT.-bl. i t la .. VI, , Crcldern Wiui. and f. - a i.e Ti.,i,ir, r Itian .1 tin In.!' I Worker- of A III -.' rh Th" old' I I, d,l "11 Ike lllell I, ell. in del and u bill, ba bmn Miark.J.1,!" lienli 'i.., ne, The official "nl. r. alt.r re... int,' lb'- histoly .11' tb. sink, -ao. 'The ( lini, . ..i i' :,. bed Winn the K.n.rnor ol Alabama ald that the mliiiTfl hnll no. I,, pi rinltt.'d to live MRS. WILLIAMS MAKES PUBLIC HER SIDE OF IT Says Wliolc A fl air Has Been (ireatly Exaggerated and Distorted. ATTACK KD HY ROBBER WHILE IN CHAIR After Being Hho, Mr. Rob erts Advanced on Assail ant, Who lirtii Away. (By Aiocltd Prn.) BAUTMttltK. Mil., Aug aiSeiMfd today In the drawing room ot her home at I,oitg dram, 1'lultltnorn ooun ty, Mrs W. H. 1. WUIIanm, In thn pr wiiri' of her altttoi', MrN. Hllot'lock Swan 11. wife of the president of thn Police board, ileHiribed In detail tha shooting of Churli'u 11. Roberta, Jr.. who waa wounded on Wi'ditNMlay nlaht on the boardwalk at Atlantic City, while In her company. Mr, MflN Hums iiiwuMtul tha affair with lh nt moHt candor. "It waa an attempt roblMery. puro and alinpl" aho diwlarmd, "and Mr. ItitlMtHa wan a hot becauwi ho nifuar'd to comply with the demand of (ha man In I ho mask who had ordorod him to give up hi monuy.. 'Worda hava Karl put in my mouth alum 1 thl aad affair that I never apok. Mrnttnx-nu hava jMtatt aacrlbtd to tno that I never hd. i The wholo thing hai Ikh-b dlatorted and greatly xngganitod. "Whrn thn hooting occurred I had left lay little daughter at tha Hotol Brichton, not more than twenty mla- , uta before. Mr, itotterta wu toinf ahmff with ma In tha rolllnt chair. W cut to a pluco whore tha boarqlna waa rough and tha chair bounded a, goad deal, 1 uKtft'tid that wo turn bach. Tha chalv wiv a covered one and Mr. Koborta rawpad tin tha gflaaa and told tha negro chairman to turn ' around. Jiwt aa hajdid w tha chair' atoppiid, and a makd man' throat a ptdtol into tho tilutlr, bavtnc nrat topv ened a window on tha ocean aide, kndi inrdsred w t oui) , . ' . , . .Aitarkcd , by Itobtrtv ; . , ''J ivaa aatad un tha nlda vot tria chair toward tun oceun, and without, a word. I held up both hand. Mr, Uobertx followed in 8 aad aa aoon a lo had emcrirrd from tha chair, thai man told him to glva up hi money,. I had a little ihatelaltte half attached to my wrUt, but the man mads no effort t" $vt thin, ,..t;.i 'When ordurcd to give up hi aion. ey, Mr. Roberta declarud that ha would do nothlmr of thu kind, and atarted after tha man. Mr. ttobarta wa muh taller than the man who held u up. The latter, who wore a mtwtk of aoma dark uraylah muti rlul that -came M hl chin, wua immll and emaciated, t Khnuld aay that he could not have been more than & fuet 7 Incshea tall. He wore the rointhuat kind of clotlt- inif and. udKln from thia aputiaranoe thouKh or con!';, neither of u could nee IiIk ful'e, he looked llko tramp. I wiui n arod and heaxtal Mr, HolrerU tj;i give the muli what monny he had, but Mr. Hubert inmeail ruahoa at the man who had him covered with a pistol and Btood a f-w paa tiff. Aa Mr. ItoberlH atarted forward the man lired I wo Khbtii In all, one of them luklms eflect. A the moment 1 did not know Hint Mr. Hubert wax ehot, and doubt If lie realised It,' AlthouRh at i tick by one of e-j hullnta he kept ii toward the man without' pauatng and the vllliau rail and eecuped In the darknciui, "Hid either of you or Mr. TtohcrU r a nio the voice ot hie tMWallanl ?" Mm Willliimi wan naked'. Hhe replied In mi iienatlve, "II It had been anyone Whom wa knew weir; nhe eaiid, ' do you not think , we would have recoKiilzeil the voice at ot,,, . ii ii had been my huahund aa liny hay, fried lo Indnuale. or my In itber. II would have been impotudble ,.r eliher ., haie dlA&ulacd hla voice mo effectiiallv ilia) Mr. Kobertu and iiiM.lf would not bue reeoKiilzed It. ' ,V1 huHbaud w.o. her, al 1oliK (ireeii, and my bioiln wl In tbh'ai40 on a limbic ,,i I ltolh my husband and my bio. in r haw been dlaKKfil inn, Un. yeiy on jin.1 ly. Huridy tiiere ,m iioihniK iiuuruiul In my belnK on Die board walk with Mr, Roberta at that i nly hour of the evening. "Things liiiv been written and read In thle ' pin,, ib- that are cruel and n IkIii i ii lly unjust J bud scarcely got b.n k lo in., hotel that nlbt before a " defi. -live of the Atlantic City force WVWAWWWVVVWWWMWMIWWIW, (Continued on page eeven.) In tented eiirnpH and thai public tn.-et-111K" Khali not be held In the IllhllllK . ommuiiitl. K of the htat. during thn 'IriKe In other word:, the strike miiHt .ml, p'KardlcH- of the coat to the min ers i,r an, rlKhm tiny hay,.' In thu protnincH " The end of tin- strike 1111:111,4 that tiraeiicall.v all ol' tin mines In tho loimiriKham di.-iriit will be on a non union biinii ., cnfei etii'ew between ..rriehtle of. tin- union ami offleluls of the operator,, nocjutIon Were held in I'.iriiiiiiitHini. It In known, however, that operator wlii take back all tha men. except tbrwe who have cofnmlt H'd act of lawlrwinpka.

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