THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN THE WEATHER I Citizen Want Ads. Bring Results J Showers VOL. XXIV. NO. 328. ASHKYILIiK, N. C. SATURDAY MORN I N i, SKITKM 1U.K l'MS. PRICK FJ VK CKNTS. THREE THOUSAND PEOPLE HOMELESS AS RESULT OF BIG FIRE IN Blaze Which Started iu a DniK Store Sweeps Over ! Rawhide Citv.' DYNAMITE USED TO CUKCK SPRF.AI) , v j- It- i if j hit i mi "lit iiiui itivi Hundred Miners Worked Hard t Save Property. IB" Associated Press.) H.aWIIIPK. N'aila. Sept. 4 I Thiii- thousand people homeless, a' , , h ,,r mote liijurcsl anil a property j l,,.s ,,f oi-r IVfiO.OOn Is t hi- result of! '?:"s iir, w.,i,h,.i , n , l-ii K I II I -i niiiininK 111 ' 'inimin-1 n nfll. ! located In the Itaivhhie lung compani 's building. Kanned tiy a (tale, the lii'i' swept rHiiilly siitith anil rust I,, I'm lli i' ii avenue and up ltawhldc mvimiii' to within fifty yards nf the !,.,, pli's hospital. Over a tun and a hall nf dynamite was iwil in the di iii"litiiin of buildings, whlrh In a stayed thi flames' progress. Th,- volunteer fire department ami r,()0 . . mini-is w-oiKeu neroioattv. imi owing t,. ili.- inlhinimahlp construction of thi buildings they were swi-pt away like lindpr. At II o'rlork the business portion nf Hitivht.le was a smouldering ruin, lhf Matties being llnally chppkPd south nf Hulluun avenue. Among the (list buildings to ro was Collins' hai.lwarc store, whli-h contained two tuns ..f dynamite, that exploded with a ten llii' report. hurling burning planks and hoards a great distance, setting firp to niimerons buildings simultaneously. The scenes n-orc nlmlliir to those at the lire at fjold flelit .Iiilv. 1906. and at ("ripple Creek April, 1896. Many people were In 1 hul none a re re - ported seriously hurt. rmuliie l-eariil. A famine was feared, ax nil the n'.ptilv houses and grocery stores were wiped- out. A subscription list u In International affairs that would routed nnd within a few minuies i make the prospect or n vault from our mt 15,000 was raised anil a relief ( fleet any less welcome today than It train started from Reno carrying food was two months ago. md bedding Silly Twaddle. All the mining tow ns of the state The sillii -t twaddle of it all is that mill iiulckly to Hip assistance of.Iapan Is apprehensive of an American TtHuhide sufferers with cash contrl- alliance with China. In Hip lirsl bull. The San Francisco ,M In ini; place. Hie I'lill. d States does not e'. li:inife at once sent a contribution , ma ke r..i i lKii alliances: secondly. f JMUI jwlth the possible exception of Vene- A partial list of the heaviest losers i uela. china i- the last country In f.,..i I'lrst Hank of Kan hide, j th.- world the government at Wa-h-P.itlk "f Ratthlde, l'res.-Tiiiie bu il.l-' iugtoii would think ol 1 inn up with lie- Ml 1 ih M.lcantile .-.nil pi n . No-I'ili.- fabled b.-trotlial of tin- humming M.t i meat market. the Northern ' lord to the p.i.l was not mure ri.ilc-T..i- lli.-kards. 1-" V.. Mark- I'o.inloiis than would I"' in allianci. Ik-N'.-i.iilii club. Howner hotel. Kelly's 1 1 , the republic and the daii.-p hall j Asial i.- i-mpire Tin- lire destroyed the hoi-llnul Tie- ol.siii .1 suggestion of an Amer .'ik ..f the I'.luff Mining c ..op:iny. ; W an-i iiiui -e allian. e "t.irte.l some- ; t ii 1 1 Hill properties and the 1 1 1 lit I u lui .- in l-hir.ipe. in Paris as a matter liirin.s- ..ITi.e. th.- on tli.-e ..r fi.t. and was eauerh -eied upon ain.inNling to Jlll.nno, which Is the'l.y in ..i-k.-r after the s.-usa-eM. nl ..f d. unagp done the minim: II. m il and evploiieil by : niimher of .i..i..-rt Plans were well under uay'ver .-ll-.w ionnals Tin- si.-n,. de- f-.i .i leeonstriiition of the town be- foie tin- ashes were cool. The Press-Tiuies ami liusiler n,.vv-,i l.-ip. I offices in-IP saved, although the ni.i- luni-ry was di-strovpd. The fl r.-1 i gotti-n under control alter de- mi-Uiik the entire business portion "I tin- fm n with tin- except i. .n or ..ii- griicei-y slot.- 'lh- report that two commercial lost their lives in th- b u r 1 1 -! t K -.f the rtns- hoti'l has not been . ,,,, 1U,, Tie- tow n has been placed under iiiailial law . BRYAN MEETING HELD IN GEORGIA !i"i-.iide "" ';'v vvry ; :i 1 1 1 - stati-m. n l..-li-v- s., n a war Is !l. oind to ...hi. I. at il it do. s romp I By Associated Press) , . ... .,. ATLANTA. C.a.. Sop, 4 Tl,.- Hlst " '- "" ' II- "II a V.i1, m a 1 ail lid the W ol Id, ' in meeting in the stab- ol ' , ,r p.., ,,( ,u allian. e with Hi i -vis held here b.nlghl tin.l. r the (.,lln,.(. ec-s of . v1Ing Men s in-iiio-; ,,iM(r Wn TI(r '" league Vlliteil stat.-s S-l,ator ,,.,,.,. .,,. r il,.- .-lore lonus !n :,iernor Iloke Smitli. National 'iiiiiiitteeman Chirk ll.w.ll and linl-s I'. Merrien. who was intro-'-d as the former president or a .1 labor organization, .lelinr. d ad-I..--PS. in vvhich tiny d.-elin-.l th. ir ''-liialiliisl support to the .1-111' .c r.l I le "elidate for president ' inmittei-man How. II. Senator i- and iboei-nor Smith urg. .1 the I' Is of the state to vol,- tin- straight l-iii... rati,- ih ket. saying tint a .d ' '' a in other candidate was a Vote " ii away. . G. A R. CALLS A HALT IN ASKING CONGRESS FOR RELIEF MEASURES . By Associated Press.) T..I.K1M1, Ohio. Sept 4. Not I"' j ' years win the ijr.-ind Ainu "f , ,(, It. -i.ui.lic a k congress for fu i ther ; h i lei in. isiu-es Tli.s.- m. i.-ui. . ! ii - k.tig loan aniendiii.-nt th- s. r- - t.ensioi, tin i, o, i, i; ', iears',,1 "' age at which a let. -ran iri re- '"IV- $-0 a month. and an.. tier ""lei.dlllg he proposed Widows' p. n s""li lull to make eligible all soldiers' ii elo a s w ho were niari ied ,,ri.,r t.. li'" "te of Paasage r the bill, w.-l- led "r in favor of the resolution giant ing congress three years respite from NEVADA STATE OLD FRIEND JAP WAR CLOUD IS TROTTED OUT Periodical Appearance of f This Ancient Myth Again Attracts Attention. Al, HUM)!) IS SKKX OX TI1K MOOX " Twaddle Ahroad to tile Kf- feet That -Japan Fears an American Alliance. (Special to The Citizen.) WASHINGTON. Sept 4 Hough excitement to satisfy -Not the l' '' "' ' '' r"lliB ls lurnlshed l.e IV... . . i . I . I I.. I i..iiii.iIiiii u.. III.. "' 1,1 1 Japanese . . 1 1 cloud h:il tn be trotted mil. dusted nfT. fnlbhdii-d up and held up to tile public vJew. Vi' ai told that Japan is nnnli agitated hy the prespnee In the I'acltic nf our war -hips, and that llaiull Takahlra. the Japancsp ambassador to Washington, had journeyed to Oyster I'ay fur Hip purpose of tipping Mr. lioosi-vilt off to Hip fait that Dip mikado, tin- mi kudo's government and thp mikado's people didn't likp it a llttli- hit. linking cnnlirniatloti .if this VP port from plihi-r I'resldcnt l:oose-plt or Amhassador Tnkuhlra. th'- pii'hllc s nndi-r ii. i obligation to h.-liov It Thi- government Tokyo has expressed pordlal des-ire that the fleet visit Jap anese wati-rs. and plans ure nndi-r way to ph i- Hip American sea-fighters demonstrative and enthusiastic wel romp. Thprp has been no happening .pa r I ii at Wa-hington w a olrljltlly I disked if Hie rumor were tin. , an. I b. - a us.- the -tale department regarded the tale ;h too al I.I to 111. ill a de- n i.i 1. thU sil.n, .- was r-Kiiril.-d as suf liei. nt I..1111.I.1I1011 for the launching of a Jahatipsp r s.-are Then 1'aroii ; Ta k a h i r i g"i t.. itysler Huv ami later js, - . s S.-. i. t.ny l!.-.t. and th- thing l , settled we are -oi "ig- of hos- t i 1 i t i "' H ii' vei seems t -nir that 'a - - th- battleship II. -t I" .Iioillv p. pi an otTi. ial i-'it to !.l ii. th- Japanese anibas-ador Imighl very well lia- pa. Hie liiisln.-ss i aith tie presi.l. Ill and the i hief of llii.- stab department. , War wilh .lapan is not at all in in i he t.-;..ii that TiiiL- l-'.ing. tin- Clnn-s. iiiiuisl.i al W.i-liinglon. i- 1" he T ,.,-a H. d Il.l W Mi iii-t. r il is I-, be . told thill ,, be 1-e, ailed tiecaUSe 11. has r.i t , e. 11 I 'll 1 t . - ff - t an al'ian. e be i and tie- I'nit.d Stales , ,,. no, !;! d L-oing and .la pa lis : , a r- I ll ' will he an ,ii,l threatens war Chili is sure. th- le wi" n t I-- in .illiaiue, and will l". ill ,i i 1 1 1 1 -1 - i 1 1 ' i I'll, r- is i lle-r eminent In tin' (Continued on page two.) 1 1 ! .1 idati s ,,n th- ,s. hcrr t ii k-l '"M-' r l-Ki-l-iHon- An ,n(.,rn, , ,-Uuv ..r alm.e-t all 11 ,.-...r..l t. I- the Consensus of',,,., m.-lllb. I- d lh. .v. rutin- e.,m- ( t) . , h ,,f it,,- l ad.-rs that too much n i HI.' f th'- i publican national mlio i ing l..t pension bills and re- niittee was lold al liea,biia iters ... f m-.niir.s might s.,., create an day and tin g.ii.ral siti.iti.m was I impression I" th- minds ,iuss. .1 Th pr.-s. , .,.. S..-i- , .n'.-1 - - in-n and reflect .lis, r.-ilit . tor IVitrosr ..f I "en tisi 1 vn ti ia l-alwin oi Mi- -nil war i.ieran in wie tune i i,, t,i,. pi.- .iheii he would need th.-JK. Itr..l..-r of ' '..11111-. 1 1ml. T c..h-,110-t a si-tan- . .it th. hands of thi-rliHil Imi'.. lit of I - law. ire and U il- M01 W III. h he helped to S.'lie M.r lh, installation of ofTi. i rs at this in.,1 ti lliL' - session, thr vel.rans (. . ided .n Salt llke City as the yi4Ce of ntxt year 8 encampment. Just For EASTERN LEADERS TALK WITH MACK Democrats Consider Atlan tic States Debatable. Will Make Active Campaign. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Sept 4. National chairman Mack and members of the astern democratic campaign coinmll er held a three hours' conference this afternoon and talked owr the situa tion along the Atlantic seaboard. Af ter a consideration of the reports from the national committeemen present, it was decldPU that Npw To-rk, Connect lout, Rhode Island, New Jprn-y and Oelaware were debatable states, and that an active campaign frien now on should Is- waged to sw ing them into the demon at Ic col- urr.ti. Menibers of the milter re- WAsillNOTiiN. H.pi 4 Orvillc pi. r:.-. I thai in their slates every -f- ill- made unot her High' over the d ril I fort wcil. I be made to secure Hie gioiiiuli at I-'.. H Mei-, Vii . .mIii. in , .. , ,, nlili Ii he i-iicir.-lc.J Hie ll.-ld live times non, aali .ns of the strong-si can. II- In addition I., going it.-, lull length dale- f.r plans on the slate ib-krls ,.,,,. hul,,ni: din-cling in trout "I in or. -d I. . make more voles lor Bryan ,, , i, It. i-s tl,- luaililn. l"d l.-rn ,, ,il litii- ... Il -1 1 1 1 1 d in ll.ght was It as d. Iermlii. il to hold a meet- ,,,,. ,,,,,,, it. s .,,( inte.-n s, , ,,i,,s. lin ing of the campaign coin- n, l.. ,m; under tin- tud ..I in II t ..- every Tu-sday al h-. id. ua iters Ml. W,M., , i , , , ,nK,,,ut lh- night, her-, lr Ma.k I' ll lor liiiu'alo to- I ,,,,! binning at tin- late night, ami Senator 'u I b-rson . i hair- j al : :: :, Mn, nr lnun Thirtv feet mall .o til- ,i.lii-..n . oiiiinill-e. audi n,,,,, n,,. L. ,d j Hi. gr. it. el National ' ' o 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 -e 1 1 1 . 1 1 lemiels innl Toinlinsoii I. -H bu i hi.iigo National i '-in nut l man S a u 1 i dm r stated that tin light in Helaware was eonllne.l largelv to lo. al In s n . s. Imt I that Willi -.1 caliie-l -IT. .it .01 th.- Pari ,,f ii,,. ..,. nil)., nil com 111 il lees the d I lati. Ii. W ollhl W III REPUBLICANS DISCUSSED TANGLE Swislu r Paction be K'cipiest ed to Place Lincoln Party Nominees on State Ticket. (By Assorlated Press.) NKW i:K. S.-pl 4 Th snh- eoinmill--, composed of National I 'oltllllil tl efll.ll W.ll'l. iMll'.llt IHol lllook. 1. appoint.., t us, ,l.- tin West VilL-mia g 1 1 1 . . M I a 1 1 o ial tangle in it lie I ill. ol ii I . pa lei. a Ii . 1 1 1 . Ail h S I S, le el- a- Its gab-i natoi Ial -notiiiie. ask llml lit- .-!.,, t.,r ;,,,, ( ollg! , ,s io, I e a , o I 1 1 I : I t e - - 01 1 il " ! g I la r , putdi. a II In I..-I. headed by ' ' A ling, j S. ishi r. I..- pi t '"''Met. held filltln-sun- . I ..II ilo- S, le 1 r IK k eolisld. lale.ll of the I malt lotllglll i A Sv i -In i . .a ml I. for gov , erimr on th- i.gnlar r.-lui Id Ira n ll.-k- et. h, tore th- . otn tn it l -e After the rommill.-e bad a . I I- u I n- .1 Mr Ward anno W'OlId he atlll'l It is 1 1 .1 I . I s. d thai tl lie .1 until W . dti.-silay I that the sub-coin i niille. will report to tie n,i,.iiil cm- Illltl, e re.ll.-s lug it to direct t 1 f ' Swisher lor. . - I - -r.e p. nni-si,.n to i the Lincoln i. publi. an parti t an )i tr . lectors and i ,ng r s -i. .iial liutnaii .d .,ini i aroiina i iiari-- Usui I. Ward of N. w V.,rk Senat-.r 1'. nr..-. said lh-- TTi.-etlng wa-. -.nil U e It in mar i to a format cotiferpn, ri.-vt we k. w h-n ( Tiainnari Hitchcock returns from the west. The Sake Of The Children? AIRSHIP MADE SECOND FLIGHT AT FORT MYER Inventor Wright is Pleased With Today's Trial, Put Says Will Improve. MACHINE UNDER PFJiFECT CONTROL Made. Five CimiitB of tlie Parade 0 rounds, Watch ed by Large ( 'rowd. M.lKl allaoed It w.i . vi.l.-ni that th. ,n had the mai hill. Illulel heltei ...iili.d loda loan 'l lii lo.a it.. ig M r V.'i li.l.l i --pi... .-.! t h i mi mi- lo , .k.ii y i si, -rda i , and a l I .. ,.', p., I. Ibi alb ri ii On in. o hm. : was taken t. llu- liorlll'-in i lid of the ,,il ,;i I-. where tie tilling ap ltd- ' . i : I a 1 1 1 Z.I I i o i, (111 tile othel HUM t iim ,. . A pi ellniiii.m te-i i hand, (lie Adams up porters say Unit ; ,,i ii,.. m.,t t.oitig sal i.da. I.,i v . lie no Mm phi t'i nglli whs shown at I wheels supp.o l ing tin- ma, hiii. w i re , I In- Mi. In., ii pi. i not meetings, and I., ,, ii ft luler II and Al: V I Igbl jlln refur.- Iione e.oild be gbeu bin, 'Mailed III- tor and t....k lie- pin-, iii m.ntioii .d- j ,H (I,,. is Seat Tile '. I J I U ' 1 1 1 In roillilV eo II e 111 I oil i ,t Mi Wright n .d.l.d lo bis! will I.. ..all.-, I ., order nl II ..'. lock j as: 1-1. Hit. C C Tailor, and lie ilia !lhi- It . . 1 11 1 1. I.v I ' lia I r IP 11 II l f-'. Se , Inn. ., . i. .,.. I. 'I'll. mills so- ill,,, and, all.r III.. . helloii of ofll I p tel. d II I wooden tow-l g. ,t , ,-rs will pioe.,,1 to deeide on III- 1 1 - 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 Is a 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 n ,1 . 1 . ' 1 a I II th ha. - i:- tired ill, i.. is. .1 I,-. I-. ing lie- n,e I. Ho- ma. I is tuned upward-- I,;, le and d 1 1 , 1 .1 1 1 -- slight Iv. . i.l loud to II . a- II in... I. I i ,1 : he s , 1 1 1 ! I - ! end , 11,. I. Id lb , .ill-tie, , , - . ,, , 0 , , Ml V' ml, I lolled t le- IIi.ii kiln le II It., ( W I d 'I- ' If IP I.l. led V. ,11, o I, -i loo; .;. lo apt lo d n lo 1 he t . nl He Iliad. .Ill -hall, li.lll a ud I I en- . . 1 1 1 1 I 1 " . . 1 1 -I lh l!,i-l i I II, I I- ' -St. id I' , I. II le W ., ibi. I.. i..-i he marl,.,,, le .IT lie . I.. LO . 11,. loot IIM i-l essl V . ! ,,l ,1 . - -I He .1. I.. . 1. 1.1- Wlth M, W 11. Il III II lap l . Hi . Mr i-.-i i I .-I n: li. - .. a c. . . was io ..ii: ,,: I . . . t 1 I - ill Il.l O, lie ' i i I 1 1 sill l . ed.f.R !.. I a. I t, I lo I l. d- .! I V ,; f , onl l-d ..! tie a. 1 - nut iii a I in -d tie Id. i II I'll I. 1..-I.-II e . snrr ,,, , , ,',-,,1 . a more It i-i'is. I i oi . o n I 'ill I..I-. , e I" I . ' I ,.!.!,. . . i.i -tir i r.i-,1,1 w .1 to s-. d i i , , lf ,,, ,t, . ntlo ''a- ilu-ni I'll.- p it ad- gr... n l ,..(. 1 i nt.i'ri in, n .lot a, ' 1 1 I-P. .-..I 1. ri no n l i- .ii. I at l-'ott Mi. i . m . .. y ,, ., ., , . ,t , . I.l. , ti, e.l that le : 'I t 1 .1. ...1 1 . W III : II I I, I . I it Ions IV. , 1 a -. I , i I M I W ri-ht wa ,, ( lf( j u, ; ( , , QNE LIFE LOST I IN CONFLAGRATION si ' M n i : i : Miss . .I I I'l a. all;, He . i . I nisi lh ss s, , i , .. i i. , i - i pla, , '' a I- Hole, I and oil, n, ill j ,. ,, f (t I M I ' 1 1 : p - -ill emp,,.. e of 1 he SiiOili , " Ne-,1 , o 1 ' ' life in a 'lt of 111,1 'I- ' I. '" ollglll ,- III '. W is .lis- ol' led I He lll! -ae. slot. I.irl am: or, upi. ,1 lo II U I'll i ,. ,,, ,, 'fc " I' t-'dli l I'llipps w a- -lie. I, i i ,t h a 1,1 er.-d to ,l-..Hi Willie he i. il II-. i r ,, ,r.,i. , I prop, rtv I.. is . sllmat.-.l at 1 1 oi '., ,a,i-e i panic ...i.i.. I by insula- -. tl,. loot. I j h. w e -illgs d-sir.-d Inrluding Ho- re. -nil. I ,.,i,iii reeled ...llii Ilolise, .1 lloLl. - S j f . r .L ni ' stores arid olh.-c buildings and ,1-i.l.ilUf tour. I residences. .a riearin CONVENTION TODAY TOSETTLEQUESTION Distuting Claims are Made as to Madison, Which is Still Unheard From. Controversies s to the precinct vote for Messrs. Murphy and Adams In Hiincoinhc and Madison counties will lie onded today, when the county conventions of these counties ar held, ntwl, with Transylvania county primaries auto due today, the matter of the nomination should he certain this afternoon. It Is not certain now because each side Is clutiutntf thnt It will win, and IIjb. jtflulbn, vote In Madison county Thursday are wide ly divergent The friends of Mr Ad ams assert that he lias curried solid It all of th.- precincts In MadUon in eepl two. and that these have hut 1 'L- convention voles This, If true, would Insure Mr. Adams' nointiiallon. epn il he got not vote at all hi TriinMyl i.iiii.i and il is admitted that he will Show StlelH-tll tllere Oil tile l.tllCI hand, .lu.lg- Miirphv's friends state that be will have about eight Madi son 1 1 1 r 1 1 v oles and will win be-lau-e In- will gel the larger pail of the Trans Iv a n'la vote. Some Miitphv supporters sharply -rili,le the a, 11,01 of the majoilty in Ma. lis. -it c..iint pieclnits In rc I using P. gin- Mi Murphy his pro pel II. .11 ..I .tiilif.lll at tin- pr.-elncl llli-i lings, and s.-i that It Is very llll- r.alr to tin other two counties that lino should allow each candidate his I r. ugtli while th.- uiaJoriM In t hi- .the! 1 - , 1 1 II I IrlmeS lo follow III. - , t - p. I" g I - - Il ea. 1 1 I a lot Ida I e 111 th. .listen t lotmlition wlil.h mi its n i t Saturday. F1ENDISIIMURDERER PLEADS NOT GUILTY 'hester .IH'ilaii, Who 'Imp ied I lis Wile to Pieces, I. A rraigni'd in 'oiii't. ST. . N M.i S- . ,1,;' low I . 1 1 1 ol i.i in w h ,. h line 1 l; i. b io th. piol.ll.l' ah Joldati . lie lag. a .-in- i . I ! . f lo. n o, 1 ' 1 1 . Hliajin o, kilh-.l was i. il h i la lined hi 1 le I.i -, le, b.i-. . I.i Ii e : 1 1 1 . . i i .oi tie d I ' III III I i i- , I loda v . lie d . . . I I . . a I ' i I I o in 1 1 if an a 0. I. . l,0,, ot .lot I II, .lord,., in h wit. I ( ' l S . I i .1. si .' d 1 loll io i.-illi I, ire ' d i i le Hon . a I up .1 II In He t t ' 1 1 1 1 end I., llii. p de e a I K i in i n. i ' I I: I I .1 I i Ills 1 1 tl. I. ,d and I ' i. n ,1 la , II was I. Will, lo il lo l l. dl VI- Ol 111. . i H elot n-. r M. le al Isv I ""'" I S on. r: il.. I li lmii. :i t to ir lilid ing- at 1 1, 1 I , lie l ni d Ilia I 1 lo- loinlli.itnoi th at Mr- J .,,1,1, no t In-1 le mg -In;. I-. ..I It,-- ti. a.t ibli aoung a fra. till- -illllrp lit I. -alll Th" li. il I . la Itio .1. tr.-.iig.. as- alllglir.l lodai and :if - i g not guilty to a cliiirge via- . m to Ini to await jn September Hlh. , FLEET TO BID ;D0CT0R'SWIFE ADIEU TO CITY i TELLS STORY OF OF MELBOURNE; FATAL NIGHT Meinoralilc Week in l-it of ( )nr .lack Tars ( 'oincs to a ( 'lose. Al'STRALIA DID WELL DV Till! IIOVS Hospitality Unlimited lias Scouts Idea of Suicide and Marked the Stay of the Declares He Was Mur Aiiierii an Battleships. ; tiered. Woman 1 leld. i MKI.II. H'lINi:, Sept t This ls (he last ,1a, ol the seil.-s ol , nl, itah, ,"""'l" '" 11 n and "in. is ,,r tin- Aiti.,1, an battleship tl.-ei win. h UV gin the Ic or Mcllioui nr into hiii ti pleasant and personal i on blight and I t:l II t II 111 lis II to iniikc up for the III. lelll-lll we. Itln I of Hip curly part of th. w-.-ek and the program was canted out without bit. h or Inter ruption Tomorr iw morning at s ..'..I... I. II. e Heel U , I 1 I H ,,W,I fll f Al. . ,,, , , . . .. ... .. , ,. nl .... i., l..i- ii m .k t.iklnp It has n a husv sen,, ihms fori1 ''"""' ' ,,ln "" l,""r Me iii iip us w ell as lor the visit ot s ! 1,1 Hiro.iKh the crack. and the citv has found an iiim.Ii n I 1 '"V ""'""" lr. Ituslln, sit- for vast thi ungs n tin- provinces I "iik In a chuli nnd looking a Hiou(fh ..I,.. u,n.,n II. lo lake Hull It. lh..!1"' " H I" trilllhlo. festivities. Tile lllllll oftlelill greetings have been exchanged a lid the last personal farewells spoken and It is snfp to say thul the hosts see their guests depart with sincere regret. A feature of the stay of the fleet In this port has been the pcrsotnil friend ships estnbllshed betwepii H Hirers of the mid the p.-ople of Mel bourne. Official functions there wt-re almost without numbers, but in addi tion there huve been a greut many private luncheons and dinners and rail quite Informal In character, which Kave a better opportunity for th form Inn of acquaintance and friendships: which will endure for many year to come. The visit to Melbourne had lis sad accompani ment In the death by accident of two men of the fleet Arthur Decker, a sailor from New Jersey, and a bands man named Mlchaelson from Ver mont. Hth men were - hilled 'by rhnvfnir Tnllroan" tiffins .White nil ex cursions to the suburbs. They were burled today with full military acad emy forces The state gov ernniPiil this evening . iit.-i tallied Admiral Sperry and the senior otllci rs of tin- fleet at (in club- ,rate Itllir) ii at e,n llaim tit House. Sir Thomas tilhsoit Ciirmicliiiel, the gon tnor ..I Victoria, and muni' of Hie state ministers uen- present. in.. Victorian pi. inlrr. Thomas It.-nt. de livered an address of welcome In will, h he said Hint Alfred li.nklu. th, prime minister of the eoiiiinoliw ea II h. bud g I, to b. proud of in flict I lut t be was the mini u in, Invited the A Ml. I ii Meet lo A list I II hit II Wll This afternoon tin. re u.-n- baseball i,l,l lacrosse ii, at. lies al llu- ell. k.-l ground, and u regalia on II obsoit s have no doubt 111' Itilstlll wus tliur1 liai A nine ii-.uii th.- H.-.-i .bleated i..t. .1 Wo had been married more VI. toi-iii ten in. Oi l" I lh'' boat rare 1 1 h.-ui ini years, a ml during Unit Hum In it,, m. lining i .nstsir.l oi a variety , I never reieiia-d it i t'iiwH word from ..I loiit.-sts between small sailing aiiiltiiy husbaud Ills rondiict tuwurds rowing elatt as well .as motor l.oal.s, : me was all that a husband should be. iiiMlili.-d mostli lo iii.mbels ol l...iil;.l Itietids had nfb-ll rolllinelllei u,p- , llllis I'I bos lo the iilliolllll of JUMl:.,,, he g. Illleliess Willi Which III', w .-I .- a w iii d.d In the alien i 1 1 1 i - i , s 1 1 ii Heal.,! me .-, 1 1 . 1 his children. w ele sailing a Il.l loMlnc, I a . is be I W II j '-The ofl'leels will IllHI! I Very H- hoals Iron, ill. Am., I, an il. -t a ud j !.,,;, ,.,. i,oi,i me In their fforts to bonis ft. .in Ho Ib.ial i, an and I h- ... . u , ,, inJi,., v ,,f )nv husbund'a A usl la tin ii lia 1 i. al Ii " This . n -i.iiig lh. w, mailt, p. Hi i.nlj - ,. Miilng Hie police arrested noli A lie -il.l . Oil Ol I,'1 loll' d i, all ll. el wet-h- I h- ol 11, el - on in.. li , i i'ii II Ii I ' 'U . I, t. t la Ine. I ..' .1 e.tlal r . 1 1 1 b o! i a I aiel iii il Itai ol VI. t ol I.l 11 lei III. Stale gel . rn lie lit .l ol I. led a w 1. I I ill dl Ida v ol hie, loll.- al Alle-tt patk ilil b was willies. ,-, le, elo .1 lieois , 1 -1 w .1- ol p-i ,. Albeit ... r I. I" III. ileal, st ,,1,1, h ground l-i lllf le the I. alll. hips- ale an. ,.. i. .1 in Ho I ... i and lie . . sr. Is also weir 1 1 1 1 r t 1 : 1 . 1 1 .1 Tl w d , I hi . 1H -,,ls V. . I gl ' .1 I . t I" Illght I li.lll a I all , . . .Ol - da i I le He. t has l , n le re Th. Haw I hot lie I.l,, I i 'bib a I - u . I- ill I'Oi l-lil 1,1 ,,l,,. ol the A lie I -an '.He Ml.ltO I'I Ill 's.-' I. . "..II. Il 1- I ' ii. :;to I,., I., II le I. 1 I, Well. -I. VI I H A p.- i. To -. ,11. ,1 I... .1 I ol Jo II. -I .Lu ll, le . . I . ....lel ale I He 1,1 .,d I ' I right, le d I le . , I.l .1 . d l.l.l ANOTHER LIFE CRUSHED OUT BY ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE OF GUN Anothe, in;,. l' I. III. Ill ' I I I I I 1 1" II It' MO ill till -.1.1. 1 1 . 1 1 . w ' . wis l-iii.-d I.i lo ll, fit'. That .-Ml -ill'li He l.o ,, ,,th j. -am ..U - .I shot , ' T d. lit i .-ir old to - .1 ' . l s t i lh Hi f m a mi I . , : 1 1, II oi- o I l.. ii. i-.l Hint Idll. I Ilerina I, ,, o . I . he .hath Ir. the a. - d - don a load-. I 'hot gun ill In- o-.wi haul At am rale a full ilniL-i- ..I shot .nl- ud tin- Id II.- vietiin I. tie I le dual In stiiiitty From Ho- i-itc.ii" id a I . rn.-ii ts Hint could be gathered It appears that the Heard Sound of Shots and I'liiunl lliisliand Itleetl inu on Porch. 1 ;SAYS UK WAS A MODI'L lll'SHAXD I OMAH A. N. h , Hcpt 4--Seated 111 ;,,. ,. , , ,., ronlal ,,, ,(f ,,.,,, Hh, lln s,,., i,,uslv ..1, his front porteh parly .,.,.,,,.. .!,,, Ml.. Kn ib.rk-k T. ',, ,, ,,,,,, , Mrs Kuslin Is bot-derlng on nervous eolhipse. She said: "This Is what happened on that night, so far as I hie-.- nuy knowl edge I was iiwaki-tieil by a plsttol shot I walled some time, and then something impelled me t go down Htalrs and spe what was the mutter. "Then 1 threw the uoor wide oeen i ii.l lusheil nut onto the porch und ou r P. Inn chair In which he sat. ' "'Oh. what Is the matter, l'"rd ? What hns happened to you''' I en da lined. " 'A mini has shot me,' he mum bled, und then fainted. "My first thought wan to (ret him; to bed. 1 grabbed him In my anna nnd started drugging him toward lha door. He Is a large man, and It wan II I could do to carry him along. "Hut I mnnugid tn net him Just within the doorway, Then I screamed to my maid for naslwtance. liraffRcd Into IIuum. ( ' "Whon the. maid reached me sjh found W, Ititstln lylnt; bit the floor.. Just within the , door. That ae counts tor the renerts that the rlcir wus within the hnuM when the fatal shot was fired. "Then w UleuhtMied toe phyal clans and for lr. nustln'a mother. Or. itustln wa Uken to the huspttal nnd died an hour later. Thai la all." "Why were the police not notified enrll.-r V" was asked. "I did not know of such matter. My on.- thought was for my hnslwnd. Slid I my, r thought of report Ing the mutter to the itulhorlllisi for soma time Then I spoke lo the physicians about it. ami Ihcy siibl they would intend to that Hut In the hurry for Hi.- ..pel at lop w hich was performed, Ihcy forgot to do so until after th .1. alll." ' II Is reported that Dr. Itiisllti , nmllled suit hie. I o you think he .11 I '.'" "I inn sure not I have no theory as lo who i-oill 111 It I the deed, but t .lo., I Uoio.ell unit uilll ,l,.l h.r at the .ill Jail until the Impicst next Tuesday. No rliargp lias In-ell placed against tile Woman, hut slut has admitted she was the last pel'Mou III mmpaiiv of In- l-'reiterlck Kilsthi 1 Indole lie l-ili lied 111, lloillC o I il 1,11-1.1 le was killed I she Is hell! p. li.l ing d v- h .pine II I 5H0WER& fil n SI 1 1 N'i ; I'i i'. Sip! - l-'or.-c.-i-t ...i, l 'a i oiina l-'alr 111 east, -tew,,, iii w. st portion S:t t ii i d.i v . - ia 1 I .,,... r; lighl. variable .-. . ... I two iids ii, r- sent upstairs at 7 .. !o I -.est. Ida", n, .Tiling I'i pr. pan lor - I I In Hi, room w as a I. .a. l-d -hoi gun. i'.h;. h Mr yiidr. vs hud te - till-, lo.i. Ini hut from lihl. h he had forgotl. 11 to draw tie load. The loud t-pott of th- curi and a pirn lug s. f.-.ilit lausr.l llu- pan tits I.i lush upstairs wlo -r.- ihcy found little Her man breathing tin las, Hp was IvInK on the floor with a gaping wound In his I, least Ids ibr.,1 lo r was so terrl- li-.l tbit In- hi gin- in Intelligent an 0111,1 of lh- Hag. dl M.inv of the shots i.eiiettai.l Hi.- hoy's h.-iirt and ln.r Th.-re septus to lie no doubt that lb',- children were playing with the gun.

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