( LE CITIZEN ( THE WEATHER Rain A Citizen Want AL wm Rent That Vacant Room VOL. XXV. NO. 10. ASHKVILLE, N. C, THUKSIUtf MOliXIXd, OCTOBER 2!. 1!HS. PRICE FIVE tiENTS. SEN. SIMMONS BRYAN AND HILL "WICK AND VIC," the Republican Comedians EVIDENCE OF IMPORTANCE IS UNEARTHED Night Hitlers Confess Their) (Juilt and Implicate Sev eral Comrades. TAFT SPEAKS WITH HUGHES IN NJf. CITY Monster Crowd Fills Madi son Square Garden to Hear the Speeches. ; HEARD AT THE SPEAK ON THE VOW TFTOfti PA -in-LAW. COURT HOUSE SAME ROSTRUM THE REPUBL ICAN AM AFTER HIM COMES ME TARIFF PLAN IS A CATCH PENNy LINE - IT MEANS SlMPCi NOTHING ' fffOSt WATER IN HIS ttPOBlKAlh AN 0 THEN WEIL PICK OUT QUENTIN. TO ROUND OUT OtlEf North Carolina's Dusting-' Ex-Senator Says lie Desires DVHASTEE- wished Senator Makes , Election of the Great Splendid Speech. Nehrasliau. PAPCR -THE OMAHA BEE THE ASHE11L PAYS RESPECTS TO ROOSEVELT Urgos Support of Congress- man Crawford and Entire County Ticket. n,.r,.r a Urire and enthusiastic au- Ulencc representing thi democracy of, LBANV. N. V.. Oct.. :S The feu lluneombe county, and plentifully ture of Wllllum Jennings Bryan's tour sprinkled by those of the republican faith. Senator F. M. Simmons dcllv- , -..,1 ..nn of the Irnct and ablest f ,h ,.i-n t the county court house text' night. Long before the speaker was ushered Into the large court room, and even be- fore the bell rung the first time to an- noiinco the spiking, a large per centage of those present had congre gHted and were waiting for the speak er to begin. The meeting was opened by Dr. Dan Bevler who was cordially wel comed by the audience and who Intro- .luced Mr. Haywood Parker to pre- side over the meeting. Mr. Parker took the stand amid cheers and be-' gan by saying that for the lirst time In sixteen vears had the national democratic party been united. He made a few remarks concerning the presidential nominee of the party and concluded by Introducing the senator. - as the lirst senator ever chosen by the people of North Carolina under J.tryan'a Ideal of electing senators by ; tuo direct vote or trio people. Senator Simmons. Senator Hinvmon's speech was an ublo and forceful exposition of na- tional and state Issues. It contained Blowing tributes for the Hon. Locke Craig. V. V. h'ltchln and congress-1 man Crawford. He predicted Kltebln's . i T Zt 7 i Hill referring to the republican u su the triumph of the .democratic I . . . ., , -ngresslonal ami county tlckete. Of ttnt iUa . pMlle WiUd M low . ih-..i i. m.n,.jM'. Bryan's election, declared that It sonal animosity to Mr.-Kltchln which,, prompt .Ma 4vocaey of the west-' ern leader, but a personal admiration and sincere frleimhlp which he had long cherished for Mr. Craig. The sneaker uraed ' the friends of Mr. Crawford to exert themselves more than ever. He said that no eongrcs- clonal district In the United States had a more' creditable representathe tlian Mr. Crawford, his ability had been recognised by the greatest lead ers In congress. . The speaker said that II a tV.c duty of citizens to vote and take an interest In politic because If good men did not control politics bad men would The present campaign, he said, was an important one. more Important be cause It was the prelude to the great campaign of 108. The preset age is the greatest one. Various epochs liavf been conspicuous for some one thing but this age Is an Industrial one ami It was the great captain of indus- try. he was sorry to say, who forniu- Kited our Ideas. Industry was a great riling but not the greatest and unfs nil 1liis development tended to the up- building und happiness of mankind it nas all a mockery. i am noi a repunucan . uiu me Viiutor. "because 1 do not believe the dollar mark Is the symbol of all. I am a democrat because I believe In man- Kind". Vol.. roe Home folks "I ,..,.i, fnr th- vested rlnhts of . . ,.. ,,, , ,, r, id '. .i. ii. thc sneaker. He declared that the tariff fathered trusts, took ten mil- Hon dollars a year from North Car olina. For 30 years this stream bus been pouring Into the coffers of the millionaire. "Crawford stands on the platform or ctiual rights to all and special priv ileges to none. Th' former is told by the republicans to go Into the market and stand on his merit while they pro tect the trusts with a club. Some of ,miu have prosperity got it by going to the factory ait dawn what did the republican party do Tor you?" Tile speaker drew a word picture of the worlds growth such as few can 1'iiiital u n1 uhlek hM (he 11 ml ipnoe lis if hypnotised, and of the vast wealth p nl us und work had mndc "Thr n pilLllratiH nay then Is jmnn-rity und if ho tin ii somi of you mu?t P el like dUlnherltctl heirs of a preat estate". Tariff on I'ulp. in the course of his speech Hcnatnr ' ( Continued on page four.) D0PONT COMPANY TO KNOCK OUT SOUTHERN FIRM (By Assoelstsd Press.) NEW YORK. Oct. ii How the Du pont Powder company cut prices in the south to put the Chattanooga Powder company out of business. Has 'broug-ht out today at the resumption here of tho hearings In the suit of the government against the so-railed po dcr trust. V. J. Waddell. district sales agent for the Slnnamahoning Powder company, of Huntington. V. Va,. tes tified tht he had Instructions from Eugene DuPont to go down and "cut out" the Chattanooga company, re gardless of prices. "1 loeAted the trade mipplied th NO PANIC PUT FEDERAL PANIC j Bryan Again Predicts That : Ho AVill Be Triumphant- ly Elected. BX Associated Press.) up (lUte tM)ay waK the aI)pearance on ' tl,e Platform here tonight of former Halted States Senator David II. Hill. w"m n ho stepped forward as chair- man 10 inirouuco uemocrucy a leuuci. tne great crown wnien pactteu xne nan. rose as man anu wuuiy cnccrcu Although not connected with pol itics" .Mr. Hill said. "I reiterate that I am heartily in favor of the election of the democratic national and state tickets. 1 am not Ai partlcan, how ever, that I would support the party whether right or wrong, but permit me to say mat I support tne nauonui ticket In this campaign because. In my Judgment our presidential candidate, who honors us with his presence heiej tonight, is absolutely right upon evory contested ouestlon In this campaign. I am fhr him because I sincerely believe that the best Interests of the country w ill be served by his election. It is tme for a change In the ndtnlnletrn- tmn ot the government;' a change of measures and of men. Our candidate owes the nomination not to any one man nor to any set of men. but only to the people themselves. If elected ho will bo the president himself and inot the dummy for any man. He will not bo led around with a string like a big caged bear." lVlcnil Punic". u.lne plCjButlt P" Cl MMJd of thousands of federal ofltce holders woma nave 10 r. noer ineir places 10 the victorious party. He concluded his eeonium of Mr. Bryan by sayinE thut ' the candidate is your friend: he Is my friend; he is the friend of the people. He has been a courageous, sincere and constant friend of lubor ever since he has been In public life. He is Incorruptable aMlcc'li from the throne was read by he Is brave, and he can neither be ,,.. i,-,.,.,n,....,.i ,h purchased or intimidated". ,1 Mr. Ilryan received an ovation as he rose to ssak. He expressed his oplnlon nf the cordial welcome he had received in xne ianiai 01 our nation si great state ", and replied to Mr. Hill I by saying: "I appreciate the more than Ken erous words 'littered by Senator Hill In introducing nie. One of the pleasur es of this campaign is the unity that manifests Itself in the democratl party. As the candidate for president have be hind me united democracy and In front of me a wared repulili can party". I'ull of I'lght. He declared (hut the democratic party was run 01 iigni wiue me re- publican party Has full of fright. "I believe" he continued. "Unit we arc c - oim: to win a great victory und my friends. I am glad that Senator Hill the hero of so many battlefields .Is "fi - htlnB by my side prepared to share w''th me the Joys of a democratic triumph. This vlctorv would be incom- ' . uU'U- If it iv Tt- a t titmal victory. Hut I hrlU'Vi- that this vit tory in Rolng t In won by the co-opi-ratlon of tin rast and thr wvnl. tlif north and the wtith, and that it will irmciit tin- di mocratU- party an a liKhtlntf force' M r. Bryan Kuid ht- would pn-notit "Monif ev-Jdcnce1 that will encourag yoti and Momi' urffumcnta in b half f our poiti.in". Tirst. hnvsni-r. In- urKcd Kiippcrt of the democratic ntatf and conBTi'sjona I tirkrtK. lMM-anjf In- n;ill thfy wen- ttghtiiiK "ii the siime plat form and 1h arliiir tin- brunt of the battl- jind therefftn il -mitvi-iI the pi- pies sjjffraffe. He lu id str hs upon the plank In th .p-nitK r;tu- platform pro- v'"1U,iC. f,,r 1 !- i t - f ampaign con tributions before el'.M tioti. i,i;,t i.s m:v yoiik. Ni:V ORK. Oct. JS "I've had delightful and Imsy tlnn- during m st-i in New York' ssiid Mr. Ilryan be- fre leaving here today, ' and I Icarn- (Continued on psg five.) CUT PRICES Chattanooiro eomuany." said the II- neas. '"by the aid of the railroads and took it away from them." Asked what Has the lowest price at which he was selllnc. Mr. Waddell replled. on being o Instructed by Commissioner Mahaffey, that It was seventy nine cents a Keg. or approx imately thirty cents below cost. In le9j, he continued, the t'hatta- "7" -p - " "'1 DuPont, and the Laflln and Rand powder companies. The Southern Powder company's mill were sold to the same persona Who purchased the Chattanooga, property, he mid, . I SWwofpi 'life K .- - -i' ; FERDINAND SPEAKING fdam tudaiic ncccunc GOVERNMENT'S COURSE Peace and Prosperity is In scribed on Banner, lie Says. REIMBURSE CLAIMS (By A.soclated Prex.) 80. IA. m'l.(JARL. Oct. JH. The fourti enth national Uulgarlun As 8eliibl, was convened fr Its au- tumn session this afternoon. Th.- i" m.c ... co.wac.e, . ac 'ended the recent course of his gov- crmni'tit. tvplca! passage nf the message Is r .. I'eaee and prosperitv is Inscribed ipon the banner which wus unfurled nt Tlrnova. October und I count upon my valiant and progressive peo ple to assist tne In the defense or our righteous cause of securing peace und spreading the work of civilization In the llalkjiiis." ( ontlnuing. the empi ror inoiulsrd to relinlburfe nil Just claims against ,H government He mentioned Ills re cent rect ption by Kniepror I-Yuiicls Joseph a proof of the benevolent al- tltudci of AiiMro-iluiiKiiry He closed by expressing tin hope that l:iis-lu w ould not desert Ibis new Shn ic Um pire which was her own offspring. TRIAL OPENS DRAMATICALLY (By Associated Press.) JUKHKT flTY. N. J.. Oct. 28. The defense at the trial of Theodore H. Whllmore of lirooklwi. charged with the murder of his wife, iciiii. whose body was found In the Lampblack swamp, in Harrison, N. J., Hsi li. ceni ber. opened under rather drainatli clrcumstuni ts late today Immedi.'itelv artT tlx- pro( i utlon bad routed Mh rnw. In iitbimit to Mri natht n v bit more h iililii and to e.mneit VVil- liurn . Hartlett with the irlnie. Tin-odor: Volw w tu iiilU'd to the Btund. Volar testilied to 8-'lnK a man on a trolley car in N w;irk tlw iiIkIiC In fore I he bod was found, w ln produc d two $5 bills und rings, remarking as be did an, "Mnnev vttinf vhhv in Hr- riaou. f tie witneMH u1hi tiuiieet) thut th'; man'n kIioph were muddy. Vfde uiilkfd t the tab!, where Whitmore wm ittinK arid pointing arrows it to the front wlr n- Hnrtb tt was Hent' tl said. J ttrre ih tb man Bartbtt onl nmiled weight makes (By Associated Precs.) LhJIA.Nh. Oct. ZS. NMIhur Wright today gave the lirst lessen In handling me aeroplane in accordance witn his contract, to count wumncn I nr. e n ere inane o, . ,j lo min- utc respectively, and they proved very auocpHsfuI. Mr. Wright had Htted a bjm-cIhI lever on hut machine which n -1 abled him to c ontrol IiIk pupli s move ments and thus lwn the danger of DMastil thut rtiltrhf lu tilfi-U to arlaut from Inexperience. At the end of bis lesson. Count De- Uin)en ttat the handling of the rotilane was slmDliclty itself, and he Waa confident that he would become n-oBlelent rn a rery ehort time. SIIFFRAfif TTF JUI 1 lVAVJL I 1 j DISTURBANCE CLOSES HOUSE The Strangers? and Ladierj VJIl'M l ltpifU. AMAZING SCENES AUK WITNESSED "' a dynamite explosion at the Ham mond mines mar the business ec m lion of the city early tonight. Thr Several of the Advocates art Bodily Ejected Attendants, l (By Associated Pre..-) LONDON, (let :m, Huffragett. dis turbances hmc dihen the government to the uiiusuhI course of temporarily closing the stianiii rs and ludii s k;iI leries In the Hou-i of (..'ominous This was announced to the speaker in n sponse to u iju slcn from Premier Awiuith. and Mi llulfour. Ill- leader of the opposition, as iarlluineiil uii adjourntng tonim-i While the Hon-, was discus-iiiK the licensing bill, m ,i nsatioii was caused b' the dispUn i a pluciird and sud den shrill cries liolll the ladies gal ler', demanding otes fur VMiinen. vi hlle simultaneously a bundle of bund bills fluttered limn, (run the siiangets gallery at the .site end of the c hamber, and a imii shout, d pro tests against ' Im istlce to imiiiu ii." iMtendalitH hul l e I to the ealji ries anil the male offend' i as uneerciuonious- ly ijected. bill lery soonds w i ate struggle. 'I firnil.' chained i ' "ili the ladles ual heard oi a desper i sufrayi ties had IhSeUi S 1 1 1 I I ; ' en lie tine mII i tl'.rls al 'illlnuons in -lnill Is l or ot. s mid resisted r t .i remoial. it) iior tones til il de Anmlu S4'ene. The seem v. nient from tin -itrlii il W llh ,.iii,t.( I! r of Ihe i..ur. . but ,ir'-il"h . r ( 1 1 ' 'I ill reill'A i) , ton mii l lin.ill i he nuITi rrnm rimr i...ku after p'rt(tns .f moed w Ith Mm i there a an-M man in tli htt,. anol her laniH i I foUBe n IkI Kh" tM 1 kivm w (.men vi- -. -n.ph ed'" An film, but he r i tem ptf tit e;i iv (fallen Aft i he Kl'lb V.. 1.- H T m minoi i l.i I i d ruma I i in ; -'ITH KH er II i J I M I "K Mil dm li n.pii I he . "Why dun I .u - i J r-M ' 1 lie Ol, -iH.i nH rtisbeij u'it d li re. tie . .it ill) boihi;, If mi tie d-Mierate si r uiTKl' . t ' llefl ill eje. UHh' th uti ii.ii.fit- u the man. A bout the mi ni' suffragettes lila-l outside the j. ai I IHleeil lf them V According to tl. inn: a hue" bod- of a. denioiisi re 1 1' 'o mMit buildiiiu and re arrested i-lr 1'ijiniiH n ions, in- hole thing va w Ith great seer, " demonstrate out?. other In the loblc. third In the gall. dunned i' for. hn ud One band w a -. te Ihe bulldinif. an of the Hoijmi- and ;i . The gallery on tfnffent numbered four, but It wan at tended by man i -ixslve KyinpiiTh Z' r THREW AT MULE; KILLED HIS SON (By Associated Press ) UCKHKLLV'lld.i;. Ala.. Oct : -James Thorn, a farmer, while uttemp lng to run a inul- out of the yard to day, picked up a small stone and threw It at the animal. He missed the mule and hit his two-year-old son, killing him Inaiamly. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION CAUSES LOSS OF LIFE; DOES MUCH DAMAGE Dozens of Men and Houses Hurled to the Ground Without Warning. tiAUSOICN. AL.A.. Oct.. 28 One niiin dead, one missing, one dying and four Injured, are some of the results dead: !li;.'ltV KKII.. Koine, Oa. Missing: Aitlnir Hood. Fatally Injun .lake liiTliin. depart inenl I ii j ii red . .Mack l'i Cell, nient Oils WoodlllT lil I t IllCllI .1 nieuiber (ludsdeii tire Cudsdi n Hie depart- i liief of the lire de- So icrrlfle was the explosion thHt almost eer plateglass front In (lads den iis liroken Twenty four miners hoiise in the vicinity of the explo ion wen- levelled to the ground and i ii ii u others damaged The Hi'. deiuitmcut with forty men hud 1'espoiiib'd to an alarm, u house I" Int; on lire m ar the mine mag azine Hundreds of spectators were standing near u lien lite explosion slid deiily occurred und every one within a n id' iiidius w ,vs hurled to the kTotind. Stonis wele blown entlrcd ilirough the body of Kell, and no trace i an In found of Hood. Miners had been drawing explosives from th( magazine toiJa. . hut no one seems aide to ace. milt for the explosion. A imiiiiIm r of u. mien and children stand ing in the vlilulty of the lire weri more or le-s injored, but were carried home iitnl tin nuines cannot he pro i mi ,1 tonight. LUKE WRIGHT IS DOING HIS STUNT I: M H M M V A . net., ua Ijefwi -.. I.if- aii'll'ii-e ;il the- Academy ol e i.-uieiht. r l.ny nf War I '. U i -kM, -) -: . on the Immui o" l.e i ,i in j'.i ,,i ;iii in Ia'r of the ean-'Jnla- of Judtfe T.i ft. The meetinif M ii i"-d un l l ilr auspice- of a noru-1m-I ..i 'ii' n "i I'T'oninence In thin ( l-r hi' i '.i I i '. HMD of linn nee, w ho ha v e ;i 1,- . - l" . ii d'ni-craU but who In Hii.h t niipii Ki' are MipportiutC Uio n -p'l b! i' .i n e;i rel J l Mr riwlit wh iMroiu4-ed by John .-'( Hon ilhitins. of tiilt city, former i -id.-n' ot ill.' Seaboard Air lAiu-. ho t:t( -I tif;it the r.ew i-oiiHtltution if (fiii.'.i ha- o purified the elec l o.ii' .' to n in"v' all fear of th Ii' Ki o w.f . w.tsHi.vtrrox. Koiecast. North Carolina Rain, followed by clearing and cooler Thursday; Friday fair; freeh to strong north trlnda. - ; enrf nt fWJLA D. C, Oct., 2 MANY PRISONERS IN SEPARATE TENTS Governor Patterson Con- ducting Personal Inquiry into all Arrests Made. (By AssMlaU Prsss.) CAAie XKMll, UKKLFOOT LAKK. Teiin.. tHt 88. Ithln one week from the time the soldiers of Tennes see, under personal direction of UoV ernor I'atterson, spread their tents In' the himrl of the night rider, region, evidence of the must damaging na ture against tho murderers of Cap tain Qumtin Uankln has been un earthed. Frank Ferrlner last night confessed and Implicated ten or fif teen men now in custody. He guvr name and went Into details, Ferrln er Is careful) guarded In an Isolated lent. Ferrhjers confession oamo af ter a lung; gruelling: examination !' Col.. Talent's, tent Coventor Patterson In person questioned the witness. The Rpwrnor expressed himself tonight as Ighly pleased WMh what had lxen brought Oiitt. "AVo nr gi-ttlng some mighty strong evidence" he said, "and I am confident we will discover the Vnm br of this maursdlng band and ca t. vtct them." Besides Ferrlnor. live othsr men are guarded In separate tents toulght, they are Tom Johnston, of JlorijUemki allegwl to be one of the night rider captains; his cousin Oar ret Johnston, of Bpout Kprlngs. also alleged to be a captain of the band; Wll! VVataon. raptured yesterday, who ' undr In dictment In Iaka county, for whip ping old man Winn, and Fred Pinion, and man named Thorpe, A score ol additional prisoners were brought In today. Most of, them are wanted i witnesses, but three whi wr! appre hended are regarded a Important prtiner. The' ,r nred Pinion, J,. A. 4aissei,iiia wlgh. '. -rjv.. On the arrival at camp tonight or Major R. K. Martin and hle dwtarh ment, bringing eight or ten prison ers. Oovernor Patterson conducted a court of Inquiry In his tent, exam ining singularly those brought In. The total number of arrests, In- eluding today's round tip Is 15. and of this number It Is alleged that half bel ,ng to the night riders band Sheriff Dawson and a squad of men left today for TlptonvlUe, to lake Ted Iturton from the jell to Union City. Jtumors say that an effort may Ih- made to lynch Hurton -because he confessed, hut Kherlff Haines thinks no such effort Is likely. WATSON BUSY WITH TONGUE AND CLUB (By Associated Press.) llol'OI.AMN ll.l.K. OA.. Oct , ! Thomas K. Watson. People's Party ; cheering that listed mor than two candidate for president In a speech 1 minute. , here tonight, attacked what he term- talgo Talks. , ed the "Htand put republican Benute", I Oeneral Porter then Introduced Ban which he i--aid would block remedial B(or i,.,dge, who began hi remark, legislation should the republican party hy paying a tribute to Oovernor be victorious. He also assailed Mr. Hughes and hi platform, and toy at Hrn. lulling him "an extremely lacking Mr. Chattier, hi democrat! daiigeroiis candidate for the south he- opponent. He made a strong plea for cads.- of bin record on the negro que- the re-election of Governor Hughes, Hon". He mild Hint Mr. Ifryun, an Taking up national Unite h said: Illinois iiihii by birth, grew up In the "The democratic party objeot to most honest liciicf that Ihe south wss talking about th past, near or remote, wrong on the m gro question, and Tin y would have U Judge them olelr .vim n. i,..ii,.r iion then, should h by their future, .which la unknown. no objection to social equality. Mr Watson repeuted criticisms be has made previously about the Uni versity of Nebraska, as ti "social equal Ity sehool." II for donating I- rlllclseil Mr Hryan rd anil that under no possinio conui 0 annually to the sup. O""" would the free coinage of IHer ' liort of this college FIVE ARE BITTEN BY PET DOG (By Associated Prsss ) ,M Ai ( IN'. OA . Oi t . :t Sheilll i; rii' 11 Itoltertwi,!,. ,,f this coiintv, todiij c.iiii.il his will, time of his Imj and Ii i m ni.ee. to th-' Pasteur Institute at Atlanta, for treatment. These in. lulu r.H of 111 lamlly were Idt ti'll soon d.ini;o b a pet dog Willi li exhibited symptoms of tables. The dull In a1 mii sent to the Pasteur. Intuit. Several rabbit that ere Inn. a nla led with lius frorn th head. have sine'- gone mad, and much ap preheiiKlon Ih felt for tlinne w ho in re bitten b tbu dog The) will remain at the institute under treatment for cut -one da H- DOMESTICS IN MINISTER'S EMPLOY POISONED BY (By Assoelstsd Prut.) OKLAHOMA CITV. Okla . Oct 28. Iieath by poimm of two s, rvanis In the home of Hpv. Carter Helm Jones, pastor of the Haptlt church here, has started an Investigation to deter mine whether poison was meant for the minister by persons In Lynchburg, Va-. who objected to his marriage to a woman of the Methodist church. Dr. Jones says h doe not believe the poison wa .meant for him. Kdwarrt and I-aura Javt, servants BIG GUNS WERE OUT IN FORCE Senator Cabot Lodge Get 1 Sarcastic and Attaeks Mr. Chauler's Record. i (y Assoelstsd Pre.) MAIJISON SQUARE! OAUDEN, Now Turk, Oct. 2. The republican cam palgn in New Tork city rotvd It climax tonight when William H. Taft,-' presidential candidate, and' CUarlea B. Hughea, candidal for governor, apoka f from the same platform at Madison ; Square Garden to an audience that All. ed tha enormous balMlne. Theirs speeches at Madison gguara Oardea t came at the end of a day which, front a political standpoint, waa moat re- ' markable. Mr. Taft spoke at four , meetings, and Oovernor Hughea at , fifteen, then tonight while tho Madison ; Square mestlng waa In progrsae a gl ant parade waa wendlnf It way. In tk downpour of rain down through tilt j, heart of, tha city. , i v ? ' i At 7 o'clock a heavy rain act In, but , this did not Interfere: with the crowd besieging the, entrances to the garden. ttv I n'elnek the nnlln itmA tn Km e all . except reserve Beat ticket holder. Tho , gallorlea were girdled with American nags, the dome wm bidden py a mam- , moth American flag and over the main , entrance hunt big blue Vale banner, with .portrait of Taft and Bherman on It, and In th center, "Yt 'Tl." A ' band of 109 piece kept the crowd , from becoming Impatient dorlng th hour or more that elapsed before v Oeneral Horac B. Porter.. Wh pre , aided, called the mestlng , to , order, Ktlrrlng airs wer played amid . th . ratat:nthnlam,, ' , . When Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, , enator Chauncey Ml Depew, teMtor William Aide 8mh, and HUU CnlrTu, mart Tlmathy V. Woodruff : appeared ( V on the- platform they were give an -enthusiastic repetition. General Porter i began by saying that h had never at- tended such an enthusiastic nesting. , Then he attacked W, J. Bryan, saying , ' that he was suffering from polltloal nd financial delusion. ''W Uk to, praotlcat man th day," h , eald, "and Mr. Bryan I th person 10- , cation oi impractioaouiiy. Taking up th Isaua of the guarante , of national bank deposit, he said that Ilryan' political economy wa Ilk trying to make th government amok live rent cigar when It took ton cant ,. worth of matches to light them. 0n , : eral Porter prophesied th eloctloa of ' Mr. Tuft. At tho mention of the candidate' , name there was prolonged cheers and when a moment later the speaker mentioned th nam of Oovernor Hughes there Wa an outburst 01 and which is an assurance of conduct unsatisfactory. "Wo do know that the republican party is committed to tho gotd stand- tie rccmrni;naou irr permiuea oy mr. Taft. There must be a reform In our bunking system. Mr. Bryan's only con tribution to this topic I to propose th Kinirani'e of bunk deposits, to make the carerul. honest banker responsible for the doings of the banker who I careless, spi-eulatlve. and dishonest. on the tariff Honalor Lrfiage aaia too deinoi ruts Ihemselvea did not know how far they would go and "their victory would throw an uncertainty across the pathway of business which; would hung like a pall over all busi ness enterprise. Which of Mr. Hrysn's policies in regard to corpora tions he would pursue If elected. no- ,(I knWB an(1 hc mght easily dcvls two or three more between now ana the fourth of March." The senator spoke highly of Mr. Mryiiu's public character and eloqu ,-nce. He concluded with an eulogy on the republican candidate. UNKNOWN PERSON In the household of Dr. Jones were found dead. Beeldes them wa a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of blackberry brandy. The brandy had been brought by Dr. Jones' family from Virginia. Dr. Jo nee waa pastor of the Broad way Baptist church' In Louisville for years. About a year ago he went to Lynchburg, Va., to take on of th largest churcheev there, H married a prominent .Methodist woman and thle marriage outaid ot hi don) oat- -nation cnueed hitter -cotneaiot. 1

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