KTOETWO. THE ASflKVILLE CITIZEN. FrMav. (MoWr 3'", 1.jS. iff"""""""""" iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiina ill I 1 ft rr rrb nr b i t VM7 nu Y7 2 I 1 -1 I II It If II If If XX VmUIU H If HI - if (river tsy the :n4 M- '-- pi ' :v-fi. Mr !; a- (. - V :--j M's 1 lUrk T . Mr Ji:..s f t.k- -j IU resid-rc of !' ;:. I; . r-ritb ilr 2s ti 1 .1 ;; . II .' rr, Mr .Hotaioti. Tn i . .r .:t. Mr : i n,. '! j ,.e Mr Andrrmi j, r. c Paul K;r.g,r. Mr Mr .;..t.. r, Jordan aod ti-iign not i i & rv,rnl.r If A rpil .n ws PsssTifera or tv v day afternoon a: it..- js r. iMr, d M as !: 1 i nn. a, goo many of the n.crr brs -MOr ! AshelUe (,r T! ,., ... s i i iij-iT appropriat. , , nd eff" . . -- .io . .led .,!h 'or,?e.Je r ale figa ar;i ' i v, ', paxima, and flower were ai.o u-d. . Mia Rebecca Cushman and Mu Ku banks served tM TK I'm'..1.:,!.' Mr cksvir sang "Ise '.Jwlr.e B- k lls.e- r and "Aont Irian a wanting Pars . '' ' '' Mum Ofarw Lumpkin rd I. " T An of T'-dimmx." ' by Ir I'i r.-) 'l ' " little Miss Meruit rmroo. ra j ' " "FareweU to Richmond on 'he Jam !' r,'n and little M' KK-ijn M,rr . ! ' ' 'r- Tb Vctontnir Pr.' b .Mr t tot Atimnla Mr. H-nry Itt trraHnt or iiw Afwii hain r r. - Clv4 th ut, olt-) I,) Mr. K C CTtallibf , Mrs. K K i ln..n Mm T. J. WIdrlUe, Mm. W li Wi! Uaam n4 Mri. J. B HumlnK! m TB Mat or mem brtii p. hth ,- tba maldt-n name rhrnueh hlh t(, Wmw-m are -ntr-l. I u'Hari! in tfala faauc Maay of the im-mix-ra w piCMBU 7MKrar at th rv-ptlon lira. Cordelia, Anton, Mr. Martha Albrlaht Mr. 8a rah Hoy4,Mr( KmDv aVMtraa. Mr a. Edith faina. Mm Mat Carat Camp boll, lira Mary l It Campbell. Mr. Bally M. It. I'amplx -M, Mra. Claim Chamlwra. Mra M. B. CkIM,' Mra. tMuay mncr. Mra, JaUa Itattiel Claytoa, Mra Kallla Pot' tar Caoa, Mra. Anna Donne 1 1 Oai. Mr. K. Allan bavldwio, Mra flanUi Davldaon, Mra. Joarph Vu-k-rmm Mra. tfcrlaa T. R. Doar, Mra. Mary OarrSaDn, Mra. Parle Naah, Mra Klataaath IS. Olenn. Mra. Eunlra F. Otaan.. Mn. Nanajr Oram-Huntlnittoii '' Mtm. It- B. tKwid. Mra. Mary I. Hn Hard, lira. Rem U Inala, Mra. Mar- tftav Kaaltv, Mra. BaHy Lea. Mra Leo nora) lnf. Mra. Mary Minor. Mra Ellea) P. Morrlaon, Mra. Delia Morrta. Km Ha) McDowell. Mra, Margaret & MeDtrwell. Mra. Martha Pattern. Mra ' hmim- T. Parker, Mra. Bmtly T. Pal mar, Mrs, Lola R. plait, Mr Mary Paslaad, , Mra. Mary L Ray, Mra. B1ror Randolph, Mra. Suaaa Red 4. Mra. Nancy c. ffayar. Mra. l Elkaa Potter Bettle, Mra Julia Ix-an Bhuord. Mr. Cora Fortune Shuford. Mra. Caroline a. Blnelalr. Mra. Faa nl Urn It h, Mr Ell Umlth, Mra. Pearl Kiac Mevana, Mra, Martha Btockton. Mra. Lnalae Tannent, Mra, Barab B. Weet. Mr. Elta Wabatar. Mra. Carrl HL Wood. Mm. Addla Wllllamaon, Mra. M. JL .WoodbrWga, Mr. Mary Wood brldaa, Mra, . Andrew. Mra, Harah Baird and Mra, Walker, Mlaa Martha Wooifidc.. Mlaa Alka May Alexan derMlM Mary Aaderaon. Mlaa Clem Hacbnar. Mlaa Rebecca Cuehman. Mlaa Kan Krwtn. Mlaa Roaa Orant, Mlaa Beaai Bmlt h, Mia Buaaa Hatch. Mia Julia Hateh, . Mlaa Margaret flraHb. Mia Manilla Manna, Mlaa Al- eln TorurUIl, Mlaa Barah Went. Mlaa Jeaala Huma, Mlaa Orac Jonea. Mlaa Bertha Kin, Mlaa Beeala Ie, Mil , La la Moore, Mlaa May McDowell, Mlaa Mar McDonald, Mb Fannie L. Pat ton, Mmm Jean Fatton. Mlaa Willie IUr Mbw Elbel Kay. Mia Bonnie Reave, Mlaa Linda ftVhartle, Ma Wlllla Bchartle, Mia Joannah Tempi and Mlaa Mary Hevlcr. . nTrai M-tr,rJ!t !-.'! a ay i attrtiaa is. ; t .-lVit at th hw o' f .lb w.!-y ' pto t -r, oe i rr, .,. i ,j.amm tt laa'fi t Ihr baeflt Mia nancy weaver and Mr. Jamra Btlkeleatber were the gueaU of honor laat anwaing at an Informal enter talnment given by Mr Burnett Jor daa at Shamrock cottac. Albemarle Park. Th Bt roller, of whkh Mr fjtlkeleather la a member, were pr aat, and aeveral other. Homo ex celleat anuaio waa aa areeable feat ure of the evening;, which waa t- lowed by a Dutch aupper. Humoroua aueeche and toaata were mal and nock Bin preoented. arhlrh created much amuvment. Mia Wiav-r wait the fortunate recipient of a pair of Kreea .pearl ear-ring, and Mr. Btlhe leMher waa preeraied a diamond "aolltalre"'by the HtmUera. The glfta ware accepted in the eplrlt of merrl anaat la whkh they were Klvun and Witty apaeche of acceptance follow ed. Th boueo waa attractively (iwor atod, ho tha aupper tabln with Jack-e'-Lanterna and Halloween aouvenlr. Aaabna thoae Invited were Mia Nancy Weaver, Mlaa Dorothy Srharit,, Mlaa Kathleen Ware, Mlaa 11. U n I'.rulx. Mlaa Caroline Uruwn, Mrs. '. M Piatt. Mra Littlrforu. th- .Mlei Jordan, Mra. David RoM-totti-ln, Mr rr, -f th, HatW) F'ark U'lira l'-M'ri i4;bt. ar;d i.l r from the r, 'h: Alii i,- ir:u:l.f for ,.r: A lTi.ri.tr, 1 nl,,w aiil ir. a-err ilurlnc the ;ir,-; , nai r.frowhointi wi'l 0 KlthxnKit th-re are a h.ar th- rl,jrn rad ?.r n l.-n lm,oi.ille for lah a to hav.- the r'-furna and the op-l-.rt'jn,l aff.,r1(-,l Mr Aleiand r '.111 ho r-.Sv! arltn lr,l.,rI The Bat-!'-r f'ark hotel in ,, n to the l.i i-a of AfliUlii" election Light . M Ml Ix-rothv -hrti. nt'-rtalne'l for Mij, N;in W'-aver vaierday aft.riioon '!fh a hrljal ahower Lit 'ie M,n M;irv IariVern Weaver n".A Maater f-r Hhart. received the glfta Ui a large Imak. t decorated with pink nli-,n from the xueata a the entered I-itcr In the afternoon the Iwxkei waa pr. ert"-! to Mmm Weaver In the Hbrarv, where ahe aat surround 1 by her frierida. and the glfta Were opened and lnapei-te, " house wa decorate,) ihnrniingl. n pink tar nation The dining on v.ia par tlcularly effect I v. . nk candlee. haded with the aame lint, heightened the delicate tone of the fl.iwera Th am color were rarried nut in the Ice and refreshment a far aa poa alhle. Mlaa Bchartle' gueat were Ml Nancy Weaver. Mum Hattie B,tt. Mia May Klmberly. Mlaa Katherlne Cham ter, Ml Flora Jah. Mlaa Willie Hrhartle. Mlaa ftylvta Hlake, the Ml. Bmltb. Mlaa Mary Webb. Mlaa Minnie Wetaall. Mlaa Whlttlngton. Mlaa Car ria Bchartle. Mr Zcbulon Weaver, Mr. Mar.-u Krwln, Mr Ray. Mra Ueorge Calvert. Mra Elmer Wetaull and other. Mr. F. Flaxington Harker will hortly begin rehearaal of the Christ maa cantata, "The Btar of Betble hem," which waa compoaad aevaral year ago and dedicated to Mr. Van- derbltL Th cantata waa dona laat Chrlatmaa and made a moat favorable impreaaion In muekal circle. "The Meaalah'' will again be gtren, with chorua of fifty vnlcea and eapeclally -.I PCiTUIfl. L'JllIE. CRIU Maa Til Vaaba1iH.l.ta ttm- 1 a-a a. w..uld WIL.I i jl j war aiua Baagarajx year ui ae, Tt- v ..man - --y after a aetara attack of 'be ctiilfi. w-. t "" an ewertirrea in th- ' xld I wsarh drvelopeal lato pse-imooia. wj ! te. n e var . - r, j fctf t pUf j, jfcj. weak a ad eaiatlat- ! r,iie,..,n wl'(4 Bo k4 o apptll. rid her atom-1 "' '"" '" ! aveH waa o aeali It eoald not reuiaj v. loj4 gj., lmf la aia tn(jioe fcr week a. aad notaiag Ue doctor pre- arrlbed did a bit of good a&d we were begtsaiag to think he j.4 teier re- .shi eor. j ' "At thia time wa coairj l -1 to give 1 ber Ido1. and la etec t waa u-anel- ui ou. The doctor waa arrayed at he: ' 1 '' ' pTogreea, aiid when w told him we were girlsg ber Vlnol. be replied, 'It ta a Dm remedy, keep tt up.' Wa did ao, aod be recorerad feer health and : atreagth as oaths before tbe doctor j thought she could." J W. Flagg. : Portia ad, M. TIboI cure coadlUoo Hk thl be caua tn a natural manner it Incrcaae ; tbe appetite, tone ap '.be dlgesllv ; mgana, makea rtch, red blood, and at ran gf ben rery organ la tha body Sea well 's Pharmacy, ASHEVILLK. N C I -Si ..-i i , ' . - . .e f .j A.r 1 ! rf rr. .-' rr.t-onb.' II., ; " !1 Alii 1. ,,Ml t r... . !.j , a. ),o :i I 'irii, . . - n. iirn : ! i'. r. , ; n th- I", - ' ) . . mea off a 1.. ft a ,r x lo th- fa. ! I r;.s! H gM , m' '.a htjr.ii ; t , j g r. r tt to have ??,. e,,, a'. t aa.the crowd wo.jid pr-.bbi) av until aftr midniRht PEESONAIa. J I'r and Mra i' A White. f ban . ie it,, I . were in the il y. ater .! , Mr :. W aixniling i ,lh fri,-ri. t.ray, r.f Philadelphia fe flaa In Aabevilie Mrx V. M Hlesalng. of Danville. IikI . hue ainwd and will .nd arv erai lMa Hith Aahevitle frtend. Mr J r; itfia. ,,a i llarrlaoa. of .uth ( aro I tbe Berkeley yeater.lay Mr I. Theodore, of llaitlmor, ai in Aahevjile yesterday. elected aololata. Th Olrta Kriendly Boclety. of HI it mora hav I award Invitation to a Hal- lowaea party given Saturday evening for th Bats' (lie tlub and several othiTa Tbe party will take plactf In the club room of the eoclety and the gueaut are all to arrive draped 1 aneeta and wearing falae-faces. On account of the dlguiw and deception peculiar to the evening It I requeat ed that the Invitation card will be presented t the door. Old faahloned dance will be a feature of the even ing and many Halloween game will be played. r if Sir. red Kent entertalni'd today at her home on Chcatnut treet . ... The Woman Miaalonary ocli-y will glvw un entertainment at the Odd Kel low' hall In West Aahevllle tonight A collection will lie taken up for th Baptlat orphanugv. Kefreahment will be aerved anil ailiiiiaalon will be free r ar Mlaa lie lien Cuehman entertained a five hundred party at her home on Mxntford Avenue Wednesday after noon. Among thoee present were: Eubanka. of llenileraonvllle: Florence lliirnar.l. Mlaa Mettle Mlaa Freda ttroun, Mlae Sarah Mlaa Katherlne Mnaon. Mle Carter, Mlaa Hcaele Lee and Mary Ague Wolfonl The announcement of the coming marriage of Mr. Alexander Ilo,l An- ilrewa, Jr., aon of Col. A II. An- drewa, of Raleigh, to Mlfa llel.-n X,,y Hharplea, of Meilin. I'a . will be re ceived with Intercut b many Ashe- illU people. r r The (lol.len Link .Visionary Mlaa Mlaa llllea. Jo lie. Agnea Mlxa Mr. I' j rla nil. Mr I. spending the city Mr T was In T. Heath, of Atlanta, left aft,-r a abort atay In Axhe- Towler. of Bt Ixula. la a few daya with friends In P Ale Washburn, of Auguata , ole . aterday. Mr I' H. Kate, of Richmond, la in the city un biiainewa Mr. Carl Hpraglna. of South Boston, Va . la spending a few days la Ashe- Vllle. Mr II C Hartaook. uf ;r. enbor,). waa In town yesterday. Mr. A K Holton. of Wlnaton-Sa- lem, la registered at the Berkeley Mr C A Boggs has returned to his home In the eastern part of the aiat after spending a few days with Ajth. vllle friends. Mr. I. Friedman, of New York, Is here for a short stay. Mr. W. T Morgan, of Marlon, was In the city yesterday. Mr. W Haawerle. of Kvansvllle, Ind . la spending a few days with friend m Aahevitle. Maa. t to the city. Mr J. V. Hayes, of ri.,,1 eeterrlay and la Mlra S a am,.- le:.rl Johnson t,. unit friend" Mrevard. ur K nil'Aortb g.ne to Mr P J Hoawell, of Hrenn city, l giieat at Kcnllworth inn. Mr. J W. Caper. Mr J J. Brltt and Mr C. F. Torn Will -peak at the Court Ilouae tomorrow tught ltxr Ing men are especially ii,n,,l. It 50 If ev9 Jailor-'' niade jutts just Received WATER OFFICIAL TAKES HIS LIFE Mr. F W. Thomas and Hon. John G. Urwnt leave today for Brevard, where they will 'deliver campaign speeches on Saturday. Sirs. E. 11. Mason, of AJkaa, B. C Is at the Battery Park hotel. Mum Estclle Ralston, of Johnstown, Pa, Is spending Some time In the city. Miss Lettie Brown has gone to New ton to attend the Wltherapoon-Rred wedding ' - Mr David Moffett Meyers left yes terday Cor fhallan.enga after having spent some time at the Battery Park butsl. e Mr W W White left yeaterdav f,,r Baltimore, after Rpendlng some time at the Battery Park hotel. How laud, "I Buttery I'jj k Mr. and Mra. c. V. Aiken, S. C, are at tlv hotel. Mr H W Enloe, of Dlllaboro, was In Ashevllle yesterday. Mr J R. Woodbrough, of Cincin nati, was in town yesterday i Mr. J M Thompson. ,,f New Vork, is at the Berkeley. Mr. F. W Craig.' ,.f Memphis, wae in ashevllle on business vcstcnlav Mr F 1 Cieby. of paalucah, Ky . la spending several daa with friends In he city. ( By Associate Preta. ) RICHMOND. Va.. o. t ; Mat- hern Morton, secretary of the Man hester water department, the city acrosa the river, committed aulcide to day by stabbing hlmaeif to the heart with a knife There had been a scan. dale in the water department and th, suoerinten Jent. Charles II Hharpe, Is tinder indictment for miappropria- tlon of fund. Morton was to have tstif)ed against Kharpe today and It l thought that brooding over the exposures he would have to make caused him to take hla life. Jfttractive ine of Coats Just jfrrtoed Yesterday we received a large assortment of very prettycoats for fall. They are the English JPic adilly make of coats. This brand is noted throughout the country for their style and wear. One of the best styles is illustrated in this ad. It is one of the newest and most serviceable outer garment, made with large fevers. French front and back. The back is de signed in an empire effect, and the front of the coat is modeled in accord with the prevailing direc torie fashion. We have it in striped mixed colors, pin checks, broadcloth in all stylish shades, with corresponding combinations of velvet and satin collars and cuffs. There are several other styles as pretty as this; .one. Come in and view them. They are priced at $12.50 to $25.00 a coat. VANDERBILT AND WASHINGTON TO PLAY (By Associate rets.) XA.SIU II. I.E. Te-nn.. t :. The Vanderbilt foptba. team lift here to day for Ann rbor, pllrh . where tlwry will play the Michigan l'niversit eleven Saturday. Tha team ia a, -coin-panied by oois iflrfl) flaa.,vk. right guard, who has heeW-dwy with Com pany K. at Reelfoot, l.ak, an, I wito after securing permission to join his team for the trip to Mi.-higan. talk ed 20 miles alone through the -i' of the night rider countiy to , at, h a train. - YOUNG MAN SHOT IN BROTHERS' QUARREL (By Associated Press.) VALDOBTA. ti. , Oct.. 19 News was received here today of the shoot ing of Alfred Boou. by his brother, Babe Boon, In Echols county, late yesterday evening, inflicting uouioli from which the former ta not expected to recover. The men are both under Jl years of age. the sons of a well known farmer in that county. It la stated the trouble grew out of the fact that Hal- Boon had chas tised a younger Mater, which was i scntcd by his brothers Arthur and Alfred. A fisticuff followed, after which Babe Boon secured a pistol and shot his brother Alfred as the latter attempted to , atch the weapon The bull entered Airrcd Boon s fa, Just under the . tearing out h teeth on that Hid', and prob.ibl lodg ing at the base of the skull. $3.50 Aadies Jvteaters for $3.19 $2.50 Aadies Sweaters for $2J9 Cllnchfleld The Coal of Quality. Mr I i town ' A Kanlpe, of Marlon, estorday on buelness Lieut W S. Sinclair. V s. luned at Charlotte N. C. Ashcvsjllc yesterday A., sta w as In SPECIAL SALE OF LONG KID GLOVES ' $3.00 Gloves For $1.98 $3.50 Gloves For $2.48 12 and ( buttrtn, black ami tan onlv. These prices Bpeak for 'tbpmsplves. Tlie -r" s aiv' n-iibr stock, Cbanut and Adler make. 2fW is tbe time to buy se nil jiitir. Thev won't last long at these figuivs. n. V. MOORE LADIC5 OUTriTTCR C'r -'"l y 1 Patton A venae ) Mr W. T Hutbage. .,f Johnson 'itv. Turn . Is at the Berkeley Millard Livery tine). Phone liO. W. J W. Cap.rs. Mr. J. J. Drill and Mr C F. Toms will speak at th. Court House tomorrow night. I.ab-.r Ing men lire espet iall Invited. It M r S M i Ashevllle Bank, of Baltimore. n business- M' I. McKarland. of Forejrt City, ' . Is in Ashevllle f,,r a few days. Mr il. H ilorman, of Johnson Cltv, T-nii . Is i the Berkeley. Mr K Sluder. ,,f iteeme creek, was In i...mi .sf.Uy visiting friends Mr . Patt.is.,n. ,,f J,,hnson City, Ten n . la here for a short stay Mr. c w. Moorman left yeterda for Lexington Mr U II Blacknell hns returned t" Wll hes Hie Dr K (J. Bui knei returnJ yester day afternoon frot Wu,yn svjlle. Mr. H K c nr . an r.f the staff nf the Charlotte oh.er .sr. vas In the rltv yeaterdav. Dr. Paul Ringer i, expected to re turn from New ynlk ,,lll)(y ,n abselue if a fortiiighl Mr and Mr. Putnam return to New Toik today ft. r a May at the Manor. Mr. and Mr. N p N(,,, of Npw Turk, are sfH-n,1lng their honeymoon at Kenllworth Inn having arrived yesterday. Mr John A.ee hrs ,PM1 connrred to his home fr several days by 111- OlatMt- aMtd BtttUal..f OrMMaW-r'niniglMt. lslil (X U !, -c'frafj "TI Mgi la. a. Co4esaf gaWi B'ibaj, K I r ;Oay-rs, i.A'f af likxtu Basil lari ssf) B4 J Prgr. MtBttttB. aVafai BfOBfMlftl l.-f t,Mi aW'lla ttgCTM-T ritM-TsMB. asgcvwsawa4ali. a- lx.f altetasaw i'i M HWOB, AluMU, iL The Great StrifeSale Furs Half Price Pars Half Price Furs Half Price Buy While They Last Brovvn-Kuyken dall Company Opjtositc Fountain X. 1'a. k Sq. Asheville Dry Goods & Ming Co. 10 and ia Patton A venae. The Fall Opening Sale at this store goes on. Tempting bargains dis played for this week's shoppers. ASK FOR THE PREMIUM COUPONS. Asheville Dry Goods & QolhiiigCo. PLANTS AND F LOWERS F.'m tlths. small ,-iml Uirpr f.-rri ntl js1div "ltr intittiiiun.B. rtMt fcriil uitim tli'tm fr All Sjiitif 1 ,v. 'lir'Aii m t.t-muiMH ii . ji.ttf. N 1. 1 ; ltn n t - Woolty Grten Houiet, Phone 713 Hnre W'Hiimii K' f-,infr. FORBES & CAMPBELL Real Estate Agts. Bale. Rentals and general care of es tate. H Patton Ave. Phone 2 MISS CRUISE Manicuring and Hair Drestlng Parlors Just received a full lir,., of half-gooda and all over nets. Over Candy Kitchen Room It. Haywood Street YOU SHOULD SERI OUSLY CONSIDER The iii, "i ,n ,.f coal buying be oinsc It means comfort and health this winter, or. perhaps discomfort and s. rioiis sickness. Von can alwavs depend on M. and W. Indian Coal Because It's good, clean coal. Carolina Coal & ice Company PHONK 1M. gaPf?TaaBaW Round Oak Heaters tor eoal aiiii wood at jirieos t hat you ,-aii a fiord. The Asheville School ol Brown-Northup Music & Dramatic Art Conwanx THE Al DITOIUCM UUlJUIiy rhOD"- 33 Patton Avenue. !.Hi,Sy,'P 1-,tost st-vl,s in F Mil- Millinery Importer linOfV ,!o. . Batter, Park ,W. Phone ,0 PARIS MILLINERY v - 7 South Main St, 51 IWT0NAVtJ3tTTERrP,IrjNg33 ASHEVILLE N.C. Are You Prepared for Cold Weather We are in a position to si n e your wants witb the best to lie bad. Blankets, Down Comforts. Heavy Cotton Hosiery, Fleeced Lined Hosiery, ( asl,niere Hosiery for ladies and children, (iloves, Underwear and Sweaters. Our prices are as low as the thermometer was a few days ago. CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS TRY ONE Mia Mary HmUhT of Fall River. . ,f..- -. W

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