( 5 THE WEATHER Fair A Citizen Want Ad, Will Rent That Vacant Ro6m VOL. XXV. NO. 12. ASHEVILLE, X. C, SATUKPA? MORNING, OCTOBKK 31. UH)8. PRICE ITVll CENTS. ) THE ASHEWJLLE CITIZEN STANDARD OIL'S AVOWAL F0R1R. TAFT RESULTS OF DEAL SAYS Bargain Appeare to Have Been Struck for Protec tion of Standard. 2ytU00,0U0 FINE FIGURES IN PACT Rockefeller's Declaration for l'ondcroug Candidate is Thoroughly Understood. (fcy Associated Press.) NKW YORK. Oct . Chaws were made today by Chairman Maok. of llii democratic national committee, Hun th declaration of John D. Rock i. viler for Taft was the result of the deal tfet.ween--thc. republican national, comlttcc and the Standard Oil Inter-' ."ti", whereby National rhalrman ' Hitchcock received large campaign, contributions and Mr. Rockefeller the promises. ' , Fine to Be Fixed. ' Mr. Maok said that undoubtedly the: $29, 000, 800 fine against the Htandnrd : OH company would be fixed up In the 1 event of Mr. Taft's election as part of the bargain. "The Standard Oil company has landed wbero everybody knew ltJ would land. Mr. Rockefeller held back for a bargain and sot what he wanted. His declaration for Taft Is, good for at least 100,000 votes In the ! doubtful states. I cannot speculate: on the exact amount the republican! national committee received from Air. j llocckeff ller, but 1 can rest assured j that they both received their prices, j the republican committee, the money j and Rockefeller the promises, which j miggests the question whether j art is with Rockefeller or with Roosevelt. Oil and Sterl Mne l. "We now have an oil trust and the steel trust lined UP side by side working for Mr. Taft's candidacy. Mr. Carnegie' statement yesterday on his arrival from Europe that the election tragedy is not niy shocking. but Tuls Xatiiral Sympathy, for should arouse the Indignation of all fair-minded etUsens of the country, regardless of party affiliations. Mr. Carnegie, I am reliably informed. Is not even a Voter In this count'. Mr. Carnegie has amassed a large fortune a. the result In part at leant or re- ; publican policies, ppeclut privileges publican policies, ppeclal privileg- and a robber tariff, which Mr. Bryan and every try 3 democrat condemns as so odious and oppressive us to demand imodlate reform. Hence the election of Mr. Bryan is denounced by Mr. Carnegie as a tragedy." Fund or S3.000.000. Chairman Mack declared that he had learned that the republican na tional eomlttec had a campaign Tund of S3. 000, 000 and that of this fund J:'. 000. 000 was being used for purposes of coercion and bribery. The national fhalrman paid further that IIOO.00O of the republican campaign fund had been sent into Ohio. FRATERNITY MEN ARE SUSPENDED. (Ay Associsted Prest.) U.8 ANOELIOS, Cala.. Oct. 2!t. Six students of the Polytechnic High School, have been suspended anil three others are In danger of sharing th" fame fate today becuus.- they had branded the foreheads of two students of the Los Angeles high shool with nitrate of silver, during the Initiation ' ceremonies of the Kappa Delta fra ternity, a forbidden high school secret society". The boys who wen' branded and whose condition fir a lime alarmed their parents, are Frank House anil Kdgar TUisk. On husk's forehead the litters "K. D." were brnndi'd. "n house's forehead were the figures " 'OK." L'srlv red sears were made. hut It is not believed they will permanently disfigured. he SAYS COTTON MUST GO UP (By Associated Prets.) NEW ORLEANS. Oct. SO. "Hie price of cottin niu;-l K" up." says Pres ident C. S. Barrett, or the National Farmers' Union. In a statement given The Associated Press tonight, "hut the union repudiates the Insinuation that It In anv manner countenances the deeds of night riders w ho may seek to shield themselves under our name. Should any or our member be dis covered as night riders we would be the first to turn them over to the law Wcwlll deal with these questions at the forthcoming meeting at New Or leans, which, however, is primarily for devising ways and means lor getting a better price for our colt m." PROMINENT FARMER SHOOTS AND KILLS HIS COUSIN WITH PISTOL (By Associated Preu.) MACON. OA.. Oct.. 311 W. M. Kitchens, a prominent farmer ot Jones county. Oa.. shot and killed l. A. Kitchens, his cousin, ami a wet. known merchant here, at 5 o'clock this evening-- The slayer says bis deed was done In self-defense, as the other man clapped him in the face .ami started to pun hi pistol. ' "! Aid not ahmrt until I w h'"1 NORMAN MACK STANDARD OIL OUT FOR TAFT. NEW YORK, Oct. 30 "I expect to vote for W. H. Taft," said John D. Rockefeller, in a statement given out in the Standard Oil company's offices here last night. "It is for no selfish reason I support Mr. Taft, but on compar ing him with Mr. Bryan, his chief opponent; I find the balance of fitness and temperament entirely on his side. The election of Mr. Taft will, I believe, make for law and order and stability of business. "The question of candi dates seems to me peculi arly a personal one in this campaign, as the leading orators on both sides have not succeeded in drawing party lines, as , based on platforms, with any great clearness. I do, however, support the general repub lican positioii on the tariff and the currency." BRYAN TELLS OIL IS FOR TAFT the Trusts is the Chief Reason. tTvilVIUT V 1 11 VI ' L iJ J lltO 1 171 Vi WITIITHE LEADERS Can Je No Law and Order Where Standard Corpor ation Exists. (By Associated Prem.) NAPOI.IOON. Ohio. oi l. 3(1 W. J. Kryan. the deni icnitit' candidate lor president, gave out a statement here today, commenting upon the deebira tlons of John I) Itockefelb r. made In New York that lie would wile lor U'll iatn 11. Tan. Mr. Ilryan's statement is In pail as follows; "Mr. Itocki feller Is for Mr. Tart, be cause .Vlt' Talt Is in sniypatliy with the trusts. Mr. Tart has In en making speeches lor many weeks and he has n it .vet dwelt upon the iniiiuitl.s or the trusts or pointed out tin Inliistiee done to the Aiiurl No wonder .Mr. H iltl people by them. .kel'elli r is for Mr Tart. "Again Mr. 1,'oekeli ller says Mr. Tart's election will make for law and order. This is raise. Mr. Itoi ketel ler's enrporati m is the most notorious law-breaking in the I'nited Slates and he Is for Mr Taft because he duo not want the law i nforeed. If he thought that Mr. Tart would enrorce the law against the Standard Oil d as I do. he would not be for Mr Tart. Mr. Itockerelh r also says that Mr. Tart s election win make r ir stabilitv or business. What kind or business: Stability In tin- trust business is what he meant. He thinks thai Mr. Taft's election Will enable tile trusts to gel a tighter strangle grasp upon the American people and put llvir extor tion upon a noire permanent rounda tlon. He says that Mr. Talt is not a man Inclined to rush experiments. He might have -omitted the word 'rash, fir .Mr. Taft is not in favor or any kind of experiment in th .ay or re mit pro-glorl-M- in iiKHlial legislation, lie dm pose remedies. lie simply the past and wants to leave conditions as they are. Oeslrojs Others. "Mr. Rockefeller says that Mr. Tail would not advocate measures subver- (Continued on page sis.) about to draw Ins pistol, and tlvn I shot three times. 1 think." W. M. Kitchens said tonight at the county Jail, w here be Is iiu an t rated: "1 was perfectly justifiable In doing what I did. and If It had to be done over again 1 would do the game thing." D. A. Kitchens, who was killed, some years ago killed Baldwin Jones. farmer, near the same spot. .' 1 v ''"ii-' Ji.' ' ''... u. um 'a.n 1 ii ii hi. ii in hi i il un.ti.s I KERN BITTERLY DENOUNCES THE Declares That Carnegie and (By Associated Press.) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 30 John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Car negie were made the target for shaft" of ridicule 'by John V. Kern in u speech tonight "A precious pair or disinterested patriots," he culled them, for their championship or the republican prrpljcntlal candidate. Mr. Kern's comments were. called forth ,by pub lished statement that. Hr. Rockefeller intends to;vet'.l Voto.-W Mr. Taft. , .he nuttwiie jflnalsoitiji of tn 5ay's rlcs. Mr. Ivcrh on arrival' Mere tonic 'it was escorted to Tomllnsoh hall by h large body of marchers tin der l'ie direction of the Indiana Dcm ocrato' club. He was noisily wcl coinci!. "CVrnegle makes an appeal to the people." said Mr. Kern, "the very people whom he has been plundering for more than a ctuarter of a century DEVELOPEMENTS SHOW rftCiTiirri t iiiun taa u r" 1 " " eZe r A I 1 ll 1 IIC LIAIjIIIAU Those Who I-'ired Hbotn arc Now Confined in I'rison. SPECIAL GRAND -Jl'KY (By Aociated Press.) CAM I MiMii, HKbAAiHi'Y fAKK, TENN.. -( t . ::0-"W kimw w In ti.rou.nl Kankin'H mrk" s;til (JoM rnor PutttTson in it !-l;it im fit this -wn- Inpf, just in-lort- his ilimrtun: fur rniun City uh'Tc a sjMtHil Kruncl jury fs ln stii;atinK I In niKht rttl r dcprt-'LltfliniiH In this H' i 1 1 1 1 1 ) w li icli culiTilnalt'd rrcMitly in tin munlrr f Cuptuln Qtirntin Hankiii. Th; mt- "Th- rol whieli lirtn tiiun far le loinil is MMili'- ;is (In- Rttilt of Himn- mi lh'- nun iiiiut urrcl .ttnl iiii- nllciitcH tunny nthi-rf. 'J'Iuk will nil In; rcs''nt' 'i t" thr c.Mirl at tin- r'- H r tirm ami a li'iitf sh p ha.- b n tak n t ) isi i p t r ami minr hi - It'HWHi Hf in this I't'KinTi. ( 'uniJitlniiH htkvv !! n ctr'in,'lv had; li)f 11 ifti t riiL-rn uoinr; from nt- 1hw'h a-l t-i anithr until th1 rulmfnuttun i-amr with th- munlcr of Cn plain Kan kin un th nil niilei) iminlrr nf i, 'J"n - tr. t- liinx wln ft mi tin- M..t and whu put tht- i around Kin- kin's k. Tin numb r of nwn at -tinilly ul tlu- KHliTi u.ih irolald not mir? than ttn. wdllf oine stooil the. Ii-irie.-' sftiard and hIIhth hlt The whole ninnlii-r cnKUKcil In the unilertakiniif iinl not exceeij thirty-five The inj.ulry will In- further iirosecut- d anil the state will have ample ei- aenee to consul . The confessions or l-'eri-im r. HoRir. anil Morris. sntiKtantlate. it Is sahl. Hint or "TM" llnrton The will l- taken to .MeniphiM for afc-keeping. Three niore pi-fsonf-rs were lirouplit in in.'ay . KOVAlvTY KMI1HA('K1, (By Associated Press.) I'KTEKSHL'ltf!. Oct. 3D Th. ST aurllenee or Prince Oeorge. th. crown prince of Servia. with Emperor Nich olas toilay was of a purely private am iinofTclal character. Itnssia having In sisted upon this as a preliminary, con -tlitlon to the prince's visit to Kussttf. ' As emphasizing this King Peter's let-, ter to Emperor Nicholas will be pr- WASHINGTON. Oet. 80. Forecast sentwl by the Servian premier at a. North Carolina Fair Saturday ami later dut, . ,. 'Sunday, light variable winds. Halloween STANDARD'S ADVOCACY OF TAFT Kockerietler are a Precious Receives Royal Welcome In His City Of. Indianapolis. to stand with him Tor Taft to the pie more than any other man In this end thut the. plundering may continue country. Hoes It can nothing to you through the generation of the future, that Rockefeller and Carnegie should "What dors Rockefeller say? He find a reason for supporting the re declares Mr. Taft has the prnier tem- publican candidate? perament to ult film and that from r "My dear Han Innm had already his standpoint MrV ,Tart is entirely tH thrown his support to Tatt Is-rore the to be president' of the L'nited States! : appearance of Rockefeller and Car- " 'I am supporting Mr. Taft,' says negle on the scene, he, 'because his election will make for1 "There are 400 monopolies In this law and order.'1 Oh, God, tor law and land, breaking the law every day order. John; IX ; Rockefeller,, . whose : and every one of them la for Taft. company was the Recipient of that j They stand, election after, eluctlon, as great Judicial pMkfr! i sotwl wl!., po yuu ataad togetharr; TtockefCller and Oarnele. What a ;bj dividing Into factions. IT you.' Tilt' precious pair of dislntereated palrltita ' pco'ple, would follow thefr example these two men who now. slue by Mile, churgc to the front In behalf of Talt und good government. Is there nothing in this spectacle to mole you. my republican brother 7 You have nol heard the animadversion of llonsevell as a man who luis broken more or trampled en the rights of tin- laws peo- !V0B SAID TO BE NOW GATHERING (onipany "T Noilli Carolina National (inard Ordcicd tt 15c UvuiU. liAl.KKlll. N is salil to in ! ('.. to Ij nch Will l-'oKKart. a n- i;t sanlti-il I'earl 'I' Willi Kill. Oet ure.-itly c xcite-l i lill eotinl.x :l! til The negro u I'liarlotte to . has sine i, en '. i'.. o,-t. Uli -A h niillK ill ( 'ore oni. N : in hum. alias lenr - who criininallx' n i ki-r a I - i nr-old ,i,er l:;. The il'l 1-- eitlzens o l 'ata w -time. . siiiilteil najj I" I rnoh iol. ni e a o I ,'iKht s- i i- tl to tin-hen- i'or sate k i i taken t-i l oin onl is to heln o - in state iii-nitenti.il Inu. He will I for trial, w In- Ii ber 4. Almilt I . i"i" i ror ( 'oni pii n I . nils irst oT a in ii i ii ti It Ion North i .i ml Ina was ri-'iuesti-'l in tun try. Slai- 'Villi- loilay or Ailjnt.i i'rrrn hy I'ntil" manilliiK that -leiirio-il !' l-'O t i -nil Stales i: '. he in r- ailne - to no to i 'on. -i (ieneral T. II I- ;. J Ij. Mi. liil n . Ii ieh II- till I'll ail la i ii -.1,1. ' a n i ou t n in l-oli-com- MR. GOMEPERS URGES MEN TO STAND TRUE WASH NOT Oomper. pr- -Keiler.ition -.: that In- uas tien am-oiir t liroiiirhout tie of tin. Anieii o, t ;iii. Sa rniii I -it ol tin- American - -r, todav ,inn-Mini ( 'I .hr out l-ii ilislrih'i -in lahor p,--.pli. 'inlry a Mpeeial Issi Keili ralloiiist. e-.n-i hniriK lal:,-r - atti 't politli a I i ii in pa U'n 'a ii ls He I' t III' 'llj' every lahor or c-njnti' iirKii:; lo' onoleil netiiit an-l staii'l trip- to th anian rr. i-d-,in ii -impainn." tainiiiM ai'tii Ii ttnle In the in- Mt. (,'oini'r- r irrams t-i t't-'e' iranixation in t! followers "t-, i- nlertnens nro' ' frrent cauw --t volvto) In tiiw mm Pair of Disinterested Patriots Home and stand together you would present such a front as would enable you to right cwry wrong that eslsta In this country today. Anil so I ask that you do your part at the polls to bring this u'overninent hack out of the hands the ollgun by lias fallen." or wealth to which MORSE SIGNED CHECKS WHEN EVER CALLED ON I BY DESIGNING FRIENDS Any Old Time and I'hn-c was ( iood Kiionh for the lee Kinjj. U'AUK HIGH KIXANCL (Dy AsiO'Jatcd Prtu ) , i; w vol: ii. i i . 30 i 'niti ) Stales IMslrlit .Minnow HI lins, m -pran; a surprise on Charles .M'-r- toil. i in He- luailnk' lieloi-tin- I nileii Sl.ids ilieiih court. Willi Pi- n ml a I' ll, r iiililresseil to tie eolii pt I ..llel "I tie eiirrem-y. W. ; IthlKley, an-l .-ixin il liy otli.-r illiectol ot tie- N . A inM. i oain lin.uk. ml in;: Hint .Ml .M-T e Mas not illrectl. Ih t, i-e-i. -I iii Ho- loan ,,r more than I '-.'"in in.i'l- I" Iii-. si en tary . M l Kalio-i in- A. tli-otl Mi. Hi. I"i II " M.-i -i "inpu Hie ha M. I. .el 1 1 1 c testltl' il thai in. el- in hi- heliair. In -, 1 1 1 1 T out thai II i I He i-eporis I" til t to- .in r,-ne hIiow lni t t.iiolinjr lonn-, i-n-it t hat he ultim il them I li- 'l. l-i ..rr han. i .Mr. Slim -. til. Iiipiiil.it "i on i iet"l.. r II .y til- I'iil'l, li,i k anil a Moi Mr l"i" i '.a . l . ii , h. i.nii pi.'lil-. Ii haul-: Jo-.! In'' i l.ii'l ixial 'tiese on .1 a note rnr IIOO.OHii through tin- pun-has- "i J.eOii ti r. s "!' a ' 1 1 ii (.'in loan t- M i . a.il tin amount rtiioul-1 i .1 aK.ilnvi th.- I Ii.ul inrip 1 1 Into tin 1 1 ' tin- situation arose II W '-I I- H, ll . tit on ' 1st .. Stinis'.n. 't Hie W it ll.'SS loan or IU''i.lllHi a as I M . pit. in II' l. re. i int.. I. re -II- . Mr. Morse I.i.niliX that tie- loan whs nia'h- ipp"-eiio oo.i loiialeral. . ; ( 'i; rt i r. I nseil io niai' tfft II an -no! -Mr. Mors.- alterwanl iroiiKh WRIGHT MEETS WITH SLIGHT ACCIDENT (By Associated Prem.) I.i: MANS. Oct. 30. While Willnir W'rlKht. the Ami-rican aerotilanlnt. v mh making a MlKht t)(lay. the motor ol th.- nia.hine exploded. Mr. Wright lamle.l without an injury The accident was less serious than was at first believed to be. being due to a crosshead that had worn out A giv ing way. Itepalrs were effected in a short time, and Mr. Wright continued his dcmonrtratlonn, t TAFT ATTACKS PLAN OF LABOR LEGISLATION Det'lart'M it to He an Amla- Hurls Avalanche of Coudein t mis I'iccc of Political hat ion on Heads of Great KIT rout en . Trusts. NAYS FKDKKATIOX CAN Hi: NO FACTOR Ohioan Believes That lahor Legislation Would He I'nconstitntioiial. (By Aesoolattd Press.1 nrrt'Ai.o. n v . oct. so. Sl. dge luimmer blows ut th Hompers-llryaii labor legislation plans were deliver- ed here tonight by Vi'ilitam II. Taft before two Immense audiences. "The attempt of Mr Ootnpers." he declared, with irfeiit eioiihiiMlH "to lie liver the labor vote of this country Is as niiduclons a piece of political i f- rrontery as lias ever occurred In po - lltlcal history. It Is Interesting to note thnt men associated with Mr. Oomp - r In th. executive council of the federation of labor, are falling wty;'"" l" 'h'1 Oruy's armory, and apok from him In this effort of his to makelu",n lo anotner gnat crowd. the federation of labor a H.lltlcal fac- "The men who decline to follow 'lumpers are John Mitchell, Mr. Jnines Duiuau. first vloepresldent of the federation of labor: Mr, Dan lid Keefe. Hie head nf the longshoremen's union; Mr. V. . Ryan, secretory and treasurer of the l'nited Mine Work ers: Mr. A. L. Kaulker. president of the Window Glass Workers of Amer- lea: Claude Worth, secretary and ireasu.er , lor i nieriiBllirnai Mrrajr ; Workers; Charles McCarthy, grand i president of the. Tug I'lremen and ! Linemen's association; W. K. Kiiller. , president of elevator employes: T. J.j Dolan, International secretary Htuam , Khovel and Dredgemen, and many others high In the councils of labor organisations. It Is a struggle for pol- Itlcal existence on th part ut Mr. ! Oi ropers and he will resort to every i extreme measure to .maliitttln hla iw-l sltloa. . i , 1 I IttisMlsssaW: &m$A Mr. Taft ndded: Mf. 'Qtihluera-lsl willing to butro a return of the condb i Hons thut existed in IS 96, so eloquent- ly ilem rihej hy him at that time, ir only he can si-cum as what he regard an the proper legislation concernlna Injunctions, lie proposes to abolish Injunctions In Industrial disputes where the Injunction Is Issued to pro tect the liuMlness of a Mrson Wihosc business Is Injured hy the law less acts of working men, ami this hy stutute. He also proposes to li-galUc the aec oiid.il boycott as an Instrumentality In Industrial disputes, which Is uu i epiibllcan. iin-Ainerlcau, and which Is certain to nai l upon the user. "President lloiwevell. In a letter to Mr llryan has Inipilred of him wheto i r Hie democratic platlotiu Is to be taken as favoring this plan of Mr. i lumpers, which Mr (lumper asserts to he the fuel, sny Ing that It was I'Kieeii between Mr elopers and Mr. lirynn Hint what the lubni' Interests had been deinunilliiK from congress sli. mill be a part or the democratic platform. Mr. Kryan has refused t" answer Mr iconsevett s ipieauons ami therefor. e may take It that be Is committed to Mr (lumper's program. I iii'iiusiliutlonal. Alt. i i-KpressIng the belief Hurt the Ii l"hiilon w hich Mi . Gompers pro posed unuld In- unconstitutional. Judge Talt i oiitliiueil The charge Unit I eM-r sentenced a man without a full hearing or made an oni-r MoVctlng his wages without a lull hearing. Is altogether uiifoijnii . .1 and raise, and II Is one of tllosi slanders circulated at the end of the campaign for the purpose or awaken ln tin- prejudices ol ignorant or iinln ..i nu il persons I w Isll to sa.i Hint no mailer what In Ik i r inui do under th.- pernli Ions In-(liienc.- -.r Mr. Samuel Couipi-rH ami lln.se aBsolealed with him in this cam paign. It I am sin eesrill tile politli ill position ol labor orKaiilzations ill nol d. t. r in.- in tin- slightest tn'in d'.il.g what I call to aid ptop.r labor I. silail..n In Ho future, and will not Iii inn i. ,u rl I ill In li-h rm '-'in-l.int in t, r. -t In the He. m lug to those who earn then li lllliio'l Io the sweat ol their brows as near an eipial oppor tunity r-.r progress toivuri! better thing.-, in human soflety can afford luni, am .onlldent that mam of the wag.- carnlnjr class will support the r. piiblla.-n th k.-t. because I know tie Ir IntelliK.-n. e, and I a in sur' that tlnA are ul.h to del. rmlre- their real (Continued on pa sis.) THE NEW ORLEANS STATES RAISES RECORD FUND FOR DEMOCRACY (By Associated Pre. I'll U'Aiji l. Oil. nil 'id. Robert Kwing. editor and publisher of the N w Orleans States, id-li v er.-d at na tional di-mocralle ln-adinartcrs today a i heck lor J . 'K for the dcniocrat I. campaign fund This brings the total of collections raised by this pa per to tiZMK'i. which is said' to be the record for the popular newspaper contributions. Other contributions aggregating IH.930. Were reported as having been received today. Among the contri butors were: Clark Howell, Atlanta. TAFT'S HOME STATE GREETS WM. J. BRYAN M.ATFORM PHOVIDEkS HKMKDIES FOR EVILS Visit to Howling Green Feu- tured by the Questions of inquisitive Man. (By Associated Prset.) I'l.HVKUNl). Oct.. .10 After trav ''ling up and down und across th Htulc of Ohio, today, W. J. llryan, urrlved here ut 830 o'clock tonight ; ,.n.l . the redolent of a moimti.li ilemonsi ration. A down or mora '"'"''nuns ciuos oeanng lurenes. aim headed by liands. paraded through 1 the principal streets and escorted the '''"""''at" to the Central armory. 'w"cre nn spoke to a vast concourso cneereii him. Later Ha "'"""" ' rsapoiwon ear.iy oaajr ,nin:i kiui fi inn uiicneye meti., mi. , Hryan hurled an avalanche of con- demnatlon upon th head of John l. ItoekefVdler and Andrew Carnegie, wherever his train stopped. The dent-. n,Alirt ,,.. li.lf ilA.I iJlilaMM .. tnorlI(, by tne ,wo". nanrlers that they were supporting Mr. Taft. Of Mr. Rockefeller ha eald that the oil magnate was supporting Mr. Taft because Mr, Taft Was aun portn(r h,m, mnti com.,.rniBt Mr. Car. - ., hl, im n alluirbln a. ,.innetltir of the hm! tm.i ri.sr ,on the anuroval of ' President Unosnvelt and said that the atael trust today "Is supporting r. Taft it helped to aeeitra his nomination". . Notliing I'rooi Wraltlir- Ha mentioned th fact that morai (tfty- thouaand I damwrat ' hail than contributed. Voluntarily to the i.dm ocratie campaign fund. nd, us Id - 'X would (ra.th lie -elected pmsWeni. b the aid of SO.OOO demuerau, each giv ln '! tMf7i UMtm waoarejr- inu aontrwutioiig it-. a 1 great trust magaatoii and then, have them corns to. th btw-U door oli Ilia, While llous and Vll me what t must do In urilur to pay them back'V Today's Journey through the stata; wus but a repetition ot the visit her ' a week ago. Orea4 demoiurtratlva crowds turned out s-verywhera ta ar the candidate. Mr. llryan niaile ten speechsa li Ohio, stops Iwlng mads at Napoleon, Toledo, Howling Oresn, Indlay, Man dusky, liclievue, Uiralns and hero, Northern Indiana will claim Mr. Ury an's attention tomorrow, previous to; his arrival In Chlcugo tomorrow night, Mun Asks Questions. ; lloWIJNO OK KEN. O., 'Oft, 30 Mr llrv an's speevh before a larga -crowd here toilay was enlivened by u hut coIIimjuv between a man In th croud, perched on the seat if a Wag on. and .Mr. llryan. The csndldata ' was discussing the tariff, explaining that the demoerata ware demanding; reduction, while the republicans wer promising revision. "How will rsvlslon of thai UHff in lp thu unemployed?" ilho man ash ed s "Are put a republican?" Mr. Bry an asked, "and what Is your ruvna"!' yiu-slloil". "Never mind that. Answer the ques. Hon" "Thut" said Mr. llryan. "gives you a rail' sample ot 111 llU'S of Justlc He knows who I am, but 1 have nu right to know who he la". r made 1 27 speeches for you all over the fulled Htiites. Hut you do not answer my question ". "Well sir. Von ought to be making speeches this year. Tell mu who you ar. "" " Ans-.M-r m ipiestloli", I'lp crowd began to hiss and cried f "Cm aheiiil Mr. llryan". "Wen, nu friends", said Mr. Ilryun, It l.i I- ahanieil to tell you, he ought not to be out making speeches. When a man goes to another man's meeting ami asks a fpiestlnn hu ought to ba man nnugh to tell who he Is" V huts that got to do with It: If i mi cannot answer, why does not jour platform answer tho unemploy ed proposition". ".Mi friends give me your atten Hon" said Mr. llryan. "Ho wants to Know- ubout the unemployed prob lem. I believe that the unemployed problem Is dm- to the fact there Is an unfair distribution or the wealth ereatid and when we try to remedy IKiii; l'it.-r ViittrU-, Louisiana, 1130; Zui k U Con, and Itlchurd H. Caplea, of as II ou each. Vesterday's contributions to th democratic iiupalgn fund In sunia or 1100 or over, were announced to day and aggregate. $3,O&0. Amonsj the latter contributions were the Bry an and Kern Club. Hot Springs, Ark. $10.": ir. F. Keagan. Arkansas tl00: IienvK-ratic executive committee Of I.-ido enunty. Florida. $10r Albert N. r;ilchrlst, Florida. 100; Crescent Clt Manufacturers of New Orleans 1100; and Judge Douglas of West Vlrgtnl