( THE ASHEVI3LLE CITIZEN ( ) THE WEATHER Fair A Citizen Want Ad. Will Rent That Vacant Room VOL. XXV. NO. 32. ASIIKV1LLE, N. C, FRIDAY MORMNti. NOV KMBKR '20, 1W8. THICK FIVE CENTS. METHODIST CONFERENCE, NOW TH0R0UGHL Y ORGANIZED, PUTS IN DAY OF STRENUOUS WORK To Raise Endowment Greensborp Female Col- j lege to $100,000 MEMOIRS OF LATE MEMBERS ARE REAdI The Ening Session Was Given Over to Sunday School Amii versa ry. (By Rev. N. R. Richardson, Pastor the Spring Garden Church. Cm ns boro. ) Organisation perfected and every thing In good running order, the sec ond day of the Western North Car olina Methodist church saw business transacted at a rapid rate yesterday and the close of the business session found affair of the conference In on entirely satisfactory shape. At the morning session, the mem bers decided that they would Indi vidually take upon themselves the re sponsibility of raising the endowment of the Greensboro Female college to $100,000 and sign notes pledging their personal responsibility for the amount required to bring the riiilnw ermcnt up to this amount. 'hc insti tution Is at present enduwered at a little under .85,000- This will make the college the only one owned by the cfturch with such an mdower ment. A proposition thnt the conference buy the minority stock of The North Carolina Christian Advocate, which is now owned by individuals, nnd of fered to the conference at par. The resolutions, which were presented by Dr. 8. B. Turrentlne, were referred to the committee on1 books unci periodi cals. At eleven o'clock memorial services were held and memoirs of the preacher and preachers's wives who have died during the past year were read... .-.- The eVenlfifr "session was a Sunday school anniversary. The meeting was presided over by Rev. M. A. Smith, president of the Sunday school board. Dr. L. L. Nash, of the North Carolina conference, spoke on "Tin Great Commission." Second lay. The devotional service of the sec ond day of the conference was con ducted by Dr. Frank II. at 9:15 yesterday morning. After the roll call nn,l the reading of the minutes of Wednesdays ses sion, without any delay. Uishop At kins proceeded with the conference business. Dr. S. B. Turrentlne offered n reso lution that the conference purchase the entire slock of The North I'ani lina Christian Advocate, tie- niu.torltj of the stock now being held by the conference. The minority of stock Is now offered to the confcri-ue-- at ar. The paper contained a promised charter for Incorporation by the next general assembly. The resolutions were referred to the committee on books and periodicals. Rev. H. M. Klair. cdntor of Tie Advocate, offered bis report, which was read by the secretary This re port showed the paper to I n a safe and substantial basis. This organ of the conference Is one of the most Important interests the church has. Rev. H. M. Blair has built a home in the city of Greensboro for the paper, and hopes during the coming year to pay all claims on the build ing. Rev. E. I,. Rain submitted report No. 1 from the board of education, which report submits a plan I t the completion of the $ioo.nun endow ment of the oollcg.- The individual members of the conference wire to sign the note for some J7.00U or more. The discussion was engaw d in by Mr Curtis. Dr. Hetwiler. A. W l'lyli.r. Dr. Turrentltn . '. H. Ireland. J A. Odell, J. K Gay and Dr I Atkins. The resolution was unan imously adopted. The North Carolina conference meets in I i '-nih.-r. and If they adopt a like res ilulim. sub scribing to the same amount, that will complete the endowment of $100,-100- That will be a glad day for North Carolina Methodism -li-th conference owning tin colli g. .1 onth. The report from Brevard institute waa submitted and referred to the board of education. The class of tin- s- .-onl year was called, and K. M Av.-nt. J S. lli.itt (Continued on poe six.) BALLOON 'DIXIE' UNSUCCESSFULL IN THE LONG (By Associated Press.) TALLCUAH FALLS. b Nov. 1 The balloon Yank.e. which l-ft St Louis at noon yesterday, landed today at Grove Oa . s.-vn miles w.-st f Tiger. Ga.. and shortly after .i.-s.-end-j i .......i mid- rea l. ! ti.S. ft uvi'iii- for shipment, tonight to St. Loins The balloon landed early this morn ing in M. L. Arendalla cotton field, five mile from the nearest railroad and telegraph station. Mr. l.nmbcrt aald he planned making a tri pto .New SHERIFFS TELL Or LAMPHERES DAMAGING TALK AiinnintiiiLr to Partial Con fession of Setting Fire to (iuimess House. MARR ARRESTED RAY LAMP! I ERE Testifies That Lamplierc Said He Was Afraid of Mrs. (iunness. (Ey Associated Press.) LAIMiRTK. In.l. Nov. 19 That Ray l-imphere made damaging ad missions amounting to a partial con fession of setting lire to the home of Mrs. Hell.- Gunncs." on the morning of April X0. was testified to today In the Lnporte circuit I'onrJ by Deputy Sheriff Ansti.s and Deputy Sheriff Mtirr. in I ho trial of Lamplierc for the alleged murder of .Mrs. Guuness and her children. Deputy Sheriff Anstlss had not concluded his testimony- when court adjourned. D puty Sheriff Li-ro Marr testified that on the evening of April "JO, he wi nt to the home of John Wheathrook to arrest Hay 1-rfimphcre. Just as Marr entered tin gate. Lamphere came out of the door. Marr testified that lie said: "Hay, get on your coat and go down town with me." Lnmpheres reply was: "Did those liiree children ami that woman get out of the building?" Marr asked: "What building Iamphcrc answered: "That building near town." Lamphere wanted to Inform .Mr. Wheatbrnnk. who was in a field, ol Ills arrest, and so Marr a unp-inled him. In the way Marr asked him where he was when Im saw th Lamphere rcpled: "Winn I along by the houe tin- smoki coming out of tin- windows iir got w.-i and around tin- roof " Marr said that he asked Lamphcn If In- saw anybody around tin- place and lie said: "N" " On the way In. in the automobile. Lamphcn- asked: "Did .ui think 1 meant tin- Cuntioij- road? 1 mean the otlnr road past tin- city park." Lamphere M'rabl. Tin- witness f'-slilled that Lain pln-re said on aliollo r occasion that after he bad In . n dlsehargid bv Mrs liun-ne-s. sin- uanti-l hho to r- lurn to work, but h.- was afraid. Tile Willi. -SS I- "tilled to ll !l I II If ll-l'l several coii m -rs i ! ions with Laiiipln-ri after hi 1 .irri i Anstiss said: "!. I in plu re lold tin that In- staved all night at l.izzl. Smith's, and scl llo- alarm for :: o'clock In tin- mornbig lb- got up at that line and a lilt!. Lit. r In start e,l. In i r-"-ing Hi- Lake Shore (racks li.- saw a man. Woman unit child coining and so to- got In-hind tin- Iovmt. for li'- did nm want any body In see ililtl I i Ml I I n i; It-no Mrs Smith's. He said le- w.nl out Lark street, aei'-ss lln- Lake I : i i- tracks past tin- graveyard and tlon to John Itoss'. "I asked him tllhout th. Ib-lJ.-Kb-lll matter. said th- llle s. a nil m toi in. ,at he was in Mb higan City all night, but wh.-n I l"ll liim Hint John Kye bad I'dd m- that b- bad i-om- back with him on Hi" ear h- did not deny it "V1t n ou saw- Mrs. llunn- -i I ill hit; llelgil.ln, wh didn't tell Sinultzer" He said 'I don't want I talk about it ' ' itlit von won't I said, anil lie replied No. sir ' "Whin I tailed to bim about tin lillini s- In.- h- ,,. n.e In would pl. ad guilty of ar-.in it it ii. r-- in.l for his poor iiiotln r," . oie bub d tin ileputv Sheriff. PLANNING COTTON ORGANIZATION IBy Associated Dress. 1 ATLANTA. ia., Nov. I'J. In ar.ord ;,ue, uuh th-- terms o' a r.-s-.1 ul ion adopted at tie Memphis Cotton l'on KriKs last week, Han .l-.ritan loda.i issin d a call Tor t h e com m It i, e charg ed with p. ife.-ling plans t-.r the or ganization of tin- National Cotioii As sociation, to meet at Jackson. .Miss.. November 2J. DISTANCE FLIGHT York, hut tip- haMoon wan drh en southward by th'- indu, ar.d as it w as da i light be land. d. Pilot Alb.rt Ecmbcr! and Captain H. E. Hon-vw-.il had a i: n-i-iie . .1 th.ur intention to tr f ir the I al.rn cup, the trojili.v i-la-n f--r Ion:; distance In America. They w.-r. unsuccessful, however, the record of I'aptnln H. I). Forest Chandler, of 700 mile, not be ing approached. The Yankee covered about 37a miles. It A SfHIUOUt MRS BAKER EDWARDS, NEE .r,A FULLY VINDICATED IN Charges Against Herself and Husband are Characterized as "Unfounded, Frivilous and Malicious" No Semblance of .Fact Discerned By the Justice in the Mass of Gossip presented as Evidence. " nySlMfT 'oir.-HHinil, iit.) b y drove from jkylainl Col V. K. Judge Jnuo. He snld that he came KLKTCHKIl, N. C.. Nov. IS. Mr. Mcttee. Eetiola McBec and Lawyers from Birmingham to aee his father at and Mrs Baker Kvereit Kd wards were Ulythe nnd Staton "drove from Hen- Buck Shoals, and It was while his yesterday not onlv released from the ! dersonvllle. Attorney Michael Shen-k. father wan gone hat Mr. Kd wards and 's.nd they gave to answer the charge 'for the defeaao, Ame nn horseback Mrs. Knstman arrived. He declared referred ngnlnsl them by Echols Mr- ' from the latter plaice, and the divers that he hud nothing against Mra. iiec but tluv were fullv vindicated, witnesses ant) epeotutor. from all Eastman, but was "very fond of her," ..... . . , , K...I . .. I. .... ....I IV.A u.upt..ii.t In tli., Justice Charles W. Fletcher holding that the charge was "unfounded, frlv- .... I ...o..i.... .. I-..-...... i:,. c, ,l.l,i ll,ii'rl.,,n nBt.rii.n 'tni Mr. Edwards, who were married here Tt. - l:-.v. received the congratulation of h. r brother and sister. Mr. William, PrcB'.on Iliirrisiin and Mrs. Jfeaton Owe' - y of Chieairo and t-he spectators who bad gathered at the all day aee- sion at the farm bouse of the rnaKl- i trati. fourteen miles from Ashevlllc. and - mil., south of Fletcher station. . Thev drove to .Skylaml hotel, where a fine Mpt . r was served last night. I This ends the i-as- which, in con- n. i ll. n with the rivll suit between Mrs. i. lwards and (N.lonel V. E. Mo- u... I.i. I n ,. aeiiHiilloti In ChlcMiro i,,.- two weeks and has k.-ni two news-lever. paper alius here for the imst ten days, mi,... ..I. lode.. II V V Illvlbe anil li II Siuton of Hind--rs. mi ill.-, who i r..r i-,i.i. m. .ii.... i..l. .. n.oeal from tin- taxinc ,,f their client with the insts. The trial was full of features of un usual Interest and clia racteiized by me plain lalinnanc on tin- part of i-:chols Mi lie.- and the neuro maid. Taliv formerlv eini. loved bv Mrs. Eastman, lo prove that th lie- l, ndants had violated section 31 the code at I'ui k Shoals live n of six And -. k prior to Hi. Ir marriage. rtalnly tin- selling of Hi trial was uniiiue. It was In tin olise that tb levi n o'i lock parlor of the Fletcher hearing was held, at nig before that hour people slarieil to the place. S ink the seven o'cloi k (rain shovlllc. .luuiui !. Adams and judge '1'. A. .loins went out in ail au tomobile, picking up Mrs. Liiwnr.ls at -kvlninl, Mr. Harrison and Mrs. (iws- FAST TIME ON SAVANNAH TRACK I)c Palma in a Fiat, Makes Lap in ii 1 Klrvcn Cars in PraHirr. (By Attoclated Praa.) SAVANNAH. N" 'i Kl. v. n f thn 17 ii-lit rnr. thnt t par- tit ijiHt' in th' ra t on Niv-niDor wit'' tin th'- ( diiirw tixlit'. Thfir lrf- IX l''t thm out -i'-r th- t' n mil cMirsc t h'' ;. r- tu run. an jnri( K'ni'J tirrif w,i.s nififl . li'ilu-ri f in -rn ji n . It sptto his a. ' i'l' rit r y(-HttTtfiy, wlii n his cur v ,,s wtm h r-t n nl h I -i in i ha n 1 1 !;i n . .l"- jh 'ir inu -n. b! fatal I y inju ri d, v. .is h nciiK t hon .i ( pract ice I ( v. nn running ai,ft h - r ltui k Tvv. ..r th.- ;rain ITii.. irl - v appi-arcl cti th" course this -vn-Inff for th- lirt tirin-. Th-y wr-Mifhn'-r, flrivinjr n L'zIt. arnl Willie Haupt, 'JriviriK th- ("harl wick car thnt h-r! the r'-('-r:f n'h-rhilt race for nix lap I. n ( nule rn;it( a tf-cU- (lecreaHP In his tin.-, b-ilnfrlng it d-mn The fastest l:ip "f the rlay's prac tice whm shown h I).-I'alnia in ;i F'hit. It w,ii mailt- fn L'l.l'H rMMissK)Kits .ii:i-:t. An ndjonrnef! T-i'-etinj; r.f thr- rountv hraril of comrniHsi"rii rR v ill he h Id thl morning t-i v. ind up lt connec tion with the i ounty'M affijlrH. Thin will be thr last meettnff of thf prew-nt board Th nw hoard will hold t rirt m'tini? on the first Monday of IJecembcr. They're After Him .trrm ..- : tirounu isuck nnuaia esme in ouggies or on foot, that there wa ti mod- lev of l.eonle at fbtt hollse. When the court wus ready to begin ; Mr, SHencK altciliinl tne wiiness. s aimnn .in -. ......... .. be aeparated, ni hl waa agreed to;hlp for a peron It waa which caused kv Mr. Rlnton for Mf. Mi'llne. nut aner arrw lor a icionj.. On iwlmp.iatta,iawi-wiiihat' Kcnoia MCMee couiu remain in ine room while the witnesses testified. HI counsel aaia ne was a puny i.i un- suit, a a motion Ha l been made by the other aide to murk him as prose- cutor. while this w as commuted ty trie Edwards counsel, u was finally agrceu IMat I'.cnots mciu e kihiuiu mnu .... ai that ho could then remain lo ail Vise Wltn nia counsel. once, now- EchoBi Insisted tmit Junius All - ams leave the. room, bec-misi he to be uaeil to comrauici r. hols. rn r. Adam rose ami sain mm n was m dulv to lestlfv ill the taw as a elll- Hen. and that tin ii might be no Im pediment he would withdraw lis coun- sel and renounce all fees in the case, Tben Echols Mi ll, e proceeded w ith his evidence against lln defendant. Mrs Edwards now and then gasping with astonishment. lb was followed by the negro mull. Mattie Tally, who told of serving "It ' to Mrs. Easlmall when the bell r Otis Towers, nlm ' In tip- morning, -erved an execution mine time ago. les- ittnun said Unit In r house, but It was Ion Mrs. Edwards ' tilled that Mrs. L brother was In Hi Ed wards be sa w U It. Eradv. an old i lluck Hlmals. told itds and Mrs. East- man who lls n of seeing Mr. Ed from'imin walking near the river at night fall. 41-OKS-l VlltltllHlblll. Echols Mllbi was subjected lo a most stringent ir.--.s-examliialli.il by BIG TOBACCO DEAULOSED Involves NYarly W)ym,tm Pounds of 'I'ohac-o Il-lfi in J'ool. LfH'I.S'M.I,i; i . , No I !i '! h :he Atu'ii-att T"- .1 (he Hurley To ll, e : .,(, 1 j. art of tohar- o. . hf for ( f rl r. late tod. i'. The .n th- tiaiirvi thn. -t of It., hurl . r i. a v rae i 2 n ' -j i r..p mihI 1 i ' ii! -I ;tlt pro'liK I. - lira r ly S O.iuia. ' o held in Hi' poo! co So .-ty. lid an : 4 like H.O'iO 000 Arnerl' HTi Toha'i-o ft wh ti Mold Iri hid of th- holding of o Grower aw .rat yenr ao. r"i In H0 and - no crop raided hv 1 tie fiHtJWM lt Joli In , -iher of independ - ii Kentucky u n d r T the pooled crop Mirirke the , nd of ntrl and ranter n hought w 1th they. ay practically all rai?f) tobacco next nothing to do offee crop of Kouth i northwest Tennis- 1-iK d.-al 1m tu h:ic( urtipjirt, h;ic Socji of the 1H0 has hi eri Weekif, WftH prlro aRreecl wii.l to h th put through ferits Tor Dm per pound f- The li.Jil 00ft poundH hy the i'.urh (Mithty of mo on t he p;i rj of company. The (uhMo-ii ed the urmr the Hurley T rlatlon, fornwl W hlch po.del 1 1 HOT. There w the rneniljTH l'0H. thoiiRh ;i ent ralM-d cro; guard The vi tt h- lte.d o nlht ridinjtr f Kentuehv. It : crops oiit of ti the growers w year. The sal with the hlark f-rn Kentucky ;j i TOP, VOi-'tt EASTMAN, OPEN COURT ...... ...... ....... ..... Interest of the stale of North aro- Illltt ami in" general rillllllllinilj, Ylllll these two tatenienta as a has! rnun- set ran me wno.e , ... "" .". Mr. McBw w,ftct4IX compow d ......... ..e. ...,.. In .Hlrmlng-hnm to '' . ..... .... eu mere, lie sum ma. ne nem ii,. mortKHKe iigalnst Mra. haatman. ajlven .v n. r . " '" 7 again. ... ... . ...... " ... . - ----- - withdraw tbn warrant and he would done bo If the colonel had not o..... iosi nis u.....-.- Mattie Tally, n young colored wo man who was present with her hn- "' exHininiillon irom m r. noeii. well. Kbe said that she had been paid by Colonel M. nee tor ner serviuc. in the house and recently when Mr. Ed- wards bail told her to leave he hod paid her wag's In full. HO. Hhn told of loaning tZ to Frank Mclb-s at one time Ib-reodaiitM Ti-stlfy. Each defendant went on tho tnnd and denied Improper conduct. Mrs. Edwards 1ld of her meeting Kdwards at Ihe llot.-l lleikiley at Ashevllle In August, lor subsequent pnKaRment to him and bow It was he had staid at Muck Hhoals bec-HUse Eehola Mc llee was I hen- and refused to leave when sin- reiiucst.-d, saving hi father told him to stay there. Hhe said the s. ivlng or coff.-e nits a custom In the Harrison family, which bus fur"'1;1'"'1 (Continued on pago four) KAISER'S SUITE RESENT OUTBURST No Disposition to Sympa thize With Popular Feol iiifr or Ivxi'iisr it. (By Associated Prssi.) Illiltl.l V. Nm lit Tbe emiicror'H bun alnays been an nbj of in- n'u'U In i tb'--.- from liour to IKoir l.y me nicm ,f bin official bollilehold, lllnl mi. I,. , ii car. fully, nltnowt Hi . -a ii i . in il ilurltm r.-e.-nl fi.tlll! .lain. 1 1 -r.s. 'I'lie iiult of Idem obwrva nllb a -st rl us I ! IHirt of tbe eni- , ,.,r-B "no i ' Inn", l-.uve been tratia- inllti -I to Ml'lillll.K eirele oiilalde tin- I M -c, licit lln- ii im r lu'iireaiicral - h,- .in.l 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ' ( i - 'iffiilalu urn tol r ! .-il.lv veil 1 1 1 r-1 1 ii nil a to the ernpi-r-j,,r-s ,. i nhi,:i I vi!--a- on th evenlii n fib h b i b.-en no Krcntly a;ltatlnK tin- i ...in' r I O 'c . j n j -r ' r I- in eoiiKtunt eontaet tviili th'in wici have long held post ,,i r-,ott Tin- iirealllnK f Mil Ins; iiinoni; tbe nii-mberit of the emperor' .in It. in ori.- i-f reiM-ntment at the poji obir leiiiiorst airalrint blm, and th n ln ici 'I .osit ion to Hyn-i pathlze nilli it -.1 ' Uio- it I'.-ini.- V.m i'.iielow will f;lvi to the rcti lit ii; In i.eiaotifil di-duetWrm on i. k mi' ivI' -a- "f Tii'Mlay with the ern .. r-.r v. In li th- bonne takea up tblH Mubj.i In inn ar before the r. Ii hHt.ii? on the new rne-aauro to In rrenae the piirllitmentary revonue the ehaneellor aald that ho believed that the prenrrit unfriendly feiMlna; to-ward iji.rinany cuuld be overcuiti. J.D. ROCKEFELLER GIVES VALUABLE TESTIMONY IN OIL COMPANY HEARING THE BARBAROUS ETIQUETTE OF CHINESE COURT Accurate Information Con cerning Last Days of Em peror and Dowager. AWAITED DEATH IN OFFICIAL IH)BE!S Fiftr Years of Sorrow mdi no Hespite at Dying Day, Said Dowager. (By Assoclstsd ert.) I'lOKIN. Nov. 10. I'rlnon ChlnK, prcnltlent ir the board of foreign af raliK. hm forwarded direct to rrenl dent ltouaevelt a perwonal letter In the name of Pu Yl, the Infant em peror of I'blna, fcoltlng forth, the crlnlii Ihroitith wh li-h the throne ha panned during the Inat week. Hlmllar letter hove been aent to all the other power friendly to China, appealing for aymiiathy for and iinderetandlng tf the new ruler of China, The province are atlll quiet and the governmental machinery contin ue to work well. An edict ordering porthtinin honora for the late dow- iKer eniprcw wan Untied today, and tt enumerate for the fourth Jlmo alnc the death of her majeaty the program of reform to which the new regime I committed. Another edict that waa bwuetl In the name Jho tate tkiw agar ctnpreea aaye In part: "My attention ha been given to a myriad of affair, and 'my atrength and my heart are exhausted. Rlttc Inat ummer I have been III and not able to aaeliA In the multlttidlnoua affair nf the government with tran quility. Kor long I have been with out appetite, nor have I been ablo to leep. On NuvemUua 14 Mtiio tho orrow ot the death of the emperor, and It waa then ImpoaalbUt for me to rxerelee aelf -control. Following thto day my Illm- Increaeed, until now I am not ablo to rle from my couch. I look Wick today over my fifty year of anrrnw and trouble, and even at the end of my life my iinxleile mill are with me arwl 1 ran Unit no renplte. lofnrin In the method of goviern- ment ha beiuti. and tbeao Ideaa will lie enll 1 1 II lien- anil ueveHiiyvu, t ii" rerent and all oilier offlclala ahoultl i exert themaelvca to atjrengtlien the! foundation of the enjplr. Oil the Kmperor I',, VI make the affair, of it, nr.! imimriMniii. the empire of the Hriit Importance, and to.thla end let blm be adequately j ineirtieien Korhitlileii fliy (Yowdctl. The I'orbldden Clfy la crowded all! day long with offlclala of largo di- gree' ami throng of imiurnera Ac- curate Information concerning tho laitt Inya of tbn emperor and the dowager miireiw wa obtained today from off!.; flu In or the palace. Tho aymptoma of the emperor Indicate that (loath ru- aulteil from neiirimthenla and cardiac. wi-ukneae, together with other compll-i catkin. The emperor native phy- Rleiiin bad been temporarily dlamleiMMl ' under the impr-xelon that ho mlght live for ome time. There wa a nuilden turn for the worm', however, undemtood that thin company wa and they were iilckly recallnil. They conl rolled by the t'ennaylvanla and ut mil e Kiivc unli r. in Hceordancn other roada, and fearing that a loa Willi a iialom of tbn Impf-rlal fiunlly, of their oil 'rude would follow, began Hint tb.- emperor be dream-it for cutting ratea heavily. , . : leatb lllnl Hull luiprlul yellow clay be Mpreii'l over the road I i-ii 'I I li K from the winter piilace to the l-'or lil.j-lcn cnv. Tlie bmt llliutw of tlie dowager em- pn km ilaled from November I. On ihla day Hie court wa terrified by an outliiirKt of uncontrolled temper from lo r uinJi-Hty. On the 12th of N'ovembf r h eiifTi-n-d n, p.irulylb' -ttroke, - n Novembir 13 I'rlnce t'hlng n turned from b -r inuwileum In the - (Continued on pa four.) CAMPAIGN BEGUN TO ADVANCE INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION IN SOUTH (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA. Hi., Nov. 1 Of aig- nl'lennce to thn entire miulh Ik the h, i on 1 1 iirirmal convention of the N'a- tlmia! H-.ciety for tbo I'romotlon or Inilumrlal Kduealln. which began here tonight with a a baniict In the Hotel piedmont. Induatrlal education for the south, more factorie. nvire kilb-d labor and in wjnae'iucnco more wealth producer, wa the keynote of many of the tieeche tonight. The material and moral benefits which the entire United SltUca can Tells Story of First Score of I Years in Annual Develop-; ,,unt of C( inpanv --''-TNESS I Viee-Pivsideiit Will Tell tho ! History of Company from Trust Agreement. (y AssoeHtsd Prs.) NKW Y-'iRK. Nov. 1. With th tellinu of the atory of tha llrat aoora of years In the annual ttvkpmet .if thi- Htandard Oil company, tha t)- tlniony of Jphn D. Rockefeller, praa Ident nf the oil comtilne, on direct ex nnilnaU.ui in tbe fmieral milt to dl mifvo th Htandard Oil company trB brouifht to an unexpected elo thisi eVenltK The head of the Btandard OU com pany told today of the prooeaaea and eauiw of the company jrowth np - "... .... ...... n llll snil 111 III'' .I .19. .... ' ' . . t . . . v. ..... . after Identifying th pa-rtlen to that agreement oounel for the dafenw.M..-., noonceit that Mr. nockefeller hd loonclude-d hU- dlrpct toatlmony nd rei nueat.d an adjournment until tomor row. -.''', ': ""' 1-YWay will ntxl Mr Rockefeller the wltiieea atand under the aharp lire nf the croaa-examlna-tlon ot Frank . tt. KellrgiT. apeolal alnt attomey Benerul, pr.wecotln the CM for th Hovernntent. The crtwe-examtnatlon by th fowmment will be tnerlly cottftnd to th period from lti to lint, except where th teetimony baa direct biarlng- on the development In the company affair In It later period. Counel for th Standard lot It be known tonight that the tilMory of th" eor.vpany from ' th truat Ternen (if lMIWOUld b told OR the nneae t4 by John'D. Aron , bold, vice prealdnnt of th oompany. who I comerwint Vrltn tli combine' development. 1 . f;r ?ll Tet(niyny'. Mr. nockofeller tetlniony ; today had to do principally with th acquit attlon -of other refining companies, to- nether, with th prlnolpal oonoern and pefce Una ytm, which ti ; ; clared Were neceaettated by th nat"', ural arowtli or the Btanaarq oui neta. , ' " r Upon rnaumlna; th at and today, Mr. Rockefeller raid hat the oil totn waa made an haaardotut prepottlon ; berauwi of th apprehenalon that th ; aupply ft crude pit ' would becom exhauated. He then recalled th or . Kiinliuitlon of a produeer" union I th 70'. about the1 time or th w tatbm of the Improvement oompany. Thia led, he aald, to an association of oil reflnrr, who were dcalrou ot having a upply of crude oil which . waa not oontrnnod oy inierosrea swi- . . . iiv u tl.,1 I. TMi -' 7 "JZ. ' oember, ll'a, the producer union and the rflner aeaoclatlon . ntrii " .7 ' , Teemira a h s?h '" " J jl" price for crude oil a polll. . The igreement did not last .long,. he aald, bn-auao th producer VK ,, k.. ..hi... .,a Mi unilMt tnB njMd Briui, . y' Mr. HockefVller mild hi attention - fimt wa directed to lubricating oil-, about 17. About lt1$ th Standard . oil company purchad th American Lubricating Oil company - or viev . land and the Mica Axle Ore eora puny, with the Idea Of dlveranfylnf the btilni! and eaourlng a lubrlea . ng trade. Mr. Kochefeller referred to Ol. Kmplre company, which own ear. it runMiortnd till and Other product owr the IVnnylvanla railway and engaged In the reflnlpg of oil. It Wa llm-il Otlser Una. "Our Intercut (topped our hlp metila over HUo Tonnaylvanla and need other line," he aald. w ot jei-tnd to tho l'ennylvnla railway engaging In tbe refining BUameea. They were shipping their own Oil over their own linos and Olacrlmlnattng HKiilnMt Mi. Other railroad agreed to atand by u. but there wa much bit terni-mi b'-tween th railroad. Alter- ward -we purehaaed the . Emplr (Contlnusd on page four.) derive from an Improvement In It imlufltrlal educational ayatem wa alo brought Into aharp relief. Ot par tlculiir Intercnt along thi lln wa Hie m.mm h of Elmer Elliworth Brown, fn lnd state communloner ot educe Hon. A feature of tho convention U th Induatrlal trade achool exhibition. It conalata of many large photograph of abopa In operation, loeclmen of tool and pattern and other tcrlula,