. , ; , 1 Fridar, KovpTV--rl PAGE TWO. THE ASIIEVILLE CTTTZEN 20f 1RQ8 Qiiniiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimc El I fflra 0 IT I3W flER-I ft IT tt ' A 71 It jgr II If' H 11, I XX i ' I It vs ll If fa if 17 -w . ror III II fill II II II 1 -C (1 k jj u jar iv . ii ii . ii a ii TAPss&r. l n i aw m 1 1 ar - ii notv ii n i it 4 v i w mmm L , .CT. r JtZJ V Tf ii 11 i in vtiih riTi-r.rs'A RfMri-r Th .). Ilnif uf V .k m;. .' I t- -t Gaakll tn Mr M in- n lu. r L' ' fvas v( IViri i7.-li i.l' -r' '.-.r. .1. Trtxr, on .i.iv ppr'Hriti-iv '( '"fit' 1 f Cl-'fl. il'.l ii. t4.. 111 ariirv.l hi .n n Mtill. elaliira'" n trlirimi w 1? i. wm worn, m l li. f whit.- i hir . - i -brl(1'sniaiil '.-. ' i uf wrllti" .hit,: bri.l', .1 r . . . .1 -.r' h'-n .' It-'' " wa of '!!' Htln Vfi.- i,.i'.- I carrui.i a I i " f ,i - ' . r .m thi'irnim?. n. In. i.ri.l-n. : qupU -r. .-f w!u?'- i ?..'. i. t t li.-1 1 1 . i . i j Mr John ..r A..ii.mI! i l man, mi pr ..-.l.-.l if . men Ift th: hrl.inl ;.r n. A majruttl. f-n! r c .-.tl..ti :w ! n I y Jud4tr Jam i;Ak'll :ti til r- .1-it afVr lh' i-ri'iiionv In t. f --r -' t'nla.nc ami b auf y. th' ."H .n' ftiid to h.tvvR nurpn. ! .in v wi. :i luu icurrl In Ttu-I.ir.i m . .ir Mr. uI Mrs, (in. r.ir.l . ft at n i l Bight by mut.-r f..r ; . ldil-.r.. .ni l ( that point w.rtt l.y tr.ln t.. V Tnrk. Ti-y ill ..-n. a. ;i tht riiortji nf Mr. Willum K-.i-inui. Mr. ui rarii' cmisin. In HulTii T., and will be Jt r. nv. ly ni. rt.i in- .1 durln thflr vuilt. Mm l-rin.M ru four, Mb X.'M Jh. . Vlr J..hn A.-- ml lh mfvrTtX gri.iwtj who .r t r-i I thtt WBtMlnn rHturnoit t trn ill)' on the early train thu murnlntr. Urn Z'bokin Vamo n4 Mra J H Martin entertained with a lum-hion ytftivTay at the rmldcncn of Mm. Martin on Liberty at rcpt. The ffueat Wrn Mm. Philip 8. Hnry. Mr. H P. Tlavunel, Mr. harl.' U Minor, Mrs. lck CralR. Mra. Thomaa HMtlr, Mra. Thexlir I(ttvMn, Mra Theo dore I. Morrlaon, Mra Jamea K Connally, Mra. Itobert Hlntftiam and Mla Farmn. Tfea maatcl tea for the benefit nf tha Boclety for the Prevention of Cru elty to Antmolt at the Hmttery Park Iswtel wlR offer an anuaually gi program on the 21th of thla month. Tha Bvlnf picture will be effective and wetl rrhearied. Mra. J'rvey will bare chars of the picture on the afternoon of the tea. Mra. Charlea 0. Jordan, Mra. Thorn paon Fraaer and Mlai Maud Waddell will aerva tea at larg tea taMe. A number of the ""youngef ftrla wftl aanUt In aervlna: tea and ecatfrt the fuem. The tick et arc aaltlBt well at the Aahevllle Tbarmaty, where they arc on aale. A j Mr Xxkty ftobertaon, prealdent of the Wma'a ForetKlt Mlmlonary So , elety of the Western North Carolina , Conference, la ta attendance on the confereao and will add r cm the m RMt of the Mftthod lat rhurchea of city and akrtrfct Haturday after oea at 1:1 o'clock at Central 4lethodkl church. jt .4 Th first rehearsal of "The Mp alah" Will b held thla evening by Mr. . F. T. Itarker. The oratorio will be unc at All tkuU' church at 4hrlM inaa with an augmented chorua. Thoaa wtro wlah to aln In "The Ma lah" may notify Mr. Ilrk.r. who raairaa to have as largo a chorua as owible far the Christmas nuk j .w A party was given at Kenltworth Inn Wednesday night wmiillmi'titary to the (nests nf the Inn. Hrldicn was played, and Mrs. I.. K. Will nf St. Louis won the prize. There rc a Munber of (uests. and thu party was an enjoyable arfalr. : J 41 J Ji JI Ji JI PERSONAL. Mr. J W. Siiit of WaymsvllU' ivj In town yerdity oti biiMim ns ' Mr. N. n. M rOii ire and Mr. J A Porter of Franklin am ep.-n.1lng a few days with Ash.vlllo frieii.ls. . : Mr. r A.. Itt'n of Canton Is hi re for a sltort May. Mrs. CiinliI bai returned to Spar tanburg, after a -ek's ilt to ol ami Mm Kolwrt llineham nt lllim hara Height Mrn C.tlel.l vajs the House, Street, and Evening DRESSES in princess and princess effect styles. Gowns of much elegance and charm Cloth: Ulack, 11 no, and taupp, with wliitc la o ynko and col Lar, dainty pi iiici ss iln ssi s. I'i ire $16.50. .Satin and Misalinc: '. iJliic, Mack, grt'i n ;ind taupf, rv strikinur gowua vet a rt'tini-d ciispintilc. 1'iiic $18.50. Foile: Ula k, tan. and ld ruse, self . iilDifd yJke, collar and applique triimiiinu'. I j i - - $20.00. Wool: , Black, blue, navv, i'ii.i!i!i,ii;i n, li a in p a ; u p, and taupp, very pretty mul ,itt r;i- f i Prirp $25.00. Satin, broadi lnth. -1 n -vri.il. in t ;nnl vnile ijmvns, sclf triiiinipd and bin- t -nil'i-uidi i. -d. t! mi -train, all the best colors, drossy and tine. I'i :' $35.00 to $65.00. As enmpared with tin- iitn-ertain dressmakers' prod uct the money, anxiety and tune saved in buying ready rnyii" dresses of tins class is tremendous. M. V. MOORE I.AIHFS- -ltF.l" TMLOR II Pat ton Ave. 1 : ii if mu.-h wUI a:t n'i. n ts sJfsost ImmeiHatelr oa the Gaatrle , . .. i . . t , . I 'tl ' u l ...." the sf .ua.'U t'.se asd I u 'lit iitefxt "orrtUuue mat ; , , V:is !s.ei put Into It Ir a... lie r, cine sud I Ur - !. M V ' ' . .....I .: , . Me.r he.,, m...l '' '' 1 ' v.p, ?(1 ; . n-' a f .v .la.s ml ? .-iise aa-l tJ n r- rtrie We ran not j j , '('! was ' I .o .r'frji:? ;:-4 W CI rr m. I wit', suffer (''vr. (.'iiii an f fee fi-cw : ar sseioetens t' - ihln rr-j.e.lv fi.Utr.-sa ji rrer eatlnz. t , i rn I. of ,Vm.Hr. I ' -t irxttloo. ' ' " , 'VlHit. I' Inftw-i. l-ilfitr.''t:: trf Tft n...r .i.!. r I i.'-! Mr T V M-.rt.H- w f M..r."fi u. -. .,, , : fr.-- ; ' , ' .'il l.K i T' .v la til th- .f fh- h.-d't .s.n-t !v 1 i.j " ( f A ' t-.c:v ' ' 1' t I j' -j 1 -. 1'"JwKt . ' ' '' ' '" ' ... , Htl.-'l..- Hill - a (.ti. . l 'h' ini,,iri' -i' '.iic.r. ;i ,f Ii NiU t.. 1 " i - . Uf l.'l... I .i ,.' . I v.. ill' IU ' ,T,"r' ' ' ' Mr 1 .In. I' Wii. v .r hiirMl" ' T -.V'. Mr f I'M i n II itrji if 1 1 1 I fr .. rv l .in I ri'lul'.n at !. I. . t-r ,,' .j., ,: .:.! vi. mil) '' '!' A.um I." a !! t "f, , ili- S. :i! .it jii ait"n mr. t Mr A II Porter of Aiiguau l 1 1. ,. i IV l"l' a li- if ' il l ,Vlr i M llr.bri.? of W.ivn. vij :.( . ;-. i, t Mi.- pol I'd -t.l . I 'A f h M At T. Kbiii.'hurt on M-mt font Mr i A. "1. v . I.tri.l of I .ant til". .. . i .tt the Mutii-rv Hurk hotel. M' J. I'-llk'T elft veter.:i rr-.lk f 1 1 1 1 1 I . r i I.m in I. . A n on biielni fl .Vlr. .1 i. Ilrrii"ii of I'ritnklin In registered ;U the Fierk ley Mr M. K S.;nian and Vlr K H Hiiiley of N. York city are In Ajihe V.III.V Mr W. H Mills of Columbia. R ', In spending a few day here. Mr, F. F. VV'ntin or tiiirnsvllle, Nr. Is In Ashevllle fur a short stay. Mr C M Hawley of Virginia la at the Herkel.-y. Mr. E II. Cbappel nf Nashville waa In town yesterday. Mr. J. P Graves of Waynesvllle In pending a few days In town. Mrs. J. A. Ounnlng of Hampton, Va.. la In the city for a short stay. Mrs, S. T. Graves of Elrlstol, Va., U registered at the Hwannanoa. Mr. Floyd Gardner of Marlon waa In town yeelerday. Mr. J. I I-oyiWn of Wellaboro, Pi, Is here for several days. Tr. arul Mrs. II. II. Brtggs and rhlldren have returned from Florida, where Dr. tlrlggs has lnea on a hunt ing trip. Mr. and Mra Teneh Core have re turned from Green fttver, after a ten lays' absence. Blnhrr Atkins, who In attending the MKhodlKt conferenee, la a guest at the lluttery Park hotel. Mr. Itufus Woodcock Is out of town on business. Mr and Mrs Kny Morrow ent Wednesday In the city, on their way south front Toxawuy. Mrs F.. K. Price', Mine M. VV Mar tin and Mr. J. Sergeant Murtln of Philadelphia are guejtts at the Ikit trey Park hotel. The MlDwes Reinn have returnul from a i Islt to Mrs Tew h Cox at llreen Illvcr. Mr W. V. Tivvnsend of Ju kMoh vllle 1a a guest at Kenllvorth Inn. Mr Itlihiinl lltjMhlon or I'hltiJel pllia l In the city for a brief stay. Mr Milton Work or Philadelphia Im In town for u short stay. Ml M.irjorle S. ott iindervv. n t :m perntlon for uppi tiiII. ItU at the Mw lon lionpltnl Wednesday ami h re lirte. io tie renting easily. Her manv ll'leinl.s bop., for her speedy recovery. Mr Willi, r ' It- ..f ltradfor.1. Klivilind. in a gin-nt at the llnlteri Park hotel Mrs I!. Itandell Ii visiting DYSPEPSIA hr -iri'l Mr. i ; r i rT j n . vho have ii. n ,il lh. Mattery park hotel for "tn- irrr.e. r.-tutn.-.l s.wt. r.lay to In- -! I ill. . J e .lln. Mr rt ii Whitney ..f phlUib !ph! i iJ. i'.ii.liii - v '-r;, i .lay. :o lh. . t. Mr II Tai.ie r . th, s. .:.!!: - rall';iy l". in t.'.vti r , r a tiri.t t ,i y Vlr VV I Mra m if M ..reunion .pen t . . j.ler.lav in liic .if, Mr VV ilM.im Merth.-rry of Haiti more .s a v out. .r in I h it Mr I.. Norman l...iiuaher .f I'lula- .letphl.i I.. In Ash.-vill. f .r i-e , eral days Mr C. , Ileuk of Atlanta Is In the city on business Mra. P. S. Htovall of Aivannah. fla has taken a ctaxe .01 S...... street until the rirst of the y, ar Mm. Htovall la the mother of Mrs. R r Mason Mr J K Spalnhour of Moritanton Is sp.-n.llng a f.-w days with frlende In the rlty. Mr. K. A. Child of Hendersonville wa In town on business yesterday. Mr H A Hayes of Reldsvllle Is spending a few days with friends In AshevlUe. Mr Charle W Tllley nf Charlotte was In town yestenlay. Mrs. S. S. Boler' of Mocksvllle, N ('., is here for a short stay. Mr H It. Ferguson of Waynesvllle was In town on business yesterday. Mr C. Ft. Snodgraas has returned to his home In Tennessee. Dr. T. E. W Itrriwn. Mr T 8 Rol lins and Mr F. W Thomas are ex pertivl to return tomorrow from the Sapphire country, where they have been on a deer hunt. Mr. J. Covington and son have re turned to their home In Savannah. after a visit In the city Mr. Walter Coble of Wayneaville was In Ashevllle yesterday Mr W C. Allen of Waynesvllte Is spending a f.-w days with friends in town. Mr. William 'aiui.lay has r turned from Vermillion, III . where h. has been for the punt w.-. k Mr Can ad. ty was called there by the illness of his father. Miss F.th. l Wilson has returned from a vh.lt to Fort Mill. S 1' l'r..f i'. VV Tlmb-rlake of Wake Forest t at the Makn. Mr A. I, Hill of Tryon Is here for a short "-tav Mm Menhofer. wnv of Major Men-hof-r. I'. S A . stationed at Fort Sill, ilkla. in th. g.,wt of her Jir- nln Mai. and Mrs W II Pearson. .01 1 'iiml-erland .ivenH.-. M i e Kmnia l-'arnier . ft e-.trrday f r Phil.nl. Iphln. l i j vv .i -b in s i. .n ha K-m Mr. s Sternberg bin gone to N.-w V..rk V.sferd.c' arrivals af the daks ive.e Mr and Mrs John J M.il.my. of lobii-lovvn i-a Mlsw Margaret Ilovkin snd MNs Ktl lira.1v. of Joh'i-t..v n Cn Miss I. VV. I.. irC' tf. William H -ward and I. P Simmons. r U ,k. Forest A. N Hi!!. ..f Trvon. i Vv M. Lanrin. cilv . J C Kdnar.).'. Am .r i, HI . M. VV. tlp'oks and . K VV Mil imi, city. NOT GUILTY OF PEONAGE CHARGE (By Assoclatad Prssa.) NFW VnitK. Nov U - Judge H"Ug;i m the I'nlted States . Ircult nrt vesterdav ordered .1 urv to re turn a v.rdict of not guiltv In the rases IVivl.1 V.. Hurley in agent for th. Ftorldi Kat Coast railroad and thr- e empl.oment .igrents of this cltv who .-r i. i n.... ..f i-.tnsrv.ra. v- t hold w .itii!..i in poonni:.' nnd sl.iverv while 'v-,e :v.-n w.-r' building that road Ju-lk-. H -'ik'h .,i.! th it th- pros-'cu- li'-n oil r,i;,e. to show an nreenient of n ils with . ii' int. nt t. conspire The in-' t tirro'd t he v .T.l let as order ed in i .. ., , . ',.,rs. .1. P. si l.-s M.,r:.-v. rh.- a.-ctis.d were Fr.ie . -J.itc.i Flvrard J. Triay and l-"r i-i, V II. if ' t .. f... r ...f. ndvn's. Frank Sal-'- i iiti i.r ,1.! ,t !.n.il ln.lt. tm. nt tor k'.lni'j.i..ir in cnn. . tton with the same transaction but It Is considered lik.lv that In v t.-w of today's decision In the vnspir.i.-v . h.irce. that the in dicitoent .v - be dismiss.-. I f . ni orr . vt . when a motion to that end will be made. Carolina Coal and Ice Co.. Phone 130. CHINESE AEE OUSTING PORTUGAL FCi iN'O KONi, Vn. 1 ) ,ivw j from Mii'j Mty th-' m- ''hin tyn- T-i(nty. and ha r;i.aI the- CajiiM- t1a n'l are coli- -t r. f,i.v n th P-uinjiuIa. A report from I i. -.n f Jiiit th- F'r .J.-.-i-l-'-'I t' ,ir-'f; i (., I llirai hv mi- ('hirKM j m i n if mb-r r a irt not n-:ri rr1- ! 'v h- rtairn that r: j trl.i in romln. ir - KiTte r will b m.t ! I uhjt t nf i n- f-r- nr btvtn ( htn- and Jr ruK'J a- HUtborltf. The nativfl utf- Ah! to read f'.r an outbreak MC-t in t rH! PortUicii iinJ in thr-ir a.t- I;ir. .1 by th Chm-v ofrtci'fa -Vlftru ar-lxd -i-:i- rnmttia off Vb' ii by the 'Y ' viceroy on th1 h.irc1 of onvtyir tf .irma to th- ''hi O' - r h-irt. Piyrtu ii. :n rt to .i.oi-i fh- rfporu1btH f 1 1 1 rv-ninkf - hi ! m thf seizure ris mailt- in 'hi-ii-v4t ri. Th u online to Th- 'hirj' sf. jyvem m r, r ;t mun.r-t io a r nun"lallin of frfiprrtl a ivi r-ixiit In Msirao MECHANICIAN FATALLY HURT (By A woe 1 a ted Pr. ) SAVANNAH, Nov. 1 :t. Jo-p h 'iriMiiun, m-rchiin irt n. li at thr ' li'.;nt ( il'-ath f r -1 n Injun ij.-taiu-,i Alien a liulck r.i. oil; . ar. 'Irr.- n ! I: .fc rt Kurman, r m m: .1 ir . ;i!-.nK-j -j ! lh- uiifomohi " ra. - ciur-i' Inn I i. -ti r- i mrfVf Injun, m itt th. hr-.ttj. hia ftt hiii " runhr-tl ,ini his l ft t-llxiw and mi rim wTr lirok'-n. Herman whb tin iriTjrfl. K iictr Tillman, a hiihi II h-, . uml" th- trcr, httrrly -! ) ft fti -tru 1 ri rh- rn;ichn. M as Hfiinri'tJ t- t rnrru-n t rt( th nr, a hih 'a . r-' iir 'I to ! I.rt liy 1!.' iiiii.a. t wi'h th Th ,iii!pnt was caus-- t burtln of , tir-, wttU:h au: rrinn to lr( crmtr')l. Anoth ' ur will take the il.i f In th.-ra-' of the on d rnolLshil. Hiirman and Orinnon hti'l 'l-nt on monday. t, th. .-.I liiir r fUit k ijjlit tar ,1 n ac 1- BIDS TO CLOSE ON PANAMA BONDS (By Associated Prsss.) WASHINGTON, Nov. I :) S.'cr tary Cortelyota today mad. announe. ment that he mas receiving bids up to the close of t.uslnesa on Decem ber 4 next for 1 1D.oaO.eni) Panama eansl bonds or any part thereof to bear 2 per cent Interest. The bonds will be dated November 1, 1 90S. thus making this a new Issue, and Internet w ill begin aS of that date. The bonds by the term of the law authorizing th. ir issue. Will ke redeemable in gold in .10 years from their dat. nnd paya ble in 30 years. As an evidence of good faith the se retary requires each bid to be accompli n led by a certified ch.ck payable to the secretary of the treasury for 3 par cent of the amount of the bid CHAEGESiCRUELTY . TO PRISONERS (By Associated Press.) RICHMOND, Va., Nov. I: Charges of cruel and unusual punishment In flicted upon prisoner In th.- Industrial reformatory at "Harittngdon. Pa., pre cipitated an exciting scene at to. lay's session of the American Prison Anso elation. I). Bulseberg, member of the State Prison Sou let y of p.-nnsv Ivanii made the allegations and admitted they were based only on statements of former prisoners. T. K. Palton. K. n eral superintendent of the reforma tory, resented the charges and a dozen deb-gates challenged Mr Sulzeh. rif.-r s assertions. The association !inall ta bled a resolution offered by Mr. MuU berger looking to an InvcstiKalb.n of the system of ptinlshm.-nt for refrac tory prisoners In penitentiaries and re form schools. ARMY OFFICER IS CALLED DOWN (By Aaoeled Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 I. ant Vri'tik T Kvans. V S N was recently reduced 1.1 ii inil tank for conduct imbes-oni i n x i. er and pr. Judicial t'' lh" - up ii wh. r -. 1 1 was to.l.r. r. prlluallde.l Io A.' retarv Newberry, in avii.rd in to.- rinding of the court m Th 't martial found I.l- Kvaua guiltv of leaving lu -ta fore ! ing .id 'Ittatelv r- I di sr. 1 1 ul language to In- .ITi. r and of Invll ItlK I u . in. n t.. In. a bottb- ,.f I.. . Hie '' C with a rt lat. .it nam Moll ! - -op. riot . ir iM. .' I ir, Ins LABOR DELEGATES DISCUSS DISPUTES (By Associated Press.) IiENVKK Col., Nov -t M .st . f the entire time of both sessions of th. American Federation of I .:. r v ster- lav v. as lev ... d to listening to the r -port of :h. . onmlttee on a I iu-trti. tits. V m ..re ..f itiristlk'tlonal .iispnt. s w. re . ..iii.li r . I ..t'd In most . as. s th. ,m put.s w.re r. -. rred to the executive .oiin.il or to th rnntending unions. S.-v. ral sections of the r- p. r; was dis cussed at length, but In e.n h case the r. commendations of the . ommitt. e were .adopt... In the ease of the dispute hetwe n the brewer, workers and the .-nill-e. rs it was r. ported thit an agree ment had b. . n reached. The .-.'tit.it t.et.v.eti the brewery workers and t.ainstcrs irit -n cUBe.l .ne of the m-.st . vt-t,.l,..l debates of the dav. The coco.'!! e recom mende.1 that the hr-w.rv w.-k.-rs have sole .iins.ic Hon over team.-ter working In br -w-ertes. T J. T-b n president of the ter.tn sters union .Vt- .uni'fil the r. conimen dat.on ai d i!..:ared in ertect that th" teamsters vv..ni.l dlthdraw from the esjer aion :i it prevailesl. 1 MRS.RaSAF.HaNNlSH.M.D: lUTSRUS lB SCiWIoS n-s tnsl,u.4 ,S..4mI ftj,-.sU! rttnlf. of Stuns. Vr-assy; S..T1 Ss i.a.n.., t w.s. r CIW. ..4 sv..rsw .! 11- . Ms. at IrhtM SW s-nS"S S.rfrT "Uir,! ..ul W W.sb. BVrTrs. ms. bwt wWm rrii"''" ' .Usims y KsBIH. kiUPtli. U BABY BOY HAD ITCHING HUMOR Which Broke Out in Different Places Nothing Would Help Him Mother Almost in Despair Skin Quickly Healed WithoutaScar and Trouble Has Never Returned SINCE USINGCUTICURA -MOTHER GIVES IT PRAISE " Several months ago, bit little boy, now two and a half years old, began to Draa out. wn.n Inching sores. I began to doc tor him, and as soon as I got them healed up in onpla. thejr would break out in another. I was almost fn despair. 1 could not get anything that would help him. One even ing I read a tes timonial from a lady iho had cured her little boy with Ctilicura. I began to use the C'uttcura hoap and Cu'-icura Ointment, and after using them thrw times, the sores com menced to heal. He is now well, and not a sear is left on his body. They have never returned nor left him with bad bl.vxl. as one would think. Cnti cura Henwiii.-s are the best I have ever tried, and they are sureiy great. I shall aiwav havs them in the house, handy, and shall highly recommend them to any on who is suffering likewise. 1 cannot give them too much praise. Mrs. William Heeding, 102 Washington St., Attica. Ind., July 22. 1907." ITCHING TORMENTS From littta patches of eczema, tetter, milk crust, psoriasis, etc., on the skin, scalp, or hands of infants, children, or adults are instantly relieved and speed ily cured, in the majority of cases, by warm bath with C'uticum Soap and gentle anointings with Cnticilra Oint ment, the great Skin Cure, assisted, when necessary, by mild doses ..f ( uti cura Resolvent. Cuticura Remedies are guaranteed absolutely pure. Oltlrnrs snap rjfie.) to Cleanse th Bala. Cm eara niDtmrnt I.Mlc.) to Heal lh ilfcln, and CU rara Rronl (SOO.Inr In tlx terra of Chocoi-its Coiitwl Pills. 35c. per vlnl of 60) tn Cvirtfy the Blood. Sold lanmtihrmt th. world. Pott-r Lirug A Chtfia. Odtp . Snsi Pmtia.. fitistna, Hvs. sar-KUusd rres. Caurara Buos so Skin Disss lav. )ou Can Rest Easy Wh. n the cold weather comes if you have a cellar full of M. A W IN-PIAN COAL. Its good coal the kind that will warm you up. Carolina Coal& Ice Company PHOTO 1M. Wait For The Stoner Bankrupt Sale The Asheville School ol lnsie & Dramatic Art the AVDntmrcM PboBO as. The Health of Your Scalp A cj.hk! cmp prc-vt'pposcs soil, v. ell tended. AbtinsUnt ;los sy hair prcsL.pr-O'-cs a well kcrt sv'alp. The scalp contains the h-jir predi:. 1-12 elements. I'orl it propr'y. nnd the lisir '.- i;o.!. Th.n is to Siiy, get the sctlp cLu. a:ti1 keep it so, K r o rn .Vti n r. is tb.c idciU sca'p c I e :i iisor it not only clcjnscs. but stimu Liies, in, i t n r j t c ti and nocrishes -- rlvis ncccssi ta;s; ".-jod hair. t.ake JV' 31 r , r.-i. :'l Dninv'Jts .' f . .'(n.-.j . - i : E t copy. DR. J. J. K.ROM CO. Citizen Result. Want Ads Hrrtig! cCaceCurtains of Careful pat terns and Pretty (dealings at Reasonable Prices Knoiitrh of them to afford you satisfactory choos ing perhaps enoiiirh to curtain half of the windows in this section. For the majority of homes in this ri cinity look to us to make their windows cheery and inviting with our Lace Curtains. Folks have learned that our Lace Cur tain Department contains more of beau ty, variety, durability and value for any specified price than any other store. When near our store, stop in, view our display of Lice 'ui-tains price and examine the best ani big rest and brightest stock of Curtains this town ever Saw. You'll find N'ottinghams and Applique and Swiss Curtains in wide assortments at low prices. Jhe Coat you is) ant is Jf ere We know that we can satisfy your every coat whim we know that we have the style that most be comes y.r,i. the color that favors you most, the fabric you d; :ie and the tit that an expert tailor '"cannot iiett- r - in short, the Coat you want above all others at the price you want to pay. A more stylish, more varied or a more altogether satisfa-tory and desirable lot of Coats never entered this stoit which means this town. All the. latest styles in short throe-quarter lengths or long three quarter lengths, skillfully and faultlessly tailored of the fashionable fabrics in the modish colors and more of actual value at any specified price than you can obtain elsewhere. CHIROPRACTIC (Rl-ro-prac-tic) COXrEMVTTOX WITUOCT IN VESTIGATION IS PXR Jl IHJMF-XT. Pressure on nerves is the cause of all diseases: by removing this pressure you will have health. Incurable cases our specialty. Literature descriptive of the science will be forwarded upon request. La.ly matron attendant for ladlea Consultation and examination free. DR. C. F. COMPTOX AXI DR. J. A. MATHIS, CHIROPRACTORS. South of Konntaln Legal Bldg. Pho 621. AsMville, X. C. HISS CRUISE Man Wring and Hair Dressing Parlors Just received a full line of hair goods and all-over nets. Over Candy Kitchen Room 11. Haywood Street Greatest Offer Ever Be fore Given. 'ut this i. oiipon out ;in-l lirin it to litton avnuc hikI ro 'Iv o six lat R- Cab! n t F'ru (to ss r;t ph.' in n ire to m k lt form for th- small sum uf $l.r.Q. TIIK AIJ.KV STl IH Harne as you pay JK.'-O rl?? tvh"rc. Thin off t nds Vr. 13. rr THKT0RELI1F 51 ITONXVEl PHONE 336 ASHEVILLE N.C. The Guessing Contest is Proving More Pop ular Than We Expected Tn fact, we have .cold more soap in the last few days than we thought co-ild p. s,i,:v i, ,lispo,cd of m that length of time. This demand tor the Royal 'uti.-lc Soap i not only due to the extremely attrac tive list of prizes we are ottering in our guessing contest but is also due to the exceptional value of the soap "itself.- We are selling a IT,,. ,.ake of soap for- f. aild JioVal I'utii-le i-: nt' re, o.'tii.ol ...i-ilitv- tim. . , , nt immi itittt iti.isp vour " 1 1 1 i . - M. WEBB Millinery Impvrtt -.", Battery Park Place. Pbotse 1M4 AsfcevUba, S. O. SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlora, V,'rOBa IS Paragon Bldg. Phoney BST7 We rnaka a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything In Hair Goods and Hair Pressing. ' Sche. and Puff, mad frt VMT comsinga, " ' Latest styles in Fall Mil linery. PARIS MILLINERY 7 South Main St r " " D.R.McKINNON 7 Pattoa Avenue (Over Redwood' Store.) Ladies and Gcnllemens TAILOR M0DERNIWAW .j.i. mi,, yuuic giiesses. ravx- HCmE ?: ssssss