THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, DECEfBER 5, 1908. r OCIETY Jake Jha Sletator for Jh Big ft' .-r.-z-:- - imy;..-.iy,v.,.v ;ii.'.itn I..' rl I U- M'.iMon by ri'in-Kl later Ii at 'I I,. Mi ll i' iK I . ! .1 M.'lth' r i.r AnpU'U, On , Hw.i h mi ii'i.i hlel ir Ths golf tournament and tea nt t! Counter club taki-a pluee totlii weather permitting, and will lm nn! . event of interest. The Country dob Mr '- ' M ' -ill ent-rtaln-il flag bsun deservedly popular this f.ill, Infonm..!.. wch bridge pnrt - n4 'Jitw members are being nd.lci "' " '"n m In r hi. in- in Rs lint each week. Tho ndmii.oial '""' b " i ft the .tub to im-r.nm, the links I., U full Jllnc-htile course, tins ki.. ii nn PVR CJfl'N' A T ttnptitu to tho life "f the club. Th. X-iftOWAiJ fa thin afternoon will be tt. ml. .1 I.. number ot the members ami wi.i Mr. S o. i hw. II. Jr. ..f N.-a Ija served by several fi minim io -in- '' ' ' ' l'-riiliiig ml lan hers , of the Country rlub Ani..i.,- ! Iii' ini- in the !. those who will i.luy fur tlm lunn! hme silver cujiti presented be Mi . W. W. Grahiirti nr. Mrs Thom in Krazcr ami Mr. Smith. Ml Kill. I koeves and Dr. Paul Khmer mid vres others whose names could n..i TO learned. Tin; piny will be In Iolss handicap, mcdul nluy and 1 i.nlulB nl m r ul...l ... I the grounds at 3 o'clock. Jf the, weather la Inclement tlm tnnrnamern sir. Jn men 'olie'l.l of .spai Union g win e posiponoa unm a later nine. , wa In the illy yesterday. j& ja ' 1-Mr. Tench Cuxe enlerliiined willij Mr cllir, F. Allen of Winston : dinner Thursday evening nt Klon- Sai..m is spending a few days In Ashe , die ji!l on hlJSillCHH. The Saturday Aluslo club in.etHi Nlr j.;. "j.,t of Churl., lb ,w KB .cm. o chick ui in.- Illrlv,.rt , AghcUlle vnteriliiy and Mrtdenc. of Mr O. C. Hamilton , .,.,, tt few (Uly, wU Jrk.m. In All. II Kh. i of Unltlniole Ik In -.ii bti?iJni'M.. V. .lohii.-ori of H.iiilh 1'nr-.-je iiillriK fl. v. diivM In Mr. H. W, KhoHdin of Jtiillktiapolla. Inil , la r. tiln-.i nt the Hwiumanoa . idotlnna from th6 work ot Hlndlng I Mr. Joseph M. )muiii enb rtaln recently at her honne In l'hllndel- -Jhl4 for her 'oall daucbter. MIkh Mr. Joe ehllton of Knosvllla Ula. There wer. fifty children :Mp,tlrUnK a fcv, j..g , ,()Wn. ipreaent and tlm party was ono of thoi freUleat of the Juvenile partlea given Mr. W. II. ftlmff lemtrger of Indl U)l Maaoa, . Mr. Uaaaam hua Opened ;naioll, Ind.. la here for a ahort May. , Bar, nouns in .rhllartelphla for the , wlntar and will nurtaln ektenvlvely 4uing the aeaaon. ' , Jt Jt ' , Mr Helen II. Longatreet, widow at General Longatreet, haa been re appointed postmaater at Oalncuville, fa,, fey th prealdent The poatmaa r taiaral In announcing the ap pointment Mid that Mra. I,ongtrei-t Jia4 baeii recommtulnnd on account of her eacellent services during her last terra of office. , Tliers will be special mtiala at the : vifaper gervlcs tomorrow afternoon A ths Henrietta. Miss Mary An.ler win Will lead the services and will Woke an address on "Spiritual Pow r.". The servloe oommencea at four O'clock and the ladles who attend are requested to bring their bibles. The SuUUo la cordially Invited to attend th services. J Writ ft. P. Jofmaton entertained in rirmally jreaterdajr afternoon at her itcaldene on Grove street In honor of Kiss lAusr May Johnitton. Mrs. Johnston's guests Were Miss Johna ton. Mia Korlson, Ml Ingersoll, Miss Qreta- Boutbwtok, Miss Lucille V"ntwlUMra..AxthuJ.M. Vlvii, Mrs. Miinaos, of Virginia, Mrs, Mark Ifrown. : . k .The foflowlng program will be rendered at .-a prayer service to be held at central Methodist church thu afternoon at :80 o'clock: 1 i Devotional service, led by Dr. Rowe. Paper, 'Seven Reasons Why I Be 1'Uig to a Woman's Missionary Socl- y--- l;, ' . , .1 llymn, iPper, ThnVotnan Who Gave Beraslf." S Jtymn. I .Thanksgiving offering. Th Mhlbltlon of the paintings of ' Jr. Louis Howell yeoterday at the ; lattery Park hotel attracted quite a i umber of people. The water colors 1 rhich t won the mnnt fnmriita .m- dlatn were the autumn scenes ABftn," nlvpr P1,1"" company. tesa-g tMh. jdzi9- 'hirt havo fountains, which loom vaguely In i Llncln,,,,tl- flia dlstanoa, veiled la blue. The ef-j Mr. John T. No"rVls lias returned to iLii! . 1 th0 r"r RWBy Washington, after a visit with hi i M'!;1"' .Wu" rp"ro-i brother in Aahevllle. entea. Another distinctive feature i i Mr. Rowell's work Is Ills special! Mr. Negro lum gone to nulelgh. af- . wr painting water. Jn several ler nn extended visit with friends at meinnonoiy mil autumn mln Wtnres a silver stream ivltida through ttt foreground which auggeats a wesoiaaion tnat could only be disturb- ' been spending some time at Kentl eit by th (ntrnalon of aome errant worth Inn, havo rut timed to their aterjtrd. ' In some of the ploturen home In Louisville, Ky. shown, summer verdant, buoyant Mid flooded with sunshine repre- Mr- Williams, chl(f operator Tinted the life of the woodland that "' ,hr" Western Union Telegraph rtun w echoed by the 1ltant inountalna. rny' local office, left yrstonlay for Jr. itowell has don some excellent ! Charleston. H. f , where ha will lie Work Which has received nattering cept a position as night chief in the jotlce throughout the county from Western Union ufflfH during the n ft critics of note. An exhibit will ter months. Mr. Williams will .re- Mr. K. L. Holme of Knoxvllfo U at the Hwannauoa. Mr, W. Ueynoljs of Jlaltlmore 1 here on hualnoas. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Joorholr of Now York were vlaltlng In Ashevllle yesterday. Mr, H. C. Itandolph of Atlanta 1 In Aahevllle on buRlness. Mr. J. M. Wlngileld of Georgia I In tho city. Mr. J. H. Dudley of Knoxvllle Tenn., Is In town for a few days. Mr. II. C. Raton of High Point N. C, bus returned to his home. Mr. H. L. llardage has returned to Canton, N. C. Miss Mae Bernard Is the guest of friends at Roanoke Rapids, N. C Miss Fannie Mltcheh la the guest of friends In Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Hurley and Mrs. R. Joseph of Albemarle. N. C are In the city. Mr. and Mra Hurley will spend the Winter in Aahevllle and Mra Joseph will leavo for New York In a few days. Mr. J. O. BpKl ot Atlanta Is reg istered at the Mwannanoa. Mr. and Mrs. lluchanan left yes terday for Cincinnati. Mr. J. C. Dunn of Spartanburg 1 at tho Battery Park hotel. Mr. John O'Donnoll has gone to Jacksonville. Mr. D. Maddox of Spartanburg la spending aeveral days in the city. Mr. Percy Merroll of this city left yesterday for Ferguson, 8. C where he has accepted a position with the H. REDWOOD & CO. HIGH ART FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS. .mln close up to Hie extensive work of A 1 xAl tailors, hut ;it very reasonable eost. The rane of Suits at ff-'lo to li'ivcH liaiil8onie effects in the new tints. Olive Tan, Mode, Klcphant, Taupe, New I )ral, etc. The fit is some thing we have to hrajj; about jist a little. Our line of Overcoats hetfin at, about and icoes up to fJO-'K), with some stunning effects at, $10, $12.50 and $1.".(M). I Joy's Suits ami Separate Ureeches, Raincoats, Sweat ers, etc, in good supply. LADIES' LONG COATS AND MISSES' at a bi re- duetioii from the riceK of aweek ago. Ladies' aliove $7.50 all beur a tliscount, many of thrift aflyuueh as twen ty per rent., and all Missest (8 to 18 yt-ars). are now selling at eighty cents on tlx; dollar. t FANCY GOODS AND USEFUL ' GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS have just been opened. 'A , Jot of t.hem: Silk Miifflei's, Initial Handkerchiefs, Fin .Embroidered Ilaiulkerehiefs, Scarfs, Cravats, Cloves, Mitts, Hose and Half Hose, Underwear of all kinds, bmudvy Bags, Comb Cases, Sweet Soap and Perfumery, Steamer Hugs, Lap Robes, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Club Satchels, Trunks, Floor Uugs, Blankets, Robe IJlankets, Novels, Child ren's Rooks, Post Card Albums, Hemstitched Xapkins, Tray Covers, Center Pieces Bureau Scarfs, Irish Point Pieces, Fur Scarfs, Shawl Scarfs, Muffs, (Sets, etc., etc. FOR A GOOD GIFT try a Delineator Subscription for a vear. Remember if vou act promptly you get No vember and December of 1908 and the twelve numbers of 1909, ALL FOR THE COST OF $1.00. . .DRESS GOODS AND SILKS, Flannel, Oalateas, Outings, Dark Ginghams, Percales, Denims, Cretonnes, Burlaps, Sheetings and Sheets, Cmerleta, Damasks, Towels, Bath Towels, etc. , , TO SUM UP An exceedingly good collection of good Merchandise bought with what skill we may possess for cash and marked at a reasonable advance every thing In plain figures. J 3 turn to Aahevllle about the llrat of Ky., 1m visiting MWs Frances llinninn. Mny. ! who In upending the winter in A-lie- l , vlllo. Minn Amy filgdon him returned to her home In Newbern, after spending. aeverul mmitha In Ashevllle. Mr. K. J. deuce. It. 1.. 1 ni'HH. Foreat Hill, on South Main street. Mrs. Levy and family, who have ("Merode' Hand-Finished Underwear. i, Merottle Cotton ltlbliod X'wig nml Druiveru S0' racli Mrode Cotton lUhlstl I-'lrra . .RO cenn racli 3 erode White Merino WimiI . .. $l.5 .h erode Bilk and Wool Light Weight . . . ! ' l.'2 each Seruao biik anil wool Heavy weight . . $ io yl,., erode Natural Wool (Rrej) . R0 ,.,, jltWOde medium nelglit, IImIc thread, long l. e, nml corwH civ- . . . i !0 ii-ntx , Merodo t'nlon Knits, Cotton Itlbbed. I leeie l liuil N $1.2 Merode I'nlon Suits, while Merino ,'82.00, $2. oft, S.IM Mferodo I'ulon Sult, Silk ami Wool $2 SO VVecarry f nil range of sizes including'tlwc extra large, terode Undenvenr is hand iinished, and established quality. We also have Deiniels' Linen TM:sh and ,Iae- fer s Samtary oolen. nm ir rn m. v. muvKL i liADIKS' "Ot TlTITF-lt.' 11 I'atton Axenue. Misfi Vivian IIiimhIit of Marlon la the guesl of AehcvlHe friends. Mr and Mrs. Linn R. Ilottorf and fiuiiH.v of C!iirwnvllle, l'ii., and Mla Kiln llottorf of l.einoni. 1'a., are KiifWtR at Mrs. fluher'a on French llruud avenue. MIjw Diilny Melwod In the gneiit of Mr. and Mra. William Shrine In (Jrcenvllle, S C. Mrn. H L. l'1tzptrlek and Miss Wlnnllred I' M. in trl k haw gone to Knoxvllle. v here they will attend the FIlKiiatrh U-I'onvllle wedding, which (u-riirn at that place next week. They will alwo attend several pre-nuptial events which will be given for the tirlde-elei t, who is a niece of Mrs Kltxpatrick. Iteeent arrivals at Kenllworth Inn are Mr. O. Hidden Mowers, Kilem, Vs.; Mr. .lay Cooke, Jr. Philadel phia; Mr and Mrs .1 i Oakley, Mr and Mrs. M. IV Field. Mr. and Mra. I 'barbs 1) Murphy. New York. Mr. Frank It. I.lnilniiy Is expected' to return today from n trip to Car lisle, Kv, after an illiHeliee of two Wenkn. I Mr ami M I'm :-,, rue i layu ooil, of Ardeit. are HiieniliiiK He-era (a at the H.i 1 1 . m 1'ark hotel. Mr and Mr I, vi!l pioliably llelnl the winter In Cuba. Mr. anal Mm 1 C. Waddell, Jr , leave on Siiinla f..t- New Vnrk. where thev llf speml ii I'.olniKlit before retlirntllK t" Ahex llle. ' i Mrs fieorge Wllllami Is the gnent of Mrs. J. dm llav Willliims at her home on llinwood street. Mr and Mrs W. II. Inigrnm. Jr. of New iirleiiiis. have taken Coluni biis e.iitiiKe, yMI'Cinarle I'ark. for the winter. Miss Palsy Smith, of Georgetown. Mr. Heath Carrier and Mr. V. Mln akuclil left ycsjeiiliiy for Cuba oi biiHiuesa and will be abueiit HCM-ial week. D.OIcKINNON ? Pallon Aitnpe Over ItrajunoaTl Store.) Ladies and Genllcmens Second &atf of Sale of R,eady?Uti Wear Qoods II Yesterday we piaceu on saie our large nne or oais, Suits and Skirts. Despite the inclement weather the la dies of Asheville came out and took advantage of the un usual values that we had put on sale for them. This sale will continue today and Monday. Vpu should attend and see the goods that we are offering at 25 per cent off. We advise you not to overlook this chance to buy first class goods very reasonably. Zvermar Sox for Men Reduced Have yo i ever worn the famous Kvervvcir llosicrv. Thev arc guar anteed Mo wear six months without a hole. Th manufacturers of this pou l'.lar hos' lias seen lit tt) reduce the Men's S )X to l.."i0 a box of six. Thus Making the cost of each pair only 25c. This was done on account of f he great dc-rcase in the returns ant i does not cheapen the finality of the I lose at all. The price of Women's Hosiery re mains tho same. That is, $2.00 and $)5.00 a box of six. is)arm ine of furs tfow on Sale Suggestions for Christ mas Choppers We arc putting forth a strong bid for your Christmas Trade. Never have we shown so many useful as appropriate gifts for Christmas. Come to us and make your 'selections and we arc sure you will ain by it. A few hints are given below. Ladies plain white Linen Handf kerchief for 5c on up. Ladies Embroidered Handker chiefs for 15c on up. Gentlemen's Handkerchief's, for 5c on up. , ( Jhildren's Handkerchiefs in boxes (.' in box) for 15c box. Ladies Kid Gloves (short) in col-' ors, black and white, sizes 5 to 1 for $1.00 pair. Ladies Kid Gloves, Centemeri make, short, in all colors and white sizes 5J to 7, for $1.75 pair. In black for $2.00 pair. ; La Grecque Corsets. . J ; For every type of figure. 2 : GREENE & CO., I 12 Church Street. I FOR RESULTS CITIZEN WANT ADS ALWAYS. si. M. WEBB Millinery Importer, I To. Battery Park Place. Phone 1044 Ashevllle, N. O. SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlors, room 10 Paragon BIdg. Phone 67. We make a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything In Ifalr Oooda and Hair Dressing. Switches and Puffs made from your combings. McKlmttion, of rrovi Is In the city on busi- IT REQUIRES LESS OF M. & W. INDIAN COAL To keep the house warm, because it's good coal clear thro'. Full weight, prompt 2 deliverv. ! Re Carolina Coal & Ice Company nm Having leased the store room in the Y. M. C. A. Annex, 25 Haywood street I wish to announce to my friends and patrons that we will be open in our new quarters on or about December 8th, with a full line of hair goods, combs, barrettes, toilet articles, and manicuring supplies. IVfiss Cruise rManicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors. PHO.VE ltf. ML v fl 1 a?''?''''''''''''''''',H,'OMMMHBMHlHHBMiMMBBMMBHi WB KTKAM. HPONt.E PRESS AHV REPAIR f 1 small covt. Send us your work. The Ashevllle School ol 0itT Sr Wusicfi Dramatic Art 11 the ACDrroRnm VISIT THE National Dairy LUNCH ROOM 5 E. Pack 8q. PARIS MILLINERY 7 South Main St. Latest styles in Fall Mil linery. Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. TOts!5ISlRE.IIF M0DERNiWAY5 MILK CREAM ICE CREAM BUTTER BUTTERMILK Only One "I1KOMU QI!1MNK" Tbiit Ih 1.AXATIVK ItllDMO qn- N INK. T k for the signature of fc. V OltOVK. I'asil tho world yer. to Cure a Cold In One Day. 26c LOWER PRICES. BETTER SERVICE. 1? innum rich, pure milk for Jl.nn. Why pay more ? Can you arTor.l to pay less and take the riks Inched? Try our products ami if not entirely satisfactory call for your money back. Phone r.f.4. ASHEVILLE PURE MILK CO. Wm. Johnston, Jr., Manager. V. ST WALNUT STREET. PHONE 531. Jfitj " " ASHEVILLE: N.t The Soap Guessing Con test ends this evening at 7:30. So get busy before it's too late. I

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