ff I I i ft- h K k 1 i. SOCIETY The marriage of Miss Annie Cngl formerly bookkeeper of ttio Metro politan Insurance of thin city, and Mr. Paul Morgan occurred in llenderson Vlile, Wednesday, Iter. Z'.Hh. Mis" CaRie has many frit mis In Asheville who will be Interested to know of her marriage. Mr. Morgan Is connected With the Southern mil road and with Mn. Morgan will reside In Avondiilc, Al. f IT The Country Club will he the renter of attraction today and will keep open house for tho member Ten will be served by several ladlea during 'be afternoon and tho affair will In- on the order of an Informal New Vein' reception. Tho Rolf tommnm-ni l. (fins at three o'clock promptly ami the playera are aed to be on Hie grounds at that time. The entries In the tournament are Mr. .1. K Hum bough and Mlsi Kthel Kecvcs. Ir. Paul Illnger and Mixm Itllu iteevcn, Mr, J. A. Burckel and Minx Meade, Mr. Vanc Hrovn and Mra. Thompson, Fraser, JUr. and Mra. Charleg H. Jor dan, Ir- Lambert and Miss Marker, - Mr. Brewster Chapman and Min. C 11. McQueen, Mr. Ktigene Huwycr and Mlsa Allen Brawn, Mr. fchnith and MIks Maude Hamilton, The ynunr ladlea who are employed at the Telephone .Exchange, wi re glv ' en a New Tear" dinner by Mr. Hawk of the Hotel Berkeley. Tha labia wan attractively decorated with holly and an elaborate menu waa served. Mr. JTawk'a ruestg weri, Miss Mury Rellly, Miss Hue Flethehar, Miss Clarke, Mis Illunche Ilawklna, Mlsa Kmlly fun Tilnirhttm, Ml Mary Yoneu, Miss Wll mer Turnbull, Mlsa Minnie. Piper, Mian Kmlly Coyner, Miss Julia Melton and Mlsa Bertha Hamilton. , Mlaa Buth, Wiley entertained a few friend Very Informally Thtlraday ev nine The younf people made candy of ; various aorta early in tho even ing and remained until midnight (or the dawn ot the New Year. Mlaa Wlley'i guest wora Mr, and Mr JvOUla Everhart, Mlaa Basal Fortune, Mr. Paul Brown, Mr, Edward Brown and Mr. James Taylor. Chocolate and light refreshment were aerved dur ; Ing tb evenlne;. IP IT The menu. earde which were uaed for New Year' dinner at iflenllworth ' Inn were particularly artletlo and the menu for the feaat of the New Year waa both lengthy and excellent. The card were printed on white dull An lahed, paper, and. a delicately tinted flirure of a young, girl with lier arm filled with holly and m la tie toe, an peered on the outer cover, The card . waa fin lahed with a eord and taaael i of pale blue ailk. There were a num ber of people dining at Kenllworth laat evening and several small dinner parties were given by guests of tho inn, Mis Mabel Miller-entertained In formally Thuraday evening In honor of the senior olaae ot the High School. There were a number of guest pre sent and the evening was spent In playlnggames. There were a number of New Yeara watch parties given Thuraday evening among othera waa on given by Mlaa Carrie and Mamie Redtnon at their ' home on 'North Main street. There was a musical program in which Mrs. Byerly, Mlaa Carrie Redtnon Mr. Jeter and Mr. D. Bradley, Misses Carrie and Mamie Radmon took part, flame were played and refreshmonta acrvn'd Among thoae present were, Mlsa An nie Roberta, Mlsa Lula Roberts, MIm Mary Havener, Mlaa Myrtlo Williams, Mia Miller, Mlsa Josephine Itrown, Miss Edith Brown, Mr. Hector. Mr. Ray, Mr. Jeter Bradley, Mr. I). Brad ley, Mr. Jamea, Mr. Brlggs, Mr. Wor rells, Mr. Brown, and a number of othera. At twelve o'clock bulls rung me Old yiait.out and the new year In and the evening ended with 'firing a number of sky rockets. Mlaa Clemmle MrCuntcsa entertain ed informally with a New Year's party Thuraday Evening ot her homo oil Pearl alreet. Mualc waa enjoyed and games played and refreshments were aerved late. In the evening. Miss Mc Canlees' guests were Mlaa I.ticy Onvls. Mlaa Beatrice Alexander. Miss Myrtle Reese, Miss Johnnie Johnson, Mlsa Kva Moore, Mr. (luy Morris, Mr. Wil bur Morris. Mr. Clyde Corder, Mr. Maurice Alexander atnl Mr. Clint Sharr. j . The Haraca HIM' class of the Flrl Presbyterian church will be one ye..i old on Hundiiv, ami to fittingly rec ognize th growth of the clas. and the wfrlf It has ; coiiipllnhed there will be ennlveesnry exercises at the church on Hundav morning at 9-.10 o'clock and a harpjiict In the Kunday school anii( at H.''l o'clock. The ltaraca class had grown won dcfully In one year and proven a po tiiil Influence for good and a large ut fenilnnce of members will feature the anniversary exercise and the ban quet. The following Is the program for the ..xerrlscMt H' lection by Haraca Quartet. ImsIiiIIiiI ion of Officers InuuKiiral Addrean, b I'rei ldi nt Al len. Minute Talk.f by Men Who 1)0 Things. Ten Minute Talk, by Dr. it. K-Campbell. Helei-tlon, by Baraca (Juartet. And other good things. The Y. W. C. A'h. annual New Year's reception to the Y. M. A. waa given at tho Henrietta laat evening Tim n reiving party was composed of the V" W. C. A. board and the ladles aux iliary of the Y. M. C. A. A aplendld program wai rendered jy the oo clatlon orchestra, assisted by Mlsa Klmberly, who also rendered aoveral solos in her usual brilliant style. The entire first floor of tho building was decorated with holly ami potted plunu. J J Wedding at liryaon City, On Wednesday,, laat a pretty wed ding took, place at the home of Mr. J. I Floyd on Oeona-Lufty. The happy participants were Mlaa Hat tie, daughter of Mr. Floyd, and Mr. Jul lua C. Hayes, of :VhHtler. The beautiful home was a scene of loveliness, and when the aweet strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march played by Miss Inns Cathy, rang from the piano, at half past eleven a- m. the hearts of many relatives and friends beat happily. The bridal party, consisting of Misses Edna Hayes and Florence Queen and Messrs. Fred Floyd a fid Weaver Mo. Lean, entered and were followed by the bride and groom. Reverend 1. O. Miller pronounced the mystic words that made them one. The attractive bride was tastefully gowned in a beautiful dlrectolre dreaa of smoked broadcloth with hat to matoh, and carried a lovely bouquet or violets. The happy eoupl left Immediately for an extended trip to Chattanooga, Memphis and several of the northern oitles. They will make their home In Bry- son City, where Mr, Hayes has a position with the Southern Railway company. Mr. Hayes Is a, handsome. promising young man, the youngest son Of Hon. A. H. Hayes, of Whlt tier. He la a member of one of the best families in North Carolina. Mrs. 1). W, Orubbs and Mrs. O E. Kales of Harrodsburg. Ky,, are spending several v.eeks at the Battery Park hotel Mr. .Ionian S. Thomas of Cincinnati Is In the ,-Hy on business for a few days. Mr. W. H. Whiting of Ablngton, Va Is in Aslieyllle for a brief stay. Mrs. E. E. Brown haa been called to Hi idgewater, Va., by the lllnesa of her sister .Mrs liolir Mr. II. B. Hood has returned from a trip to Cincinnati and Pittsburg. Mr. Omar crr has gone to Wash ington for a short stay. Mr. Richard l.oaghran returns to Belmont to day alter spending Christ mas with his family. Lieutenant ami Mra. Thomas II. Osborne are viniling Judge uml Mra. Frank Osborne In charlotte for sev eral weeks before retllllllliK to Fort Mherldan near Chicago. Mis Fvelvn McCoy returns to (Ireensboio Tuesday to reenter tb 1'rmale college jo that city. ASHEVILLE BAR ASSOCIATION SITS DOWN TO ITS AUNUAL BANQUET Mra. J. M veral days Cadger, Jr., la upending ill llemlcl'Moilvllle. PERSONAL Mr. Thomas Sherrlll leavea today for Belmont to attend St. Mary'e col. lego. Mr. fleortro C. Mmlth left vnstetslnv for Washington, 1. c. Mlaa Mary Corbet Cooper haa re turned to Mars Hill college lifter spending the holidays with her par ents In Woolsey, Mr. ailmer Welch has gone to Bry- sn City and Murphy on legal busi ness. Mr. Juhh Farrier Is visiting friends In (Ireensboro before returning to college. Mrs. E. N. Wllllums has rented her residence on Clayton street to Mr. Albert Hheppers of New Orleans and will spend Hie winter in CliarlcHtoit, Mrs. J. n. Arnold Is visiting ber Ris er Mrs. J. W. Nicholson In (,i'imii- ero. Tr. B. U. ington for i Fakes has gone to Wash . short trip. Mrs. Kblredge and Mrs Hoeiin who Intvo been guests at Mrs. I! It .i,, or several months left yesterday I'm- their home In Memphis. MIkh Lucille illcini returns to the Normal Collegiate Institute after vis iting friend In the city. Mr. Junius ltadeker returns to I'arkersburg, West Va., today after spending the holidays Willi his fam ily In Victoria. MImh Onice. Mnnilers has gone to WayncHVllle to spend two weeks aa the guest of Miss Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Uiivenn and children of New Haven, Conn, are vis iting relatives in the city. Mr. Oeorge Loyall of the Southern nllrond is In the city for a brief stay. Mr. Gordon Williams of Charlotte spent yesterday in the city. Mr. Robert Harris of Dlllsboro Is spending several days In the city. Mr. John Coulson of Cincinnati Is expected shortly to visit friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bradley of New York are guests at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. John Cranston of Philadelphia' Is a visitor to Asheville. Mr. D. H. Hamlin of Charlotte Is In town for several days. Banquet Featured By Splendid Address From Dr. Geo. Winston Other Fine Spe ches Made By Members of Local Bar Occasion Successful in Every Way. SAYS HE WAS HELD IN CAPTIVITY 3 MONTHS FORMER ASHEVILLE BOY TELLS STRANGE TALK. Disappeared Three Months Ago and Was Given Up For Dead. 25 Per Cent Discount On All Wool Waists. 33 l-3PerCentDiscount On All Furs. 33 l-3Per Cent Discount On All Tailored Suits. Now is tho time to Imv. Savings in price are very large. Money will go a fourth and a third farther. There is plenty of variety in the stock. Standard high as ever. M. V. MOORE I .AMIES' OITFTTTEK, 11 ration Ave. Drugged and kidnapped, thrown Into a box car and carried Into the mountains where he was held In cap tivity three months, .later maklntr a daring escape; that Is part or the story told by Willis Smith, formerly of Asheville, but now of owensborn, Ky., when be reached home Weilnes day, after having been glv. n uu for dead. According lo bis story be v;i.: in in" lines, .win! oi uis noirie win u ap proached by t..in- Miiing nun who caught and forced hlni In inle.le .some drug. When be regiiliied eoiiKciniis iIism he found himself In u freight box In motion. Hun-oim,!, ,1 l,v i,ia upturn. He huh biter turiuil over to six others, who curried him to u cave In the muunlalii.v, where lie was close ly watched for three months. At llrsi he was bound haml ami foot, lmt was lati r allowed more freedom. His can tors seemed to be fairly well ducuted lllld always spoke In good lOllirlUh II.. whs treated fairly Well but closch watched. Alter watching for weeks nn oppor tunity to escupe. bis eh, . lee eiime iiboul twelve Molidiiv niirht. Ouleili eplng to the mouth of the cave be made nlT without waking his raptors. He w.i-s about forty, miles from the nearest railway station, which he reach, , Tuesday meiuine In- i-,i,e,i,,,. si of the way. Tli. ti he burned ' Ihe lirs time thai I,,, leu! I i, ill the state of iKeonsin. He eoiild assign no r. asun for his capture f u- he claimed that he did not Know any of the in.-,, and that he had no enemies. No eT,irt was made lo secure money through him. The story Is prououne.al Incredit able by many, though the ease Is at ti.uting wide attention tliroughout Kentuckv. No theory has been ad vanced to account for his disappear ance. Several weeks ago all search for him was given up nnd he was thought by all to he dead The hoi iinii ins lamny lived m Asheville for several years and ate known to many people here. Ills mother died here about fifteen Veals ago The annual harnuct "f 'he Ashe ville iiar association was held last evening at the Hattery Park hotel. Following the elaborate bati'iuet sev eral brilliant addresses were made. Mr. Louis M. Hourne was toast mavter, and, after u brier welcome, referred to the regrettable illness which prevented ficn. T. I', liuvidsoii Horn iittendlng the bauiiet, and added that fierieral Davidson bad snggesti d Asheville as the in xt place of annual meeting of the American i ar association: 'bat a ioioiiiill,e be appointed, including .Indue ITil.hard and several lawyers of prominence, to confer Willi Hi- board of trade and Southern railway. The American Mar afsoelatioii meets shortly ill New iirleaim. and Heiiernl Davidson de clared his wlllingiieHB to no to that city lo lay the matter heforo them. Mr. I.ocke t'l-nig was called upon irat by the tousimaster, and re- spomlcil to the toast " I he Lawyer. ' Mr. i ralg made a splendid address, speaking ot the legal profession a tlie greatest OH earth; of tha high Ideals and high mindednesa of ' the members of the bur. Mr. g alao said, humorously, that it is easy to fcralve the man that falls. You can nonade him while he lives and ran nonlze him when he ilies. Mr. Craig. In speaking of tin- supremacy of the legal profession, bronglit to notice that all 'governors elected In Nortli Carolina httva .bcen lawyers except one: all congressmen from North Car olina except two are lawyers, bothj senators are lawyers and nil pregM dents but threa have been lnwyers. Dr. George T. Winston, who deliv ered one of the flne"st addresses ever heard here, , dlsctlssod , "Law and Life." Dr. Winston spoke of funda mental and -Natural laws that control tho universe and defined tho relation of human life to the universe, that the law 6f morality is eternal and, to more clearly define his point, re minded his ttearers that the savages and barbarianf, np Jonge,,rontrol the WrtH.' rti!r 'ferocious beasts infest it. but are superceded by the kindly Anglo-Saxon and the gentle lamb. Dr. Winston', address was a masterly one and commanded the individual attention of the banqueters for half an hour. Mr. William J. Cocke was next called upon. His subject was "An other Mile Post," and his address was a splendid effort. Mr. Cocke in a Kiaphlc manner outlined the pausing of the yi-urs. He spoke f tho oppor tunities of the pant and the rich promise of the future, for tho unite and nation. The failures of the past, be Kuld, mude stronger the resolutions i f the future. Mr. Cocke was listened to with great interest and attention. Mr. Kingalauil Van Winkle apolo gized: for hM arguments that Shakes peare wus not a lawyer and in liis writings had often used legal words and phram-M Inttorreetly. His toast was humorous and was received jivlth much enthiisia.mii. Judge JPritchard, who was to re spond to thu toast "The isolation of the-Judiciary to the Legal profes sion," was unable to attend on ac count of illness. . However, his paper wK read by Mr. J. J. Hritt. ll iVuk u good treaties on the stiblei ;, and among other points emphu.siy.cd the idea of how much bencllt the lawyer were to the Judges, and cited a num ber of great opinions that were de livered after masterly arguments. A number of others were called up on. Including Judge Adamsv Judge Murphy, Judge Khiiford, Mr. Kope Klias, Judge T. A. Jones and -Judge If. 11. Stevens. Among the members of the Ashe vllle liar piescnt were Mr. Louis M. Pourne, Dr. George T. Winston. Mr. William J. Cocke, Mr. Junius O. Ail ams, Hon. Locke Craig, Mr. Marcus Krwln, Mr. S. P. Itavenel, Mr. Vonno Criidger, Jiidge Cliirge Shuford. Mr, Zeliulon Curtis, Mr. Klngslnnd Van Winkle, Mr. Allan Morrlnon, Mr. Hugh Chedcster, Mr. II. R. Reynolds, Hon. Kope Eliaa. Judge Henry B. Stevens, Mr. J. H. Martin, Mr. F. W. Thomas, Mr. p. H. Winston, Mr. Hay wood Parker, Judge Thomas A. Jones, Mr. J. , Fraxler tllenn, Mr. J. Scroop Styles, Mr. J. W. Haynes, Judge J, I. Murphy. Mr. J. H. Tucker. Mr. Oeorge Wright, Mr. J. C. Martin. Mr, Hobert M. Wells, Mr. Edward Swain, Mr. Guy Weaver and Mr. J. B. Cain. 0. Special nSale of wain Coats. Suits arid Skirts " Totlay we place on sajefa lrge .jline of Rain J Coats, Skirts and Suits. These goods were bought last season and therefore are not brand new llii i . -a a .. i fc a . , . r '. ... j I tney are made ot very gooa material and are vJtdl worth the pnees at whieh we will sell them. Yon will he surprised at the values yoii at this Kale. ' J -One special lot of Oavenette T?ain Coaesregu- iar pneo if iu.ini, lor . . ( ... $5.00 One special lot of Cravenette Rain Coats, regu-. Iar price 112.00, for $e.oo One special lot of Cravenette. Rain Coats, regu lar price $17.50, for ' $9.00 One special lot of Suits, ... regular priee .u'n - to $35.00, for $7.50 " ' One siiecial lot of Skil ls, regular price $5.00 to $7.50, for ' $9 6j? i ASHEVILLE CLUB'S WHITE SUPREMANY MEETING TONIGHT -IK DANGER-HUMAN - . i ' .. i " i . The annual meetlng of the members Miano.n Wnvna flia Pnntilri la club will be held this I v "1"" Against Agitation For Compulsory Education. on Haywood of the Aehevdle evening in the club street. - ...p. . A . buaUteaa meeting will first be held, at yhtah reports of officers for the past yeag wlli be received, and following this will b the election of. officers for the' coming year. At the", (By Astocl.ted Presa.) conclusion of tlie meeting will come1 COLI'MBIA. S. C. Jan. 1. Senator the social feature which lias always r, m,,i. ,, . , vroven highly en,Joyable, music ami a L' . Tillman' in uel'vering an ad bahquet. 'It Is expected that tonight's . (l1 ess bo fore the State Teachers' as meeting will be more than usually at-"; sociatlon here tonight, took occasion tractive. to warn the people' against the aglta- l lion tor compulsory education, as-.l sorting that should such a law be pased it would mean the educntion of the negro, which would In the end mean a blow to white supremacy. Senator Tillman urged the demo crats of the south against the scheme which he said President-elect Ta.fl and bis associates were hatching up to break the solid south. He said it was the purpose of, the president-elect to hand out federal offices to the democrats of the south iu order to build up a white republican party in tills section. ' TRACK IS BEING LAID ON MERRIMON AVE. A large force of boinN was put to work on the street car line on Mer rlmon avenue Thursday morning, and by last night the middle or the' street bad been torn up from North Main street to the bridge in the hollow and track bud been laid ubout half that distance A snitch will he located at Hie intersection with the North Main ulrect line. The rapid work of the force was the subject of many com ments yesterday by people who passi d Hie work- ( MHIMIIMMHttMttMW . . Just About 95 Per Cent of M. & W. Indian Coal is HEAT what you pay for, what you want, and, in this coal, what you get. Carolina Coal & , Ice Company tvovm im. D.ilRkKINNOrJ t 7 Patton Avennc ' . ; ' ' (Otct Itedwo6d'a 8tore.) ? f - Ladies and Genflemens TAILOR SKINNER & HUNTER Hair DrasslBg -Parlors, loom j Paragon Bldg. - JPhone t7. W maka a specialty, of eleetrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything In Hair Goods i and Hair Dressing, Switches and Puffs -made from your comblngw. , a MISS CRUISE , Manicuring and Hairdress irig Parlor.' ' alr doods In ail the latest style Wavy Switches, Buns, ' Crown and Psyche Puffs, Combs. Barettes and T. (!.. A ... J ..I Hl. . . . -?( ntiiuics, uiiiiuiiuny, fractal 19,., and Scalp Treatment -by. seip'ert n. eratora. Combings w and -cut hair made , late Puftsj. Switches ,nd Pompadours. , ... . , .:. La Grecque Corsets. . For every type of figure. GREENE & CO., 12 Church Street. Phone 16. ' 25 Haywood Street. Groam Floor. j M. WEBB MlUinery Importers ' t? No. Battery Park Flacts Phone 1M4 AahevUle, W. C ' . PRONOUNCES 41 DEATH SENTENCES In Addition 12 Are Con (h'tniii'd to IVnal Servi tude for Life. THE PALAIS ROYAL'S LIBERAL OFFER The Palais Uoyal makes a erv llb- eml offer In the advertimnB eoluinna ot today s ( iti.en. in whieli they agree to ghe u year's subserlption free lo the Pietori,,! n,.vi,.w ,,v. ery purchase or J,",.oo worth of mer chandise t'rorn tin ir stole iluriiiK the month of January. To secure a year s subscription fr,.,. to Oils well knon -fashion pulilication and home maKiizine a person is per mitted to save their cash sales slips duriiiR the month and present them when a sufficient amomil lias been ac cumulated, thereby eliminating the necessity of a purchase of $5.00 worth of merchandise nt one time to secure the premium. Only One "BROMO VIUXINE" That is L.AXATIVK BKOMO QlTt NINB. Iook for the irignntiire of E. W. (1ROVFT. I'sed tho w..rlil over to Cure a Cold In One Day. He. (By Associated Pre.l YK.KATMKlNtiSLAV, Hl'SsBA, Jan. I. The military court today pro nounced 41 death sentences, of whb-h nine were for recent crimes. Thirty two of the oondemm-O, men were strik ers 1 the railroad troubles of October. I !i"o. In addition to the death sen tences, twelve strikers were condemn ed to penal servitude for life. 48 to leaner terms of exile and 3 9 were ac- inlttcd These sentences grow out of the ewnts of 1305, when strikers, num. bering; hiindrc' ; and thousands tbroiiR'hout KuRsia, attempted to tie iii the whole railroad system, tele graph lines and krs and electric llht Idants. The d.monstrHtions m Yeka terinosluv were particularly desperate, many persons Mng killed ami injured GREATOUTHERN AUTHORESS DIE'S NEW OH I.EANs! Jan 1 Mary Kvelyn Moore Havls. the populnr southern authoress, and wife of .Major Thomas Kdwanl Davis, editor oi the Picayune, died here today. .sl009.. Will hosa year of economy along all lines. We will assist house keepers in economising by sav ing them a substantial sum each week . on their grocery purchases without the slight est sacrifice of Quality, (ot our pr'ees. -they aio inter, st ing. OWNBEY'S Cor. Mont ford Ave. nml flicrry St. IMione 5(1. I Our constant aim is t0 ,serve Dairy Products of the highest quality, absolutely clean and sweet. We guarantee all our products and are glad of an opportun ity to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. But we try to maintain such a high standard that everything will be highly SATISFACTORY, and we believe we are succeeding, , s .v -.:'v" In addition to MIIK and CREAM We make a spec ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA ' RICH ICE CREAM. Our prices are reasonable and our service prompt and ; courteous. May we not serve you? ' ; Asheville Pure Milk Company PHONE 854. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CITIZEN WANT ADS. , -f-f-f-f-f-f'--f-f-f-f-f-f-f---f-f -f UDIl-S AND GKTLKMK. We keep your clothes cleaned, sponged and pressed at small cost. "Iiet us dye for you." Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Workg 11 Church Street. Phone 2110. We sell the latest styles of Winter Huts cheaper than you ran buy- them from the big mail order houses. Paris Millinery ' 1 SOITH MAIN STREfTT 51 Btf T0NXVE The Asheville School oi Music and Dramatie Art THE AUDITORIUM Phone XU. PH0iNE.35.6 Jeweler. Watcti Special ?m 3,wr,".S"arnlWl WUh ct to, $.00, Oth- E. CARPENTER A era from ASHEVILLE-N.C. Blankets and Comforts . If you need anything in this line; eome to us. We can give you some very low prices. .'. Blankets at f5c, 85 $1.00, $1.50 up to f 12.50 pr.f Comforts at f 15, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 up. to $10.00 i s a t Pattoa AveBae. " .. . t "t. S i at.-',-

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