THE SUNDAY CITIZKN, JANUARY 8, 1900, I SOCIETY There will he of tho Strollers the Auditorium remieatcd that ii liusincsa meeting Momluv evening at ,it K f k. II I' ll! mciiii-i'iH "ill '" urenent. Mr Hurnoit .lot 'tan will read three plays one nf which will tie ehoijun fur tl.c nest prodm I Ion made hy Strollers. '1 lie pbivx un der rcriv.iili nilliiM nr Mr' Dunes ! friiM', J.iiil V liiilniari s Inn slid Tin Charity Hull. H v. nil new rm nili. i Will Hfipi-rir III 111" ! I'llH' which will lie put "H at i"i earn Jute. Tin recent success of Tin- Prlwitc He.T" tnry has added greatly In th'' l.'iiir"!? of the. Klrnllcri anil II Ik predicted that at tm distant date Hi" ' "I" be as much of a permanent lignte In the amusement world In Atihcvllle mm the famiHiH Ilrnnklyn fonn'ilv 'lnli and others equally well known In Hi' emit. Miss Margaret MlUimlcr and Mr Charles Millcmler gave an Informal card party mid ds-noo at the home of thetr parent tr- and Mrs. m c. Mil Under on Pearson Drive, Friday i-v enlng, which Was attended hy a num he of thetr young friends, lli'iiim was played and followed hy dancing Th bouse wa prettily decorated Willi Christina. green. Tho guest were Vina Charity Craig, Wis Ellr.nb.tlj Given, Mlaa Atttea Carter, Mine Elhsa beta Murphy, Mlaa France carter, Mlaa Helots Carroll. Ml Virginia Williamson, Mlaa Mary Mlllender, Mrs. Frank Carter, Mra. J. P. Murphy, Dr and Mra; Mlllender. Mra. W, C. Drum- Kriottd, Meaara. Melvtn Cartrr, Carlisle Craig. Wilbur Bumner, Bonnrigni uiv- n, Kenneta uiven, jamie aincneu Burner Campbell, Grady Adums Wil liam Dwmmond and Caleb Carter. If Mlaa tula William will entertain th Ann Aaton Missionary society at tha residence of Mlaa Frano Wright, Victoria Road. Tuesday afternoon. A paper will be read on "The Old and New Japan,' by Mra. 3", 3. Yate and Mr. Frank Pmkh will discus "In fluents of Industrial ' Missions". Mine Quasi Smith "Will 'give a reading. Member are requested to take the Lift car . from the Square. - Mia Elisabeth Murphy gave a par- Si iy Thursday evening at the residence " of her parent Judge and lira, J. D. f! Murphy on Montfurd avenue. Five 5 Mundred and everal other card games were played and the New Tear waa welcomed In at midnight. The hniutt Wil 4.uila4nj4 with hnllv mn& i wilstleto. Refreshment were served lata In ths,Valnc Ml Murphy Jf gueets were Mlaa Helen Mitchell, Mta JSIlsabeth Ratnaay, Ml Charity Craig, . Mia France Carter, Mlaa Elisabeth Olven. - Mia Oladya- Redwood, Mlaa Lucy Purefoy, Mlaa Wallace Tucker, MM Virginia Wtlliamaon, Judge and Mr. Murphy, Mesira, Charlea Mlllen der. Jamie Mitchell, Caleb Carter, .Orady Adama, Brio RawlaBufnejjjjridnir ot Mr. and Mra, R, Q. Allen, -mpbetirM1vtarter, Carllaie Craig, Bonbrlght Given, Kenneth Qlv n and; Powell Tucker. ; Mra. Mafy Anna Tant wa a charm ing hoatea lawt evening at a reception ' given at th Balaam Inn. Tha hall t waa beautifully docorated with holly and vergreen. There were two prlae conteata, "tjueaelng Advertlaementa' mad tli "Puwla Boa", both of whkih were, entertaining and Amusing. Mra. Robert Bryaon wo th prlae. Dainty ' refrahmen war orved. Mra- Tant'a . gueeta were Mr. and Mra R. F. Half. , Mia Tela Bryaon, Ashevllle, Mr. and Mr. Dock Bryaon, Mia Mary McNear, ' Mr. Towell, Mlaa Knight, Mr and Mr Oaoar Kenny, Mr, J. Kenny. Mra. . Mabel Perry, Mine MAttle and lrma - Bryeon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryaon, 'Mlaae Julia and Alio Kenny. Mlm j Florence Joyoe. Mr. Charlie Perry, Jr.. .Mr. J. Henry Kenny, Jr., Mr. Kdwin Chrlaty Balaam, Mlaaes Ida and fclsle ' Bryaon, Mum Clara Conly, W'aynesvlllo, Mia Kate Richards. Kla., Mr. Klbert j Franklin, Morrlatown, Mr Oeoriie i Ingram, Abingdon, Mr. Thudle Keller. Cullowhee, Mia Minnie tieay, Hryxun CJty. s The New Tear's tea and reception , at . the country club yeeterday uftcr nooo waa an aptiropriate ending to a J gay week. The club was crowded all afternoon with members mid their ; friende. Tea was wirved by (he Missies , Reews. (Ireut Interest wan taken in the golf toiiriianient whleh beirsu promptly iit three o'clock The lowing Is the score: j Mr. J. K. ItumWuiKh mid Miss t:ih, I . Reeves, f5 25 Per Cent Discount On All Wool Waists. 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount On All Furs. 33 l-3Per Cent Discount On All Tailored Suits. 25 Per Cent Discount On All Dresses. Now is llio time u Uy. Savings in price are very largo. Money will go a fourth and a third farther. There is plenty the stock ever M. V.MOORE liADIKK' OITKITTKB, J I PstUni Ate. Mr. K. I. nnd Mrs. I'lilllp H Henry. (If. )r ti ml M l m ClmrleM H .Ionian, 70. Mr T. IV Hmilli and Mi Maude ll.unlllon, , i)r. i II iJinil" ll and Mlna I'.alker, 4 Mr. .1. V. Hluder and Mine Annie v illiiiniH, 7ti. Mr. Vance Blown and Mm Tlwunp- miiii ! Inzer, mi. Mr. Kii;enu Waser and Mins Alice Hrown. N.t Mr. J. A. Iturckel and MIkh N'iii Meade, Kl. Mr lluiniiaiiuli ami Mi.-.m I'.eeves uml live points. Mr. KiohI and Mn llentt each won three points. Dr. and Mrs. Jordan and Mr Smith ami MIhh Hamilton. h won hull of one point, The total HtiinilinK u . to dale Is an follows' Indies. Mrs. I'm, r r,. Mma Keeves B, Mi Hiimlllon .1 I Mrs Henry i. Miss Itees I. Mra. .lotdii.i The total atarHlIng for the men Is us follows'. Mr, ItiitnlmtiKh r'. Mr. Hur ckel !). Mr. Henry :i. Mr. Front 3. In Kilmer I. Dr. Jordan l-L', Mr Kinith 1-2. Hlx mol e tolli iininentH . -w ill playnl in the mrlei and the wlnni-r of Mm gretiiteNt iiiimber of volilt will he awarded the cup. Jl The HI. fecella concert will be given under the direction of Mr "arl Florin at the Battery I'ark hotel Tues day evening, Jan. Dth. The program In one of unusual excellence and inter est and is by request. The c.horue has worked for several weeks rehears Ing the musk- which will be hear') Tuewlay evening. The soloists are Mrs. 0. t Hamilton and Mr, Burnett Jordan. Tho following la tho pro gram: PART KIKOT. I. "Tripping Lightly" .... E. Mariso 3. "Twilight" V. Aht 3v "O Happy Fair," W. Bhleld . Soprano Solo; Selected .. .. ;. .. Mrs. O. C. Hamilton B. "Wakeri, Waken, Pay la Dawning; A. C. Mackenxl I. "Whither", C B. Hawley PART SECOND, 7. Musical Reading, "King Robert of Sicily" Longfellow-Cole Wm. Burnett Jordan PART THIRD. . "O Sylark, for Thy Wing," H. Smart . "O-he- Carlta" R. de Koven to. soprano Solo; detected .. Wm. O. CHamlMon 11. "Thre Fishera" X B. Grant li. "Morning" C. B. Hawley l, "Mltre Mary" ,.C. A. Madrono Mr. Caryl Florlo, Conductor. Ifia Ma Eleanor Klmbarly, Ao companiaU On Wednesday Dec. 23rd, at the 1 1-2 Haywood atreet, Mlaa Mary C. Hcnderaon and Mr. Robert Monteith were united In matrimony, the Rev.iJ H. William officiating. Th Woman's Club will meet to morrow afternoon at J:S0 o'clock at the residence of Mr. Alfred . Barn, ard on Watauga atreet. Two papers will be read bearing on Japan, the subject of the year. The Tahicooate duo gave an Infor mal dance Friday evening at the club rooms on South Main street and Pack Square. Mr. and Mra Heath Carrier chaperooed the following guests, Mias trances Dufour, Miss Fannie Wheeler, Miss Beaumont Haizard, Miss Dora uoe, Mlaa Mary fUlkclcather. Miss Jessie Stlkeleather. Mis Virginia (Irlf- tlth Miller, Mis Emily Campbell. MIbk Ullage Oatea, Mr. Perry Cobb. Mr Wlllurd Northrup, Mr. Kaih Carrier. Mr. Charles Kolwmi, Mr. Lyoin le. Mr. Casslus tindger, Mr. Mulligan Mr. hive, Mr. Willis P. Borne. Mr. I It. Millard. Mr. Sedberry. Mr. Nicholas Beadles uid Mr. Nichols. The annual banquet of the Baruea clasti will 1 held Wednesday evenln j at the Sunday school of the First Pies byterlan uhurch at half past eiht o'clock. Mr Paul Hrown will i toast niwter of the evenUiK. and the tollowliig lixa.MtH will be renpomii il ! What We lln- Done" i;e I loin; ' . . K 'IIIK to II Hi:M What W. llcliil.,., What We An K. All, i ol variety in Standard high as I. L. Jackwm . Kobt. I. Qamon The HillBide convent commences Its second term Jan. lith. and Mother ! Planck requests that the names of the children who are entifed for the re mainder of the school year will send In (heir names as soon as possible as there are a number of applications and I laces taken. There are a number o' hoarders and the rooms will all be oc cupied this term. J J MIkh Kiln a Kills and Mr. Arthur Smith of tfoiilh Carolina were married Wednesday at the hoi f the bride's father on South Main street, hy Uev. I H Williams. The wedding was very quiet and only the memtsTB of the family were present. J J The alllilvcl'Hitrv exi-reines of the n'liaci Hllile ,-law Iflll be held this inorniiiK "t the First Presbyterian liunii ut li :tn o i I,,, k. The following i.i the program for the occasion. I'ltiKlltAM Select Ion by Ha mi ii CJuurtet liiHtallatlon of Officers Inaugural Address hy President Allen Minute Talks b Men who Ho Things Ten Minute Talk by Ir It. F 'anwbe 1 1 Selection hy Haraca Quartet And i l her (iood Things Jt Jt Mrs. Kroinan entertained with whltd pally Friday evening at the residence of Mrs l.lttmnn on Collude street In honor of Mr. Maurice Todes of Oxford, N. C. There were a num her of guests ipresent and rvfreshinenta were served MIhh Freda Brown has Issued Invlla tliniH to ix dame which will be mlven at the Manor Wednesday evening The FurewterN will return the first of the week from their homes where they have spent Ui holidays, Messrs. Uerhcart, Pratt, Euchner and Clarke return to Rldffwood today from Buf falo. Tho Ashevllle school students will return also from eastern and western points In several special Pull man c'Hra, The Bingham cadets have already commenced to arrive after the Christinas vacation. The collegi boy and girls are leaving Ashevllle on ev cry truln for their respective colleges. It will be many weeks before they ro turn for the longest vocation or the yur. ' Jt Jt The Thuredny Bridge club was en tertalned during the week by Mra. trederiek Kent and Mrs. Bryant at the realdence of the latter, At the afternoon service at All Bonis church today Mr. F. F. Harkers an thorn "Culm on tho Listening ear of night" will be repeated by request witn Mrs. O. C. Hamilton and Mr Burnett Jordan as soloists. The fot lowing is th program for the organ recital at five o'clock: I. concerto In G Minor ..Camldgc Adagio, Allegro, Andante, Allegro Jd'lle Kinder . March in B Faulkca a. aurprise party was given vvennosnay evening to Mr. James Mitchell and hla guest, Mr. Grady Adama, of Atlanta, hy the young menu or trie former at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F.' E. Mitchell, on U..t...-., ... wuHuoru avenue, tm evening was apent in playing games and refresh menu were aerved. Thoae present were: Miss Helolse Carroll. Miss Elizabeth Given, Miss Elizabeth Mur phy, Miss Charity Craig, Miss Vlr gin la Williamson. Mlaa Francos Car ter, Messrs. Jamie Mitchell. Orndy Ad ma, lturnor Campbell. Charles Mil- lender. Kenneth and Bonbrlght Given Uftleh Carter and Melvln Carter. Jt Jt Mrs. W. II. linker gave an enter uimmcnt for Miss Kate Dunn, of Knoxvllle, Tenn.. st the Windsor ho let last evening. A 6 o'clock dlnuer was aerved. PERSOVAT. 4 Misa Jessie Stlkeleather to morrow tor HoUlns Institute, Va Miss Mary Stikehalhcr will not return 10 Holllns tor the second term Mr A C, tloodwMi left ycHtrl.iv for Columbia. S c. where hi uilled l the illne:u. ot hs mother. Mr. and Mrs l,o, I. h arm i d .lalenl.iv from New York to join the r l.iuuhter ami aon In law Mi and Mrs. Urjdlc .it the Batterv Park hotel M l ,1 M Bennett i ill I ii k tn A .ii.lihiKton, Mrs . ii i n;i ii and liil-lt. ii iv ho have "I'lc! I coltHgc in Bllliuoic dlll'lllR ihe - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , i arc at o,,, Captain IJulnan has none to J his ship. M'.-- W F. Uollin- vli --it inu licr ,,i i , nts M r. a has heen in. Mrs. It Svve-l Uriel ' "Mins u ill return i II. .; Al'ouday. Mi in, .11,, 'I . r .it I ,.i -n n i ti hi ii i si Mill toi iMt iiq; hi.'i ic - ra I day: : I. Ih ill-- Alexander of lireen- w'li Np, u, Monday in Ashevllle '" i.luiuiin; (,, Woman's college '"lain!. la i" I. It W billow who lias l.ccn hei it,. . ill, a' on North Main ' 1 i ''"ir I v est. i day to her home Midi loll S Miss II A Va! has resigned a " r 1 1 1 1 e ud e 1 1 1 i Tf in- Merrlweather's spital iiii,t taken up her residence Mrs cUe-tlianis. Chailotte street. M iss liege A rnc v loiui.-n-i Kohlnsnn returns w at Columlila to Mtss Myrtle Kollins have r Vliis(..ii-Sai,.m to enter Monday chool Mr Kdwin HsMillg 111 the las returns tc ilrove who has city during the St. Louts to.lii . been holl- Mi eiadle It.dlins leaves tomorrow lor the eastern part of the state to Msil friends. Itecent arrivals at Kenilworih Inn ne Mr J.' c Smith of Siracuse. Air. and .Mrs A. T,. Brown of Oinsha. PILES CI" RED 1ST TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching. Blind Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 day or money refunded. . 60c "What Can Be Done Anniversary Address . Neb . Mr. and Mr. J. T. Richardson of Cincinnati, Mr R- B. Waddcn, of Cincinnati, Mr. A. B. Philip of Cleve land, O. Mr. Tin Cocke returns to Chapel Hill Monday. Mr. Orady A Jains of Atlanta 1 vis iting Mr. Jamje Mitchell at h' home on MoMtfurd Awe. Mr. Jesse R. Law will return Wed nesday from French Lick, Ind., after a t n days absence. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Ellington are visiting their brother Mr. T. J. Perk iiiso st his residence on Woodfln street, after returning from the west where they have been traveling for a month. Miss Florence Angle returns to school to Miss Masons on the Hudson. Wednesday. ) Mrs. Hubert Bingham ol Louisville, Ky., Is exipectiil on Monday to visit Mrs It T. Orlnnnn. Mr Wlllurd Northrup has returned to W liiKion-ijalem after a visit in Ashevllle. Mi" Cleveland Norton has returned from Ijoulsvllle, Ky.. where he h been th- guests of Col. Robert Blr.'ir ham. I Mr l ied Oatus leaves Tuesday for Wash I net on university. Miss Margaret Walden left yester day Tor ynthlana, Ky . after a visit to Mrs. Williamson. Mrs. I(. T, Grlnnan returned frm a visit to Louisville, Ky.. several days. ago. MiB llyrd Henderson returns Tues day to St. Mary's college MIb.i Maude Gudiger leavee Spattauburg on Thursday. for Mr. Charles Laird was exejafjeted yesterday In the city where fie lll spend several days on hlswgy to Washington am Lee. Miss Sarah Jones is visiting friends In Wilmington, ?. Miss Lillian Fletcher, Miss Matnlo Whlttlngton and Miss Margaret Ware return to Converse college Thursday. Dr. II H. Brlgga has returned aft er a brief absence from the city on business and has joined Mrs. Brlgg and his famUS a th Battery Park hotel. Mr. Jack Lisle Is expected to return within several daya from Winchester, Ky., where h npent the holidays. Mr. W. E. Gallard of Sylva edl tor of The Jackson County Journal spent yesterday In the city. Mr- C R- Andrews of New York is In the city for a brief stay. Mr. Henry BJ. Poor left yesterday for hi home In Cincinnati, O. Mr. Jordan 9. Thomas la guest at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. Lei os Dolllw of Belmont Is Ashevllle for several days. in Mr. C. a White was operated on at the Merrlweather hospital Tuesday and Is reported as dolns; well. Mr. Hardy Snsong Chambers leaves tomorrow to enter the University of North Carolina. Dr. Pratt left yesterday for trip to Baltimore. Mr. Garfield Penland (rienda near Weavervllle. Is visiting Mr. F. O. Hartshorn left yesterday for a short trip to Washington. Mr. V T. Carr has returned from a brief trip to Atlanta. Mr. Alexander M. Lazarus who is representative of the Emergency Lab oratories of New York spent yesterday In the city. Miss Annie Laurie Balid returns to Belmont Monday after spending Christmas with her mother. Miss Hattle Scot! and Miss Dorothy schartl return' d from Atlanta vehterday after a weeks absence. Mr and Mrs F F. JUrkcr and Mrs U. B. ytonc leave lor New York Mon- lay w here Ihey w Ul spend several weeks. Mr Thomas S'tlle baa gone to Washington on business Mr. and Mrs I llubhell 'r Chads oga are visiting friends in the , lt A CROWN OF tiliOHY s Well as a Murk of Beauty b. I,u iirlous Hair. It has heen truly said that the i owning glory ot our race is a lux uriant head of hair. It used to he th ught that this was ,,r the blessings which the Rods In stow caprlclousiv . Mnil It Is only re- iilly that scientists have discover', i that its beauty is dependent upon ih, absence of a minute germ which nour ishes In the hair follicles, where It ,!e- slrcys the life of the haR To restore this life and kill tie germs which cans, the mischief is the mission of Newhro s Hrrtiiclde. llerpichle surely kills the germs. and is the best hmr dressing on the market. It contains no grease or oil. nel'her will If stain or dye. Sold by leading druggists Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herbi cide Co., Detroit. Mich. Two slses 50c and 11.00, Seaw, li s Pharmacy, special agents. MISS CRUISE Manicuring and Hairdress- ing Parlor. Hair Goods In all the latest styles. Wavy Switches.- Puns. Crown and Psycho Puffs. Combs. Rureiie, n Toilet Articles. Chiropody, Facial and Scaly Treatment by expert op erators. Combines and cut hir made Into Puffs. Switches and Pompadours. Pliono Id. ' 85 Hai-eimHl Sin-et. Ground Floor. Foul Breath MgiU- Pure and Hwcet By the l"sc of k tuarl's Cliart-oal Ixacngcs. Trial Package Sent Free. Do not go among your friends with a breath so odious as to make yourl piesence distasteful. Foul breath is capable of easy removal If you will a little time to overcome It Generally foul breath comes from one of two causes, impure gases 'or foul digestive Holds. Charcoal is the strongest absorbent ot foul gases kejiwn. It positively at tracts poisons and neutralizes their evil effects. A noted French physician swallowed strychnine enough to kill three men and with a teaspoonful of charcoal re moved the bad effects of this terribly swift poison. A little charcoal In a bed room or cellar will make foul air pure. Pure willow charcoal mlyl with honey are the component parts of Stuart's filar ial Lozenges, and pure breath Is the result of their use after meals. Sim ply dissolve two or three after meal and at bedtime and foul breath flees once. io muuer now you cauiw these gases, whether by bad food, al cohol or abuse of the stomach, Stu art's Charcoal Lozenges will stop ga making end sweeten the breath. They are perfectly harmless and the eating of a box w uhl cause you no Inconvenience whatever. Charcoal Is hard to prepare for the stomach because it must be strong and pure, and most people will not take It unless made palatable. Stuart's inim itable process presents charcoal to the taste and system In all the nicety dial red- Choice virgin willow Is burnt into desirable charcoal; this Is mixed with pure honey, and he combination la compressed under tremendous power Into a lozenge of great pleasantness and efficiency. DonV let your baJ breath make pe- plr cross the Htrect te avoid fou; go to the nearest drug store and buy ft box of Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to day and eat what you will. Two or three after the meal will sweeten your breath at once. If you 'want jiroof of this fact send us your name and ad dress and we will send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. 200 Stuart BUlg., Mar shall. Mich.. Mrs. Rosa F. Monnish, I M. D. i SPECIALTY DIBSKASEtl Os" WOMKN. All diseases treated. . First class accommodation. Long distance Phone Ivy' 134.1. Atlanta Phone S27. Offices at residence. 349 -Pearh'tre et.. eor Forrest Ave., Atlanta. MMHHMMMMMTMM SVe want you to JUDGE J .:ThoJ.mei-ourt.SK 4 ! (Man Coal by burning a ton of I i it. It Is free from slate, rock I ; and dirt. 's ' Carolina Coal & ! Ice Company rHONE 130. D.ilMcKINNON 7 tattoo Avenue Over Redwood's Store.) ladies and Genllemens TAILOR M. WEBB Millinery Importers No. Battery prk Place, Pbooe 1044 Ashevtlle, N. V. I,.:M..S AMI tii:XTI,.;,MKN. V keep your clothes eleaneil, ni-oiifc-eil uml juesse.l at sninll vinsl. "Itus il)p for you." Queen City Dyeing and ( Cleaning Works 11 Ctiort-lt ISfrect. Iionc 2110. e sen li e laicsl pt),s of Winter Hats cheaper than you can huy them from the hlK Iuaji order housos. Paris Millinery . SOmiMAIX STRKET. The Ashcvillc School ol Music and Dramatic Art THB AUDITORIUM Pbooe 244. SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlors, room 10 Paragon Bldg. Phone 7. We make a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything in Hair Ooods and Hair Dressing Switches and Puffs mad from your combing. : La Grecque Corsets. . : For every type of figure. : GREENE & CO., : 12 Church Street r mm fPandsome . ,. of press (goods :, ' ' ' '' i:....i''':. 3 ' :"' Having just taken stock.of our Dress Gdodi, t wo invite you to inspect' our lino. , - Our stock at proenf is' in 'ujuiutrli, better ' condition than ever before' Although we' sold more than formerly there are, very few. short lengths on hand. ' "' ' '. . The assortment coniin'ises IJroud Cloth in all colors. Chevron ('loth, Serges, Panamas, Nun's "- Veiling, etc. ' " ': .-..'j,?'-.'- ;.l,::H.i'-"",r '-.-V-. .'-''. Chevron Cloth in all colors, 48 inches wide, . , . - ? .'f 'r ior.ipi.uu to ifi.-w yarn. .Merges m all colors, 3G to 54 inches wide, for 50c to $1.50 yard. . ' ' 4 ' " 1 . Panama in all colors, 48 inches'- wide,- for $1.00 to 1.5() yard. - - " " i f lJatistc in assorted shades, 3G to 43 'inches wide, for 50c to $1.00 yard. . V I -' ' Broad Cloth, this line is our leader; 54 inches wide, for $1.00 to $5.00 yanl . ' ' - ' Shan Tung Cloth in all colors, ;5Q 'inches ' wide, for $1.25 yard. f 1 ' t--5 ' ' ' i jit -'-.i' : .:. Delightful Display ofJilks ' Our constant im is to serve" Dairy JProduetif-Hthe- Mghest qualify, absolutely guarantee all our products and are glad of an opportnn-. , ity to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. k, But', we ' try to maintain such a high "standard that everything will be highly SATISFACTORY, and we believe we are succeeding. 1 " '".5 ' In addition to MILE and CREAM we make a spec- ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER' and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. ' Our prices are reasonable and our service prompt and courteous. May Ave not serve- youi " fc t?:- Ashevllle Pure Milk Company- PHONE SS4. "i ;r.V- ' " H OLIVE OIL When uswl for uiedirinal purpose should be of absolui? imrit v. We have it in both OWNBEY'S 25 Montford Ave. VVatclr SIpcclSI A good 20-year guaranteed case with American movement for $9.00. Oth ers from 15.00 up.' J. E. CARPENTER Jeweler, 51 BRITON AVF. tTTERPHONEidSfi f ASHEYJLLE RC. INDIA IINONS, PERSIAN LAWNSi FRENCH LAWNS AND r WASH CDIFFONS ..tJ AVe have some excellent values in the above goods, Iwuplit while at their lowest prices. - . ' Iiulia Linous at 10ct 12Jc, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c and. 35c yd. ' TVrsian Tiwns at 15e, 20c, 25c, 30up to 50c yd. V French Lawns at 25,301, 35c and 40c rd." - '-T nasi; t'iii lions at 40. -i-iV.- I --''M- ,&ss.-::JV.- M W.: . - i - . ' ' : . ' Jtssortmanf ' J" - clean' and sweet. 'We French and Italian. ...... . ,... Plione 56. IX I'aUon Aremm 50c ami 7.x yd .t

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