THE AHHHVILIJj CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7,4903 2 B I so:ciety 1 'l Pl, fi.llnulm- t til -r. liriK ;.. .-mini "I hem lit i'iilcrlBirini-iii kiwi tiiintl- at lh,. llulrl VU-M is ! i.rlnt. .1 fi i - V..-1. 'I' i .,f r.riiil ilnl. 3 HQ , "in The entertainmi til is iinl'im- :' l.inmn-iil " distinct denurtiiie fi'Uii the r.iiiMii jt ft Itonal rntertulnm.-ntM Kiven iisimlly 1-r Tin f..ll.,iiiK muu lis -rc Charity. The following Is tit.- a" "rut ;' i ' "I 5 fliiv in' fFnm the t.ress: i ""l n.l. nl mi.l boanl u...., i,. rlalnmf nl In IJ nt th model flat' wm aiven j.'st.-r.l... at the Plum, at which John r..h lt,k.ll tiu..,l on 'Tim r'nlhli's. an l Vurhelown of th I'sat : or. A Hesum- Of the Woman of Versailles luiniu! thn Eighteenth Century.' Mr. am"M ttmmA a, life-sized ttgutu in the i "Htuin nf the nerlod. "As Mr. Al'bott les rlbed the Infln- nt Ihr, different women, from Mme. do Malntennn to Hone' M Consult enclosed Klip, he changed the costumes on the llmirc I It. S V. P. ' explaining- the whyn anil wherefores Hoard of TrtiMtrra. Mth Miwnhll hits about the viir - Inns women urnier consideration and'n Tnrker, vlie-ohnlruisii. Ashevllle. amusing; anecdotes of that period. "It miut bp admitted that tho struct ure of fklaw hair uliown quite exceeded ; the enormous pompadour of our alio a-lrl, being- aeventy-two Inches hluli, and that tho simple straw hnt lllustrai In thoao worn at Trianon by MiirlefW. raison. Charlotte; Mrs. A. U Co Antolnetta would throw In tho ahad" an Merry Widow hat of the lant sea on, whlla ths extravairancea In pari lora, shortness of skirt, and laeed-lu tralsta havo sine then cortalnly nvr bn eaualed. ' "One headdress shown u a fae Intllt of'ona built for Marie Anto inette wtien her royal husband as cend e a the throne of France. This touching atruoturs combined throe entimenta, one. of grief at the for tner Klnf death, shown In a email cypres tree at one side of the coif fure; white In the front and at the . left while bands ot rtiournlns; bhua vent beneath it There1 was a horn of plenty pourtnf forth flower and fruit typifying ith then Xing reign, while back of the whole and towering over it rose the Queen' favorite national - doe or at Ion, th plume of Austria in delicately tinted ostrich tip. "The talk also covered the period from Hit and Ixul XIV as an arbi ter ec fashion nd treated of the extravagance of the origin of the 1m Grande faadea to 1700 and Mme. 4e Malntenon, -with her falbalae; next cam 1718, with th Regency and the Introduction of panlers; 172, Intro ducing Louis XV, and Marie Itln ka and powdered hair; then 1731 and 1748, With the great panlers and Mme. d Pompadour. Next came 1700 and Mm, du Barry, and the coming or Leonard, the hairdresser; followed by Marl Antoinette and the "pour de entlment"! 1774 and Bose Berln, with ' the fete at Versailles; 1778, with Its Jeweled shoe and short skirts, oh, so short, to show them; 1778, with Trlanan and straw hat, closing, 1788 end 179J. - "Lawrence Butler sang some de lightful old. French chanson at inter val, and after the performance tea wa served by member of the Com tnitte of fit, Cteorge'a City Missions. "In addition to th model flat at 30 Stanton street, where children am taught correct housekeeping, the ml Ion' committee also supports and run a kltolien garden, a day nursery la Broome street, visits tho blind and j aged at lllackwell'e Island, and hn s Sunday school for feeble-minded ulr li on Randall's Island, The executive committee of fit George's City Missions committee Ih - made vp at tho Misses Husan H. Mills Juliana Cutting, Dorothy II. Merryloen. Margaret V. O rebel, Marlam Burbank, Ruth Ashmore, Helen Howard, Mrs. John Qreonoubh Is honorary v4eo pros- Ident j, a , '"The Usher who afterward servej . : tea, were all In quaint eighteenth ren- ; tury costimves, some long, some short, and all wore powdered hair or white , wigs, and made charming pictures. ,' .., "Amor them were tho Mlt.e Duane, Lynde. Illntnn, Burton. Cun ningham, and 'Gardiner, also the MIhs es the Mlseesl-hI!Ps7h WIRDLUH RI) ea Adelaide Bpoffnrd, Ruth Ashmore, -' lone Page, HI Is Ire Sooysmlth. loro- thy Tnler, Paulino Wells, Kram-es Henry, and others. 'The patronesses lurludcil Mrs. Richard Irvine, Mrs. Townseml AmIi- ... more. Mrs. Reeve Merrltt. Mm. .1 It Tlerrlman. Mrs. A. P. I Union. Mrs n. W. TVIckor8ham. Mrs. I,. . Cbsplu, Mr. W. If. Hlrtkhead. Mrs. W. Lan- ". man Bull. Mrs. J. Plerpont Morgan. Special Discount Sale of SEPARATE COATS 25 Per Cent Redactions on All We have a large nuinlier of separate Coats ranging in price from $15 to which are reduced uniformly for this Sale one-fourth. llicre arc many .styles of tinted ami Coats; satin, self and hut ton trimmed; in long, short and medium; black, tan, grev mixed weavw; covert, h, kersey, and noveltv cloflas. This Bale includes some ri reduced from $85 and $lf0 to M. V. M00RE WOMEXT5 OrTI TTTER. 11 ration Are. u IJ1I5 ' linn r m f ; I i 1 1 : .-imil h iiikI ill ll - -f Tin- riiizii I.Hllr .n . r...l-i Ii. -ii. L.tlnnlliK lo 'Mil nl III'' illl-r- tnisti'K .if till- MtmieiViill .lm ksoli .Mmii.mI TrHlnlliK 1nlm.tri;il m-U I n- -i 'I. N. '. respr. tirull in vll" yon lo I" l.n Mi lit M. untax. hiniia rv .1 I . !!'!. "I n 'thowr of lloin. Iml.l I'ir lushing' lo ! Ii-M In one . ""' l.jil1inc reri-ntly iwl of th 'il nml t'. Imve oih nlns. January !!"!. for the rerrplliin of wiiywnrd ami unr.irtumitc lioyn. i Any hour from Ii:.1 A M. tu 4:3'l 1 J P. 0k. rhnlrniHii, I'linniM: .1. II A. tlnystpr. secretary. Rnlelirh; 1. H. I 'oltrane. treasurer. Concord; t'eas nr Conv, Greensboro; Jno. J If la i r. Wilmington; Tt. O. Kverett, Diirliam; Mrs. M A. Jackson, Charlotte; Mr. W. II. 8. Hurifwyn. Wrldnn; Mrs, t i "I". Htatesvlll-; Mrs. I. T. Cooper Henderson; Mrs. W. N. Ileynolds, Winston; Mrs. O. P. Erwln, Morgan- ton; Miss Tasdale HIibw. Rockingham. Waiter Thompson, Miiperlnlendent. NuairCHtlvA List. nneets, H4xo inches, pillow cases, 18x87, Inches, bed spreads, size of sheets, blankets, etxe of sheets, towels, dollies, table covers, 8 Teet end tl Inch es, combs, brushes, blacking brushes, shoe polish, wash cloths, buckets, tub, pans, mirrors, wihlsk brooms, foot mats, brooms, laundry soap, bander chiefs. J Jt Miss Lalnge Dales will entertain with a box party Saturday afternoon at the rand Opera house to witness Mrs. Burnett well known play, "Lit tie Lord Fauntloroy." J J me lamer gnu tournament was played yesterday afternoon at the country club and there were a num ber of entries. The scores yesterday were a follow: Miss Nan Ijcade 74, handicap 18, net us. Mrs. Frailer !, handicap nothing net 81. Miss Ethel Reeves 76, handicap 18 not 81. k Mis Maude Hamilton 100, handicap 27, nemi. Miss Barker 100, handicap E2, net 78. Miss Mead won five points. Mrs. Fraxer two point and Miss Reeves two point. The standing up-to-date is a follows, Mr. Fraser sevien points. Mis Meade, five and a half polnts.Mles Hamilton three points and Ml Reeves two and a half points. The ladles' tournament will be played hereafter on Tuesday Instead of Wednesday Baturday theu susl mixed tournament will be played and It Is requested that those who wish to play will make their entries with Dr. Paul Ringer, .4 Jt A box party was given hy several aiemberH of the younger set yesterday afternoon Ht the (Irand Opera house to witness "The Wolf." The members of the parly were after the matinee Invited to tea which was served at I he Muh cafe. The KiieHtw weir Ml,, Mary Hllkclenlhnr. Miss Lillian Weaver Miss Adelaide liuKliriiii. Ml Kleauor 1 jimberteon, MIhb Lalage nates uu.l MIhs Florence 1 ji mlierteon. The Hwnnnanmi Rchoknh lodge No. 37 I. O O. n. V. will meet In rcgitlnr session on Thnrmlay evening nl the lodge rooms on Church street and will have In Installation of nfflceVx. Visiting llebekahs are cordially In v.lted. ItefreshmentH will l.n nerved nl the close of the meeting. .8 M The Friday Hook club will meet this week at the resilience of Mrs. Smith. UiO lllllnlde stin t and several papers will be read having as their subject "Charles IHcKens and hi.4 work" The .Searchlight of ( Ireenvllle, Tenn. of recent date eontnltieil the follow Inn article which will be nf Interest to the friend.', of Mim. Hnmtlc Jean Hrow n in this city. 'Miss l.ii.y Piper enter tnlned Infornmlly though dellghtfnll at her home on Maine street We.l nesdny evening with n 41! party In lion semi-fiitted all lengths and fauev It and handsome fur iff;:;. 75 and $75.00. oab or of her guest Miss Bonnie Jean Brown of Ashcvlllc, N. C. Tlie ni- tlr lm MrSl r lo-wer lloor was prettily decorated c'lllslers of holly and mistletoe and potted llowere. Ai the condnslon of the game a dainty shol course iras rve, the guests at the card tshlen " .4 Jt Mow Maliel Wolfe e;,i, a dance ai i he iiHldenie ol her patents Mr. Shd Irs W. ' Wolle on ;;pru stre.l I'iieHtl:i ev.iiitiir. An or'hestra of elrlnged Instruments furnished the inutile ntol refreshments were serwd by Utile Misses loulne and Marie Weslall Miss Wolle'M guests were: Mr. and Mrs ro. (tett Westall. th Miiises Vaughn ot Hillnmre, MIh.i KatiietiiK Crosby of f'Hiitori, Mihm Kathleen Junes of 1'andl'T. Minn Mar tha Itowe of Concord, Mlin .Myrtle Westall. MIhs Nutl-i Iteynolds. Mis, Tflanihe Williarnii. MlfK Israel. Ml .k liarnet Williams. Mos Jones, Utile Misses Louise and Marie Westall. All man Joneti. f'hrc t'ook. Morgan Mm it li . Harold Outer. Fred Sl llalpli Parker. Mr. spears. John Coop er. IIoimI I'.atnse.v ami Leslie CardlT. Jt Jt Several theatre parties will nttend the concert given by the ladles' Or chestra at the Auditorium tonight. ,4 v4 The wedding of Miss Ulanche Pons anil Mr. Itiifus J. Woodcorke wh'ch occurred Tucsilav evening at the home of the bride In Jacksonville was an noiinced yesterday hy telegram to the friends of the young couple In Aehe- vllle. Miss I'ons has visited In this city for several summers and was one of the most popular members of tbe younger set during her visits. Miss pons engagement to Mr. Woodcock was announced to her friends Inst summer and the wedding was not un expected. Mr. Itufus Woodcocks Is the son of Mrs. J. K. Wondcocke and Is one of the most deservedly popular young men In the city. Miss Pons Is the daughter of Mr. F. I. Pons a prom inent citizen of Jacksonville, and Is a member of one of the leading fam ilies of Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Wood cocks are at present at Palm Beach and will shortly return to Ashcvlllc where they will visit for a time Mrs. J. K. Woodcocke. Jt Jt A dance was given In connection with the semi-annual Installation of officers by Junalueca Tribe No. 88, Or der of Red Men, at the hall on Houth Main street lust night. Among those who enjoyed the evening were Misses Carroll, of Illinois, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark and Mr. Carl Folmet. PERSONAL 8J Mrs. McLaren left yesterday for Myers, Fla. Miss Ixltle Hherrlll has returned from a vImII lo friends In Washington, (la. V Mr. R. A. Robertson of Louisville, Ky. Is a visitor to ARhevllle. Mr. Lane Gaston leaves today with his father, Mr, R. J. (iaston for Rui- elgh where he expects to hold a posi tion a calendar clerk during the leg islature, after which he will return to Trinity college at Durham. Miss l laor Artie of Old Fort spent Tuesday in the city on her way to Knoxvllle where she will attend the university of Tennessee. Miss Mabel Wolfe haves the latter part of the week for Klngsport where Nhe will teach music. Mr and Mrs. F. lliihhell have ru turned to Chattanooga after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Itollins Miss Martha Howe of C miord visiting friends in Ashevllle. Miss Kose and Mlms Lily Pnllerhnm who have spent Christmas with their parents Mr and Mrs. II. Battel hum have returned to the state normal col lege at ( li cenahoro. Miss Kulherltie ( Yostiy of Candler In visitor in the city. Judge Ceoige A. Hhuford Is regis tered at (he hotel Woodnard. New York cltv Miss Annie Thomns and Miss I'lalre Williams of Klyria, New York are guests at the Mattery Park hotel Mr Rev Howland is In the city for several days. Mr. A. P. Gilbert of Imrham Is In the city for several duvs tin business Mr It. A. (tu, , ner of Uonnolic Va is a ilt,,r h, the cltv. Mr It .1 Thomson has returned to ixlnutoii alter n brief slay In th Mr m.-nt l'ledeii. Vi Clinks of Charlotte lost. rday in the city. Mrs A. c. Itrhlges and son who Is i lllngham cadet are guest at Ih HiHIery park hotel. Mr n. ill the l 1 1 'il. ,,f Chat lotte city for several das Ml. L. !' .chelver and Mr. .1. 1 liemhert l the Southern railroad arc Ml the city for II lutcf M ay. Mi .lames L. Alexander Is , pe. .-,l lo i. turn from lin linionil. today "li.'e he went to secure the Hotel Men's convention for Ashevllle Mr ,t. K. Norton editor of The N- Vork Sunday World, who Is reniem t-ered l many f rlend.Oi.T.'. went t.i Southern Italy two weeks ago on a pleasure trip iiperinlen.i-nl llosw.-H ,.f t,,. M,,r. pin division of the Southern railroad ' l the .It! for a brief slay. 'Mr. Kohcit Sample of Ml.- sp. nl Tuesd.n In the to Oavidson rolleev. Henderson clt on his Mr William M Hi ow n or einclnnai i In the i lly on hu: lner." Mi i-i.irrnee . Smith of High r,.tnt " in tlie rilv for Reernl davs. Mi William R. Kmhrv nnr of the l-a hug rorrehaett or lAinotim. Kv.. who has Wn viHltiag his bister Mrs. I' i k We:liron Victoria rond rei.or. d vester.lav to his home Mr Kmhry was enthusiastic over the climate and natural beauties of Ashevllle anil ex Hcts lo return at an early date to again visit his Bister. Mr. and Mrs.' ft. A. Mn'ormy of Shelby are In Ashevllle for s few duh. Mr. K. C Lisle or "WlneTiester, Ky . Is in the rlty for several days. Mr. M. L. Justice of Marlon, s in Ashevllle on business N. t Mr. It. W. lilngham has returned to Louisville after a visit to Col and Mrs. Hifigham at Bingham heights MIks Lottie Harbin has rei'irned to Statesville after a visit to Mrs. W. ' Frank. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wing of Erie, Pa , are gueota at th Old Kentucky Home. Mr.' 1 1. '. ievlm has returned to Chattanooga after a short stay In the city. W. .1. Htaplcs. who has been In Ashei'llle since Ihoember 10 on bubl nes expects to leave for Hl hmoiid tomorrow. Leon Whltlotk I expected from New York Saturday. back Motile Crlsto tonight at The Orand. THK LA DIRS OF SAINT JOHN'S MISSION, FAST erRRKT, Will bold weeklv sales of prepared foods, commencing , -Saturday, Jan uary !ith, from two till six p. m., at the store of Hmathers It Young, North Pack Hqunre, where cap be found Home Made Bread, Rolls, Plea and Cakes of all kinds. Tonight Monte Crlsto at The Grand. ROOSEVELT? SHAKES THE BIG- STICK IN FACE OP THE SENATE ((Continued .from first page.) To nonapnrtc. "Hon. Ohnrlee J Bonaparte, Attorney General, "After sending this letter ! was ad vised orally by the attorney-general that In his opinion no sufficient grounds existed for legal proceedings against the steel corporation and that tbe situation had been In no way changed by lis acquisition of the Ten nessee Coal and Iron- company. "I have thus given to the senate all the Informntlon m the possession of the executive departments which ap pears to rue to be material or releve- lent on the subject Of the resolution. I feel bound, however, to add that 1 have Instructed the attorney general not to respond tothat portion of the resolution whleH Call fo,r sitemcnl for his reasons for Hoa-gcHon.; I hae done so because A do'lot11sonee!ve It to be wlth'ln the authority of he sen ate to give direction if this charac ter to the head of aft executive de partment, or to demerit), frntti him reasons tor hi Ktien.Vf.'Jfl.'Of th' executive department are ublcct to the constitution ah to: e1aVB pass ed by congress and tfl Hb, directions of the president, but to nO;Uler direc tion whatever. j (Signed.) 9 "THEODORE ROOSEVELT ' The White Houoe. January , 100 I fiFE TROt in.ES IN MAINE. Ilolman Day, In hl.s recent Harper novel, King Spruce, sketches some striking phases of th. troubles of lumlier operators or slumpage-lmyers at the hands of stu in pane-owners The owners use their power to fix rates and to put In I h. ir own men to meas ure 'mil t, tlx the tolls The logs are measured three times. The first time Is when the logs are cut and piled, the stumpagc-owner allows for no tractions, and gives the benefit of ev cry fraction to th,. owner. The secon, iiH ii-iiremeiit Is to assess .the driving tolls. ihe third Is In the sorting I'oonis In the last measurement when tbe logs are to be sold. The mens ur rs diduct every I ra. lion. That Is when- !l0 4 would be 101 In fhe Urst measurement. It would he 100 In the second. Also. If the cutter has tried to get the most out of the trees and has cut off the top high up. the sys tem of measurement nmkes him pay the owner more, and he obtains no more when he sells, and has the cost f hauling the extra weight. It has b-eii illllicolt to obtain testimony be cause the operators have ben afraid to testiry. but Mr Oay's "King Spruce" hns called public attention snew to this Injustice The matter Is 'o be made an Issue in m.xt winter's meeting of the legislature. Tonight Monte Crlsto t The Grand. Good Fire Wood Phone 28.1. A ltITI,VU LAMENT. Where Would .k IoIv i If Oim- M as .iii( for the sin., ,,f otlH-rs? . 1 trle.1 nne nf th .se hair tunics smiienme iir.i nml it M, ver did me a hit of Rood." That's what ninny i. ..pie sro s.iv hiK t.idny when Ih.y refuse Uerplcldc trial. It "onld he ns s, ns,i,e to sav "I never travel on a rsilr .Hd beesttse t often see collisions mentioned In the papers." Neuhrn's llerplelde is specially made to destroy the e. rni that is liv ing on the roots of y.nn hair. That Is why It Is so exceedingly ef ficacious - It is there f.., the sole pur pose or rlddltiK the hair of this par asite (rron-th. after which the hair grows as nature Intend, ,), Sold hy leadtnc rtrueRlsts, Srnd in,, in stumps for sample to The Hrrpt elite C.... Iietroil. Mich. Two sizes Mi,- and Keawclls I'hurniaev spe- lal aijents. Smoked Norweigan Sardines In Olive Oil Are a splendid Relish aud Appetizer 20 OWNBEY'S 25 Montford Ave. NEGRO ATTEMPJS... " - - CRIMINAL ASSAULT Wounds Sheriff, is Captured and His Lynching by En raged Citizens Follows. (By Associated forest.) LEXINGTON. H. C, Jan 6 One of the moat . brutal crime" that haj ever shocked the peop'e of Lexington county, occurred about four miles north of here, tonight. An unknown negro attempted to i criminally assault Mr. Thomas Win gard, wife of a most highly respected farmer It is reported here at 9.::0 o'clock that the negro had been cap tured and that Sheriff P. H. Corley has received a bullet wound In the leg from the negro's weapon. Those returning from the scene re fuao to Bay anything about the cap ture and It Is safe to say that the negro has been lynched. Mrs- Wlngard, who is 53 years old.! was In her hack yard when he negro seized her. Bhc screamed and the negro ran off, her husband being In ii nearby lot at the time. News of the affair spread like wildfire and It was not long before the entire neigh borhood was aroused. Shi-riff Corley was notified and left immediately with bloodhounds to capture the ne gro. Mrs. Wlngard Is said to be In a highly nervtis state and is under a physician's care tonight. jmorc iioni) dies. (By Associated Press.) , WASHINGTON, Jan. e Htrlcken with heart disease, Judge Frank Dotld, 58 years old, of Stafford coun ty, Virginia, died ou"tlenly this morn ing at the Congress Hall hotel. Tonight Monte Crlsto at The Grand. Headaches ant Neuralgia from Colds. LAXATIVE FIKOMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy re move cause. Call for full name. Look for signature tt. W. GROVE, 25c Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden 6 Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every yearuntil we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is tho beet of ovidrnce as to Che superior qual ity of Wood'a Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog and monthly "Crop Special" have done more to encourage diversified farming and profi table market-growing of vegeta ble crops than any other similar publicatioiia. r If you want the best and most profitable crops, Plant Wood's Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog and monthly "Crop Special," mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Rlohmond, Va. D.R.McKINlVON 7 Patton Avenue Over Redwood's Store.) Ladies and Gentlemens TAILOR r MISS CRUISE Manicuring and Hairdress ing Parlor. Hair Ooods In ail the latest styles. Wavy Switches, nns, Crown and l'syche ruffs, Comhs, Barettes and Toilet Articles. Chiropody, Facial and Scalp Treatment by expert op. eratofa. Comhinprs and cut hair made Into Puffs. Switches and Pompadours. Phone IS. J5 najwood Street. Ground Floor. CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic adjustments (treat ment) has been endorsed hv c,,,Vern ors, many C. s. u, state Senators and thousands of citizens ,.f other stales as hcinR tlie most advanced and modern method In rcmovinc alui..r m.tlllles or diseases that the human body is heir to. We court Invrsticallon. Incurable cases our specialty. dr. c. v. murrnv and dr. j. a MA THIS, CHIROPR.CTORS. Iffal BMg. 8outh of FVmntaln rhone Ml. Ashexille, N. c. The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art TUB ACDITOIUTTM Phone 9 44. cents the can. Second Pay of the Remnant Jale Every day we are adding to our remnants no 6n sale. Yesterday many people Came to this sale and bought of these remnants for the eame reaspti that, would pay you to buy because the goods placed on Kale lirre are real values. ' ;T Some of the new remnants that will be put , in with the lot today are of : Serges, Broad Cloths, Outings, PercalesYj' Silks and Batistes. - ' - . . These mnants will be sold at 33 1-3 jer cent re duction on the regular price; ' :': Ainen Jorchon ace 5c yard : Have you been in and viewed tlie line of Torchon Laces that we we are selling for 5c yard. If you have seen them you have purchased of them for "no woman, no matter how little she needed them , at present, could withstand the temptation of buying at this price. Linen and Cotton Torchon Lace as long as it lasts for 5c vard. , v . ' Jwj. Coats and Skirts at One JhirdOjf bra Watch JSpeiJiiail A Rood SO-year guaranteed case with America moTeawnt tar $9.00n Oth ers from $5.00 op. ., '.-,':'?.; ifi jr. E. Jeweler. Our constant aim is to. serve Dairy Products of ;! tho highest quality, absolutely clean and swect;f Wo guarantee all our products and arc glad of an opportun ity to redeem anything found unsatisf actory. "tBtit we try to maintain such a high standard that evcrythjg will be highly SATISFACT0EY, and we believe we ar succeeding. , ,' '' '"."'-''' In addition to MILK and CREAM wc make a: spec ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. Our prices are reasonable and pur Bervice. prompt and courteous." May we not serve you t - t " Asheville Pure M. WEBB Millinery Importers Yo. Battery rarfe Place, Phone i44 AshevUle, N. O. SKINNER & HUNTER Hair brvssliiK Tarlors, room 10, Paragon DhlK. Phone 67. We maks a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything in Hair Goods and Hair Dressing, Switches and Puffs made from your combined. La Grecque Corsets. . For every type of figure. GREENE & CO., 12 Church Street. We sell the latest styles of Winter Hats cheaper than you can buy them from the big mail order houses. Paris Millinery 7 SOUTH MAIN STREET. 51 BffTON'AVEmBETTER phONE:336 ASHEVILLE N.C. INDIA You had better buy your The nicest quality at 10 : i lt-jjig ume, ana its going '!.! ' . , .-I- , ...... Lonjr Cloth SiKvial at 80c It latoi(l Arcane. Kl.l Jot. Milk Company .....JPHONBI SH' - :...- CORSETS CLEANED. We can take a badly soiled corset and clean and freshen it until almost good as new. Prices-reasonable." Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works 11 Church Street. I'non SI 10. 5& -f MOT 2 That's what every f body says who uses M., J t & W. Indian Coal. Carolina Coal & Ice Company : .... ..rnOJfE.130., ,.:;.ifev I millllHlHIMHHMHi LINONS India Linons now. and 12c you have seen in': last. ' i v ' liolt, worth 1.25! ,l jt';' il.'. :.(,; I - Phone 56.

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