THE ARITEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1909. Porry have returned from the ''an' mid ii r wieids nl tin- HiiK'-ry Park II Hi. i l;i.. .. w (. led In .illy I mm Kentucky, whore I I , H U hotel o to; rurll; . M I jj if (j i. if ti I M' ,; ''"tler-ll j. ...... of rtl.lgcl. v TJr b Z Jaatm JSL li ' v"'h- pending time iih Mi. IM-, .., . '. . ,.r i'!.rk-i III. , "L t--h ;lu i iL t h L i . -. i immm T'l.ii . I i. -1 i . i- .. l dins t.i the . .ly. itu'"-; Mr- Mi .1 A Murphv and I M.-1 Murphv, Ti.... v M, iui'l Air I ii-. i,.- II. dill-v, of Ci.ui.l ills. K. H Hills'. I. I 'in. iniihtl, Ml li;i.i.l . M,.i. i In lie- . ilv mi hi.-l- I. Ill'" J'. 'l!llUtlS, - H . " I ' ' , All llfr.-: I f ;"VC ,n Mis M.rv llc.oh",,,,. f Salisbury. "'.." A' "' "" " lrn"r"' 1 Walling MliB Ami" VI at i In. Minn l?.in,el'..i I n im n. .ml. mIi.i I" 'Ihltlng li. r r..u Mi .l.ih.i Cniv. - ford, ill M.lupliii. Ims I..-, ii .Mi ll i.i y nl' Tl.i in. (1 anting hr w.-.-i. I Til" Wedding nf M.b Irene. K. SI III' fend Mr William Overi-ush, of 'i.ii IMtrrt, .1' 'urnil wslirday ut m h resbl' n - .f Mm. A. 1.. Pens., in Victoria 'I'll" ccleinony wns pcrlorm jed by r llickok and Ir. (Jilli. ii T. i ,JUv.e There were no an. ml, ml-. jJTlin parlor ua beautifully decor. it.d and tho eeremony took plum under p. belle of evergreens, an,j w.;(1, )(r(.. dd by the playing of McndlsHhon t wedding march. Miss Kcstl.r bus ' fnade her homo with Mrs Prim.. since childhood and during lo-r profession 1 career ns trained niJiw h won " the rfnp.'c t and udrnlrallun of nmn r of friond In this city. Mr 'iv. r fcsuh It onnfrt-d with one of tin )ari!f't liicrcuntllo rnlnlilinlini.-iilH in Concord itnd nci;upl- the offlrliil po ttlon of county treaeuror. A liinrh orf followed fho curcrnoriv. t which number of guest were Invited, and afterward Mr. end Mr. Ovrreiixh eft,for brief hnneymonn in tho rmi They will he at hoino at 31 Worth Bpllnir utreft, Concord, ftcr January 16lh. The anriouncf-riiiTii ' rda Wfr ittmtii by Mm. Venue and , were rcoeivd yentcrday. f MIh Anna Carmlchaol entifrtaln.'d Wltn a "five hundred" party Wednea My afternoon la honor of Ml Mnry Urndwon, who 1 tha gue'at of Mlt Anne Martin. f Mlm CVrmlclmol'i! nwHtt w.r Mlm Wnry HenUeraon. MIm Anno Martin Wla Plortno Warnard. Ml Vlralnl Urifflth Miller, Mlm Ueaele J-ee, Mla SAUoa DrvenlBh, Mlaa nnbecca Ctih nan, M a Aanea Carter, M1m Nnll Ford, Mir Elizabeth Hamaey, Mlm tteiea cnaoman. Mina Lucv Redwood Mlaa Battle Site and Mla Therma Chapman. Mr Iliaih Carrlrr entortalnei! the Embroidery elrcla Wodnesday after noon at her renldence on . I.llwrty atreot Mr Carrier mteata ' were Mr Brewater Phllllpa, Mra, William Tbompson, Mr, ilurlc Erwln. Mr. tame NHho's. Mra, I. W. Moore, Mr. 3. tvlMtfi, Parker, Mr. Fred iveni b jura, it;uermaii , Ml Nellie Hennel will entertain tnrormall.r Friday evening at the reel dene of her father. Dr. M. ft. tin . el. on V'uodfla treet. The Ahvlle membere of the Phi Mu Kororlfy wUI neet thl afternoon . at the reMdtince of Mlaa Opal Brown on Monuora avenue at four o'clook for th p irpot of formlnt on alumni chapter; Th tftUona conyentlon of me rnj jwii oronty win be ht'ld In Aahevlllj ut tha Manor tha lat weak of Jiute. The Aahevtlle tnemberi of no ooroniy are Mm,! waiter Taylor, -Miw,ifiric Barnard. M aa cni ftrown. Mtaa Ellaabeth Ramaey. Mlaa ivaia Kieitota, Mlea Serena Valley and Mlaa Myrtl ftollina. Itattrry rark hill, althouiih It le aurroundt rt by realdonce and Ih In tha thlckiy populated porting of the .city, aeema to attract an Intereetlna aaortmeiit of nnlmala and bird that usually avnhl titles. Several mommas V aa Mr. Nettlm of the Battery Park , oe va,-nt a larne poasum which ; wa ambling' down the hill, aubareni .: !y obllvloua to the fact that he was wunm the ctty Timlta. He hod made a den under the umrrnir houne on : h bl.t. . m 1.11, .. .. . .... m wio mu ana naa evidently been tn rw-iljonee for om time. The little ow took posneiwlon of the hill far eome weeks, and one that Hew into the room of a miest Im now mount, ed proof of hie former appenrnm-e. Tha aqultrels have multiplied rapidly and are very genllo It has bocn u. geated that a pair of peacocks ho placed In the grounds. Thev are verv ornament 1 and .frequently become ulTtolcntly senile to awept food from the band. MIM V..IIII lie' Su . in h llle I'.. i . TlUll IH .1..'. viHlInk In Mm J- hp A. f 'iimpli' ll end clill-ili.-ii hiive i el iirncd In. in u visit .. i. lutlvi'S in fi.ildhhoro. Ml Ji'lhi Ciiiil.l.- will Un frrniln in Toled f.hio, hIioiiI. Mini V.. If. Hwnnn. ho him been vlBiiintr fnenilH In Hinli-f villi-, lm r.. turned to the city Mr. for l. Mr. K. Auriittt. II Mlololly .lilll'K. 1. Krost 1. rt lift yesterday -liTdiiy for Mls Carrie May Hi.. en Im In N. Vork for a short Mrs. J. V. Ilowatl has Ti-tnrn from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. tlioorm In Chittt.innoKH. READING OF OWN MESSAGE AROUSES OPPOSITION ((Continued flam West page ) Miss Nell Morrlion Is vlnllinn friends In Wlnston-Hnlem. Mrs Villllum it.dwood left yester day for Bultlinore, when' she will visit relntlvei. Mr. Ji'jise XI, Imw has returned from a trip to Cincinnati Mr. F. E. Mitchell leaves today on a biiHlnnss trip to (Iroenshoro anil Mt Airy. -M Mr. T. It. Reynold Is In rtulher ford Ion oi buslm ss. Mliw I'oelaii, of Atlanta Is shortly expected to visit ber conuin. Mm, C U. M QU Mr. Vance Browne leave fur the north Sa-orday for a short Irfp. t Mlaa It ran Grant leaves shortly for Savannat' and Brunswick, (la-, to visit frlon'.. Mr. My Puroell, who .pent eotm-" - t tlm. at Victoria Inn arvernl weeks " " " m t n Z sjrn. . . , turollnii in all rlnlit. inor iiiIkIiI i-eiul It more interesting ly tlniii Moine on., wh(, did not write It, therefore he fmor. il Krantlng the gov . nioi s reijuest. ulthoiigli In- lm.i op posed me iniiovai Ion two j.Hrti ngo. Ill the Senate In the senate the opposition was led by Senator f'harr, of Meeklenhurg who declared the remllng of the me- sug to be uinllgnlflfid for the gov ernor and In violation of the eonstttu tlan. The governor's prlncliial eham plori in the senate was Henntor Mnn- rililK, ho Insisted that members, of the boo leglslHttire Were delighted with the governor's il. livery. Then,- arguments cotiMimcd most of the time in both houses until 12 :.10. at which time the joint session assem bled anil the governor delivered the nieaiige conmifTilrur about one and i half hours. The governor thanked the legisla tors for (Ids Iswt c ourtesy of granting him the privilege of appearing In per son to present his message. lie suld that In common with gov ernors of other states he had come to the conclusion It was better for the montage to be delivered In this way, The reading of the message was rapid stress being put upon features In which he felt special concern. At times he read from reports of differ ent state departments In order to make more clear, thn recommenda tions he was making. in the senate, Klllott Introduced t Joint resolution that the legislature udjourn within thirty days or "mlgh- cause Norfh Mro, was expected to return from New York; yesterday. Mr. Charles M. Plntt. who anent the holli'sy with her nieces. Mrs. carrou Lord, at Huntingdon, Vu , leave January IK for Winchester, Ky., ta vh Mrs. Carrie Buckner und Will return to Ashevllle March lt. Mr. fiesslons. of Memnhl. has born Visiting hi wife, who I a guest t Victoria Inr,. - i- Mr. and Mr. Krwln Shtder sallexl yst.,rduy for Buroiie, and will In- Away sou.k tune. . Ir. 9. Wettray Battle la expected to return shortly from Ktiroiin after an absence of acvernl week. Dr. Iluttle visited his daughter. Mrs. Mortimer It uncock In London heron the dennr- ture of Captain and Mrs. Hancock for India, Mr. Josnph flluder Is a atiest at the Battery Park hotel for wveral weeks. Mrs. M'ner and son Mr .Inhn Mln. er, who have spent the summer and autumn at the Arts and Craft on South Main street, will move rr-xt w eek .o 77 Mont ford avenue for t he remainder of the w inter. Mr. aid Mrs, Hackus leave Satur day fir the Sapphire Country, mtir spending several weeks ut the ltntlerv Park hotel. Miss Ruth tiurrett. of Hot Rprlngs. Va., I vl-ltnig friends In the cltv for a few days. PERSONAL ' Mrs. K M. AVllliama loft yesterday for Charleston, S. C., where she will Siend the rest of the winter. Recent arrivals nt Kenllworth inn are Mr. nnil Mrs. .1 fowers. Mil,. neapoun; nir. aid Mra. o. ; it, uniann. Nel..; Mr. .1 f. Hnilth Mr. spent T. He.,.., ,. i i day In I li 25 Special Discount Sale of SEPARATE COATS Per Cent Redactions on All We linvc ;t l.-irc mmiluTi.f soj.aratc (,;,is rangini: in price li'.uu .fl.) (,, .-fv',5 win,.) ;in tbit? 8;ilc oiK'-i'mirlh. Thor re are inaiiv stv Cs dl" fiitl..,l Coats; satin, self and button f limmct long, short and medium; Mark, tan, rt i ii 1 Tt'V li and handsome fur coats mixed weaves; covert, broadcloth, kersey, cloths. , This sale includes some ri reduced from $85 and $100 to $;:'..7." an. I $7."i.0, , M. V. MOORE Mumilng offeri'd a bill that the TTn- velty of North Carolina be allowed to juirtlclpiite In the Carnegie foun dation, also bills to regulate the se- liH'tl.sii of directors of corporations and regulating the dlsolutlnn of cor porations were In. As to Primaries. ; Touching on primaries and elections Governor" (llenn auiil In his message: "Ohtalnftig notiilniitlons niul being elected to isfflee are becoming too ex pensive, and, also, ofteji fraudulent methods are resorted to In order to win. ' While It seem thnt In these day th office doe not seek thn man, but the muti the office, still be should be required to do so with clear hands mid correct practices. To remedy this growing evil, after a most careful study of nil suggested plans, I recom mend a legalized primary law for the of nil state, county and municipal offices, and that on a certain I day. to be llxed In the law, at least Hlxty days before the election, there ! held throughout the entire state, at regain r polling precincts, a legal ized primary for all political parties, and that the person In suld prlmar receiving the majority or plurnllt (as yon may deem best) of the ot s cast In suld prinniry shall he declared the nominee of his party for the niTi, r sought; that the oxpensis of suld prj. mnry, Im hiding the prlntltii! of all tlskonv .shall be borne the state, under the same rubs and regnlnilons ios apply t.i a regular ele. ti.m: tlmt m. person falling In be ..t..l for In th. prViinirv. ran lie a , audl.lalc at the regular election. The primary system has .worked well In Illinois, I n it tiuci . .Mlss.mri and many oilier states, uml Is now In VUglle III llllllnst all slates except "ur own." liis.imslng taxation the governor's inessiiKe says- Taxation. "Nothing will come before y.m liaught with .more Interest to the "tntc than the iiuestlon of taxation no. I yet there Is nothing more illf- XV mid bury. of N. vv I il.nlt than 1.. usieilulii the best in. tli s it visitor to Ash. . 'oil ..f prop, ili assessing both real and personal property for taxation, us re tiuired li Article V, ;!. of the 4. nisi it ut i. tn. which says that 'laws s.'t.ill he passed taxing b a uniform 1.'..' all 111. .11. .vs. credits. ct. and also all i. .il an.l i. ronal pr...eii a.s-or.l-liu' i. ii-i tin.- alue in ni..iie.' r',, in. the Hue rule, nml Hi. that will J11.I11. the most and bevt iliss i.( i. ..le and incst,,i-, i,. coin, int.. out ..1.1I. is to a-sess all 'i, peril ai a fair 1 illation, and tinai hale at ..w 11 r.ii. ,s posMilde, for a high rat and low a: e.e inellt fl'ichtcu Is. Ill il..lle s. elv. I and InVeslol while a l.m rale and ht;li laluatioii ivi.iil.l pr .p. ilv a.liertlse us and cans. ihein to sent, amongst us. M-.i.- than .'.aintles re.elicl li.uii Hi. Ntulo jii.tre llidii lh. - pay In taxes e the slat', ami the a-:s. sse.l value plae. . I upan pt ..p. ry an. s about in pr.- porti.ui In the lunula r of counties In til. state. Sam. , .unities assess pro perty at 11 fair ain-, others at about half, an.! some as ..v as a third, and let they lllai all li. Militated In tilt .aine loealili and I... eiiiall fertile And rich. This is ah diltely unfair to nfulii'lduat llUlers and eo unties Ih.tJ act right, and m. dales I he rule of fUiif'O null pi es, 11I., , I l.v III., run stitiitjon. I., t 111 In to ai. l.l this. Ill lll iiicseaee 111 r.ill.' I point.. d out luli all these w t'otiKs and suuicested several II Ine.lies, but the legislature refuse.! to listen, ami adhered to the ..Id methods, wnli the result that the tax. s . ..,.. Mere not en.mi.-h to no . I Hi,. :i 1 , 1 . .", 1 I : H 1 oil th. y made, sinipti because propciii was not uni form U US.S'SSel. XX ediK'Mlay's PriMHNllngi;. .House waa Miml o order at noon Miss N.1I Vass, of Danville, Va., ar rived yesteiday to visit Miss Mn Htlkcleallii r and Mts l.alage dates. Mr Hnrlgg Brent, of Cincinnati. Is In the city on business. Mr. Charles 11 Knight, of Waynes vllle, spent yusterday in the clt Mr T. Cioft XX' oiid bury. niciiiiioim, 1 1 Vllle. i.f .High dry. Point. Cap! end Mis , Terry and Mi by Frank D. HakeU, tvtlrin prinol pul . Jerk: Th,'lrjjiitig priryer ws by Dr. I McK. t,tttlnger. rector ff The Church of th Pood Hbepherd (Kplseopali here.' Then tie !'' fedloas I'.utiue , of ailmliostcrPiK ' e.nth of office to the rbe bundred and twenty member waa entered upon Chief Justine Walter Clark us usual administering the oath. The rotl the counties was called for this work 1 1 v groups. There were, e usaat!, somi who had forgotten to lirlng their cert) flea tea of 1 l.etlon from their iminf authorities and these were allow', d to subscribe to the oatsi el office and pre sent their certificate of election later XVhen I lure eodflty was reached rep resentatiie Albert Cox, of vxnkc an nounced that there was a contest from. 1 in re for the seat Of Chns. T. William, democrat, who wa certified a elected being roiilosted by C. M. Strlngneld Independent, who ha ulwnys bee i democrat. . Iepr sentatlV' D, A McDonald, of Moore, mnrch"4"up to the speaker's desk with tw lyrperttncates much to the mcrrlmenttfaf ihe members, he having the distinction, it Is believed, of being the first mn In North Curo linn to h occasion to do thin. 'If had the c, rtlflcat from North Cro Una and baby eotlhty of, as well as that from hi flHvtj rounty of Moor. I,ee caonot have 'a representative of her own until she is apportioned on after the 1 enu tfft. It developed thht .very member of the house witt present exceirt Mr Hayes of xvilke.' who l detained by sll kness. The formal organization was taken up. The' name of ,. XV. OraH- am, democratic ettusus nominee, was presented formally try Itepresentatlv H. II. Hayes one of his defeated op ponents XX'. C, Towd, of Charlotte seconded the nomination he being th other defeated 'candidate before the caucus. There "tvaf n speech-maMn; but formal preentatoiiH of name. , for the repufctlcUn minority ftepr'fl sentntive tlrartt of Davie inest-nted the name of M, N4flaMiw, fif falrtVT s the cholc fifth republican for the speakership and this nomination was Heconded tiyf H. f Wllliim of Cabarrus. r .m , The roll call ballot showed the Vote to be Oraham. (P and Ilarshaw 2t Or ahum cast hi' Vote for Vir. M.'B Pitt, of Edgecombe, and Mr. Hr- ihow stirred rrppto of mirth at the expense of hi deth&craHe oooonent by ahnfmncmg lWl -vote as cast for tlraham. The new speaker ws escorted to his ek by Representative Iluyes,"of Chatham, Dowd, Jtrid Harshaw. The hath nf office waa administered bv Chief Justlc Tfaric; The formal pre snntutioft of th tpcaker to th mem- Ifer waa gT(S0tuU!K done by Mr. Hayes. Speaker traJiarn arnea1ef1 tut eo-operaflon of fimber m the dis patch of business." end ileclaTe,l II... bouse read for- Uiness, the gaivel falling with a hrp ring on the desk for his first official cull to order ns he closed his remark. tor chief clerk Morton of New Han over nomriiated O.'T. Cobb of Morgan ton. He hud nO' opposition. Harshaw for the minority announcing that the minority had no candidate to nomi nate for these poeltlans. Tin aaked that the eTortlon be hyaeiclamatlon. Hrtw- ewer the point wan mode by Doughton f Alleghany that thr haillots must tuken. Cohh reclverflOB votes The senate reassembled at three o'clock, A meaaage was received from the house to the effect that organiza tion was perfected and special com mittee was appointed to Walt on the governor along with th senate com mittee and Inform him that the as sembly was ready tn receive any mcs. sage from him. The senate then ap pointed Senators .Manning, Klutz and nriti 10 wait on the governor with the house committee. Senator Manning offered a resolu turn that the senaie and house in Joint session Tuesday. January 12 open and publish the return for election of governor and other" tnte ofTleeni and that these be Inducted Into office at one o'clock on that day. And, fur thermore. t,t a committee of three senators and hm representative, b- named as a j.., ,, t committee to provide suitable arrangements ami regulations for the inauguration and report the expenditure, incurred The senate, thereafter adjourned to eleven o clock tomnrrou Chief Cl. rk Coi.i, of the house has announced the foil. . ipg appointments as assistant , p., Us Up)ti ij,S8,,.P , I'crtle, XX'. A. H ,, of iJ.(r - II Smith of .,,. w s vwe or 1 wood of Jackson, .'atawlm. K. U. DONT BLAME 1 YOUR STOMACH When Wlltioat ftjrertk.n f)r Cst Von Can Enjiy McuIh Anil Vurr DjHS'lsiU. Don't bldiiie your stomach or your luck when your meals declare war on your system. When the stomach won't do Its work It Is because It cannot. When foul smelling odors come from your stomach, when the head ache and the sourness of mouth ev ery morning makes you hate your breakfast, when dreem- and night mare assail you, don't give up the fight. Thi la the appeal of nature, and It should be heard. Over-eating, late nippers, poorly chewed food, too rich pastnefc and un der-done cooking are some of the causes of the trtomach's ill health. When the stomach. la busy It presses and chum all th liquid mat ter from food and with It juices dis- olve Into liquid form or pulp every thing which comes Into It. If such food be poisonous It affects th Juices, attacks the stomach, goes Into the blood and weakenc tho entire system. Stuart's Dyepepsla Tablet will di gest a full meal easily without mate rial assistance from tire alomach. They will restock the gaetrlc flui With all tho elements needed. They build up the blood, destroy aotir taste. bad breath, belching, stomach and bewell trouble and quickly restore natural conditions. One grain of Stuart's. Dyspepsia Tablet will dlgwst 3,00 grains of food In the stomiwh or In n glass vial Wfthout aid of the human digestive apparatus. Tha method of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the methods of nature. They contain every rmiubdte for the Stomach and digestion. After a meal on of these llttlrt tablets when It en terw'the stomach mingles with the Juice, attacks the food and digest It. It removes the fermented f.nd decay ed mass, lying stagnant there and eases the stomach at once. It 1s wholly a question for you to solve. Your druggist will furnish Stu art's Dyipepsla Tablets EOc. the box, or send us your name and cd dress and we will send you a trial package free. Address V. A. Stuart C01, 160 Stuart itldg., Marshall, Mich. O i Knotair Quatanteed:;fip$ji Are Jhepest is. ' t t'r Ji t i : Yesterday we received a large sliipment of Ktao- tair Hosiery, her turd d?ubt thjf test tiaranteed hose on the market today. They are not bulky1 like thff bow you usually buy that are warranted to er sjC months but are sheer and fine as lisle thread., -.... Tliey are guaranteed not only against holes' aird' tears but more than that we guarantee that'KnoT tair Hose will not hump or hulk at the heel -or toe" as is the ease with some hosiery of this class. They' are priced at $2.00 and $3.00 a box of six for men and women in all colors. TV 'ft -?';iii. PRIVATE SAWff AttlUM row WOMEN Specialty: DiaeaBea of Women. Skillful and modern treatment, Alldis easae but fnmU' exclusively treated, Pirst-clsia accommodatioris furnished to a limited number of select patients. Thoroughly modern others, equipped with all appliance and medicines, at mr residence, 849 Peach tree SU corner Forrest Ave., Atlanta, Oa. Bell Phone and Ion distance Ivy, 1343. 'tasssii2isiss Our Motto for 1909: "M'ake all the new friends you can without neglecting old ones." BURTON & HOLT, I'lirnllure Dealers, Put ton Ave. anil llatlerj Park Place. x Iredell, li. -. !(. r llnfTmiin Hackott. Jr.. , ln of Hurko XX 'itkes, Lawrence Kr. mess. nger. REINSTATEMENT OP CADETS PROVIDED. XX AMII.Ni.Ti.N. ,1,,'ny. T.-- Senator retliiccd unif'iu'iulv fur III semi-ilitted all lengths and faut.-y and novelty WOfJEK-S OC1I ITTKll. 11 PattD PVI KS Cl'UKD fN TO 14 DAYS PAZW OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, ltllnd. nieedltik' or Protruding Piles In to 14 days or money refunded. 60c, 11 arrcll today ri p niittee on iii il i i ii t m.IIiik for th.. i, I'. .Int military a lt..ssel, Jr.. and the two lirst elas August upon being nig. Secreiarv ,i formed the commin- ohje.'t t,. the eon,. The six thud , i ,. snsp. nded uimi j, ' ' from the com iTalrs n bill pi,,, iatement ut " of XVIIIium it irry 1. XX'eaver. ii. ii dlsinissed last onvicted of W'ar Wright in- e thot he did not proposed. men who were ni 1909. are lo he reinstated i M.,,(.n nrst ,uU.r the irolsions of ih. uul. Dairvnien doing ness In Chicago. alter a ngoious pr !,ng by Dr. Kvnns 'he health commissi.. i, ..r. Int. v-oi,i Milunit t t. citi s ...qulremeiits. tu berculin test and Dr. Kvflns sinip lv said to the dai, .,,: "Clibvie-o in tends to have pure ,,, ani1 milk free from discs.- j, ,, ,, I)H11I0 to hxVtK it " And Chi. n-o .. -- h-'.i.R " II. cor.liiig to tl, Tr.bnn. which a vs. n'lil. ntlv. - Hen. no lulu. rcul. mis k.- limed in Chicago x. D.ilMeKINNON 7 Patton Avenue i ' (Over Redwood' Store.): Ladies and Genllemens TAILOR Remnant Jbfe Continues : Joday, Don't fail to attend our big remnant sale today ns we are adding a large number" to our line eycry day. Cannon doth, fruit of the loom, Lonsdale cambric and 'Hill's cambric remnants have Jieen placed on sale at a reduction of :): 1-3 per eeriT 'off. These staple goods are worth full price anyvvhere but, for the rent of the week they will be sold' at these big re Amen and Cotton Jorchon ace Be yd. VVatcliL pjecialf; good M-year guaranteed case with Amerloan movement for HM nu from ftdi np. . u, - , ( , . . i, J. E. CARPENTER Jeweler, Patton Arenaa, Otireonstant aim 4s to serve Dairy Products ' Hiit highest quality, absolutely clean, and $WeeCw:W guarantee all our products and are glad of an oppoirtunf ity to redeem anything found irasatisfactory., ; 3ut wfc. try to maintain such a high standard that everything will he highly SATISFACTORY, and we believe we ar.t succeeding. .1 vv.v:' In addition to MILK and CREAM e make a Bpee ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA Our prices are reasonable and our 8ervie nromnt nA couxteous,,, May WQ ,not serve you f 1 J , i Ashevillc Pure Milk Compatiy PHONE 6B4. M. WEBB Millinery Importer No Battery Park PUce, Phone 104 AabevtUe, Hi. C r MISS CRUISE 1 ,.; Manicuring and Hairdress- ing Parlor. ! ;.Halr Goods In all the latest style Wavy Switches, Buns. Crown and Psyche Puffs, Combe. Barettes and Toilet Articles. Chlronodv. Facial and Scalp Treatment by expert op erators, combings and cut hair made into Puffs, Switches and Pompadours. Phone 1. 85 Haywood Street. Ground Floor. Mb. there iv ill m the milk con C.ood Fire Wood--i-hon 223. CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic adjustments (treat ment I has been endorsed by Govern ors. maii I', s. and State Senators and thousands of Citizens' of other states as being the most advanced and modern method In removing abnor malities or diseases that the human body is heir to. We court investigation. Incurable cases our specialty. OR- C. V. COMPTON AND DR. 3. K MATH1S, CHIROPRACTORS. Legal Bldg. 'South or Fountain Phone 621. Ashevtllo. N. C. SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlors, room 1ft raragon Bldg. Phone 107. We make a pecllty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of evervthlnr In Hair Goods and Hair Dressing, Switohes and Puff mad from your combings'. La Grecque Corsets. . Fpr every type of Jfigure. GREENE & CO., 12 Church Street. Illtlttlitttlla. i CORSETS CLEANED. We can take a badly soiled corset and, clean and freshen it until almost good as new. Prices reasonable. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Work 11 Church Street. Phon mo. tl M 0 Ti We sell the latest styles of Winter Hats cheaper than you can buy them from the big mall order houses. Paris Millinery 1 SOUTH MAIN STREET. X That's -what . every f body says who uses M. sV. X &"W. Indian Coal. J. 1 Carolina CoaI& .' t , . Ice Company t if PIIOKB 130. The Ashevillc School of Music and Dramatic Art THK AtnWTORTtraf Ptnn 144. i n Put a Classified Ad in The Citizen. Country Buckwheat Made .from pure mountain lUickwhcat. 12 lb. ba - ' - j. tit 50 cts. OWNBEY'S 1 25 Montford Ave. tia& t-.'.'' i)WW -S JF-M ... 51 PATTON AVIKBtTTE ASHEWLLE NXI. t -i i 9 Phone 56. Our Sale of Goafs 51 ' " ' - . ', - . TV" " ... -' Continues oats, t-4 off on all Skirts.- This is a sole bance to buy a handson.o Z ,S-V?t saving in priee on all liXrirlil Handsome coat or skirt at a gixoati I i ' - . ,' ' I -v-fsvi .i..; i.-Merw. '-mTr Vfcii.,, v'-e " l , . . H ..-.' .... ' ' ' - ! ' .

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