CITIZEN 2?TS SHE 7EATHE2: f CLOUDY. ' VOL. XXV. NO. 82. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 10, 1909. PRICK FIVE CENTS. TO INCREASE 'DUTIES OF THE REPLY-DELAYED BY LOSS OF HIS "The Blow Almost Killed Father NIGHT RIDERS TAFT ENJOYS BARBECUE IN BEECH FOREST SENTENCED TO. HANG FEB. 19 ATTY. GENERAL PAPERSHESAYS . i Bill: ProViding That He Bp Tillman Says Papers Bear Death Penalty for Six Found Guest of Beech Island Farm : SUNDAY .Given Power to Investi ; ' ;N ! gate Corporations. , '.SENATOR MAY BE ing on Oregon Land Case-' v Taken From Desk. - ' Guilty of the Rankin , Murder. t "Jf ers ' Club at Monthly ' " "Cue." : ' ELECTED JAN. 19 Resolutions to That Effect i Before Committee on Priv :6. ' ileges and Elections. ' CSpwIart The Cltlcon.) RALEiaH, N. C, Jan. - t. There introduced in the senate todad preparation of hla Bpeech In reply to I and went to the committee of privU cges and e-ectlona a joint resolution by senator whitehead Kiuts, of uu . ' tabury, making- the formal provision for the general assembly to vote on ' United States . senator January 1. General Lees birthday. 'Of course " thi means the re-eleotlon of Sena itor Overman. . r The much talked of bill by Sen ator Manning, enlarging the powers of the attorney general so that he halt have power to Investigate cor ' to rations as ' to. violation of the" anti trust law and making him-attorney " f wfoMi for th corporation com? ... mission, was Introduced today . hd j went to the Judiciary committee. It .... provides also for a assistant for the attorney general,, with si.ovw saw?. - , Speaker .Graham, in the house, an nounced a number of committees, the chairmen being: flsh, Hooter; oysters, Parke; .health, Holton; immigration, Mitchell; salaries and fees, Wooten. ' The house , received the governor's salary bill from the senate and refers red, It to the .committee on salaries ,- aijd fees to oe reponeo' dbb - RfcPTJBtCAJf CAtTCCS. ' ' tMJtaafl, tt. C. Jan. 9. A Joint caucus of the republican memtoers of 'the general assembly in session to night decided to present the name of Hon. Bpenoer B. Adamr&s the choice , of the minority for United States sen tor :wheft ;;ths VlegUlature goes into the election January 1. ; . '''It 1 understood that Senator Brltl -wilt make the nominating speech for " 4nft.:senata fniSeBresentatlve ae . i. .. ... 1iim i rrfe n.uru. tha memberg say, was thoroughly Mr- monlous anaVths members entuusias . tic in 'paying what they say is a well 'earned honor to the state chairman. ' In tlxr Senate Friday. ! The senate convened at 11 o'clock, 1 Fcsident Winston in the chair. Sen v ator Ormond offered prayer. -. AS committee on the Journal the prestdnt announcd the following com mittee: Senators Barham, Hawes and eherrlll.' Bills and, resolutions' introduced " Fry! Prevent killing, fish with dy namite, f Game laws. y JYy? A Enlarge powers of justices of th. peace in Swain county. Justices of peace. . fry: Amend charter of the Car olina Tennessee Railroad company. .Railroads. Fry: Protect forest ranges . In Swain, Jackson and Transylvania counties. V Also Haywood county. Propositions and grievances. Fry: Increase pensions of Confed erate veterans. Pensions and Soldiers' home. ' Fry: Give a laborer's lien on per sonal property on which he has ren dered services. Judiciary. ,. Lock hart: Appoint justices of tho peace for Anson county. Calendar. . iftlmocks: Increase governor's sal ary from 14,600 to $8,000. Calendar. . Bar nam : Relating to fees for short form of mortgages in Wayne county Calendar. i ' Mills: Relative to the salary or commissioner, of labor and printing. Tllson: Appoint justices of the peaoe" In Madison county. Calendar. '.Mills: .... , Repeal chapter 678, public laws 19(1, relating to roads In Ruth erford county Public roads. Fry: , Establish office of county treasurer, Swain county. Calendar. Blow: .' Amend section til, Revlsat, relative- board of commissioners of Pin county. Revisal. Fry: Establish county line be tween Swain and Macon. Counties, cities and towns. 'Bills passed Anal reading: Appoint J. A. Ewlng and J. W. Smith justices of the peace for Stanly. 'Appoint G. N. Arrlngton, E. 8. Mor Yew' and J. W. Thomason, Madison county, justices of the peace. Amend section 2776, Revisal, rela tive to fees for short forms of mort gages in Wayne. WERE ACCESSIBLE " . ' TO THE SLEUTHS Troubles Pile Up as Post master Seeks to Collect Postage on Typewriter (By Assoolstsd Press.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 9. In the the president's charges, Senator Till man has failed to find a number of papers bearing upon the Oregon land xam in connection with which the present. jcontroversy arose. These pa pers were, ha says, enclosed In a- large envelope and left in hla private desk In his committee room at the capltol when he left Washington last March oh account c-f his Illness, but they cannot now be found. The senator doea not charge that the papers have oeen abstracted by a I government detective, who may nave been shadowing him, but he does say that It would have been possible for any such official to gain access tol-p. ' rp-i TOill 0 hi. room and to his desk, both of 'C'C"S"J.. . " " which were fastened with only or dinary locks. The papers, he says, are very important In the preparation of his case and would go far to sub stantiate his defense. Notwithstanding tha loss of these data, Mr. Tillman expresses confidence in his ability to. make' satisfactory re ply to tha president. He win be hoist by Ms own petard," declared Mr. Tillman sontl- entlously. ; Senator Tillman devoted the entire day to the preparation of his reply, I ''' senate Monday. Hla speech will be about 7,900 words In length and will be delivered from manuscript. ' 4. Another TrouWte, - , Senator- Tillman Is affording an Ur lustration of tha old :. adage "that troubles4 hever corns singly." . ' . .... .... ... - rw - . . , - LIFE IMPRISONMENT FOR THE TWO OTHERS KEITJE HON OF s . KNOX APPOINTMENT Attorneys for Defense Give Beyond That the President- Notice of Appeal to State elect Has Determined to Supremo Court. Deny all Rumors. , (y Atseelated Press.) UNION Cnr. Tenn, Jan. (y Assoelated arsss.l AUOU8TA. ua,, Jan. . Beyond CAPT.HAINSV ACTIONS ENTIRELY RATIONAL DECLARE WITNESSES Up the Case Monday Morning. ROBERTS TESTIFIES (By Associated Prrsa.) FLUSHING. N, Y.. Jan. t With the calling of one or two minor wit nesses, on Monday morning the oe- in the- trial of Thornton J. Hains will sum up Its case to the Jury.' Prosecutor Darrln promised Justice Crane this afternoon that he would take an hour or more, to get In all the evidence. Upon John V. Mc Intyre rests; the burden of uwra- hllnv mil th tivideana whtnh .the da In rinal mnmrrtM has Droved that the de- ditlon td the difficulty about the Ore-1 fendnt was not a BruiciDat In the gon lands. Postmaster Barnes IS try- kiiim of William ' E. Annls at the ing to collect from him a bill of llljBayslde Yacht chib last August Mr. for carrying through the malls a gov- Mclntyre aaid that he would require ernment typewriter, which the senator I all of Monday's session to make his had "franked" from his homo in I argument. South Carolina to Washington. All All of the session today was given the typewriter is government proper-1 over to rebutting the 'evidence that ty, Senator Tillman replied to Mr. I James Tierney, the defense's eye Barnes by saying In effect that he col- witness to the shooting of tho pub lect from Its owner. Following Is tho Usher, was on the float when the full text of his letter: tragedy occurred. Members of the "I have your letter notifying melBayslde Yacht club swore that they that the typewriter mailed at Treii-ldld hot see Tierney. These witnesses ton, 8. C, under my frank and ad- further declared that the actions and dressed to mo here, is held for post- appearance of Captain Peter C. age. Puring my service in the senate Hains Were those of a rational man. typewriters have been fraken to and Charles Roberts, club member, re- from the same aa nubile documents. 1 08J.11S0, lesuuea: and I was not aware of any new law or rutin on the subject. The type writer "(belongs to the senate and not to me. and has been used in my public correspondence. I cannot understand why this demand Is made upon me for postage. Under the circumstances 1 decline to pay the sixteen dollars de manded, because It is not justly due. Vn.. .1 . - . I ww , mi uiv lyucwrnvr urueuvw uu. . ,i.. , . . . , . I Hint aim -inc.. n vmm It to the sergeant-at-arms of the sen- drw hlg own revolver. mm r w m. mm i Known mai jvl, c Bennet, the attorney who ii was not rrankable, I could hav -w ,h nirti n.i. shipped It by express or frelgTlt. But on May 81, 1898, was called, , aa the to this case It would be one depart- prosecutor said he Intended to show ment of the government- selling the that Thornton Hains wrote Captain h irijr oi nomer aepanment jor cne Hains to return from Ban Francisco. government for the collection of postage on matter that has always been franked heretofore." "I pulled Annls from the water, had short conversation with him. Went over and picked up a piece of sailcloth and put It unde rMr. Annls' head and then walked behind the brothers and picked up the revolver." Thornton Hains swore that Roberts picked up the revolver when it was knocked from the captain's hand by John Tonning, as the last shot was It was then that he MURDEB MYSTERY NOT YET SOLVED Exhaustion of Every Known Clue .Connected with Meth odist Church Crime. SIX DISTILLERIES AND 6 THOUSAND GALLONS OF BEER DESTROYED COURT-MARTIALED NEGRO DWELLINGS shotjo pieces for NEGLIGENCE (By Associated Press.) JO.VE8BORO, Ga., Jan. . An oul- ' y (Csntlnued on pigs seven.) of-the-way section on Flint river waslCommandei" invaded last night by so-called night riders the dwellings of several negroes being literally shot to pieces. For several nights lately such lawlessness has prevailed to large extent In that section of Clayton county. The sup posed night riders Would approach a dwelling Jn the dead hours of the night, masked and heavily armed. It Is reported, and. without any definite aim, pour a volley lead into the build ing, then quickly disappear. As far as Is known, no one has been Injured. Solicitor-General William Bchler How ard of the Stone Mountain circuit has been advised of the latest outbreak and will take active steps at once to stop pe.. lawlessness. Marsh to Be Publicly Reprimanded and Lose 40 numbers in Rank FREIICH ENGINEER SAYS THE LOCK SYSTEM OF CANAL IS DANGEROUS ' - (y Assoelstsd Press.) . 'PARIS. Jan. M. Buenau-Varll-M. a French engineer, who has freely criticised tha Isthmian canal con struction, has cabled to Gustav H. 8chwb of New York, expressing his readiness to go to mai ciiy noui tht chamber .of commerce endorse MS Schwab's proposal that, he ad dress that body on the Panama can al, i M. Buenaus-Varilla said that be would point out why the lock system canal is both dangerous gad im prac ticable y. Mr- Schwab introduced a resolu tion at a recent meeting of the cham ber of commerce . Inviting M. Buenaus-Varilla, who was the repre sentative of Franco In tha negotia tions for tho purchase of the canal company's right to elaborate, bis views before tho chamber. Mr. Schwab's resolution was seconded by Charles S. Smith and was referred to the executive committee, of which Mr. Schwab Is a, member, t ; .. . i (By Associated Prats.) WASHINGTON. Jan. . Com mander C. C. Marsh, who was in charge of the cruiser Yankee when that vessel grounded on Spindle Rock, in Buzzard's bay, off the Masaachu setts coast, while trying to avoid i collision with the steamer New Hamp shire last September, and who wss eharged with negligence, was found gailty by the court-martial which tried him at the Boston navy yard and sen tencod to be publicly reprimanded and lose 40 numbers in rank. Upon recommendation of two mem bers of the court for clemency, and In view of the previous good record of Commander Marsh, and his seal In connection with his duties with the submarine flotilla, the secretary of the navy reduced the sentence to tho loss of only fifteen numbers. BED CROSS FUND STILL GROWING , T Asseelsted Press.) WASHINGTON, Jan. t. Tho Red Cross fund for the Italian earthquake sufferers continues to grow. With today's (contributions, the total Is 1731.031. This Includes 178,000 ca bled direct to Ambassador Cri scorn for Red Cross purposes by the gov ernor's committee of Massachusetts: (By AssoolaUd Press.) PORT HURON, Mich.. Jan. I. With . the axhaiiHtlon here : today of every 'known clue that would tend to clear up the ''Rattle Run" Methodist church murder mystery, Interest ; to night In the mysterious case is cen tered In tho' isearcn which Is being made for Rev. John H. Carmichaal in Chicago. '. Three' detectives who have been working on -the case here are In Chicago assisting tha offloerl there In the search for the missing minister, for whose arrest .. on ' the) charge of murdering Gideon Brown Ing and burner his body tn the church stove, a jreward of 1500 Is )rerea r in. v.. Tho well In front of the little coun try church was baled out tday in the hops that It might contain some evt deneo that might help to solve the tangled case. Nothing was found. The search for Carmichael Jn CM cago Is'based on the : statement or. Ticket Agent Land, at ' the Orand Trunk tunnel depot, that on Wednes day morning about B 0 clock, about I or 10 hours after the probable hour the crime wan committed, a bearded' man wearing a fur coat and resemb ling Rev. CarmlchsM, , came Into, the depot, bought a ticket for Chicago' and boarded tho early 'train for His west. Land, however, could, not pos itively Identify a picture, of 'Carmich ael as his early morning visitor. , In support of tho belief thai It was Carmichael who took the train oh Wednesday morning is the fact that the minister')) horse Wan found a few miles from ilv tunaei depot, headed back towanl the scsne of the mur der. The authorities " are tonight no nearer a solution of the baffling ques tion of mnth- for the brutal killing than when the crime was first discovered. I Judge Jones today Imposed tho death Ith reiteration of the announcement penalty, upon Garrett Johnson, Tid lnM 'nenoer . .nux win os secre- r...... K s.- , w j - , isry nais ana rrang tx. uitoncocK Burton, Bob Ransom, Kred Pinion,! ', ., ki. . Arthur Cloar and 8am 'Applewhite. Prealdeut-eleot Taft has determined tho night riders who were found that no other cabinet appointments guilty of the murder of Captain atMl - made, known until March 4. Quentln Rankin, and sentenced Bud 1 mk? th" "" ffsotlw.. .,, t,fc ,. .w . dny ll cabinet rumors, pre Morris .nd Bob Huftman, tho two dictions or announcementg from any other defendants, to Uf' Imprison- source or quarter whatsoever. After ment. , . , , r '.''' this statemont, attention was drawn to The attorneys for tho defense tm- tho announcement of the (choice of mediately gave notloo of an appeal to Mr. Knox, by the Associated press,- mi the state supremo court. If this trl- ,er tho announcement by Mr. Taft of buna! does not Interfere the first the appointment of Mr. Illtchoock, named six men will bo hanged on which are pronounced correct by Mr. February ; , -t Taft., ,4, t t In applying to Judge Jones today it, Is stated that no 'controversy has tlm m. n.w Irl.l k J.4.MU .k.-t i . 1 . ... . .. . ... ... r i '.'... njo , ' l:: - -- - -.h wiu nimg over mo matter 01 republi- Farty Of KevenUO OfncCrst competency of Jurors McKinney can national chairman, and Mr. Taft ... nn, .ri!n ai tney naa would make no prediction as to who fCl " Z . T.I 'I i"' r"t 01 "' ""no chairman upon the PtrW and ; that ahnke tn, mpttw by Mr. Hitchcock of was av resident of tho state of Ken his cabinet duties, lucky. It was also claimed that Jur- 7 . , . " ' . ' 7 Of Reason, who was 111. was thus In- i dlculon has been competent to pass upon tho guilt or developed M to whether Mr. , Wilson, tonocMwt- :f "tho .'Meusod.--a' rtwy M agrlfeultura, does not hold ' After having beard the testimony tnk roeorsl Wttm .Mblmt -asrvlc." of throo witnesses Introduced by the tenure, of Off ico will be twelvo J . , . . .1- w, .... U ...... ,.1)1... u i-1 . mi . . I uniimw in an anon o orovs mat Jor. I ' uiii. mrauif, na uum- mvoW. V - Zl 1 L or McKlnnsy had expressed an opln- ltltors"ln this 'Una are said-to bo HICKORY, K. C, Jan. .That tha toB M to tho guilt of tho convicted William Witt, who was attorney-gen-revenuo officers are not out of oom. men,; the state proved by the mam- oral for otv years and Six . months, mission or .Idle Is proved by the fact bers .of tho Jury that ho Insisted on r eight months, and tPostmaater that six Illicit distilleries and six thou. ""'erMIng circumstances being In- General Gardner, who was at tha bend -. -.--. nt tuMri.-mm- ..I.. mmA olu1' verdict. ', The conten- ot- the postal service for thirteen sand gallons or beer woro seised and ottB B-wgMd to Jurors Rosson and yeors, but during none of that tl mo destroyed by a raiding party headed Dahoke were laWr withdrawn and the ho a member of the cabinet. The by R. B. Sams of Ashevllle, yesterday, motion for BOW trial 'was quickly position of postmaster-general was not thirty mites, south of hsro, hi the fav.,v'r"rula' 7 7 ' 7 , a, cabinet place then. Should It be de' mous York settJemsh of the South wleo suenco prevaiieo m the wmm- thMwnr-fsry Wilson . shHll Stih.' Ssll't e2Ul? tO0m dur"Ur 'th-'- of hvor achieved hlg ambition tho, 4tl mojantaln... Special Oovornmeht Em- of the senttnoos. Tho defendants tacb of Marrh, It is regarded aa highly ployee-C. F. Blalock of Hickory organ- In turn, arose, pale and worn and probable hers that ho will wish to hMd the raid and accompanying tbsm received tha words , of Judge Jones, relinquish his official duties, In which were Deputy Collectors Harklns, Do- I.l??1rt.h2 6.lrt?iti to case Mr. Taft, will have the additional ' StSkat . f Of t ha) HavVaaoajfl si Hid a aAaiAdillH a S - m a. I . m - . a. Lane and Bides thmutir Marshal Rob. I . ,' ' . " aanimir wis oeiors mm or selecting seere- !1J? ri oo tan. of agrlcWturs fo, bl. cabinet; Made Successful Raid in', York Settlement. :.. - ,.i,7 NO ARRESTS MADE Court then adjourned. THAW IS ENTITLED TO "SANITY" TRIAL SALOON MEN'S ATTACK BEGINS ert Ramsey,' and; Special .Government! supplied. Ant McCoy, assisted- by Messrs. Jones and Kennedy of Hickory. It Is said the bjockadors Wars com fortably situated In substantial build- )lngs and some of tha distilleries were located In the ysrds of their homes. One man was raising hogs and fatten- the raiders arrived he had hands According tO Justice Thomp: in the act of killing a nve-bundred M A nounder. while a large number, eou.l- "l"n "u" "colB - - - - - - ly as largo, were confined In a nearby 0n Habeas CoipUS Writ. The settlement In Which thsse seizures were made was at ons time to a revenue officer almost Impenetrs- Aseoelsteat Preas.) NYACK, N. Y., Jan. f Harry K. Thaw la entitled In a. trial nn ha Die ana woe 10 me man wno sei iooi question of whether he has recoversd within their bound"! But as the older his sanity, according to Justice Tomp- Inhahltants died out the business was kins, who today heard arguments on discontinued until recently when the spirit of the fathers took possession of the present generation. No arrests were made as the block ad era had taken to their heels when the officers arrived. The officers have MONTGOMKRY, Ala, Jan. . With the eyin of all Alabama on the participants, the legal attack of sa loon men on the state-wide prohibi tion act began today before Judge Jones In the federal court, with argu ments on tho application for a tem porary injunction restraining tho en forcement of the Carmichael act. Af ter three attorneys had been heard, adlnnrnment Has tabain until Monday. A feature today was the Introduc-! KrsoIuIIOD TO lUOUire into the prisoner, nun oi an nfiiuavn.ojr ma miiui vimivn bore the testimony that the complain ants, the V. VV. Cook Brewing com pany of Evnnsvllle, Ky., had not (iual Ified to transact business In the Mat" by securing a license after the If ense formerly held had laprtd. a writ of habeas corpus obtained by Mrs. Hurry C. Thaw, his mother. Ia applying for the writ, Mrs. Thaw declared that Harry K. Thaw was not a criminal; having been ac quitted by a iury and that he is now warrants for them and eight or more ana and should not be knot In oris- arrests will probably follow the raid. I on. Thaw was brought down from the Matteawan asylum today to be pres ent at tho hearing. Iln was repre sented by Charles Morschauavr. Dis trict Attorney Jerome was present and Asa Bird Gardiner represented the attorney general and supeintend ent of the asylum. Josi&h Thaw, a brother, accompan- Mr, Jerome asked that the proceedings be transferred to HOUSE NOT DONE WITH PRESIDENT otherwise "Mr. Wilson wilt doubtless bo a member of the Taft official fm-. Ily, at (east for a few months. , ' Aside from this place, It Is regarded as a fair conclusion: that Mr. Taft baa fixed In his nilnd and has had approved by Messrs. Knox and flitch-? oock the men whom he Is to Invito' to seats around his ; , council board. This is believed to. bs tho. extent ot itis progress at the present time, as it is understood that no .offers of places besides the - two detormiged upon have been mads to any ons. That the proffer of places Is tho nest step In order Is a matter of course. - Barbecue, Like a trip Into tha "good old days of the past" was the novel experience . of the president-elect today in being tho guest of me Beech Island Farm ers' club of South Carolina at a rape- tit! on of a barbecus tna club has held once a month, without missing a . month, for nearly sevajn years. The old darkeyJohn Hayes msde tho cue" Just exactly the same as ha haa .' been doing ever slnde 'long befo da ' ' wan. The plain, low olub house, with - its holes In the roof and walls, has been the meeting place for tho dis cussion of all questions, as well as for the feasts served In one of its two rooms, for more than fifty years. It stands alone In a beech forest about sevefn miles from Augusta, and In and around It today were lathered half a hundred farmer, with a sprink ling of city folks. Invited from Au gusta for the occasion. Theso In-' eluded Hetiator Bourne of Oregon, John Hayes Hammond, Frank H. Mollies Appropriated for N'W York county, where, he wild, thJHitchrok, nil of whom made speech- - - - i Jet-inly ur i naw cuum Detecting Frauds. TOBACCO DEAL IS PROBABLY OFF (By Assoelstsd Prese.l WASHINGTON. Jan. I.That the house of representatives does not in tend to stop with Its action of yester- (.ounty (By Asseelsted Press.) j nectlon with his strictures regarding CLAKKKVII.LE, Tenn., Jan It the secret service, was evidenced today Is generally understood that the deal between the Dark Tnlmrni nrowatra'i aaaorlatlon and tha R,ni.h ,.vrn. i vote, It adopted a sweeping resolution ment for all the lugs held by the as- of '"I""" Into the amount of monies vkllnn I. ,.rr mnA .ho. .hi. appropriaiea ior inu present nscai oeieminea es; Judxe J C. Lamar. Judrs Tarr flnmHy. The district attorney declr-,c. Hammond. President Phlnlsy of d that modern scientific opinion held the ?eorgla railroad and others -that Thaw was an Incurable ..... ., . . ' . lac. He said Thaw was a dangerous! M"J- """ n"nond. a veteran of person o-nd should not be allowed a, :mre than seventy years, welcomed large. Mr. Uardiner also a.ked U.atMr- Tfl tnr th" tmtmtn. and X the case b tramferred to New York ! Pressed the hope that aa the llama Of Mr. Morschauser opposed ,T,nt regaroeg as tne incarna. opposed thin. "on or "uouan, ur. lati migm os Justice Tompkins said Thaw was!"1" incarnation oi ueorge vvssnini- ana nave tns realisation or nix .-.,!,.., . 1,1.1 t n ,4. . w.. I n . u, . . ! tOO wnen at me or r. lawney. he hut recovma n bt expre.ed rflre for "peace among (Minn.), and without a dissent ng . reserved decision as tojall nations, and the restoration of has been thrown on the market, as a better average price can be secured by selling each hogshead separately. year for detecting frauds and the ef : forts made to bring to trial offenders aKalnst the laws. The resolution called for tho ap pointment of a committee of five members to conduct tho Investigation Und It waa authorised to employ sten- ograpners ana ciaras; 10 sena ior per sons and papers and to administer oaths. The sum of $6,000 was appro priated to cover the expenses In' volved. where the trial should be held. Ho remanded Thaw to the asylum mean while. harmony, -luallty and fraternity be tween the solid south and the solid north." 7 ' WASHINGTON, 'Jan. . Forecast: North Carolina, partly cloudy Sunday nd Monday; warmer Sunday, moder ate, variable winds, , - PLACING OF STOCK REGARDED AS MOVE TO KEEP PROPERTY IHTACT BOSTON, Jan. . The placing of of receiver's certificates to pay tho la the stock or tho Oeorgia Terminal company - and the Alabama Terminal company In the hands of the Old Col- city as move on the part of those interested In the ME. TAFT GIVES VAfSWT TftflPHY on Trust company of this d XAUtti ittUrUX JtnjlrtM re(plrdd hero si a (v AaeaoiataS Press.) v' ' Ion the Part of those interested TOLEDO. O.. Jan. I, President- Atlanta. Birmingham aV Atlantic rail elect Taft has given, a trophy to the road, now tn the hands of receivers, Toledo Yacht club, to bo raced for to keep the property Intact. " annually by- the catboata Of tho great It is expected that the : United lakes. The trophy will bo received Slates court In Atlanta will bo asked by tho chib shortly. 71 7 ;, la few days to permit the Issuwct terest on : tl. 700,000 of equipment notes. It Is realised among those Inter ested in tho road in this city and Boston Investors, It Is said, have contributed nearly 110.600,000 to Its) construction, that tho payment of tho Interest oharges On notes for equipment and construction Is Imperative to keep the property from a worse fata than re ceivership. Reports of earnings of the company received hers have been very favorable. -

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