"W, JANITAHY 10, 1909. Mr. Leon Whitlock, who ha been In New York for the pat fortnight. Is expected to return home today. Although not fuly recovered, Judge PiMtobsfd will leave Monday for Rich Chrtatma holiday with hi daughter. Mr. Ralph Weaver" of Weavervllle. Mr. Weaver is a member of the Wea- . i ! : t vervlllo eolle faculty. SOCIETY Mr. George I'rltchard, son of Judge mond to attend the sitting of th Jeter C Pritchar of this city, has THE SUNDAY court of appeals, lie will he arcom pitnlMt hy Hm-retary Crank Beckham Mrs. i T. I'lirr and children are AisltliiK friends In rii.irlotfe and MofireHVlllc. 'Mine licne Hmllh has returned to opened up offices In Greenville, H. C, s where he will make his future home Mr. Prttchard for the past year has bn fn the law Office of Judge Mc- i "ii Hough ut (ireenvllle. r i 1 l i ' ; ' til . Tllo Tounir People's Wlile Hums of Calvary Itrtptlst church nf West Anln -Vllte met at the home of their temli r, Mm. W. 13. I-"Kn Friday ev. mute for the election of officers, with iho following result. President. Mrs. Al lan Mitchell; ll vice-president. Mr. Kalw.r; -"'I vice-president, Miss Ma 11 Morn o. Sticrctan. Miss Carrie IttlllriKcr; treasurer, Mr. John IIM insworth, librarian, Mis Msbcl Mor-gran- After the business mectinK a octal evening was enjoyed. C' rn- Were played and later refresliint Ms Wr served. J J Among the man)- rumored cngiicr msnis ttt th Announced In tha sorlna none will be of greater Interest thaniclub seven couples participate! In the - that of a young lady who in not only well known but la one of Aehevllie'a moat acromtillahed mualciann. and tin: ' ' young man la 4 prominent ; alas of Aahevilln. Both are lawyer. native. t of fhur city and the announcement of 4 thMr engagement, while not an entire aurprlse, will nrrerthcleaa be of un uruol Intorert owing to the popular ity of the young people. J Jl The membera of the Tahkeeoalee 'dub entertained with an Infurmal , dance at the clu room on the cor t tier f outH Main- Mreet and Pack ' lqure lat evening. After the dance , rf real) Riant Were aerved. 1 " d Jf ' At a meeting of the Saturday Mu- 110 Hub, held at the horn of Mr. X. W, Rtlaa, at No. Alt Soul Cre- i cent, Ulltmora, officer were elected an ai program for the enaulng . year waa planned. The following of ficer wer elected: Mra R. F. Campbell, president; Mr. B- 11. Klm berly, vto-pr!dent: Mlaa Elltabeth ( Porter, moretary and treaiurer, Tha program, ' which : waa proposed for : the ensuing year wilt be aubmltted at tha next meeting of the club, Which will be held Saturday. .' J Yesterday afternoqn at her horns on Central avenue Mia Florence. FreeiHander entertained a number of her young friends In honor of he (B Ocrman class of (ha High school. , A number of games were played and a hurt musical program rendered. The ' houe waa decorated with svergreenn and growing plants, and dainty luncheon waa served.' Tha members of tha class mra Mlasea Florence Freedlnnder, Lucy Scott, Chaasle Tweed and Bonnie, William and Messrs. 'William Lambartaon,' Wilbur Humnsr and Raby Tennent and other member of tha High achool. The N. a. club of Blltmore gav a ' ekatlnir party yesterday Afternoon ait the' Aaheville akatlnr rink, compll mentary to Mlaa Mary, Henderson, of i Bttllnbury. who la a gueat of Mlaa Anne Martin at Victoria Inn. ', The e-ucsta ware: '.Mlaa' Mary Sfendnraon, w la Margaret Fannlman, Mis Helen Chapman, Miss Theresa Chapman,: Mlaa Francis Bangs, Miss Lucll Hast ings, Mlaa Anna Martini Mis Lucy Fenniman.Ml Helen Cefalu.MIss Vir ginia Griffith Miller, Mlaa Mattlella Cocke, Mr. Reynold, Mr. Punning, Mr. C Dunning, Mr. Oearheart, Mr. Pratt, Mr. Clark, Mr. Oarland, Mr. Pott, Mr.' Ward Gregg, Mr, Moore, Mr. Iluhols Bee. Mr. rrlthjoff Ree. Mr. Johnrton, Mr. Whlttlngton, Mr. Mount, Mr. Marrett and others. J J The Friday ..Book club met Friday - afternoon with Mr. Frank Hm4th at - her honi on Hlllild street. Mlw Anderson read a paper on "London , through Pickens" Olaas." Mlaa Quaule Smith gave a reading from "The Chrlstmaa Carol.'' The next meeting will be with Mlaa Job tie at the Home Industrial school next Friday after noon ' ' r Th Barer clas entertained a num ber of young people at an oyster mip 'per at Central Methodist church Fri day eventng. The alTalrwa given In honor of -the two Phllathea clas of the church. Mr. W. O. Roger wan toattmaster and a number of tonotn were responded to. Mra Bogcr and .Miss Kate Nichols-rendered a number of piano selections during the even-'Mrs. Ing, jsj F , A surprise party was given Mix Carrie ingle at her home, as Honey i treet. Friday evening, January K, J90. Many Interesting games were play- ed during the evening and M I ( :10 . A Sample Line OF KE1SER JABOTS Special Bargains AT 39 cts., 59 cts., 79 cts. QJlit'sc arc rt'jilly beautiful trinkets tbe choicest jab ots Reiser makes. It 's a sam ple lot bought by Mr. Monro, now in New York, and just received by press. The values are 75 cts. to 1.50, he ri";iual selling prices, but we are specializ ing them at 39 cts. 59 Cts., and 79 cts. Hand embroidered, not, cniffou, and Baby Irish, Val, and Cluny lace trimmifigs. All white. Kxclusivp mer chandise and unusual bar gains. , M. V. MOORE . A . IADIKS' OCTFTTTER, ' l .:. .. '.: . 11 Pattuo Ara, 'delightful refreshments were nerved. ! The Invited guest were Mis Carrli! Ingle. MlH I.ncla Reed, Mis Lucille) lt'il,. ri"ni. Mlw Nell Kiiillh. Miss U'lliv Mitch. I. Miu Vull lc nrr, Mil's Kulh enli li kt. M ies l.villa Klnsland. Mini Alma Jordi.n. Miss Ttulh Crowell. Mm (lerirude InKle, Miss Hrown, Mihh Miller; Morrlx liiiyion, Norman Dixon, orln Hadger, Hiimmle Karlgrr, Hur.ilil Health. Klmer J nl-. j lur ret I, Hrorise Ingle. M .larrett, John Tiinihiill. Dan Cauhle, I.otinlc Wag ner. 'llllld Well:. MIih l.ydla ftinslnnd f hi nished mu sic for the evening. J Yesterday afternoon at the Country weekly "mixed foursome touTiimm for the cifp presented by the club, to be won by tha man and girl scoring me greatest total number of points In eight day of play. The vlctora yesterday were Mm, . X, Jordan and Mr. F. VP. VT. Ornham. Willi the following acore. 41 117 81 handicap U net 3; Miss Mead and Mr. nun-bough ware second, with 37j28 handicap 2 net 7, and third iilao fell to Mlaa Ellen Barker and Dr. Lambert, with a ecor of 1--37 7 handicap 10 net (S. Many member of tha dull wero on the groumla during the afternoon, watching the contestant and aJao. en joying the tennis matches that wih made pdaalbla by tha favorable weather. A cinder path running from the car to tha club hoif hai recently been laid down, making the walk vary eaay and quite free from mud, Tha ladle' ""lng'" In golf will hereafter take place on Tuesday afternoon In stead1 of on Wednesday a heretofore. The "mixed foursome" will be 6on tlnued on Saturday afternoon, begin ning at t o'clock. It la rqued that thoa tatting part in Dota contests aend their entrle to Dr, Ringer not later than Monday night to rhef i die' tournament, and not later than Friday night for tha "mixed four aome." . N AH extra room I being added to tha club home which will be ma u a, nten'a locker room. It la planned to have large wire locker, and It I baHavad that aa reault of tha addl Hon tha congestion In the men' drenlng room, which ha been d plorabla In the past, will be . greatly relieved. Tha a. L A. to the B. Of U K. Waa entertained at 4h heme of Mra. W. H. McLean, at No. (1 Ora atreet, lat venuig with dime tmciablo. Io rreanmenta were aervea and an en Joyable. awning apent. The object waa to add money to (he traaaury of the auxiliary. 4 ? 4 '4 4. 4 4 4 '4 Mia Emllle CampbeU left yester day for Washington, t. C, where aha wilt resume her atudlea at the Ham tlton college for yoUrtg ladlea. Miss Campbell will return to Ashevllle hi June to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Camp bell. Jack Coburn of Murphy waa here yesterday on business. i- Col. William A. Rexford leaves to day tor Baltimore, where he goes on business for a few days. Mr. J. M. Campbell has gone . to Greensboro on business. Lawrence Weaver waa here y ester day from Weavervllle. Mr. James Kerr, an attorney of I New York, who has been visiting his wife for a few day at Kenllworth Inn, has returned north. Lawrence tJriiee of Hetidursonvllle wa here yesterday. Miss Junle Reynolds, who has been spending the holiday with her rouslu Francis Male, at Mt. Rlsco. V jY., has returned to New York cltv where she. will resume her ntuillea at the Ncmple schosi for girls. : Mr. and Mra. Wood and Mls Jacobs of Brooklyn, N. V.. have taken house on Merrlmon avenue for the season. lum-hla, H ". where she Is teach ing, after visiting her mother on Chestnut street. Mr Allien Dunn and Mr. I'harle? Rhlnehart went yesterday to MarshaH to allnd a house parly given y Mr and Mrs Payne. Miss (lenevleve yesterday from a 'I'heobold returned visit to friends III Hendersonvillle. Miss May Wilson of Birmingham, who has been visiting Mia Clone Smith, has returned to her home. e Mr. c Hrewster Chapman, Mr Lawrence Jones and Mr. David Oud ger have gone to Newton on hunting trip. Mr and Mrs. J. M Cgmll left yesterday afternoon for Washington. Mr. W. W. Zachary leave this morning for rtalelgh. ; Dr. Martin L Htevens left yesterday for Ohio on professional tittsiness, and will return within several days i Miss Helen Tyrrell of Mobile Is the guest of Mrs. (1. B. Hendricks for two weeks. Mr. John (1. Oar'rell ha gone to Waynesvllle en business. Mr. J. R. H. Itadeker has recovered from hi" recent Illness aad will leae shortly for Parksrsburg, "Vs. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carr leava today for Hot Springs, Ark., where they will spend tha winter. Mra. Jones Harnett r visiting Mr. J. Henry Jordan In HendersotiTllle. Mrs. Theobold haa returned from a visit to friend in Tryon. ! Mrs. M. B. Carter Is out of town on a visit, and during her absence the Misses Carter will reside at For rest Hill. MV. Jams Harrington of Oklahoma City Is spending several montha bt the Battery Park hotel. Mr. A. C. Hamsden of Richmond, Va., I In the city on bMinesa. Mr.' and Mra 1. ' H. Seeleck of Peekavllle, N. Y., are In the city for a short stay. Mr. J. L Alexander returned from Richmond, Va yesterday, after an absence of a week' on business. Mrs. C. I Orov and Mia Isabel drove or Lynn, Mas,, are guests at the Tattery Park hotel. t Mle Marina Oarrett ha returned from A vlatt of two weeka to friend In Salisbury. . Mr. aH Mr. wT'lC. tyfle arid small son, who haw spent tha holiday In Transylvania, hav returned to Aahe- ivllle. -Mrs. John aV Cefalu and Miss Helen Cafalu leave for New Orleans Janu ary 20th for, the . carnival eason. While In the south Mr, and Mrs Cefalu will complete: plans for build ing? tneir new Horn on Carrollton avenue. New Orleans. Mr. William B. Strceter of Greens born Is spending) several days In the city. Mr. Tom McNeeley, whose head quarter are at Hendersonvllle at present, is in AsheAfliti for several day Mr. James H. Chadbourne of Wil mington ts In the city for a brief ray. Mr J. J Devlno of Columbus Is In Ashcyllle for a stay of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Fisher of Dan- vlllo. III.. are spending a few days In the city. Mrs. AHiert H. Hall lesves Tuesday for Hultlmore to visit friends, and will be away for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. O. U Madison of llen- dersnnvllle are In the city for a few days Waiting friends. Mr. Albert 11. Hall leaves shortly to nttend tho nardwood Manufacturers invention, whloh will be hold In St. Louis, after which he will go to In diana poll, Chicago and New York Miss Cora I,ce Drummond will spend the next month la New) York lt Mr. flllhcrt Jordan has returned from a visit to Cincinnati, his old home. yulte a number of the students of W'ciivervllle college spent yesterday in the city Tbe members of Company K en joyed an oyster supper at ShlrrltY's nfo Friday night after drill. Morrie Roberts of Weavervllle wan here yesterday. Mill Helen Walton of Wwport. Trim . in in the city on a visit to friends. MY. Turcel! of New York returned o Asheville yesterday, after spending he holktny north. Mrs. Pureed "pent the month of December In Asheville at the Margo Terrace. MIsr Cam mle Dr'ommond Is spend- n- a while with relatives In Memphis Frank father of Mills Rtver was a the city Friday on business. Captain tmlth of Chapel Bill (tossed thromrh Asheville yesterday en route for his trome. atter anendlna: the pri8 ctrfcEn IX to n dayh PaEO OINTMENT 1 guaranteed to our, any c of Itchln. Blind. Bleeding or Pro trading Piles In I to i oat or money refunded, too. V aa-iilA-.,J lhii, m.... Jgmes S, Warren of Ja. -ksonvllte, Kla , I In re for the sprlim. William Morrl f Sunflower uas In tli city yesterday on a v Isit to friends. Own lefspetch, who l engaged in the mining and timber holiness in Mitchell eounty ha returns, after spending a few days here Miss l.llllsn Adams ha:i resumed her studies ut the .Hlllsnle convent. after spending the holidays with friend In Wayncovllle. iMlss ArhognSt. who has been spend ing the holidays with her parents on Montfonl aventte, will return tomor row to Pfotlins Institute and she will again take up her literary tturtWa In that institution. Mr. David Roarinstnln Is spending a while with' hei-parents In New York. . Good Flw WoodWphone 223. Deautyand Bad Breath Cannot Co Totcetlicr No Matter flow a Woman Mai Ttf tS Make Tlam. It doe not matter how beautiful a woman may be, she is afflicted with bad breath h" will be shunned and pitied by mert jhd Ven women will tudloudv avoid her:'' ' If any woman doubts this statement let her make a point uf asking a friend in wnom sne may connae, a man friend or relative, if he be honest he will tell her that foal breath from the mdurh of a woman will drive men from her more rapidly than any other personal amictiom . Foul breath arouses In man disgust and where this QUHMty la brought into play no amount of self-denial or rea soning can overooma the natural re pugnance which names to man when he Is In company with such a woman, i What Is true of bad breath In wo man Is not true In so great a degree tn men. Women ara looked upon as th ("carnation of sweetness, breed ing, virtue and, refinement. Foul breath will sicken y man so that he cannot feel fo such: a woman a com' paalonhtp necessary to make htm du sire to be in her company. t There I absolutely no occasion for bad breath In either men or women. Charcoal, the .strongest absorbent known, when taken Into the atomach, Will prevent this repugnant tendency or affilttloa. i Stuart' Charcoal LoVnges are oW in ; tremeadou quantltlea all over America and Canada. They cure and shave cured all form of bad' breath. A single dox win convince you or this fact. On shodld eat Some of these loaenges after each meal god upon re tiring. You might eat fifty of them without harm. They ara not medicine, but pur Willow charcoal mixed with sweet honey to make them palatable and. Compressed Into loiengea to pre serve their peculiar hd lasting strength. Th next time you Wish to go Into company and don't want your foul breath to humiliate you, eat several of Stuart's Chsrcoal Loienges and your breath will be pur and wneet. BveTy drugglftt mrrle them, price 2 5 cent, or send us your name and address and we will send you a trial parka!, by mall free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mlth. ' "-'.' "' tHWITAWIUM roWWOMEW Sptcialty: Diseases of Women. sitfllfUlsrrimridtrntrratmrM, A II dis eases hut females rxrlimivety treated. Fir-it-olsss SccnrnmMatlon furnished tosHmltni number uf neleetlta'enta Tsorotnf"" wstcm ciincrs, eoeiMxtl with eg spolisices nd rseilkittes. at mrsvlnoiF(rhtnle8t.,es Forrest Ave.. Atlsnta. Os. Belt rhon and Ions h-;i.ne Fry. 13431 Atawta i'hongA s D.OcKMJON 7 Patton Aveaae (Offlf Rrdwood' icon.) Ladies and Gcntlemcns r MISS CRUISE Manicuring and flairdresa ing Parlof. Hair flood In all the latest sty lea Wavy iwltche. Buns, Crown and laych ruffs, Combs, Sarettea and Toilet Articlea," Chiropody, Faclgl and fcalp Treatment by expert op erator. Comhlrtg and cat hair made mto Puffs, switch and Pompadour. Phone lg. f HarsrtNtet Strtri. : ground Floor.' " The Asheville School of Music srDrsnic Art nax Amrrftit-M Phone S14 Ortealf For One Day Kntire Line of Remnants At A-":- Last week we fiekf at vefy successfuf sale of rertanitsr We Sold lots and lots of them at a reduction of 33 1-3. per cent. : But as we still have several hundred feft we nought we would give our customers a chance to Buy them at, the unusual reduction of 50 per cent off. v"""" : -: Fdfmerly we have sold these remnants 'all together However we have sucfr an attractive liner this year, we : de cfded to give our patrons an opportunity to buy a the$e exfremelv low prices. Most of these remnants .are :.iresfj I and have nof been All the remnants are marked in plain ngures, SflS onginat 'price is given and from this you take1 one, halfoffj jtheJehglB'ivajr from 1-2 yard to 6 and 7 yards. 'Jr &t fieautiful Embroidery --v rxv$ t1 J4as Jksi Bmr UnpdGi M.WEBB aflUncrf IMpwterir No. liatter tVfc riacV ! 1044 SKINNEB & HTTNTEE Hair DreMlhg1 parlor, room 10, Paragon Bldg. Phone UT. W make a specialty of electrical fsc and ecalp treatments. Latest of everything la Hair Goods and Hair Dreaslrig, Swltchea and Puff mad from your combings : La Grecque Corseti.. W VTV. W Iff W . vriijci,i a 44 VUtATVU UWOVIta a We sell the latest style of Winter Hat cheaper than yotf can buy them from' the big malt order houses. Paris Millinery 1 SOUTH MAIX STREET. CORSETS CLEANED. We can take a bndly soiled corset and. clean ami freshen It until almost good as new Prices reasonable. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning works II Church 8trecu, , Phone J110. CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic adjustments (treat ment) has been endorsed by Uovern ors, many 1'. s. and State Senators and thousands of Cltliens of other states na being the most advanced and nnxlern method M removing- abnor malities or diseases that the human body Is heir to. We court Investigation. Incurable cases our specialty. Oft. C. F. COMPTOJT AND Dft. J. A MATHTS. CUfitOPRACTOnS. Igal Bid. Routh of Foontala Pbom 611. Asheville, N. C. MtMMlMtMMIHI WHY M. & W. INDIAN? Because It Is the coal that Is convenient In slue and perfectly clean. all coal. Full Weight, prompt dfJTVery. 3 . . Carohna Coal & lie Company P HO YE ISO. ttMMIMHMMMIIMlMf a. - a 0n Monday Only We Will Offer Our Reduction of 50 Per picked over at all. SALTED Whoksoinc Iwcause of the gait?' naturally- palatable. J-esi Bhiirieni .Weekly. OWNBEY'S 25 llontford Ave. Our constant nim is to serve Dairy Products f the highest quality, absolutely clean and sweet. '.We guarantee all our products and are glad of an opportun ity to- redeem anything found unsatisfactory. But -wei try to- maintain such a high standard that everything will be highly SATISFACTORY, ancf we believe we -art ' succeeding. : y . y 'Vj:, In addition to MILK and CREAM wr make a spec ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. Our prices arc reasonable and our service prompt and courteous.- May we not serve youf h . ; , - ' Asheville Pure Milk Company Watcli A good ?o-yenr gnarantoed case era from $8.00 ap. eweler. 51 MT0NAVEWOT5aNE:356 ASHEVILLE: N.C; SPECIAL Ladies and Our duced week. Mtect entire line of Ladies and Misses' Coats ve-one-thinl. Cuite a nmrtlier, were sold last We still have some very handsome btyles ta from: ' ",v $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $25.00 Coats now Coats now Coats. uoav . . toats now .. . . . Remnants I i Cent. i ', t?i PEANUTS M- I 1 1 Phone 56. .11 Special with Amra-lcii moyemcnt for .(. Ottv. . ' . . i.' .. , .. t ,.M Vm' Aimjm, c.t 4 ' ,.-Js K SALE OP Misses .$ 6.6T $10.00 w , . $13.34.1 .$16.67 - m. Coats V