iiAi'iiwiiinmaMAd !-T V'V-t-. " WT Jf "ilv M -Ara- l-'f?- : ' fitter V '11 ' " L .1U . '.l.'". "rat. y,u knt mm' ta fn.ll tit Ai JVH.I I . ... I M it" , . . ,i ' Im -- I ww ? u. ' ill, mf tr-iTiiTrr-..,:" rr r .i ..t 1 i . i -tt,. i . i II XI If If If ff II ' ff If Mr. H. M Mnrv, l New Vork elt, la a Unite. r to A.dit v 1 1 1 - Mr T. it. BlvBor., or ISrjxon City, ii ii must ui n. rl.. . i hotel Mi I' ,M . Irt III t.., I V.;ik,i d A ii.l.-rHon, on liusln.-ss. :''".! It. r. l oHt.-r h.ivc 10 Nevvl,, rn iif( I In i lly, j Mr. ii ii. I Mr turned I.. Hull Ii cr spindll!- some . IV I . in.' In Mm. Hi Mr T. J I'ooix r I. ft vst.nluy for Hiin.lervlllc. Jn , nli'Ti' In- i'X.i i'tfl tn I.. mil anil iikhIii I'tiKHK1' the lumber business. Mr. I'mincr hs a trait of ilmhiT In that section which he will pernlc. MIhh M. liosc Philadelphia. li ft j eslerday for Mr. I'ntil Klordnn or a the KiM'Ht of hi mother i AnReles n Mrs. Ilclciifi Itlordnn at hi Avenue. r home mi Montforil Mr. II. W. Kirkputrlck Battery Park hotel. I at llio Hldeman left yesterday Mr. B. D. for LoulnvJIIr, Ky. Mr. And Mrs. Frank Iiuihraii left yesterday (or Hot Spring, Ark. Messrs. Gregg and Nicholas 8um.nu of Oreenevllle, Tenn., were In thn city yesterday on route to Ouftney, H. C. Mr. n. Ij. Cook who has bnen In the city for the pant few daya loft yesterday for Itallground, U. Mr. and Mr. Charles Warner, -who have been tutst In the city for sev eral day left yeaterday for Jackson- vllle. Mr. B. B. Clement of Illchmond. Ind la spending Several daya at the Battery Park. t Mr. W. B. Rodman of Charlotte I pending several day with friends in the city. Mr. C. D. Huyler who ha been ttsn guet of her parent, Mr. and Mrs Porter, In Blltmore h returned, to her home in New YorK. The Con fed i'1'Htc ch.ur w ill m.'i't With Mrs. Juincs Silk.lmlhcr al Tie Auditorium thin uficrnoon al 4 o'clock, J J Mia Hurnh It. Clurk will entertain ..." ' tfe Young Peoplw' li-wrue of llclhcl , Methodist church this uwiiIok at her home on Phlfer street. if j' Mr. V. II. IleiClU win give a dinner .; i jn Saturday at the fiwannanoa hotel - tb the T. I: A. of Aahevllle. Wy and mean of enterlalnlnn the national T. , A. convention, which will me t here Monday, Mny 3 tut. will he du duaaed and the affair will be one of apodal Importance to the local mom . fcer of the association. The commit fee will he appointed to take chart; Of the details of the entertainment of f the aaaoclntlon. The local officers of c- the T. P. A- ahnounco that indication ' - axe at present that there will he fi, 0(10 ; paoplc In attendance. The convention will laat A whole week. ' Another International marrlaic . take place in New York today and . ha arouwd wldeipread interest. Mlea Beatrice Mill", dAUShter of Mr. and . , Mr, p. n. Mill, become the Countesii f Otannrd. The Earl of Oranard oc " uple an enviable ponltlon In England . nd I a aclon of one of the old families In the peerage. The wedding Will be the moat fashionable and im poftant of the winter, Mr. Clarence Mack ay gav a. brilliant dinner and reception fr Mia Mill ami the Earl of uranara uie nrat of the week, . which was attended by many notable, Among; other Ml Ethel Barrymore, who for many years has been Mr. Mackay's Intimate friend. It I probable that a juvenile dra tnatlo club will b formed to put on the play of Mr. Frances Hoda-ann Burnett, Mr. Burnett Jordan has been asked by the younir people to organize the dub, Th Little Prince, which wa played aeveral year ao In New York, and which enjoyed almost aa great a vogue a Little Lord Faun tleroyt I tk play choten by the young - people for their flrM appearance, pro vnaing tn ciuo l formed. The ; Old Reliance oclety fnd the yooper Literary aocletyfof the Hlh kchool will engaga in a debate tomor row night at 7.4S at the Itlveraide In- - auatrlaj club. The question to t debated la, "Re o!vd: .Thfct th orator of the Con. tinental congre were more eloquent man inoae or vno present day." Th Cooper aocloty 1 to take th negative. The publlq I Invited to attend and conveyance will meet the T.ltt and 7.30 car at the end of the Patton ave nue car lino to convey the spectators ; to th club rooms, ' . M r. and Mri R. B. Htone, on French Broad avenus, wera given a aurpri r.rty TUMday night by the-members ft All PoUla choir. The member of the choir met pn the aquar at x o'clock and Went to the home bf the couple, A,muIcal program was rendered- Mr. Burnett Jordan rendered a number Of piano aelectlons. II e fresh -rnent were ervd and an enjoyable evohlng wa tad. Among thoae pres . ent weret Mia Thayer. Mia Lucy Vance, Mis Shop. Mia Lottie Wor ley, Mr. Boynton, Mr. Burnett Jor dan, Mr. oeorge Arthur. Mr. John fitarnc and Mr. Moore. J J The "athbms" givien by Mr. RoUln on at No. J charlotto street to the nurse of the Aehevllln registry In hon or o( her elator, Mls Ford. wui a very pleasant oca! event yesterday after noon. Light refreshments were serv ed and music was a feature of the afternoon. y t J An amusing congregation was over heard on the Da tt cry Park hill ycater 4y afternoon where the nurses con arrnlA wtih ikir i. ...... . bask in the .. The email kiddie TZ""" M" ",M"r- Mr' who la known a the littlest hoy t ; M,,rver- Mf vonveni was angrily haranguhiK, Mr bib iime simer about a matter which H' deemed of vital Intercut. The littlest I hoy stamped hi diminutive foot nnd ' Mr James It Budly declared that he "would he a nvorn, In In the aiater when he grew lip." H!n sister hUHinea. o-iea vainly to explain that he couldn't! , : lo anything of the kind, hut that she L r T"nl,, R " Kiuleker leaves doitld. The llttleet boy v,allil dole-1 , 1'1,rk,ra1)ur(r on Saturday, after n Altly and was mill declaiming- his Ii, '" "'" fHml,V ' Victoria. L.. " " ",,rSe nm ""M Mr. ). C. Hamiiton arrive,, vest flMV f r.,n. rM.L.nn.. ... , ""'I Will Spenit s,v Mr. A. Aslievllle Mr .1 a l.stlor Mr I. i i lly f. ii I-:. II. lor :i It. in. of Wllmton, 1,1 i' l Hill , Ik III m rpPiuPaji(iviifSKy ff "''' CnmrerVof ptfenerefi Mt iDf BtJet SArfdratf .addiction! Kicntigcallw rirSStSd witbouft ahnrfc n mmrll I.A.J .. nl.aH..l ...I...I ' . " .u . 7 iw.ni Hits A DOBir I i- I til: V"" niistoi-rt s prisos. Tnstnwst nllnlr It - n . . i . . . f . . . 1 I"-" norori. our Don K ...., T. n i , Atlaal. (.a- Hiown AkIu -. ill.- f KryKon city, fl I -III 1 1 . few ila if ''anion, In In th, In. Minor him m turned from Char Coming Attractions TIIIO M AVIMTT.W OV1MA ft). Mllll the cnxiiK.-ment of the Man nattan i ,. ra company at the Grand opera Ii.mi". all n-xt week, the niu GASTLV SIGHTS IN ILL-FATED MINE Hodics n .Ti-iFouiul, Many Maiifflpfl n nd Muf ilntcd lic yorid Indcntificfttioii. (By Afsoclateg Prn.) RM-KFIELO. Vvl-Va., Jan. total or .If, hodle liava n,.. roin in,- in. rated rnln Ilrancli. at 13. A taken Lick BLOWN TO ATOMS BY DYNAMITE (By Associated Press.) LKADVIIJ.K. Col., Jan. 13. Mrs. Hicham LautcrhHch. wife of a pros pootor. was killed, and Miss Rather Schuster, a BUcut of the former at her nome near Mitchell, 15 miles west of here, yvas badly Injured when a mys terious (ire In the Lautcrbach cabin ct on severaf sticks of dvnamite to. day. The explosion blew Mrs. Lauter- pcn to atoms, wrecked the loe cabin ana acverely hurt her woniun com panion. I Th.-,.. - L. . . . slcul lovloK i.cc.i.l. of this el... mm i., or in men each. be treated , the -we .'..; ITT ""'""''" ln.p, , torn Orady. Hohemlan fllrl L" . ,,r" '"". Martha." 'Chime. f N,.rm.,.. 1" '". ' .. " ,cre report the Pinafore" hr., f Pensance -' l-T.. i,Mn ,nn torn and other oncra The clilw.r ,.t .h II -orr,uo, " working ooeraa. The caliber of ih MHiinnttan opera company 1 known, of the mine, whra.,bodleH are found for no c,py would tour the South flTt on anuymu-"l lden. Kagcir.mt In mich cities' as Jnckwn- tin... i.h hi. " ' '"f? d,, l"rP' to d"' vllle. .Savannah. Charleston -L ",l.f.n'".h. bPt"' White and black be- and Columbus without being worthy BI: LTV" ?'l?h""ily "urne1 of heaw nutronasre. ,n.cn irm mi; mine re- Fra niavolo," will he the ,,cnl ' J? ."V""' " more rM , .. -" ,"" f . ,,,,,,,i, ,, ivionuay niKUt. y.vr iinas role l taken by Mlas Kittle ,-ice i-erie, ine charming: little urlnia donna. Ix.renza is ret.resont.rf i L "v" l-n,W "b ad are col i.uiiiwil umnSTS. from inm. Undle nrma are gone, from others the les;s. f)ne wa headlnu Twentv-flVA linaa,. .!... i I ore. Beaulyand Bad Drcilh ...ii..ii uHHvr, inc romantic tenor, I wi nnl,lontinii (1., Vaughan. last aeaaon with "The L. 5f .d11,.,!?4 have been ted leather." slrnrs "Iliow.ln " -rt.-1" "unJ Du "V not yet been bandit, ere represented by Caludc :fP Kn.w 'neAmor am..i.. ; . Perienced mm Jnen are eiithnei the funniest bam U. haT "Z fr h WntTha, thls ,. the pled the roles. The chorus Is well I " ,.ec-r "plo- rangea in ganlmatlon wnon it introduce Itsstf Mond,. " . . . nlirht thm ,.r -ofi i mem point to tne Jact that the ther. - .'".j.iib nRiieviue I . . ' reople as much as they have South. LL..1 ' Wrp within seven 'rn rom since Sept. 16. ' 'no paiaatro- The advance sale for Monday nlnlit l it. - ? 'BHrn a cnange In will be opened tomorrow m ! , " ' M threather.h Mn-Werable Influence Matlneea-Tuesday. Thursdsv l"n; w OTnU,t,onf "!h"f cuse mine dls- ui,,rHa.. ... . "'"lasiers. 'i ante B ine Ashn vine pnaramacy. lie roles. The chorus Is well . " rec"r 'Where two explo it, voice, dnd ingTntS."" 'P Ion will have an object m view b to' 1$it J& 1.'' faan" ar" It Introduce Itself Monday Cu'", fi"mo of Mr. ana Mrs. n. J. Bherrlll and daughter. Ml Lottie Bherrlll, have gone to Jacksonville, ria., to spend in winter. Mrs. Annie ('. flrldser and Miss Bridget- have given up their house on Montford avenue and will sound the winter at the Battery Park hotel. Miss Maude Waddell has returned from rhlla4lphla after an extended visit to Mrs. J. M. Oauain. Bishop J. M. Horner and his dauali. tor. Mis Kve and Mis Kathertno Horner, are In New York city Mr. George Albea lias returned from a visit of aeveral week to hi home in Washington, da. Mr. Victor Nlvalrof Now York, Is guest at the Mattery Park hotel. Mr. Edwin Klower, of New York in the city for several days on busi ness. ir. Artntir l.awrenco nint 1,1. daughter, Miss Carrie Lawrence, of Btockdale, Mas., are guests at thn I Manor, Mr. and Mrs. Max Adler. of Chica go, are guests at Kenllworth Inn. Mr. E. H. Morrison, of Tarrytown, N. Y Is a visitor to the city. Mlas Florence Anglo returns to th" Ctsth Turrytown on Hudson- thi. afternoon. Miss Ida and Miss Kdna ltoRer have returned from Jacksonville -n,.! Tampa, Fla. ANNUAL MEETING OF FORESTRY ASSH Secretary. Wilson Declares That Forest Growth is Get ting Scarcer and Scarcer. Miss Charlotte Hudson has b,..n caueu to Charlotte. N. C. on sec, not EARLY AGREEMENT WITH VENEZUELA Conrmissiofieri('hanan Ca bles Thflilk is Gradu ally Nearing '-it End. - 1 Bv AflamA d.. WASHfNOTON. Ja: l.it has be- fBv Auocltrf hcore, accordlna to the i,.t. ,i,.. WAHIUNUTtJN. Jan. 13 Th.l'nent, evident froni..rhe tone t ,n. Iwetity eighth annual meeting of the Pt''hes fetlf fefint M4 iaO Com Amertran Forestry association began missloner BuchanasJ fie w4'lt reach here today, gecretary Wilson of the satisfactory agreement with r.r.i. assoi latlon. welcomed the delnaalns: dent Oofnes of ,'et4iln n th., ..,.. The time Is coming in this conn, foment of dlsMitnMltstldiiJ ht., o ! Irv n.k. . .. " " lk. rii,.:.. "'' ' J r! ' -w " dven win oe scarce aa fllM.l"'' t'lineo mares miir- that ..,,,.,,.. mo'nds, unles steps are taken tn pre- Following this, diplomatic relation. serve our forests" and Heereturv W'll- which have been brokitn olf for a long Jiin. The secretary declared that our lime Will be resumed! ' ' ''" forest growth la netting scarcer and Thp unsettled question between the scarcer every day and that we are inuntrles arp the live ,JlhjnY df Ainer- uslng three tlmen ,ir. much wood n lean citizens asalnrl venemnta ...i,i..i. growing. President Casteo rcriiK.Hl,n!iihmit .. 'lo m. I let um alt down and nnU arbitration, the In, I face at congress" continued the sec-' "'lan courts uniformly having been " "'J neciinse tnt hoily has not adverse to the claims when pending, j yet seen lit to provide for the Am,,,. Commissioner liii, i,un h. -i,it,i , tachliln mid White mountain forest re. 'he state department that his work Is serves. We must not ,1, i,c,i graduallv nearlnir iiu . ..a ui. i..... much upon enngrena What la a rc. tlons are for him to ant flnallv. hut naturally there are some features wnirh Will regit ire illulbmatlc settle ment. Former United Slates Minister Rus sell, who was recalled frow, Venezuela, when relations became Strained, will probably be again cni tQ Venesucla to resume his former post. - Cannot Go Togctltcr No Matter How u Woman May Ty to Make Tliem. It does not ma'tter how beautiful a woman may be, If she Is afflicted with bad breath she will be shunned and piuea by men and even women studiously avoid her. If ny woman doubts this statement let her make a point of asking a friend in wnom he may confide, a man friend or relative. If hq be honeat he will tell her that foul bronth from the moutn of a woman Will Srlve men from her more rapidly than any other personal arpictlon. t roui oreatn arouse in man disgust and where this quality Is brought into ptay no amount of self-denlsj or-reasoning cgn overcome the natural re pugnance Which Comes to, man When he Is m company with uch a woman. What is true of had breath in wo. man is not true In so great a degree m men. women are looked upon as the Incarnation of sweetness, breed. Ing, virtue and refinement. Foul breath will !cken a man so that he cannot feel for such a woman a com panionship necessary to make him de sire to be In her company. mere la absolutely.no occasion for bad breath in either men or women. Charcoal, the strongest absorbent Known, when taken Into the stomach, will prevent this repugnant tendencv or affliction. Stuart' Charcoal Loiences are sold In tremendous quantities all over America and Canada. They cure and have cured all forms of bad breath. A single box will convince you xtt this fact. One 'should eat some of these loacnges after eufch meal and upon re tiring, you might eat fifty of them without harm. They are not medicine, but pure willow charcoal mixed with sweet honey to make them palatable and compressed Into lozenges to pre serve their peculiar and lasting strength. Tim next time you wish to go into company and' don't, want your foul breath to humiliate you, eat several of .Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges and your breath will be pure and wseet. l?very druggist carries them, price 20 cents, or send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package bj- mall frw. Address F. A. Stuart CO., 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. ' . Embroidery Sale is on Joday e 'on among the iitjuiv women who braved , the weather vesterdav? If not vou should attend to day. A little wind might not to keep you from.'ac eeiitlng such exceptional values. ':;.!? This sale will continue today and toniorrpw;' Biii ' ,l,..,'i. i. a i : l: :L : aa i -i- .. ' ' nni l jitii en uu, nig iiiiLii Jt im too line, rur Wflep . we take them off sale the prices revert bafjk. There are three lots, one at 9c yard. Another' atv 19c yard, the other at 29c 'yard. Our constant aim is to serve Dairy ProducU! of the highest quality, absolutely clean and sweet. We guarantee all our products and are glad of ari oprjftriiiii ity to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. But we try to maintain such a high standard that everything will be highly SATISFACTORY, and we believe we ar succeeding. fl In addition to MILE and CREAM we make" stee laliy of PANOY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. J Our piices are reasonable and our service prompt and courteous. May we not serve you I " ; r , . , Asheville Pure Milk Company PIIOJTH 854. ''T'":v'' ' 1 ' La Gfecque Corsets. . Fox every type of figure. GREENE & CO., 12 Church atreet. D. it. McKINNON 7 Patlon Avenue (Oter Redwood' Store.) ladies and Genllemens TAILOR II r Y. S Johnston. ,,r I'm ,,1. 11., v la In the , It y f,ir several cIh.vh Hollweek, of llaltl- 1 I'.v for a few days mi e.ir.inuuii t,t me couinrv at the rate of nl., nil ne imurtcr of a mllil,,,, acres each year " Forest flrea and their control, form ed the theme of disillusion al tht afternoon hchMiiii. and the uawicla Uon ndi.itc,l a rcp irt that ex.rcsaed me oeiier mat a pan! nre part.. of men. n hoae entire time nhm.i.i i.. '"".ii'.'K oennue ,r,.(iM for the prevention and detection of lire. Is the onlv sNtcm .hl..i. ...in prevent ine llre and Insure their prompt discovery and suppression Anion- those paitlclpatlntt In tin iieneral dlscuaslon of this subject a-. Or. tj, A. 8ch.cn k, f.M.wterof the Van derhllt eatnte lliltmoiv. N. C. i ne MKsociation w fli roncln.i v ork toniorrow Its Cotton and Silk J Rubberized Raincoats For Children, Misses and Ladies t This is the new raiucoat that has come extensively fnto vogue of late, it has the advantage over old stvic taincoats in hvwK of nmrh liKhter weight, and of real Jot unagined, proof aKi,i.ist water. AKs,., the fabric per-' jnits of more life and variety as to color and pattern Jit is a new pro,-. that i,liposeR a lliu (,)a( , f ; Rubber on the silk -r cotton ba kinir x i i (u cjiimren and misses, in ajres ( to 11 th, 54 for cotton and $8 for silk. Tor wo'men'th, 15.50 for cotton and $15 to $30 for silk, with fiety of colors and designs. prices are prices are i wide va- Mackintosh Capes for women m stli.l color andplaids full ffit; at $18 and $20, aws also one of the conung into favor. M. V. MOORE WOMEN'S OrTfTTTEn kl. . Patton Avenue. englli, inilitai v "new things'' . RUMORS OF BREAK BETWEEN TAFT AND ROOSEVELT (Contlnua from (Irit pag ) have accrued to them Incident to con nection nlih the nooaeelt ndnilnls trlln. No Itivisevelt Tar. onneetion with the Hooi.cwll a. I ministration is id a hnr to proaoectlv n.eo.lH.rs r the cahlnet lo he. i,e llllv the I.oehs and Neivherrva m.l ' Oltclyon.s. ,o were heavJH tarred Willi the Rooaevell slick, will l. ,r red A ATT'Y BONAPARTE ANSWERS TILLMAN (y Auociatd Pr.) ASHINOTON. Jan. II. Senator Tillman today received a reply from Attorney iieneral II. nn parte to an In l"r ne made as I,, whether the at- torney general Im.l broturht suit atfalnat the Southern c wegon compa ny, which holds lan.l Krant for mil "my rora rrom It, .secure to Cooa ', The enutor declined to make thin 1-oin.mun.lcatton nuhlte todav. .v- ing he would read It and comment upon It In the senate tomorrow. CEMENT USERS7" ASS'N OTflCERS M. WEBB Milliner; Initmrtera No. Batterr Park riaea, rhoae 144 Aahevllle, N. O. CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic adjustments (treat ment) has been endorsed hy Govern ors, many U. S. and Stale Senators and thousands of Citizens of other states as being the most advanced and modern method in removing abnor malities or diseases that the human body Is heir to. We court investigation. Incurable case our specialty. tR. O. T. COMPTON AND DR. 3. A MATHIS, CHIROPItACTORS. Legal Bldg. Sonlh of Fountain Phone 681. Aslievlllo. N. O. fan, 13. of- if Were elect- sIlRht cMcpiion mnut nr.'Oninl, ne 1,1,1,1,- n (,, llltchcok If hief ad e of Krn It Imwevcr. c.-n Ihonch h,. I strong Roosevelt ,,,,,,, ,. .,.. ,,, that I I . . . expressed Himself. He Is rx- In the Toft cabinet h,., itaimni! cniilrmnti u.,.i P'WHIon will he modes! anH n,l .r one. rather than that of vlscr In the next nr. ..i.i,,.,, The outRoitiR , Incoming ,m eousuiuie , lililiae ,11, l.l.i nseii. an. is Low .. i,...., ,, ,. ' ,,oo, en rem:, ins at II, l,i... . ...on cxcmiiK and scnsallo.o.i "r in any moment. There ,,ul,. nrcaci, netwecn Mr. ,.,. , 4 - ... ' ,1,1 an. mere may lie nior,. ,,. "OK.-s. or there may he anvthinu oniv II sh-iil.l Is- nome In ,i, the ,0i. ieni is mst now IlKhtluR the re.mhn. i-' . j M-iiii,crats should KTioit ata In the Kiillcry Ihe fun. " oc- secure and watch l.AXATIV K BItCI.Mll Oninin. .... "lid wide Cold and Grip reme.1.- move cauae. Cell for full name Look for signature E. WVQROVE, lie CLEVELAND. nh ficers for the enaiilce 7 sp-ssio,, ,,, the Nailonal cement Users' association; George C. tVttlters, Atlanta. JiM.? e.K vice-president. Good Fire Wood n,,,, t2. ASHEVILLE COAL AND LUMBER CO. Phnnp 73 And PattoB Am. It POZSOK CORSETS CLEANED. We can take a badly soiled corset and clean and freshen It until almost good as new. Price reasonable. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works II Charch Street. Phone mo. Our Motto for 1909: "Make all the pew friends you can withoot neglecting old one." BURTON & HOLT, V Furniture Dralrra, Patton Ave. and Battery Park Place. 1 WHY M.& W. INDIAN? Because It Is the, roal thai 1 T Convenient tn nl 1nA . tleani--alt coal. Full ' weight. prompt delivery. v ' - , i- -..' Carolina Coal & 1 Ice Compaoy PnONB 130,. : HOMtHXMililMIHf We sell the Iate tyle ol! Winter Hat cheaper than you can boy them from the big" mail order house. Paris Millinery 7 SOTJTH MAIS STREET, MISS CRUISE Manicuring and Hairdress ing Parlor. Hair Goods in all the latest style. Wavy Switches. Psyche Puffs. Combs. Rnr.n.. .. Toilet Articles. Chlrnnnv n-.l.l and Scalp Treatment by expert op erator. Combines and e., k.i. made , Into Puffs. Switch., .w Pompadour. Pbone . as Haywood Street. Ground Floor. The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art THB ACDrroRITJM ,,,, Phone m Put a Classified Ad in The Citizen. NOW OPEN New York Lunch Room and Restaurant ) For Ladies and Gentlemen 11 South Main st XNOTIIER WnXDK.lt Ojf SCF.Xf E. Bobs Pains, .Can- Mny People Suffjr from Blood PoUon and Don't know It.. Rearf snnhm ny curo Dy b. b. 9, r"or twenty-rtve years Botanic Pllood Blm' (B B. B. t has been curlnR yearly thousands of sufferers from Primary. Secondary or Tei-ltlary Blood Poison, and an rorms or Blood AM i-ilitn Diseases. We "v""! mum onstmate esses, ir vou SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Drossln Parlor, room vit. Paragon Bldf. Phone ttl. W. a specially of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everrthln? la Hair . Good' , and rv , fswitche and Puff made front your vyuiyiugK ft. Biology Has Prot-,1 Tli, Dandruff Is auseti by a t.erm. Wtence la doln nnndca Ifiu. A,... : MV aelle ,,a nnn. i u t.. .,. it. .1 - ,11 xn,,,. ones. Ol 8 r W echanlcs i-loints. Uncus Pat-hes In mouth. Sore "ineo Adm lived, th. 1,, ,mn race has! Throat, rimpies. Copper-Colored tpots heentroubl.d with dan ;,Uff. for. which I'Vers on ny part of the hodv. Hair or no nsir preparation 1, ,s . Heretofore Eyebrows railing ou,. Itching. Waterv 10 .. "I u e until New-1 Blisters or open humors. Rlslns or Plm oro s 1 erplclde w;is ,,,,, on (ne mark-! Ps or ncienm. take B. B. B. It kllli i.ros terplrlde ... ,,. on ,h, mBrk. tho ln,lson, makr! ,,, Mils the germ thst mi , 1. Mt jfr rich nal.i.i.i, .., . . siuit hysdle he in,, ,1... . i.., .., ... the ,11, ,11,,. V , ....... . e- "..0 'uti'i.ib an BCIICS. (inpls th iiliilli, cTrtfshiK nohlna scslp, mid Itching. Win 1 ' "uy Minnm buiaimic blood balm b. B. B .......a,,,,, inn i,iiMt irmu, l,,v. is n muhi u,..i un t . ...,..11.,. 11 is t. ,,,,,, rf,..,- r ,.,. ri J , ', ' 1 ''."Inft, clrugRlsts. nd enriches it .1, , ,n.",am'" ' -ample to The j KltKl. ' "., in' 11 MIoM Tate. Is 1 ..1 MDI'fi '1 LWvJ 1 Z, S a Ilhrm(cy.jI,K!: noTTLE. with .linnim.s for h.m.o 'VRenis. nire to lake, coitmoNrd liiKicdienls. It niirllh uie 1110011 Kamnle sent hy writing BI.Kid llihn (-0., Allan PV BfrrrR m -- T 51 MTTON'AVE PHONE '956" SMM'htl INTRODUCT ORY PRICE Kverv custom. .- T ' "1, "H" . " " T"" ASHEV1)E N.C. NEW GOODS JUST IN brand be suiwtUuied li.i,triKl this extraordinary Ham In in their nex order. OWNREYS 25 Montford Ave. isls that no other Ic. A.iuens Irish 1,1,,. , t. i... p.. ti .. ,, 1 1 " ""a acc -. ;in aiunarkotl rilit. ( IM tl . Liuen and Colored inr in and look tticxnl' Phone 56.