THE A SJIEVILLE CITIZEN. SATURDAY, .TANTTARr 16 1909 : V hi .1(1 . ,v i , 'Th followlntr account of the wed--41ns; pf Mis Georgia Dallon. of Ashe. Vlll, and Mr. Frederick H. Hrla-man : T taken from the Atlanta Journal of iJUabor of rwmt date: . "A pretty romance of only a f month' duration, rlstnatlng In tht Abeautlful, mountalnoU city of Ashe "Vllle. N. C, culminated in the mm Uisre of Mis Oeorsjla Dallon to Mr, vJYed B. Brlginan on the evening of .December tS. Only a few of the mot ' "Intimate friends of the younjr roui.le ' i'Hrsr aware of their Intenllona. A few ' (mreeka ao It was necessary for th , groom-elect to separate from h' r bride-to-be. haWnK accepted a more lucrative poeltlon In his home town FsAtlanta. His persistent woolnj was (continued, however, with an alm wdally correspondence. BUI In he was jtjluet twins; to Ashevllle to spend the holidays with hi mother, he returned I a week later -with 111 bride. " "Mr. Brig-man la the charming .young daughter of Mr. and Mrn iThomaa H. Dalton, of Aahevllle, and ah numbers her friends with her ac . Lqaalntancea, -who Will regret very rmuoh to separate from her, she being ; quite a social favorite. ? "Mr Brlgman la a member of Allan ft Web Pressmen' union, No, 10, and ttiold a responsible position with Th Atlanta. Journal. Ha has filled varl- bu offices In the union with dlstlnc lion to himself and the union. Th r members of No, 10 extend their con Bratuls,tlon to the young couple and fc-wlsri them lonf, happy and ipro Jperou lire. Mr., end Mrs, Brlgman are now at home to their friends at y SO Kirk wood avenue," j - J Jt H The Hwnnoa die elub gave an en .. d lovable dnnce Thursday evening In "the Blltmore club room; The ore he. : trav -composed of members of the jrlub,' rendered excellent music Among those present were Mr. and tMrs. Kenney, Mlas Hurst, Miss Van. fdl Tarborough. Mlas Edith Arthur, ( Miss Stone, Mlas Annie Cochran, Mr. iiOeorgo Arthur; Mr, James Arthur, Mr. James Upe, Mr, Shroute, Mr. Hal ttochran. Mr, James Denton, Mr. Ulrown and others. . The usual mixed foursome golf , tournament will be played this after (Jiioon on the competitive point baals. . i ne piayers are requested to be on f the- grounds at three o'clock and en Ttrles are to be wads with Dr. Paul f Hlnger. Th Saturday afternoons at Nhs Country club are becoming x- ediniriy popular and agreeably and week. To Is served by different members of th elute nd the after- noon Is ons of th social features of ,m ween. Titers wo always people playing on th links, but usually on (Saturday there ars from fifty to sev . .enty-five members on th grounds, H Th High school boys played baa I Wl ball last evening against th Ashe. vni school students at th Ashe rtll (ffhooi. ' Th aeootid meeting of th flhrlnera1 jlub wilt bo held this evening in the IMasonlo tomple. Arrangements will t be mad to charter car to attend the I Enclave In Charleston during the t month of April. Thar will be a Joint 'pilgrimage uf Omar and Oasis tem- pies, and It I probable that the local i Winners will oocupy two cars to )ur hy to Charleston. lit r r jjThe following monthly report of (toe Associated Charities was aubmlt . ti by the secretary, Mrs. F. B. Wild, ijrom th 1st of December until the ( list of December: ;.Th office was open daily from ( liuntll U In the morning and trom J isinlll S In the afternoon, excepting r wo nays, wnen Mrs. wild a elck. Pennlman Mra mindly attended to th oHlce. "Bpeclal attention la given to keep, tang careful records of caaea, and, Without exception, every case In In- I vatlgated before aaelatnncc la given. Ntnlea recommended by one of the dl rectora or aome reeponatble prrenn. i j'J 'Hlxly-alx appllcatlona have he(.n f 'made during the month, aevnrnl of .theae only for clothing. Hecureil tttraneportatlon for three grown eopo 'Vtid threo rlilldren. The Huiith.-rn Ik, kindly kbvc a rrhntiv Rr- Slised aesletnni o to nine. MhcIp ttilrtv B three vlalla. Secured p-rmllH for tn fbr alinahuuKo. nve twenty-one oi- IF ii. Special Sale on Separate Skirts One-Third Price Reductions We arc putting on sale u ' arate skirt stock at one-third j price. jt - -Skirts from $u.f0 in $,5 jj cA.aniue.i oi an me prevailing sKiri si vies. ... There are shepherds' plaids and novelties, but cliieth JlMack: panama, chiffon panama, voile, taffeta and broad ycloth; self, silk, and button trimmed. - Hei-c are splendid bargain opportunities: liii 1-;) per 'cent discount: a $10.00 skirt for $6.67; a $15.00 skirt iifor $10.00, etc, etc. Come now. M. V. M00RE WOMKN'8 OUTFITTER 11 Pattoa Aveaae. rirrn for wood hoiI iifitl, Home of then; nrrl-rH amounting to lif( r-ntn. Twi-ni ty ordrra for groceries. "KeMpectfulIy niilfrnitted. "V. II. WILI. Hec." J J The rtgular veper ncrvl'f will be held at the V W. c. A. Hunday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The hour for the Rervlcts, whlrh have' been Increaa ing In attendanre, haa t n changed from 5 until 4 o'clock. There will b pe lHl fatiiri-H of lnt reKt on Kunilay A I'ordlal Invitation In tened to the women of Aahevllle. eepfially to the young women, whoae intereat will -be of uiiUKtiul benefit to the Y. W. ('. A. Mm f'atile N. Brown entertained at her home on Church atreet Thurs day evening, complimentary to Mlaa Burnett of Del Rio, Tenn,, who la the gueut Of Mra. Brown, A tnualoal pro gram waa rendered and games wf-r played, after which refreshment were aerved. Mlaa Lury Vance aang sev eral selections and Mr. Albert Dunn rendered several piano selections. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mr. George Brown, Mr. and Mr. Horace Wells, Mr. Hmathera, MIh Burnett, Miss Elizabeth Brown, Mlas Caroleen Brown. Mlaa Bertha Whit tlngton, Miss Myrtle Ondger, Mlaa Minnie Korlaon, Mlaa Powell, Miss Grace Fanning, Mlaa t,ucy Vance, Mr. Owen Qudger, Mr Albert Dunn, Mr. Turner Buttrlek, Mr, Vonno I dodger. Mr. Caaslus Oudger and Mr. Canle Brown. The Friday Book club met yeater- day afternoon with Mlaa Johns at the Home Industrial school. The next meeting, January 2Znd, will be held at the residence of Mrs. F. K. Mitchell on Montford avenue, with the follow ing program: Boll call, Charles I .a nib. 1. The Lambs In London, i. Th Blue Coat School, Bridget Bllia and the Wednesday Evenings, Mrs. Williamson. I. The Blags Coach, Miss Ousel Smith. The social giver by the Methodist Protestant church No. t last night was quite a success, deaplte the In- clement weather. It was a book so cial, Mr, Roy Bchreyer represented 'Longfellow's Poems"; Mr1: J. W. Bar rett, "Twenty Tear In the Future"; Mis Ball! Barrett. "Webster's Bine Back": Mis Kffle Bnrre,t, "What Gold Cannot Buy"; Misses Delllnger and Williams, "Tempest ' Sunshine ; Rev. J. 0. WUIIayie, "Lavender and Old Lac": Mis Bardie Mr In tyre, "A Mlrrow and What J Saw In It"; Mis Novella Molntyr. , "Penhood"; Mr. Walter Havner, "The Silver Butterfly Mr. Haloombe. "With Lee In Virgin- la": Mr. Carl Langfltt, 'Three Juflg "i Mr. W, T. Blcketl, "Fruit of th Tr": Mf. O. It-'Hsli. 'Th Hooiler Schoolmaster"; Mln Nancy Latter. Whit Aprons"; Mr. Austin, "Open Ing of tb Chestnut Burr"; Mr Fred Carter, "'Frederick the Great"; Mlas McQuIr, "Rom in Bloom"; Mis far ker, "Love Letter of a Musician"; Mlas Cole, "Life of a BuMerfly"; Mts Swain, "Scarlet Letter"; Mr. Styles, Hard Cash"; Miss Shepherd, "Five Little Peppers." Mlaa Nancy Lafton won the prize for gueanlng the tnrg- est number of books. Mr. Cnrl Mo Intyre wsn second prlwt. Tickle eandwlchea were served aa refresh menla. P If The second annual reception of Weavervllle college beld lat night In the new dormitory proved io be a great sucreea. The "Reds," who won the tnemberalilp contest, were re ceived by the defeated "Bluea." the vanquished ones serving at the tablen. The head waiter wa.i Mr. Frederick Alllron and the head waitress Miss Bonnie He(Hn Musu Regan. Rob erlH, Holllntir, and Wtlllama. were waiter saslHted . by the following boys: Allison, Roberts, Clapp, Kurn ent Weaver, Kiigene Weaver. Hrown and 1'Hlmer The Voiiiib Peoplr'H b-ague of llethi i Miihodlat rhurch wi-re enlertainicl at the home of MImb Stitah Clark on Phlfer atreet. Various (innirs were played ami refrehineiita were serveil. Only Oih. "BHtlMO ytTNIlVK" That In t.AXATIVK HROMI ultl. NINM. Look for the aiKiiature of K. W. IllidVK Use, the. world over to Cure a Cold In One Day. 2 6c. nmKiriorahle part tf our Hpp- reductions fr mi regular are iucluded in the sale, as The .marriage of Mlaa May' Fisher 'to Mr. It. fl. Jordan, which aaMo- brated ui the home of the bride's mother on Atkins street, occurred Thursday evening The crremony. which waa performed by Il-v. H M. .llketeather, waa a quiet affair and wa witnessed by the immediate farn lllea of the couple and u few Invited gueata. . . ANDRKWH, N -'.. Jan. It. A handnome and e'ah,iHte reception waa given at the Cover mansion In th town of ndrew t seven-thirty this evening In honor ol the home coming of Mr md Mra. OIN 1 W. Cover Re freKhmentx were helved and shout fiftv tiersons enioyed the oa aalon Mr and Mra Cover have Juat return rd from an extwidV-d . bridal tour (through Ihe North and West. Many y.ere fhe rnnvrp ' u Itittortfl Bhow'ered uron the bride and the groom Mr ftamuel 10. Cover aiol wife were host and hoHtefs. their mother Ijelns al wnl lemoorarlly In Arizona for the winter. J J About forty young people were pres ent. The laillen f Trinity Eplaropal church who are Interested In the Kant atreet mlislon will hold a candy hu zaar thin afternoon at the grocery store of HmatherM A. Young, on Pack. square. The sale will beiiln at o'clock. J J The meeting of the Children of the Confederacy will be poatponed until next week on account of some bualneas mattern. Mr. Locke Craig glve the first of aeries of bridge parties thin afternoon at her residence on Montford avenue. The aecond party Will be given mm time during next week. Jl J Mrs. May Purcell haa liwued Invl tatlona-to a dinner which will be given Hunday evening at Hollyhock cottage, Albemarle park. J Jl Mrs. Tench Coxe entertained with an Informal luncheon at Klondyke Wednesday. .si Mrs. D. C. Waddell, Jr., entertalncil a Tew friends Informally In her apart ments at Ihe .Battery Park hotel Thursday. Jl J Mr. Charles U Minor was hoateas at an Informal luncheon the latter part of the week. The Friday Whist club met at the Aahevllle club last evening. k'A Martln left for Cincinnati Miss Nell Morrison has returned from a visit with friends In Wlnston- Salem. Dr. Charles Scott has returned from Qreensbora. Mr. R. W. Bingham haa gone to Washington to Und the Children' congre, which I being held by the president. Mr. J. B. A. 'Bennett to visiting Mra King In Augusta, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Lorlllsrd, In Wash ington. Mr. R. E L. Hall, representing tlis Prlclpe de dales cigars, Is here. ' r Mr Lee Rrlnhelmer, representative of the Cliff-Well Cigar company, of Richmond, arrived yesterday. Miss Isabel Lazaron and Mrs. mayer have gone to Atlanta, 'la. Ilof - Miss Mabel Hall, of Wasnesville has arrived to spend the winter with her parents, who have leased I jh Charlotte street for the winter. Miss Kathrrln I'artmell Is expected to return this week from Sallsbur where ahe has been visiting her sister. Miss Maria Brown and Mr. Vance Brown la todav for the Kast Mb a Brown sails shortly for South Amer ica and will be absent some time Mrs. (Hiv Kennard and Miss Hoi- ley. of tinclnnatl, are spending sev eral weeks In the city Miss Mary Ton Ing and Mr and Mrs. Hales, of i'hlrni;o. are gue.-;tti si V, - toiia Inn. Miss Uaitncau and Mrs M. linri- neau, of New York, are in the ellv. Mls.-t Amy Kmnntiel leaves on Mon lay lor Rulherfordton Mr Frank Carter Is to re turn from a trip to Columbia mid Rltiimoiiil and ot her , points on Mon- laj. M ii .1 the city. I.. Hell, of St Louis. I in Mr. W. A .lames. Jr., who hss been visiting at I'rtrmelee. N t.'., for some time, has returned to Ashevllle Mr. James V. Thrum, of South Una vllle. Is spending- a few days in th. city on business Mr. and Mrs Jacob Htlmner. of Morrlstnwn, Tenn . have arrived and will visit friends In the city for sev- eral dsy. Mr. C. B Myan. of Knoxville. Is nt the Berkeley. Mr. 0. W Psvls. of Richmond. Ii here for a few das. Mr. James M Bow-man. of Knox- ton. 'Mass.. Is spending several davs ill the city on bualneas Mr. B. F. Gray, of Dlllaborn. is here, for a short stay Mr. "w. B "Ramsey, of Marshall. Ii spending sever I days In the city with friends Mr. Brysini, gollHtor -of Swain coun. ty. who resides In Bryson city spending several days In Ashevllle on ..Mr. RIoiixA Jrwlu. ot Detroit, is In f PERSOMl . j) Mr. J. S. yesterday. Mr. L. Fowler, of 8t Louis, ts at the Berkeley. , ;, Mr. J. P Thompson, ( Atlanta. Is here on business for sever. 1 1 days. THv'. 1 Mr. and 'Mrs. " B.F. Carter, of Mansticld, Ohio, are here for a short stay with friends. Mr. V. W. Sherman.. of Jm ksonvJIle Kla., la here for a few ilnya. I Mr. W L, Bloomer, or iarlin. O, la In Ihe i lly. Mr. and Mra Hugh A Iive, of Waynesville, arrived yesterday and will apcml a few day with friends In the it. I Mr. D. H Burton, of Jireensboro, la here for a short stay. Mr T. In town 1.. Coffin, of Mixinnatl Mr I'harles W. Bird, of Johnson City, Term., la spendlBf a few davs In the rity on business. - Mr. und Mrs. Louis F Rtahler, of Waverly, Ohio, arrived yesterday and will Bpend aeveral day with frlcnda In the city. Mr- James Atkln. of Waynesville, wan In town yesterday. !- Mr .1. II Akers, of Knoxville, is registered at the Berkeley. Mr Hector McLean, of Maxlon, C, In In the city. Mr R. I. N. Greenwood, of Fsyette Ib at th Berkeley. vllle. Mr. K W. Enloe, of Plllsboro, was In town yeaterday. Mr. I. I). Hellers, of Maxton. N. C.. la spending a few days with Ashevllle friends. Mr Jack CohuTn, -who haa spent several days in Aahevllle on huslneufc. returned to his horn In Bryson City yesterday. J. H. Tucker . left yesterday for f'harleston, 8, C. ! Sam T. Dorsett. ' formerly ef this city, left Spencer lasi night for'sn ex tended visit to Florid and Cuba. Miss Dorothy LOndow has return ed from a week's.' visit with Miss Lens Lewis, of llendersonvllle Several partiea were given In honor of Mia I.ondow during her stay at Mender' aonvllle. 'I' . Mrs. Botfs and Mls Knte Wright have gone to Mississippi, where they will spend the remainder of the win ter. ' Prof. W. H. Morton, who has spent seweral weeks In Spartanburg, has re turned to Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. B.. Haggerty and Miss Haggerty, 'of Phllipshurg. Pa., have returned loHhe city to spend the winter. They ar accompanied bv Bill" Haggerty. Cot. T:-W. 'Xottujif. g. .,-eft ye,i lerday after spending several dsys with friends In trnj ieity. ir- Mrs. A. LJ Hitchcock left yesterday for Washington. ( Mr'FrAnk K.f Wad,jir1 Buffalo. K. Y.. I the guest of frlfhfts oa Haywood street, Mrs. Kenton ten yesterday for Buf falo, v !' WIM 'But nett." of' relPftloTenn.. Is the gu of Mrs. Canl N. Brown, on Haywood street. MR and' Mr. Peter Simmons. Louisville. Ky.. are In Ul city. Hood Fire Wood Phon 2 S3. of MUCK RAKINQ13 CONTINUOUS (Continued from first page.) ter'a recommendation that the salary ot Chief Wilkle of the aeoret servlco be raised from $4,000 to l,000 a year will probably be barren .pf, results. If i.nier wilkle retains hi position very far Into the Tsft administration at hlii present salary he will be very for tunate. In the meantime Ihe balance of the ulxtleth oongreas promises to be a continuation of the "tlo-inothlng" first session. While whole -days are set aside for wrangling hetween the re puhllean executive's supporters and his enemies, no time appears to be available for the illscusnlon of and iltiiR on postal hank, parcels post. corporation regulation or other pop ular measures. Time which might bs devoted to hiisincsN is beinc wasted lay after day The mother of a consclnrOt little hllss, wishing to rid hereof 'the fear of some cowsl n field ftirOURh which ahe hid o pass, told her, to go right by and prelend she did not e them. "But. mamma." protested the small maid, "wouldn't thai lie docelTlng the cows?" Chicago News, , Elfc The proof of coffee I the drinking-. Klk i-offee la the best proof Of Its unusual teel-cutting mill, which separates the in.i prison nf the cuff Do and nreservlnir v,?i 'ursncwTM fe-v OWNBEVS 25 Montford Art. Our constant aim is to Berve Dairy Products of th highest .quality, absolutely clean and sweet W guarantee' all our products and are glad of an opportun ity to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. But w try to maintain such a high standard that everythint will be highly SATISFACTORY, and we Relieve we ai 8ucceeding. - i N. J , In addition to MILK and CREAM we make a fmee iftlty of PANCY .CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRi RICH ICE CREAM. Our prices are reasonable and our senrice prompt anr courteous. May we not serve youl AsheviHe Pure Milk Company raowi im. B G HAT MAKER S -i . as-r.-a.r. if -i i t.Brajts.-rtt STRIKE IS AHEAD Rpsult of Decision of United Hat Manufacturers to Dis continue Use of Isabel. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Jon. 16 A general Btrlke of hat mal:' rs. that may In volve 26,000 work t. was Inaugurat ed In the hat manufacturing centira of the country today as a result of a decision of the Unwed States hat manufacturers to discontinue the use of the lahal In Hu- factories repre sented In the asaociatlon. Reports from various plac s received here to night Indicate that th. hatters In this vicinity Including tlio;;e In the facto ries In New York. New Jersey and Connecticut have generally obeyed the order to strlki . There were no aigna of, disorder anywhere, the hut makers peacefully retiring 'rom the (ncicrles when the order to quit work was received. The manufacturers, In explaining their or der to discard V- unjon label said If was the result of lh failure of th union to keep a working agreement made with the Ouyer hat company of Philadelphia. Their action to dl3con tlnue the label, thry declared, was unanimous The leaders of the; on the other hand claim tliat the tep was Only the first In an organized- and gen eral plan of employers In all lines to do away with the union label and that union labor was prepared to com bat It- A conference of repreaenta fives of labor unlon.i lining labels ij to he called by the American Federa tion of Labor to cor.Kldr- the matter, It waa declared, and a large rum of inon"j- has been app'oprlated to carry on the right- The ;' manufacturers have , called a meeting to be held here Sunday to consider the situation. DIRE DISTRESS It Is Near at Hand to Himdrcds of Aahevllle Headers. Don't neglect an aching back. Backache Is the kidney's cry for help, Neglect hurrying to their aid Means that urinary troubles follow quickly. Dire distress, diabetes, Bright' disease. front hy an Ashevllle citizen s ex parlance. 8. F. Miller, 30 Turner street. Ashe vllle, N. C, says: "At times I suffered so severely from kidney complaint that I was laid up for several days. There was dull ache across -my loins, ex tending Into my shoulders, and scalding sensation frequently attended the passages of the kidney secretions. My eyesight became Impaired. I was unable to rest and as a -result I felt tired and worn out during the day and did my work only through an ef fort. I used a number of remedies and consulted physicians, but did not sue ceed In finding relief until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Dr. T. C. Smith's drug Btore. ' They ended the trouble in a short time and Improved my gqnera! health. I publicly recom mended this remedy In 103, end now- after nve years have elapsed, I am pleased to reiterate every word I then said, as my cure has been permanent.' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. GREATEST SHOW THAT TRAVELS FOR THE MONEY. One Solid Week, Commencing Jan. 18 Mr. Kohert H. Kane presents the Manhattan Opera Co. In a repertoire of light opera Monthly Night, "Era Dlavolo." IVlccs a, anil 30 cents; tiallcry I.V. MmtlmT Tnowiay. Wcitncstlnv. l lmrxilav and Satunlay. Coffee The larae and Ini reHsinu .-I.. ,.r merit. We irrlnd It ,n en ,.i..,.iei husk, thus ellnilnntiiiR the hitt. rn.-ss the natural nrums. . povkd. Phone 56. 1 mm jdsVay of Today ends the big Embroider- Sale. - Since we put the prices down they have been going rapidly,. Yards and yards have been sold. The Asheville women have shown that they know how to appreciate true values. Today we put in a number of new-things to freshen up the stock. Lot 1 Has been reduced to 5c yard. Lot 2 Has been reduced (o 15c yard. Ill Lot 3 Has been reduced to i as 25c yard. Very geautiful ffM trimmings ftaVe Just facetted. M. WEBB Hllllni-ry Importers No. Battery Tark Puu-e, Pbono 1044 Ashevllle, N. C. HIMMIMMIH WHY M. & W. INDIAN? Because It is the coal that Is convenient In alze and perfectly clean, all coal. Full weight, prompt delivery. Carolina Coal & Ice Company . . PUONK 180. CORSETS CLEANED. We can take a badly soiled corset and clean and freshen It until almost good -as new Prices reasonable. Queen City Dyoing and Cleaning Works 11 Church Hirer I. I'houey alio. Our Motto for 1909: "Make all the new friends you can without neglecting old ones." BURTON & HOLT, Fiirnrtnre Dealers, Pattern Ae. anil Battery Park Place. D.fUkKINNON 7 ration Avenue (Over Redwood' Wore.) Ladies and Genllemens TAIlLOI v r Put a Classified Ad in The Citizen, thit5Toke:of 51 BflTON'AVE? ASHEV1IE N.C. ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT OF WASH GOODS JUST IN White Goods. Percales, 'iinghnni8, (talateas, Col ored liawus, BafiMcs Madrases aud Lineus todav. the Embroidery CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic adjustmcuts (treat ment) has been endorsed by Govern ors, many U. 6. and State Senators and thousands of Citizens of other states as being- the most advanced and modern method In removing; abnor malities or disease that the human body la heir to. We court investigation. Incurable cases our specialty, DH. C. F. COMPTON AND DR. J. A. MATHIS, CHIROPRACTORS, Legal Bldtf. South of Fo on tain. Phone 2f, Ashevllle, N. e La Grecque Corseti... For every type of figure. GREENE & CO., : 12 Church Street : We sell th latest style of Winter Hats cheaper than you can buy them from -the big- mall, order ltoasea, . ' Paris MUHnery 1 )OIJTM MACT STREET. MISS CRUISE. ..: Manicuring and Hairdres ing Parlor. Italr Goods In all the latest style. Wavy Switches, Buns, Crown aod Psyche Puffa, Combs, Barettes and Toilet Articles. Chiropody. Facial and 8calp Treatment by expert, op erators. Combings and cut hair made Into Puffs, Bwltche and Pompadour. Phone 16. 35 Haywood Street, Ground Floor. Hie Asheville School of Music and Dramatic Art TELE ACDITOIUCM Phoue 341 NOW OPEN New York Lunch Room , and Restaurant ' For Ladies and Gentlemen 11 South Main st SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlors, room 10, Psracon llldg. Phone b7. We moke a specialty of electrical faiB and scalp treatments. Ijiie.t of everything; In Hair Goods and Hair Dressing. Hwitchos and Puffs made from your combings. f MODERN WAYS' PHONE 336 oeautitiu efTeets in Coloredi . -i i Come in andlook them.eiveM fl i it 1 I"

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