HPTnnryi NJMY" CITIZEN zi Pages Today JLJCILJDJ iVOL. XXV. NO. 89. ASIIEVILLK, N. 0., SUNDAY MORNINU, JANUARY 17. VMl PRICE FIVE CENTS. r - THE WEATHERi : FAIR. PA THS TO SEA WELL'S FEDERAL GOAL ARE NOT STREWN WITH ROSES OF SENATORIAL FAVOR Sonic Old Liii Republicans Are Getting in Some Energetic; Work. SENATE IS "SORE" . AT MR. ROOSEVELT Senators from N, C. Will Wait for the Appointment. (Ry Hooper Caffco.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. Will the old line republicans tolerate the ap pointment of H. F. Scawell, of Car thHge, to the judgeship in the eastern district of North Carolina to succeed the late Judge Purnell, and will the United States senate confirm a nomi nation to the Judgeship made by the present incumbent at the white house? These are the two questions upper most in the winds of the supporters of Mr. Scawell. and one doesn't have to loaf around in political circles very long before being convinced that the friends of the former populist have Just grounds for uneasiness. Will Oppose, Him. Republicans who are republicans by faith declare they will exert every energy to prevent the confirmation of Air. Seawell's appointment; that aero batlc politics shall not be the price paid to obtain such a. high office In North Carolina, anil in support of this argument friends of Robinson and the other applicants for the Judge ship are telling u long string of In terestlng stories about Mr. Scawell. Semite Is "Stun:' The members of the senate are not boiling with desire to please the pre! dent because of the chief executive's recent criticisms relative to the sec ret service laws,, and also because of his attack on Senator Tillman. They have hinted that Roosevelt's appoint ments must be couched in mighty clever causea to get the official appro val of Mr. Fairbanks' body of law makers. Therefore, the antl-Seawell men say it doesn't make much differ ence whether the president carries out His pledge to announce Seawell's appointment next Monday. The mem bers of the senate are Inclined to be lieve that Mr. "Seawell has not had enough Judicial experience. They say he filled the ofTiee of solicitor In his district, but they do not believe that his experience would Justify the ap pointment to an office where questions of such magnitude must handled. Neither of the North Carolina 'mem bers will commit themselves, both saying they had rather wait until the appointment comes from the white house. However, their failure to as sist him Is regarded by Notrh Caro linians in Washington as a certain tip that they are laying for him, and that both will use their influence to hold up the appointment until Judge Taft gets In the executive chair. SIX REPORTERS SUBPOENAED BY GOVERNMENT To Give Testimony Persum- ably in Connection With Panama Arl ides. SUBPOENA SERVED ' ON NEWSBOY ALSO. Libel Suit to be Brought by Government Against The World. The Parting of the Ways TAFT ADDRESSES GEORGIA SCHOOLS Manifests Great Interest in Technical Education and Development of Negro. (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA. Jan I Having pro claimed last night what is to be bis southern appointing policy, which is regarded here as constituting th" president-elect's most important mes sage to the South Mr Taft today manifested his great int. rest in tech nical education, in the development of the negro race. In the linn tits of uni versity life on the forming of the character of the yoiilh; on the future of women teachers, and tonight enter ed with zest Into the most brilliant social function tin- city of Atlanta lias witnessed In etirs- Mr. Taft spoke lo the students of the Georgia School of Technology then to j mass-meeting of negroes in Hig Bethel church. This afternoon he Journey to Athens, a , where he spoke t i the student body of the State university and to the prospec tive teachers of th" Normal school, met the people of the city at a re ception, and reached Atlanta again in time to attend the nccption and din ner in his honor, given by the Capital City club, where he met the men of prominence and the women of the social circles of the city. At mid night Mr. Taft Uft for Augusta, where he will arrive earl..' Sunday morning. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. Six Wash ington correspondents of out of town miners and local newsboys today re ceived subpoenas to appear next week before federal grand Juries and give testimony Dreaumablv in connection with statements appearing In the pub licatlons bearing on the Panama canal purchase. So far an It has been pos sible to ascertain, th following were the onfv ones cited: Otto CarmJchael, Charles S. Albert and R. Jesse Conwny, ull of The New York World staff; James Hornady, Indianapolis News; Jeremiah Mai thews, New York Sun; Harris M. Crist. Brooklyn Eagle, and William Smith, a newsboy of Washington en gaged In selling New York papers. With the exception of Mr. Crist, who is commanded to go to New York and present himself Monday morning before the grand jury of the circuit court of the southern district, the pa ier are directed to appear before the federal grand Jury, of the District of -Columbia Tuesday morning next The World staff also were directed to bring with them lllea of the paper for September, October, November and December, 1908, "In the 'case of 'he United States vs, the Press Publishing company, publishers or I he -New York World." All of the parties w hen interviewed declared that they were wholly Ignorant of the nuture of the case regarding which they were called upon to testify. lilbel Suit. There is no doubt here that the subpoenas all hav.e to do with a suit for libel which it is believed has been brought by the government in New York against The World. The pub lisher of The World and of The In- ltanapolis News, Joseph Pulitzer ami Dclavan Smith, respectively, were se verely denounced by the president in a letter dated December 1 last To Wil liam Dudley I'uulke. In his special message to congress of December IB, regarding the chai ses of corruption by or on behalf of the government in the matter of the canal purchase, the president announced that the attor ney-general had under consideration j the form in which proceedings for libel against Mr. Pulitzer should be brought. Never before has such action as the United States government suing for criminal libel' been taken The pres ident In his message was most em phatic In saying that TT should not be left to a private citir.cn to enter the suit, " and he was particular to state that he did not believe "we should concern ourselves with the particular individuals who wrote the lying and libelous editorials, articles from cor respondents or arti' les in the news columns The real offender is .M .'. Joseph Pulitzer, editor and proprietor of The World." It therefore is inferred that the correspondents were summoned as witnesses, and not with TTie """ultimate idea of making them co-defendants. WOHLIVK NTATKM FAT. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. The World made the following statement regard ing the subpoenas fssued here: "Subpoenas were served today on William P. McLoughlin, editor of Sports and Athletics of the press Pub lishing company, and J. Angus Shaw, secretary of the company, requiring them to attend on the Kth day of January. 1909, at 10:30 of the fore noon, before the United States grand jury to testify all and everything which you may know generally on the part of the Unite, States.' "Subpoenas in this form seem un- t aki tiab I T S. von to I rf (? cocr ry,r " " 1 e- KO VtlTHtMT w TWENTY KILLED ITRUST LAW IS IN A HORRIBLE AGAIN BEFORE TRAINWRECKj LEGISLATURE At Least Twelve of Thirty Mr. Weaver and Senator Injured Will Dip It Is Said. Lockhart Introduce Bill Without Loopholes. ; BODIES OF DEAD teumblymanoledJ I lea rt-Breaking Scenes Work of liescuc floes On. as FIND BODIES OF CHENEY AND WIFE IN RUINS Were Buried Under Debris of Wrecked Consulate Eighteen Days. BODIES KECOVKRED BY U. S. SAILORS. Caskets Are Wrapped in American Mag and Car ried to Waterfront. (By Associated Press.) Mi:ssi.NA, Friday, Jan. in. Afler lying burled In the ruins of the con sulate at Messina for 18 days, the bodies of Arthur 8. Cheney, the Amur, lean consul, and his wife were re covered at 2 o'clock this afternoon by a detachment of sailors from the but tleshlp Illinois. The bodies wlre re covered In what evidently had been the bedroom of the Cheneys. They were found lying side by side. Mr. Cheney was identified by a slight physical deformity, while the body of his wife was recognized by a locket and a wedding ring. There is reason to beliee that death overtook the unfortunate couple while they were asleep. As soon as they were unearthed, the bodies were placed in coffins and onveyed aboard the supply ship Cul- goa, which lelt here at once for Naples. Major Lundis. the American mllltury attache at Home, who has been superintending the work of ex cavation of the ruins, sent a" wireless dispatch lo the American consul it Naples, asking this official to obtain permission of the local authorities to send the remains to llnrtford. Conn., on the lirst available merchant steamer. The caskets containing the bodies of the consul and his wife were sealed and then were wrapped each In an American flan after which American sailors carried them down to the water front. As they made their way through the ruined streets sailors and soldiers sa tut I'd and people took off their hats. (By Anoclautf Press.) nURNWOOi) MP1UNGM. Colo.. Jan It Twenty perrons .were killed and thirty Injured, many of them seriously In a head-on colllsnion between weal- bound passenger train No. 5, and an ut hound freight train on the fn- ver una Illo Grande railroad between Dotsern and Spruce Creek, twenty two nines rrom Olenwood (Spring, at .J" n clock last night. There at twelve Identified dead. Ail unidentified are women or chil dren, and bod let are badly mangled vt ntie notning official has been out aa to the cause of th wrack It is aaid to have been due to a mlun deratandlng of order on tha part of engineer uustar o;in, or the passen ger train. OIen, however, claims he understood hi Instruction Derfoctlv. but that It mlread hi watch, thus encroacning on th time of the frlglit train which wa being, drawn by two locomotive, the ftriH of which was In charge of hi brother Slg. Olson. When news at thn aHH,v. To Expend )!500,0(X) fori roho aionwoat Spring. vry aiiuuiu piiysiciBu ana nurse in ln Nearly .',000 Houses in U.S. TO ERECT COTTAGES FOR THE DESTITUTE Earthquake Zone. BUILDING "MATERIAL MR. A.E. HOLTON IS PREPARINGFOR WAR District Attorney Said to be Smarting Under Hot 1 s Drubbing he Received. (Siwolal to The ritlxcn). OltEENBBOKO, Jan. 1 That Dis trict Attorney Helton Is preparing for a vigorous war against the republican organisation which Is after his acalp, Is the tip given out by well-informed authorities here today. It i said that the district attor ney la smarting under the rain of epi thet which deluged him at the direc tor' meeting yesterday, and he ha declared hi int'ntloj of "righting back". It la stated today that the pet names which were applied to Mr. Holton "out-Ilosevelt, Rnoaevelt": In deed, most of them. It Is said, would not look well In print. On tlie other hand, those who op pose Mr. Holton' methods condemn him severely for the tactics employed by him lo fori e The Industrial News into permanent receivership. They de nounce the b iter, which lie Is alleged to have written to President-elect Taft, via Mai Ion Hutler, us "small bus iness ". and e,res much astonishment that the district attorney could have allowed himself to make statement therein which He knew, it Ik said, were not borne out by facts. Meanwhib the "organization'' If 1 serious consideration lias been given clasp of h' mothers arms. Nearby lity the hoily nf her father, decapl tated. A train load of thirty wounded and bleeding men and women arrived In lor ,lenl itons. i i ll to Hei i ctary New berry Olenwood Hprlnga ut 7 o'clock this w hereby the machinery of the navy I veiling. J he vlctimr were taken to OTIIEIl CHANG FS IN THE PENSION LAWS. Buncombe Co. Men Appoint ed on 4 Committees 1 Yesterday. C city win pressed Into worvlce and a rt. lief train was soon on the scene. The work of rescue wa Immediately ut ftun. 1A1 th bodle were taken from the ruin they were laid aide by tld on a blr of snow, amid the aattnli- ing crie of the husband, wife or parent, a they earohod amonc the wii r. liP Miirptfivn oeai1 fop tMr ,ovtd on ""my of tt XlJlJ llj Will J lil. whom wore manirlerf twunnrf .11 ognmon A pathetic feature of th accident Civilian Carpenter Will be th", .k,,Un ot 'hr- " I two email nhlMrM. ttntt, l,l hitin lour year old, the younger two. Th elder bay (old attune .at th anltar turn that hi father called him lien- nle, and thi 1 all he will ay, rrom a fellow pamengfr It w learned that the family wa enroute to Orand June lion to visit reUlvi. It I supposed Secured from NavxYflrd Eligible List. WASHINdTON. Jan, 18. Atl Inno vation In International relief meau- Oiat Mr. and Mrs, Kettle, whose ures so far as Kurope Is concenred, Is names appfur among th dead, wer to be undertaken by the American parent of tnese two little one, government In exnendlnir l&uu.uOO In who are badly Injured money appropriated bv congress for Family Wiped Out the Italian carth(Uiike sufferer. Another sad case was the deslruc President Roosevelt ha decided to "on of an entire family with the ca sern! to Italy material for the con- ''''I'"0" of an Infant of three month. striicHon or twenty-five hundred or Th, h"lpleM child was taken care of three thousand substantial but net- "V family at Hhoshone, who Intend essary very modest frame houses, sup- " adopt tho ole survivor of a once plementlng this by supplying civilian happy family carpenters lo supervise construction If this can be arranged. Kver lnee th appropriation wa made by congress. Another heart-breaking scene, wa enacted In the wreck when kind hand lifted a 4-year-uld fclrl from the death whetting if- solve for Mr. Holton s ,v the president ahd the state depart acalp. and a determined eflort will be rncnt us to the best uses thai could made to rem ne, him from ofllce In- . made nl II In tfje way of relief. In- fore the a.lvnt of Mr. Infl to the (.unctions have been given hv I'resl il i ft. The president hasty action obvious, as It Is point ed out that He- relations between Hi preslilenl'i I' 1 ' and the district attoi ney are ci il 1 1. TO ABOLISH ROPE OF THE HANGMAN House ( ninniittee on .ludi ciiiiy ("'insiders Dill for Elect Mention at Raleigh. department was enlisted In the prose ciitlon of the plan. Official Htaleitient. The following statement was made public nl tic scc,elury' office this af I ernoon the country hospllul and other eanl tarlums and when all the ell were filled, loom was made In the hospi tals for the wounded. One wo, mi died from her Injuries on the relit" train while mi tho way to Olenwood "The navy department bus arrang- Hillings. It I said Hint HI least a ed for tho expenditure of approxi mately .vui nail in th" purchase of building materials, including ail art dozen others who weic brought hern will. die. Train No. .", wut made up of an i les necessan for the construction of mg"'e and tender; a baggage ca-, a substantial name I ousi for the Ital- smoking rur follow, d b; a chair cur lao sufferers, ami the shipment will tourlsl sleeper and ii full cotiiph begin bv the sailing of two st i a mer men t of standard sleeper and it din probably on Monday. Tills lumber Is nln The locomotive are up on being delivered today In New York, r""'1 J"1""'' logetl.er one piece ami the siiiIIiik of Ho- vessels will pro- o' mechanism. Tl Ir wheels we . ee,l as fast as they can be loaded rolled down Into lb Orand river und Ka.h ship will carry ull the materials I pieces of machinery me scattered all (Continued on paae three.) FINE AND W YEARS IN JAIL PROPOSED FOR MISCEGENATION (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. If Senator Milton of Florida can have hi way. miBcegnatlon in the District of t'o lumbla hereafter will be treated n the courts aa a crime punishable by Imprisonment for ten years and a fine of 1.0. The Florida senator has introduced a bill to this effect, restricting its provision to marriage between white pen on and negroes, and the bill pro I vide that any person who ha one eighth or more negro bloodln hi veins shall be considered" as of Afri can race. Such marriages are de clared to be null and void, and any is sue resulting from them illegimafe and Incapable of inheritance. The bill proposes a punishment of imprisonment for a year or a 'fine of tl.000 upon any one performing the marriage ceremony, between repre sentative at tbe two races. i (So'' " ItALKIOIl houHe cor " ' NAPLES. Jan. Hi The American u,Ib aflerre supply ship Cilgoa. with the bodies""1" '"" of Arthur Cheney and his wife '''nth dnm. r.board, arrived here this morning '"' ,ni' ''' from Messina. Major Landls. who sentenced -was In cltarge or the bodies, at once " w-as ngn came ashore, and. through the Ajner- ''"amine n,. lean consul, completed arrangements'"1' fu" "'' to have the two bodies embarklil on ",n- H"'""" the steamer Venezia or the Fabre line, '""d TurUm-' In Ifaw here this evening for New discussion ' York. debate on t of putting c Hon that tl. the bush'-H bv was He NO INFORMATION OF "BOMBARDMENT" to The C'tiien ) . f. Jan. --The t'Vo nees on jinliiiar. met 'i Jointly and consldcr-d ling for a permanent r at t he state pi Ison "KMitlon of all persons nay the death pcniiin. o have a siili-cotntnll lee I. ill and report l,n. k lo 'idttee. .Messrs, Imugh ' Hertford, Orunt. Ore. n '. will do that work The ed all the wv ff urn a e most humane ni'ihod ii to death to n 'le. iara man who hid behiini I assassinate, I a passer i. an that ouuht to havi little sentm. nt In him Kepresentn tive Harsh . spoke feelingly on Hie terrible" thi'u: It was for a man to be "hanged .. ay from home and friends" Mr Underwood made the point thai i lose convicted of lesser crimes had '" leave home an.) stay In the penitentiary. He Insisted that th onsl met Ion of about rvio for lb. bouse-, ale I il w.ll require not less smoking than six steamers for the entire amount purchased. if possible the department int. nils to send vith eseli cfisel several eilian house carpen ters Willi plans lo tisnlst III the erec tion id lh' S houses " The Chilian carpentirs will be se cured from the navy yard eligible list. Total eonti ibutlons received by the Anieri'.iii II-d Cross for the Italian victim up tonight amounted lo $10 447. (By Associated Press.) BERLIN, Jan. IS. The foreign of flee has received no Information eon cerning a reported "bombardment" of question wa- whether hanging or el a uerman vessel or vessels by tho Lib- trocutlon was tho more humane, erlan customs gunboat Lark, off thevThere was no sentiment about taking Liberian coast, reported yesterday asa man's lit' anyhow, aaid he. Mr. a dispatch from Konakria. French pprry of Vance told of ome reported Guinea. An investigation has been or-ihrro nf electrocuttsn, and Mr. d""d Barnes of Hertford replied with a HAMBURG. Jan. "id Tbe Woer-! g'uonie description of hanging by man line whose steamer. Mr, ria v.r. the neck. Mr. Orant would dispense with entlment entirely in the matt.-r. man uut Henrietta Wwrnun ported to hava keetl firwl on off the 'The fellow who did the killing ought Liberian coast issued" a statement to-:to nav ,h' ntlment In him. He day -In which It declared that there 'had never heard of a man' wife or is no question of a "bonmbardment" I children going to see him hung, any It says the vessel were only detained 'how. He moved for the sub-commit-several hoars. On of them already ie, with urns "humane" and om ha returned to Hamburg. J "bloodthirsty" saembsra on it. Tl III i HKKH OK MOHSi:. HtSTOX, Jj ri. 18. An unliifhy )ip on th nrl a lirok'-n lf(c ri - ftiilflriK loly. viuiftl th- turf cftr r (f My Htiir. .034. ohjMnut horn nwn cil .- J-hn rnJ Urrtta linitttr'-, valul ai $20,000. Tli" horn.- w.in thr wnmn lion 'f th lurf n Iff wan i ilnn--r at C'-tirlville and lat'T 'I1 f-;ii-() Argot Hoy n( Vonhkrrilf. WAflHI.VOTON. Jan Forecast for North Carolina: Kaln In east, probably fair In west portion Monday. Monday partly cloudy; moderate varia ble winds. over the er.'iif of the w rei k. Th was only partly ib rail- while Hi. chair car linnudltilily following was eoiiiplet. y ti'lescopud by the tourisi sleeper. Noli'' of the standard sleepers left the tra k and no one was killed or Injured in th. se cars, niost of the d-ail and Injured be ing removed from the ruin" from the hair car which w. spill completelt In twain. Kurly this morning It was reported that the total number of dead Is twen ty one and the injiued more than forty rOTTO HTATIHTH"H. (By Associated Prass.l WAHHINfiToN, J..H- 11. The co. b i tlon arid piiblh-atlon by the direc tor of the census of statistics of stocks of cotton in the I'nlted Htates. to be summarized its of November I, Dec ember I. January 1, and March 1, In addition lo Ho- cotton reports. Is pro posed In a Joint resolution presented In th' iionse today by representative Iver ,f Houth Carolina. (Special ta The Cltlten.) UALKIOH, !, a,, Jan. Tha ocallod "taeth" of th trust bill (hat were extracted by tne general assent My of MOT wet introduced fop in senhm today In both branches, in tha hmiau of representative by Weavtir, of Buneomiie, and in tha senat hv Senator LK-khnrt. pf Wadecboro. The bill I tha act of it over again with the famous ub-ectkin "A" bach in It, making It unlawful for any person or corporation to have any agreement, express or Implied, to lower or pre vent the Increase in the price of any article they may deiire to purchase, in North Carolina, Confederal vet ran worth not more than 1500 are, allowed to peddla medicine without llcenw. Hrhaw, republican ha a hill that would glvo thin privilege to all those owning not mora than 11,00. It-prewntatlve IVrry or Bladen, In traduced a bill to tax manufacturer and bottlers of all drink containing the drug caffeine fifty dollar a year and all retailer ti a year for tha benefit xt public school. Perry offer, too, a widow' on Ion hill t-etiuirinf only that pension er shall have been married to the Confederate, veteran one year prior to his death and that he lived peace. We and quietly with him. Tb pen lon to continue Obly during widow . t.:ollkin ApnroiiriitUon, ; tlreen, in the house, and Klutta. In the senate, Introduced th point reso lution railing for an appropriation nf i H 6,000. for the Alaska, Yukon ah J t'aclflB exposition. , , v , k (. ! . Oommlltee ApiKnld. V There- wr mors eommltiA noiincemenl today,; Mr. Doushton getting the chnli'mnhshln .t court and Judicial districts, Dr. Oordnn ap-V proprlMtlon, Mr. Kltchln ptibllo aer vice corporations, Mr. Tullngtnn leo. tlon law. Mr, I.emmond,. Internal Improvements, Mr. 'Poole mines and mining, Mr. Hascon bank and our roncy, Mr, Dowd fltiance, Mr. Perr. of Vance, revision nf law. The Manning bill to eatubllsh a ; North Ciirolltm commission for aid-; Ing and miiintnlti vnl'ormlty In log) Isltttlon In the t'nltfil Htate passed all, reading In the senate. It provld for the governor to appoint three corn? mlssioner to confer with almllar! board representing other tatn. and make report to the governor to be transmitted to Ihu lrgl;ii'iure, Th ' tviiRe-M .pi eirillilimiMtlrs WUUld IM ommend legislation on marriage and divorce, liunlvt'lioy, th descent, and distribution of property and other aub Ject were uniformity among' th tales In desirable. The bill was aont to the It nice Assignments of Buncombe county representative on committee an bounced today ares Weaver, court and Judicial districts, public service corporation and finance; flaston, Irt ernal Improvement. 1- ' WINTER MEET OPENS IN NEW ORLEANS (y AsMMlated Pre.) NKW OKLKANM. Jnn. H. The winter meet at the Suburban rac track was successfully opened this evening wlu-n the Algiers Inaugural handicap the first of six races was run shortly after t o'clock. Copper Held, II to 4, won the race, which was a live rurlong event. About ten men mingling In the crowd had odds written on their programs. Tho sh nf! and district attcrncy of Jef ferson purlsh were present with depu ties. Tiny say ihey did not note any violation of Hie so-called Locke ntl gambllng act passed by the Louisiana assembly. TO TRY TO STOP PRIZE FIGHTING. (By Associates Prsss.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. Scnutor 'lulllnger ha a plan to terminate, the holding of iirlre fights on vessel an chored in the Potomac river between the Ctv of Washington and Alexan dria. Vn. H'-nator Oalllnger has Id trodticed a bill prlvlding that no boats on which prize righting take place shall be permitted to use wharf prop ertv In the District of Columbia. A practically all vessel plying on tha Potomac uc Wuhlngton wharf prop ertv. it Is believed prlxe fighting east be Stopped. FIGHT FOR STATE-PROHIBITION BEGINS IN SOUTH CAROLINA (By Associated Fesss.) fOUMBIA. S. C. Jn If. The (Ight of the prohibitionist has started In the general assembly. Today they Introduced three bill In both houses aa follow: To provide for stats-wlde prohibi tion; to provide for tha dosing up and disposition of the stock" of the Jcounty dispensaries In fore now un der the local option law; to license liquor drummers at 11,000. . ..- Another bill ta provide for tha en forcement of the law will bi Intro duced. , ... ... That the question is about evenly divided is the general opinion. On thut Issue murh Interest centers in South Carotin.