THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, .1 AKUAUY 17, 1000. SOCIETY ..The golf tournaini-nt wan pott-1 Moitle, It I,. I 'iin mm Ii k. flirt- and pitied yesterday afternoon on art-mint i Cn . Hmitthrm I'm n i Tt- Co., Ural of the weather much to thf dlup-! ml n-ri..r. C... Ward pHntment of the cumber of tiiiiy.-nt : Klertrlcal Co . K I'.. .Iiirrett, Logan Who were entered In the tournament, and Co, Dunhnni .Ylinlr Co, Brown new cinder puth made ly und Norlhni. II. A. Ijtw, M Al-xan- clly from Charlotte street to the; tier. VV. II Hhoffii.-r. KuvHont Drug Country club mado It poMlhlf tOtore. V 1. Motn-e. En-eMur Paint reach the ground with comfort -1 !., T- 1 Perkhomi , V;m I.ln.Hny, Kin Midst- and In npltu of the ruin them ai r Hewing Mm Inn. t'o . Nit-hid wire a number of th members who' Shot' Co., II. M. Hht- ln-nl. t'hnrb- M pent the afternoon at thf Huh home--' Colin. Mrs I.vnch ;tril Hon. N'olntid The new addition which were made I tiro.. rv Co, Clnrerire rtny.-r. th t Th Wrangler will hold their next meeting Jn ;lih ai th. U'imiair Behang- and the meetkig will be preceeded by a dlmitr , In future the meeting "ill follow a dinner whlrh will be len the l-ttt Monday of cm-h hiontli. At the in M n-tfnc' I'ji -ler nrf North '"C-irn'in hlntnry ' : ill be reod by Dr H. O Fhn-kner. J Mi. 1'liirn'H 'l. .ten inbrlfi ili'-d il number of lot- young lii'-nd ni the i raid, lire oi' her ,;. rent, on Coll. -a.- .-hoik I.H'l in I Ii . -i.-d Al.irllnt c Ufe enlarge th locker are completed hd ere of great service-. Tin- lu dtg' tournament will be continued on Dead ay (is usuul. Mr. Phlltn C C.rU u III oil ., n jjrle of Informal bridge piirll.H thin wbVk at her retdenr on Hoco Htreet Tha flrt party la given hy Mr ivm TJcieJay afternoon. El May Klmberly ha roirimen- tta rehearsal for th" concert which 111 be given by tint High whnol Ofci Club In fli aprlng. The concert htiannual and la one of thn muMlcul feature W the -year. It la rumored that Mia Klmberly will hi-raclf tclve aif onpert In in aprlng. Mlm Klmbi r : ly recital will be looked forward to With real Interest and pleaauru, he aBtlty aa a munli lan la ton well known .' t comment on. I ... J J HlrnrMa Jnn open ahortly for the MmHI at Tryon. Mr. Stnphena hna tavda number of Improvementa und BAuc!ceaful aeaalnn la anticipated. Th Blrighem donee which waa to ffjva Mn tflven yeaterday afternoon W ) -eadeta tu poatponed until Whdneaday on account of the un l4lant WMither. The fheatre part lea were Mao cancelled for the aame ff- . jl ' jl - ' ftvfft J. fianjrent Price Who la occu- iMng Cflwer Cottage, Albemarle park ; hMa lMtid Invitation for a dinner vhlch Drill be given for hid niece Mlai J Marlon Martin. ' The dinner which tft plaee Tttenday evening will be otor of the woat efaborttte Riven re- i.'tfM- 'f.W. JI ;- J rTh TThkhtee elub -wilt give an iflrtrmtU dtnee the flrat tart of the mek at club rooms. on Pack aquare. 6 '41 JI Kla rumored that the Plttaburgh Oreheatra and the Metropoll- tan Quartette that made such fav . orable impreaalon laat year, will be nvtifd In Aahevllle the latter part of , tfc Heatkifl. The Metropolitan Quar- fette cave three eoncerta at The Au ditorlum laM aeaaau and gave aeverai of the flnoit program heard during tie aeaaon. Their aecond appearance will be anticipated with real Intereat by me mualcal eeiiter of Aiheviiie. , id'-:, ji m - The recital at the Aahevllle echool ot Mualo Will b reaumed thla week. Mr. Burnett Jordan will give a reeltal Friday evening the program of which will be announced Inter. The follow ing week Mr. M. P. Connell will give hr flrat recital Bf the eeaiion and will be aae fitted by Mia Buth Rftde ker. Theae two recltala will be given lit the evening Jnrtead of the after noon ae ! the umiat custom at the . aohoOl. Mr. ConncD'a program In aa follow, the date to be given litter. la SSlguonnerwelaen ttRrttnntc I, (a) Air -for O String ItHch b) Souvenir Drdla cj(Nocturno Op. ..Chopin ' " Maraaat (d) Der Kphlr Ilubuy t. -Souvenir de Haydn .... Leonard . a)Twlllht , laam-net (b) AU bnrd (I un Rubtaeau.. t ' 1 IloNdeffrn tf) Ltegende Wlenlawakl 1 t. Introduction el Rondo lliprl Cef'o Balnt Haeni r f The board of mnnuKera of the I.lndley Training achool wish to ex tend the following' mt-rchanta oJ An fiili-n-tllnif Ifrtm'- of bn1it ball wn-i pluyt-d ye.iterdrtv afl'-lnoori nl tb V- M (,'. A- bt-twren tb Cumin i land nVenui tt'iun and flit- y M c A. Jr It am wilb a Kror- tit H I-. 4 in lavor tif Cuinbf i land avt-i in- it .un. . -a Mr.H i.orkf Cia.K K.'lVf tllf 111 of a hcUcs of brldnt- parfb-fl at her ivttldriiri. tm Monllord A v. yt'Ntei- day nfli-rnooii Tin1 llrsi prlxe wna won by Mra. J. M. Martin anil w.-ih picture. The. Heron l prlr.e, u riunrh of violet was won by Mr. I' II llrnncli- There wiVe live In bleu Mih Crnlg' Kiit-HlH were: Mrt. J C I'rli chard. Mra. 1011 Muallti, Mm iCobulon Vance, Mr. Martin 1, Hleven. Mm. White Hrnllh, Mra. tl. C. Miiboii. Mih I'D ii tp t . Cot-Re. mm Frank Weaver, Mm. If M. Steven. Mr Arthur Itan- kln. Mr.Arthur Steele. Mm- John Campbell, Mr. Theodore IJavIiImoii Mm. John Curler, Mm. linger (Iruiil, Mr. J. H. Martin, Mr- Murk Jlrown, Mr ClBrfht'e Sawyer, Mr. SpSer, MIk (Iracn Join -t, MIh Hrolf Jl J A erlc of bridge dinner are be ing planned to lie given at ttio Hat J tery Pary hotel the latter pnrt of the month. The oroheatra Will give concert In the Palm room after dinner which - will make the partle particularly attractive. The partle will be unite n innovation and will lend an Intereat to, the aeoaon which I about to begin. Later the dance fogt the youngnr act will commence. Until the oroheatra begin there will, be nightly graniaphone concert In the drawing roam. 0 A teddy bear party wa given yes terday afternoon by Emily Francl and Belknap Horn, at their home on Hearden Ave. The hotiae wa dec orated In pink and green. The hlgh et acore wa made by Billy Rourne which wae" 260. the next wa 160, made by Elhsabeth Bridge and the booby prlae wa won by Mary Mi nor. In cutting the cake the thim ble fell to the lot of Sarah McCloud, Th ring wa rut by Ml gemple and preaented to KllrabMh -Bridge who won eecond highest wore. Tlfc guest were Mine Katharine Horner, Anna Rankin, Kjt.ily Cuthbert Ou four, Elisabeth Brltlge. Mary and ir-et lant jtlit v-e 1 1 ati'l freHhtneiil Wen- All" hnth I'nller. Klt-anoi T. TtllHUe, Klllll At'boKaHt. ttin and I'lan.-in Mhiiiio- Pet.- Ituri.l".!f.ti. i .. -lyl.- Jpllell Ad. mm, ''l Jl J Tip- . xeli IteF. I. Tut ada . , .Innnai v fiUMIilrt-H of Ho- I f.-denoy. will I"- I Mbool ai I:1 '.' o It invited I-1 oti. iameM wer eehinic re Tilt- KUtMtfl U'fi'ddridKe .'Ijflie, t;i,'ttlA MaNltrn .Mil Donald and Craig, Stt- proKram e Prayer ".Sloliew.ill Tile I n. l1 ir l.t-e-Jacknon da. I'Uh. tinder the iil'lllefN Of Ibe ( ''ill Id at the t-lly lilKb b.ek. Thf llllblle Inl. 'I'll' follow lll(( l-i be kIviti: Pr. MeCready Muii" . Paper by . . . Kayle Andrew lo d h'HICB," . . boo COIRQI-iRACflC ChlrobrftcfTci gdluatment ftreaK- mentj ha oeinjjmdoraed by oJ.yerti-1 on mnv IT kftd Stui" .nHBtoV-j and OipaflJ Aft ftiaey of i'Uber tater it ii'ioB fhji -moi advanced -ant) modern method In -jra moving abhor malltte or dleaiie that Ibe huthah body b lielr to. ' 'W'e court Invettlgatlon. Incurable ce out wpeelalty.. OR. C. V. COMPTdl AM) DK. J. A WATHIS, CiriKOt-BHCTOHS. Legal Bid ir. fiotflb of Fountain Phone ai- Astwvllle. N. C. ' ' 111 ' ' 1 . ) i i ' i -. i ii, i i' i 'A!'". -T 111 Tilt- Cbaia. lei Cbori by H f Robert K .1.1 iiraili-n by Ii. RaiiiHey SoldlelH I 'bill IIH' . . , ...HlKh SellOl Atldr-KH" by R. H. William TeiilluK on lb1' l.l Camp (ironnd-t' Confedt rntf Choir Jefferson Davis AlllfVllle Cliapler . . Mi. I-:. II. Olenn i onferred on vt t Pi-eHt niai ion Portrait r ii c Cl-OHMI't of bull e ran t. Carolina" . . llelll dietl-in bv . firtiool und Choir , . fir. MrCready PERSONAL Martha Wooldrtdge Hewitt. Hannah IfVa-. arrived yesterday and will iiend evral vllle. Jone. Mary Minor, Virginia Run dolph, Margaret Jockron, Sarah Mr Cloud, Dorothy Randolph, Blcflnor McCloud, Annie Perny, Julia BchefT. Violet and Lcnnre Henry, Manter. Tench and Krancl Coxe, HarryTAhevlllo on hualne. uranam, John Hewitt, Nelson Emory, Robert Lambertaon, Ira Martiii, Har ry Courtney, Wutkur Hearden and Dick RutledRc. Miwt Mni'Kuret Cowan entertained at her home on Haywood street to celebrate her sixteenth anniversary. The color scheme of pink mid white w curried out In the refroKhments a weH as In the decoration. The dining table wa det-ornled with a birlhduy cake In vhlci were sixteen randies und whlcu was sin rounded by pink ami white cnrnntlonn. AnmifK those present wen- MIsm Martha Wooldrlilue, Miss l-'ninelM nates, Misa (llady Teague, MIh.-i Kleiiinu- Teamie. Mis Kulu Arbognst. Cyril Crnlir, Don ald Randolph, Milton Hiiurii.-, 1-Vnn-cl Bourne. Irry Itarber. Stephen Adams, and Harold Sedhrrrv J . Tlie Jenny Wren aoclelv bel, their Alhevllle their most cordial thanks usual meeting Pridiiy nrtefnoon Mid for the hearty and generous response which they made to the appeal of th home for a pecla! Christmas contri bution. The liberality of many or the amaller firms was worthy of note, and the managers hereby express to them particularly their alnccre grat itude and appreciation. The follow inn I a Hat Of the contributors McConnell Bros.. Harris Burnelt, It K. How ie, Mia Grule, t. Blomberg, Smath er and Yoyng. Hlrudh-y ami Luther, Carolina Pharmacy, Vaa Moore and Ca., Carolina Coal Co., llnckm-y nntl the clii l met tit It week al the home of Miss Alma llawlhtone on Haywood street. The officers for the year were elected its follows: President, Miss Florence Miller; St ci entry , Miss KlUubeth Hyde; Treasurer, Miss Kl le Alexander- The club, bus pros peretl iiml- ibe lilile Jenny Wn-ns have gathered Into their fold nolle a number of young people. Among the 'member pxescnt l-'ilday were: Misers Kathleen olive, Mary Wiley, lrn belb Hytle, Klsle Alexander. Carrie Itowlf and Helen Hnwthrone. CLEAN SWEEP SALE on FURS SUITS COATS DRESSES One-Third Off Na Reservation This eleau-sweep salm on furs, drcssps, coals and suits at 33 1-3 fer cent, discount is a bona-fido rtnep rcductioii sale on our best stock, and includes every pipce t ftlie Minttf styles now on hand. Jfo Bhotldy goods, uo year old remnants .no odds and ends , but seasonable merchandise still here because it ex ceeded the demand of a mild winter. "Cold "weather must still come, however, did it ever fail 1 'Yours is the saving: one-third on everything. M. V. MOORE 11 Patton Avenue. Mr. .lamr,' M. fUuwf' af .-Somerset, ),, Is NpendiiiK Mt-verul days In the rltv Mr. II K. WltTlter or Augusta, tin. I i In In' the city 'or a short stay. Mr. Wm. Snider or Somerset, O. I spending at few day with friend In the rlly. Mr. C. J. Kbb of Hot Spring. N. C. wns In tnwp on business yesterday', Mr. M. K. Miller of Judson. N. C Is pendliig several day with Ashevllle friends. Mr. W. II. Trammel! of Canton Is In In the rlty for a short stay. Mr. A. W. Hawks of tlumbolt, Tmn., Is registered at thr Hwunnaou hotel. Mr. E, M. Breneman of New York I in Ashevllle on business. i Mr. A. L. Leach of Franklin, N. C wa In town yeeterday. Mr, 8. Osborn ot Knmtvllle Is reg latered at the Swannanou. Mr, . 1. E. Younghtood of Richmond, days with friend in'Ashe- Mr. V. M. McPenk of Fayettovllle, W. Va., Is spending aeverul days In Mr. K. L. EiiBllsh of Punst. N. C, Is spending aeverai days with friends In Ashevllle. Mr. J. A. Mttrkle of Wlntnn-Halem I rt-BlKtert-d at the Swnnnanoa. J. Slnton of PHlanl. On II y on business yesterda1 n &e At 7 Patlon Avenue . .0er Hrriwootl't More.) Ladles and GenUeitiens XAljCOR M , , CORSETS talANED. We can take la badly soiled coraet and clean and f freshen It until almost good as new. Price reasonable. Queen City UyeUosr and Cleaning Works II Church Street. . ' Ittoiie 1110. i: NEARLY ALL - ; That' the 'rerord of'ilic use of ,M. & W. Indian Coat, aWnj"iS per cent. ' 'o .. - fuel vnlue.vloavlitK but. ft, J per centforjjishes. t '. - " Carolina Coal & fee Company , PHOJTB ISO. Our Mottd for 1909: "Make all the new friends you cn Without neglecting old one." BURtON &vHOLT, I 'nralttlre IMtaler. Patton Ave. and --Battery Park Place. - .riii -. r M. WEBB Millinery idpArtera v tfo, BatteCjr Park Tbve, Phone 1044 r '.s -' i - -- ! " - Aahevllle, K. C - Mr. Ill the was Mr .1 M. Chambers of W't avervllu was In town yesterday. Mr. .1. spending . business. Decker ol Marlon few ihls in Ash, -villi- Mr. l'lod Curdner lias returneil 0 his home In Marlon, after a short si.m In the elVC. Mr .1. K. Hon us of Wnyuesv ille. nbn Hpeiit part of laMt week in tb. ity on business, bat returned to hi home. Mr. .1 W. Kceip-s turnt-d to bis boiiir. trip to Ashevllle. of Sylvn has re aftfr a IniHine-jM Miss Mary i'ra ,-ns - returned vet- terday to Indianaivdis, after n ,lsitvto Mrs. MeCullouuli Mrs. D. II. Il.isenstein. who Ii In New York at present.' leaves shortly for n motor trip tbrouirti that star-. md will not I 'ebrnary return to Ashevllle until Mr Sigmmid Straus of Clrtrbniall Is i guest at the1, luitt.-ry Park hotel. Me' and Mrs. t ids and latnih of T. s arrived vesierrlnv to so. nil ni.- lllef and have taken u t ,i Ibe Manor. Mr Hreuster Chapman and lr. l.awrenre Jones have vetiirne, ii,,, a binitlliK trip to Ni-Klml. Mi. i-hi,. leaves sborti' lor e Hnik iilv Mr. and Mrs Irvjn Stalev t.t i-i.,rk- burg are spendillK tb-- .v inter m Atlr-ville Mr. t". J. ilairin. who m omp.tme i Dr. llattle abroad, ieturne, ., York .teverul days uko on ih,. ;,.p,,. I rt . and Is expected in the ,-lt shovu Mr Wllllum Steuines of Try..n is (n AslieviMe for a V tlas. Mr. Cljurlca Jt-wrtt of Si l.oius hi Ashevllle for it bt irf slut. Mr. W. K. Moore ,. PnMinioi,- is :, Kiiest lit the Ituttely I'alk b 'ttl. Mr. tV V.. Moore ,.r lttbmi; N !n Hie rlty for a few and l h-ki.. It-red at the Buttery I'.it-k li,.t, i Mr W. C. Moor, oi Websi, -r is In tTiwn itn,l 1 a 'guest at th. Herk-1, y hotel ' MISS CRUISE IIAIIt DHIiSHIXC, pKljOHS. (iiuinid I'liHir. as llaj'wtnl si. r Phone ill. Just leot-lveil a m-w flne'of Combs. Harr-i ttes and Hair Pin In the latest Styles. A lull Mile ol new lllllr tloods Save your coinlihiKs :t nil cut hair, we nTlllie them up In nt,irr. Alii nlr i u inn, Mb Shampooing l0 and 7 lie; Hlmmpoolti?. nftd Ifnlvdvt-pfi-inii 7rr and J 1. 00. Ki. ctric Scalp mid l-'ucial ftliis.MuBO. Cliii ipody AVork for l.adit and (lellllolll, ii. We aell the latest styles of Winter Hats cheaper than you 'can buy them from the big mall order hpuae. Paris Millinery i south maix afttsrar. The Asheville School of Wlisic and Dramatic Art THE AUDITORIUM Phone 3. SKINNER & HtJNTER Hair Dreeslng Parlorni room 10. Paragon Bldg. Phone bti. We make a specialty of electrical faoa and scalp treatments, latest of everything In Hair Qood and Hair Dressing, Switches and Puffs made from your comblngw. The ladies of Asbeville have been looking forwardxoj this sale of sales. Everyday people ask when our big sale begins. - . This year we have to offer a prettier line than ever before. The Underwear Sale continues Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. ' ... ! i Join the army of women who annually buy their en tire supply from us. ; 1,1 WmWl mfiAvmmsm msssmsm mwx.kt& u-'.wvn k TOf. vxw M i I ffia' Tr ill Lot 1 is priced at 10c each. Lot & is priced at 15c each. Lot 3 is priced at 25c each. Lot 4 is priced at 50c each Lot 5 is priced at 75c each. Lot 6 is priced at $1.00 each La Grecque Corsets. . Tot every type tot figtire. : GREENE & CO., : 12 Church Street. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CITIZEN WANT ADSl E1R Brand Coffee The proof mf itrstr,. Jg .the-tlrinklng. The jferg and IncrertsiiiK e'ale o? l-roti to no in. tt e eriutl II on ail elrrtrlc ylecitjates :tlte buskf thus' rllminaflng the bittern. -ss and trcscrvlln 'the nu'ftiral Vtinla. '' 25 CKXTS A POl Nl). l-:ik Celfre It) the b, sii-il-i uttiM luill. y .md ioisoii ol' the , OWNBEY'S 25 Montford Ave. Phone 56. (Continued on page three.) PILES rtUtKI) IN TO H D VYS PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any cae of Itching, mind Bleeding or Protruding pile n 6 to 14 day or money refunded. 60c, Good Fire Wood Phone Our roust in it nlfm fs io serve Dairy Products of the htmst '-quality, Absolutely clean and sweet. We! punrautee all our products and are plad of an opportun ity to rnloem anything found unsatisfat4ory. But wc try to maintain such a high standard that everything will be highly SATISFACTORY, and we believe we an succeeding'. , ; . In addition to BULK and CREAM we make a spec ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. Our prices are reasonable and our service prompt and courteous. Slay v toot serve youf Asheville Pure Milk Company J PUONK 154. 3 ASHEVIIIE. N.C. ; Beautiful Wash Fabrics onDisplay ;md arc svnr well. Some vcrv pirttv iiiatcrials mv out this season. Tome in and take a look at them. See Our Embroidery Exhibit in Show Window i .Smrie yvy ,iiuti?ro.sting news. a lit tie later i 1 is... j

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