LEGISLATURE IS LIJ Tl IK ASI I EYUA.K CmV.VS, MONDAY, .UNITARY 18, t.OOO. FLOODED WITH VARIOUS BILLS Representatives and Ncn;i tors S(M'kiur Knar) irK'iits of All Kinds. SOME KILLS PASS TII!IJ) R(:l)IN(;s n of pcroti,',l pi i I ' I f ill Hi" II. .'i I" r 1 1 1 Itic f, .1 h , i u u coll --lil I d 1. i intf peri in pi"-v U . ,1 M , .,ll., ,, I . I I. I. ii d rli.ii ii n, ll' l . I p- I U ' ' - I'M1 . I I III' Ml ii'irmiK pa icpiihli. tin for ftUllill .ll, i'livis III lllf I I II ' l S'S I ,. Ill of III.. I' 'Mill pill lu.1.1 III,. I -iii.ti.iniii4 ni ' "I tin iih ni ii' i which in ii'pr.ii. ri b-sues ii. in. i 'f iiiiiil I" M l lIlKi'UMM i want Ill I'll ll HIIV III I " II.' I VI HTH ll was con .h'l I v .id' "f I M' ! Jlondei xnn and Oi lier Towns i Wish Amendments to Their Charters. Th senate convened with Invoca tion by Hi e. V, C Tyrce, pastor of the first CHptiH church. Dllla loli'mluccd: tjafis, of Person Appoint Justices ' of the peace In several townships In Person county. Klutx Appoint! Justices of the peace for United township, Id. wan county. Ormond rteluling to witnesses be , for trail (J jury In Inolr county Reynolds J'ay Jurors In Blokes : county. atHl Authorise commissioners nf Rutherford county to levy, a tax for balliUnff bridge Pharrs-Uelatlng to persons entitled pension. JLayiamTo drain wet and awamp land under th tllrectlon of the state board of geological survey. flhirrlll dldstlng to fee of survey or ef Caldwell county. ' -V Klllott ftenhnt nf tha alal irhnni . for the blind, carry": appropriation lor maimensno ana IZS.OOO f'W per . (mutant Improvement, ' t-ockhart Denouncing conduct In the tte of North Carolina that Inter with trad and pom morn (Mil carrym" ih famous aubwetlon "A"). ayi Amnd rwvhwl relating to fence In Northampton county. s tlay .Melatlng to hunting. : Kret Joint resolution rrlatlna 4n - tha Alaska Yukon exposition and carrylna-25,0 appropriation. Manning Allow register of deed purham county to appoint a deputy. KayAmend tha charter of llen- wwviilti..'t-.vv..! Paused fltml reading! Allow Haitian township to vot on pnolal tax bonds, for the public , acnooia to tans tha place of funds lost 'In th elimination ef the dlapensary - Income, f Amend sub-section 15 of section llU.evlaal. 1 ; . Pretsct wron against thl dst. tie rqSilrrl hi seven counties rep. , resented by Senator Oodwtn. This ilt wan opposed by Senator Kmple, chairman ot tha cams taws commit tee, who appealed for the bill to be , voted down. Senator Godwin Insisted that all lils people wanted It beca-ase they Wanted the right to protect lielr ! property, ths growing crops of corn. Senator Oay, of Northkmplon, con VMlsed the senators with laughter by dK)lslnsr that In his anntlnn ... .,., the pruim'tliin of. tho cams laws, the squirrels become so htaoleut that an lie paaae thmuith th woods they profan his name by calling out teayl Bay I" The bill Bnally paasrd wltti ao anrendntent that the kllliug at the squirrel out of aoaaon hn liy landowners only. The Manning bill to vtHlilih a North Carolina,' commission to main tain uniformity In li Rlalatlnn In I In: United Htnti'n camo up. Henator Miui- lllng "explained that It piovlilvn for tha governor to atmolnt thn mm. mlasloanra within thirty rtny nfi.-r! Wnotnn - the passags of the art to confer with similar boards repreKi-nllng other etatea, and mnke rcporte to the gov . crnor, to be transmitted to the I.kIh Inture. That the conerrt-m of commie aloncra would recommend leKielHtlon on niarriago and divorce, insolvency, -.the descent and distribution of prop erty end ths prohMte of will unit ,iti,. er subject where uniformity Hnuuig the states la deslrMMe. The l.lll phhr ed Its headings and ivni w-nl to the hoMse. Other bills psxaed. Amend section 202R, revlsni, r. lut ing t the time for tiling notice of heirs by etrtklng out the word "twelve" rnil Inserting "lx " Jlouee bill to nppolnt Justices of tin pence for Rrniin county. 1 Kegulnte the diesolutlon of , Jliirntlnns Hi'nstor Sturbuck nnmr to a iu s- lil intiifl. ui.npi . Ho I'lll'liHK ..I Hi' I" I !. Of .1 I'lilJI III III in. noiiiii. r -fT'- I II" .l.'.'l.il-.'.l Hill ll. lif Ii.tli- UK i' -. ll III' . ;i ll.-IO .nut ll in nrlli ..I Hi. lull 'H:i'. Ii'.li "i Mint I, ...I l, ill . Iiu ..j. P. i i ... ii ' 'I Mic h . ri'f'.rin i "l.ll. il hi hi ' lull. .Srliiil.il M.iiiiiili' I 1 1 I " 1 1 1 1 1 "I'l out of 'Mli-r It Pill lo oil.. a llir (i.vvii ni llllpl.nn. 1 1 1 ii Inn, I tn.. I.ti ilm x iu.,1 ijseii' bnnile Tin- M. inite (iiljotirn.-.l lo noon ,M.,n il.i '. . llclnll of Pin. Ii. ik.r lirahiiin b't lie- K'lvel full ni II nf., Vrsyer be !! -v. V. Met' W bll. , pHKtoi Pi.. !,(!, -rln ii hiin h HhIiImIi I'i lllli'iiH aiid imni'ii - In In KIIIIhii From eltlens of fiitnwlin for repeal of iHirmuial utnl ifitl prop ertv exemptlnnH rrmn ib bt Witty Krom clil.ini of Itm-klng Iiiiiii. for luW miiklmt In limns ii this ' labor In cotton mills drnen Memorial of eoiuuilHeloiii rs mi mi d by (loviiriinr illenn to Alimkn Yukon Paclllc cupollmn. liitriiductlon of bills: Ciivln- Hinrulste pay of Juors In nuplln. Hooker Authnrlne cmintv commls. sinners of Beaufort to levy special tax. ChiiidImiM llemiliile nav of men and Jurors In blanly. tlsmliaw .'nr rnlh-r nf .1 i.u i.i.h ex-confederste sohlhrs. Muy iwcMU mcdleme without license If own prop erty tint over 11,000. Harshsw Amend chnrtor of (Iron. Ite Falls, OHldwell. Majette I 111 an He time of h,,l.lh,D courts in Tyrrell. Majetto Amend section ll re vlsni, relative to fences in Tyrrell. fonnor Amend charter of Wilson. Perry of Hladnn Benefit widows of ex-cpnff derate soldiers. Allow pen slon If married one year before death of veteran. nrSSWCll. bv renliest tl, n.illl nt Ptate Hchool for Blind and Iieaf. 122,- i3 in mull, and 122,000 In 1B10. for repairs and Improvements; Increase maintenance to tio nno, and $100 an- PRES'T FINLEY HAS FAITH IN COMING YEARS illlCM' K'i. h . 'I'li.il OjifKirturiitv ;iinl l;ire Awaits 'In' Si'iil lilaiid. HICKORY SOON TO HAVE FIRST GLASS HOTEL The Chamber of Commerce Moves About and Finds Suitable Site for It. N CAROLINA IS liM'ir IN MINKKALS Mr. ImmI. x veloii.s I in nielli nl' IhvellH oil Mill' Mistrial Develop Wecent VeafH. .in said In I'INi IN.'. A I'I. .Ian. I 7 Id spondliifi a I'.iiHl nt the annual hitiiipiot the ' 'In. Iiin.it I I 'oininerclal ibib t'-rila iM-nintf. I'lesbli-nt W. W by .,1 tin- Southern railway piii't Mr. T'niwtinusli'r and Clcntlerwri "In bis leiter Inviting me In attend this illnner of the Cincinnati I'oro- .ner In I club your secretary siiKKcsted that I kIhhiIiI speak on The Develop ment of tha Mouth ami the Houthwest nually for library ftimS, Weaver Denounnlii ennituoi n the stale Inlerfering wllh trade and commerce. Making It unlawful to have agreement to lower op nr..v...i Increase In price of any article those making agreement desire to huy. McWllllam Jlepsal section St78. revinaL relative to ahootina uim inwi to Pamlico sound, Clyde county. Toy Regulate hunting In Pender. Often Promote drainage, of wet and awamp lands of state. Bond is sue for draining and reclaiming. State geologists bill. Pickett Amend charter nf Bur lington. Smith, of Harnett Validate certain stock , law territory in Harnett : fix boundaries and allow commissioners to levy special tax. ' Jrren--Jomt resolution for appm pnation or 13I,000 for exhibit at Alaska-Yukon exisntlon June 1. Perry of lllinlen Halse revenue Mr public schools bv taxluir ini.,n,...i,,.... and sale of cora-oola ami Vtb..r iii ini,u containing carreine. Buck, by request Appropriate eer trtln money now In hanils of J. H Hwann, former manager Viinciy nniiiiy nisponsHry. (Trawforil Heenre free pnwiK. Hell In t'lny county Howl. Prevent llw Hi,,.k rimuliiK ai lariie in Ashe. Howie, by leipicitl'irnill uiinnl ..mi to cultivate IuiiiIh of their wants. leaves of nbseni e Kinnleil M..,irN tlreon. Hull. l''loyd. Tuvhu. w,.v.r Hparrow. fnleiular. The following hills passed tblr.l reading: AuthorUe coiiimlssinnerH of Moore til Issue hohilK lo pay IndebleilneMH of Carthage townnbli. Amend charier of lmn, Itowan Ineorporate board of publlcat l.m ,.r West.-rti N. r. c.lllfelclici. M io church, Mouth. Prevent persons from hiring lu.rsei on false representation. Henate bill: 1',, all.ov conunleslon er of Caldwell to pav f..r nmklnK court ipi.'kels Am. II, I seetl,, , I'll I . r.-vKil. Inl.,.1 'f "nil 111, elliillles , in. f,,r 1 1 , , , , ,,, ,,,, ,, con in oni- 'I'b. I i i' lo ml, r em, trnvfk miles :i day on Ills aknles The foreign trail,- ,,f Ureal lil shiinn no slmis i.f relal ah, nit 1 ,11 Hnl ill. Cl van curro QAtu on FURS SUITS COATS DRESSES One-Third Off No Reservation : This clean swceji sale m furs, dresses, coals and suits at 33 1-3 per cent, discount is a Ixuia lido price reduction Sale on our best stock, and includes every piece o ft ht winter styles now on hand. ' No shoddy poods, no vein- old remnants .no odds and onila hut con c, .1, 1 .1 1 ...... 1 , 4:11 1 1 :i vu..u iuj nil i.i- m 111 ncrc DCCilUSC 11. c. eeeded the demand of a mild winter. Cold weather must still conw, however, did it ever fail? Yours is the savirip: one-thirtl on everything. In Its Keliitlnii to Cincinnati,' I am Ih,I to comply with this suggestion for the reason that I belief that tK relations of your city with the South ern and Southwestern states, which have always been close, are destined to be still closer In the future, and that the primrusa of this vast reulon and the pronress Of your city will go tin ml In hand. 'While ilnclnnstl will always be an Important factor In the trade jif the West, I bplhrvr that your future iloveluiiment will In very largely In connection with that of the 8011th and -the Bouthwost. This splendid re gion, to which Cincinnati Is une of the principal gateways from the north, has m area of 800,000 square miles anil a population of more than 25,000,0011. It Is a region rich In de veloped wealth and allll richer In In completely 'developed resources. It supplies the material for moat nf Ihe cotton lanrics worn In the world, and cotton seed products with a wide range of uses. It supplies the tables of the Northern states with early fruits and vegetables tn lame varletv and great. abundance. As a region for raising all kinds of live stock and poultry, it Is unsurpassed. The South ern states send you marbleB ani building stones, brick and timber for vnur buildings, coal for your power plants and your homes, sort Iron anil Htosl for tu ir manifold uses. . .nonui t annin Minerals. "The varletv of their mlmirnl m. laourees can be Illustrated by the fuel mat no less than one hundred and olglity-four different minerals . have been noted in (lie slnirle min ,.r North Carolina. The coal tlebU nf in., Mouth haw an area ,,f 14B,4fi siiuare miles, and, according In a recent esti mate, contain 4 lit, I mi ,0110,000 tuns of cool. The same uitliv,i.tu ,.uii that there are 1 0.iiiiii,o0.0(i0 tons or Iron ore In the Mouth, tiwltie 1.. 11... wasteful in... ,,f Hie timber h II, of oilier liiialille", t 1 r'"' lumber. In very Inrtre meas ure, upon the f.iiisilr. which l.re Ollll standing In tbn s, ml hen, ui.. These IlinPer resources are Mnfrn ieni under in, idem . 1 in 1 1 ll, - n,,..iu ,.1 forestry, to afford rmaiieni piv m raw inaterinlh f,,r ver- ...1. ... Ie wooilwm 'kllii: llldllstllea The! nil. race l.n ce m , ,, apru, ,. ,, i,,l li-H nut IuiiiIh. alT'.rdlnir an ,r. 'Illlty Tor t level,. ,, ,,r e,,. paper mniiiilacliiiiiiK Industry. A member "f Ibis , , i .,,, ' 'r 1'ioneers 11 s pari clilar del. I ..1 Southern ileleloliinenl and l ,1,., promoter n ml president of a , ,,., Wllll ll llllK -.Hllll.llHhe.l . ,.i..,..i, . , Plant In the Southern Ai.u.,1.,, iii roRlon. (inni Dcvclopiticnt. "The most noteworthy feature .0 Southern proa-res... In ,u,r 1 P n has been In III" industrial Held Tl... annual Willie ,. (he luodllels el Senll . o n manuf.i. I111 e, . has l.e. n In, , , ,, ,1 Horn 141.7. IM isxii ,,, 1, 1 ..... g I f Hllll.llilO.nilM , t ..lv ThU In.lus irlul progress will eon tlnii. . It will I'i... eed llii.M lapi.Uv ,,K ,. ,., "11 which II has si 11 I, 'd Ihe conver sion ,,f s.iulli. i n law male, mis Into nil,!, s r.adi f.o , ....sumption. Those ii.loslrles whbb have been l. ated in Ho Send, ,'l.,ie,'e t,, (I, . " law alil.h lends to , , elilnile I'UH 10 provlmilv to (iolllees TO BE MODERN IN EVERT RESPECT CASUALTY LIST STAYS UNCIIANGID Those Injured in Disastrous Passenger Wreck Will Pxihalih IJve. V I '" ' 1 ' . - . . . -.iiJHx.iin;ujJiiiito. r-t ...l . 1 1 1 1 ... ii. .. I ...Mil . 11 i '-r4-." " 1- r"i','i I 'ir, I'i' i" a J "".'" 1 l"'li,'l"''jH. II . II 7 II W11 11 Mini mm 1 1 ' in mmmmmmmm tmmmmum II 111 I "". If aSSfe. vi aa. v-" aT" m J laT m m M m mvl llaT ' III 111 II 11 I I il 51 mm I I 1 I m fl I ; H T lit t Will Have Prlrate Electric Plant, Two Elevators and Private Baths. fSpsclal to Th Citnen.) (ili'KollV, . C., J.,,, 17. Illck- has at last taken Ihe step which will pl.i.-e her oa eo.ua. fooiTii); with her slsi. 1 cillcs of trie proKrcsiie or der In tin- matter of llrsl class hotel accomi I ut Ions at toast, and the rest will come lis a natural conseuiienco. JJlnee the ileatrueilan In lire of the HlCkory Inn two years ago. hotel ac commodations have been rather lim ited, and as a result tin- better class if travel, and especially winter and summer tourists, passed us by. going to Ashcvllle, Charlotte and other points, where the could be accom modated. 1 It whs thought for mmualm,, that the Hickory Inn would be rffliullt, but It recently became. Imowii thai u (By AteuiMiid Press.) CLK.VWOnD SI'KI.N'dS. f.'yl.. Jan I 1. Further imcKtiKalion toda of the dlHSHtrous w reck nf A pawn nip train on the Deliver ami Kb! I'lrand railroad, at liotwio last Frldny i.IkIiI showed that probably all the dead and Injured were accounted for last nlbt and the casualty list i "mains uu. luiiu ed tonight, as none of the Injure. I ha died. It Is thought I hat all the Injured will recover. , The track has been entirely cleared and truffle was resumed today. The debris, thrown to one side, Is to In searched fur bodies, but It Is believed that none will be found. There were inii passengers on the train and moat of Ihcm'wc accounted for. It Is known that a number proceeded on their way without being reported Some of the dead were Identified to diiv Klltflncer dug Olson of the nnusen ger train, will not be well enough to taiK ror several days. Otiroiicr C.llDln will hold an Ironies! when Knglneer Olson Is able to silvc evidence LEFT CI BES DOORSTEP FOR THIS MOTHER Mrs, A. a Tuson. of LlvermorA rat . writes: "I picked ua from mv dnnr. tep one day a little beok Ib which I would not m the ner future, and a 1 ''"IfZ JT , , wtere.ted. number of eltlen. began to cast .ln. ' ?7 "ttle ?lrl.of "ve e Jhe jtfnnual Jbfe of fynder- Jlf uslins Starts Wednesday, January 20. We arc inakiii!- large preparations for the big Mus lin Underwear Kale wlii -h starts Wednesday, and. coitljniics t iroiif i 1 he week. 1 on niav huv as nianv jjarments as vou lihe except. the 25 e gowns. To obtain this unusual "bargain iuiL, must first buy one dollar's worth of sale gtMitlsintiijC' yon can buy a gown for 25 cents. -''.' ttew Spring Suits at Special Prices. ?:f,:-" Saturday we received a saniiile sliipmrr.t of 22 new Spring suits from :w York.' To understand what these new models is inmossible suits. sf25.(H) Suit of the latest dq- number or eltlaens began to cast aluiut for a suitable alt, which was four..! but the owner and' the purchasers could not come to tqrroa. Buys Site. Finally tho Hickory chamber of commerce, real! sine- the Importance of the project, took 'a hand, and as a result Dr. D. 8. Fry end "rt'llllam P. Huffman, hi hrotber-in-law, pur chased yesterday from N M. He,,L-le the square on watch, bis residence is situated, between Ninth and Tenth avenues, and fronting on Twclrth street. , Architect W, Lee White Is now nea. paring plans, and the will heeln the instruction at met, of a first class bee troubled for a kmc time, with loss of appetite, extreme nsrroutneai and undo ratlcue. She was all run tlowa and In a very delicat condition. inia uim pope: wa very corapre benalvely writ ted, and told of the aew uviuuu m eiiraciing tne meaioinai ele ments of th cofl'g liver from the oil, eliminating th obnoxious oU which, la Hard for children to: talc. " 'Juat th thing,' aafd I, 'for ray little daughter;' and I Immedlatslv went tnr a bottl of VlnoL it helped iter won. derfull. 8b has gained ranlitlr la flesh aad itrength, ant) 'ah doe not kb com a air so easily. I am extretneljr rteful for the .a i. ... . r . - . . and up.,o-dab, hot!, which is to be L, ulnTZ lxl'lV a four-storv brlclc srrurt ll TP nf aivlv. 1 ' K four rooms be.ldea' .pac.ou. dining ZZmZ, .0? Z.T.T ' rooms, parlors, aamore room., haii hJldren -Will be benedted by my and corridor, Ml of which will be I,eneBO aao jttat lTf yinol a trial. ' Pla"TWnTfaurn,shCM,e V"" ' Vil"01' to iUhwWe, by Sc. piant win rurnlslt In lights ami oner- . ... - ala naua.i.,,,,. aBha . . s. . . . . . ..... ywwut.n Hift.- iuiik rievaiors. II we a i unit sign oitering in ys you see the for , i , in... ti-rial an. will I ' mir. ul h. ill be most pros .I'll Ihe hiL-liosf v lopme.it This lll'lnsll I :.l has alien. I luoiiKhl iibo.it a In -. onemi. , o,dit,,,K ... ,, I .slates Southern no..,,,!,.. s not only .,pv (heir llonie de Is 111 Home lines. ,t t,,.y eon,,. ,' iii e competition In other mnr- "Ii lasiiur,.. turere of other "in Houihcn, Ind, mines cei, i . lo.-resse Ho- ,i.ntlt and the " ' "leil . ",,ot,. hs e, ,. haute will n. , ome more pro el southern merchants will t' biv. or win h i ,,,.ii.... There will be room. nulla ' ,,.io. vate oaths and -vrr modern conve nience required by tti most fastid ious, bealden ImnU' i4ioi'lul.i.a i pretentious, to stilt an'V demand. Outside Ittionis. The hullillng will he ronarii, !,.,! Bn that egch room will ha ui, outside une and all rooms wilt IiaVB-'fhe"todvaiiiai.e of atinnhlne and fresh air. There w ui be the main bulWlnaj entrt two wings. W'ftll Mil ril.On em'.rl l...Vl..T''An " .,... . . --.. ... ,wrv. 1111' Ml- cation Is slightly elevated, command ing a beautirul view of tho Hlue ttldge mountains in (he distance. A magnlllcenl lawn, with shade trc-n. will surround the building. Walks nnd drives ivlll b, arranged so us lo approach the hotel from either of the three streets on u l.l. h n . i... d. and the whole ai i ans-ement ,'. tiHllcally executed s money and skill can make it. When completed, it wjll Involve the utbiy of between sivty "and aevienli - lile .boilstfin,t doll,.. BM.I ... in i... built with a vl. w i.i making mi hiI.II- j Hon of from, tliirtv to forty rooms. j Mr, Huffman ami I ir. Try wlll hnve the nmiiiiRement ,.i ti, hotel in their i on hands. Their i.palftrltj . pleas-; ant aililrcss ami K.nlal -natures be.' spend lor them ure.,t success. j Mr HufTman Is an old reald.'nt of' Hickory. He has s.-rwd the city and! ilcinlty In various capacities for inlte a while as p.. i .mutter In which! he gained the frlcii'Lhip and admin.-1 Hon of the entire . .nimunlty, due to the fact that ife is ,mM,t n.commo datlng, couiteiuis an. I ever striving ti ll lease. ,l present he Is kuthere, nccinivlne n lieportnnt olTI, e ,,i street committee, a done much for II proM'tnent of he.- vi 1 1. Cry. w ho ha physician, but inu very populur ami here and In sever,, tinveled cxtantivcly fi lends, The name of th. Ilnllry Inn. ulil, h ' omhimttiot. of a i' mans name and a Hnl-Fry. The hmlilmK w ill , oinpletlou. and It open for guest ru i NOW OPEN New York Lunch Room and Restaurant For Ladies and Gentlemen 11 South Main st Our Motto for 1909: "Make all th new friends you can Without neglecting old ones." BURTON & HOLT," I'arnlture flenlers, ' ' PaUon Ave.. -and Battery Park Place. M. WEBB Millinery Importers No. Battery Park FUvsa, Pbuno 04 Asbevtlta, n. o. Highest qual ity, absolutely clean and sweet. We guarantee all our products and are glad of an ovrjortiitt-. it to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. Bnt W!e try to maintain such a high standard that everything will be highly SATISFACTORY, and we believe We are succeeding.' -Vf In addition to MILK and CREAM we make a epec ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. 1 ' iiOur prices are reasonable and. our service nronm w vouuo. Mlttjr vrv; WUI Stri ve yUUl .trVtyJ, Ashevillc Pure Millc Company DnAinn arsTai 1 ''. cw it and PIIONB tad. b.- CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic , adjustments treat ment) has been endorsed by Clocrn ors, irianji It. B. and-, ata,te: Senator and thousands of Cttfxmia nf nihnr stales as being the most advanced fend modern method In removing abnor malities or diseases that the dtiman body is heir to. We court Investigation. Incurable cases pur specialty. I DR. C. t fVIMPThV ANI) lU. .1. A , MATH1S, CHIItOPIlACoTOItS. fagnl Bldg. Sooth of Fonntaln ! Pbone eai. Ashcvllle, N. c CORSETS CLEANED. , V.' can take a badly aotted corset and clean and freelirn It un(ij almost good, as pew. Price reasonable. . j , Queen City Dyeing and ' Cleaning Works tl Chart, street. ' PfcoiM. 9110. MISS CRUISE ha i it nitixsiNt; p.iti,(iits. tirtniml M.r. as Ilnyward St PI o HI. Just received a new line of Combs Hurrettes and Hair Pins In the latest styles. A full line of now Hair Goods. Save your combing and cut lialr, we iiuiae inein up to order. .Manicuring, DO,.; shamnoolmr r.n and 7 lie; Shampooing and Halrdress- ing .ae ami Jl.no. Klectrlc Scalp nnd Pm ial Massage. Cblropodji W ork for i jiii ics unit Ocutlemen. no of the i lly ' i twponslble and , ii ilrmnn of the ' i i aa such has " V In itie mi is. "tl a practicing j 'tired. Is also. I kliimn, both states, bavin , nl nmile many We well the latest style ot Winter Hats cheaper than you can buy them frnm the big mall order house. Paris Millinery f SOUTH MAI V BTKEEnX lei will lie tb "ae!e up hy th. n of Mr. Huff of LH-.. h'ry-s The Ashevillc School of 'lll. A.. a a all musk mm uramauc ATI I tub AtnDrroraiTM Phoiie St I imiitn, many i Ion', erly d ii "in i In, innatl iiib ii ml dlstrtl iilblenl howe. ''"t "I this .. I heiieli. id I ... . . it .i il ii I .i, I , , i ... s rail "inmodilies w hleh i alinosff exclush.-ry ud rirr maniifse lllllK cellleis. Hn, Hint the iiltiinai. no...... i-hatiK. will merchants Amt than Hii n . ,, . M. V. MOORE WOnfElVS Ol'I'FllTKB .. 11 Pattoa Aeenae. in I., t,;i hi:: iiimi worth i-.c Imp... I-,1 into Herman i ' pi.t. nte,! about three bll,.B it iinher, ,.r an average of ton ..... enmiii. in., imports w HIT lollew ills' cnuttlrleo I.. I . - ., , ... i.'iik rnns' itlissla. .:; Allst,lu.,,e;,,1 r,s '!: Hulgarla. .S1: R.nimanla ' s'jh Kuropean Turkey. r.o7 Servla V V Helglum. !,.,. swliwrlan.l '.nd Egypt slso contrilniierf r title. .' " KSi This III six rrmn immer or soonei while Ihe cltl,-ns , perate with ther K, I hem to expedite th. mu. h as possible. V rtellctotii. sw-eeii Saul.. Priming. fro.i, tnle kln-es abotii a .., ' hi- k. Tlie are ,.p. and placed in ihe being turne nceai- tlnie dusted iiKnin i-e pushed hoped will eit-ter part In the uiean- going to co il .men nnd help imrtrnrtlon as SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlors, room 10 Paragon Bldg. "Phone 6T. We make a apociaity of electrical face and ca!p treatments. Latest ef ererythlng In Malr Ood and Hatr Dressing, a witch ot and Puff mad from your cemblngv. it la mn.le In i 'no benatias. cut ! : 'i ter of an Itleh ; e n Med with sugar ; on several days, j J "illy, and -each 'ii sugar. ij lnod Mr Wood Prion U. La Grecque Corseti. . For every type of figure. GREENE & CO.. : 12 Church Street IIMMtMl4 D. R. McKINNON 7 PaUon Avenue (Over ltolwniMl'a SUirs.) Ladies and Genllemens TAILOR f NEARLY i ALL 1 HEAT 1 That's tho rcnrdT.the ft use of M. & W. 'Indian. Coal, about. 9D per cen't fud value. leavimjbut B per cent, for ashes. Carolina Coal A Ice Company pnosrn istt. " " 7 n ; "TOET5Tj3REL.0F MODERN WAYS1 Fresh Shipmenl Pickles I Main Swct. Miied Sweet, JSi.nri?lain and IhlK OWNBEY'S 51 ITON AVEmEW PHONE 536 , ASHEVIIXEN.a That Wonderful Lot 0 of Linen Torchon Laces Are Here .Th,' !"-ri"'s t'Mhy-uitlH.Mt doubt the best. Kvalues we li.-ivc ever seen fr the uitincy.-.t think f il - n-.-il I inen T.ir. l,.,,, Jt,,m j jm.h to 2$ UJd.es wide. ;,t rc per yard or 5(ic per dfcrvvft f Come early as we j nydiet?. a 'ian& v'ateW' U.ese l;..'cs-2.-Jo ,l.,Zcn yards "of IlkrtWat tlie iirice won t last lone;. if.vu-,; ':4-: I iji ft ii: 25 Uontf ord Ave. Phone 56.) 4 gf ' I- . .., . .. aWassTaaaa fed)

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