7 THE AM11KV1LLK CITIZEN, (vKDXESDAY, .JANUARY 20, VM). SOCIETY A box party win glvi'n yesterday afternoon at the Orand opera Ikhim to WitnoM th Initial inatiii- prudue tlon of tha Manhattan Opera com pany if a number of the young tmk of th city. Th party occupied the two lower boxes and were chaperoned by Mrs. Mortimer. Among the mem bers of the party were: Mime Ade laide Leurhran, Lillian Weavnr, ICI--nor Imtmrttan, Paulina Patiilii. Florence Lambertson, Lalage Out. Alary Bllkleather and Mr. Fred KIi.k of Pittsburg, Pa., who la visiting in Asheville for a time. JI j The following account of a lot) I. taken from The N. Y. Herald. given Saturday evening at ttie American ! ration In Athens by Mr. and Mm Richmond Pearson will tie of Intercut to frlendi of ths latter In Aahevilli-: "ATIIR.VB, fliinday. During a hall last night at the American legation the band of the batlleahlp Missouri iras stationed with an Kalian orchestra 1n th ballroom, the first playing- nat ional aim and the tecond waltxea and tagtlme music, and both provoked Joud encore. - "Debutante present were Mlsa Mar. Jorle Pearson, only daughter of the American Minister; Mia Bradford, graBdnleca of Prealdent Polk, and Mile, Capodlstria, a rranddauchUr of th first Prealdent of th Greek Re MUa Ho. Among tha other women present war Mr. Connally, Mri. Con aHy Coxa, her (later and niece, Mra. Pearaon, Princess da Caraman Chi may, Baronna Relnerk, Baroness von ntpenhtuten, Conteaa dl Caaelll Countess Cuernowlts, Mlaa Elliot - daughter ef tha British Mlnlater and a nleo of tha Viceroy of India and th worM famous beauty, Mr Bennett vtf of tha' Brltlah military attach. ' t tha New lear'i rereptlon the Qussa paid a special and graceful compliment to Captain Doyle of th Missouri! Commander Hubbard, com sanding th Ohio, and their reapeotlva ! naffs, Th Grand Chamberlain re ., auaated the offlcera standing behind . the Amerlcaa Mlnlater, to cross over to tli opposite aid of th throne ! room; then the Orand Chamberlain, by th Queen' order, requested th flreek naral ofTloera to atand In line below the Americana and malt a aap- arat ana distinct group of th latter, and When, tha Queen, in making th otrcle, reached th group of picked an splendid looking American ah nook hands cordially and convened wu vry on of them. f "The wr th only men tha Queen o nonoreo during th entlr cere tnony. although Mlnlater, Plenlpo tenuarles, Admiral and General wera present It wag Intended to be and wa a striking and conaplcuou nara or honor, 'Tha Klna- and Queen, the Crown rrlnoa and princess, Grand Duchess Maria, Frlne Nicholas, prince Helen Prlnc Andrew, Prlnceaa Allc and Prince Christopher yesterday visited th Mlaeuurl. Bvery ship In the har bor was decorated, and th Russian .and Greek squadrons, which war ly ing close together, Joined In firing th royal aalut as to Queen stopped board th Missouri. Th men on a Bwastan ahlp. in full View, ralaed a mighty cheer that "beat the band." -."After Inspecting th Missouri the American Minister Joined the royal party In. the reception room, Mrs. Pearaon pouring tea which had been presented to Captain Doyl by the u over nor or Ceylon." , Tbr was a meeting held vatr day afternoon at the Asheville club - or th director of th Country club. . Th Jewish Ladles' Aid society will meat this afternoon at the temple on Sprue street at 1.80 o'olock. a full attendance la requested. The Ladle1 Golf tournament at the Country club yesterday afternoon 'was one of th most pleasant of the serin and th perfect day brought out many memners to watch ths playing. The weather will It Is hoped hold until Saturday so that th mixed tounia ment which had to be postponed last week on account of the stormy weather may be played with some degree or comfort. Those who desire to play a ra , requested to make their entries with Dr. Paul Ringer. Yemcrditv's cor was: Miss Ethel Reeves, St. handicap 12, in I ' Miss Nun Meed !)0, handicap H ' Mis Mantle Hamilton inn, nunlitup I'K. net dl The HtandliiK iiois.rillng to points to date Is as (nilnut. AliH Iteeves 12, M I mm Meade !i S . Mrs. Kroner 7, Mln llninlKon i and .VIikm Smith 2. There will he four itxiii- ladies' tournament played on Ttjesd.iv'a of each week, i' Mr. n ml Mm. m Hwurtxherg nil nrniiic the bethrnthnl of Ihelr daugll li r Snilye, In Mi (leoiK'i J, Munti tt hl. , HI. . J Tlit" rnlil winter commencement en le of the AHllfVllle IIIkIi school lake place Friday of next week at Wie srhool There are live graduate Ml as Miilile Miller. Mlaa Mary Ten iifenl, valeilit'torinn ; Meaars Krank Thompaon, Hitliitatorlan: Hoy Hwnrt. hurg, clans chronicle and Murat Huh erts, class poet. There will also he musical program under the direction of Miss Muy Klmberly. The Junior tdaas will give the wnlora a reception some time during next week Miss Marlon Martin entertained .with a dinner last evening at Clover Cot luge, Albemarle park In honor of Mr, and Mr; WhlKham of Philadelphia The rottAgo waS charmingly decor ated with cut Howera anil Connell'i orchestra played during the ewnlnx. Ji Ji Mrs. Heftthe Carrier entertains ehla afternoon with a bridge party at h residence on Broad street. if ST The High school monthly mn-rulne ifor February was Issued yesterday and was a Poe number In honor of the anniversary of the nntul day of III fated renlu. Th second number of the bright little magazine Is even more entertaining fhan th first and th several young men who are Interested In its production have added new laur. ela to their literary reputations. The cover of grey I simple and In good taste. The magaslne Is on sate at th newstanda Ji Ji Mrs. Harald Roes gave an Informal dinner for her house guest Mlaa Ruth Edith Barclay, last evening In Hilt- mors. Mr. Kees guests were Dr. and Mr. Charle X Minor, Dr. and Mrs, Ilodney R. Swop, Mr. and Mr. If W, W. Graham, Mia Edith Barclay. Mr. Ildwurd I. Frost and Mr. f af Mr. Charles Hteel of New York, partner of. Mr. J. Plorpont Morgan. arrived In Asheville Sunday afternoon In hi private car for a short stay at th Battery park hotel and to visit rel ative in th city, Mis Mary Steele Of Hlltmor and Mr. Henry M. Hteele. who with Mrs. Steel will spend the winter In Asheville. Mr. Bteele tins ha gon to hi shooting box at Cli max, N. C, and from thr will return to New Tork. Ji Jt mi.. . . ... inn lanaenetee ciuo will sr ve a theatre party this evening at the Grand opera house which will Include It la rumored two doson gueats. Jt Ji The board of deacons nf the First Presbyterian church will give a recen tlon In the annex Friday evening to me cnurcn memhera all or whom are Invited to attend. Tho object or the rttcpptlnn Is to bring the member,. Im,. closer relation anil that they may be oecoino oeiter acquainted. x ' Ji ji A recital will be given by Mr. Hur nett Jordan Thursday evening at the Asheville School or Music for the members or tho Strollers, All Ponla choir and their friends. The centen ary of the birth of Editor Allan Poe has been celebrated In various ways this week and Mr. Jordan hea chosen two well known stories of Toe's to read. The recital will be irlven ,.t a p. m. anil the following la the iro gram. i. ()-Tne Hose Garden" ..llaHlty ii i ne nosy King (c) -The Wind" j,irss Miss Anne I lull 2. "The Tell Talo Heart" KOgar Allan I Mr. Burnett Jordan taj rrieglera" Marches! tb) "Aila My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" Saltit-S, Miss Ida Hamllt on 4- "The Fall of the 11.,,,-., 1 s,,"r Kdgar Allan I Mr, Jordan. it la rumored that a Bal Poudre will Im- giwn by lb younger set at Mis Battery Park hirtel on Wash ington birthday. The colon ial costume is one of the most univer sally bei oming of fancy drcwes tttll the ball bmt year wan one of the Suc . cs a of the season. Nearly every one who Mtlenled laxt year's bull and Ho le were im r a hundred, have still (heir coHtumeH and the preparation for the fortln nmlng Bal Poudre won hi be IIkM The loMiuinc nil be easily and Inexpensively put tosefuer and made of Holi.l iil-,ii'l Kutine -with an over ilrisa .if tt'..vi-f!il i retorine Fli him of line .-k.-.I .iran'tie Hotter, the outline i.r tin hi.'liie wlili h Is iiaunllv cut Mjtiare Maaipie will be worn but prloi Ipally an u beeomltig rontraat to the white ruifTiirc anil creseent patchea ii It Ihmi i tin y will cormldi-nihly tils guie ntaiiv of the wearers. .4 .4 Mri Philip c. Cocke gave the first of a Herii of Informal brlilge parties yesterday afternoon ut her residence n Koi ii Hfieet. The hoiiMe was at traetlvely ileeora led. Ji Jt A smoker will be given Saturday evening by the memhera of the Tali- keostce hili ut theelr club rooms on I'm k Hipuire. .4 Jl The Tahkeostee club gave nnnfh er enjoyable dame lnet evening. The i Inb i'iioitih were made even more at tractive by an arrangement of plants and ferns. An orchestra supplied the music ami refreshments were served. The i hapcronrs were Mr. and Mrs Ru fns .1. vYmiih ork. Mr. and Mrs Walter Taylor, Mr and Mra. Heath Carrier and Mr. ami Mra. James Mortimer, .lr Among the guests were Miss Iji lage Oates. Miss .Mary Htlkeleather, Miss Adelaide l.oiifrliran. Miss Heme Sites. .Miss Lillian Weaver. Miss Klean or Lamhertson, Mlsa Pauline I'aouln. Miss Fannie Wheeler, Miss Kthcl Tay lor, Miss Jcsale Htlkelenther. Ml si Margiieilte Wadswnrtti, Mr. Crowell, Mr. I. It. Millard. Mr. Paul Fives Mr. V, I'. Hourne, Mr. Caslus Oudgcr, Mr. Charles Folsom. Mr. H. (I. Bernard. Mr. ferry Cobh, Mr. Theodore Robl- nn. Mr. King, Mr. Hulph Carrier and Mr. Bert Nlchnla. Louisville, Ky., to atKnd the Hard Wood roaufatrs', convestips. Mr. Hall will go t Indianapolis and New York before returning t1! Ahevll1. Jw tt SS.n t. 'V IT I.,. , i i nun gn u 11 in., ' nu, been visiting Mr anl Mrs I'anev Iti.iwn has returned te Knoxtiile. Mr V. C. Sawyer Is Hotel Woodward, Ne.. a yii'-1 at the r..rk illy. 8 WWZWsWzmwmmmmmmm in rr PERSONAL 1 Mr II Madden of Spartanburg I" In the city for a""brlcf stav. Mr. c II. Johnson ..f Jtiileigh TS a guest at the Battery I'.irk hole). i Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ftoiw-rtson or Charlottesville, Va., ure e ntling some time In the tslty. ,, Mr K. J). Smoak of Spartanburg, H '., js spending sei.rnl days with friends m AsheWlle. Mr. Owen "f Harrison of APhens, Tnn., la In AhWlli for a short stuy. ! Mr. Wm. W, Gyile of Har.'-I wood, I N. :. was in town, yesterday I Vn. Mr. K. Klser nf Iump rel. la visiting relatives in Asheville. Mrs McMillan of Hwannanoa. X. ('., was shopping In the city yesterday. i . ' i Mr. V Z. fttuts of Wlnston-Balem. arrived ycitsrftgy . and will spend a few days In town on business. Mr. ft. T. antV o' Bristol. Term.. who spends much of l'.l time In the city, returned yesterday from a trip to Charleston, 8. C. Mr. fl. F. flrolUi .t)f Knxvlll. Ten., ! 1 registered Rt the Swanunnoa. Mr. C. F. Cllnojof Cllkey. X. r. was i In Asheville yeaurdiiv. Mrs. F. tder;of Chester. 8. C., Is ap.-mllng ,ral din s with AsheUUc 1 1 o-non. A; , Mr. W. B. Johnson of Johnson City, Tenn., Is reghtterad at the Rwannanna. Mr. William L Candler of Brooklyn, X. T la In the city anil IIl spend several days In Asheville and vicinity on htiBlnesa. V." sf Mr. Ferdhufrtd 'Powell of Johnson 'Ity. Tenn.Jj I Asheville on husl- ne3. ",' Miss Barclay or Rotithport, Mass., Mr. T. A. Herman of la the guest of Mrs. Marshl Hees In Ohio, is visiting .Asheville Btltmore. several day. Columbus, frlenils for Mrs. John B. cefaln and Mlsa Helen Mr. R. W. Sayrea of Richmond. Va., ofuln leave for Niw Orleans Tliurs- M In Anhevlllo-, for short stay. (lav anil Will be uwnv for suvsrnl I weeks. r nuru woodcock leaves to- I morrow for an absence of several dnys Miss Mary llemlersnn has returned1 on busliiess. to Sallsbtirv after n vlall to Miuu Am,., I a-! Martin. 'Mr- J- MHlr ut Hickory X. was In town yealerday Mr. J. J. Hamilton of New- York la ... -rt mr. jonn v. trmrni or wolf Moun tain, X. (' ' frf; Ashuvirie visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Forsytbe and friends. Mis Mary Foray the of Kockport are tlfeu Jpring Stiib 3 Reduced ' iAnnual Sala of Muslin :.,J Underwear jjegins Jbda This Store Will Not Ojicn ifb Tic i Public Until 9 A, M.-Thcn You Can; r Buy As Much As You Like Several thousand pieces of undermuslins came in lastweek'i they are all new and pretty fresh from the manufacturers; The line will be put on our center tables and you may. btly; as many as you wish, except the 25c goivns, only one to'a customer after $1 worth of sale goods have been bought. : They are divided into six lots as follows: .. .. . -; garment garment garment garment garment garment Lot 1 will be sold for 10cva Lot 2 will be sold for 15c a Lot 3 will be sold for 25c 3 Lot 4 will be sold for 50c a Lot 5 will be sold for 75c a Lot 6 will be sold for $1 a ifo (foods iOill e Charged At Jhese Prices ii. ' .. ; VI 1 1 1 1 11 : J Removal Notice guests of friends and relatlvee lit .West Asheville Mis Helen Jnmesnn has returned from a visit to Mlsa Woltey In Soar. tan burg. Mrs. Frank Hyde and small aim are visiting Mrs. Hyde's mother Mr. Mo Donald on South Main street, Miss Frances Williams has gone to Salisbury to visit her cousin 7XU Smuthers for u few days. Mr. Floyd Jardnr of Marlon wits In town yesterday, 5,1. - 1 Mr. TWhegitjt drfi fTiarlotte. nuent of the Wioetits rji EMtlngulsher Co. Is In the clty'onvJg. Jbualnes trip, a gueet at the Battery, park. Mra O. a. Pardue, Miss C.eorgette l'ardiie and Mia Susan V. Mngwond are visitors to the) 'city. Judge J. O,, 1'litchard lias returned from a abort trlnirfitr Riiohmond. Va W. A. James, Jr.. Justice of the Beu' and Xolary buH.noved his of Ik'e tfum (he., Library ,Bljg.: to the Brown Bldg, id North' Track Square. if. W veil tha latest atyiea of Winter Hat cheaper than yon can buy them from tha'blg mall order house. Paris Millinery SOUTH MA IV BTREEJT. SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlor. : room i. Paragon Bldg. Phon if 7. W make a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything In Hair Oood and Hair Dressing. Switches and Puff mad from your combine. s Mr. Preston Button a vouno- bunker! Mr- "l Mrs. Jume I,. Alexnnder of Ilenilersonvllli! wus in the city yes- '''urnt'd lust evinlng ; frijm Kalelgh I'oe ALL TAILORED SUITS at One-Third Off 33 1-3 per cent Discount on fashionable suits of the win ter Season. This sale is made to pi ep.iro our cabinets for Kni iuo stovks. ' One third reductions on everything tin ,ijts VS(,rv. d0unds like an injustice to the suits, as if they were shop-ivorn, old, or out of stvle, but the facts are Other wise. The suits are thoroughly good and proper and stylish. The mild winter has meant . smaller trade than usual, and the suits must be cleared before new spring things arrive. That's the reason . SUITS AT $7.95 and $14.95 These are some tailored suits carried over from l;(st turdny. Mr. Vnl BeikltiH of lluleluh, N. C, Is here for the sprlnK. Colonel Willkun A. ItexforJ Iiiik turiieii after being absent In. in the city for several ilnvs Mr Mlus (loililunl Is lsliiiiK his mother Mis. iluililnrd ut her resilience on Aierriinon iivenue. Mr lioiblunl Is a prominent young Inwyer of the eastern part of the State. Air j. ,M. Flue of Durham Is in the city for a lew ilitys on husines". where Mr. Alexilndr Went to secure the North Carolina State Bar ItKSO- Intlon convent ion. ' Dr. hnd Mrs W. P. Bunibertson have gone to Florida for a stay of several weeks. SENATE VOTES LARER SALARY TO RESIDENT D.rlMcKINNON 7 Patton Avenue , Oyer Hedseood' 8tot, Ladies and GenOemens TAILOR The Asheville School of Music and Dramatic Art th! ' a trnnowuM ' rhono 344 N0W01EN New York.Lxmcli Room and Restaurant -For Ladies and Gentlemen 11 Sputft Mata st " c -ttttTtitfniittiuiiim Mr. T. l York nnil Is the Wooiiwnnl hotel. Continued fro jdrst page.) ' ' - - - -i -ir.- ngmowuijijnjtjtj was stricken from the Mr. IV tiorrison is in ,rw nresklent sieniliii several ilitys ut hill. An amendment t.) reduce the so I nry allowance m this president from as provided by the com mlttee on appropriations to I7G.OOO.ii0 was defeated 3:! to JJ. Tho question (hen; recurred on th amendment to Increase the salary .if the prealdent to J 108,000, s;,in.lrti-a r u.,.....n..i - "l""'"' IK leitinrteniY i. tin- itiniiij i h r k not-l. Mr. Stanley i . Cuiininuhnni of Kl Kins. W. . is in,, nuest ol 1.. t Cardiff on Ashhiiul avienue. Mrs. 10 1 1 Onk.-s,' chlbl and nurse spent Sun. I.i v with friends In Sails btl rv . vi i .luliusnn. an attorney of 1 raiiMin. s ,M, Wesfott bay.' Koiie to Mi II nil Ml! N.-vv 'ork. vtl. VV N . Cooper Is spendlliK Home tun. al UulilsMII,. Kv CUT PRICES PIPES. Never were sin It Safifaiiis oiT. rcl. - T 0 to 4.00 i'liKH) vvsi offer tor $1.99. WELLS' SMOK SHOP. CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic adjustments (treat ment) has been endorsed by Govern ors, many U., S. and State Senators and thousands of Citizens of other states as being the moat advanced and modern method In removing abnor malities or diseases that the human body is heir to. We court investigation. Incurable cases our specialty. DR. C, F. COMPTOW AND DR. J. A MATHIS, CHIROPRACTORS, liegal Bltlg. 8onth of FoantalD Phone 621. Asheville, R. C. i! NEARLY :: ALL HEAT That's the record of the , use of M. & v. Indian Coal. about )-, p,,r cent, fuel vnlue, having but G per cent, for ashes. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PROVE ISO. i La Grecque Corseti. . For every type of figure. GREENE & CO., 12 Church Street. .Mis K, Week's pe t.li.is has returned after vilt to tiovernor's lslulld. tit to I.inilsville. 1 Di C A. sin-lit k vv Kv . v ester, I., v. Mls liina Cruin lift vesteribiv for i iiii innati. Ml. .lull, in in t'oluilll l,unH,ir,l ni. Milo. year: sold originally for $20 to $i0. $14.95 great bargains. Two lots $7.Jt.") and M. V. MOORE !.,'-.- WOME1T8 OCTPTITEB ,., Mi II, . I T ii.s city i " bo bit,, sj, has sune I,, 'turned nt some time U ilmliiKioii. Mr J. Armstrong- mil.-,! to .Norfolk after a Mrs Herbert Allen of UiIn Mr .lames M for fln.lniiHll lint; has re visit with Ity l l.'iiitt left yesterday Mr. II. S. .!,,. f nnlTiilo Is spend- nir several ,lvs with friends In tbe Our consl ant aim is to serve Dairv Produets of thr highest qunlitfTvbsolntely clean and sweet. Wf guarantee all our products and are glad of an opportun ity to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. But we try to maintain such a hieh standard that" evervthinc win ue uigniy SATiiU'AUXUiCY. and we believe we ar Rueeeeunig. In addition to MILK and CREAM we makf ialty of FANCY1 CREAMERY BUTfER and EXTltl ICE CREAM. Our prices axe reasonable and our service Dromot and L W. ' . - 4. tjouneous. iuay we not serve youf Asheville Pure Millc Company PHOXB KM. Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. Mr Will, am Snider has Iniuitl pvine to t-ln- Mlss c.rant has gone to Florida. vi r it. .. t . lee ale,. ,,f Ma,l,,n I. the aue-t pi men, Is n tl,e .11, , , , . narriet unmet te who has en vi.rtinR Mrs. Cuney Brown leav. .- .-r nome tn uei Rio. Tenn.. Thurs- Fresh Shipment Pickles Plain Swek Mixed Sweet, f?ir ThiiiitkI Dills. OWNBEY'S JndnI 3E11DIW 51 BUTTON AVE -ASHEVJIJLE RC, Our Embroidery Exhibit 'Jakes place today and will ntinue Thursday, Fridiiy and Saturday. A reduction of 16 2-3 - per cent will be allowed on all lHiretiases of otir hand- '.tiibroidci ies during this exhibition Muslin Underwear Sale begins Monday, Jta;- some Our 25th. J Ow Motto for;l9Cr 7 "Make all tha new friends yo can without negleotlns old ertea." - BURTOlf toMQUJU, , ' i .... FnrUea DcaJeni.rT mn PaMot Ave, and Battery Park Placa. M. WEBB Mllllr tmportors No, Batter; Park Place, Phone iU AalMrrtlle, K. O. ' ! MISS CRUISE I HAIIt HBESS1NQ PAttlAOnS.,, (irotuitl Floor. 25 Hafward St. Plione 16. . I Just received a new line of Combs. Barrettes and Hair Pins In the latest ; styles. A full lino t.f new IjiitT Goods. Rave your combines and cut hair, we make them up to order. . i ManlcurlnK. 60c; Shampooing: E0 arid 7f,c: Shampooing ano -Hairdreaa-i Ing 75c and $1.00. Electric Scalp and I Facial Massage, Chiropody Work for Ladles and Gentlemen. . CORSETS CLEANED. 4 j We can take a badly soiled ooraet and clean and freshen it until almost j good as new. Prices reasonable. I Queen City Dyeing and I Cleaning Worki II Chnrch Street. Phone 9110. r m un r "1 :'r-:.:v'- Mr. Albert H. Hall has 25 Uontford Art. aone tn Phone 56. pjryt f. vt 1 1 ..-v Vt i,vt, .Mifp. .3 -v :';)..'lS1' i.s!t

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