TTTE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1909, t HENRY CLEWS' REVIEW r I tapwiai w n ,iiiien.i V 'JS'RW VOKK, Jan IS . 'I he '.nl f fit th week tin Im-ti tlx 1 .-.. ful placing of London miIh.i'1 Ipti,,,, i. the new Russian losn, the i..ili;. - I of which ha been In 1I nv. r tic- f fnrlgn money markets picpntutioii-: fur the lnan ban- b .1, mad'- montlc In advance; In me tin Might 1 ff.-. i Wain tin.' w nl 'm moil'', muikct ' Bona Paris nn been ,-. nm'ihitiiig ,v, Jifirt of Its immense h1o k i.r sold t. , fl. ar.ce thin Inn 11, U r'-iiiitlus in In mU Whether the I ii iik ,f l--rfiiic. Will continue 10 tlrmt gold or wh.ll, : ft it will lln effort, in this direction. The international (r..i. Uutenn!it will l"i watched u.-tii H.1ilil"rali" Int. ret the n it p Weeks. Juki nniv imr innriev market Ic 1. -tntt aubjei I' d In a iiimh r f uminnil demands. !nll bus nieiilh I. ecu .v ported to about t;,ouo.u'i. and in. CWI rent movement Is in peeled In Teach $25,000,11110 to ;lti, mill, noil The truit ompanles will slu.riii In obliged tn vtitlulruw $ 411,0110,01111 In rtO.Ooo.OOO before F, hniiii v 1 in comply M'lth n ipilrcnu ut nf the r CIV" lriW. Much nf thin ulll pl',1 1 prnildcd fnr In adiiillc. nevertheless considerable sums iimsi l If nifiorai rll withdrawn fmm tin anci.ey iiinrk- I In such mi operation lln. the government ddii 11 necc Us let the withdrawal of public d posit from the hanks, and about ;i,uO,ou will he iurrendered on January ill. ulso another 110,000, 000 on-February 10. If la these require ment we add I he obligations In ciirred by recent heavy bond lacuna It will be found that the demand Wion capital abmard ar also on nn extensive scale. Ho far as thn bank- ', lug situation tit hornu la concerned ;'liiif lit not lUo allKhtoat cause for 101 ecru. ... Our biuikn an, exceedingly mrnng. nun me great expansion In ) loan Which has tiikru place durliiK 111 laat. few montha In Khown to be : trply protected by the lar InereiiMe In ruitoureaa. Owln purlly to Hie M ' itn In buln- and partly to ' JpJiiilou of ,uur, cureiiey, our ' , i Dnk are turnout uraliatl with Idle ; money. The cauae for thin atuto 0f uffulrH rt nut natiafactory, and It would be Uleantng- to trade more active J and v our currency I'lmtrHcllnit at a . ii"i . i m 1101 neeiieu. yet , xwn i reaaon for l oniiilenen In the tBenrrai atrtMiKtll and aoiinduioia of J th banking alluntioii. Fur all legit I limtt ntrnHi thre l n al.und anoe if mnj, which will ovuntually , t if a Howorttu atlmulatit toward r 'chvery. Knud ar mlurnlii freely j -ii-ni mo imwrior, ana run reiul- -'K aparo gold to Kuropw if needed IndtM, io of our bukera would gladly te.i) tut flTlux of mora liberal IpiVportiiina )rovild it riuita n nlKrhtljf tlffenlti lntart ratna. But inieh ai-pettda Iti 1hl xtwtoect on the ioouraa ,f -nta in Parla. wlipre the ... H. .1. i . i i. . (.' ih;it rm v iiiiin - il I et . ; Will lii- re .1 time wl f-.i hill. in- nf imr .-1 . ..(I.I! . K1-MI..1 " II le ' I 1 .lint V ill th! ! - 'in . ik ii 1 '.villi ir.IT elniliK'-' ill'-- iiiim- h r Int f..r I Hi 11 V II Kllni'. Will l 111 (1. 1 M Willi III! iici.l' W.ll I. Illl. 1 hi. I II- It, IIK .11, l.nity il. . cn-ily IimI until II w tiirllT c h Int. 1 1 IT-i t nut il ,. ik ,.il ..1 tl. 1! Il, .1 . friend Ill.tllKtl'll-l ' .l i.r i.rnlei 1 Inn i-r. liini- linen m - Hint tin' mere t h -I r a wji I nf mill Tun. Ii 11 In 1 i'-'i" 1 hjilia! it .Hi llllll'le ter( ..I r- il 'I j II Ml III e 11 1 .1 1 I'll H rn'W lid n, ,111.1 Mr Tn n ,'e i 1,1 I . MNliif . f 1,1 I I IT , I1..I1H t .l the ledeilli I 'iMi'tuMlnn Inn. 1.1 .lul' il" tint IIHItllily iii'inlliH nil ill urj'My for a?cumulatln' old will ir,hdbly dlippur or moUorata now that n" Uutitin loan la out of the, way. Much, ton, deutuida on the pol Hy of the . Hank of Kniilaml. which .fhus been ttnxloua to wln-ngthnn lta fervea n0, way now find It mora "any 1o Io ao. M jat tho outlook , ( r jtiuney lo tho iortiliro Miwy tiu t k U la uncnrtoln. and the tana or ftnpneltti affairs over thorn la me of NEW YOUK, Jim. 2.1 At the end Of the Week the price of Ktoekn. IIK urert on an voritn. won rirnettciilly iincliaiined. riiictuutlriue for irudlim (ltiyn were narrow. und tiiovoiI Iiik gihly up and down, mil II near the d when there wnn a Hpnrt dun lo aevtral cauMen, One wan the declnr tttlon of the regular UlvldvmJ on amnleamnted; another wu the on- ttl.'detlc interview lunin.1 In. t oeciueej eonnM-Tvathim If not of deprwi- Hill nnd the third wit n eeml-orTlclnl statement that the public jiHimeroct buylnir of atock has Ih-cm oomnilwlun would permit lln plil.'Ke. .IiiiIkIiik Ii lie-. . l.tpinelitH ill I, .el,! larlff li.lillliKf II Miff llulil nil! le 111,1.1' II Kit i ri Kl j)uiiniiM tedll'tintlH lll'd li.iilU'e- id e.ii, deinmllltle ui poMli.iil H I, Ii errorln nr.. likely Him 1 eil ,. i 1 1 I hi I. in I lie even 11. liny Ii will I,. a period nf line i lulu ly tin. I pnHtpiiii. nn nl, nnd i IkIiI U V. Kin h Ideim ulll t,-lfli,ii;llly Ifini rn MenllH lill. . .illie nf liucei induKirliil eonreriiN d. pi ndenl fill the tariff are K"i'iK jiIiiiih nc-pl mil an inn orn ri4 iney i nn net tire wlllimit ri-Kiird In InrllT . xh 1 1. 1 1 1 1 I.-h It W a lie. Maulflraul that lin iiorl. t h MiiTven ore ltniiHually bare nf mil pitnn; anil larue ImportH are . xpei led In Hplte of poMnllily Inwr d iiiiin The bilKhteet apot In bimlneiie at prem-ni In In cotton giinil, fur which there hue been a (food d. uiiind. eun t-lally m m the Interior The pr.-viillltiK In olciitlofid, however, lire for a period of unlet nnd readJiiHlineiil In r. in nil btiFlnima which may luet until the tar- Irf In H. Hied, or tnillle Id. n Is nl.tnlll able icirurdiiiK th xi biirvM, Operations on the iiln. k cxcIuuiki dwindled down to one -hnf their iniii- at volunie. Mdiiy hir operntorH el wnled IhetiiHelvea frmn the "Mreil, and the InvcHitnent ilenmnd widdenly 4ul. Hided; new bniiil Ihnihk going pinch niom slowly than two wek o. Thero In danger of congeatioii In the latter rvepecl; (In. new Ihhuhh H.'r.oe January 1 having been all out of proportion to capiu Hy of (lie In veatment doniaud. Home time will he required for (lie nlimirptlon of ne lastien, not only In New York, but In l.nudim, I'lirla nnd r'ninkfiul Where tho recovery htut not been an violent aa In the linlted Hlateit. Kor- elgn llnanclnl nmrkeia, It hould lie borne til mind, have Mrciiglliened tllfliiHelveM ill our expense, by a nun Ii larger return .of eecurltlea than Iiiin been generally appreciated. MKNRY f;,RVH. BURTON'S REVIEW. linn li"t iini. tll' d tin lin.oey or Mock U'Hlkela ,r lln. world , lurlug Die week lie cotton market became airnng end iittv nnd price HO .'III' ''il I-. Hie hilievt p. ,,fit fnr tln- enw.n Aii'-tliir iMereKilritf f.-.-itili- t the campaign "trirt.-.t to inr e trie M.l-Optlo I avis "f tin H'lillheril 'I ten ' repel! led. 'I'M- d the irnn i, prmrili,. lit III l.iivlriK tin w- law.. , I i 'line ,,i,t In .in i, n ei(er t. e pliint.-ri urKlnir th" repeal nf Hie I, i v nn. I ylcn iiik "their piiMiiiKe In I (oat lln piniter nnd farmer more II, nn :0H "iiO 'ion It lm tima tak en the Hnuth .-. tin, n tw.i imr f. ili'Ki.ver mlint It Inn tnken f;,iirnin' , ii jeai' In I'-it i-ri The mul-nptl'ii. I., h of thai ..iintu have worked Kliit tin I'l - Ii . n nii'l it llfii' i.uh le n l'.(lhin tin f,,fi e lh, I Murt. .1. hl. I. I- . . I t I. )..illK o II. tl with i mm I In' 'ii p. rll Hill innk' lol r that ii nn.'. rnent t' , i'l.. .il of Hi lawn hn I., . ii r' U making -time, h a nl .IV Imprns meiit I ,i n-l it ;H Mafe to predl' t .oil . ..W tile ' .11 1 1 1 1 K I I of the ear V. ill S. , .i- ..I, a loiti foiiiidntl''ii. Hii-l 1 :i 1 0 -tint a, ih ., ii.iinn v.rti'h v nl il th- t.niiiiei- icar In the hit .1 II iilrv .1 k iii'iito: Our constant aim is to serve Dairy Products of the highest quality, nf..hitfly flean and aweet. Wf guaiantcfl all our in.lii ts and are glaI of an ovportun ity to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. But wt try to maintain HiK-h a liipfh standard that everything will he highly SATISFACTORY, and we helieve we ar Ruceeeding. In addition to MILK and CREAM we make a epee ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. Our prices are rcfsonahle and our service prompt an. courteous. May we not serve youf Asheville Pure Milk Company PHO.VE U. FINANCIAL REVIEW 'By Associated Preit i:u' vi:k. Jjkl -: -Tin- mim-.-u .!)'. m in ! ; i T-t I wi't-k'n mill It t without Initlntivc. juxl Ihe vi.lnriM- of tillltv .lAlmlltil lo lllit- ninrt' lh hnlf a million Hhiin- km the ilail ilV-"tMK MMMT -rf win iiHAt iTH ntK Iti hpm Inl Htof-k'N. montlV f Ii t ri 1 nor Iuhh. hut t h hi wi'T-- 1 1f (! ninn than n hliiv mn lh- xur fnfr of iUt tharkct. IttiirnrH u( mil rtt flint ftllll piny imi Influent In I purl in I If Hfn'iil;ttl'in. Thi'vt potnt i riioitlv to hithiIIi'T sVMt'MTiH Iri th rfiinn ih iiml ?.i iilmNh :iii,,-ir'-,l frirtn linn- to tlm In I hi rportH cur Jiacouraa-ed rrceniiy by conaervatlve mmrnliwlon llrma. The Idea that rlna wara held at too high a level I now permeating almost all tdnaaea )t opening fromi th big financial leader to tho amaU Inveatora; thorc- gort, tna procen. of readjuatment Which haa been long delayed la In vprogreaa. Security value have nl rraoy nao a moderate ahrlnkuge: and r," h ahort Intereat grows there i nore or lea buying to cover ami tilting rallies. But no general pro- ; nimiHTo recovery la in eight, end can not o expected until llgulduttiin Is , Itiort. complete and tinfavoruhle cm dltluna have been adequntely din taunted. A rnoxt unantlafactory feature nt ' nr moment la the ui.lverwil dulln. , j of trade. January la proving u , """"i nieuppoinimein in this re.iecl '.hd tlio volume of hunlnesB will un : gtieFtlnniibly he unallernbty below a hnt of December. The Iron hade la x&edlngly quiet, and ,,t cinplnved , t- more than Imlf Its enpaclty. Hall , fta-fieds have ccaaed placing ordcia ., mainly lieuw (hey havu aailalled ,l,Urgeiit reiiuliciiieiitH and me Inclined , to IHiMtpoiie further orders In cvpec , Ibt'.on of securing fuiiher ciuii iwIomm In vnluea. Hallrinid truffle iciunis jn iieover, are not witlaf,,, i,.,- , x hou by the ciinlliHied large mini . .. r nf unci), plow , (;rK. Turin; K li'Jton la nlwi n d. lerr, nt up,,,, ,, , fcna. much tin.ti- d, M, t, ,i, In. I there are many i In j-ital,-aboiil niaUInu fuliire commltni. iiIh mi nervine Uric to lsxue the 13.000,000 of lunula, the pri eeeda from which are necessary to keep the road out of the handa of a receiver. These three thlnga resulted In traders overlooking several mutters or Importance. One la the liimuul re pi i t of Amalgamated to he Issued soon which will be one of the poor est in a long time. Another is that I'"' accumulation of copper nicliil Is griHter now than at nny time since I SB. ihe production is exceeding th crtiaumptlon and the price nf metal has been declining both lure nnd abroad. In Ihe race of thl.s. the pool, on the de, h, ratio,, ,,f (),,. usual , ,,p per dividend advanced prices nf cop per stocks sharply. Not only Is the copper trade dull and weak. hut there hits In en a fulling o,v In steel and linn orders due ,,, tlirin MK il! I Ye the si, el shares have .shown more strength In the last two 'or three dltvs than for some ks This Is due lo . fact thai llli report lor the lilsl .mailer ,,f !! will I.,. Issued III a le dills rids report will he a good one and Mill thus.. Interested s,,,,.,, i lull. ,n In overlook Ih.. fa,! there has n n fulling off in business since the lil-l ill the lent I'lle .lanilll. e scare h.-i.l lull. .11. . a In tin 1 1 i .1 i. lot , I, sin, i 'i i,,. i Ida 1. 1 Ihe Ilail feel Ih'lt H Ulelhnd 111 be found lo prei. nt .mi, I" III Jeopardising the peace and I" " 'I" HIV "f th, ullille Collllll V. .',,. bis I'll' the . 11. . I'l-, of , , rlaiii p.d ii .' laic, in ( a i 1 1 oi I, ia t,, rent. A day to-day rumor was th ctliiu to he taken by the New York U'bllc service coinmlHslon on th rifle's re(iiet to Issue J.'IO.OOO.OOil bomls. Phft demand In the London market for gold at the opening of this iv Is looked to (IS the decisive index of this iiucHlliiii. The relaxation nf Ihe SHiire on I."iidut! fur gold durimr the week and the fact that the Hank I' l'lliKliind governors refrained from further advance In the discount ale mm some reassuring effect as Ihe week advanced and poind d to Ihe ilolliillc cm, elusion Hint I'arls di mantis for gold ivntild nut he puxhe further. 1'he rate of recuperation In trade rid Industry I admittedly Blower than wits hoped for. The fuel Is nut llshed Hint the hist fortnightly In- In the number of Idle freight srs If once repeated would bring tho surplus up to the maximum iiuchcd in the depth of the business presHlon last summer. Another In fluence nn ihe steel trade Is the ex pected tariff revision, buyers looking r price readjustments to conform to new rates.. Home such effect on other lines of business Is considered poaalhle. The depreaslon of the copper Industrials has caused n drag on the general market. I'rom the standpoint of the Investment demand lor well secured capital Issues, especially bonds. the effect or the money glut has hen most helpful to the financial plutis of railroads and Industrial corpora tions and continual new hond issn,. arc reudlH taken up. PERSONAL II i; FRESH FRUITS Th; shop's heavy trul" In trulls enables it. to. supply the lu st and the j freshest at prk ea less than ihe ordinary. Two limiilrcil dozen -.sect. Jnh". ! I loriil.i Oi'iiiigi M arc hum being -ohl ai 2.", cents a doi o. 'i he size Is unic j la r k . i than tin- firli e ei. :. - l OWNBEY'S 25 lfnotford Av Phone 6 M. WEBB Millinery Importer! No. 41 Bauorj park Place, Itione M4 aaWUf If. C MISS CRUISE IIAtlt IHtFJiKINfJ 1'MII.OHS. Ground I'loor. .'' 25 llayward fit. Ptione IB. Just received a new lit f "'"rubs Rurrellen rtml Hair I'lna In I lie styles. A full line p( new II,. ir ii Is. Have your coniTilngg and nit h.ur. i make ihe, u up to order. Muiilcnrlng, 50c; Hh.-i in 1 n ir DO and 7r.c; Hhampoolng nnd llnlrdresa- Ing 7fic and 11.00. , Electric l!caii and facial Massage, Chiropody Work for Ladles and Gentlemen. Our Motto for 1909: "Make all tha new friend you caa without neglecting old onen," BURTON & HOLT, Furniture Dealer, rat ton Ave. ami Battery Park Plana i: r J -i'. ..7;..'.--'i -.-'' ri' Vr-'.'-V. Sarly Showing of jpring Qoods W. . i Today we will put on sale Koine pretty now goods. These are not marked at special prices hut they have been marked so low that yiiii would think it was a special sale. Two specials in Domestics are given below. 10c yd. Domestic for -12 l-2c yd. Domestic for -e ' . i m Hi' in ' "it a. 8 1-2cyd. 9 l-2c yd. ii ! DON'T TIRE YOUR WIFE WALKING THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A HOUSE OR ROOM tsiai"iaa i'JJi)WWWS NOW OPEN New York Lunch Room and Restaurant For Ladies and Gentlemen 11 South Main st CORSETS CLEANED. We can taka).,, a(11 soiled corset and clean anil .trehbij It'ntll almost good as new. Prices reasonable. Queen City Droing and vcieaMnfir Worics II Ctlnrch ttrMit,,,lt. iiii l'fion IttO D. R. McIflNNON 7 Pafton Avenue (Ofcr IUxlnnod'1 Btora.) Ladies and Gentlemens TAILOR .Mr. .M. W. Hell i.' i lt cslcrduy f M'lirpll Has Mr !: .1. In Asheviil. II. dt. 'II of Hi, uu business We aell tha latest atylci of Winter ilits cheaper than y U can buy then from tho big mall order houses. Paris Millinery 1 SOUTH MAIN 8TRKET. ill 51 ITONXVESmERfloNE 336 ASHELLE N C. il w 't J Mr. II .1 Sunn, bis I . IS soellilllllt I 11" 11 c, sheyllle irlcnds Ay. li.i. N 'Tl'l with .Mr here for Mai sh dioii st. i 'I' Salisbury i up uti'l Mis. I'. Mr.e.Ks and Miss Thcies: l'rii:i;s ,,f (tin, I, Moiinlain iveie sh.o. ping III the citi vestetd.n. Miss "ii,!i Hiin, garner Is l lellillK II I. lul i In the . of Si h ill. Mi. I' S l',,.,ll,iTKhl and Mr A T I' i' I" i "I Whit I 1,1' i,r, sp, ,i,l, uu , . ' lal dai -. ill, I'i i.-icls hi il,, , i I, New EMBROIDERED STIFF COLLARS Keiser Hand-Made 25cts, 50cts and $100 fi K il .jj We have just received an ciitiivlv new lin.. ,,r (ollars, hand eniliroidered I'mm ihe Keiser sit,,, range of nizes from 1'J tn II - whit,. .,,,.1 ...,i.... i '.'.i... i . , . "iiii ..i.'ii ii i milium- ry in damly n-esl, tlesi-rtis. The '!" els collar .1,-scrves cs-to-inl mention for its value at the price: is worih ,-S but wchadtohavea'jrjcts.,.,,11,.,,- and deci.1.,1 ;, ,r(MMj II tilT S. 1.1 A fronuinc Irish crochet stiff collar Jabot to match i.Voo Not and lace soft collars, niching lop hottom, ribhon hand and bow.:!.') ,-is. 1.$l.r,o Some left over special value jabots at :5!)cts.,5!) cts. aiidTl.cls. Lace and Ribhon ButterHv Bows . .'Jo els to 1 pecial Odds and Ends in Bows atul Collars p) i; i I'tS iU. V. M00RE WOMAN'S ITRMSHi:u It Pauoa tame, II". lie S.'l U ' ..Ml V- , a I l.'ll.lilll' the Ma, Icon Si, ii;i I i tifi ncl v. v u h, r.- hi anlollioliil, linden. alterii Miss Sit, II II he lleltu ' lit, 1 Mr. .to, 1 1, , S u a ntia i M.s,, : as her, 'hill, ,u i M hot. I .' a nii'nh, 1 ill.' Colle r the dai ' aptaill a. alle 111. 'lit lis. e. n Mr A A l'cathei st,.,, o.ed after an lllu.-ss ,, his home on h,,, inu: 1 1 i.' i c,:i'il, -t .-,1 at ,1 ,111 el I III Ii,.,,, Sales of a lel is much Iiii two iv eeKs ill, et New Golf Links Would be a great thing for Ashcvi'lle. Our M. ii . In.liiiti Coal is a si ill great it thing Jol lier cilizens. Try a' t on and be coin inccd. Carolina Coal & Ice Company i-iiom: is. ZROYriLUNOtRWRrltriri Mis. IMlffleld a shlnlon. i ,s he! . she 1 1 1 1 1 in nl leaves f ' . n it ll i ti s, eral ill spon, ihe mi Ii. V A. Hen. II. u Atlanta, u I,.., . I the , -..I., , telllllici he M.-nl I,, a! nii. nl ion tlv.S 'ti ll le I tile Man Ion. ivintc ' . a ma n lias yon,. t, l' . !' spend the rt with relatives Mr. and Mrs incinnatt are i Asheville. Frank Murcheson of spending the season Mr. Ii. l.,.e Kliiw has n turned from Atlanta, ivheie he went i.eo cola convention. to attend the SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlors, room 10, Paragon Hldg. Phone M7. We make a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything In Hair Quods and Hair Dressing, Switches aud Puffs made from your comblngw. The Asheville School oi Music and Dramatic Art tub ai nnoitrmf Phono SU . "'ROYAL UN OERCAR MiHTS CUT PRICES PIPES. Never wre such bargain offered.! .'.Ml to 4.00 Pipes ue nn'er for II.S9. j WELLS' SMOK SHOP. Citiden Want Ads Bring Results. MUSLIW UNDERWEAR i Sale f COiVflYIaSNCES. MONDAY MORNING" At 8:30 O'clock Be on time and secure your share of he best values in Muslin Gar ments ever put on sale. i in re are six lots, anil every lot isnnaiiiK a weultli of nV- slrnhh. inci'clianillse. lit I "III be Isit 2 nlll be hot :i he Isil I ulll 1H. U'l .- ulll In- Isit II uill he 0c tsVc tie We Hill ulso nlli, it a discount of 16 2-S per cent, on all Mtw- mi inn i n car mat sells from $2.00 a gnriiK iil to the finest quality. This enables the piin liascr to clsiose from our entjre stis k of I ndi i Hcar nl a gnut saving In prii e. .-.irinr. as we are greatly croHilet for room to display our spring sIim-U, w,. ,,0 decided lo run this sale for TWO. DAYS. Don't delay. . . Be on Hand MONDAY & TUESDAY Iia Urecque Corseti. . : For every type of figure. UKJN & CO., 12 Church Street. ' I n rrsv m onaniaiji ill ' I ' all i 'uauMtmeia f MXiwufft 1J ROtiiP'Cv' !j ' f-wwaWiarr, .. i 1 - . i. 1

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