THE ASHEflLLB CITIZEN so THE WEATHER: FAIR. The Want Ad Phone P VOL. XXV. NO. 99. A.SHKVJ LLK, X. ('., WEDNESDAY .M()UMN(i. ,1 AM'AUV '27, 1909. JMJK'i: FIVE CENTS. CKOW&L, FARM AM AND C. P. TAFT CHARGED WITH Why is it- 'LEGISLATURE STATE DEP'T GETTING DOWN IS WORRIED BY TO REAL WORK JAP QUESTION Rills of Vital Importance to Any of The Throe Rills Now Slate considered in ' Pending Might Cause) Moth Houses. Serious Rupture. CORRUPTION IN CANAL DEAL Permitted to Hob liepublio of Panama and U. S., Savs Uaiucv. INFAMOUS liATLTiOAD DEAL, HE DECLARES Startling Appeal For Con gress to Investigate the Canal Purchase. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Jan. -Jf,. Charging that Wlllium Nelson Cromwell, Roger I.. Furnham, Charles I'. Tuft and oth ers urc parlies to tho "most infamous railroad proposition ever submitted to uny government" and that they "are being permitted not only to rob the republic- of Panama hut indirectly the treasury of the I'nited Stall'", "Repre sentative Jtainey. of Illinois today di rected the search-light of publicity upon affair In the canal zone in a startling speech in support of his reso lution providing lor an investigation by congress of the Panama canal pur chase. "In their efforts in tlrh dirce Hon" he continued, "they have had so 1 far the complete co-operation anil act ive assistance of the present adminis tration and of the next president of tho I'lilted States." .Mr. Italney traced the history of the proposed canal four hundred years back and warned that we have al ready started In the direction of the rocks upon which the French com panies: were wrecked HfiVrrinff tn tho iroviTiiment's libel Hult against the New York W orld and the grand Jury investigation now i progress in this city and in New York, .Mr. Kuiney said: "If we are to carry this project through to a successful conclusion, we must avoid graft. 1 1 is not the part of wise statesmanship to dispose of resolutions asking for an Investigation of any, phras. of the canal out-stiou with the sweeping and absolutely un supported official declaration that there Is nothing to Investigate. It is not the part of sound statesmanship and the patriotism to attempt to re vive the absolute common law reme dies of two hundred years ago, and to , mDloy. alL )ie.. tremendous agencies of the government in attempting to crush newspapers which have had the courage to call attention to a ques tionable, transaction In connection w1h the canal." He submitted for record various pa pers and documents in support of mam allegations contained In the speech. .Mr. Riilnov was particularly bitter in his denunciation of Mr. i 'nunvv ell. Keneral counsel for the new French Panama Canal company and counsel anil a director of the Panama rail - road, which is owned by the I nlted States government. He charged that "through the manipulations of .Mr. Cromwell, the French I'nnal company was permitted to steal from the I'nit ed States government three or lour million dollars" and that after he "had become an officer in fact of the I'nited Slates, he became a party to an attempt to collect from the I'nited States a fraudulent claim on the part of tin' canal company of $ .'.-IKI.UOO. Attacks (lie Ohaliiiu. He also was unsparing In his attack upon Don Jose Domingo de ohnldia. president of Panama, who. he said, represented "as no oilier Spanish American statesman in his generation all that is corrupt in Spanish-A m. ri eon politics." Without Obaldiu" ho stated, "Cromwell's career would have been impossible, without Cromwell, obaldia would have been impossible." Against Preslclent-elei t Taft. lew en-route to the canal none. Mr Rain ev directed the ac us.1th.11 that on the occasion of his last trip to Panama in May "he did nothing on the isthmus except to openly push the candidacy of Obaldia for the presidency." lb as serted that a very thinly veiled threat to selr.e the republic if obaldi.i wis not elected was contained in a letter written by Mr. Taft to the then presi dent Amador an.l that to prevent this, Arias, Obaldhi's opponent, withdrew. Reference to President Roosevelt's, recent attack on Senator Tillman was made by Mr. Uainey in asserting that Senator Lodge of Massachusetts responsible for the expenditure January 1 last of over one million lars for the purchase of the st, a Khnwmut and Tremont for was on -the Panama Railroad company, w ho h th -.,... I commission did not want Hid did not need, but which were bought (Continued on page lx.) M. RAILROADS CANNOT APPEAL TO STATE SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS (By Associated Press.) RICHMOND, V.i.. Jin- 2 The railroads vre today refused the right 'of appeal to the state supremo court o." appeals in the two-cent rate mat ter. The roads now have two courses open tr them. They can either go Into the I'nited States circuit court of appeal and have the case heard at length, or they can go to corpor ation commission and make applica tion for a revision the r ites on the gtound that the roads are losing money. If they go to the Cnited State circuit courU of appeals and NINE JURORS AND CHARGES AGAINST TWO Second Venire of 500 Tales men Exhausted in Cooper Trial. HEARINGS TODAY A0A1NST JURORS Improbable That Twelve Men Will Re Sworn Un til Next Week. (By Asioclatec Press.) I NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 2B When I the second venire of five hundred smeii was exhausted today wlth- out the completion of the Jury to try Col- Duncan Cooper. Robin Cooper ami John D. Sharpe for the slaying of former Senator K. W. Carmack, ick Judge Hart announced that he won d, vote tomorrow to the hearing charges against Jurors Leigh and Jackson. Meantime he drew anothe venire of five hundred names and th T,tt ' summoning them for servic ii a a. rn. r rjtiuy. Just before court adjourned this nfti rnoon the state filed charges uf.;, Inst Juror H. C- Jackson, claiming that ho was Incompetent because he was an habitual drunkard. The state has been trying since hist week to get a hearing on the charges against Jur or J- K. ljcigh and Its witnesses were summoned to appear tomorrow when both cases will be gone into. There are nine men in the box with charges against two of them. The fail ure of counsel to complete the Jury from tbc first thousand 'talesmen, to gether with tho fact that the number already aeleoted may be reduced by the court makes It "WfrVmely -Improbable that the twelve men will be sworn in before some time next week. li. H. Jackson, a blacksmith, lifty liv e years old, who lives fn the coun ty, has not read a paper for tvventy eighl years ami hud heard (.'annuel; was dead, he thought- He was eager -Iv accepted as Juror number eight. Lclei in the day the state gae n.itie that they would ask the removal l',ri t!e jury of Juror Jackson, on th j charge that he Is an habitual drunk 'and otherwise unlit to serve in the cast. Never Head I'iiiht. S M. Ilvde. a farmer, fort.v -eight years old, who had never read a newspajier and who bad no opinion bet was opposed to capital punish ment was accepted as juror number nine. (.. V. Kielier, one of the talesmen when summoned, said: "Tell the judge to go to the devil. I am too busy to serve as a juror." The officer who served him report ed to Judge Ward and ki"lr was brought In. "Sit down over there." wild the corn- "I won't send you to tin- devil right away, but I'll send you sorie plhcr else after a while." I' N. Orier was willing to sit on the jury, although he was a friend of J hn IV Sharp, one of the defendants. I'ntil two years ago he would not lot - for banging. "Since then." he :,id, "lve read Pcnl's writin's an' he says 'submit y, rrselves to all authority and ordin ances that be over ye," so I believe the law is authority " "You would like to get off'"' Inquir ed Judge Anderson, of the defense ' I shore w odd." "Then we will oblrge v-.u." said t!a d- i f use. The hearings tomorrow with refer ence to the two jurors Leigh and Jai kson promise to be interesting. BANKRUPT FOR E. H. HARRIMAN (By Associated Press.) AmrSTA. Ca.. J;m. 2i At a hmi Miirt in hfs honor. pl n by th A ti -Kusta chamlMT -f ( iinnw r at Vr country flub grounds tcniyht. Mr. K. H. Ilarriman, th- railway kinc. out lined th pollry of his nnlroHds in thf Mat- of Georgia. there is a new heartng the entire dis pi.te will come up on its merits and be heard by that tribunal and be fin ally carried to the Cnited States su preme court. l ending final adjudication the two cent passenger rate will obtain in the st;ti of Virginia. In accordance with the contract made between the gover nor and the state officials and the railroads some time ago The decision of the court today in refusing to grant the appeal was on the ground that the ronds had not complied with the law? of the state by making the ap plication within the prescribed one year provided by the constitution. vav jui" flUST RUN TJ ' 1?&J " e' "" "1 i. . w ft , f r orriitf That the candidate always tries to leave the impression that he doesn't earc for the office, but his friends insist ed and he just had to run. REACH DECISION THAT PRESIDENT NEED NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION In Connection "With Absorp tion of Tennessee Coal and Iron Co. WHO KNOWS ALL. (By Associated Press.) WASHlNdTi'N. Jan 1'ti. That the senate has no right to call tip"" President Roosevelt for information which he may have obtained fiom the United States steel corporation when he countenanced that concern"-! abHorptlorr of the Tennessee Coal and Iron company is the opinion o. the spect il e rnlttee judiciary opp uni- ed to investigate the merger. The situaMon is proving decidedly em burra -ing to the judiciary cummlttue. regardless of this fact, it has been decided to proceed with the Imjulry and re port to the senate whether '-he president had authority to permit me merger. When the committee called upon Attorney General Honaparte to appear before It at a recent meeting a reply was received declining the Invitation. This Invitation wiw not made puldn. It Is now known that Mr. Honaparte directed the committees attention tj the act to establish the department of commerce and labor and argued that It Is a bar to any demand for such information as the president may have acquired concerning the neces sity of the absorption of the Tenncs- st-e concern. Cnder that act the commissioner of corporations Is em powered to gather from corporations engaged in lnter-state commerce such information and data as will enable the president to make reconimenda tions to congress for regulation. ThV provision of law concludes as fol 1 o v s : And the information obtained or as much thereof as the president ma direct shall be made public." The data supplied to the president by Judge F. II. Hary, and II. f Crick as to the necessity for th mer. ger. according to Mr Ronap.irle comes within this clause of the com merce and labor act. Without this Information it is difficult for the Committee to proeee,!. The siiirestion lias been made tha'. all of the information nouiied could be given l.v Messrs. Crick and flary. but no decision to subpoena thene men lias been reai bed. FOR WELFARE OF NEGLECTED CHILD (By Associated Press) ttASHINilTO.'.'. Jan I'fi Advanc c.l steps of far-reaching significance to the future well being of the chil 'cm of tie- country were taken at the concluding se-ion of the confer ence on the care of the dependent children hf id in this city. Voicing the until irnous sentiment of nearly two hiirdrr d d, legates the conf-Ten e adopted a comprehensive report of it conclusir ns as to the mot prac tical plan for promoting the welfare Of the neglected child. One of the most important recom mendations contained In the report wrxh was submitted to President Rih sevelt at a notable- subscription dinner given by the conference et the N'" Williard tonight, requested th president to send a message to con gress urging the establishment of a fei-ral children's bureau, one of whole objects shall be to disseminate accurate information fn regard to elilld caring, work and tho needs of tho children. And at anxious breaking ( HONOR PAID Tfr CAP'T 1SEALBY OF REPUBLIC People Cheer Captain and Wireless )erator of Fated Ship. STATEMENT OF .COLLISION GIVEN Florida's People Sny Repub lic Wjis .-it Full Speed f PI no.!. I.'.i.r J I I I ' I I 11 I 1'rt- (By Associated Press.) NEW ViiCIC, Jan. -.'li i tin. in the aftermath of the! Flank Trumbull, who Is soon to re 1 i-ion, which resulted 'tire from the presidency of the Colo- Of the day Nai. tucket In the loss et the "White star liner' Ue ubllc, tie- -erloliH damaging or the Italian liner Florida, the death of six pel sins ami tic- Injury of several oth - in ivere id.- lienors exteiule.l to Cap tain 1 Sei.ii , .md wirei. iperaioi and wirei. ss ' .1 the Republic l he l-'lorlda's p illlslon ocenrp e.iple firojnise cause of tic Jack Hlnns. "! the Republic, und a st.'.tentciit h' to how lie i Wude M.n i version ol ti. as Th- then lllsloii tone rrovv I poli the l.mdlng at the W hite Hlai p. r of :i ti i n Healby and np' tater liii.ns ; be;,itll ailiiiitei big vviiii- rowd die a score of 'I the nu n thus curri' offices on 1 red them ut huMiawt u in their d I hem to ),e '.,rlda Si. i Ciders the stearic abi - (.'i plain gave out ccliisioti dlrict (ha rcniilng :t th" ti (e.rtf th"' l-''orida w. c.-,.ani -li d' plnl, of i.ttement feature Hint Ibe tie Florida. ri-it.ii iliug till' ,il tin- was tin lb Jill bile was Ote ,, fpee.l high It Hlso refuted I"- iiuarternui -I. r of the .i blame .net that tie the man The' - ti.' r.t suv hart: "The I''.. .I., was proceeding b.. Iv when !u re.g whisth ' aiiotle r slean er. a' li afterward" ! i ' . I l. b t he I.' (. I lie, were h-aid !. I lie oP li i ri and 1 'kouts off tie -I. II bow of tie llallan stearnei. 1 nlncM Hevi'rsed. The . i' H of the I I'U Ida w. r. r, . r- 'I. ' ' two signal" "! thre v' v ' blown, tlelleiit.iiK that the- niiiih. . re going a.l in 'I In e.,,i :.. theless took pl.o . Hl b.i r lie liurlda striking He port i Bide ,,f of .-,1111. 1 h to both si 1 le li thi'.lU'h t! h.o- ol t !. :epublie ausing iil'l .1 i ui.ig' is. Uepublie he. an,' '. is.l.l. l"g she wa- ' i .'--' 1 1 ii :h orida from wt-.ii id ming at a high rate ol I'im Of the ' , i'l.l w .! ' to starboard, le-pMo.' ti -w of the Itaheii I.....I i. I assist In a . "el'i x i h other st H'ner '.v a uing so fast th.i ' t le- v p. rt in S ' i (I pi' s - n i: t sli rb :u o'l.siori li' sei eulli (Cort nued on page th'ee.) FAIR WASH rNOTOK, Jan. :6 Wthr: North Carolina Fair. Trnipcrutiir will remain about the same. the same time is so for it, he is nearly his neck. SALE OF MAJORITY OF THE INTEREST IN C. AND 0. RAILWAY CO. Negotiations With Edwin llawley and Associates Nearly Concluded. '210,000 SHAKES. (By Associated Press,) NKW YOltK, Jan. ;. Negotiations for sale of, a majority interest In the Chesapeake and Ohio Hallway com pany to Edwin llawley end asaociales day. Kuhn. I.onb I'll... sold tt) Unpen- Interests about 240,000 (limns or common stock which they had purchased from the Pennsylvania Kallroail company "ver two y nrs ago and It Is understood that tolo r lurge amounts of stock ar Included In Ihc deal Asxce i. ite, vv ltli Mr. llawley In the putt base ol I'bcHapeake and Ohio al nolo ami Southern railroad, recnll is n Air. navvo v io inn ioirMo. I Unrllngton rind gulncy road, and ! . iW. 8. of Hentt and Htrlnglelhcv , bankers at Itlchmoul. Vn. The pri .ali for the Kuhn. I.oeb holdlligs Is not disc lowed, but is believed to be !nl t V per share The stock wiirf vt'iy ;t. tl" tn tnil.iy'n ni,irl,t, rt'lling 'li 'Kit n ;( k hihI (HiJo nwriH itnd -r.'lt'H lliT'iiiKll l'flH HhfHJt l.S.'.ft H of p'.t'l lii' f (i"intM (if rnntlrn'iit :t r fritfn .Newport Ww. 'u.. and WaHhihKli.n. I t" t 'Iniiimnli tttnl r.nuNvilN' u ith nuiiicroiiM hi.Hit-h IllH-rV. Afl'-r r-rir'iinITirnt mHnv finnnrl;.) 'linn uIim"- ' 'h'-sji m-ii k ;ifid fh ti aus v-nf KiMiil 'a ji (iMiir f.irrM lfidjurj in I s s iti v hi h iirix- th- -xln-l"fi t- ' 'itif-i i v ;m hu ill. ' tf tH t-nim;il Mt"( ; llicn' is iHxtiimlihx Ift.'i.lMJd 000 hi ' .Murnoii "I'iiii i. with onl it iwijT)in;il iini'tcftt tf (ii ffirrcfl fto k J t h h'-ii(l'l -I'M in liHKf aii'' rTfiit!', i n ' i i -'! I I he Iwdu.1 of an ,HMi'.tti.l '.U.Uht) taut. ftf thin 1 il auMMHit Im-vw v.. r, ..uly f 1 1,0'tO U(tu hue h'-n pin- '-'I on thf market, !h- pKiriTiN of v. huh n be uh 1 fnf r-'l ufi'li mk mat ni i itjr -1 1 1 c 1 f i i n . It ;x r v.i r.fl iKfilfli ant tJiat M'-sjiftt. Kutin I. Ar Ci.. tliKiHli 4 h-m f 'H,fr.l -.1 ((,,'Tty vi, i F -' c i r - f 1 ;(f.' Ih- hli.n''lft jtcfl'H i llif I', hi,..- Kama t ,i : I roml , FOUR MEN BURNED TO DEATH IN HOTEL . ?:T W' iirril. T. v 1 1 -I". ei in. , i l;u' -,s -,r the'-rn ho t' I. Were -iifr.'. Ule.l ,,r bumed I" .hi li' ullen the hiiihllriK whs dertroy . ., l.v fin todav. H' .eral other per s .os - iil r- 'l riior- , ! ss serious In j: ,' by jiiillpuiK fretn wind'. am in an ere, . 'aver to cs. a.c- from ti..- burn In;, building The dead Ml I.AM HAMILTON. n.-burnc, T' Mis -n a TM.r-:s ritow.s'. r,rt Wmti, JCHKI'lf J auglo,n HI Louis I K I'KTTirr. l,.n,iion. Texas. "Ihc- iriiiKl s ri'.uslv Injured are 11 L .ManrnnsT. of iall,is. Texas, arc) W S Stegall and wife and .Miss Lou Ah Mind.-r. of this city Tile fire originated in the explosion of a gasollri stove and tile fl'inc si r ail very rapidlv. The bodies of the men were found near a window which they were evidently endeavor ing to reach when overcome b the smoke. Manning was injured while at tctopllng to rescue the. men. Kxeept l'1let all four men were railroad em ployes. Hnlde the hotel six other bcllt'lngs were heavily damaged. WEAVER INTRODUCES HILL EOU A I5RID0E Committee on Federal Ucla - tions Will Report Fav- orably Hills. (Special to The CltltenA n AI.KHIII. Jan 2.--TIe' house f today, after along and at I linen rath- j er warm argument, let the aolleltoi'sl salary bill pass the second reading with nn amendment by Mr. Oord n. of tlullford. reducing the salary pro - vlded for In tho Koonco hill. $2.7 R to ts,3f0. The vote on the amendment was sixty-live to thirty-three. Mr. Koonee himself vded against his hill after; the amendtnent had been adopted. It hud come from the committee with-; out prejudice. Tho bill went over for lis third reading on ohjiHtlon by .Mr. I onnor. who discovered a tei t.ntciu error In providing, thfi method by which the fees a paid now nro to bo collected and turnnd in to the slate treasury. The debate lasted about two hours. It Is difficult to tell what will be the final fate of hill. Alt effort, led by Hcnalor Oraham, wa made to postpone iiioii coonoiei n 1 1101 i.o nun and see If the committee on judicial districts, of which Mr. Doughb.n I. luilrman. will bring In n bill for the re-dlstrlctlng of the stnte as to init ial districts. Irt order to eiUnlln as much as possible tha work for Judge and solicitors, but till was so Wrong- ' , ,Tll .Ti,7J T Iv opposed by Chairman Htubbs, nftha; rl"' Should th eond hill, pfovtd-s Judiciary commute, number 2. having!1'1" "- th. , dtlbm of Jgp, the bill in charge, and other, tha; It '' , ' 'of, was voted down, Primary HIIIn Hepresenlatlve, Co, of Wake, ln - traduced In the house and Senator i k i .i. .,. i! general primary hill, providing Ot"? relation, b.Hwan th Unit- the holding uf primary by all partlear" ?r V. T si. i . on th iimii day. All officer aw In eluded, prealdent and ' vino preald.nt of th United Htat. th ses of general clci tlons are over. A resolution to repeat the la on j peddlers of manufactured tohaoio and encourage competition In the sail, of It whs Introduced by lleprcs'ntatlvo i 'onnor. Speaker (In.ham's promised bill on!" ,n ' " 6rt- the divorce iuestlon was put In. It provides that when a wile abandons be, husband and be make a written r rccomUlatl.,,.. witne.ed b,Wi" rhol." say th JapnM. lender two persons, together will, an offer ..f .ii I m.1 vt If.. t,ll oerulsts on remaining separate and apart f.m i 1,""n ,nr" to ttnd np - him for five years after sdvh offer, she " ""' ' thsy Wl-r W WOUM loses her dow. r Interest In his m.l!m"k" "W'-'"""- But w mut b ri ,r itrealcd to the Mir privilege allow. " The senate devoted two hours to the " thr natldn..-' ' dlmusslon of the lmiple bill, to pro-, ""M,''L. " , ..." hlblt the sale of ll for two year.and ' w1':'" "h' 1'm P ln-l It went over without a vple as special order for WftdriesvWiy nt noon. Mr. Weaier's Hill. Two bills were introduced by Hep resentiiiive Weaver today : (hat section 210 of r. vl-a 'K not apply to W. It. (lodger, acting Justice of the peace . I, , slice of the ni'lli'f .uiilv and to uutharlac1'" '"pun"' chlldran mlnglln; with f ii.i ..iji.i- k ..a ji I . 1 1 1 tm in Hum nrnbe the onimlMlo,,e,s of Hiincombc to hull. I a bridge over Ibe Klencb Hroud river and Issue bonds Ibelefor. Itepresentatlve , oiiiiors 1,111 re-. 'lulring additional ,,l, all flea I ioui f. the pl.K lhe of niedli ll,e, met Will, t',,'., "t II..- of Ihc house rnlttee or, health Th- pr im ipal . ha, lie l 1 hat Hi.- n 1 . 1 1 . fn li. 'use must show graduation 'rn'r a hluh s boot of the stale and t four year's .'iu,e or .ipilpioenl ,,l,r to taking up the study of medicine, ,l,e hill does not cITl'it those who have .,lread begun the study or medicine under Hi., present law. , The hill ,,f ep, eseol itiVe I'errV. of Hla.b ,1. f'.l Hie b' II. , pi' .Li Hon of the traveling In re.,, nil, m bote,.. and hoarding im nnd Sleeping ,'if OIOS,, II I,(,e4 .'..I- , mend, ,,,(,, appl uses ,,, s, r- en ilining ,IIIK UK' UllSt Mies illi'l als,, f.i-.'.r.d vi,l, an . tug 1, ,0 all i iotr ing tl a 'In-. ;,lel upward 'III" o,i- ginat bill f.,r thone . bin g ., 1 1 and over The b relations the resol men ?.. ' empl.c. ' 'Oil II, it t' '' ,Ji -d to r, p'.rl r. , iliirtt' up"i. ' ' r, a rn'-asnt ' !' life saving 'Id fe ler . I v-olablv 'Mk'l SS- r.-tlro " n , 1 1 CContinued on page tour.) BILL FOR ISSUE OF $500,000 FOR IMPROVEMENT OF WATERWAYS (By Associated Press.) WASH I NOT, i.V Jan. A t p toward ti,,- , urrvlng out 'f the mans agreed upon by the recent water ways i ',nf. r. in In this citv 'Vas lak- n tnciav w h, ri HeprcMcntatlv Itan- lell ol lynlsiana: Moor", of I'llltl- sylvania: Sbirlev. of Kentucky and Hartbohll .,r Missouri, jointly IlltrO du, ed a bill for the creation of a vvpterwavs commission and another for the Issue of 1000, 000. oon for the Improvement of waterways. The fornor bill provides that the commission shall consist of four rep resentatives elected by the irfaker and seven others to be appointed by the president, of whom two shall be SCHOOL MEASURE M( )ST 1 ) AN (J ERO US i Another Hill Would I5ar ( .laps From Officiating Tn ' llig Corporations. . .v TV ". '"' '' correspondent of The CUhten) WASH I XUTO.W Jan. 28. Ths) d , ,, rl .,,( f t)ti, , mrj, concerned! . ...,,,.,-. t..n. ih hii. , v " ' -"i ;coast. rnree tuns are now pending i.r fore the California legislature and ,. . .. .,Pnuillll,iv -hlemtaa , . t" ' ,',,"- Th "rt mPf,W9 " iildpalltles to segrentnt nd eontrol Japanese anil Chlnaae populations.'. Jt .i,.,!,..,.,, Mclllv to'n.rnvll Dan Krnnclsco tn keep tha Japan With in thn hounds of Chinatown, thug pts venting them from ranllnir pmiwrty In good residence districts, us Uicy have douo sltieo th fire. J A second hill prohibit Japannwi from attending public school". a third bill provides no Japanese hill , . t " V V, ' ' " rVT . . ' i .? hJ 1 V?11 - "iiinoi iu mm ic mm ijicr passage or anyonn or in inreo meal' ure would cause tint only serious, kut i grave emharraasment tn th diploma. i . un i i. . i. - . l ;, . , , . - .o T,v . J mnunir orras uo Bit rfOHllOII Willi !thl '"untry. . .. .m.igr ... auisum This is the point that levarclsf ler the Han Francisco Mrtltquak In, 108. At that tlm.-th. Mikado I. sued an official atatsmsnt In. which ha ni'iiumwii mirui. r "I put it i ' . jpropla. ; Ma ha not airiCa IndhNtt.d ,j ' change of heart on Jh question. Japan's position, brlafly,. I tht all Japanese In th " trnltad Stttti shall bo aocorduit the ,hjm prlvlltiy . "If the .liipuncs and Chin sir sltiKled out nnd muds in attend s) "It means a violation of the trsaty. flrman. Trench Haandanavlani ud nini in wo, mo uiRrni. rnltioss r President Hoosavalt, gave In to th Japanese. The rsal reason for Ban I'rarn ; o's objartlon to tha premiic of Japanese In public schools wa nut 'mdersiond co.npletsly at the tlm. " , inoe.-. . .,,,. ,1,0 nv uiijn. ' .,,...,.-0. ira, nsi not uve.s .1 " l"o... 'sssiim ... the same classes with American boy and aitls of tender age. Hentluient against thn Japanese on the Hue, lie roast Is hurrylnt lonT with a Heve-lng,ie-bota stride. At "rsl only California was against tho Japanese N'ent rams Oregon and Wiishlnafnn. Nearly every state Went of ih" kles Is now In line. It Is not hard to understand why the western working man 1 antagon ist'. In the Japanese. The latter I content to work 14 hour days for It to II '.(, per day. As soon as he Is In a position 10 demand more, he take advantage of th opportunity, belli ever readv lo strike. Tin. 1 the little brown men roubt artu-ili. vrowd'' Americans out of' their .cv n homes could scarcely ! iifi'li-roiii'i'l by those who have not .-,,,'iailv llw-d neighbors to Japnnesia). Vet 1, 1 an be done end I being done now. Tho writer recently made ful Im nstlgniion of the subject, vis, nut.' every city having any con siderable Japanese population from lil. -no to Vancouver, Hrltlsh 1 'o hmii.ia being In the latter city when the aiiii-.lapiines" demonstrations 00- aired there In rteptember, l'J07. members or the engineer corp of th arir.v ; two civil engineers; two cltl .ens or experience In transportation, and one other citiiten. The member term is fixed at three year and th salary of those not In th employ ( the government at 14.000 per an num. This e,mmlslon I to !nsU gate problem of water transporta tion and make recommendation to congress. The bond bill limit the amount to be issued In any fiscal year t S0. 000.000 The bond r made le deemablc ten year from th dat of the'r Issue, and they r to bear In terest at the rate of tyro Per Cent. - -