TILE ASTIIiVTLLE CITIZEN,. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1900. t t r r .J v SOCIETY The riiHtiii.ii x for the i ( ri i ;i I I'lillii'.niy ll. onion. Mr at the Buttery I'ark hotel me v.r attrnctlw nod cnVctlve. llnwc which urn hclnit inn.le i.ml which ' n..t f gorReoua lroei,.. dene ended from lately ancestor and their Inexpcn alveneM ninl th.- pleasure "i l"n nliiK ami ilrttlKiiihg them Iihm nddod ffrcatly in llie,r value anil the null, i pation of Hi- hall Palo iirKurnll. n nil 4arlrton of solid colliirii hiivc been used lor Ilia full round skirt, and the bodlra and overdress hum In several Instaucea been further en hanced by delicate bunches of flow era or Kpriijo r roses cut from (low ered (utwri or iTflnnin' and nn plkiued. iimnll liver or uld npiin ajles, iiowr- d llfihtly iironnd the apraya, heimucn the daintiness of the effect. Th thinnest of chiffon or mull lace i-d-id flchua are worn, not concealing too much of tha neck. On gown made la of pink tarleton with aprav of pink roaea with their green leaven appllqued on tha pavnlers and bodice, r mio buttona ornament tha long V slwiped front of tha bod lee, which In allKhtly ipanirled. While lace frills finlh tha elbow aleevea and a llchu of iha aame la worn. JJIlvor alfppers. with pink hose, are to be aorn. end the hcola of the slip pers' aro v.iim.ed pink. "The elnbor ately puffed mill nompadoured nolfTUro la to be pondered and further adorn d by amall rarlnnds of tiny pink roaea, A Mack velvet band la to be ,; worn around the neck, block patches and a black aatln half roaak. Many Of the K'ria hava decided to have postal card picture! made In costume after tha ball, and Will color them with bit or water colora. Ji J tha Junior Auxiliary of Trinity i church held a aocial meeting Thurs day afternoon with Mia Elisabeth i . Towall at tha realdenc of her aunt, Mr Victor Btern, on Vance street. Mr. Stone nf Charleston gave a brief , outline Of tha way In which tha rulld .Work la conducted In that city. Re freshments were aerveS during the afternoon. Anion, thoan preaent . were: : Mhin Mabel Randolph, prel dent or the auxiliary; Mr. Mtone. Mra Vowel I of Naahvlllc, Mia Clulrn - McKlltnon, Ml Qlady t,lndy, MIkm " Mary Ambler, Mlaa Ulllan f'olllor. MM France Hill, Mine Kllnabnth Miller. Mlaa Corre Campbell and Ml Elisabeth Vowell. -V- V The Country elub ha prun Into . treal popularity and new life leema to have been Intuaad Into It. Not . only have the tolf tournament Which haw ( been played regularly . idd4 to Ha ever growing popularity, but the tonnla tournament and the dlnnera and luncheon hava anrved to ttttrapt people to tha hoipltable little club. Tha week ha been full j at the elub, a the following- aum tnary will ahow: Tuemlay the reg ular weekly ladlee golf tournament wa played: the same evening Mr. T. W. W. Graham gave a dinner at the club; Mra. Charlea 8. Jordan en tertained with a luncheon Wednea day: Thuraday Mr. Jerome Harring ton of New York gave a luncheon and had a hie guest a number of men who are member of the club; today Ml Annie William enterlalna with a luncheon. The golf tourna ment I played thla afternoon and the usual tea given. Mra. Charles L Minor will aerve tea thla afternoon. There, are a great many entries ,and the player are requested to be on the groonda at 8 o'clock. Those wishing to play can make their entries with Dr. Paul Rlnga-. Mra J. W. Faucette will entertain thla afternoon and again In the even ing with bridge at her home on Col lege treet. A number of guests have been Invited. . Jl Mlas Ei'lth Alexander enlrrlulned Thursday rwnlng at the residence of her elator, Mra. W. I Black, on Houth Jrnnch Hroad avenue, the oc casion beine, the anniversary of the birth of thf nostras. The house vas Illuminated by pink shaded lights, hyacinths of the aame color and pot ted plnnt.i uddlng lo the geneial ef fectiveness. Tmcliig and music were pleasant fenfire f the evenlm;. A supper was served at midnight. MIms Alexander' fiesta were: Mrs V. 1 Klack, Mis .1. M. Alexander, Miss lttil Worle. Miss Glflee KlllinlliK. Miss Lucy Vn -e. Miss Adelaide Fish er, Miss A e Parker, Mr. Charles Parker. Mr . ;rnest Alexander. Mr. Corset Covers, 29 ds., 39ds.,49cts. Drawers, - 39 ds., 49 ds., 59 ds. Regular 50c to $1.00 Value This is a special sale on (In of corset covers and drawers. I)Onieij.nl. J'lH'es were lv - Corset envers are of ",MM Rook; lain and laee riiiHiie.l ('al, Tmvlinn and imitation t'liniv: sizes ;:iu 2 : three lot 49c. Drawers are plain, henisi itched fucks or muslin embroidery and lace trimnieil; lint lies of durable nainsook and muslin; three lifts, IV.h:, -We.. :!),. Reduced prices on articles as necessary in all sea sons as these, are douhly valuable. They're never out of Style or seasou. it would be wise to buv full sets. M. V. MOORE women's orrnTTEn. II latton Aimoe. :l;nd Moore and )r. I-:. ' hiiml.. i Jl J Mr. I,. Kli.n I" t h Hnllnn inlcrtnlnH with ir wiukc iiiii.iic.ii ior n I'hlnrn v of IIiM..n i ij hi):i v hi Her resldetn-e mi I'hi-Hlniit street. Mrs. I'lilniov Ihik spent the winters In Ashevllle fur a iiiiirilx r of j ears, and is at preHent u K'o-hI at the Itattcry Park hotel J J The contest which was Inaugurated a month ago Lv Hupl. It. J. TlKhe endMl jesterda The school hairiK the larKest percentage of attendunee ilurlnn the month was to be awarded a facsimile of the handsomo etching of (len. Hubert K. Lee which occu pies a place of honor In the lllh school building. Heverul of the pub lic achools have entered the contest, the result of which will nut be known and made public until Monday. The etching la handsomely framed and Is greatly coveted. Judging by the close neaa of the contest hy the different school. Mra. James I,. Alexander has post poned the bridge party which she had arranged to give at the itattcry Park hotel In honor nf Mrs. Phlnney on Tuesday until the week following. The bridge party will be given Feb ruary Ith. J Jl Mrs. John Carter entertained yes terday afternoon at her home on Montford avenue with bridge. The party wa Informal and there wero only a few tables. Jl Jl Miss Louise Arbogast celebrates (he twelfth anniversary of her birthday this afternoon by giving children's party at the residence of her parents on Montford avenue. Jl Jl The auditorium or the Ashevllle High school was packod to tho door last evening; even the aisles were till ed with Interested relatives and friends of the young people, who werv mem ber of the graduating class, and who had assembled tn witness the exer cises. Tho class colors and numerals were conspicuous above the stage at the end of the auditorium where the clauses were grouped and In front or which, sat the graduates. The exer clK opened with an Impressive In vocation pronounced hy Kev. O. Ilels abeek of the Christian church, and was followed by a chortii "Uncrow ned Kings," well sung by tho High school olioiu. The alnglng durtng the even ing was worthy of special commenda tion and the choruses wero evenly imp under the efficient direction of Miss May Klmberly. Tho salutatory "Athletics, In Us relation to ibe school," was delivered by Mr. Frank T. Tonipscin, who spoke convincingly of I's advantage to the student, the or ation was well prepared and received. Miss Mabel Miller recited "Old Ace" cleverly with a good appreciation of the humurous points that won a spontaneous hurst of Rpplaus. Mr. Mural Huberts read an original poem, (nulled "Cxarza of Novnnlamt" which displayed remarkable talent. Neither the linusuul subject nor the handling of It suggested the youth of tho au thor, Mr. Hoy Hwurlxberg, the class br tilde, displayed a keen sense of humour and at each mention of th faculty and graduates In his well writ tin chronicle there was a hcartv lutiRh. The valedictory, "Alfred Ten nyt-on. was rend In a very musical olce by Miss Mary Tennent and wns both Interesting and Instructive. Dr McCieady delivered after the valedlc tnry a fine address. After the award Ing of tho diplomas to the graduates tho 'benediction was pronounced Dr. McCready. The graduate were showered with flowers during th evening and after the exercises ninny or their rritmds remained to offer eon gvniulatlons. The program was one of unusual excellence and both the faculty and graduates ure to lie con graft, lated. on the achievements of lust evening. Jl J he Tahkeostee i lull entertained wl'li an Impromptu dance last , Inc. at their club room. Among tlmm present were, Mr and Mrs. Ilealhc Curler, Mrs. Itufus Woodcock. Mlsx Pauline Paiiuln, Miss Adelaide Lough '.m, Miss Hettle Sites. Miss Mary MikelcaJher, Miss Jessie Stlkelenther. Miss Laliige Dates, Miss IJIllan Weuv r. Mr. Itnlph Carrier. Mr. 11. It Mil liinl. Ml Paul Kvcst, Mr. Cliarles Fol soi.i, Mr Casslus Cadger, Mr John liolsou, Mr Willis Home. Mr. N. A It, adles. Mr Haker. Mr ICIiIiihoii ;.n.l Mr. King. less cciisi t jjr.iai-s Thf values ;m ili- iil.u l Iv .". . 7.V. anil 1 IM) tinnier muslin uml ti:iin- ii..-., :;..' f PERSONAL Mr M SV,ifdiiiic. I Minn n. l Mikm i:i.i i i . I H. .V I ' 1 I '.i mi- i '..i. in.. i. I n tin ;r inili.i u . of W lnli h.. Ii;ih l.c-n .1 the Nulii l hi Mil i 1 . 1 1 1 -1 in ll.illl 1..M t nir vi ,ii -v han ii nr. .1 ll, i Hillside It V lit III I h Is Mr. ;iiii Mi. Mniris Sinner, who Imv. I,e. II lie r.ii' -ts ..I Mr. A. lill- liiek. I'llllliiil estelil,i to MoiriH OH II , ,'l A .1' I Mi . Mr. mill Mrs. iird, wim aiic spenillllK n o l.il Herk. l, y. . K. Miller. . e, . iii ly man I l.is at the f lire, il. arc Hold Mr. It. .In it Iiiims. of i 'Ii ii I ta hooks. returns this in.k iiikI will tic a Kue-t ill the Hallery Park hole) Mr. Ii. M Itliltcood. of Richmond. 1 spending a lew days In the city. Mr. W. A. Whltiemore, of Cola, H. C. I a guest at the Haiti. ry I'ark hotel. Miss Muriel lllount, of New Orleans, and her until. Mrs Itenne Pufrlchc, ari. spending a few weeks In Ashe. Ville. Mr. Charles l. Purroy. of New York. Is n visitor to Ashevllle. Mr. Andrew Price, of Marlenton. W. Va.. Is In tho city for several days on business. Mr and Mrs. Heverlv Jones, of Ht. Louis, are spending a few days In the clly. l M Iss Adele Klsher. of Concord, Is visiting friends In the clly. Mr. W. K. Whiting left yesterday for Washington, I. '. Mr. Flnklesteln Jacksonville, Klo. left yesterday for Miss Oeorgla Hanell has gone to At lanta, (la,, to visit friends for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H P. Crane, of Chi cago, are spending several weeks In the clly. Mr. W. S. Metcalfe, of Philadelphia. Is in Ashevllle for a short stay. Mr. H. Kplro, of Rlrmlngharn. Is In Hie city for a hrlf stay. Mr. and Mrs. P,eary. of Knoxvllle, are guests of Mra. IHckcrson on Col lege street. Miss Mary Eva French, of Winches ter, Ky.. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. (i. W. McCready, on Church street. Mr. Hampden Hill, of Raleigh. Is a guesl at the Putter? Park hotel. Miss Marguerite l 'it inula v and brothers. Paul and Hubert Canaday, lire spending the week end In Candler. Mr. John C. Smllli has gone to Con cord on business. Mr. J. II William, of Charlotte, Is In town for a few days. Mr. R 11. Wilder, of Clnclnnall. Is In the city for a few days on busi ness. Dr. and Mrs. Ccorge T. Winston nre staying for sonic lime at the Misses Kerrs, on Vance street. Mrs. R. L. Wagner has returned from Murfreesboro alter a visit to her parents. POLICE ESCORTING "DRUNK" HOME Have Chance to Tsc Discre tion for Five Dollar Hill, Rays ( oin'r Bingham. (Dy AiioclaUd Preit.) NKW VOKK, Jan. 1'y - V.ll. . rhaiteroiiHgc of drunkrii infn ti tlnu hiMUfn inntrail nf umlcr ;irri't t Htrttlon hnuwn whs tun1 of tho hum Jtolii Int-lnK-ly. if nrlcMy. ili.scussril t pnltro Ctinimljwlonrr UlnRhitiu tn tes timony toitrty ln'Tori tlio I'XtM nt l o (ontinltlro InvcstlKHtinR cnurts "I think nltr or l'ltto Kohb-r f lainl hitM th1 ilht I1m." s.ii( tlu- rum- mlsslonrr. "H a ("Icn' meets a dninken mai orderly person on the him home man from a dinner ilrunk arrested." As to existing poll,- lit Mil pnlt. . in;in or v t n a tli mrt'i't. In1 tiik.-n roniihH htm .shMiilil not I'f 1 F r.-tion. the dls commissioner Mild: "They may Like a ili.iu .1 ilis. i etlnn lor n Ihe dollar bill." Other Sllhle.ts taken up S..I11. .. them at 11 1 11 1 1 length, were Ihe al lege,! prev.l' n.e i.f giatt III dealing with women of the streets, die lessness of dealing with the ' s... i 1! evil" until, as the e..iiinus.si..ner e firessed It. ' ininiMet s m, .ilh.r . all. . off or climated ' an. I white .Iim imt fie anions ilnmtgrallt. The eonimissioiiet easy" Rial! work.-.i .i. . i ii.. .i in . . .mi. 111. Ml .-.lent u Ith arrests of w ne 11 He eald he knew a worked, although lie . " a Kl.t I)., I" wherehy orfe-eiN gi ,1. a ".on. 111. take her to eoult. lie. In i l-n.-.l au.l then have the ease Ti. .1 1,1, id. arresting officer g, Ming !n ..liar. Aeeor.llliK to Ills statement 111. .-a r all .ill. v hite sla'e tralTi. is et, ni.N , I on anioiiR Immigrants In liarts of New York ' If ou knew i ntlemen." he kii.I it w.iuM lir ik it r hearts " "One of Hie lliinus f Is. lone," continue.) th- cominisslouer 'Is to abolish the trust e,,ntrolllnK the white slave trade. There Is e. j,-.. leimnu that Hi. re Is such a trust. and Ihe sooner we realize H the let ler off we w ill he " NEW DIVISION JUDICIAL DISTRICT WASHINGTON." J,,n. 19. A l.ill ereatlnn n new dlvialnn In Ihe niidd'e federnl Indlelnl district of Tennessee the hill, court l io sit nt ("ookville. the bill, court Is to sliat Cmkvllle. PANAMAlfOFFICIAlS WELCOME W. H. TAFT I'lic I'icsidciif eh KiKlilh Trip A miis 'nrriiallv .1 Makes russ Istli ( i I CI'll ll. (By Associated Prrs j PANAMA. Jan. iJ. l'i . elent.. lei I Tall l"du inuilc his elgliih iii. a. r.i.-s the IsthiuuH und v . i w le n was Kreeted w ith marked i. inotisti ations .f good will. With bis inirty Mr. I'aft lanileii this morning ai 'olon and jiria e4'ile,l liv special train t" alihra. win re toniKTlii he la iu.iiteil at do- resldein of Lii u i.-ii;i nt -i 'oloiii 1 Oothals. r liairman of tne f'auania anal coinmlssion. His recti, lion by the I'auauian ofTiclftls, l..h al 1'olon and l ulebra, Was most itmllal. Tie moriiw Mr. Taft will visit the site of (latun dam. The United States i uier North Carolina, on w hich Mi . Tafi sailed j from Charleston last Monday, and the' convoy cruiser Montana arrived at Colon at 10 o'clock litis morning after a voyage that wa-. marked hy -splendid went her conduct." All the members of ihe part wie in nood health. Colonel lioethals, Ji.s. pit Hlack hurn. governor ot the canal zone; Col. ' William C. (Jorgas, phief sanitary offi cer of the znnc, and other prominent j persons Immediately boarded thel North Carolina from the lug Clirlsto- bal anil welcomed the president-elect, who, Ht 10.40 o'clock, landed at dock: No. 2, adjoining the Panama railroad ! offices. The first persons to shake I the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Taft when they landed was Governor I'oriiro Melendez. of Colon, who introduced to them Mayor Henlgno Ainlilon. Chief nf rolice Arrango and other I'nnii- man officials. Mr. Taft and Ilia pal ly immediately . boarded a train which was walling! and left at noon for Culelira. Arriv ing there tho prealdent-eloct was re ceived ceremoniously by the members of 1'resldtttit Obaldltt's cablnel. Dur ing the afternoon Mr. Tad had a con ference with the engineers engaged In Hie construction of the canal and a visit to the (latun dam was planned f.,r Irimntrnu' The president-elect and his party w ill sail from Colon for New Orleans , next Kriday. Mr. Taft tonight mad. an address. to the engineers, In which be endeav ored to inspire! in them Independence of opinion concerning the .anal. To innmw Mr. Taft will call on President 1 ilialilla. URGE CALIFORNIA TO ACT WISELY New York ConuniU.'t 1 ) j.rccnft s Constant Agita tion Af?iiinst Japano-sp. (By Aaiociated Prau.) NKW YORK. Jan. 29. An lin liiiitunt movi nienl with rcepeit tn the .laiuineso iuestinn in California was InaiiKiiialiHl Imlav nt a mecliiiK v. Ihi- liiuinl or tniil. and transpm la llnn rnmniltli i. mi foreinn niul ln hii In r tratle. II wna "decided "tn ri'cnmmeiid tn tin- board Unit th.' imirliantK nf New York appeal In the merrhanlH niul manui'acturera n' all nlher ntntes to co-opernto with them In linprensliij- upon the people nf t'allfnrnla the unwladom "f per slulent illsrrlnilnnllnn atralnst the pen. pie nf a nut inn. lapajl. thnt hn-' ilinwn it title tn the reapert of Ihe wnrlil at lai'xe: tha! has proven l!nel' I.Tlie n (rent fm .m- !n the civilizing anil prnKre8sl e Inlluenee of the Knrlil. and whone trade Is of Import ance to this country The committee strongly deprecat".! the constant agitation In California ajjatnid the Japanese, and expresse-t the f.ar thai Its continuance will -tii.iislv affect Ihe amicable relations heineen Japan ami the United States At the conference, which was com p.iKeii of the committee and othera in- telcNtefl In ihe .1. II. RtlPHO trade, were repi eHe ni a 1 1 vt's ot the licneral Klee lii.' company. Kiihn, Ioeti X- I'.c. . A tiii Line & Co the National i'Iiv hank, the I'llilla and Japan Trailim- nipanv. and Mniler, Maclean DECLARES BILLS UNCONSTITUTIONAL (By Auockited Pre.) U ASIIlrro.. Jan. 9. licpr. ntative Jiuikins. of Wlnsconsin. H.urmon ot the h. .use committee on Mi. .iiitliciary. In a sp-ech in tlie house ' ' ' 1 la . tie, lareil that the proposed I', ail" I. ill and otle r a lit I-1 n Juliet ion I. ills it. f.re his i .in in tlteo are tine. oi ntntiiiii.il. nil v One -ItKiiMo gl'IMM'," I hat is I.AX A I l I llllllMtl (il l MNK. I,o.il, t.ir II.. smn.lllll e ..I r: I'.KUX K. Pee, I th,. Yorhl over W i iire I i 'old In ie May. "5c. Stiirriff's Ice Cream notoil for It's purliv and richness. Phone $r..00 meal Hckets 14.00 16 PATT0N New Lot of Large, 3 KOlt 10 CENTS. OWNBEY'S 25 Montford Ave. DEADLOCK IN S. C. LEGISLATURE i i ' 'I.I .Mill V S 1.-.; I;il in . u Ii .. k r im . W. .In. ' I .III :i '-I-I.I III lo om ..I S.oili, 'II..I 1. 1. 1. 1. . '. . 1 1 . . ,i ! . " i. ntn i n The a .1. ail .it .oi Hi I, nil. .1 II..- sopl'.-li ,o. I, ; -olt ami Hi. I iv iii.iht. 'I n. ll di i.-i iii Tin SI,. .. ,r. . V. .ill 1 .ag. I v 'i'lo- iiKini an cxlilliilioii work, blouses ami neekv. ,il MonilHy and V,.lk I 111.1 sale K"i) ns. , 1 w ill h.. line lice. II, . baby 1 loth- M'TV i'lllli l.oti al Hi Tu. s.l I v . Kejt uar 1 si and .nil. HIGHEST IN HONORS Baker's Cocoa AIIO CHOCOLATE 50 HIGHEST AWARDS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA . 8. it. ui A Cocoa off Inferior quality or artificially flavored soon cease3 to be palatable i but I the genuine BAKER'S COCOA never loses Its relish by constant use. It Is a perfect food, pre serves health, prolongs life. WALTER BAKER & CO., LTD. Ettakirsssd ueg DORCHESTER, MASS. "Brenlin" Window Shades Thf (trcnlin won't ir,nk or "we hi Kir. ThiH is Hi wmiiiw .hailc uhirh i;iin v at inftu-t itn. Burton & Holt, Sole Agi nts. -r- CUT PRICES PIPES. Never were mieh bargains olTcrVd. 2.50 to $-1.00 Pipes wp offer for $!.!).' WELLS' SM0K SHOP. CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-prar-llr) )N I F,M. NATION ITIlOVT IN- r,STIi TU)N IS IDOIt .hi(.mi:nt. Abnnrnial prssurt upon nerves Is t li o cmisc if all diseases; 1V renmvitiff this pn-smire, nortn.tl riniiittntiH and hrntth will be rostin'fd. Ileeunlzofl and endorsod by thousands of citizens Of Other StHtPS. Incurable ilseRfP8 mir specialty. IK. '. F. COMI'TOX, Oilmpra tor. Ixal IliiilcliiiK. South of Fountain fhonf H2t. ASHEVILLE COAL AND LUMBER Ca PlionoN 7:t niul .t.". IS I'niion w. SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Drenlng Parlors, room 10. Paragon Hid. Phone 67. We make a specialty of electrical face and ncalp treatmenta. Lteat ot everything in Hair Oooda and Hair Dreatlng, Swltchea and Puff made from your combing. The Asheville School oi Music and Dramatic Art the AiiDiromm Phone .1 1 1 ! La Orecque Corset! . . ; I For every type of figure. ; : GREENE & CO., : j 12 Church Street. ; Oellvi red ., -Ml pulls of the S CAFE AVENUE Oily Bloaters. :t: n:Ts D(izi:. Phone 56 Jpecial Jbfe of handkerchiefs Jodatj Vfslcrda v vu icicivi'il a larc sh i j mitMit of hand ki rcliicl's. Tlirv arr fresh and clean ami not a Mcm- isli to mar tlirir all linen inil ial attraetivciH .ss. landkcri liief fo 10c Each A reuliir Tn- linen lianilkeivliief will ho sold at 40c Dozen N floral Outings Specially Underpriced Today wi other outim Vt'sterdax' we sold yanh hut we still have a splendid from. Regular 1.V and 17i for 10c ast Ray of (foods D. ft. MeKINNON 7 Tatlon Avcnjic (O to ItedwootTa Stora.) Ladies and Genflemens TAILOR r New Golf Links Would lie a jrreat filing for Aslicviue. Our M. & W. hiiliaii Cu;il is a still greater thing for hor citizens. Try a ton and be con iiireil. Carolina C02I & Ice Company PHONE ISO. Our constant aim ia to serve Dairy Products of the highest quality, absolutely clean and sweet. We guarantee all our products and are glad of an optxrtun ity to redeem anything found unsatisfactory. But we try to maintain such a Tiigh standard that" everything will be highly SATISFACTORY, and vre believe we art succeeding. In addition to MILK and CREAM we make a spec ialty of FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER and EXTRA RICH ICE CREAM. Our prices are reasonable and our service prompt and courteous. May we not serve you I Asheville Pure Milk Company PHONB! sr FOR RESULTS, USE THE CITIZEN WANT ADS. r "TOE5Td R E '0 r NONE 8, 51 BYTT0N AT.ftPtTT ASHEViLLE NC Our Sale o! 'nut mill's 1ini;iv ( Mine !Toil all!i'S Ml'" ill thes l.nt 1 Lot '' i ;i ami I' Ints. is Lot . "c will ott'er a 15i- will sell our line of heautif,ul floral and at a veiy luw priiv. lid yards of these jot ids assorlineiit to cliooso yard quality of outing Yard Ready - to - ltiear Sale GIVE US A TRIAL and -e i. ill di inonstrntc to yon that uir meHi..il.s ,,f ctenninjr ?:irment8 of ver) .l. s. riii ion a"o ierfecl. Lace i::.l ileh.nl, fnlirirs a specialty. Queen City Dysing & Clean ing Works. II Miurrli Sliwl. I'liono 2110. ' NOW OPEN New York Lunch Room and Restaurant 1 For Ladies and Gentlemtn 11 South Main $t M. WEBB Millinery Importer Vo. flattery prk Plre, P1im 144 skoidlle, N. O. MISS CRUISE nm DHKssnvG rAinxiw. (ironnd I liir. 25 Ilayward Hi. I'lione 16. Just received a new line nf Comba, Rnrri tti s rmd Hair Pins In the latest styles. A full line of new Hair Goods. ,-vive your comldnirs and out hair, we ir.jke (honi no o order. .Manlciiiin,'. r,0c; ShampoolnR BO mid T5c; Mini nipooing and llairdreaa Ins? 7:.. and ? 1.00. Klectric Scalp and car ial ,tr..;nge. Chiropody Work for iadies and (ientlemen. M0BERN WAYS' HI0NE 356 Val Laces 1 i"iii over. Some yard, yard, yard. Ml'd. in, -