1 SUNDAY CITIZEN 24 THE WEATHER: FAIR. Pages Today H i VOL. XXV. No. 103. ASHKVILLK, N. C, SUNDAY -MojtNINU, .IANTAIJV 31, VM IMiiTK FIVE CENTS. TH GOVERNOR KITCHIN WILL NOT ADVISE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO REVISE RAILROAD RATES lief uses oKquests of Office After Eight Days' Con- sideration. THINKS TRIAL OF KATE INSUFFICIENT! Urges That It Be (iiven Trial Under Normal j Conditions. (Special to The Citizen.) HAI.KKili. Jan 30. A three hours conference today between C.oveinor KlUliln, state officers ami officials of the several railroad jum panics re garding; the railroad jKiHwnfrer rat'? situation resulted in no progress, no far as any agreement for concerted action to procure legislation at this session that would allow the corpora tion commission or other state trib unal to investigate and readjust the. rates If shown by the railroads to be too low, after the trial year end ing April 1. is concerned. Itdeveloped"that Governor Klteh In will oppose any movement what soever at this time to re-open the question of passenger rates, and that If there Is any movement at this s. s Elon. the railroad companies will have to take the initiative and pro cure the tntrouction of the bill to empower the commission to pass on the rates after some fixed period within the next two years nnd try for retting It through the legislature lr pite of the opposition of Governor Kltchln. Parties to the conference were Governor Kltchln, Senator J. S. Man ning. Speaker A. W. Graham, chair man Mc.Velll of the corporation com mission, Attorney-General T. W. Byckctt. on the part of the state, and Presidents W. VV. Finley of the Southern and T. M. Kmerson of the Atlantic Coast Line. Chief Executive A. Marrett of the Seaboard Air Line. General Counsel A. P Ttinm of the Southerns and First Vice Presi dent A. B. Andrews of the Southern. -. Ire8iilent Finley. Mr. Finley opened the conference with a statement of the attitude of the railroad - companies. . which he feared the governor had misunder stood. They were not asking that this conference consider the reason ableness of the present, passenger rates at all. but the whole desire of the railroad companies at this tlm- I. to have the present legislature to pro vide some means vherciy the rtil road companies can obtain relief in the event It is shown, after the nd of the trial year, that the rates are unjust, nnd not leavte the railroads powerless to have a hearing in sl.Cc tribunals and compel recourse to out Bide court if relief seemed necessary for the preservation of the proper ties. The agreement with the state had been for one year's trial, and if tills legislature did not take action it would mean the state forcing time years' trial instead of one. All the railroads want is that the state pro file for thetn to seek relief In state tribunal channels in tile event thi.-1 was found to be necessary. He nn i bis associates hoped sincerely that this would not be necessary and that the present - cent rate would In the end prove reasonably remunera tive. (Juvernor Kitchin. in reply, said lie. along with many penple. h.td gath ered the idea that the railroad com panies had recede,! from their r-oir,-promise requirement for the one year trial period, that feature of the eor: promiye having been strii ken out with the approval of the railroad compan ies. Mr. Finley explained that he. in im prest desire for an adjustment at time the compromise was pending, bad only expressed his persona! in clination to waive the stipulation or the "trial period," but that he hau not conferred with officials of uni other railroads Interested. Conditions Not Normal. Governor Kitchin said the creat difficulty of the situation, as h -ta'i' it. was that the past tear h oi I..;, n one of unusual depression and not a fair tost of th- fairnexs of tie rate limb r normal business conditions H1 (Continued en page three.) CASE ORGINATES IN LYNCHING OF NEGRO FOR CRIMINAL ASSAULT (By Associated Press.) VA.HIXiTN. Jan 3e. Tin- ar gument stage in the contempt c..e against Sheriff John 1". Shipp "f Ham ilton county Tennessee, and nine oth ers pending in the supreme court of the lnited States will be reached in a little more than a month. When it first came into existem e in 1S0S. or a negro named Ed. Johnson. Interest The case originated in the Ivnrhin; In Chattanooga. Teiin . in March. 1905. of a negro nahed Ed- Johnson, who had been found guilty of crim inal assault by the state courts and sentenced to the death penalty. M the instance of Justice HaMan the supreme court took cognizance o: Johnson's case, and the announcement of the fact that it had done so was followed that night by the hanging of the negro by a mob, which tool; ' UJFAUFP PIITC IN THREE BILLS FOR ASHEVILLE Were Adopted by Alder men and Sent to Him For Introduction. PERPETUATE LIFE OF DANIEL LOONE Hills for Commission for This Purpose Introduced in Both Branches. ! (SH--lal lo the Cillwii.) KALKIGII. Jan. .'id. Kcprcscnta tive Weaver, of Huneombe county. In troduced In the bouse a bill to amend tin- charter of Asheville and another i to aid in the development of the city of Asheville in allowing the applica tion of one per cent of tlie city taxes to be expended in advertising the city. '.Mr. Weaver also put in the bill de I signed to empower the city of Ashe j vllle to purchase The Auditorium property. The Harslmw bill for county schools by the election of people was made a special order for., next Thurs day. Bills wire Introduced in both branches for the creation of an histor ical commission to perpetuate the his tory of Daniel lioone, the great North Carolinian, by Senator Kluttz and Representatvc McCrary. The house passed the jont resolu tion to petition congress to help In constructing post roads In North Car ollna. Important agricultural hills passed by the lower branch were those by Mr. Currle, to abolish the crop pest com mission and turn its duties over to the hoard of agriculture, the act rec ommended by the convention, of com missioners of agriculture of the Southern states regulating tlie regis tration and sa'e of concentrated com mercial feeding Iltff. Mr. Connor's biii, reuuiritig il ns itors to notify banks of forged or raised r hecks within three months utter receiving the cancelled diet k in order t'i get the benefit of the batik s liability, want through its nailing. Child Ijilsir. (me Wednesday. February :i. the joint committee on child labor will lo ar tlie cotton mill men on the hild labor iuestion. Tile Senate p;SSed tile h'lllS which allows tlie governor to si lull, di rectly in the 1'nitcd Stabs SUprelne court in actions involving the bound ary line between North Carolina and Tennessee in tin- Smoky Mountain re gion, so that each case mat Ie hnally settled. Tie- Public Service company. of Greensboro, was inc.rporat.ei! by the upper branch. It will consolidate thr-c .-..rpora-tions and build an elc. trie railway (lorn GrecnslH,ro to High Point A lull introduc d bt S. iiab.r Man tling requires tir.- and casualty insu rance cimipani'- to deposit approved s. curilies or cash to an a.m"iint e.pial to live per on' of the eapitul sto. k ivith the insurance commissi. ui r. w ho shall compel each eompan to make e.e.d any depre. iati'.n or reduction In value of securities and i h 1). c. mbcr to examine tie m all for that purpose, bonds so deposited to I., delivered hv the insurant - . ofiiniissi-.ro r for s..fe keeping1 to tlo- state tr ..-nr. r. Th law now requir. s life imparn.-s to . I. posit cash or se' uiiti- - .villi tio in surance commissioner It is uii.br--too.l that practi. allv all ( tie home empaiij. s approve S. nat-.r Manning's bill him fiom the county jad. An inves tigation of the crime by tie depart ment of justice result-d in . onterrpt pr.M-eedinfr against the sheriff anl 26 other pennons, some accused ..f a tual partic ipatiori in the limbing; .tnd others, including the sheriff, of complicity in failing to take steps to prevent it Deputy Clerk Malar of the supreme ourt was appointed a commissioner to take t.-stimony in the case, and upon his npre&en'a tions 17 of the men against whom the original ( harge was made wprfl discharged a few week ago. Th.si action by the coyrt left only ten defendants- including the sheriff The ca. will be argued for th- govern ment by Solicitor-General Hoyt. and It is understood that most of th va rious defendants will be represented by separate counsel. MR. TAFT VISITS PRESIDENT OBALDIA (lives Toast to President elect as Long Friend of Panama. (By Associated Press.) PANAMA, Jan. 30. President-elect Taft visited President Ohaldla at he palace today, the party including the American anil British ministers and the officials of the Panama gove-n- ment. At the luncheon which was served President OLaldia. gtive a mst to Mr. Taft. as the long time friend of Panama. An official ball will be given at the palace In honor of Mr. Taft next week. Mr. Taft met the Women's dubs thlr afternoon at the Tivoll hotel. Jlo will rece.lv the British mftihrter, C. Mallet, tomorrow. ' One of the ques tions which Mr. Taft will Investigate thit relating to the merchants comp'alnts against the commissary system, w hich Is dealt with In the new treaty I.leut.- ol. Gnethals, the chief '.n. ginecr. will proceed to Washington with the special civil engineers now iiere to explain his estimates on canal construction to congress. Mr. Taft will sail from here on February 8. and If his engineers have not completed their work by that time they will de lay their departure for a few days Today the engineers examined th" locks on the Pacific side and ev pressed gratification at the rapH work. They will examine the Gartin lam tomorrow. WIRELESS SAVES LINER HAMILTON Five Minutes After Collis ion With Car Large Tugs Had Started for Scene. WIIIKI.KSS (By Associated Press.) Noltrol.K. VA , Jan ::- The iti cMimatalde value of wireless t h-g-riiphy was again d iiionstraled tonight in Hamilton Roads, when a message Hashed through the air. telling of the collision of tiie old dominion liner, Hamilton, with a far Large of the New York. I'hlladelphia and Norfolk Rail road and casing for assistance With in live minutcH tugs were enrout'- to the sen., anil the Hamilton, badlv liatter.-d but atloal, was towed to lor pi r. reaching lo r. at ' .:t Tie- c..!isi..n o. eurred off old Point Tlo extent of th. damage . tl,,- m. r is not known, although she was ren dered helpl ks atid has shipped con-sld-rable wat. r forward The barge vvaA little damaged, I., vond the low of six freight cars win. h wor- knocked ovirboard. There were over two s. or. pas ngers hound for N.-w Vorli aboard tie- Hamilton. It Ls said thy were in no dang, r, although the of ticials of the i. .,m pan y are silent as to the extent of the damage. The hoi- In th.- !hv. on tie port side Jut above th- wat. r-hrie i six or a. ven feet !n 'ilaln. I- r ' The Hamilton willed f-.r New y.,rk at 7 p. m- Hhe rear h- d h- r wharf in tow of two tugs at s .10 REPUBLIC HEROES START FOR ENGLAND (By Associated Prt) NEW V'jKK. Jan 30 ,-Whcn th White Star liner Balttt- left her pj-r thl afternoon on hf-r voyatye to Kng land h- arri-I with her Captain Seal by and Wir-1H Op-rator Binn of the iteamftf Republic, heroea of th disaster on h Nantucket Shoals i week as;o toJay. Operator Btnns said that he had re oeived ral lucrative offers to ap pear on the vaudeville s&age In this country- but had refused them. "1 don't want to appear as a 'tin s;od," " said Binns. A Stranger in Our Midst COMMISSIONER SHOWS SYSTEM OF HISJOFFICE Mr. Young Defends Himself Against Charges of, Committer. EXPLAINS WHY' SAFE COULDNT BE OPENED Says It Was an Old One and Hasn't Been Opened Yet (jwlal t The CKtBCA.) HALEIUII, N t, Jan. 3. To a Citizen represt ni.t.jve, Htatn Contmin sJoner of Innurajn p Touns; 4hlH morn ing reiterate! hi tat'ment made yes terday before t h: special com in It tee to the effect th;K (he omewhat nevere criticism of liis depart m nt made by the xinlntK commute "f 1907 had lu en In-Mon-d by his Mr Young') erifinlt Mr. Yuiiiik de clared Willi hip nit! feeliriK th;it he courted the full- 't and mowt m t piiiK Investigation r v?ry detail of hlw department hy Hi-- special ( utiiniittc" now fdttihjr in t'ilgmcnt on th'- old tormiiittee'H r- pi t Ifelntf usk'd ;il"iut th" locket H;tf Incidi-nt. wlii n I'f combin;iti'ii of the tfe in bin nfii' failed t v-iK nX a tiltM- viln'ii tii "id InveHttKatiiiK 'm mJtt e deMii' il t" xanilne c ilniri curltie off r-l i- certain in-urancf corn pan b'g, Mr Vnung aaid tlo wab vi'us a m ond liiiti'i one wlnh i- I uni pun'ha-M 'I but a short t ino b'fire. The coimmiiM' hid examlM 'I half -i l.b- wcurir' n an ad-'jin turn nl for lunch wa. t.tk.n and rni wiiiiiu' to l a ' t Ik urlti'-B t IMK op- t around wiy- h ; tkt d t b tu up a lot put th in in Hi- wife in j i j - Mi"Ji. "After luiM ii 'it " continu' d Mr. Viting. "I ' in Ihow wcu rite eoriilfinatioii i th-- eiiiiiiiittt- safe, and that :ntO my offH'f- to K' t Hicfl 1 fmjiifl tloit the . - d to WOf K I I ' 'uld rnt op n id n 'nne(pji re J 'i-iI'J nwl wii'.w tii-tri tl '- m-cuiiti'M th-- .if it.ts not li it ' ' h'"d Hinct th-i( iiri' three w k -i c We v, Hi ii;i Id employ uri (" tn open ir Mi- Itolikei'pliiic-Oth'-r matt- - . hich ha1 I" ti ' m iKe.l b tt iiiitr w r it YouriK about tli'- .'i 'if bo"k k Mh.H.-l Th. : IrivcHtik'aMii,' - oin i i uel by f ' tin rn i t"ii r'S-r v A i i vm. po- k- t - -.ft-in t h ' ( ( , n 1 1 p i . x ; . i , i t i.-n m;iti i io bok whu-h has (. (! - n tK Lned It i-- t-. ft iik' h s lon 'i ' i i !our ln b wi l "f (b- kind il' i bought f'-r twnty t. '. IT '1 K- fiU"t- 1- ln.i'i' Hi )''n.jl, .sh"'.', ir Mie variott-v m i r ; t i - hHd by Mr n,;T. Kw r-. if iu v-r 'i'ri iiiui was r-'T' ' u tio- curnru i ' 1 1 1 r Mr. V-iiiiii: -r f -I that h h.l ask-j s u - H1- i '' 1 a i l'l( uren f r ;ts , -t.i n- in bin d f - I .,i it bad n.-f l- . n granted H- v a- willing to mik .nn Impron-m-M "ie way X irkK' i ing whi' li i h ' -rnmrttee rn ih I ge.-t 1 b- wa rM fan il iar wi' h r double -r.tr -'rn. All hi- r'-ri had been k- pt bv sjingie f-rury. te.Ht of the work 1- ing done h hnrt'lf. lb- had noth ing tn f-ar. riot ti to hide Mr V" ,r.g telJeven that th recent report T the 1907 -irri it. itf dow himeif aid the Mta,te uf North Carolina a srr- at injuHto e. If de mands that ail Uzhtm he turner ,n. ALLEGED SLATER STILL AT LARGE (By Atiociated Press.) KALEI'JU. N C, Jan. 30. J. I! Walker, alleged slayer of 8hrlff hxun lanrt of Hrunsift'lclc county, wi.o knocked down th Jailor and iaic-ap4 last nlirht. is still at larfrc despite th vlKllanr'1 t the ofTk-rrs f Hrunn wick and New Hanorer counties. ZAYAS VICTORIOUS IN CUBAN CLASH Vice-President Threatened to Resign Hecau.se of Ap pointment, It Is Relieved. (By Assoclatsd Press.) HAVANA. Jim. :I0 The flmt aerl iiiih i'IhaIi between I'renlileiil llmnei unci 'ice-rrelilent Znyim wh It'll ie- urred teHtenliiy when the iriwil wu made tn n,olnt Klciinlu Arnantn chief uf the Heeret pnliee In placu of Jow Jerez, who renlKiied ui)n tle niand of H-tTi-lary ttf (iovernmont, Alherdl. hiis rewilted in a victory for rtcnor Zuyu". who It In belle v.tl pre ai'litoil an ultimatum that ho would Immediately rtwlgn If the obnoxlou aiipolntmfcnt waa matla. Yli'ldlns; to the uriftmt remonstran ces and threat of the vice president and a Mtonn of (irofHta from all guar tcrK. Prewldi nt Come tonight an- nouncei he would appoint Jose l.'Kirte chief. Shortly le fore hn tht president slated he had lo ver received any ap plication for ibe appointment of Henor Arniiiito from th io-cretary of irov cinment. whoN.- function It wait to make sich recommeiidatlon- Hecre tary Afbenll said yesb rday that he had iiiiidi' Hin h recoininendatlon and that Ariiuuto H apiiolntrnent pro-tlcal I." had been effected. It WHM this Htnti inent that prei Ipliated drastic ac lion on the part of Zavaa, whriHe res Ik'tiatlon. ton tlo r with half of the cj, binet. would hate followed had not Arnaiito'e iiiijii been ttithdrawn. To what ext. hi cordial relatlonn hav. 1.. II r -. 1-i;ibll--.ll' d b.-tvtef the pr. Hl- (I. nt nnd t Ice prei. lent Is unknown but S nor .iiviim I b-Iii ef to be Hat- u-n. .1 mtli He appointment of Henor I'K.irle. Mm. M iIi.( in . ypi-Mw. d tb.'il I fi i I in e.tl. ie 'I ir-.til.f I" Iwiell ienenil b. in. .iiid S. ii'.r aa has btMiii at. It. 'I UNTRUE REPORTS OF EARTHQUAKE Slight Slioi'k in Totana, Spain, l!nt No Serious l;miaL'(' Is Dune 'By Aottat-d Press) M M : ) I .l.i i.. Alt ornoiuni - -;iic.i. ..ifh j". ut li r ii Sp.iin ;md wMii i iit- - -if (;.(('' lo ii i ;i jh un I riterr ,u - f ;ni.i norrn.fl iind tti- r portK ni i f in 1 1 1, t- f r - .in I liiv l.i fel ( I;i t i a !.K.f.f r ..ij.. ,i r! h'u;i -ind tid.il ..r. ,u- .(fit; i 1 '111',' ;i . Nlirht i.irfh xijoek yt 't"t-in.i. ii Iii proviii-'- of Mur'i;i, fr it r i ' i d.irti;ij(e y, hj done, fh'! ,', .i I If ' on) v ;i. f w iioiiffcK wf; r,i.j..o Slight sho kM vr- a I ho fel' :n tlo ro-lKiiboriiiK vilhi'-- tf Oli;i ,f t-o'fl Tot ;!,; Jifi'J Oliart the I f I - h.it.if;ifiiH Ild panie htriekfii to th hij (.') r ItK. f ;i r )ti' 1h.lt it dttiiKter W; ti (.'Oi t ti'-rn Mi' h it fb.-v ;jt atert Mni-ami- lXn'iy Vt'AKHIVGTON'. Jan JO. Forecast for North Carolina- Fair and colder Sunday, cold wave In east portion. brisk to hiifh northwest winds; Mon day fair, continued cold. REMOVAL OF IS TMARGE Attorney (lamer Says That Cooper Defense Wants lvemoval at All Costs. CAUSED RUMOR OF ILLNESS, HE SAYS Over Hundred Talesmen Examined and Not a .Juror Is Chosen. (By Associated Press.) NASH VH.1.1.;. Tenn., Jun. .1(1 There was a very brief, hut hciimi- tlonal, sewtlon of court today In the trlul of Co. Duncan H. Cooper, Itoli.n Cooper and John P. Sharp, charged with the murder of former Heuutor K. V. Cantiaek. The trouble bemin after tl hundred or more tclesincn had lieen examined and not a Juror secured. The venire was exhausted, and the court an nounced that the new one would lint lie available until Tuesday. Then he took up the question whether Juror J. M, VVhltworth was physical ly able to continue In the cane. Whltworth was called to the stand thla morning; and tentllled that h felt pretty well. Judue Hurt then said that an Whltworth hud an or Kitnlr disease which mlubt terminal fatally at any time, thus cituslnn mistrial, the court felt Inclined tn avoid the chance by iixciikIiih tho Juror. The state objected strenuous ly, and In the itiltltrt of the discussion Attorney darner of the pPiaeeuthin threw the verbal bombshell, "We havi Information," he de clared, "that the defense has given It nut that at all costs Whltworth must be removed from thla Jury. We have Information that men were sent to Mrs. Whltworth to any that a physi cian had examined her IniMUnnd and declared hu was In u. precarious con dition. It was on thl information that Mrs Whltworth ncttd." The entire body of counsel for the defense was on Ita feet tn a eocond, demanding: to he Heard, protestlnir Innocence and denouncing the chartrc. The court rapped them Into silence and remarked; "This Is a serious clinrge. and if there Is anything like It koIiik on, th court wanta to know It." Second lllcr. flarncr hastened to say that he had no Information that r-ounwl for the,mi m(1 of , tariff aim ply benefit defense hail knowledge of thn Plot.;,,,,, ,,!. and not the worklngmen lie went on to say that he based ! consumer his charges on Information which he j ,, thl. ,hl,r hHllrt, there are many had not had time to verify, but he j wh),.n mrprt to show that added that he also had Information mr f th(, existing tariff are not too ihat Mrs. Whltworth had written ftjhKhi nd should therefore be maln tecond letter to the court, allying ehe ! mined. i did mil wish her husband excused j i number of Instance report by unless he wished It. 1 mere. utile (irm and Individual. 00 Then came sensation number liv,hl, Im. commodity, contradict eacn "Ah you know of the existence of .i,er dedalvelv. Verv often reputable the note," remarked the Judtfo, In ' nmy manner, possibly you can tell ; me where It Is or who took It from oiy disk I had merely glanced at t i md Intended to bring It to your J i. nilon but il appears that some one liaa nllet.-d me of that duly " Th" Hl" xplalned It got Its If- formation from the mini to whom sirs, whltworth .niiiiMted ibe noi.-. .lid was exon.rale, of any ei, t,, (lon , with lis disappearance Judge Hrl I. elured that be would Investigate , r, ,,r cent tariff on aole leather and be charges carefully. He said l.ihd..,. The retailer, the manufactHr Aould lirst somnion an eoilnent ph -; ,.r , the w.i.r.r of shoes, they do tlcb.n, have him examine Juror Whit- ,.are. are r ompelled to pay an In .toilb and rej.ort at a. m. Monday. i,.r,.ilB, , , I. .. for the finished pro Mil I'll is TTM-K J.U. 'flK'T ''"y I"' "'"i'' -By A..ocl.t.d Pr.. " ". packers, who are cred KKitKKI.KV. Calif. Jan M. K.-nJI ""'I wh controlling the hide bul Kaneko. a Japanese Bind, nl of lie ' ncsx of the country. I lilt. r-llv of California and a gradu- "A' I' via claimed the farm- Hte of the Iiiii-rial t'iilt. rliy at T..kl..l'r '" cattle raiser would be bone- nm vl upon lo.bit at Hie coll. IH'd In the protective tariff, but that campiiH. bv . row.l of whit.- nt. identic ; fjilbx v has I ii .xploded." s.iys fl ar il, was knocked to He ground aii.l'rt S Iz ol Hie Mel.. Hebwab Hboe ciori drit.n from ih .ufoi.ui- ttitii Mudent.. .an'. "Tin- lie. f pickers do not buy in eliuse II- i.ian.tirel to reach lit- .-attic tor Hie hides, and the price hom- siifelv and i- being protcieil i,et pat to the calllc raiser Is not I.-, tlo- poll. K' liji Kail. It. . . elared that He .lip. - I 1 1 1 b.i. A'.lild k upon bull. 'III. i.il-.ii up I.. fore th- It lige I be lnatler will Japanese iihiiI g. ru ral In Han I'ran- l. o AERIAL NAVIGATION BY HOUSE OF IBy Attotlated Prei ) WASIIIN" J I ' C- -b'H. '' Aero nautics .-. upi'd mui b "1 lh.- tllii.' if the lion-.- today In .onro'lion with he coiisi.J. - aTi'.n of the army .ippr..- .rlatlon bill, to which I'.ii'MlOO was dded for balloons The adtlsabllltv f appropriating for army balloons was first consld. red. The htird.-n "f the argument in TOpport of the balloon provision wa that ballon had now become a part of an efficient army while some of the oppon.-nt-H maintained that bal Uxjnn were not used In the Russo Japanese war. the Spanish-American war and the lio.r war. Mr. Mvcon insisted that balloon had played no onslderable part in warfare. Hi statement waa controverted by Mr. Cockran of New York, who said that a balloon performed a signal part tn the war between France and Germany, when M Oambetta, cacaped from HIGHER TARIFF SURE ON LIFE'S NECESSARIES Hill for Reduction on Lum her. Etc., Hut Raise on Necessaries, Says Tav. HUNDRED OFFICIAL PROTESTS FILED Smaller Manufacturers De clare Some of TurifTs Sim ply Hencfit Trusts. lV T.W. (Special Correspondent of The OltUon) WAHIIlNdTON, Jan. 10 While It Is practically assured the ways unit means committee of conifress will re port a bill for the removal or great reduction of duties on lumber, wood pulp, steel, coal, paper and work of art, there will be a higher Instead Of lower lurirr on the bulk of necnaaarlea of life. At least there la now a. etronar tip out to thla effect. The bill, according to good au thority, will he drawn on the princi pal of a maximum nnd minimum tar iff, with the DlllKley rate M th minimum ratea on most article not enuniernteil. Assurance have quietly gone out U those hlir manufacturer who let til Impression get nut among their em ployes Just about election time that they mlftht lie compelled to close down or lay off men In the event of a dam erratic victory, that they need fl no apprehension a to the action that wfll be taken by the way and means committee. Therefore, those eoncertm having moimpolle of certain commod ities outside of lumber, wood plUJl. ateel. coal and paper are not worry ing. They have the tip pretty straight the disposition of the committee la to advance rather than reduce dutlea, o Increase rather than diminish proteo tlnn. It le strongly rumored th maximum rate will be from 19 to )i - per cent higher than tha present schedules, and the president will ho , authorised to" apply them to import from countries which dlaerlmlnat against American' merchandise, and particularly our .egTlnultttral prodacta. , Many nrotetH.' .... If the enmmltte peraleU In ft I- , tcged present Intention of ralalng' th) ' tariff on most of the neceasarlei, It will be In defiance of no Ie than 100 , protest that are official, a th re- . port of the committee' hearing contain that many letter from' th smaller manufacturers, who declgi lm,rchiitil hav -written letter to th committee . barging that tetlmOr,y ..,,, i,,,.., ,.v ,t,ere dealer In thtlr 1 1 ... - u ,t,. I, .i.-lv false. rnless the committee make a re- ; ,,, ,,,, (,r ,,, (,uly on htne and aol ll,.ii.r n.,r.. I. Ilkelibo...! the hnn. m.,u,TH will i.lacc the blame on th ,,ef trust. Member of tho National H,, Manufacturing association aru uxm , ,.r,. in Wushlngton that th ni.cl,.r alone real, the nrollt from . mil -.1 by ant consideration of Ho v.lii.- ol tin- hlib . The tariff on .hide protects OO OIK- but tile beef jr. and p i not claimed by any (Contieued on page four.) DISCUSSED REPRESENTATIVES I'i.m i.y eu'h no-ans and organized tl-e national d fenw:. .Mr Mann of Illinois, in favorln the balloon protlsion, pointed to the ninkli.g of the Republic and aalU that no on.- could have cited ten day ago any case where wlrelea telegraphy had saved hundred of live through shlpwr-ck. "The time for citing the ease in reference to balloon," he said, "will come after they hav saved hundreds of million of dollar and may be hundred of thousand of live and possibly a great deal more." l!y a vote of 7t to St the Hull amendment providing for the balloon appropriation wa adopted, the an nouncement being greeted with ap plause. Except with respect to the aproprlatlon for aeronautical exper imentation, the bill wa not amend ed In any Important particular. ' It still was pending when tb house ad