THE ASHE VILLE CITIZEN so THE WEATHER PAIR vThc Want Ad Phone VOL XXV. No. 104. ASHEVILLE, N C, MONDAY MoiiXLVd. KKBWl'AKY 1, 190!). VUICK FIVE CENTS. ICY WINDS, FROZEN CLOUDS AND SNOW CLAD MOUNTAINS; Cut Loose UNKNOWN SHIP GOES DOWN; ALL HANDS ABOARD BULLET FIRED ACCIDENTALLY KING WINTER IN ASHEVILLE KILLSWOMAN Brother of Mayor of Chicago Was Demonstrating Use of Pistol. Mercury Stood at Zero -at TELLS JEROME TO GO AHEAD No Clue to Corroborate Tes Daylight Sunday A Slight Raise Later. timony .of Those Who Saw Tragedy. CONGREGATIONS AT CHURCHES SMALL Police Have Little to Report on Cases of Destitution, However. Winter t lta worst was all pervad ing; yesterday; overhead leaden col ored, ttitten clouds, under' foot, streets ivept Immaculately clean by bitter ncrth winds from the white encircling riountalns. and the mercury standing Oi sero at daylight- The cold of rl- day wide sweeping over a great sec tiot of the country had been whipped by the fierce winds into every nook and cranny not protected by steam Hires or red hot stoves, and many shivering all through the hours of the nleht waked to near the carols of the nipping blasts and realized that though the graas showed green under the srow patches old King Winter reigned and his icy fingers bau If ached into houses and gripped the cltv fast The streets In the early morning lucre deserted, save for the milk wag- or.3 and street cars crawling with clutching brakes and "skidding wheels on coated rails and churofc time brought otvt far lees than the usual rumber and they mostly on foot for tew cared to use carriages or auto nomies, and calls of frozen pipes and exploded water backs excused many regular churchmen on the ground of rrcesslty. It was a day like hriday Srte that the cold was a trllle more lr.tense the cold was more general be cause It soaked Into every unprotected place and besides every one was fully convinced that the weather was cold because this official assurance was fl en by the weather bureau from M'.tshlngton a notliicatlon not so de ferable aj? would have been a notice oh Friday which would have fully in formed the public Of the unexpected flange which dropped the mercury 40 degree between 4 on Friday even . -4 an Mr Saturday noraiNg the Jubllc giving little attention to the l"lr and colder tonight and Satur . J." Bitter Cold. K waa bitter eold all night and the r.i:roundlngs fitted well. The big I-iuuntalns loomed large In snowy out line and the wind cavorting over them Jinked up snow and whipped it against the rubicund faces of the quite considerable number of people who found the atmosphere most bracing, tnat Is for a time, and every chimney 6-nt up clouds of smoke. The ground vit!, white generally and the pave ments were slippery with powdered Know and all the talk was of the a puttier and tnles of pa-st weather, the tlmo In 189 b when with the thermom eter S degrees below zero firemen fought a big fire which gutted the Carolina hotel and the building now used by the Pack Square Cafe, and the February in 1899 whi n it is al leged that same thermometers marked 15 and the go froze in the mains. As the day wore on the mercury rose fairly high in the tube, showing as high a 60 tn protected sunlight places and even as high as 20 on the streets about 4 o'clock but the breezes continued to gnmliol immune from molestation by the police who had a hard time on their beats, but the peo ple were not to be fooled by any ague smltted mercury and they showed this by an Infallible thermometer of their own, a human weather gunge, the line of people formed each Sunday after noon to get their mail .Major Hoi linn, driven hither and yon by the ac tive rebullders of the postnflhe, peered irom Jiis wrecked-by-an-i arihuuakc establishment and saw that half of bis usual patrons had staid at hone- and the faithful few wen- embracing the radiators. The postoflice people were glad yesterday was Sunday and thcro was no mall delivery by carriers, but they were not happy because they saw the little weather bureau notice thai the cold would continue today. Hrc Fell tiood- Most people sat beside the lie s and were warm In good tight homes hut others there were and many of tin in among very poor people who lived in up-and-down construction cabins and had little; lire und not an overplus of food and these were far from happy While it is tiue that there are many, in need of food and fuel there was by. no means the misery that one might imagine, and the police on' the look- (Contlnued on page four.) TRIAL OF WEALTHY PLANTER CHARGED WITH POISONING WIFE (By Associated Press.) UNION, R C, Jan. 31. The tria. of W. T. Jonea, a wealthy planter of this county, who is charged with the murder of his wife last July, is nt to begin here tomorrow. Jones is ac cused of administering poison to his wife. Because of the prominent and In fluential connections of the parties concerned and of the almost unparal leled features of the evidence brought out at the inquest and in the hearing on the motion for ball, indications are that the trial will be of a most i stations 1 kind. . Over MS witnesses WITH ACTION IT. S .District Attorney Ans were in Regard to the Panama Libel. STATE ON BEHALF OF D. ROBINSON Mr. Stirnson Does Not Say That Federal "Prosodi- tionsAVill Stop., (Bv Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Jan. 31. Henry L. Stlmson, United States district attor ney for the southern district of New York, made public tonight a letter in reply to one written by District At torney Jerome on the subject of be-, ginning an action for criminal Hoc! In the state courts against the pub lishers of The New York Work be cause of published charges regarding the Panama canal purchase. Mr Stirnson tells Mr. Jerome to go ahead assuring him that such action will not be regarded as interference. Mr. Jerome had asked if action In the state courts on behalf of Hougla Itobinsone the presidents oroiner-in law, who was mentioned in the ar tlcle, would be an unwise Interference with the actions begun under federul Jurisdiction. Mr. Stlmson answers this Negative ly, but does not state that the federal inquiries or prosecutions will cease II Mr. Jerome begins action. The reference to the "gentleman who occupies the position of the hea1 of the war department" gave rise lr some quarter to speculate as to th. person meant by Mr. Stlmson. Ar official, ot tha government wiux declin ed to permit the use of his name, sab' the statement was intended to refer U Elihu Root, who was secretary of wai when negotiations for the purchase of the Panama canal property was con cluded, though the deeds of the prop erty were actually turned over to till untry when William II. Taft was secretary. His litcr. Mr. Stimson's letter, in part, is at follows: In answer to your query ns tr whether a prosecution on your pari as to the alleged libel of OctolN-r 3rc upon Mr. Robinson would be regarded as an unwise Interference with a ni t'. ter over which the federal court" ive taken Jurisdiction, and in uhi h action has already been taken bv tl: federal authorities, I heg to assure yon that such action on your par' will in no wise be regarded fis sue! an interference, but. on the contrary we shall regard it as our duly to co op rate with you in all proper ano lawful ways. In all of these sev-ta jurisdictions the truth of the albedo libels would In the present rase con stitute a complete defense to tr.f prosia utlon. Should such a d-fe.sf be attemuled. It Is manifestly of the utmost importance that this question as to the truth or falsity of the pub llcntions should be prist ntcd to the court in the light of the fullest pos slide evidence, and be settled for all lime beyond the possibility of b doubt." ' THREE FIRES AT ONE TIME (By Associated Press.) Y. I.I uiSTA. (ia., .Tan. 3 1. fl. es destroying eleven buildings and c-vjb ing a loss of J20.00D. vcr- fought h lirem-n here today in freezing wc.ith er. Three of the fires were going at once. The residt nee of Mrs. 1,. M. Plltch was burned, wilh a b.sp ol ln.OOfi. Seven houses were irit :J in another section of the city as th' tir. uu n were at work on this blaze, and caused a loss of Jll.ofi'i. An other building, owned by Ousley Co. was gutted, with a loss or ft. 200. Ii.-f-etivo (lues, used for the tirwt time in many months, were responsible for the fires. The homes of Mrs. Mitchell. .Mrs. Hoorlng and of three Syrian merchants, with the homos of Mrs. litltch. It. Pearlman and Ft. G. Kta-ke, were destroyed. have been summoned, and many ol them will come from a distance. This case was called for trial 1 Ji September, but was postponed, pend ing an appeal from the state supreme court from an order of the circuit court refusing bail for Jones, who has been In Jail here since his arreat last July. ' The attorneys on both sides ar among the most able criminal lawyers in this state. Jones is about forty-two years eld and has a son about fourteen Terrs old. , CHARGED WITH HIGH TREASON Russian Police. Director Handed Over Agent to Revolutionary Vengeance (By Associated Press.) ST. FKTKHHBUKG. Jan. 31. M lopuklne, former director -of police In 1 le department of ministry of the in- I "rior, has been arretted on a charted 1 1 hlirh treason In connection with 1 te revelatlonB rec ently made at Pat Is, when Azef, the head f the llghti is organisation of tho Russian socialist revolutionary party, was convicted of being the paid agent of the secret po 1 ee. The technical accusation Is made that Ipukine waa a msmber of the revolutionary organization The actual charge is that he fur nished to CnrtseiT. tho leading socfcil-l-tt revolutionist in Paris, the Infor mation on which Azef was denounced, iiprebv handing over the government agent to revolutionary vengeance. It Is also i hunted that Lopuklne fur nished ( urtseff with two highly Im ortant documents, betraying the vhole organization of the Russian ro 1 tlral police. A total of seventeen other arrests have be, n made. Including a number (f callers at lopuklne's house. Ths ise promises to throw light upon a Host Interesting chapter concerning tie relations between the police and errorlst organizations. FOUNDERS DAY AT HAMPTON SCHOOL 'looker T. Washington, a Graduate of Institute, Is Principal Speaker. (By Associated P. ess.) HAMPTON', Va, Jan. 31. Found ry' day at the Hampton Normal rind grlctillurul institute was observed oday with appropriate exercise.-, looker T. Washington, president of '.he Tuskegee institute, who was g-a 1 mted from Hampton Institute In 1ST.", anil taught here for son.' years, was the principal speaker of he day. He paid a glousng tribute to (i'.n ral Armstrong, the founder, and his vork. and said that In following the trim iples laid dow n by him the rcla lons betwef n the black and white -a ies would improve year by year. "Kverythlng thlt can happen to dis rupt the relations between the race. ' nntlnued I)r. Washington, "has al ready happened. We have r ached. n my opinion, the extreme of racial friction, and reaction has already set In. The finest typea of Southern char acter are becoming more and mere ach year disgusted with the extreme adlcallsm, with the extreme legisla tion, with the extreme methods ef. lunishlng the negro, with the ex reme utterances against his educa lon. From now on, in my opinion, e are going t" witness a sanity of wlf-control, a liberality on the part f the men of the hlte race In the louth toward the negro that we have lot witnessed in the past. The wlsot veoplo In the South have recognized he fact that the South must depend or years to come, mainly upon the legro as a common and skilled la orer. I have always claimed, end itlll do so, that It is an Insult to the hlta people of the South for any no to assert that the negro should ') kept In Ignorance." IOI XTF.SK DIE8. (By Associated Press.) PARIS. Jan. 31. The Countess De Leaseps, widow of Count Ferdinand De Leaseps. the promoter of the ship canals of Suez, Corinth and Panama, dld here today. J ; KKVKKAIj IH NIMtF.I) KlIiLKD (Bjr Associated Press.) CEUTA. Morocco, Jan. 31. Native accounts of tho ava lanche which occurred recent ly at Romara say It .'a mo during the night and was pre ceded by loud subterranean noises, whloU' threw the Inhab itants into psnlc. A sudden and terrlble shock occurred, and huge rocks swept down down, completely burying the village. None of the vral hundred ln'hbltants had time to escape. '-Hi ; ... FLEET DIVISION Connecticut, Vermont, Kan sas and Minnesota Under Command of Spcm-. (By Associated Press.) GIHltAl.TKH. Jan. HI The lirst division of tlo I'nlled Stao s Atlantic fleet, compos, u of the i 'onneci icut, Vermont, Kan:-:i and Minni sola, un der command Itear-Admiral Spcrry. arrived here tbi.-- morning. From the moment the glistening white hulls of the American -'hips wen- nu-r,- ,-tpeeks upon the Idle- "ater of the Mediter ranean cc iy c '.u-n of vantage on the rock of CHuaM-r was occupi' d. and by the time tl ' were ready to round majestically Int Hie harbor, lie Mitlre population s - le-d to b maw. d on the water fr m Two llilt'."h I'lBleshipH and four blpri of tie- e nd miiNcr -mo-oIiou lU'-t returned I r Mil South A'n- nean waters; two i: -vdan batt l- ii i ps an-1 two proteifd iuiers; a Fr'-te h gun boat and a Uui li gun-boat, i: iug In side of th" lu-akwab-r hiIIi si.. -manned, Hag- , eplng and bauds pl.i ing, greeted tl- Vmericius a.- -.on m turn entered ano IsTthed. 'l ie Am. r Iran ships r iniiMfr. th-- I'.iJi rHicticijt ll. 'if each t-fHjni r. The orrn the vlxitintr sli'i At fmii'lo' n hraska uii'h r miral Witinw r i tel. r- l-'iw ':'. I'anth-r ac! ' h'-n- mii J t:i- nn will In ' iii I siii(t- t ! ' ai-ti-r f II ' Sm rrv's s -Jii-" p' Hr.lIir -- ; '. ' a HlnL- H 1 Kngli. h '-'rN i:' A in- rl i m .' ' l rtn in !' r. I thr nu n ! i' T''WS, tl' h row Ini? ni tt i t m-k iislmr'' ; thv f him ? i'-r ; 11 nded with flag.-, ami on board 1h 'on- the national antlo-m repreW-nt'-l. .Is began a so..n as were moored e frOf.rgi.l a 'el N - miand of .': .u a d - arrived fr m T ui i and tlo- a ; i!i n- s -nkton a!r n-i ar :ng of the til -t d -. , - norrow - her unoffi' iai ' ha r -and It- ar- A im ii a I l dlseotie.-nii-i: !i fleet two '! .'' i ' ' f"1 Was i Y i t, I II Intep.) 1-, fi- II Utlon tie '- nili e.r s enti-rt-iiniie i,t , t mgerl by tie -i r e thletie. b'exii.L' ;i f nd dinner ;u.'l p ' loat f'.r tie ot'l. r include a dune r ISO 'f-(lnesij;i ' h md a dime r t" i tary go ' rreif ' e I Ml Koresie r i'I-.-iwed by a h ill .ii li arranged by Ki luu Ameriean --'.s'. a big g mMein.i an of fit-' rx ;ir- , ;ate as competitor be held Friday th" A'lnijrai't f a r,i rn- i n . jfivi n hv th ! :ral .Sir 'r ' which vill 1" i aHH(-:n hly r in I .. H.r iK ij. ' Th. r.' w ill whi'-h th Air, pertfd to i trf This will tr. .I;.l mm WA8HIXOTON. Jan. Jl. Forca'd for North Carolina: Fair, continue 1 cold Monday; Tuesdaj Talr. not so cold: moderate northwest to north wind. KEPqilTKO AT GIBRALTAR I PLAN CONSERVATION CONFERENCE FEB.18 Canadian, and Meixcan Gov ernment Have Accepted President 's Invitation. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Now that tho Canadian and Moxlean govern ments hnv! both formally accepted President Itoosevelt's , invitation to send delegates to a North Artvorlitm conserviilion conference, the final ar rangements are being rapidly put into shape. The conference will be hold probably at the state department and will begin on tho morning of Tues day, February 1. From present In dications, the sessions fw111 continue about three days, although the length of the conference will depend very argely upon the desires of the visit ing delegates and the thoroughness with which they may wish to go Into various "picfttlons which will come be .ore the meeting. i 'ana la and Mexico will each send thre ilelegates. Resides these, the only others present wdll be the mem bers of tin- natloiuil eonservallon com . mission and representatives of the stale ib p.u t ment and of one or Iwo other oeeiillve departments which ileal with natural resources. ATLANTA'S WEATHER RECORDS BROKEN hnliratioiiK That Told Snap Is (icncral Througlnuit (iroria, Alah;nnatHoriht Associated Press ! ATLANTA, i ia.. .Im :' I - Mltll lie ther-io'on'-ter liitvoiiii ar'uind il'teen ileurei aln.w zero tlii, morning- re vIouh r-' .rds A'-ie bioli' ii In Atbmti. and i' I-'. us r-ieiveil lu re Indleato ibar H PI snap wan general throiruh- liei.rt'ia. Abibama. and Honda. Th" l',.M i temperature recordc I In Atlan'a a at 5 o'ebu k tills m-iru-Inc no above; at Mirmlnghar.i the , ,,!,. t a: I- - ' ii ab"V'-, at r.!-,nt-kmoi. ry Mxtei-n and at Mobile tW'-nt -three . ! .,r, hiirdlHtH l.eli. vn that uif ,,l-l -."-either -,'. ill be of inept i rnahlc hen, 'it to the pea' b i n,i In fienrgia. i, -..,ti.M :ii.(ie-iie that slrawberrle,. .!nrl -,..-, t tl !' s let .' IjI ' JI ptaeti'- il! r ., ( i r south hp tin- north- tn pan of Fb.iida. A report from '"eo- . ;,. -, J . , .-aM that I be cold there t.duy A t- ni--r- He ., re than that experi , I iinnng tlo lie..., ef t-ii year 1 i-' ' 1 . Ilii-b niinli prevailed throughout th -lay. ri;,d v-ral hundred thousands of .1.-11. us' worth or property was de Hirov'd In- tin- in ijeorwla and V. tr el... MORSE 'FEIENDS I PREPARE PETITION (By Associated Prass.) VI.U' Vii:K. Jan. 31. Announce ment was made tonight that friends ,,f Charles W. Morse, the convicted bunker, are preparing a petition to th- juiigis of the I'nlted States elr- i t court of appeals asking them to a. belt Mr. Morse to hail pending his appeal from. Judge Hough's sentence .if fifteen years in the federal prison ,t Atlanta for violations of the na tional banking laws. Mr. Morse at present In the Tombs prison here. fieth M Mllllken. once preelden: of the Mercantile National bank, and J.rfcies Taleott, commission merchant ami capitalist, are heading the movement- Others working In behalf of Mr. Morse are Charles M. Schwab, Edward J. Berwlnd and ex-Oovernor. Cobb of Maine. KINdLK FUNNKLKI) VESSEL, THE BELIEF May Be Several Days Be fore Anything Is Dis covered. (By Associated Press.) NORFOLK. Va., Jan. SI Hidden beneath the turbulent waves that roll wildly over Diamond Shoals, fourteen miles off Cape llatteras, N. C the se cret of the Identity of the mysterious steamer which went down there early yesterday probably with all hands on board, remains untold. Tho daylight of another day gave no evidence, furnished no clue to cor roborate hs testimony of those few aboard the Diamond Shoals light ship who witnessed, helpless) to aid, this latest tragedy of tho well-named grave-yard of the Atlantic." When darkness full upon the scene tonight not a single piece of wreckage had been detected either on shore or on the ocean's bosom and it may be sev eral days before anything Is discov ered. Neither the government weather station nor the local cuiumeicial wire less station recolved any uddithmal news relative to the ill-fated vessel to day. No definite news, has come to the Norfolk navy yard from the reve nue cut'or Onondaga which Is at the no of the reported disaster. The Havunnah lino steamer City of Havann'th, vhlch arrived at Havaiinah todny from New ork, brought no news that might aid In clearing up the mystery although her wireless oper ator caught the mes-iago from the light ship and was positive that the ship was described as &- single tunneled VUSSL'I. ltnltoras IU"xrt, A mesfnge tonight to The Associated Press from Keeper Btyron of the u rant Life (laving statksn at Hatterag, North Carolina, nad as follows: - "No details known In this locality of steamer Tcpnrtet foundered nosr Dia mond HhoaU light ship. No wreckage has drifted Ui here and none has been seen from the shore.' The government euhr ofllclals of the Norfolk Hind Cape Henry stations, who are In direct telegraph and tole-jThy wprf hnrrltteii ta fnd that Mm. -phono communication with practically !Tuckerman was dying of a bullet every point along the Virginia and wound, Mayor Rwm Wife Und North Carolina coast have ha. no ; ,,,. M , m th WOUBde word from any station that Indications h wmmotld . ' of a ship vreck hud Iweit discovered ... . . . " T ; a.,,1 ,n L-ote of tho fact that those '1,' , WTf aboard the light ship report that lhey,0r" tno l''y"' Wrivrt. . how the s.csnicr mk they are in-!,No rr.i were made. Oeneral .lined to doubt that a self-propelled 1 """d eKprasd himself as satlsflol vessel win. human lives alK.ard n'ally ,"1"1 ,ho h..otlng was aocldental. . - According to the statements mad Local (hipping authorities decbire i P'fl. Oeorg Bums was about that the steamer probably wan an j l,,t,,,B Cincinnati on a business .. . t.... ... ,i... trio. If., ffl.t nn( MaM a tttrm 1.1b. r aoanooneii lo reiii v, . ..... . -. .., . Th- wind which blew off shore at ; mother and the maid at home alone a v. -loelty of forty-llvo miles an hour)w"hout some mean of protection, yesterday moderated to wottie extent . ,,e therefore purchnsed a revolver nd t'lilav- Tonight a -noderate north west ' w Instructing the maid how t us wind I blowing off liu.!tera. As long an the wind reniulns In this tpiarter any wreckage or flotitWm from the ship will probably bo driven far out to -u. Tho reporting of tho Carolina St.-anifhip i'iiiiiihiiv'n Hteamer, Theo dore Weimil. whleli pileJ in t'ltpe ll-nry bouiid from i' urti'.-l'mn and i 'liarl'-Hton for Haltlinore toilny. re inovej tlo.t vesHirl from -fmsiilerat ion ih poBtiblv- bi-lng the Ill-fated fnlght- si;i,i; itn.mxi;i. HA V A y'y A 1 1, ia, Jan. :; I Tin -.OrcIeHK op. rator of the f'lty of Kavau nnh wbb h reached her dot k today slnt-s that the m-sMage from the Cap Lookout light "hlp yest'-rdav. telling of the sudd n Mtnklng of an unknown steamer h scribed her a IrttvlriK only .Hi- funnel int-ad of two as was reported- The ',tv .,r K:iv.illllii, had ev idently pas.-e.l (o South of th light -dllp before th'- Mt'-'IUICI Slllllt, but the tt-am-r miw no ve.n-l th-re answer ing the ijcei iptu.ti ol the wr. it, and "vi ,v no wrei kai- KM K M.I.. II A I'TLI' H. N f .Ian ::i No b t-iiln are known In Ibla o alltv to os sist In a:ul-!ihliiK tin Identity of I he i("amhii r, port' d t" have found-i'-'l ,-Mtcrdav near iiiainond .Shoals hJit ,lilp. .No VI, I I IK- liajv iln;t-.l ll. here and n n t-hore. he-ri ween froto thi m thi: wfkms flAI.TIMOItK, .Ian- - All f-ar that the -ti ain-r n ported from Kllza both City. N. C-. y stcrdiiv a . having foundern"! oft IHamorid Shoals tjilght (Continued on page six.) INTERSTATE LIQUOR SHIPMENT BILL OF ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Jan. :il. Repre sentative Langb-y of Kentucky will introduce Monday the Interstate li quor shipment bill prepared by the Antl-Haloon league of America tj obviate the objection of unconstitu tionality urged against the Llttle'told bill. - The objection to the Llttlefleld bill was that It made Interstate shipments of liquor subject to state law lmme- BULLET CRASHES THROUGH WINDOWS Crosses Areaway of Apart ment House and Pierces Woman's Heart. (By Associated Prsss.) CHIOAUO. Jan. 31 George Bums, - brother of Mayor Tred A. Buase, of : Chicago, tonight accidentally thnt and killed 'Mrs. L C. TuckerrrmJl, wife of a fruit dealer of Milton, N T. The bullet struck Mrs. Tuckerman in the heart, and she died almost in stantly. t ,' r. The shooting occurred In the Wat" ton apartment building, Mrs. Tuck (irman was visiting her father, Brig.- ; (leu. A. C. Otrardi retired,' who live In the Walton. Bhort!jr before ' T o'clock (leorge Husse, In his apart ment across an areaway from denarat Olrnrd's aiiartment, was demonstrat ing tho use of reviolvw to Miss Ber tha I.ambke, his' house maid, m, that ht could employ the weapon In esse burglars came. The revolver was ac cidentally discharged and the buMet went through two window and crossed the y areaway into the dlrard apartment and pierced Mrs. Tuckr- t"w,'t Mayor Dumso whs present at the shooting, and as soon as he learned of the fatal consequences informed thfl police, i In Itcdroflin. " . Mrs. Tuckerman was In a bedroom urcmuig. ,trt neit . strut; vy ins ouiiul which crashed In the area window -at her side, ah staggered Into a hall way, lleneral airsrd aed Mrs, Tuuk errnan' llye-ywtr-old son t Alfred . . rushed from sn adjoining sitting room as Uih woman rrled: , , "Hi i vs uaviv snoi. anu a m uy Ing.': - , ,, . , , , A minute afterward Mayor Puss ,and his brother floor entored th Irard apartments to see whether . the bullet had don anv damaira. It when tho trlgg"r was pulled teal dentally. ' SHOOTS WIPE AND SELF ON STREET (By Associated Press.) CIIAKLOTTIO. N. C Jan. 81, Evi dent eiirnged because she would not return with him to Atlanta, or sur render (heir seventnen-months-old child, f'Mwiirtl A, Intercepted his young wife In a street tn the fash ionable residence section of Wilming ton this iiiternoon and shot her twice, and then turning the pistol to his own head, blew out his brains. Mrs. Miser lied two hours biter at a hospital: Mlzer was d-ad before, bystanders could i"iich him. TWO DISASTROUS FIRES IN DUBLIN (By Associated Press.) IjI'I'.LIN. tin.. Jan. 31. There were two illi,iiir,.UM IIi-.k In this city last nixht, entailing it total Ioms of $75,000. Tb- vein-, ring plant of th" Mouthland Luinl-r '"ifi,.in huh destroyed In the iir.ii lire, und in the second Jack hoii'h Mt-.r-K were t.-orisumcd and ad 1'iito; property i.llghtly damaged. NEARINO PORT; RUDDER BROKEN (By Ataoclattd Press) NKW VoliK, Jan. :j.-Th tttram whlji si ,ih. of th' American line, whir h Ik n'nrlnjjf port wth h'r rudr!r r.k ii. will iiiichor off Huri'Iy ilook curly in lh itpniiinif. Kho 1b procoerl Iiik ut rrriiK ((I Mprcd, tjtecrtd hy an lmprovjff1 riuhtrr. Hately upon crossing the boundary. This was claimed by Its opponent to he attempted delegation of congr sional power, and therefore uncenstl terrltory or district Of th United the shipment of liquor to any state, territorfy or district or th - United States where such shipment could not be legally made within same. - It I designed to protect both; ' prohibition states and dry territory within, local option state . ., ' j ..m4