THE ASHBW.LLE CITIZEN lm THE WEATHER CLOUDY. Swoni Dally Average For January VOL. XXV. NO. 107. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY MOUXIXO, FKHliU AKY 4, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. FIRST ANTI-JAP BILL FAILS OF PASSAGE IN THE GENERAL Is Uncle Loosing His Nerve? WANTS SECRET SERVICE MEN HOUSE PASSES BILLS RELATIVE TO ASHEVILLE Larger Number Passed oa Third Reading of Inter est Here. ASSEMBLY OF CALIFORNIA EVERYWHERE After Debate Lasting all CLASH BETWEEN NEGROES AND President Emphatically Oji poses Restricting Field of Usefulness of Service. Day, Drew's Measure is Knocked Out. DRAMATIC PLEA MARKS DEBATE Golden Haired Girl of Three is Used By Speaker For Illustration. (By Auoclated Press.) SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Feb. 3 After a debate extending from 11 o'clock thta morning until 6 p. m. the assembly by a vote of 48 to 28 reject ed the bill drawn by A. M. Drew, barring aliens from ownership of land in California. The bill had been amended at the request of President Roosevelt and Secretary Root so that the clause applying it to Japanese only was eliminated, making the bill apply to all aliens, but the measure aroused sucn a storm of opposition that long before the debate was closed by Mr. Drew it was apparent that the measure wouH be defeated. In substance the objection to it was that it would drive at least a billion dol lars of foreign capital out of the state and might Jeopardize the pres ent friendly commercial relations with Japan. Sensational Spncvlies. The supporters of the bill contend ed that the state was being over-run by thrifty Japanese who were gradu ally gaining an impregnable position as land o-wners ai.d whose govern ment was Irving to dictate to Califor nia regarding legislation. Two sen sational speeches were made, one fur a .id one against the measure. Asscm-: blyman Grove L. Johnson, of Sacra mento, ex-congressman and author of four bills segregating Japanese in schools and residential districts and pi eventing aliens being members of lorporatlons, made an Impassioned app( al for the enactment of the Drew MM. At the climax of his speech he wall, ed backward from his seat to the tbby. rail and- seising to his arms a gdldcn haJrecTgfrt bf'fhree. held her k-i'ft and declared that he was "in faor of this as opposed to the Jap anese menace to our Institutions." Nathan O. Cole, of San F'ranclsco. who was elected with the endorse ment of the union labor party, oppos ed the Drew bill on the ground that It ivns in conflict with the state ron .'Jtution, that It was inimical to union labor, and that U was not favored 1 y the national administration, which, he 'aid, was dealing with a delicate problem and should bo supported by the people of California. Dramatic? Question. Dramatically confronting Assembly man Drew he said: "It President Tloosevelt should t'n-rw open the doors of this assembly cha.nber and, layin r hi h ni.l xrn .our shoulder, should request for rea son -f state that you withdraw this bill, .U. Mr- Drew, as a patriotic cltlzi n of he United Stales, would assent wltn. ttt a murmur." In reply Mr. 0rvw. closing his argu ment for the bii, declared that he had received a b'tte. fr m the presi dent In which the pre. Sent stated "that he was not opposed to he bill as It had been amended at his . e l"o ?i. In his opening remarks Mr Drew fild thut already there were In Cali fornia O.OO1) Japanese, most of whom line! belonped to the Japanese army, who could be mobilized at a moment' : o'lee in case of hostilities. itichard Melrose, of Anah'-im. who hid gathered statistics in opposition :o the bill declared that there were not more han 2r..'ico Japanese in Cal ifornia. He quoted from statistics compiled by the Asiatic Exclusion, I. ague to the effect that (lu re w- re jvv more than seventy-live Japanese l-roptry owners in the stab' Fit-fore adjournment tonight As-, semblymnn Johnson asked that his bills Iw tak'ii up the first thin in the morning, limiting tie: d-bate to Ihirtv mini tea on each fide. This wa-s: granted by the house. TAFT FINISHES CANAL INSPECTION (By Associated Press") CL-LEBKA, Feb. 3. President-elect had niu- It If t -d hlS i IIS !l ' t l"n of the entire line of the canal, havinvl traversed the Pacific channel today. ir.! himself as greatly Krat-I Ifled at the result of the labors of the engineers. Tomorrow he will view the entire Culebra cut from the Empire hills. AGREE UPON OFFICIAL STANDARD FOk NINE GRADES OF COTTON (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture. Is Sitting on the lid" In connection with the recommendations of the commit tee of expert cotton classifiers desig nated by him to fix an ornclar stand ard for the various grades of cotton. After a three day s session the com- ... i .aihi us work ana mam tu.iu.. submitted Oialr report to Secretary .. " ,.. . V. M.n. WHITES FEARED Orators are Inflaming Pitts burg Negroes to Resist Arrest. MEN AND WOMEN CARRY WEAPONS Every Effort By Police to Check Carnival of Crime Against White Girls. (Bv Associated Press.) PITTSHURG, Feb. 8. In splt"J of many threats of armod resistance upon the parts of negroes If the po lice continue their wholesale arrests of members of their race.wltnout em ployment In the Ilerron Hill district of the city, no outbreak of any kind has occurred up to late tonight. Fol lowing the arrest last night of 126 negroes and the release today of nil but 41, the police force in the dis trict has been doubled tonight and every patrolman has orders to arrest eviery suspicious negro. During the afternoon three were taken to police stations and It Is an ticipated that tonight many others will be arrested. No further attack upon women or girls has been reported since last night and should one occur, the tam per of the citizens is such that vlo lence very probably would be meted out to tho assailant If caught. Men ami Women Armed. Men and women throughout the section involved are carrying rcvol vers and the negroes are said to be well armed also. Should a clash con as la considered not at all Improba ble If more arrests are made, the re utiTronld be serious. Local orators are Inflaming the negroes to resis tance and the feeling Is high. The police, however, 'seem to have tho sit uation well In hand and prohnbly will not make furffler indiscriminate ar rests. Of the negroes arrested Inst nighl thirty-nine were fined, most going to the work house, and two. Mack Mo Gee and Edward Armstead. were h '!d over for further evidence, having been partly lcntWcdas perpetrators of one of the attacks on girls. DINNER GIVEN ADMIRAL SPERRY By Rear-Admiral Sir James E, Goodrich, Admiral Su perintendent of Gibraltar. (By Associated Press.) GUJliAl.TAK. l-Vb. :; - Kear-Ad miral E. Goodin-h. admiral su perintendent at ;!hraltar. and Iudy Goodrich gave a dinner t'-on" of eigh teen covers at the admirality houst In honor of 'ltenr-Admiral Charles 8. ssperry, commander of the American fleet. Among tho other guests were Sir Frederick Milner and Admiral Kit-he r. The fraternizing among the officers of the warships of four coiintri's crowded In the has In is now In full swing. Except for the Ohio, Missouri and Kentucky, which are eoaling by the aid of searchlights, every ship In the harbor tonlghl in entertaining brother officers aboard. Tin- American fleet will sail from l,i re on Saturday morning, following the thlry-(irtli parallel rout. , and will form a junction with the third squad ron about logitude west. Kear Admlral Sperry will Is.ard and inspect all tli- ships on their way home. Since the arrival of the warships a,t Gibraltar nostalgia. In its most violent form has taken complete possession of the officers and men. The one de sire now seems to be to get home at the earliest possible moment- mittee were a "state secret." they could not be more carefully guarded The secretary will not discuss the nature of the committee's conclusions until he has carefully reviewed th jm. Meantime officials of the agricultural department have pledged themselvej to secrecy. It was learned, however, that the committee unanimouaiy agreed upon an official standard for .kA nln. different of cotton. In called for by congress. DOCTOR TELLS OF MRS. JONES' DEATH Caused by Poison, He De clares. Saw Bottle Contain ing Strychnine in Room. (By Associated Prtss.) UNION, H. C, Feb. 3. -The trial of W. T. Jones, a prominent and wealthy planter of this county, charged with poisoning his wife last July, began in earnest this afternoon. Attorney George Johnston, of the defendant's counsel, moved to quash the indictment because It was Indef initely as to the kind of poison alleg- ud to have been used and because of the character of the bruises on Mrs. Jones' dead body were not described. The motion was over-ruled by Judge Memmenger. Dr. Jeter, the Jones family physi cian, was the first witness. He told how he had been hurriedly summoned by Jones and found Mrs. Jones In convulsions, brokenly repeating the Lord's prayer and asking for for- glvenness for her sins. She died in llfteen minutes. His opinion was that leath was caused by strychnine pbls inlng. He said hu saw a bottle in the room containing strychnine. Jones teemed unaffected, fie said, when told that his wife was dead. REFEREE BOARD IS ATTACKED ppointed to Assist in En forcement of Pure Food and Drug Act (By Associsted Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 3.- As an oul- ome of the Investigation by the com mittee or agiculture of the creation and work of the referee board np oolnted tu assist the secretary of ag riculture the enforcement of tho pure food ana drug act, Representa tive Lever of South Carolina today made a severe attack on the bard, on tho floor of the house. He de.iouncol the appointment of the board as with out authority of law, as "bad Judg ment," and as an unnecessary in'.'-r-ference with the work of tho burenu f chemistry of the department of ag riculture. He said that in the Interest f unadulterated food and droits con gress should prohibit the use of ap propriations for maintaining the board "The quetlo,i. r," said Mr. Livtr. 'shall congress stand for any such action on the part of tho executive branch of the government and svall we permit the amasculation of the pure f'Hol law through the devi ius workings and windings of commissi ins and boards whi. h have been app -inl- d In the face of the law?" Declaring that the Innocent custo mers of the country bad found In Or. Wiley a benefactor, Mr. Lever said It was the dishonest manufacturer who did not like him, "such as those who sent thousands of brave soKlieri in Cuba to their deaths with emba'n.ed beef, those who sold you cat-sup made from the peelings of rotten tomat'ies, those who had Jeopardized the lives of children and Invalids." It was this class that whined out when the manacles of the la-v began to tighten around them. It was In answer to their call that scientific boards were created." BRIDGE BURNS IN FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTE VIIXE. "x. C, Feb. S. Fire today destroyed the nuuwive wooden bridge which spans the Cape Fe&r rtvt?r in thi scity. This bridge on finally cost $45,600 and was insur ed for ELEVEN JURORS BOX IN COOPER TRIAL 'Two New Jurors Yesterday. Fifth Venire Ordered in Court Monday. II E ARINtr AO A INST JUROR RESUMED Whitworth Accused of Hav ing Said That Defendants Should Killed. NAHHVILLK Tenn., Feb. 3. After securing two new Jurors, making eleven now In the box. the trial of Col. Duncan M. Cooper. Itoblii J. Cooper and John l. Sharp wan ab ruptly Interrupted today because or a lack of veniremen. A fifth venire of 500 men was ordered In the emirt on Monday at which time an elfort .vlll be resumed to complete the Jury. The hearing of tie charges against Juior Whitworth. ai used of' having preju dice, whs taK. ii up but not eomplet-j I It will be resumed In the morning. A few lulu ites after the court opened J. A. Woodruff, the tenth man examined wh" selected us juror No. 10. Woodruff defense, lie the state th about the ( ; mack hart I was a friend n not examined by the stilled on ouestlons by ho had read nothing rind merely, knew t'ar ri killed. He said I... I" John Sharp but would consider on!-, the dence. law and Hie evi- Jacob 1-'. I: i gcr, another talisman. ountry from S.vit7.'-r-1 n years old. Me has ' ralized but his f.ith'-r ipltated a illipute as to take out paper came to th1 land w hen . ' never la-en i, had. This ,. to whether I,- Scud For Code, Tilt' ;t M 'ii both sMf-H 'JlHpia '"i1 1 nrft of th'- nalnrali.i- i il to n 1 1 out for he! rtnlo. 1 1 not oppos' 1 ti i a,ital ! i. mnn w.'inti-ii It. i y both sides a Jurur j r fifty whs ' -xhansti-il 1 I another nrf inf,'t up; wan oxhaiif f"d h. fi.r.; iton and nn ot h r it i irf WfTf Triads, rty talisriK'n uf ili-s nd tho p..!H r' (tiir-d MC. Hi ni " th" fit i h ' nam oh i ,i 'rd- i I t lU U a. in Mond;t .'. nt f08jhl- to pl TK oi' I the ox.irninHlion of rs, thfi ran nf .1 tir-r , 'nr thf r f' iii" n' ''h d for djnh". w.ih tal-ori aftor lufu hffin innounnvl th; h'- i -' havo M r. litt .vo t n ' the rhart'f"'. Th" -' hut tho fnurt wa- m W. Mitoholl waH ro-: ! to rcpr-at hN '-hnc "i, after tiio i 'arfiia-'K ! trkffmtth Hh"p h.i'i do-' ry damnfil ono f,r tho, ild havo boon hariKod."' piinishm' nt was :( U i So. 11. Tho p;n ! before ri"'.n f of 4 f Lilt--. reHa f r 1 1 ' ditif.riH tn IK Th ik I' M ' frmrt h mi : ' forty-H' a v iiir-- .f (Jr;iwn t- i : Am it w furtht-r . ' prfiK ' I i; W hit H'ori h to hn f r- if Imm' 'Ini' J'Hilff K.. .He-'V'-d it tn Tt f-nt lii l Hit rit ;i n - T f;ill"l nn-l 1 Hint Whit KiHini'. in rlart-d tht (Jcfeno'an ta WASHINGTON, Feb- J Forecast: North Carolina Partly cloudy Thurs tay and Friday; light winds mostly sol-tb went. NOW IN CAPTAIN ON TRIAL FOR DRUNKENESS All Evidence in Court Mar tial of Cajit. Qualtrough Taken Yesterday. (By Associsted Press.) GIHHALTAH. Keb. 3. All the evi dence In the court martial of Captain Edward V. Qualtrough, of the battle ship Georgia, on charge preferred by Itcar-Adnilral W'ainwrlght that he was, under the Infltunce of Intoxicants at a reception given at Tangier by the American minister, Butmiel II Gumniere, was presented today. The hearing In the case was held on thi battleship Louisiana and a number of witnesses testified that Captain Qual trough yma Intoxicated and unfit tot duty. The accused offloer made lengthy statement to ths effect that he was sick and suffermir greatly from fatigue, and that he had only taken one glass of sherry and nothing afterwards- Ho had smoked a strong cigar. Tile defense Introduced as evidence the record of Captain Qualtrough' thirty-eight years service and two flat tering letters of reromendatlon re ceived by him during the present .cruise. Tim pleadings will be made tomor row. Captain Qunllrough will lomaln aboard the Georgia under arrest. I As Captain Qualtrnugb was present j at Mr. Gummere's reception officially. the specifications charge him wllb . "ilrunkenhes on duly." The penalty Is anything up to dis missal from the navy. Jiear-Artmlral Walnwrlght said Cap 1 tain Qualtrough was smoking at the entrance to the hall room and he ' touched him on the shoulder and re. minded him that there was a smoking ' room adjoining. Captain Nicholson, who went 'ashore ulth Qualtrough. testified that i tin- latter had complained of reeling ' w ry roi ky " Lieut. Kmll I". Hvari, off lc i' of tie- deed when Captain iQualtroiiKh returned to his ship, tesll 11..) that he saw nothing unusuul In the captain's condition- SUBSTITUTE FOR CHILD LABOR BILL CouiinittiT mi Mamifaff urns Will li'opoH I'lifuvorahly Hiiis.liilc liill. (Spe.-lul lit 'Hie lllll.) l!,M,l-:ii;il, Fh After an im nuiteil ami lengthy hearing, the hoiin, .oiNiiiiti. e on mimof.-o lureB anO iah.ii vol'-.j to report nnliivoriihly the IIiph . I ihihl hibor hill ,irul dw-Mc-tl to n-port f-. ornbly a substitute olfored l the tnill men In tie shiip- of an am. ii'lni' nt to the prew nt law em powering the labor orn in iseloin r, up on lompliilnt of i. .oh of the lw. to ihref-t the Hheriff of the county eon-ci-n.i -i lo ni.-ike an InveMtlgalion .'ind hav. any guilty parties Indicted and providing for seml-aiinuul sworn reports to the labor i om mlMsloner by th.- mill. U. S. DESERTER IS ARRESTED (By Associsted Press.) FltKDKKH'KSHI'KO, Va.. Keb. 6. Mathew W. i.Hip, a des-rter from the I'. H. K. Tiicoma. Hampton Itoads, Au gust 11107, to iniirry Miss Lynch, 'Norfolk. "The couple went to Wash ington, and lived there until January lit lat. whin Mrs. Doss committed (suicide by drinking carbolic acid. Af , ter her death Doss, it Is alleged, went I on a spree, came here and today gave j himself up. He soys he desires to re turn to his home In Nashville. Doss will be taken to the Norfolk nary yard. HIS STATEMENT MADE PUBLIC Called Forth by "Mislead ing Statements Appear ing in Some Papers." 'v Assoclattd Press.) WASHINGTON. Keb. J torturing that "If the government la to act with full efficiency against criminals, It must have some force of secret service agent who ran act against criminals anywhere," president lioosevnlt In a statement made public from the white house tonight emphatically reiterated his opposition to restricting tho field of usefulness of the secret service, "The .position of the administration Is," said (he president, "that It Is against sound public policy to dlscrlm Inate In favor of criminal by discrim inating against tha use of the secret service to detect and punish them." Tha statement was railed forth by misleading statement appearing , In some of the afternoon paper" to tho effect that tho work of tho eret service has not been hampered and thut the Investigation of case outside the detection of counterfeiter and the protection of the president hna not been circumscribed by restrictive) leg islation at the last aesslon of congress. Statement. The statement I In part a follow! "At no tlmo has the president or amy administrative officer claimed that th restrictive legislation of th last ses sion affected tha secret service divis ion of the treasury department In the matter of uppresslng counterfeiting r protecting the president. A a matter of foot, the limitation did not apply In the slightest degree to the normal function of that service, nod ihe claim that th secret servlc via not hampered In looking after coun terfeiters I admitted but th assertion that tha .restriction aa harm lea to he government' interest is not cor rect : ., . :.:, a v v' ;.-.' "The effect of the- limitation was materially to circumscribe the field of usefulness In which the trained gnt .f the secret service had hlthrto been idvantagcoiisly employed. Under the limitation it became. Impossible to use iheso Investigator In the class of ases in which they have been con sciously successful for many year. eto, of h r...i riet i va lav. slallon Is such fliat any person whjtlll, prohibiting th sale of quail and; va employed In or under the e-ret j mountain pheasant In North Caro. .ervlce division during 1 OOt for even for two W,Ub,n...m"Br: I .o shirt a period a an hour becmne ,jy Henator Peele. "'" llmiuallfled for promotion or employ ment In any branch of the government erwlre where either his compensa tion or expense would be payable from, any appropriation In the nun Iry civil act" SENATE CONSIDERS CRUM'S POSITION Dcbatr Ths(h Four Hours ami RcHi'iiibloK OM-Tinn.' Minstn, it is .Said. -Nearly V.',HIII.i; TON, Fell four I oiir v'ere devoted by Ihe Hemite In vecutle se-.Hl.iti today to eonsl'ler nth.n of the re-uppolnlment of Wil liam Ii. from an limpector of eiiHtoms nt Charleston, H i'. f 'onflrmntlon In opposod my Henator Tillman, ulle by his demo, rath- .olleaguen The republican iM-mitoiM Hre united In favor of i ..ntlrrnlng from, in order that Mr Taft mnv l r. Ileved of the neci-sHltv of vinditig u nomination to (he senate whleli had I.e. n opposed by the pres. ut .idiuinjMratl'.n The debate in th.- wnlite lo.lav. II' eordmg to the reports which h-uk.d out afterward, n .emhled an old time minstrelsy. ft. nators Tlllrtrtin, MeUiurln, Money and Johnston told negro dial. . t i.torh and kept the senate In laiiKht' r throughout Ihe proeeedlllKS. NotliinK hill III' I.eKt of numor waji dlnplaye.1 Henaior Till mall lecounte.I a number of inei. tents with bin various eonlroverH les with rrewdent Hoosevidt. ROOSEVELVS REFUSAL TO SUBMIT PAPERS DISCUSSED BY TELLER (By Associate Press.) WASHINGTON. Feb. ). Henatgr, Teller spoke In the senate today on the Bacon resolution declaring that all public documents In the executive de partments ar.i subj'ct to the inspec tion of congress. . . Mr. Teller declared the refusal of President Cleveland to send Informa tion to the senate wa not compar able to the refusal of the present pres ident to respond to such a call. In tho Cleveland case. In KID, ha said. It waa desired to obtain facta relating to reason for th dismissal ot a pub lic official, Mr. Cleveland maintain INSURANCE ASS'N IS DECLARED A "TRUST". Mr. Underwood "Would Oust Southeastern Tariff As sociation. (t'iMll to Tim Cltisea.) It A LEIGH, Feb. . Rebrssentatlva Gaston of Huncomoe Introduced a bill in the nouse to prohibit publlo drunk en hens In Hunoumbe county and ana to appoint Justice of th peaca tor that county. w. A number of. bill Dertalnln to Anhovllle and that auction paaaed tha house. They follow! To approprtat certain monle now. In tha hand ot a. w. swan, former manager of tha Madison county dispensary to tab. llsh a road In Madison county; aenat -bill; Amend charter of th Maaonlo Temple association of Charlott. go It can borrow money to srect new Ma sonic temple; Aid In the development - of the city of Ashevllla, allowing from oHB-rortleth to one-tenth of, en per cent tax on the city' assessable prop- y erty to be set aside for advertising tha city; Allow Ashevllla to purchase the Auditorium -property; Amend charter of the city of AihevlUo as to tret . Improvements; Amend charter of tha - Western Carolina Power and Trans portation company j Incorporate Car- ' ollna-Tennessee Power company; Ap point Justice of the peace In Mont gomery county; Incorporate Ashe- vUle and East Tennessee railroad, a Ixty-mlle branch of th C. C. and Ot - from" Huntdale In Yancey county to Ashevllle. .' - " , ' Association "Trt.M ' " Kepreaentatlve Underwood of Cum berland Introduced ' a notable - bill, which diwlares the Southeastern Tariff association of r Insurance compa nies sn. uniawiui - cumufnnuoR . aiiu - ,i trunt and fnrblda It In da business: In this statu because It regulate risks - ana ".rates or premium, ni nr insur ance. It prohibit from doing business tn the tU any company belonging to or cpiiiieutod-wlttt the association or any other iimo unto it, out exempt home or state ciompehle, Violation la made punlshabl by (lb of from on hundred to five thousand dollar, or Imprisonment In the discretion of the court. l)y reuuest of Mr. Underwood, It went to the committee on Insurano. Not without a Ibn debate, tha en. ate passed finally the Kmplft sTttma KllllUS Iiy IlUlliei" W iniwn viiu. "V.. a single day. The senate also passed the late drainage bill for th reclaiming ot swamp and overflowed lands. No op position manifested Itself. There was om discussion nt iBv ator (lay's bill to punish public drtink ; nn e in the state, but it wa deemed necessary, In view of the prohibition law, and was voted down. : I loth t'lalm Hnat. The contest Ix-tween IteprMontatlv Williams and D. M. Htrlngtleld for tha seat In the house from Dars county ' seems destined to be' aired on tha floor, for the republican on tha com- , mitten on privilege and election made u mliiorily report, declaring for 41 r. Hirlnglleld. The matter wa (fit . as a speeiul order for Thursday of next week. The purty light over the fuestlon of cleeilng rounly boards of education by I lie people was put off from to morrow until next weonesiisy. Senator I'luirr and Representative fox of Wake both Introduced a bill looking to an forestry bu reau for the slate, with several as sistant forester lo travel over tha state and look out for work to be done to pres. rvn and perpetuate the for.KlM. An appropriation f live thousand dollars Im asked. A new bill l.y Mr. Pond In tho house restores to th" heads of statu ItiHiliutloiix the nominating power In e, . iIiik employes, taken from them two wars u go, prevents the employ ment of r lathes of superintendent or directors. Probably in the llglit of tho fact that so many rounll.-s have been withdrawn from the general fish bill In the hands of the committee for th reason that Ih.-lr people did not want to pay the tax on the nets to keep up th. state tish commission. Itepresen- (Contlnusd on psg six.) ing that such papers were not public - property and that they wera in ni , possession for hi personal Inform- ,v tion. . .. -' "There may ha case wher tha senate and hnus may call for lnfor . -matlun that the executive thought ha -would lie Justified" In' "with 'hording.' said Mr. Teller. "Thea are tha ex ceptions. The nil may d wen ted to be that tha president or head , of a department should give to tha .': senate Information called for unles ; It can be made exceptional and takaa out of tha ordinary. v , ; .Wilson. it in nnumga