THE ASHEWLLE CITIZEN m THE WEATHER FAIR Sworn Dally Average For January VOL. XXV. NO. 108. A8JIEVILLK, N. (, FRIDAY MOUXTXCJ, VVAiliV AMY 190f). VUU1-) KITE nKNTS. BU F0KCJYG JAPANESE TO ATTEND SEPARATE PUBLIC Is it Coming to This? WHITWORTH IS KITGHIN SENDS EXCUSED FROM j A MESSAGE TO COOPER JURY LEGISLATURE SCHOOLS PASSES ASSEMBLY flrove L. .Johnson's Two Other Anti-Alien Bills are Defeated. DREW WANTED HIS ' BILL RECONSIDERED Most Offensive Bill of all Passed, Says President Roosevelt. (By Associatec1 Press.) SACRAMENTO, Feb. 4 With Ihc defeat in the lower house today of two of the anti-Japanese measures fol lowed by the unexpected passage of n third bill segregating Japanese school children In separate schools, iilon:; with Chinese, Koreans ntiil other Asi atics, President Koosevelt again has token a hand in the anti-Japanese legislation that for the last week has drawn International attention to Cali fornia. Hardly had the bill been passed by the assembly before gov ernor Glllett receiwd the following telegram from the president: "Washington. Feb. 4. 130!. "J. N. liillett. C.overnor of Califronia "Your kind letter Just received What Is the rumor that the California legislature has passed a bill exclud lng the Japanese children from the public schools This is the most of fenRlve hill of all. and. in my judg ment, is ( learly unconstitutional and we should . one hive to test it in tha r.-..;,-ts. Can it be stopped in the legislature or by veto? (Signed) "Theodore Roosevelt " The governor at once, sent a replv, the nature of which he decline at this time to make public, and he re quested from the president an Imme diate answer. ' The bill passed places the Japanese In the same classification with other Asiatics and Inserts the word "Japan ese" In the present state statute pro viding for the segregation in separate schools of "Mongolian" children. . . By, this action tha lower nous nf the California legislature has tafteti the step which the board of educa tion of San Francisco Intended to take two years ago. which was aban doned after the board and former Jlaynr Eugene K. Schmltz were called to WashinKton ami had several con ferences with President Roosevelt. Vote 48 to 28. drove I,. Johnson's hill cnmpclltns Japanese to Sttend separate public schools passed the assembly today by a vote of 48 to 26. Mr. Johnson's other bills prohibit ing aliens from being members d' boards of directors and n-strictin"; thrni In residence districts at t in- op tion of boards of supervisors wi re de feated, the forme r by a vote or :,t to K. The latter measure faded of passage because of a tie vote. tbc friends of the bill being unable to muster the required 4 1 votes Roll i all anally stood 37 to 7 . aft' r a all of the house anil several changes Hot'i aye t no and vice rsa The prllli ipal debate was upon in residential segregation bill, many who voted against the land and corpora tion measures agreed that they fa vored the segregation of undesirable aliens because that was effective ant I-Japanese legislation. Shortly after the disposal of tbc Johnson bills. -Mr. Drew moved that the vote by which his land hill was defeat el yesterday be reconsldere 1. He offered to amend the measure bv striking out a section which.' It ha 1 been declared, violated the tn-a'y lights of several nations. He de clared that as the school bill had lust been passed and that was th- one against which the president obic t" I most strenuously two yrars aeo. tlv assembly should go a step further nnd pass the land bill also. The motion was lost, the vote being Sfi ayes and noes. This showed a gain of ten votes for the opponent of the bill. filFFKN RKSf)MTIOX. TARSOM. Nev , Feb. 4. The CJiftVn nnti-Japanese resolution, shorn of ts reference to rresident Hooseveli. came up in the senate today and was referred to the Judiciary committee. It is said this committee, of which Senator Boyd is chairman, will smoth er it, in accordance with the wishes of Cnded States Senators Nixon and Nevvlands. COMMITTEE OF EXPERT COTTON CLASSIFIERS MAKES REPORT (By Associated Preii.) i WASHIXr.ToN. Feb. 4. Ri-i-om-mendlng that the standard of differ ent grades of cotton as fixed by the-n he adopted as the official classifica tion of the government, the commit tee of expert cotton classiliers desig nated by the secretary of agriculture to assist him in establishing such a standard, have made their report to the latter. The committee has made up types representative of the nine different grades to be tire designated middling fair, strict good mid.llin;. good middling, strict middling, mid dling strict low middling, low mhl- dtlnt. strict good ordinary and good port nf the committee under advlso ordlnary to be the official standard. ment. ,,-Ls.J BELIEVE THAT SAVINGS BANK BILL WILL FAIL Republican Platform Prom ise Now Bids Fair to Be Forgotten. TO BE BURIED IN COMMITTEE Argued That Postal Savings Bank System Would Hurt Industrial Interests. IIY TV. (Special correspondent UASHiMiitlX. Feb. 4. "Don't allow the postal savings bank bill to come before the boose. it vicious measure and must die is a In committee." The money power the. Country has sounded lit dein I. noli for the o- till bav, so far as the sixth-it. c ingress is concerned. No one knows from exactly what Individual the quoti-d command came, but it ar rived just the same, and It Is to be obeyed. The bill will In- discussed in the senate, as heretofore explained, but when it comes to the house it will go to the committee and die here. That fate has been arranged for It should it pas sthe senate this session. The fact that the republican plat form promised a postal bank as a substitute, for the guarantea of say Uuja -deposits, attppeavr , to. mak .nt difference to the big 'bankers and re publican leaders. The platform was a mere temporary arrangement be tween friends- Strong Opposition. As excuses for the desertion of the postal bunk attention is being directed tc strong opposition Despite the fart nearly every first-class nation lias a postal saving system. it Is being argued a government savings bank system vvutiM "revolutionize and overthrow the business and industrial intorcst. of the country. " This (s one of the assertions made b.v A. K. Rice, prestrrent of the Ohio Cankers' Association, who has sent a b ng discussion on the each number of congres "The senatorial sponsor ji i t recently assert.-, ." s.n "that tin re was a greiil ov erpowi l ing demand for mental savings liank-tlei ubj. t to .f the pro ' Mi I (ice uuiv ersal, a govern- I high of- lii ials had urged it. that tin- political parlies hajl declared for it. and thai I tile people, by their oii in NoVenl- j b. r. bad commanded it. Now. as a mere matter of fa. t. this savings bank quest i. in has never lieen an issue be fore the people. 1 'onseqliellt I V. tile)' have ie ver had an opportunity to pass any sort of judgment thereon True, the political parte s through the instrumentality of a f'-w nver-z-aloiis friends, were persuaded to give endorsement to th- measure. All this. then, has been ingeniously dls tcrted into a positive command of Un people for tlu- congress to Inaugurate a gov . mment savings bank. "To those whose station and ex perience give exceptional advantages lor observation and forecast, th.. gov irnrrierit .savinit-; bank project mean disaster to the business and Indus U in; int. r- ts of ibis i nunlrv ' It is easily possible f..r lo be c. me, so Infatuate. I with a pi t the ory as to his.. Mij;ht of th.- adverse conditions that surround him. "Smb. it would seem, is the plight "four worthy postmaster general, for in the intensity of his enthusiasm foi a government savings bank system be seeks, without Intention, to revolu tionize and overthrow the business and industrial interests of this coun try. The adoption of hM plans would Inimr-diat-ly precipitate a con Iliet between the federal and state governments, each with its lawful Icng-establislii d institutions " Th-- recommendation is made that in view of the confusion that might aria; in case the Htandards were promulgated at once, they should not go into etTeet until tVptember.l, 1910 It also Is recommended that efforts should1 he made to secure the co-on-eration of foreign exchanges in con nection with the standards The fu -ther recommendation is made that congress enact legislation penalizing any one tampering with the standards, which are to be kept locked up at the department of agriculture. Secretary Wilson still has the re- to win nti NO TO Wf 0. that i$ rne 1 wtftrrfM if i J I mrrrx to f , . . s a i NT nl"r rw . ... ,lrSL TffASt as MWr SI 0I- sseif I .tl V TV f i s News Item It is reported that a b(ll will be introdu tax bachelors. j OVERLOOK ELECTRIC RAILWAY AND "SUNSET PARK" TO OPEN FOR SUMMER Big Amusement Enterprise And Other Tourist Features of Incalculable Benefit to This City Are Now Being Organized Metropolitan form of Entertainment is Assured The Overlook park trolley line an the beautiful park itself will be oper ated this summer. The railway line from the .Golf club to the purk, with the car barns and all the railway equipment, have been purchased by the real estate firm of LaBarbe, Moale & Chiles. There will be an ftxtenstve fleyeloiiraMtn mi nt of many acres of land adjoining" the park and lots will be sold for summer homes, which an excellent railway schedule will render very ac cessible to the city. Th definite announcement of this plan of so great Importance to Ashe ville v. lit be heard with universal pleasure, overlook park ranked net to Hiltmore estate as the city's chief attraction. The trolley lin-, winding along the mountain, side, througit natural forests, with a. rock ballasted roadbed, heavy steel rails and excellent equipment, was In truth one of the scenic roads of the coun try, affording views which varied each few feet of mountain and idaln and tin- city, and its terminus, live---I look park, vvith its lawns and admirable beauty spot. from it tower Ihere stretched distant and nearby w lib-spreading ' asino. was Hi and the loftv ( l panorama ot mountains. a SENSATION IN S. C. MURDER TRIAL Witnesses Swear to Sccini Bruises on Mrs. Jones, lti-j flicted hv Husband. j (By Associated Press.) I'MOV s. i ' . Feb. 4 Inter -st In creases in the sensational Jones mur der case now on trial here. .Iii'lce Memminger today ru!ei that any evi- lenee as to threats by Jones on th" life of bis wife and evidence as to their relationship since their occu pancy of their new home began thr years ajo would be allowed. This is regarded as an Inning for the pros cution, ano. much very sensational tes timony probably will be brouuht out soon. Mrs Whitlnck swore to seeing 1111 merous bruises and scars Q31 her sjs ter. Jones' wife, during lif- time, and how during a islt to her sister shortly before the alleged mur- der she heard Jones and his w i'e cursing in the roo:n which Jones an I his wife occupied, and a sound as if some one bad been knocked own. Witness asked Jones to be good to li' i- ulster, and she referred to an incirl. nt when he had taken bis wife from 1 school exhibition and on the wav home had beaten her with bottles !). said he would rule his own house. .'. negro testified that Jones Invited hi .1 to dine ulth him, and Mrs. Joins waited on the table. The rle-rro o'. - jected. but Jones told him It was -i'rSeaw-11. 1 right. -North cai-o .Numerous witnesses testified to va- No finl-' Hons Instances of Jones' aileg-- 1 In the Sea.v brutal treatment of his wife, and dif ferent persons had seen many bruls j and scars on her body, alleged to have been the result of his Wows. One. witness testified that he hail ,-8n Jones drag his wife by the hair from the house and whip her. The state may close Its case tomor- I row afternoon. Ts. f libirdseye vlewof Asheville. s.nd, 2.900 feet above th sea level, its ever cool atmosphere -iiul beautiful walks through the m oods mude if the Mecca for every A'b-'Vllle visitor. When the rails were- taken up some yeara ftfo the people of Asheville felt that they bad suffered a severe blew, (end Transit compsny was hailed with Joy. The subsequqi'iit failure of the napid Transit company and the cessation of operations l-roufht correspondl! g gloom. The new u .wifrs an achieving successes 'n Hons, and, li iving miuli plans before acting, tin in n noted for their opera sure of the.r an- now in a position t of the l-ailv .. it can be st., excellent - h the park v ' tive than i - Insure (lie leopenttloM . and the pal k. In fact !.,l that not only will an -dub- be nioiiilained. but I be made mole attri -r. Entertainments- will l the casino and li-'go'la v on for ili-s- The lant will be opened als i. iv consists s,.erat ilolf club stata.n and a In tile pal I ami .ve ugh the sal- -! lb'' Han opertieS In "I'lC recent K- ' uitil me. I t be be a ft i Hons cash lo The r.le.l i r - i ll-sl.c pi acres at tie large a- t'-.ic acquired tin id Transit i court, win i APPOINTMENT OF SEAWELL IS BEING HELD UP IVndiii"; Invest ii.n Cliai't,"- 'hich llac 1 1 ' li File. OTIIKI.'r- I Atfainsl Mini. ...a ... -ARE ALSO p.'"' KEPT ON 1,'ACK i..i '-.' o Eviili lice H;is Vet lil'Cll Siil in t ted in C M r. Sea we lE Associated Press 1 TON, I'l. 1 A.--m! I'n.te.l m pointim nf the s.iiat-- being h- : 1 kinds and ing Invest th s-' In addui Handli'.. Alabama, senate -e have he. r against 1; 'distri - t "f c distrli t j elt- lllch have t,. . Preshbnt I!" .p on (barges .ree of the . as s.,, ted by sub ornmitte.. io the asc the norttu .a h has b. uree years. .Ill II. .I.S .,, I.ef. I1IV 'Mt I Ill -tarted on ha r al A. OunniiMui. Masks, and Herb' rt the east- rn di-tri 1 na. e has yet be-n case. ODD FKI.I-OWS TKMI'bK IKHUII l CHATHAM, Ont.. Feb. 4. The udd Fellows t- mple her- was robh- d of costly Jew. is and ornaments lust night. What has caused the rti'Mt consterna tion, however, was the discovery that copies of the secret work of th ord- r i.v thievoa. mas taken by thieves. ced in the state legislature to bid made by Mr. How land on behalf of himself and Interests. lie nt - quires the line from the flolf club to New Bridge, where connection will li made with the now Wea,vervllle trol ley road, whose cars will come Into the city vlft,tla Howland purcttose lis sss4 4)m rriinnvwu 41ns-of the Asheville Klectrlc company. jh llaibe, MohIi- K- t'hlles acquired the remainder of the property stated It is stated that a large ucnage ,-uljolning the park will be developed through the agent y of these gentlemen and will be subdivided Into lots which will be very attractive. Maoliallau 0x-r illimilv. It v. ill also lie intensely giailfyliiu to the people to learn Unit Messrs LaBarbe. Monle K ' biles are now In ncuotiution with the Manhattan Opera . . -1 ii oi n s to sccni " their engagement at Hi" I'loutm lor several weeks In line lie summer The Manhattan com pan', is Hint whl' ll presented (quiaf at the 'i" l:i house for 11 Week 1' . entlv mid so dellKhted the , It v Hull the house W.IS filled CUcl III K 1. 1 1111 I would have hen Idled for another sli nights il' il liuil I.e. n poMMihie lor th c II 1 1 I 0 I 1 1 t" I elllU ill. :V0UNG LAWYERS ARELICENSEO llll't HUH ..I' Class I'itss I ,'xaminal i" itiiip'oiiiiic. 1 roin (Si In I lo 'I be Clllcn ) It A I.I :H ; II. I eh. t.- Th- Mir.n-m. el f I a III to 1 s t IlirtV - lone Mac ' li . ! ,1 1 jil e 1 I. ' 1 I 'l I I" '-IIS'- to U act i CI A ..ill o I he 'lus of toll - Iglll It-Ill Hi Molida : of N. -.v of linilfoiu Wake. It 1 1 l.ioblin I.. York Tim. r,l I '1 11 e- 1 rha 111. - I 1 . r.i II Hi I - He .1 Ohll ' It no . .1 I !- hi s. . V.' ou I. Mavi s - I Hut b "on ot Htanl., , I- . -.1' Hum . Itob-. U iri.-n, Hindis I.' ol.i. Tho,. 1-;. .e. n. Jo--, ph iv John 1III11111 A. 'lark o; I'-r ' M : I It Imp l!,... .loin, 1; Mills "i Wake, Man itaniliil! o' Halifax ''vius ' o! Cuilloid. Waller II Orimes .. Itoh.rt V llouell ,,f ,r,n' : I'f-i u . liofio r. Jano-s I.. Morehead of llur bau. Jam-s T. Morehead. Jr. of Oi.iKor.l. .Ino . Tool-,- of Meaufori Walor It Johnson of Forsvth. W.-il-1.1 I-, H-. rd of Harnett. Marshall C Slat. .n ' l-alge. ornbe. Albert 1". Bur I;. .,r W..k. T A. Williams of Wake James II Oi'.vcr of Oranville. I'oitei lloftiam of i ..I inihiis. I.lovd T. K -.lirt of M- . k a-nburg. Albert H. ;uer i,rd "I I'.uic ombe, Itofiert M. Mulli km ..' Cine ombe. James K. Hector of Hni,. "lull", lit re st Steele of Alison l.a.vreme a Thomllnson of Durham. Kirbv Hi'lbiirv of inslow. Samuel T Staneill or Noi tharnpton. Ja V -lieesborough f Huncombe I'IKIIKHIKS WTHOVf3lKT. WAHIIINOTON. Feb. 4 It wnt Vild tonight In official quarters that Ambassador llrv ce and the New l-'oundbmd autborities have reached an agreement in the matter of th fisheries controversy to. Is? submitted to The Harue court for arbitration Denies Any Bias But, De- lares lie would Prefer to Escajie Service. TEN JriiOHS CHOSEN; NEW VENIRE MONDAY Judge Hart Repudiates In-! Alexander Co. Seeks Partial sinuation That Jury List ' Exemption From Prohi I las Heen Tampered. bit ion Laws. I (By Associated Prfts.) NASHVH.I.K, Tenn, Feb. 4.---Whi-n an adjournmesit was taken to day In the trlul of t'nl. Duncan li. Cooper. Itoblii J. trooper and John D. Hhurp, charged with the murder of 10. YV. Carmnck, the Jurors pussed for the trial of the case hud been re duced from II to 10 by the removal of Juror Whltwnrth ntid a new- venire or fiOO talesmen hud been ordered summoned ff,r appearance at 9 o'clock Monday and from these both the state and defense express til hope that the two Jurors necessary to complete the trial panel will be se cured. When court opened Judge Hart said: "There have been Inthnntlons In the press that the Jury list hns lieon tamperisl .with. I wish to say that the Jury box from which the names are druwn Is In the enslody of Circuit Clerk 1 yew is Hltt. The names In It were placed there two years ago. It romalus sealed and Is controlled by Hltt, who was Carmack's cumpalgn manager. 1 make this statement In Justice to every one concerned." Judge Hart seemed to feel very deeply tlm Insinuation that there was I an effort niudn to get men on the panel friendly to the defendants. Very few If any In the room had heard of such a charge, which, was sen to the Judge In the form of a clipping from an out of town- paper- ---wntmrnntr csltro. "- ' The court then drew the new ven ire and sent for Juror Whltworth The latter was asked to explain bis riniark that be wan ugalnst (iovclnor 111 1 1' l-HOII- I said I was against him because of his abuse of tin- pardoning power and In turning criminals loose " Judge Anderson, of the defense etoes exainln. il the Juror. Whltw-ortli declared be would much prefer lo escape ierv Ice but denied any bias Tin- court lln-n briefly reviewed the charge lb- hoi thin th.- claim that the Juror bad said Unit tin ants should In- bunged was defend-' j vert-d. on the swoml charge that b- had said that li.iv.rnur l-atler-soii bad h band tu flu- killing, the Judge bebi thai the Juror did not deny II speelln ally enough "Therefore, ' the i ourt concluded, I deem II le st to , yi use Ml, Wlilt w ol t b f I "in tie- Jul v The state ohj-c(.-i st . n uoosl v and i!eeai i.-il Dint tie com t hi t loii would disi I-...IU mid ihigia.e Whllvvoitb. Judge Hall hasleued lo sue that then-, was no ground hit- sin li a sliileiu.-ni The slat- contlt il to light the decls- : ion and In hngthv :pe. cb' M sought to change it w tthout .iv.iTl I'.inrt lie n adjoiiried until Moll-da-.' at 'i .i iii. when the efforts to secure two more Jiu-uh will be re sume. I FAVOR INCREASING CLERK'S SALARIES (3s Associated Press J WAHIIINOTON I'el, I TbecimK lion of lie I- aslliir I'm s;iallin of gov - iniirieni ileiks v. i s brolly discussed ill II) M' ti.t I . toil. I a I I-.11 in an i 1 1 V, it II i,. ail- tile appropi iac luuibia. II .itoi- Ha. or. ' I ilo not th- . "lilt i s own sn la 1 1' high ol li. i.i Ulge flieir f lie- bill lb' liii-tlp ell, 'I u le I th I.ii i i " tio are in . ami ha Ills, d lo II c ' - - I nine i - .- I I .'IP. III. .-gb-l led I' il ea-i nip! eompciisHtiO-i 1 1 with small posilloii I-. Up'.ll the! b' I'l, ll their pi. , in in- r. ai lids I in r. iii. 1 1 an. I v. h-1 vv . 11 I . I lunger of loslim they In-:.' iipou BITTER DENUNCIATION HEAPED UPON THE U. S. FOREST SERVICE 'By Associated Press 1 v A:-ili I m :t i v. Fen. t.- Tho fore.-t servi-e lo'lii-., tn oonricciiori wnn ine onsidernlioii of the agricultural im propriation lull, amc in for ftirtti-r . rlticisui lr. Momb-ll of Wvouilng ffirg. d tint tie- forest bureau wujj adnilnistei-d with v.iinton estrava- galie... Mr K. -.It or Kansas. In reply, said the Kc p comtlsslon had found that forest service employes were palJ less than those of other departments. Hitter b uunciatlon -was heaped upon the service by Mr Smith of Cal ifornia, It was. he said, the greufost outrage that bad been perpetrated upon any people. "The effort of ths 'Recommends That $(58,000 . Be Returned to Stntfl Penitentiary. ;.fK. WEAVER WANTS FEMALE NOTARIES ' (Hihi imi to Tim eiutoti.) KAI.KU1H. N. e. Veto. 4, Speaker Graham was back In the chair this morning after an absence of three ' days nitil again there was "hity made"" and Vcr little talking. . ' , Among local measures. Including the senate bill changing the nam of th mittens' Trust anil Bavin gs Bank of Ashc'tlle to the Cltlscna' Bank of Asheville; also a hill to incorporate the Asheville and East Tennessee Kullroad company. i The reaturo of the day was Gover nor Kttchlns message tranamlttlnif Superintendent Mann's letter as to th finances of ths state prison and " n commending that some sixty-eight thottsutid dollars be paid back to the penltenthiry from tn prison funds In the hnnd of the state tressury, being the mom-y turned over for the lliuid ntlon ot the prison bonds, svnd that the state provldo other means far settling the bond Issue' The messngs was placed In the hands of ths com -mtttess or senate and house on penal Institutions. t s Kepreewntativs' Dotighton In trod ue ed a bill tirovlitln for the employ tnent of a typewriter to aid the eu- . prenie court. Justices In their work, sud a laborer to carry books to' and 'from their homes- The Alleghany I minler explained that this work had been done for some twenty-five years. tut by soma, oversight had not been provided for In the act Of HOT, and consequently the auditing committee -had reported some expenditures not warranted by the tetter of the Jaw. , : That women -might be appointed a tiotrttr' pu'Wte: -It th sabict' of bill by Alt. Wegver, of Huncombe, who also Introduced a, bill wmendlns: the charter of Black Mountain. 4 Want Kxcniptlon. ' A "kick" from Alexander county against the state prohibition law was registered In the shape of a bill by Mi l.onney to allow Alexander to iiuilie and sell brandy distilled from, fiuit grown on their own lands. The proem law against working on' Hiindiiv prohibits one from doing any wot!, "of bis ordinary calling" on that day, 1. living It apparently so that one I'""1'1 w",k 'u ""melhlng not his usual itepreseniative uowa jn tioduced u bill to strike out th word piot ,i and ulsu to make violation a misdemeanor nstead of merely puiV ishahi' bv a iii,.- of one dollar. a bin by Mi lastoii, of Huncombe, prevents the wile of wine In upper -lloitiinv township of lluncoiirbe gtoun I ami another Is to protect sm 1 and iish In Ituncnmbc county. I'., pn v. nt a Judge from granting an Injunction to stop u, sale under -M-iution is th- purpose of a bill by li. in. .si iiiai- i ' Ornnt. of Davie. K- pr. H' ui.iilvc Murphy, of Oull- ford, intr iced the bill for the ap- .ro. rial Ions wanted for the state saiutai iiim for tuberculosis patients M.l. Hit If.TON I'AKHFS A WAV. i By Associates' Prtss.) Mollll.i:. Ala, Feb. 4. Maj. Hugh K 1111111011, who was a member of a pi eminent North Carolina family, st ma or .during the Civil war with the Hoops ,,r its i M'lve state and founder -.r Ho lo-io ..I Crlcbton, Ala., died 11' le lodll A - 1 1 1 V IT" N. Feb. 4. Forecast a N'orih Carolina. Fair Friday; ituiil.c, i ,i i n moderate to brlsK -ilhv - st v. mils. for'-st bureau ' he declared. "Is to grind cvs-ry dollar It can get out Of lin people of the west," There was, he declared, no kind nf an activity carried on In any part of the national forest the poople were not made to yield "money, money, money" nil the time to tho federal government. . He charged that the forest semle had lllegully extorted fees from min ers, stock men. farmers and others. He spoke particularly of a case lit which a fee of ten cents each hail been levied on bee hives, "herei was." 1 vehemently asserted, "nelth er sense nor Justltli-atlon for filching these pennies from the pocket of the, poor bes man." - -

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