8 the WEATHER 4 CLOUDY JL N JLJfJL JUl. JLL M. JL JLILJJLUM N Today yoL. XXV. vlO. ASIIEVILLE, N. C., SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, J909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BILL FOR TAX TO ADVERTISE BATTLESHIP HEAD FOR HOME They .77 Soon be Joined. PRESIDENT IS WORKING HARD IN JAPAFFAIR By No Means Relaxing Ef forts to Prevent Anti-Jap DISPUTE OVER SONGDIXirON . LINCOLN-DAY i v ... "n"." ' Weirlein AbIcs if Any 0n$ Had. Forbidden Singing as Act of Treason. , ' ' CITY PASSES SWEET HOME ... . ' . Titte: "To Aid rathe Devel ojpment of the City of Asheville." . Leave Gibraltar for Hamp ton Roads on Last Lap - of World druise. anese Legislation. house Adjourns in i t- 'si" '-'. ' 'J ' ' i v v HONOR OFMR. HAYS Bill Passed by Senate lim its Number of Challenges in Capital Cases. ":; (Special to The Cltteeii.) RALEIGH. J Feb. The senate today passed the houM bill to author is AabevUl to extend a certain per cent of txs tn advertising the city, the bill oelmi entitled "To aid in the devetopment of the city o Ashevllla-." ' Senator Brltt Introduced a bill to exempt railway malt clerk and rural fre delivery carriers from Jury duty. " WUson. Introduced In the Jtiouse a wit tn eraats a board of improve ment coKunlMlonera for Marshall and another, to extend the power of the Marshall building committee. The' genera assembly adjourned today In memory t Thomas N. Hays, h- young . tnember from Wilkes county, now of whoso death reached tn capital this morning. The Teso luUow were offered in the house by Kepresentatlv Harshaw, of Caldwell, the minority leader, and In the sen ate , by Senator Lee. Mr. Hays had nevorbeen able to attend the aes Ion Of the, house, to wnicn no nmi been elected Just after his return home from Wake Forest college, but in tho meantime rapid ; consumption had claimed another victim. The oppression Of grief and smypathy of the house 'er ordered spread upon the journal and a copy sent to the family. The speaker appointed Mes srs, Caudlll, th colleague of the de ceased member, Crumpler, Carver, Buck and Tomlln a special committee to represent the house t the funeral at Purlear In Wilkes county, the home of the representative whose v tsnt eetet, -' now draped n mourning and "gartandd witte a wreath, has fctea the only sad featuro of this term of ths legislature.' , A Joint reeolution offered by Mr. Morton was adopted unanimously to the (Reel that the state pay the fu neral expenses. ; ; To Limit Challenges. Tn the senate, the substitute for the Barbara and starbuck -bills as to pre- emptory challenge . in tne trial or capital ease was passel. It give ths defendant eighteen end the state twelve and brovldes that none ba stood at foot of the panel Ths mint judiciary committee of the house has prepared a substitute for th Gorman bill, which allows the defendant twenty and the state eight and none a't foot of panel. Speaker . Grahams bill was for twelve each and ' Hon at foot of panel. Once more the question of early adjournment was suggested In the up. par branch by a joint resolution that tne finance committee report the rev enue and machinery bills by February It and that no more new bills be Introduced after that date. It was table Ths senate set the Oullfod-Ala-mat, OS Judicial district bill for a spec ial order on Wednesday next. A tjill was passed by the senate, Inmrkur to emolOyes of railroads thalit Deraonal nrooery exemption In fun where they are sued for debt from without the state- In ths house the special order was the bill recommended by the com anlttea on health calling for high school education prerequisite to tak ing; the examination' for license to practice medicine, but motion by St Bowie to postpone consideration unit) aex Saturday was carried. - - Mr, Taylor has introduced a bill to prevent renewing suits s within one year alter "a non-suit is taken when no complaint was filed or where there was a dismissal under the H Ins da hi act, for instance for lack of evi ' d act to go to the Jury. The purpose of h bill te to .do away with vexa tious 'renewals of suits when there U no real virtue in the case To require assessment companies In tho stats to snake deposits with the state treasurer Is the object of a no table bill by Representative Connor. Representative Martin proposes to exempt laudnum from the act of 1907 limiting the sale of narcotics. A bill of considerable Interest Is One by Dr. Gordon to extend the Vcwor of the state board of health to employing a' secretary for all his time, giving hrni assistants and call ing for aggrosalve work. It Increases the appropriation from two thousand to ten taotuandVudoHars V0mU SENTENCED FOR KILllW YOUNG BRIDE-TO-BE WITH AXE y Associated Press.) ROAJiOJCE, Vs,. Feb. At Rocky Mount. Va., today Lucy MJtcheU. a ysncg whlts woman, was convicted second degree tnurdr and seu t eased to ths state penitentiary for rUTbteos) years for killing Miss Minnie tfcBryd oa the hater's seventeenth birthday and the eve of hef wed dTog last October. Mlso Mltchen Uvsd with, th IfcBiydes. 8bs aad SIXTEEN U. S. SHIPS IMPOSING SIGHT Perfect Maneuvering Wins Admiration of Foreign Naval Officers. , (By Associated Prsti.)' GIBRALTAR. Feb. 6. With the bands 'on board playing Homs, Sweet Home,", the fleet of sixteen bat. tleshlps under Rear Admiral Sperry left Gibraltar at It o'clock this morn Ing for Hampton Roads on the last lap of Its famous around' the world cruise of 42,009 miles. Ona hoar later the vessels were well clear of the land and steaming westward In dbuble column formation at a speed of. ten knots an hour. They will fol low the southern route to Hampton Roads, a distance of 1,600 miles, and about 1,000 miles oft the American coast they will be met ' and escorted home by the third squadron of the Atlantic fleet under Rear ' 'Admiral Arnold. The difficult operation of getting the sixteen Huge battleships out of the narrow war basin of the port and under way was accomplished with , skill and perfection of maeuvering and detail which won the admiration of all the foreign naval officers, who watched the proceedings critically from, land and sea. Admiral Sperry directed the whole operation from the after bridge of the Connecticut At S.5S a stream of multi-colored signal flags on the flagship communi cated the order to get under way to the Georgia, the Nebraska, the New Jersey, the Rhode Island and the Vir ginia, lying at the rear .of the basin. .Vessels Start. As the flags came fluttering down Ave minutes later the designated bat tleship cast off their last lines and. Ilk freed levlathlans seeking 'escapfe, slowly swung their noses In th di rection of the beaches In" the break' water. Twisting and turning to th clanking of the engine gongs, they crept out, the Georgia leading the way with Lieutenant-Commander George W. Kline on the bridge. Then followed the other vessels. . Although It is not customary to firs parting salutes, the Devonshire, the flagship of Rear Admiral Sir James Goodrich, R. N., admiral superintend ent at Gibraltar, whlcff-fead taken up a position at the entrance of the har bor, hoisted and saluted Vie American flag -as the Connecticut passed out. Admiral Goodrich' and Admiral Lit vlnolf of the Russian navy, signalled "Good byoi pleasant voyage." Ad miral Sperry replied laconically. "Thanks." The Connecticut steamed majes tically along the line of the waiting Arrierlcan vessels, took Its place at ,tb head of the column artd set the guide flag, "five of -clubs " The fif teen other vessejs wheeled gracefully In behind the Connecticut and with the black speed cones run up to the yardarms, the Imposing proeeaalon, which was over three miles long, moved to the south, soon left the an cient pillars of Hercules behind and steamed through the straits and out to the sea. CAP. OUALTROUCH IS SUSPENDED (By Associated Press.) GIBRALTAR. Feb. . Capt. Ed ward F. Qualtrough of the battleship Georgia, having been found guilty by courtmartial of being intoxicated while on duty and of conduct prejudicial to the goodof the navy, has been sus. pended from duty for six months. With an additional punishment of the loss of ten number In rank. Rear Admiral Sperry, commander- In-ehlef of the Atlantic battleship fleet, has approved the findings ol the courtmartial. but the secretary of the navy must taks official action on ths recommendation for loss of nunv bers. Captain .Qualtrough. has been de tached from the fleet and ordered home. He will go as a passenger on tne ueorgia. ueirom.oni. mander George W. Kline, who was placed In command of the Georgia. will continue In command on the homeward Journey. Miss McBryde quarreled about some flower seed- MMs MKthell struck her victim da the Bead with an axe, crushing the skull. 'After killing Mis McBryde Miss Mitchell endeavored is hide the body in sotns weeds near th house. ";' "After tha murder ' Mlsa Mitchell was brought to Roanoke for safe kepmc sod was held hers s'ntll th t'lsJ. (3&y&& 1 FAVORABLE REPORT FOR FIRE ESCAPES House Committee Acts & vorably on State-wide Law for Fire Protection. - (Special to The ClUsen.) RALEIGH, Feb. 6 The bid by lenator Klutti carrying general fir scape Regulations for the entire stats .Horth Carolina being now without uy general law In this regard, was igssed upon favorably this afternoon y the senate committee on Insurance- t prescribes the character and capac ity of entrances and exits for public Iwlls, theatres and place where gen- ral meetings are held and require fire escapes of adequate character for til hotels and other pubHc bulldingM f more than two stories. The committee alao passed upon Senator Blow's bill to- require the reglstration-of fire Insurance policies vHh the clerk of the county court, this getting an unfavorable report. Senator Blow's Idea was to have this record of policies open to the public 10 that a property owner could know chen any of his nstghbors were over- ruining with a possible view to fet ing burned out for profit Insurance 3 mnlssloner Toung advised the ommlttee that this end could be best ittained by enacting a law that would make It a misdemeanor for ipy propeVty owner to over Insure. BANKRUPTCY LAW UNDER DISCUSSION Clayton's Amendment Re pealing Law of July 1, 1898, Vote'd Down. (By Assoclstod Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. . Under a ipecial order, the house of representa tive today considered) the bill amendatory to the national bankruptcy law. By way of substitute Mr. Clay xn of Alabama offered an amendment repealing the bankruptcy law of July l, 18B8, with a proviso that proceed ings under the law begun prior to s time the act shall taks effect shall got bo affected. On division the Clayton amend ment was lost, 110 to 141. but the UabaTfia member forced a roll call on the final vote. Ths vote resulted yeas' 111; nays 112, and the Clayton amendment was rejected, the enrect or wnicn was to continue In force the bankruptcy law. The discussion then turned to the amendments of the present law as proposed by the present bill. The amendments were all agreed to and the bill was passed and the house adjourned. CONSOLIDATION IS RUMORED (By Assoelatid rss.) CHICAGO. Feb. It was ru mored In railroad circles today that a consolidation had been effected be tween the Chicago and Alton, the Toledo, 8t Louis and Destern. lows Central, Minneapolis and St-"Louis. Chesapeake and Ohio, and possibly ths Clnclnattl, Hamilton and Dayton railroads- Edwht Howler, who with hi associate disposed of th Colora 4o and Southern property to ths Bur Hngton a short time ago, Is said to be slated for the presidency of the new combination. 1 DISMEMBERED BODY' PACKED IN TRUNK T oV Associates Press.? KEW HAVEN, Cons.. Feb. tsA body, supposed to bo that of May Hastetotw a negro vomu, cot wp and packed Into a trunk, was dis covered late tonight ta an apartment where an and her husband, Jaaaes Has let on. fcad besn living. POLAR- EXPEDITION 4SN0W ASSURED The Storthing in Christiana Vote Capt. Amundsen'Sub sidy of $18,000. (y Associated Press.) CHRISTIAN! A. Feb. 6. Captain Roald . Amundsen's polar expedition is now assured for tha Storthing to. day Voted 'him a subsidy of $18,000 necessary for the nut-fitting of Nan en's famous ship, the Fram. Ther was oonsldeyabli' opposition to the measure, but It wiu flnaJ'y carried by ST votes to ti. Speaking recently on the outlines of his plarty CitE.inAmund.n said: "I should -iy at the outset that this b) hot to Ik: any, dash for the pol but a carefully worked out scientific expedition having for ltv objoct the fullest poasil'li' investlaation ofthe north polar ImisUi. I will not take more than ten persons. "I propose to start early next sea- ton and to ! absent five or six years. I am adopting no new meth ods, no airships, balloons or motors, but simply using tha old system which we know ami Uavo tried, namoly, a good vessel, tfool sledges and good doga I am in no hurry to be the flrst man to reach the pole. The Idea underlying the wholi- expedition to use th mean already provided by nature a proved by the drift of the Fram, aii'l to avail myself of the currents vUili-h ' undnulitclly run across the i"li All my equipments will come from Norway, but 1 shall call In m Hi. north coast of America for my supply of dogs." THIRTEEN ARRESTS FOLLOW RAIDS (By Associated Press.) DANVII.I.K Vs.,, Feb. . Thirteen arrestK for illicit traffic In Intoxicat ing beveraK' s were made tonight fol lowing a s't.. of alis participated In by practicilly every member of the local police f rce. Plans for the spreading of t drag net have been In course of formation for several days and It Ik ported that Information on which tic raid was made waa fur nfehad by d'-iooMves employed by the J jaw and oiler League, an organiza Hon iwhos- purposes arc to enforce local option ;,iws The raids tonight were on a number of ilacei in the heart of th- islness section and sev eral women from the tenderloin dis trict. Noarh- all arrested furnished bond for th - ir appearance before the mayor's rnun Wednesday. In nearly all of the .laces visited by squads of officers was found quantities of whiskey and beer. RACING MAN GETS SENTENCE (By Assoclstod Press.) NKW Olil.KANS. Feb. S Mark Roasberg .i.- today declared (rullly f violating th" no-called I-ocke anti-racing law at 'he Suburban race track on January :L and was sentenced to pay a fine "f SpSO and serve seven months in the parish prison, by Judge P'entlce Edrington. of ths district coert of Jen rsonxparlith. lioaslicrfr. ho Is tft-ttx-r known In racing circles as "Jack Hhehan." an nounced that his attorney would take sn appeal to the state supreme court WASHINGTON. Feb- t -Forecast North Carolina: Partly cloudy Sun day, possibly local rams at night or Monday; light variable winds, bscom tof ortheasC -' .,.- W.J. BRYAN HURLED FROM AUTOMOBILE Machine Plunges into Tres tie Work. Bryan Jammed Against Rail. (By Assoelsd rsss.l TAMPA, Fla., Feb. .White' ,re. turning from Sutherland college, where he delivered his lecture, "The Prince of Peace," tlrts afternoon, Wll liam f. Bryan cam near losing hi 111., on February 11, Lincoln' blrth rldlng threw a tlr on a brldg nsar Tarpon Spring and plunged into the trestle work, throwing th occupant out. Mr. Bryan was on Or stda next to that which struck the woodwork and was jammed against a fall and suf fered considerable Injury. At first It was thought that hi leg had been broken, but when f hs arrived at Tampa an examination revealed that the leg was only badly bruised. Mr. Bryan I scheduled to appear at Ht Louis soon and at Springfield, O., on February 11, ILn coin's birth day, where he make th principal ad dress, and It may be that h will have to cancel these dates. IIS Is In hlc rooms st the Tampa Bay hotel and U suffering much pain. FOUND GUILTY OF POISONING WIFE Jury Recommends Mercy for Jones. Friday will bo Motion for New Trial. (By Assoelatsd Prat.) UNION, H C, Feb. . Oullty, with a recommendation for mercy, was th verdict of tho Jury In the case of W. T, Jones, the wealthy planter of this county who has been on trial here on the charge of murdering his wife by poison last July. The verdict was rendered this sfternoon st t o'clock, after the jury had had the case under consideration since M0 o'clock last night. When the foreman of the Juryy announeyil the verdict, after that body's protracted sessions, Jones' face became pallid and he showed much emotion. The trial, which began last Wednes day, has excited wldeepreid Interest because of the standing of the prisoner and the sensational charges Involved in the case. Next Friday was fixed for the time when Judge ' R. W. Memmlnger will hear tho motion for a new trial for Jones. Counsel for the defense In sisted on having an official copy of the testimony, which caused delay, as It ha1 been expected that sentence would be passed late today. Jones was expecting a mistrial or acquittal. The Jury had the case a little over eighteen hours. BARBECUE DINNER FOR ROCKEFELLER (By Assselstoo' Pi.) AUGUST A. Oa.. Feb., John T3l Rockefeller was the honor guest at barbecue dinner given by ths Beech Island farmers today. Hs made a short speech in which h said that he was no farmer but his people as far back as be could remember were far mers. He said that tha farmdr during his forefathers time were not farmer like the farmers of today, that they went after the business th a haphazard kind of wsy. ' Mr. Rockefeller complimented the roods of this county and said: "I be lieve tb thing fanners moat need I good roada It will sav them much. To will savs la hauling and also In th length of th 111 of your stock." JAPS UNDISTURBED BY NEVADA'S ACTION Reported That Gov. Gillett is Ordered to Organize 16 Militia Companies. (By Associated Prssa.) WASHINGTON', Fab. ..President Roosevelt I by no mean relaxing hi efforts to prevent antl-Japknes kg- iaation in California and Nevada. He had conference today with Sana tor Flint of California and Nixon of Ne vada and persisted In hi representa tion to them that th situation would become critical If their states Insisted on leglslalon that would b Insulting to th Japan, who h referred to acting with dignity under th strain. Tha twd senator agreed to continue their efforts to Influence th legislators of their state against ac tion of any sort, MILITIA. IN ltKSEHVE. SACRAMENTO, Cat- Fsb. . State Adjutant-General Lauck was smphatla In making th statement to day that the renewed activities In hi department, ' at the i request of th war department at Washington! for the organisation of . sixteen mllltta companies of artillery for coast ds fense, wsr not ths result of th passage by th assembly of ths antl- lapanese school bill. General Lauck teclared that neither Governor ail- lett nor fclmself had th Japanese situation In mind when It waa d aided to scced If possible to th rs- meat of the federal war department that ha establish an adequat coast lefenss. Several month ago th adjutant- general declined to assign th sixteen wmpanle for th purpose of manning the gun along th coast on th ground that It would ba unfair to tak that number from th thrs regiments of isse minus sen luier ins rvrsai' tatlon that had just bssn effected,' On January I the war department appealed to Governor Gillett to or ganise th stxtssn com pan I , but It was not until two weeks later that the chief executive and his adjutant lecided to accede. Th governor agreed with General Lauck that by securing ths services of business men and men of family who did not ds- Irs to leave the commit titles In which they resided tn th event of hostilities, such companies might be organised with good results, Follow- ng this policy, an effort I being made raise fourteen eompanle In Ban Francisco and two In Ban Diego, th -rrtnclpal strategic points on th Call fornla coast. Th legislature Is X pectad by ths adjutant-general to urnlsh the means of support for these organisation on th bast of 100 a month for each company. According to the commanding off) cer of the California national guard, here are available at this time not more then one-fourth of the number f men required to nun the gun pro ectjng Ban Francisco harbor. GOV, GILLKTTfs ARRIVAL. MAN FRANCIHCO, feb. Govern- r James N. Gillett, whose arrival rom Sacramento today waa generally ttrlbuted to a desire for a conference with local official In regard to the intl-Japanese legislation pending at tacremento, disclaimed tonight Chat ie had any such Intention. lis an- lounced, however, that ftpeaker Philip Stanton of the assembly was In possession of a telegram, from Prwsl- lent Roosevelt, ths contents of which he governor did not know, but which Speaker Btsnton had been given per- -nlsslon to make public if he saw fit "Are you aware of any Information of a disturbing character that would iccount for official action thus tak- snT" was asked. "I am not."replled the governor, "Has Mr. Btanton communicated to ou the matters which led to his ex- orcsslon of belief that th legislature as treading on dangerous ground?" He has not," said Governor Oll- ett "Today I receive from tne -(resident a telegram In which he h.ni.H me for the services hs wss Pleased to rhlnk I hod rcrfdertd. and xpreased a hope that the matter at su would be satisfactorily settled. n addition, he ssld that he bad com municated by telegram with Speaker Uanton, and that he had left With Mr. (Continued on se six.) EIGHT THOUSAND PEOPLE SEE Z GREAT BATTLESHIP LAUNCHED (By Assoclstod Press.) NEWPORT NEWS, Vs., Feb. t The great battleship Delaware was Mcreasfully launched from ths yards her builders, tho Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock company today. Ths launching waa witnessed by t.000 people. The launching took ptaco at 10. St clock this morning. Among those present were Assistant Secretary Of he Navy Batteries, Oovornor Fenao- s-lll of Delaware aad tit staff; Lieu tenant Oovornor Meadlnhall. ft dsls- gatloa from th Delaware leglalatur EMPHATIC DENIAL V BY CHICAGO MAN jBBsssssBsBstpsB " ; '.'" ',; No Order to Remove Song From Musical Program ot Schools, He Says. " ."" (y AsMftd pr0 '. CWICAOO,, rob. ir-Dli any u. thorlxed or vn oonquentlal pr son In Chicago forbid a an act .of treason th sJngfng of j"Plxl' la th public school during th Llnooln oel- brationT Th foregoing oueetltiB confronted Richard C. Hall, president of th Chl- cago Association of Commero, In telegram rsceivsd today from Philip Werleln, president of th New Orleans Progressive union, .Th answsr In an emphatic negative Was telegraphed, to Mr, Werloln after a few hour of strenuous Investigation, Her I tho measag from New Orleans: "Press dispatches stated that ling- Ing oftlle' In ptrbllo school on Lincoln day has besn forbidden a an sot of treason. If Chicago wish to maw any pro grass in th South, take It a timely, friendly bit of advice, have that order rescinded and get rid of ,th head of the school system that Issued such order.' , MtV Hall, ' 1b it somewhat lengthy answer, stated that "Dlxl" remained on the musical program, that thsr hid been not order removing; It and saldr '- -X': . . '' ' "President ' Woodrow 1. Wllaon of Princeton, a Southerner, I to b th principal - speaker of th celebration. and other prominent Southerner will participate in several of th meeting. Th Idea has been foremost from the beginning to ihow national apprecla Hon of Lincoln and to promot friendly nationavreeiing.'' -MXX)LI si 'ATTlTirDK. - WASH ISfQTOK, Feb. Joseph Nlmmo, Jr., eh of tit fr surviving personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, today took lu with a itatemsnt ap pearing In local, paper that Prsi dsnt Bchnelder ef th Chicago board of education had forbidden tho lng Ing of 'Dixl' at th Llnooln oel bratlon a trstsonable, j - i "This I am prepared to deny from my personal experiences, " said ' Mr'. Nlmmo, "Early on morning la th : month of April. Hid, the nw reached Washington that Richmond Jhad been evacuated. Titers wa rush to that whit hoise ld -by a b,nd. I ao. ' companled th crowd. Boon Mr. Lin coln appeared at th window vr tho : front sntranc. Its replied to tho demand for a pchrI well rmm, ber hi closing words, which wer as follows: i -., ,;! 'y, - .. .; (." . . " Ther J ft song of ft tan Which I used to hear with) great pleasurs be- ' for th war, but our friends across th river haws appropriated It to their use during th last four years. It Is th tun called "Dlxl," but I think w have captured It, At any rate, t conferred with th attorney-general this morning, and h exprssssd th opinion that "Dixie" may fairly ba regarded as captured property. Bo I shall b glad t near "tMxl" by th band.' , , "Ever lnc then TMxV ha bee regarded a ' national air, beloved by the people of th Norm and tho South, Ths tun of Dixie' was com posed by Dan Emmett, ft Northern man, wfho wrot th word aad tho music. For year before th war It was sung At th North and at th . South, and It will remain for all tiro a truly national song, mads so by tho good natured humor of Abraham Lin coln." FAVOR BILL OH CARRYING WEAPONS (By Asssolstsd Press.) WAWUNOTON. Feb. . At ft spo rts! meeting of th house district com mittee today favorable report was ao- thorlxed on the bill Introduced by Bepresentatlvs i Blms of Tennssses, declaring a felony ths carrying, op enly or -concealed about th person, of any pistol, bowle knife, dirk or dirk knife, black-jack, dagger, sword, cane, slang-shot or other metal. In ths district of Colombia, ,'. Mr. Sims also announced that nest week he will call up his bill making It a misdemeanor to sell deadly weapon In. th district. s nd Rear-Admiral Taussig and other Mtval officers, Thar war also pre-, ert several hundred vromlaoat people fr-vm Delaware, Including th Dels r representative la congress. Tho battleship was Christened with cham pagne by Mis Ann Psoaowilt Cahalt of Brldgewell. Dal , nieeo of th gov ernor, who had ft her assistants Mis florsnc Hasel ' of Dover, and Miss E.llen Coleman Dupont of Wilming ton. i Th launching was followed by sq AkhaMl, hAflinuMt ThA SrMthfT SSS