1 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, KKBTttTAUY 7, WOO. l AAA. SOCIETY Mrs. Jam-s L. Alexander hu Iwrn d with 1 1 t r - n-.i Invitation fur a bridge party whl. li . ... at .1 miuili Will be given T'.iefwlay afternoon f'.r Mr. Mary Phlnncy at the lii.ii.rv1 Tl.. n,uH.ii Park hotel. A number f In vitiH i.i.h Mi IIi...Ii-i .Inn have been 'iit out, and tliu .nty 11 ml nfin n.n Mil b a aorlii event o( the week. In Dm- ni'.rnlinf 1 ImI Mill Ihj III, rnime anil llilie. whic h are perm le gible ami wiv nmessary. ure also nunlnK Th'" gown rc aiil'l to V vi ry hundm.ine. nml tin- hall will he one of lli iimst Important glvi 11 for .ine tlm-. J . Mr- Anlillial'l I' - Kay n I -r I ;n n-d Informally l . fil hI her home on MnntforU loeiiu- lufli afternoon. .4 .l.llll .it l.-r Ml.-I- i-H M It I hi- I.01 1 1 i-iilr.il immi 11 1 n ir (..IIi.ak In .My Jt J) , Hh.-iil.i r.l. ' I.) I.i l.ll'-. is ill l.i- kiiiik liy There will b a meeting- of The.. Mix Ida H1u1nii1.11. At tin- nfi. i noim Stroller Monday vnlng at I o'clock senim Mm- iioi.in K. nin-it will nii.g at Ths Auditorium In tho Ahuvilli. "Hold Tlmi l ll.iml Miiu Ken Sehool of Music. All members iim- mil. .Miw U.li-v. MM iVnie i'Iibiii- VMiiMted to attend thia meeting, an I., rs nn.l .Mm 1. 1. I1anlm.11 will sing tb next play put on by Tim siroiiim. ' Hi Hiiilful ll- m Somewhere." l.y "Lady Wlndemere' Fan." will l 1 .ml 1 1-1 am. jl .) ! i The Woman' club will meet to-1 The next meeting of the rolled Worrow afternoon at the residence of : Daughter of the I'unfeileroi-y will he - Mra Alfred B. Barnard on Watsugaj held at the residence of Mr. J. I. treat at 110 o'clock. Mra. John Sawyer the first Thuraday In March. Campbell will read a paper. Mr. ; Mi Ilertha Kin read a paper at Hie Esbulon Van will also read an ar Ucl concerning Japan, . Ml Helen C(a)u ia belnr enter i talned frequently In Now Orleana by Iter friend In that city. A dinner . rWn In her honor by Mia Em Bradshaw at ber reatdence on Jose 'phlnt etreet and a box party at the 1 Tularre by Mr. Mult Brnat were among tho aeveral reoent entertain ment for Ml Cafaln. t 1 J H ; thvR, ft. Swop) will addr the epr aerrlo at tho 7, W. o. A. thi .florpooa at th ITenrlolta. The aer vlca la aot at i o'clock and there will t music. An Invitation la enendod U all woman of Asheville to attend. Vla Tleta Uamrd WTilt, a prom tnent portrait painter of Philadelphia, pent aeveraJ day at Kenllworth Inn and waa ao dellhtd with Aheyl and, MolnHy aha think of opening- a pTtmmer atudlo t Kenllworth. Mlw Vhlte ha juat ootnpleted a llfe-al - portrait of tha lata Blahop MoCab. Sha la about ootrplotma' ft portrait of Hon. John A. Clark, preaJdent of Penn eiub o Ph)lajlph)a. ' v ' . ' S'V-V--,,-. .- J - lira, ftllvlo Vou . Ruck antertalned informally yaHtorday afternoon with - brldfa. Mra. I'MIlp a Cocke won the Brit prlM, a ClolMona bat pin, and th rueat prlie, a lax; twnch of ptnk and wlUt. roaea. waa won by Mr. Mebana, Mr Ton Ruek'a fueei were: Mm Mstana nf Spray, K. C, Mra. Philip Cncka. atra,, Kufo Flt patrlck, Mra. P. It. Prarirh. Mra Ar thur Konkln, Mra, lock Cral, Mra John Carlor, Mr W. P. Clarke, Mrs. Bchoenoelt, Mra. Fooka, Mra. Wat aon, MM Aoheaon, Ula Carolyn Rey nold, Ml Allu Brown an Mia Ab t)ta Moor . , . , ' - , Jl Jl Mlaa Opal Brown entertained with " an informal card party tor Mia Ger trude Wirher yeatarday afternoon at her homo on Mantford airenu. Mla Itrowa'a a-aeat were Mlaa Wither. Mla lorne Barnard, Mlaa Bltaabeth Ramry Mla Helen Mltohell, Mlaa Alloa Dorentoh. Mlaa Ruth Brown and Mra WaKai Taylor. I ; Ji ' Jl Th coif tournament waa continued yeaterday afternoon at the Country : club, and th bracln weather added . to th keen enjoyment of tho player. To waa awrved durlna the afternoon. Tha aoora waa: Mr. Smith and Mra - Chartaa B. Jordan. 14, handicap 14, lat mcetlna. which waa held at Mr Sawyer renldcnc Thursday. Mr. J M. Parker entertained the Friday Hook club Utat week at her home In Proilmlty park. Mr. Foater read a paper, the aubject of which wa "OontraM, tlrall and Olad tone." Mlra Kllmtieth'a paper wa on "The Enallah Parliament and It Home" The next meeting will be held Friday, Kebrury Uth. Jl J "The Mornlna Hacrtflce." an anthem. by Max Bploker. will b un at All Soul' church thl , morning. In the afternoon "Tha Holy City" will be re peated, with th following aololata: Mr. F. V. Marker. Mr. and Mra. Jame a. Stlkeleathar and Mr. Bur nett Jordan. Tha pttbllo la cordially Invited to attend. Jl Jl Th Mlaa Dodd have laaued Invi tation to a heart tea, which will be given at their reildane Friday awn ing. February 11. at 1 o'clock, on South Main ftreat Jl Jl Tha Bingham German club will give a dance at tha Battery Park hotel Monday afternoon. Th dance ia In formal and will be aucceeded by oth er, given at Interval during the wlntr. Jl Jl MIm Laura Row entertained the member of the 0nlor Phllathaa olaaa of Central Methodlat Church yeeUr day afternoon at bar realdanoa oa Church trt. Th form of entertain ment wa original. Mia Row palfit ed two or three doien amall picture, from which th gueata war to guana th nam of famous author. The Longfellow picture repreaented a very ahort lady walking beld a very long gentleman. Tennyaon waa gueeaad from a plctur of an old woman "ur rounded by ten aona Chaucer wae th plature of a man standing with a "plug" of tobacco and a amall bay saying, "Chau-or7" Tha picture oauaad mush amuwment. Refrach menta were aerved during the after. noon. Ml Row' gueata were: Mlaa McKlwrath. Mia Olive Irlck, Mia Ollphiinl, Ml Lilly iSlmmerman, Mia Fltirenc Uaah. MIm Hudle laranl, Ml Alkie Dean, MIm Llmlaay, Ml Btev. ena. Mr. Kleld of New York. Mr. and Mra (1. L. Hackney. Dr. and Mra Gilbert T. Kowe and Mr. Qudger J J The r"eter Pan club met laat even InK at the home of lit tin Mia l'itil c PERSONAL Enjoy Your Meals Hy Klmply l-llng a l.ltile I'lcanant . Tablet Aftc Kai'li .r riicin. .Mi T. A Urn ktier i.f New Vi.rk I Mt lit Ki-nilAortti Inn. Mr I'roni Ki-lice. M. Imurt Mi Kee haa returned WaHhlfiKton, Hfte.r u brli-r Hb not I0 Mr. J. A. Bluder and Mine ArboKMt. Tho evenlna waa plvaaantly Mead, 4, handicap in, net ; air. prnt in danclnit and playing game, 1. II. Lambert and Mia Barker. 78 fiandloap It, net l: Mr. Kdward I. Freet and Mra Jamie Bawyer, SO. handicap tt, net St. j Jl ' lira i. H. Martin entnrtalnnd In ..IIIMII BM a, -Oil her rlonc on Liberty treet The taott wa decorated with cut flower of aevraV varlrHca Mr. Martin' - arueeta were: Mr. and Mra Charlee ' H. Waddell. Oen. and Mr. Theodore r. Davldron, Mr. and Mra F. W. W. - Oraham. Judge and Mra Thomaa A Jonea Mr. and Mra T. C, Waddell. Jr., Mr. and Mra Airred S. Barnard. Mlaa Eleanor V. Morrtaoh, JTTH Geor- aia Belknap, nr. and Mra Charlee S. Jordan, Mr. end Mra M. Dunn Mo Xe, Mr. and Mia John A. Camp bell, Mr. Allan Morrtaon, Mr. .Winn And Mr. Edward I. Froat a Jl Jl A mualcal tea and plctur xh!bbl Uoa will be glv u tor th benefit of Mr. Clarence Worrell at th Battery - rert iiwi inuimnj snqminiii, c uu- - ruary 11th, under th auspice of the following committee: Dr. H. Weatray Battl. Dr. II. R. Bwope Oen. Theo dore F. Davldao". Mra Charle 8. Pennlman, Mre Jamoa Oreen Martin nd Mra F W. v. Oraham, Tho . following 1:'-.vlll reoclv: Mra ThO man Set! 'r. Theodore F. Da vidson, Mra It. H. Bwope, Mra' Charlee ; L. Minor, Mr. Thorr.a P. Cheenbor- ' ough, Mlaa Kile Uee and th MIbms - logned and th price given on re trttaAt. Some ft the bent example of .Mr. Worrall a rt will be hnvii. and. th exhibition will be one of the moot oomploti glwn here on this ar tist' Work. V r ill odml.wlon will ber: asked, and t Is hoped tho afTalr ,f wHI be In vvy v-y a miocewi and i that tha altendni. will be Inrg-e. 1 . .iiRf v....niciic. -n. cm'ir -win nave a ' package sale t Soaweir pharmacy Wednesday af'.ernoon from 4 until 7 O'clock. The packagea will be aralcdl after which refreahmmits wore eerved Among thoen prvaent were: illwiee Ituth Fuller, Martha WonUlrlilKo Francos Oate. (llmlys Toague, Mar garet Cowan, Kleanor Teagne. Mnatera Irry Barber, 1 Humid Itnndolph Kranel llouroo. Htephcn Adama. Car Hale Crnlg and Milton llourno. The ladle' mtiglii tennl foiirna- ment waa ronllnuixl yesterday morn lug and afternoon at the Country club and In aplte of the hltrh wind, will dellectiHl the bull considerably, th matches were lucccaafully played. the morning Mra Harvey won from Mra. Kobrrt Johneton two out three. Mr. McKee -won from Mini Besate Reeve. 7-5. 4-S, which end tho preliminaries. In the eecond round Mra Tench CVxe won front Mr. Mr Kee. B-, -J. -. The tmi-(lnal will be ployed Moiulav afternoon Mrs. Jordan and Mra. Harvey will play Monday afternoon. Jl . Mr. W. J. FlUgcrald wa given i surprise party lnt cvealug by a mini bcr of ydving peole at her residence on Zllllcoa treet. The giiost plH'id 60 nnd danced and late In the even Ing refreahmenta ero aorvivl. Among thoao preeent -were: Mlae Kllaabolh Murphy. MIm Frances Carter. Ml Margaret Mlllender. Ml Helen Mitch ell. Mlae Charity (Yalg, MIm Hllnnh.-tb Given. Mra. ntagerald. Mra Frank "arter. Meaer. Hon brig lit (liven Caleb Carter. Charle Mlllender. CVrlUle t'rulg and Herbert Hhawhun. . M A meeting of the director of (ho Anaix-latrd Cliarltlen will be held Tuee day afternoon. February 9th. at the Y. M t'. A. at 4 o'clock. .1 , The colonial ball will he one of the prettiest of the ilan.ee given at the Hiittery Park for ome time, and. ac cording to rumors, the young people ere taking nnuntial Interest In the affair. The costume In particularly becoming and the powdering of the hair frequently disguises ono. The SPRING TAILORED SUITS FOR MISSES "',Kew suits are arriving daily. "Vc would emphasize those for younj? ladies, for their wants wcro given great er attention this year. Agesl2 yrs. up. Trices $15 to $30. At $16.60 arc some specially attrnotive suits: plain tai lored; wisteria, green, taupe, blue, reseda and black. Mlae Marv Wel.h. Miss Crare Fan nifig and Mini 'lnra I'arker left' yes terday jifleriioon for New Yirk to IMircbaso millinery for the eprlog openlntf. Dr. W. A. K. CummJng or TU-onder-oga. N. V.. is spending noine time at Kenllworth Inn. Mr. Jame Miller of Atlanta I In the city for a few days on Uilnes. Mr and Mr. Charles A. Miller of Cleveland, O., are guest at the Motel Ilerkeley. Mr and Mr, (kmard of Andrew are spending several weeks at Mr. Watklne', on Oak street Mr. J. M. Dustell of New York I In Aahevllle for a ahort May. Mr. R. fl. Rudolph of Philadelphia I In Aahevllle for a few day. MIm Georgia, Henderson of Bawan nah I visiting Mr. and Mr. Thomas W. Oateen. Mr. R. H. Perry of Chicago Is in the city on business. Mr. T. H . Bouthgat of Virginia I pending som tlm at Kenllworth Inn. Mra Henry Barton and amall son have returned from a vltlt of aeveral weeks to friend In Wayneavlll. Ml Ollvs Cummlng of Tlreenvllle I visiting Ml Wolfarth for everdl montha Mr. and Mra Charle Walker of New Haven, Conn., are (pending tomt tlm In tha city. Mr. W. B. Ramsey of Marshall spent yeaterday In the city. Mr. Ilobert Burgln and Mr. L. C Burgln are In the city for several daya on business. Mr. H. It. Lord of New York ( pending some time In the city. Mra R. U Bdw'arda of Charlotte la a guest at the Hotel Berkeley. Mr. W. . (Vx'ke of Spartanburg pent yesterday In the city. Mr. Htarvy William of New York I In the city. Mr. A. K. Weaver of Wilaon. N. C. pent yeaterday In the city. Dr. and Mrs. Charles U Minor were expected to return from Charleston tL IV, yeaterday afternoon. MIm Mabel Johnson of Fort HmJth Ark., la spending scweral weeks in the city. Mr Baker, nee Ml km Edna Wool- land, who ha been at the Manor, rt turns shortly to New York. Mr. V. 1. la'dwcll or( Marshall is guest at the (inks hotol Mr. J. Frailer (llcnn haa returne from n trip to WHyneavllle. Mr. J. ('. Arhognat has returned from Whlttler, after a brief absence. t MKAL. i th.- fluids in. natu i..i' h. Tb. v ..I do tlnlr Win ii In. II- I'li-vab lit lowly If lit i. rii or arc .1 alkalies. . VlMtS l Hctl I Igest J v.- A TABLET pltifWlH Wlji-n dlgustlon I pi H neciiary to this priK i -.-riliy to the aid Of (lie l or, of right proportion "Tira si.eeiiny and Well gestlon and dyspepsia ;. these aame Jules com. -all. are weak and nr . i filled with strong acids .o. When such a condition oi. ul la a ahrdshlp upon " orgiins. The meal hoo .1 urenarthen the Julcea, but on tlo .ontrary It weaken I hem. so thnt man by the wry ait of eating CttUH. conditions to arise wbbJi of thernsi lw-s bring him pain an' loathing for the next meal. iy eauiis; on of Btuail s ln.. psia Tablet yon mix th tabl. I with your saliva and It goes Into oiir stomach a strong, vigorous fluid, many limes more 'powerful than tin- natural ill ges'.fve Juice. These tablets are rniido up from natural vegetable and fruit essence and -ay Composed from Hy arastls, Golden Real, Lactose, Nux. Ascetlo Pepsin, Bismuth and Jamaica Dinger. There I lh formula and one grain of tt will digest .I.huO grain of food In any stomach, licslde digesting the food It Will glye the blood the power to enrich th digestive fluids so after a time nature Will take care of Itself. Though you have no stomach trouble on of the tablets after oacfc meal I a powerful assistance to nature and I a,h excellent habit to make. Go to any druggist and aak hi opinion of Stuart' a Dypcpla Tablets. We will abide hi answer if he be an honest man. They ell for 60c per package. Bend U your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. fltuart Co., 160 Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. I tllAlS i Reduced 2S Per Cenl loir-, i 1- " - V V r :j i , .. " " 1 .mm, . . J , till Oitlxen Waflt Ads Bring Result. rjmiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniumtiiiiiiiiiiiitfti ChampooJno 50c and 75c . T . Regular Shampooing by one who Know Mow Insure a pretty head Of hair, prevent dandruff and cajp troubh-a MISS CRUISE Ground roor 14 Haywood Bt. Mr W. TC Jenkins or New Is In Ashevillo for a few duys. Yol k .Mlsa Annie Smith has returned to llendc rsnnvllle. after a brief stay in the city. Hon. C. J. Harrl left yesterdav -if-terooou for l-,hlcs;o, and will go to New York and Washington before re turning to Aehevllle. Mr n. W. Orr haa gone to Canton, where he haa nccepted a position with the Champion Fibre company. Mr. nml Mrs. K. A. Detroit are gueats at thi hotel. '. Mobter of llattery Park Mr R A In the city. Tate of Chattanooga Is Mr. D. C. 9. 1. Ttnnkle Is In Aahevllle of Wnshlnglo for a few dav Mr. J H Murphy of ev n, visitor to Aahevllle. York Is Mr. William R Mtreeler of nr.ens- twiro ia at the Battery Park hot. I tor several days Mr Charlea 11. Haven. Conn.. Is brief stay. Knight of i Ashevillc New- Mr. H D. Carstophen pcnt tnrday In the cltj. Mr A. T. Beaver of Hlrh f n the city for a few days. .lot isi Mies florence Mathews has returned from a vlait to relatives at Sallsflmrv piles cnucn iv to 1 4 days PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to gre any cas of Itching. Blind. Bleed- lig or Protruding Piles In to 1 4 days or money refunded. 60c 11. Redwood&Co. 7 and S Palloi A ve. Dealers Tailor Skirts, Waists, Hosiery, ill ladies' .Made Suits ( 'oats and Underwear, l ! loves, Em- broitlcrit's, Laces, etc. Kine Ditsb Goods, Silks, Staple Dry Ootids and House- keepiujr (loods, Small Wares, Fancy Goods, ladies' and Childrcns Shoes, Hut t crick Pat terns, etc. Men's aiK Suits ami Haberdashery, Hoys' Fine )vercoats, Hats ami Caps, Men's nnd Hovs' Nh, Trunks, Hajxs ami l inbrellas. One Price System. All gotHls marked in plain ligures at Hest Irices. geautiful and Well Made inc of adies Suits Our buyer left for the market last Friday and this week we expect a number of Shipments of the very newest things in Suits, Skirts, Waists, etc. As he is an expert in the buy ing of Suits and understands the wants of the Ladies of Asheville you may rst assured that they will be prettiest and most attractive Suits ever shown in this store. We have received several lots of Suits and Skirts and they are indeed good values. The colors are well assorted' and they are priced at $15.00, $17.50, $25.00 and $27.50 Suit. , ,) Jfn Unusual Display of White Qoods Monday morning we shpw up a few of the New White Goods we have re cently received. One of the prettiest new things is the Flaxen Cloth; a look at this cloth will convince you that it is much better than the general run of lawn, as it is part linen. The prices range from 12J to 35e yawl. The Shirt Waistings are priced at yard on up. The Lawns sell for 5e oil up. JhoseptettyfewJilks are Jelling fast The Bon Marche is showing the most s:iperb line of new Silks ever show;n in n's city. The Seco Silk, which eomV in the loveliest of colors, including: Green, Peacock Blue, Wisteria, Old iiose. Lavender, etc. The uotted sells ' for 40c yd. and the plain for 35c yard. Sedo Silk in all colors for 5c yd. We place on sale our new line of Foulard Silk, worth easily 85c yard, for 69c yd. Ill W. 0. WOLFE MARBTiB AND GRANITBI MOXTJ- HKNTS. A apeolalty of Italian Statuary. De sign furnished on application. 8. B. On. Pack Sq. and Marks to AabenrUta. M. O. D.rUleKINNOIV 7 Patloa Avenue (Ores BadwooeT Stors.) Ladies and GenOemens TAILOR The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art TOT ACDITORnm Phone (4 La Orecque Coricta. . S For every type of figure. 5 12 Church Street. : HERE'S A SNAP. We have one Singer Hand Sewing Machine for sale at a bargain.. Been uf a little, but practically as good aa new. Cull at once, for a bargain BURTON & HOLT NOW OPEN New York Lunch Room and Restaurant For Ladies and Gentlemen 11 South Main it FOR RESULTS, USE THE CITIZEN WANT ADS. GIVE US A TRIAL and we will demonstrate to you that our methods of cleaning garments of every description are perfect. Lace and delicate fabrics a specialty. Queen City Dyeing & Clean ing Works. 11 riiurvh Street. Phone 2110. Slrirriff s Ice Cream U ""phonT r.20.PUr"y rkhne' D,"lv"e,, P"t- of tb. cits 15.00 meal ticket 14.00 SHIRRIFF'S CAFE 16 PATTON AVENUE M. WEBB atimaari Importer No. Battery Park Psaoa, Psoas 144 latmrtlla, H. a SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlor, room It. Paragon Bid-. Phone 1(7. W make a specialty of electrical face and acalp treatments. Latest of everything In Hair Qoods and Hair Dr easing. awitche and PuX mad from youi oomblnga CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-prsc-tlc) CONPKMN.VTION WITHOCT IN VESTIGATION IS POOR JUDGMENT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves la the cause of all diseases: by removing this pressure, normal condltiona and health will be restored. Recognized and endorsed by thousand of citizen of other statu. Incurable diseases our specialty. OH. C. F. COltrTON. ChlropraUor Iiral Building. South of Fountain PHONK 621. NOTICE Bullovlng thnt pasteurization (heating followed by rapid cooling) is the best plan m i. m e hna yet JeviBed for handling a city milk sup p.V this cemptai li hitherto pasteurized all ita products and ex perience has cnnlirnien oj. belief. Hut realizing thut many people prefer un-pastcurlzed milg ana cream, we have dj-eided to offer both kinds In future. Whether pas teulrzed or un-pati urlr.ed, all our products are strictly pure. Nowhere can you get bitter milk; nowhere else can you get our quality at our prices. Asheville Pure Milk Company PHONE 554. fn3I5iROJl:: MODERNIWAYS 51 BffTON'AVEBETTE M. V.MQORE , WOMEN'S OUTFITTER. It PATTON AVENUE. ANNOUNCEMENT. A telegram received yesterdav fmm Mlsa Colling states that It la Imposs!- e for her to conduct our l.ctuivs as planned next week We hRe how ever, engaged the services of Mrs. .1 M. Whltled of Durham. N. ('.. who eome to us w Ith very alrong endorse ment aa to ability. we ran safely assure to the ladles, who will favor ua with their presence next week. Interesting and Instructive lecture from Mr. Whltted. Asheville Hardware Co., Ciaybrook James, Gen. Mgr. mHIMMIMIUHMHMMUMMIHHIMIHIIHHHW I MflMnX V VVDDTTADV OTII luvitvni) x jwnunn i oiu. a Wo bfgin d.iinir city woi'k. Oivo us a trial. I'lmno I J.ij aud our wagon will call. Battery Park Laundry MMMMMHIIMMMMMUMM Ill inilHIIIDip Saratoga Chips Fresh shipment of the cclchnitcd Anne lN.t.id. ,-hijis. Oui price nuikes ihcjfti less expensive than tlie. Imnie matlc ones. Large Package 15 Cents OWNBEY'S JSMontfordAvc. Phone 66 ASHEV1U.E RC HANDSOME NEW SILKS We have just stripes, .'lin ks, sm! Also a ,,t of th, li..,- e "i i MtiMt u I"il' sum, ''civetl a hands,, ni' lot of Milks in .nicy Foulards, rte. prettiest einhroidorcd collars time. Come in on MuihJv o.i i...i- i , aic z i or J. ic iitir ''.mi , .i-i ,

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