1 J i . 4 ,1 i, ,; MiMMMWMMWMPWWBMWftBBilWMMBMCg'ww JHLa.n ii TTTssMTSgMsslO .li ,i-JU-ia imhhWI ': air. and A.rs It'liert l. (lllmcr of J Waynvlll' h Iwuu-d Imitation l v rcpOn hrld I" honor "f Ui 1 ttrtntl'-nftfl aoiilwnmrjr of llx-lr wcd "". din, which Hi' y will ccliliral l-'ub-l lTHtry ttl. Mr. a .id Mm. Ollm. r hiiva ! r friend In Ashcv illo, and quit It ' ftunihnr "f (hem have preod K thlr Intention .1 ml. nil lug- their ' dlnir niiiv'i M' Air. tillmer. who 5 lor tbe piuit fight ymrs has been th attorney-nr'noral of North Carolina, t b rt)rd from th eapltol and ha jjj recently opened law office In tho city i f WyncvI!Je. Mr. Ollmsr hiia i formsd a Uw partntrshlp with his " son, Mr. Pmnnnt Jllraar. who for tha past ytn ha bn eonnactad with 'i. on of 'ha taif u flrma In Bun v Francisco, but who ha recently n- tamed t hie home In Waynesvlllfl. Mm. OHtn-r for tha p.iat aluht ynr F ha been Of tha reooanld social laadnrs at th atnte capital, and waa Slim 0rnnr befor hr mr- t ! to Mr. Ollmer. J Alt Bool thiireh choir will have a social meeting at tha pariah houaa ' tomorrow evening. - J J Tha Onnfsderat choir will have a : packa sal at Saawoll' pharmacy, corner of Wart Oolleir and Hh'wH v alrawta. thl afternoon frcm 4 U 1 : O'clock. '' ' V Invitation liava bean recld In . Aahavllla to the eclebratton of tha . aavanty-ntth anniversary of Wake Forest college, to b held on February . Jtth.v Thera -will be a historical ad- 4rea bir t3r, Charlea JR. Taylor and i Dr. E. W. k nd an educational - addn-as by PrMdant W. M. P. Faunce ' of Brown untveralty. ; . . j j Ther wtlt to av bowline tnnrnatnent t tha Albemarle elub houaa bottln . nln aJila tfonlnc at I o'clock. Thl - rlit ba tha flrat of m remilaf nrl of tournamenu to be held Weekly. Alt of tha bowler are mvitad to t- '"tend. ,' , Th Wmah' Mlaalonary oclaty of tha Ftrat rrwabytcrlati hurrh will et Thuraday Aftarnona at ' I.JO "o'clock wltll Mra. . T, Browne!!, II Orcva atrpat Tha ladle wh tiava ' 'proitled tr contrlbutlona toward ' tha praabytarlan union forward mora. tnant are requested to brlnv thoa eon , trlbutlona In la aonvenlent Th totiio for tho aftarnoon ' will bo 'China." Alt tha ladle of tha con. filiation ara oordlally Urlted, - Af ra. Clarenco flawyer ntortalnad ; with bridft party yaatarday after noon at her roaldeno on fioutb. Jlala trcet. 'Tomorrow aftvrnoon at tha Battery gharx hotel tha exhibition and musical , tea will be irtvett under tha aueptce , of a a amber of well known realdanut ' for Mr. Clarita Worrall.' Tha piC' turaa Whleli1 will ba on ' view ara apeclany flna apraantationa of Mr, WomiU'a work, and tha ' lilbltlon r loiia, va It on tfoea not rara to , tiimihaao. wilt ba worth tha email admlMton haked. Tha picture will ba catalogued toidi th prior tlvon v npon application. Tha muatoat pro- trram and a IM ot th ladle who will veoelvt and rve ted will be pub- tlah4. J.." Mr. u. F. Conn-U will lv a violin '.moital thle avenln at tha Aahavllla " Kabosl of Muala, amteted by Ml " Rut Badtker, at 1.80 o'clock. An axoetlent pvorrnni ha been prepared 4 y Mr. Oowiotl. Tha public I moat i.erdlally Invited t attend. ' A jt y . U Valentliiw'a tluy will noon be hir and with tt numbfsra of jiivvnllv ptvr- tlp. on Whir h tha g-rown-iipu will on jvrocki ! Tho window of the ftfahop are tiiiMtnl with hrwrt-ahnped tttnlaalva bettiinF many tendir aontl jj tnant. The vilontlno puuli-a uri (thr alo ari'1 nmneroua other Hinal! aTlrt nd remomhranr. k' The tonnli and nlf timnm-nt lrl pontpoti.'d at tha fAmiitry iliibj w. yejatorday afternoon on account of the i t; rair ami will nut bp continued unlll ''tha. leather in fair aaiiln. Tho tint ! J will be frenh. anil Bii'.'n rtur thf .eleanelnv ahowvra, nnd tho Bolfem Wtfl return t the ronttt with added i)leaaiir. Tho cliulor jth are 'water proof" and runder th path at all time acccsHllil. vj. Mr. Jnmoa Alexander entertained iJwtth a Inriro bridg party yeaterduy , Afternoon nt the Battery Park hotel !'1n honor of Mrs. Mary Phlnney of Boaton. The drawing room, which 'haa recently been redecorated and re- furnialied, waa uned for th first time ind waa lwnut'rully decorated with ' pink carnation and axnleaa. The prime were hnmlnome. the first being salver sandwich plat, won by Mr, t l. H. Branch: the second was a grace f ful allwr carille1lek. which went to i Mr. Clarence F. White, and the con- Raincoat ii the Silver Lining to a Rainy Day '' It would he brighter th-in ever in one of our new silk rubberized raiueoats. They are verv neat, trim and ' - drc&sy as n raineoat can he. 1 . Pongee, Raiah, Bengaline, and plain Silk; solid colors And fahey plaids and stri e ; coated with rubber inside; light as a feather. Price $10.00 to $20.(K). " Cotton Rubberized Coats; rubber side outside; fancy tnpes; Trice $5.50. v.CnTeiiette Capes, nulitury effect, in solid eolors, . iBomcthing new and different. I'riee $20.00. i . "A traterprqof, et dressy raincoat is truly, a comfort on a rainy day--it's silver Uniujr. III. V. M00RE troMX?ra otjttotkr. ' ii rairoif Avxonra. . eolathin prize i ;i -'l.r flow'-r mt In which htt.-il ;i a lilt- iijai lnlli In an earihen iot. ihiH uni'inc om;iiricin belnff wn lv Ml i-.riH. arwl (he irueet' ptle v". I.i- J i c. .ik pn 'iili-i I'. Mr. I'hJhtii v. mi uiiiiMiiillv pt'i IV brldire h. t. An iI.iI.iiihIi rullatl nil wim Horvert, itfti-r lnli Mr, MjiiMrt. orclienfra khvc u hi inl i "rn-ert fni Mm. Alexwii'ler'H Kiii HtH Iti the Vulrii room. TtMr HueulM wire. Mm. I'liln ney, Mr. . H itryuiit. Iih. Utti'licr. Mr. I. C. WaiUhll. Jr.. Mr. Knu.U Hulibnrd MHaon. Mr, ('lareme While, Mr. J'-. Hfiiter (Irani. Mr. Wllllmn Hi'hueiilielt. Mm 'llninuiH M HnllliiH. Mr. !'. M. MiHMler- Men 'I'liooirui WuolilrlilKc. .Mm. .1. I' llnw.'iil. Mm William lleiinlcn, Mr Wlllliuit .1 CoeUe, Mr. Arthur Itiuiikln. Mr. Con- ver. Mr. Dnvia, Mr. Melutne, Vr Von Iliirk. Mr. Vritrik II. U)ekvtoir Mr. Chnrle A. Wehli, Mr. Hrlle, Mr. I'niil rniiulti. Mr K. U. (Mnn. Mr, i'harlii hi. (Ur, Mr. IlrcwHt 1'hllllpa. Mr. Krcd Kent. Mr. ami Mr. Kohlnxon, MIh Annie Wllltrim Ml I'nnwmi', tlx Mle Hlmen Ml Thayer. Ml Mooro. Ml K. (Itllln.ni, Ml Mri(nret I'nrker, Ml (llllrarn. Itohert Davlw. Mr. (lllleii. Jt'k 1'hlnney and Mr. Wllllum. c PERSONAL ' Mf. J. H. Wheeler of Orange, Man. I here for k few day. Mliw Mlnnln Wenlnll, who lui been vileltliw fur tho paat ton day In Lynchburg, .will return home todivy. Mr. It. Sotton of Knoxvllle la ref. Interod at tha Hwannanna hotvl. Mr. R. II. Mitchell of Jefforann City, Tenn,, I In Aahavllt on bul- noaa. Mr. A. 3. Wlnnlford nt nlel;h wa In town on btlainea yeaterduy. Mr. tl. K. Lee haa returned to hla horn lit Lynchburg, after a bualneaa trip to Aibevlllo and tha aurroundlng Country. ' i Mr. R. B. Ruaaall of Atlanta la pending a few day with friend in U Ky. , Ur. J. O. Grave ha rtturned to Wayneevlll, after buairWia trip to Aabavill. ' t- :' Mr. and Mr. II. K. Ourry ot Cort land, N. T.i arrived yoetorday and will apend him time with friend in th city. i Mr. J. It. MoNalley of OreanBbaro, N. t;.i I bar for a few day. . i -i-. t Mr. V C. Tihnde of Lynu, N. C, la In town for a fow tluya. Mr. B. Howe of Charlotte I aprnit Inar aevural day In Aahevllls with friend. Mr. It. I.. I.yda of IJncolnton, N. C'wn In the city yoatorday. Mr. Nulll C. Hay of gwannanoa waa In town cat bulnca yeatnrday. Mr. It. Whlttlor, AahoWIIo. O. tilierrlll bua returned to after a bulnt-a trip to Mr. II. M. llowln r MaiKhall 1 anendlnit a few la with rrieml In th city. Mr. Thoma J. Murray of Marshall la hero for a few day. Mr. It. 8. Hmltit or Henilernniivlll wit In town on lulneiw yentenluy. Mr. V. W. Krvenmn luut returned to lwit Cavo, after u IiuhImckm trlii to Ailiovllle. Mr. W. It. Morris of Sjlva was In town yraterdhy. Mr. R. J Joyce of Candler In xnetnt lug a few day tilth friend in town. Mi. Hubert H. I frll or New York In ill Keiillwoiih Inn Mrs. Thomas A Bide. oil the II, ,,-., I and will up, lid n" worth Inn. Itin I. in r :u i i i d lie tlllle of Klver v. -leiiliiy at Iv en ll- MiHH J.S.- Plptr I. ft pill i lllC'C : I I I. lay I , new llm Haltluior to of millinery. Mr. 1! JohliHon i J. lv h is ri i urtti d to h, time :i f t ' r ,lh trlciiiN BeOillntf I and r. latlv Mr. Will, am now ul Kltmr.t. return to Ashcv havloK h, i ii w ho ! I1H' Will k. utter I, IK vt v t, a days. Mr. frntil j .'"S'I'h Chlllon has returned business trip to Murphy. THE ASHEVITJdCCmZKN, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 10f 1.009. Mr. J.irn-i lier.f ir a u ilum- of i'lat Hock fl A lhlH. Mlv 1 1 : i . l 1 1. I'liiiiiniriK. who haa tieen In IlilBt. I1'! Ky . wh-r will- Inl mime montnn I uti'i ii.i . f.ir I.iiulvlll, jine will lociue. Mr ltni.il I Juki- 1" a uet at tho Hun. iv fail-, hull I ami will vlelt bur ,;lMiiltl, r, Mr.-. Malhev,, who, lth Mr Mnl ! v. -. li ... . :i . iilK the Mc r the eawin Mr, if (iill. Him 1 1 Lluke 1 . VI 1 !.! -Ill e !' .:ll,.- I lie "II. I I. .huh ill'-. Ky. 1 1 n.l Mr "h.irle I. Minor I uiii'. I li '.lii horli Hluri. U ( .'. hi. I Mih. Ki aio Hinder. who . nt m. ml wi t-k lit. road. are. Nori'illi, V.i . anil will return nliiilllV. ,li Mih. ii W. HuearlriKen itml M In May S cm. I "I l.outyllle. Ky.. are. HpemliliK K'.llie lllll-e at the Manor. Mr. nn, I Mr H I . M"lt left ye tenlny for Ih-lr old lioitie In Alabama. After i' lui ii I iik 'r Holt will ultend the l.i) on n n iiiiwlouary enriventlon, wlih h no i 1h In Uli iiiIiihIiiiiii on the IMh id IIiIh in, mih. Mr (ilen ( rowell hn taken a po nKli.ri nn limeliiiK aleiiian for a .Southern lioe hnme. : Mr. I.. S Coffin or Hnrtfnrd, Conn,, Ik in the city on bunlnexa. Minx Mae Unrnurd Ivna returned from ii n ejctenrteil trip to Hoitnoku itiipl.ln. Mr (1. K, McKeever of CrookHVllle, Ala.. Ir reKlHtnred at the Herkeley hotel. Mr. J. O. Harrleon of Franklin, N. C, wa In the city on buine ye- terday. Mr. W. It. flray of Chicago la Kiieiullnir everal dy in town with frleiiil. Ur. I. .1. Archer of Black Moun lain wa In tho city yeatorday on bu Inee. Mr. .1. !. Malonee of Murphy. N. C, I spondlng a few daya with frlemla In th city. Col. B. A. Jonoa of Wayncavlllo waa here on bualncia yentcrduy. Mr. and Mr. J. II. Well of Oreenaboro have arrlvnd and will apend several daya at th Rwannanoa hotel. Mr. J. Hyatt of Now York la In the city for a shoot visit with friends. Mr. Jamea H. DUIard of New Or leans arrived yesterday and will spend several days In Aihevllle and vicinity on business. Mr. and Mr. John O. Bowman of Wayneavllle are spending several day with friends III the city. mm MAKES GREAT SHOW OF HOSIERY AN1 VtTK C1UAIMNTTKS ITTS OP IiAlHIX' MNtiKUIH Ttut Wind I Only a Drummer Who Itlew In From Cln rlnnntl. Wind Mew In from the mliilh west. This In not u vvi'llther story--that ran bo found elsewhere, written hy the weather expert, who hn studied Atflievilte's clliuute from ItN Infancy Thl I mirely a record of the fuel that Wind Mew In from Cincinnati and blew out attain thl niornliic While lure he stopped at thr Herkeley and slirned the ivRistrr "Wind" only that nnil nothliiK more He tuny have other names, but lie llnds Jut Wind" NUfflcli-nt for all hl needs ami luirpiise and et hK mall nddresed "Wind." Wind In ii traveling saleHinun ami finds It easy to Mow In on his tonit'l'H without KlvltlK lllrlll cold i hill. Klthliugh he Is o,ulck to renen uny iniputiithin of tielne a hot air producer lie can talk hi ware t tb satlMfactlon of h.a customer, i wein. for he ny lie find A.-.h- vill one of the best mnrkrts In the Soutl And then to tiantr a tale It uia he th- uiatii'liui-. tnriit;.-i of his ctieiiili s. lint tint slory w t.ii.l auioiiK ten v i'Iiiik nu n that Wind i not hlv nam, at all. hut that In ap I'loptlateil tt Ironi tin- st o , h . , n sc ,, tuiuKi d num. l, ly ;'or tra,t,' pui p,,e It 1 said that he should h- ailed lit of s ,'thlliK 111-' that not vvti.-n Wind In ar.t of th,', -ln,' ,. aihnlltiil tli.it In- va entitled ,i I'll,', .ui.l ,i..it. I that thai als. : " with li . ll II, . An, I Id I .in. 1 .lid if' lin-i, iv .iml llm;i,,' Thlnl, .1 it' Wind ar t la.li. -i' dalntv dm lll- don't tliiiik of It if vi. ul VVlt.' i " i in. I. ut l v ; , I-ad Ilea r ,1 I- I I'v mv li.itn,-." ?-alil t-'ll s ill, I, V . sterdai vv hi II ,1 on tin- siil. i. , t 'll in't t -r lltv lufon, s-. ctth' f V.'U -Iriimmei v . - 1 , all mvself lh.it w i. drummer find ;t so har d t., get tes.thcr new joke and inniri thing to tickle our custom. -rs with lh.it i name that can 1- bands,-.! like iiiiti' help ,,nii, l-'or insttince a 'usioni'-is Imvs of no-, a purchaser "nns to him to buv hosiery Shf "ks if lb, y .ii-,- i, ,,1 silK or univ mere. rued. Silk, niadsin. llk. Wind will prove it.' the sali-un.-m replies,! and there you are tVhm b, tt, r could; ' smart salesman shv ' of cour.- f.ir as Kits I concerned. 1 always (tuamnti e tits. 1-, ing Kit mvir. and h.n Vila sells Ills any merchant can KCaraiilc that my punts are Kits" without fear of Ix-lnn forced into nv-mlvi rship of the Annnins lull h ye, (here is a Krent deal In a name Now'- wind trted off to 1kki a particular brand ,.f i.ii... hosiery that is aiiarnn d to last for mr.vc. haii nlu , ,rt1 thn.inrli the coal cellar looklnir for bumlars. Whereu,H. The CttUen man with modest l.lnsho betook himself ami-. RAO PT WOBI READY TO EiVE UP IN DESPAIR 5IVf aaiorea to 2t)Jtb By Vinol i was aick, ma-down and flnM had f n mfwm - . ' - r wor. Aiier irying a aumber erf rtedlii and aeveral phy-, Iclana, I wa Jut about ready to (iv MP la despair. I saw Vlaol ad vertised aad 4cided to try It,! 4 It ha ion mor rood fnrl m than all other meaas combined. It ba built im tip .ami restored my trenfth until I now twenty rears ouuar, na am able to attend to my , science and phjele force the world work again bUal " Job Jaavoni.'ha ever knon. Her prediction are 1036 Llnd etreeL Whpellaa W V. 'lalway correct, and in ver fall to come ine roaaoa VlnoI Is bo successful In uch casea I bacaaee It contain nm- Iron ,Di M ot tlf ,trenetnenlnf blood-maklaf and body-buildint 1 mnta of cod liver oil, but no oil. Vlnol la unejoellrd as a strength ereator for old people, dHicat children, weak, run-down person, and after Ickneaaand la the best known rem edy for coughs, colds and bronchitis. W return your moner if vinni r.n. to aiv aaUsfactisa. VIMH, I told an AhIicvI'Ic b Bca- ercU'a Ittarmanri j.. SESSION iHALF OVER AND YET SANITY RULE S IContlnued .from fint page.) PHhaed, and there hu i nine In Its placo an impression that the railroad companies In brlllfc-lnu ahout the con ference made a snrkwd play for posi tion. In that they put the present ad ministration in jhe position of refus ing to provide an avenue wherein the grlnvBncc of tha. ruilronda. If they feel they hawe any in the pnwu-nsrer mtc matter, :B4 be lieard In thb stlte tribunals Instead of haviiiK to go into; tho federal cuurta, a courso that waa roundly dcnounood.ln ccrlnln iuai'tcr th pat two years, Ro ttcre seems, to bo llttlo, If ay, propect for any ! further tlr aa to tho pawtariger ratei ipiestlon during thla session. crime Wave sweeps over QUIET SOUTH!? (Continue from Sr. v hi purpie, the timely arrival of person, attracted iiy her scream, causing the nero to flee to the woods. Fully 1,500 people joinud In a search for the negro,, bent upon lynching him. TEXAS AUH) IX IJ ST. HBARNK. Tesrf-fVk. As a ro ault of a dispute : wimu .land, j. uvmisr, a secuoa Terenian, was noi and killed today by Kolley wyatt and Aloxandor McKenxle, noroea. Wyatt waa captured and McKenzle escaped. Tonight a ipob of several hundred persons battered down the doors of the jail and, securing the negro, bunged him t a nearby tree. Posses are scarchln; for 3tcKenUi. and a llko fato ia probahle If ho is captured. 1HK1 IN I VKMNO GOWN. NWW (Htl.lCANS, Feb. . "We are such thing a drcama are made of. and our llttlo life Is rounded with a sleep. Kindly bury me aa oon as possible. I nni so tired of it all." Tiles, -were the word penned hy Mra Clrace Ambtirster, twenty-elKtit vears old. hi-forc inhiiling llUitnlni(tlne kiis during the nii:ht. Her (lend taly nns found today In full evening dress At home I Illlly. ispoetlvo Itiiv. i What I vvtint Is r a lin e. . 1 1 I , -1 looklnE- animal lor oivs.lt. whl, h mv uife can drive in the doucait and which won't Inlii.l "'Inn hid bed on Mi. luwnnuivvi r oc-a.-iionully. Ii-alcr Vi.-. -ii. and would win be waiitina It to w ilt on tfiie table as well ' - The Tatln . ' ' Weak iiiile Boys m.ty ncitimc nno stronft men. s.mcof the str,,, men of toHiay "in- mi My txivs years ago. Many of them received Scott's Emulsion at tln ir mother's Knee. This had a power in it lh.it changed them horn weak. iK!i,,ite boys into strong, rohust hoy-;. It has the sa m -. power todav. Hoys ami irts wim are pale and weak tfet food ath! eitcijly out of Scott's Emalsi-jiu II niakts children ijrow. Send Ihl. .dvwtlcmeni (,vN(f w)t same of nxwr In which it arrvji. llJr addrro uxl fuur ccnlR ta y..vt peo.j. w y,M KnJ , 'Vompletc Hn Allj. ,,i , vt'Orld'' SCOTT BOWNE. 4 iu f,arlSlrft Ne V miMIMtllllHUMHHIM THE T A TTTT-VT- Tr LAUNDRY BEST tru.'iiiiiitee our work tidious customer, Have Battery Park Laundry ' COUNTRY Our butte: "Kent either fresh from t l-utt each errt-k. br Inir handsome lot i t Kuyini; butter at t i snpp insures aKR-uiM 25 cents OWNBEY'S CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. Ya wining to iu (onvlnntl h) Van Zon'.'l MMK. V,N ZAN HAS AltltlVED 50 KXTS ( KN'TS. How to f lycreonw ll lYoulilen. Your pant. mir r,rei.ent life anl your entire future. hihI everything can be told by consulting thin world em inent Clairvoyant ami Spirit Medium, who Is the irrcHtinl master of occult i ""u- " thiuKsnl of people vvin ten- lfy- I'lwilivcly (iuurHiitii'N Niiccc-ix Wlu-n All Otlnrx Call Concerning niixlneu. Affair. Olvea riever-failiiiK information re Kiirdlnfc all kind of bueiiu-iw. la- HUMa. cluiin, cillcctioiic. Investment,'! peculatlona, chaniji 1 wills, pension, insurance deed. mortitiiKes. patent, invention and nil Iluam lal d'lfncutli j. Ivc. CiiurtMhlp and Mnrrincc. (ilve truthful revelations in all love affairs, marriage, family djfilcultie,: Hint diorcc. Kctllcs lovi i' iiinrr, U. give name of the oin- )ii will itiurry and oato of mai tIiikc. Mow to win the man or woman' v-iu love. How to Control and I uclnate Any One Vou love Mini Admire. No matter what your irnuhio may he Van Zan will hell' you. Pru e liiiced to f0 cent this v, i i k only Private iiarlor lit If I Clu-xiiuit St. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to call attention to the tart that I hme opened a nn t y huiiu KH ut 7 Montfovd avenue, and respect fully solicit the patronage of my frlovtds and the general public. I'-, liverv to all part of tho cllv.. J.F.SIMS, " ' Plionp III2S ttmumwmtmn:tmjuntutmurn SCALP MASSAGE Sclentlllcally niltnlnlatered in a positive cure for falling hair and dandruff. Tft cts. each treatment, or tickets for six treatment for $4.00. MISS CRUISE Ground Kloo" 25 Haywood St. ttttttttttttttttutttttuttttttttttuttttuutttttS A Roaring j Fire ! ' Is an easy matter if you have a scuttle of M. & W. Indian Coal. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PHONB ltt, M. WEBB Millinery Importer No. Battery Park Place, PhoM 1M4 ! AasMrrUle, M. C. SKINNER Si HUNTER Ealr Dreasrlns; Parlors, room 10. Paraxon Bid;. Phone 667. We make a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything- In Hair Good and Hair Dressing, Switches and PuSa mad from your combing THERE IS NO WAITING to h served nt our place that i a fiatur. nith us .lust llu- same as servlim only the v i ry host In tin cat illK Inns. if you haven't he. n ealinir with us. all vve ask is a cull KV VOliK l.VM ll KfM)I 11 South Main st The Ashevillp School nl . . n . . . Music and Dramatic Art TUB ATrDrrORITJlf Phune 344 La Grecque Conetx. . ; For every type of figurt. ; GREENE & CO., . 12 Church 3tret ; GIVE US A TRIAL and we will demonstrate j;o you that our methods of rioanlnif garments of f-very de.n rlptlon are perfect. Lace nnd delicate fabrics a specialty. Queen City Dyeing & Clean ing Works. It Church strt-rt. Phone 2110. Ml MIMW ttt- T-. -rr r,,c 1 WORK. DONE HERE to ileast the most f.w our wagon call. nt UTTER tb. farmn In . f vest Hun, --nib. iiv ih liuttcr itnft.it: pound Mothers Will Jearn tliat we li;ivc just unpacked a shipment of children's wash dresses. They ace"" made of gingham,' galatea, linen and pen-ale. They are neatly trimmed arid well made. In fact every one who has seen tftm, have expressed themselves pleaded with th pi.iees and the values". :', ;A -" The prices raiifre from 5Vt oHe, 7fc, $1.00 on lip . wards t(.!tl.."(), $-'.()() and. J.OO. -V They are for chiidreri fi oni ; to 14 years old,; Oq disjilay in Ready to Wear Department foday. ,?.v tfe9 Cjoods Sxpectad Svery Day Our hiiyeis are now in Tev Voik city and we are fxpei'tiuj; clitice new ooIm in every day. Times that have seen our lare sfock of.Hpriug. poods will no doiilit wonder wjiy we should Uli)- more. We he lievevfn lare assoi linents. Ladies will buy from the store that has t he most varied line to seleet frofn. That's the reason we carry thelargest stock of. dry goods and ready to wear garments in the eity. arge jine of Vat Jace Stiirpif f 's Ice Cream Is noted for it' purity and richness. Delivered to all part of th city Phone S20. . , $6.00 meal tickets 14.00 , , SHIRRIFPS CAKE , 16 PATT0N AVENUE ' - D.U.McKINNOIV 7 Palloa Avcnnc (Orer IUdarood'l Mora.) Ladies and Gentlemens TAILOR r Youp Children can not lie strong and vigorous without Jfood, pure niilk. it is their STAFF OF IdFi:. Our milk is pood and pure and so reastmalile that it is aetuallv the cheapest food you can jro ide. Asheville Pure Milk Company PHONE 55t. "iHtrsraREOF 51 BVTT0N AVElVBELTTE ASHEV1IJ.E N.C. EXQUISITE :Of; Mew We woiihl Iik,. to have yt,n ins,(-( t onr jJie 0f New Silks, whi.-l, lms iv-.-ntly ai rivetl. If you would like anytliint: j ,. (:iUi.y sil,.Si ym (,an eag. find ii here. Midline Sarins tVmu S.".- vd."up. Konlanls s;.,- , V(.. Satin Finislu,,! Stripes at i.h yd.. :u;-iu.-h ( he.-ks at !.) yd.. UmRh Pongee snks .-.it.- u, to -l.m yt!.. the real Rajah Silk at $15' yL eleirant values in Mla-k Taffeta Silk at $1.00,; f !.--". and l.-"i() yd. ' , The eonc t Silk this season will H. found at lH IVei-less. K-r a .retty evenin- silk that is not eX 1 .ensivc see our line of Oyaina Silks at-3. ytL tf nearly every shade vou wish. J-.? mm be pleased to Just jtftrived v CHIROPRACTIC ) (Ki-ro-prac-tle) jOOXDEMNATIOJI WITHOUT IN VESTIGATION IS POOR JUDGMENT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves la the cause of all diseases; by removing this pressure, normal conditions and health will be restored. Recognized and endorsed by thousands of citizens of other statoa. I Incurable diseases our specialty. .nit. C I". COHPTOff; Cntopratto. I Legal nulldlnr. South or Fountain phone eat. moderniway Sf PHONE 336 SHOWING Silks 25 Montford Are. . .v...., t Phone 56