TIIK AHllEVrLLK CITIZEN, TIIinj8IAV. FKIUtlTAY It, 1.!. V. i brlxluuu of Wastilng- .nt n (iM. r , 1 ut the. HAail- Shelby. tiin-l'in, SOCIETY Ef I ' ' ' i iiti-.lit! Mrs. JumeN (ii M.tf'in. Tin- pi-- ,,i. h i.e nl ; ,,u r:t! d.i l hlc'l -l . . .11 'l i ml- I i i,'teri,.-Il . . ! . ' i.i in, w j if slimi-nt i . li. . i , . r fi ., I Alt i r '-:icH, Mmy I U' r K dpiti I ri,." It. mm i I i .,vf,..r, I.i i W . 1 I .! Ill M lid tlaxid Ktc.lt- ki ' twenty Hit'., n i. n,i i In honor of h r u 1 1 Were playm! :n.! ii.i i aervsd. TIh.w. , , iCoyncr, HadU li. .m 'Alberta 1'hkIi. 1 I. i. Holmes. Hope hii . i,-. rfek. Alma l:i 'it. i (lori;iu V illlmi,, i 'hi, tlwt 1 lit, in -. It'ilil. Huich Hliijl... k. IInn.1 u,l.i I., thank tin- little full's far Dim l..,mt'I il present In. ncclved. Mm J- vv. K. Wl'llmn iuhJ Miss Florence K'dtu r furnlshi il KuiuiM for the Utile umii J Jt Mr. end Mr William Tlrhn tin flounce the marriage of their slut, r Ml Kllr.sbcth Nelson Mortln, to Mi Clarence Kit war flmart of Tray. N. v. The murrlair nf MlM Miirlln un.l l ftoiurt occurred yesterday ti rt rii....ii at Have imcroft, that horrid of Mr. n n.l Mrs. Tltfho, the ceremony beinft p.--farmed by lr. Oilbert T. tlnwe of Central Methodist church. The cl dkar u very quint ami attended only by the Immediate family. Mr. inn! Mr. Smart will tie at home on, r February llith at the Oaks lintel 1 : . J The approaching vIbK of president Charles W. Elliott of Harvard will be of Interest to the people of AshevWe, Md lila lecture which la irlven at Thn Auditorium, March Z2o, will lie a hit - otmorlunltjr for those who have not bien tt fortunate hitherto aa to hir Via dlatlnculahed lecturer and mutt. Prealdant Ulllutt will dine with thn Pr-n and flat Club prevlue to thu ; artrtrcai at Tha Auditorium after which Dr.- Charle I Minor will five a r oeptloM for President Klllott It II hardly probable that Prealdent Klllnlt wild maka another tour and thnt knowledfa haa added to tha koon lr. Uraat ami antlotpatloa of hla appear noa In tbla city. Thr will be a buatneta meetln of tha I'hllathea Claaa of tha Ttrat !T byterlan church, Thuradny afternoon at four 'clock. - All membera arc urged to ba prevent, Announemnt of tha approaching Wedding of Mine Qrace Sllaabeth Cor- nittt to Mr. Marshall W. Ball haa bee.i Mr, I Ul I'll f i i " i (I .11- li.ivi; I'r-.iinlif r-i fii.il Jii' h hi ' iiM hlrf In f in' 'I h f.iiii'.iii- il- i H liilH "'' n ' v liil-l i .ill n it Ii" iUi i i I'llt I 111 ill i.i I Ml ' li" I. nwi. Tin- l ii' i tiiri- nl ., V. I-. Mi W'niii'll .iiia.l. i .-.I In' hmii 111(1 . I ' l ' I'MI'lll. I , ,.' . I'll- A III, l I ' ' I In i II , I'll! t N ii ...-lti..n 'ii tinir .1 I 1. .X 'l. I III i U III .lltOII.il IK JH nil. I, Is i t 111 I. I. lh .in. I Hi'- mini : ut Fix f''-t. .nut im li ii'ir't ii ...In- l ...n uf 1 1 i irfli.ii I. M i hiii li t. I.. Mlimr uinl Jim. W. V. W liuh.iin will n. r.' ri i4 mill a numli - IM Vi'll HMi'V.M H'l'i.tv .V'iriHMl vs. r I i ri i ' lV. TIliTH V. Ill I..' 11 l!M!i ii H ir. mi Kivrri l. In. 'Mi..iiiim.iii l-'ii, iin.l M.H.. I. Iii. IIiiiiiII..ii. .4 . i ii.- A"ii. i hi. r ..... ..I Mii'ii- w.o, ' I'.rtil'll lUMI . nliin, II,. ... i,im,,ii . H.i: III" vii.llll ! ' il.il. KIVIII liy ,'r i i. ..niii ii. Air i . .inn l kuvi' i n ' i i . HiiiKiy iiiriii nii .r,i(tinin, wlil-h Im Iitili'il n nuttilii'i' "I niii ..ft il(.. rr. iiui ntly jilnvnl by l.iiii.iiix virtiiiisiic to iliHpliiy tlo-lr ti'ihnlimii iiml hI,, Mr. ( 'onni.lt plnyi-il Humwiti-a ZIku. m tn'iwi...ri ri rniirkubly well nml M iin llldt note lllill.ll iiwuy l. II' Him j nur or uppluUHe trnrn u thoroughly rit'I'ro. lotlvo utKlli'tiic. Thin n ii mli win followi'd by a Kriiup uf four pi.r tMiuBiiy wen plnycd. Ii, Lcgcndu by rrit'ninwHKl Mild tn.. IuhI ivimlii r Hoi vmr u liny. in. Mr. foiini.ll pay,.i tirilllBntly . The appreciation of h audience waa cvldont throiiKlmut tii cvenlnt which win In every way bih ceaaful. Mlaa lluth Iladukor accoiiiim- nled Mr. Connnll and ave further ui niir aoniiy aa a lianietn anil arouaed a keener Internet In her fortn eomlair recital In which ahe will bc the aololet. Mlaa Kadekt r poaieaaoa ma sin too infrequently omitted In tne maae up of a ood accomnaniit and mualclan, of modulating her tone ana me-HWig it aubaervlont to the aolu. lat, and yet not at the anorlftce of atrongth of background and atipport. The next reoltal which will be given at tha B.hool of Mualo haa not been announced and will bo puullahed at a later date. Mlaa Freda Ilrown entertained with made by tha parenta of tha bride. Mr. i CB.r.d pr,y yorday aiternoon at and Mn. Hiram Walker Cornel t. The . wedding oooora February 17th, at tlw noma of tha bride parenti In Cathey, California. Mr. Ball la a prominent attorney of Murphy and haa a grant Through an error It waa stated in yeaterday mornlng'a laaue that Mre. f. H. Branch won the flrat prlio at many frlenda In thla oily. Mr. and krtd Prty t'van for Mr. Phln- Mra. Itelt will rlde tn Muvhy af ut Mrch lat Tha' Country Club waa again tht centra of attraction yeatorday after- noon, tti tennla touroament and the ney by Mra. James t .Aleiandnr at tha Battery Park hotel, Tuoaday af ternoon. Mra. C. B. Bryant won. the prbte referred to and not Mra. Branch. Jl Jl The following appeal la publlahed at Men'i Oolf Tournament blnf played. !)h 'Queat of the Aaaoclatod Char! Mra. Gilbert Harvey of Buffalo, N. T., win from Mra. Tenoh Coxa In tha tan-1 "Tn Flower Mlealon and Aagncln re tournament, tha aoore being g-t-!" Charltlea brgta to call attention , Mra. Uarrey won tha handeome j "aln conatant applications for liver cup, which waa presented by : mployment During January moat Mr. Tench Coe, an which tha aav- j ' the cases It tried , to help were era.1 conteetanta who were membera of eickneea or lack of emplAyment. Annuel aiwaya we can furnish a the Country dub vainly, endeavored to keep the cup In Aahcvtlle. Teaf waa eerved Informally during tha after noon by Mra, Charles 8. Jordan, The . BnJJ Oolf tournament was played alio the ecoree being Mr. J. J. McCloskey 61, handicap t. The mixed foursome Wilt toe played aa usual Saturday a : ternoon and there wilt be a ten, Th. Ladlee (io If Tournament will he played next Wednesday afternoon. A plan Is on foot to play a tennis tour- nanent, mens slnglqa, for a cup of fared by Mr. Puller, which will short ly be oomntiiiiced. Jl Jt . Tha young ladles who are employ.-, at tha telephone exchatiKe wore ei- ' tertalned yesterday nl luncheon by . Mra. Pnnnle 8ubr at her homo on South French Ilroud aveiuie. Mre. KUbcrs guests were Mlis llnwklnr. Miss Wells, Mlsa Turnbull, Mlas Mu garet Huwklns, Mlaa CunnliiKham. . Miss Pelmet, Mlaa Kmlly Coyner miti Miss YOncc. , t J Mra, Carlton Milliard entertained with the flrat of a aerlea ef l.rl.lii" partlea ycetcnlay nfternocn. et ln-r residence In Proximity I'ark. Tl.c aocond party will be given tiil ut ternoon. Tho flrat prlxe yi-rierdnv w ' Won by Mra. Julian W .oili n, k ami was -a braas candelabra. Tin- . ). latlon prlxe went to Mim. Arthur It.m kln and waa a br.mac llon.'r In, hi. i Mra. Milliard's musta wen- Mra. Kl. Mustln. Mra. ItoKi r (inint. Mrs. Julian Woodcock, Mra. Frank V"uver. Mi. Mark Brown. Mra. Forbes, Mrs. Ar- - thur ftnnkln, Mr. I'. C. Cocke. Mra Cart V. tteyii.ilila. Mrs. J V. Hayes. Mrs. C. It. M.ijui-in. Mrs. Thoinsi Rollins, Mrs. J.'hn Carroll and Mis Ebernian, . .H Tlnuaiml Interest has been taken It. the exhibition which will be k-lwn this afternoon lit half paat f nit O'clock at the Battery Tark liot.l of Mr. Clarence Worrell's ptcnir.a under the nuNpltva of a coniiultt-' compose, I nf Ilr S. Weatray Itatt:.. Oen. T. F. nnlilaon. lr. It. H. Swope. Mrs. F. W. W. tirahum. Mm. Inn n McKee. Mm Charli-a l'.-niiiimm ai;.l woman to scrub or boys and men to do unakllled labor, such aa ohopplim wood, beating carpets or cleaning yards. At present there are several urgent cases. One woman, n widow. tiredlnK work at once, la capable both as a working housekeeper or aa un attendant to an Invalid. Another la u young kIi-I whoan par ents are nliin.Nl entirely dependent :in lu r exertions. We feel ,o could d i office work Tor n dentist or doctor. One of our bi,a of Mt-v.-iitccn Im the inilln support oi an uxe.l father uiul u mother who baa it l.ailly l,i.,k.n wrist. Thla boy la not Wo-oroua enough for ordinary day labor In a factory or on the etreets. but la el III ii 111 In iIoIiik odd Jotia ahoiit a hooae or Mild. The family Is burden ed with ti ,1,1, t which uiUHt lie puid nt a near date ami their iinHucceast ul efforts to Ki t work are pitiful. Two oSber boya, not oyer strong, are eagerly looking for a job In a at, ue or dilvlhir u wiujnn. i ii-coalonly when w.uk 1, n, un-,, w have Hklllcd liiborerH who come to oui nit, ntlon through sickness In the rain lly. We urge that both private Individ tin la and different Indii-lrti-a will cor stuntly henr us In mind. Unit tln .v will give us ii ii opportunity wliem-M-r thev enn to gle emplo tneiil H..li t our l.r .thers and sist.-r who-,- n. ,-d is poiiiniit b. vond oui i-eihynllon and Whose distress Is lic.lien(l dm t,. no iuii il or tiiiir ow n. M i , ,.i Mr In I I 'VI M r. M,. I, Ali .Mi Mr I! .Miith'-w of r.,l Hfnl '.' Ill li lil.iiis In --Iui I it'ilin rir w a - .f llrsann ity l..,i i ..t.i i .1 1 mi. liael 'd Jefferson siiii'llriK Hi-veral ilavs i ml vi. Inily on biiatneaa Sl..,li;i IIHH of TeniK-HSee it Hie Hwiiiiriun.i.'i bol' l. 1 . Illll.ll le.W of I day iniiiimitl. ' Willi fit. lids H.'l ll.-H .,it stay .f Savannah Is K v '' I itzgerald of lianvill" In Aslievllli- ycHterduy li. II. Mr III spiil.lllIK Hi'V III III' .if.. I I over nil of I 'oiinnrd. N. f'.. days with frlenda Mra W o. liiinhinn. wife of !r. W (i. I miiliiiiii of Hioux Fulls, H. IL, Ih a guest III Itnnnlvlew. Bad Breath and Soar Stomach M.'imiI Oik-e Willi I'm' MIIiim 1uin mil. the fjrrin -I on MaxrrtMT Km n Then- I" no necesalt o -i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii t ' "ii . chagrin ft. - mt-' ol I.i, .I I I. ..III. blluiusii' I -I' ln in 'h. gmtrliis sluggish 1 1 ,ih. -i ilti i" lozenge nf chare. t; tin rti..iii,n Ii .irul niek , n , ' CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. rc Vnu WllllHic to 1U- Cum Im iil h t an Zaii .' mmk. . y.ts hs i:i!ii:u 50 I'KHs .".o I i: rs. Ilott to Oii-rciiiii i . 1 1 drug ynurseli ,: mile inituial i-harc" 1 1 . x 1 1 1 u iiimv branch A nil In.inv. will add st. .in. i. li liv. r and Int.- .il,s i in- g.is s and stop llll I llllla. liiiii.'.iil will absorb times i ih own volume I full .f . iuii. "it! placed , will keen the air of euc: and sweet. A littl. charcoal hw,. nil the tongue after tb k' ei 'he stomach fr I'liiircoiil la Juetly call blur I. rush lor tha storn IIi.iIiKj of Illidleval till , iii" m oi .'-toi'jueh trim devils ll.illi tile syetf-l... l. i .iiiiK ii Ii ii irinn ch ' S. li nt ill,, men of todu v ' gri itt sit' iiKtli nf chare"',! of hn iiniii ill". Too rini' ' not harm one. The sv ' just like tin animal tie. I aalt ' very so often, i, Into the slniiiiiih gentl come. It. settles down tin ' Ion nf the st'iniach, nml i n all the fluid, absorbing y . gestlmi and giving lone iini.lt, 1 l,.. .1 ."."1 III pill :tn Set llb II, old .'I I, .nl I HI Mr. Waller H Amlrewa haa gone i Washington, 11. C. Dr. Thomoson Fraicr bus returned from i 'htirlewton. H. C. urter u ten days' absence. Mr. and Mrs. i. Hmlth rtreen of I.ewlston. Pa., are guests ut tho' Mat tery Park hotel for several luy. : Mr. (1. tlarttrell Jonea of Itldge Park, Pa., Is In tho city for a short stay. Mr. J. D. Beale of Philadelphia la In Ashev4lle for a few days. Mr. 'and Mrs. Erwln Sluuer have returned from Norfolk, where they made a short visit, after an absence of Several weeks abroad. Mr. L. C. Bell of Welch, W. Va . Spent yesterday In the city. Mr. Cyrus Kldnr 'of Philadelphia is tn Ashovllle for a few days. Mr. J. B, Rector 'of High Point has returned to his home, after a brief stay In the city. Mr. W. li. Wolla'rd of Boston Is a Visitor to Ashevllle. Mr. A. S. Haines of Jackson, Mlsa.. Is In the city for a few days on business. Mr. Henry A. Xerles of New York Is In town fur a brief sUy. at Mlaa Mabel Huntington has re turned from a visit to friends In Charleston. H. C. Mr. B, V. Oray of Ulllsborn la spending a few days In tho city. Mlaa Mary U I'lcklintnn of Oscerln. Pa., has arrived and will spend several days with frlenda In the city. In lb- , I ' '..I I go" ' In I is lie!-.-Il the Hil ls Ilti, nigh . aiding ill-. the Juices. . s into the other di ll. .Ids thf them from a r o that when the food Intestines, and there nn g. stive llulila, the char.. Impurities and thus kec the blood. Httiarta Charcoal Lozenges imnlw from puro willow. They nr.. prepared fragrant by tin ns.- nf honey ami sweetened so they pl-ase the tna'c and are eually dissolve. I. They have an enormous sale, thus stamping them with the approval of the public, Kvry druggist sella them lri cents per lAX. lo to your drug gist today and buy a but: then after your next meal take two or three of them and Judg for youraelf of their merit. Several taken at bid time will prove to you in the morning that thev have lieen at work all nig,ht. for your bad breath will not be bud after all. Hend us your name and address an I we will send you a trial package hj mail free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Btuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. ,-iir psst, .. "tir i ntire l ut un i. told bv c.ns.i in nt ' 'ialri " .i nt I; . I- th lil ,it ' I. In. e ii 11, , ; r il W l-er kiln All. ll 'I'roubli'. pr -.. tit life un I . ,, ml , . i 1 1, 1 1 1 g can (mil- til s world elli .inil ...ilt M- 'liuili, -I m.i-t. f ! ' cult I . ! s III.' .worl I fl-r pi t ,i ii t ions in',. a corn' aa thnt ,i n. I n. HI. Is of ,. r fail to i'.iiiii' e..ple Will t'S- I rue llf. I'osltivi'ly tiiiariinlii-. mhw Wlwn Ml Others l ull ( inn ernlo I1usIiick AfTull's. illvea neier-liilling inforiiuitinn re giirding all kinds ,,l business, law suits, claims, collections. In estiri'iit.-. spei ulationa, cliang. .1 Wilis, p.nion-, iiinirnnci) dee.lH. mnitgag's. patents, in v. miuns apt all (In a in la I diflf. uti' s. Love. Courtship and Marriage. (Jives truthful rev.i,:liotis in all l-.ve afTalrs. marriages, fnuiiiv dililcultiev Illlil divorce. Sillies I..-. . i -' 111. II .Is. giiiri n. line nf lilt 'in will liliitiV and onie of niiiiri.ii:.. :..w to win the m. in or unman yml Lve. How to Control anil I'm iuule ny On You laive mill Atliiilre. N'.i matter what your trouble may he Vjn Zan will In-lp yn. I'lic- r - liiced tn all cents this w..-k. li.nin I u a. in. to a p in. onlT. I'riviite p:ir lors lit l!H Chestnut .St. Mr. O 1- C . la apendlng friends In the city Hurwujlj of Turbnro sTerul dais N. with Mr. II. P Hrysiin of WoiiilrulT. S i In registered lit the Herkl-ley hot .1. Mr. IV t waa In the . Argrave of .1 inborn. ' i'.. city on Inislness est, t , In . Mr II W MlhotTey or Newton. N waa In Asheiillu on tiusiness cy t' r.hiy. Mr tleorge !'. Weston of Arden Is spending several days with friends in tow n. Mr. J. H. r.nak of Jackson. Is ut the Berkeley Miss Mr Charles F.. (Julnlan of the Qninliin-M unroe Lumlcr i-oinpuni of Wavnesyllle was In AshnMllc on busl neaa yeaterduy. lr. C. K. i idton haa returned to Hluok Mountain, after a short visit wltli friends In Aaheville. ,Mr. Ti iiii . T II. Mitchell of Knowllte. Is In the clt ftir aeH-ral dns. PERSONAL 3 Mr. Hubert While nil polio, Md , to elite has gone s, Imol. , II. preslielil ol "mpiiuv, . ol i 'net. Mr. C. W. lii.ipi the N.nti.mal l iisi.et i da. N. .. Mi II. J. iii. inc. treasurer nf the , ,.in ni . and Mr John T. i'utlle. nttoinfi lor the i-utiii,iin . am guests at the li.ui. i I ark hotel. A Raincoat is the Silver Lining to a Rainy Day V It would lit' brioliter tjnn rV(,,. jM ,,,, (1f nur ow s;n rubborized niiticoats. Tluy iin. vn-v iud, trim and flressy as a raincnat am U Pongee, Rajah, Bengaline, and plain Silk; solid colors aad fancy plaids and stripes: routed with rubber inside; light as a feather. Price $10.(10 tn o.oo. Cotton Rubberized Coata; rubber side outside; fancy stripes. Price $T.5). Cravenette Capes, military eiTert. in solid colors, something new and different. Price $20.00. A'lvaterproof, yet Hressy naincoat is truly a comfort ou a rainy day it's silver lining. JUL V. MOORE women's orrirrTER. M ' Marion Wilson Urt'eiu'lllt' for : s'V'ral ft IfiiijM and ri-l:ti i. nan lt1, to ilavv visit to WILEY UNDER FIRE IN LOWER HOUSE (By Asseoiat3 Pee at) WAHHlN'HTON, Feb- 10. After having b"'tt side tracked tr u wet a the agricultural appropriation bill w i- further considered In tic houae t . day. The pending question was an amendment by 'Mr. ttviT, of South Carolina, striking qut the provision making appropriation Uor the board of referees or the department. Mi Ijimb, or Virginia, a Vneml'ii'r of th txiinmlttce. opposed the' amendment on the ground that to one. man should not he left the tlnal verdict In th matter of the purity of food uud dm products. Mr. Lever nuiiutulned that the ref eree board was an Illegal body nml that the pure food and drug act point ed out the method of appeal. Ills whole argument was u defence of I -r lliuvey W. Wiley, chief of the Im reeul of chemistry. The emcndineiit was lost 70 to 111. An amendment I v Mr. I'nderwnoil, .,i Alubnma. in i reusing the appropriation for 'i' surveys from $l.l7.Ja to t S:t ;.:til". gave rise to an cvtcn.l, ,1 ilebute. Tic house, linwever. re.t.tetj the liutend llftellt. The bill was still Ull'ler col' si,Vrntl.'ii when tin- h- uso niljourniil llen.tui'ho ami Xeumlgla 1nm Colds LAXA.TIVK rllO'Mn Quinine, the world wide I'.ild and tlrlp remedy re moves cause. Cull Im- full nnme. Look for signature K. W. IlKOVR. 2r.c ANNOUNCEMENT. I wlnh to ' all utltMitidii Im tin t;i t thnt I huvt M ril a groiiTV Imsim-HH ut 7 Moiitt'o.-il ntinH ;iti'l rts'tt fully oit-it thr .jitt iiniiKi' "f my frlciiilH aiul Un1 ntr)rnl public. 1 livt ry to ul) artn of tho rity. J. F. SIMS, I'Iiiiiic lo'Jft ,i . SCALP MASSAGE Scientifically administered is a positive cure for falling hair and dandruff. 75 eta. each treatment, or tickets for six treatments Tor 4.00. MISS CRUISE Oround Floo" 25 Haywood SL r THE CLANSMAN IS COMl.N'G FEB. 18. Special Prices On few Spring Suits r k n 'a Vc.-'tcrday we received a pretjy assoitiuent of-new Spriii.t? suits Uiat. we are jm piii'cd to sell at a low price. Tlicy arc in the following popular shades: black, bine, j;v;iy and Catawba. Tliir? shipment is the first of a se ries thai oiir buyer is soud us l i t mi N'cw York. These suits are wortli, ful ly $1.").(H) to $17.r0. For to- tlav A Roaring Fire Is an easy matter if you have a Scuttle of M. & Y. Indian Coal. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PIIONB It. YOU CAN HAVE A Mr and Mrs II L. Wlthrnw and family of St. rani. Minn., are m) n,1 -tns the winter In Ashei llle. Mr Inlnit Look will arrive the lat ter part of the week, and will be In tovru for several diiva. Mr J R Anderson I'll. lav from n liusliie eiKh and Halston. M Kill. Locke i'rni has :li will return nn trip to ital- i-tiirne.l from Mr. :i tup Lipinskv left ester,lnv f., New 'ork "li Ini-n ness Mrs .1 K stra.tle-, . :i v.-st.T.lay lor t;reeiiv ille. where she and Mr. Strndi.-v will he llie guests .-' Mr. ' O Stradley. Mr il V Strudlev has srtived in Oreemille from Tampa an. I both he and Mrs Sttadl- v will remain f"r the wedding- of Mr. Henry Stmdley and Miss Mr. in. .n,l. ,1.1 i Mr. Vii is hotel. il. Ta v! . In the ni. W'.-li. .Ir . ,itl f., II Healthy Stomach In (act, It. Is cosier thinjiairtnjf an un Itcalt liy one, withimt. KnUjtil for some time tho stomach will kuep heultlvy.o It .clt; I nit It, ill tic ..- lie unheal) hi -if ou take a little K il occviionuih Ami .vet Kmlol iIui'm, i iio aiytliinx' l'ui tlijL'i'st IhofcKxUua n.i: manner, am I'tlivtuully assist, tin- tircJ and over worki'il stomach to u i its work proi crl.y. Hut tiydoine; . ,- this, K'hIoI at once relieves. Italics: i,m Ul-' a" 'I'1 nifffi-avntingf vmit"ui, -and pn-contr i?yscsia. It accoiiip;i!ies tins just n su.t'lvas tho law of 'c.i .se and effect." n.r f!l,aeint.n Oet S d ihur tH)t '- druirsisl mil ul - il l hesitate; imv M. WEBB afllUnary Importars No. Battery park Place, Ptxiaw 144 AaasnUta, K. a ( 'oinc iii and buy one of these suits, we guarantee satisfaction. Spring Press (foods f$aie jflrrived - A large quantity of new Kp;-iti dress goods await your critical inspect ion. In fact we .have Waived so many beautiful tilings recently that there- is not, room for them in our shelves. ; Look at these prices mentioned below, then oome purchase some. Beautiful line of French Serges in all the ' new shades for 50 cents va rd. " Mohair in blue, brown, red and green for 50c yd; ', "Elegant line of striped Mohair in all colors, for "Mir vard. Broad cloth in the Pastel shades for $2.50 fard. "; llh LAUNDRY WORK. We guarantee our work to nlease tlie nw.uf :-fao. i ttdiotis customer. Have our wagon call. Battery Park Laundry i u t Stiirriff's Ice Cream Is noted for it's purity and richness. Delivered to all Darts of th. ' Me. Phone B20. v 01 ln IS. 00 meal tickets 14.00 SHIRRIFPS CAFE 16 PATT0N AVENUE SKINNER & HUNTER Hair Dressing Parlors, room It, Paragon Bldg. Phone SCT. We make a specialty of electrical face and scalp treatments. Latest of everything In Hair Quods and Hair Dressing Switches and PuSs made from Tour -orablngw. THERE IS NO WAITING 1.1 h setwd nl nur place Unit l-i a r' 1 1 ui . with ns inst ii,,. same as s.rnm ..Illy tin- very hest Ul he en t -mil I'll- 11 x .it liav. n't lie. n e.UillK w Ih n. all w.- ask is a cull. M W Vdllk l.l'M'll ItOOM 11 South Main it The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art THB A CD ITOKItm Ptmne 144 D.R.McKINNOl 7 Patton Avenue (Over Redwood a ft to re.) Ladies and GenOemens TAILOR CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-praotlo) CONDEMNATION WXHOTJT IN VESTIGATION IS POOR JUDGMENT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves la the cause of all diseases; by removing this pressure, normal conditions and health will be restored. RecognUed and endorsed by thousands of citizens nf other status. Incurable diseases our specialty. 1H. C. F. COMPTON, Chiropractor. Ix(ral llullillne. SouOi mt FonilUIn PHONE 821. Your Children can not be strong and vigorous without good, pure milk It is their NT A KK 1-' LI Ki:. Our milk is good and pure' and so reasonable that it is actually the cheapest food you can provide. ' Asheville Pure Milk Company 'HONE 551. 3 ou nre btni'rliiMl one tf(uit your nioi.t" Th OttllHr t MtH' toi-H'i -ui tin- ItiuMt. K 'tt- UtH)rulurit'S ol l' 1VW 1 on lht:e ttrm S times onu'h iwiirwi in tno ' AatH.. L lUOaWU EvsnrWomao tl uitf ou, : am Hlelllil S'H-e fct...iiiiwunitarl'il c TVtlrllagsprsy l.V"1 SrrUs. l---JI m eenvMe II cl(iwel III. li te 1 t as wr arainrtliirttk. Nsgvl m .11- li he C1M4 tupt.lv Uw tit IL, '-''r .m etli T, hot 1I ilnip r,T tlliM.TmUHt lw.k II fV fnn .MiUrnltri fta.t rtir. ... . 'iWlMNeM.M W UH. as La Grecquj CorU. . For every type of flffurt. GREENE & CO., 12 Church Stmt GIVE US A TRIAL and we will demonstrate to you that ur methods of cleaning- garments of very description are perfect. Lace nit di'lkatc rubrics a specialty. Queen City Dyeing & Clean ing works. It Chun-h Street. Phone 2110. !' i'.ii- rr. KU.-M Nit ' Ki Ittl. 11 . ,n .1 l'.uk lr. Sheldon .lii.kson. one ,f tin most noted missionaries ..f the Pres byterian hurrh. I, the giirst of Mrs. Pennlman at Forest Hill. Mr. C. D. Tucker of Kalelh Is In town for a few days. Mr Robert Blatt.? cf I'l.cher nn. In th city jSMSasjasas. COUNTRY BUTTER 1 ut lnt I r i;t" IUt Int: I'tUti r hi t Hen fir?!) fr iti th, ;; - acM w tMk. W tnc c; i - ; u insure?: n:uns t'lttt. 25 cents pound OWNBEY'S 25 Montford Ave. Phone 56 1 1 TT.TsTw l n w imm- , . . tt niTTftll lurl illlTVI.lUlNAVtVVpLI ILKJJ PHOMF aU ASHEViaE N.c. Mew Arrlwals :i,,i,,,":,s- ,v"'''-- WhU- (ioutls i , hecks, plaids 'ul stripes: Dimities and colored Swisses. Fancy ''uitain Serims. Lts of notions of all kinds. -

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