LE CITIZEN R622 THE WEATHER FAIR 8 won Dally Areraf Tot January VOL. XXV. NO. 115. ARHKVILLE. N. C, FRIDAY MoifNINr,, FKHRl'AKY 12, 15M1. PRICK FI VE VESTS. BLUE AND GRAY JOIN HANDS TODAY ON HISTORIC FARM Abraham Lincoln TAFT MAKES TRIUMPHANT ENTRY AT NEW ORLEANS; SATISFIED WITH HIS TRIP OF PRES. ABRAHAM UNCOLN THE ASH EVIL Hitherto Obscure VilUgt' Promises to Buret Into National Notoriety. HOW FARM BECAME COLLIER PROPERTY President Roosevelt Will Lay Corner Stone of Memorial BldgA (By Associated Prsss.) HODQWNVILLE, KY Feb. 11 The centenary of Abraham Lincoln's birth will be. observed generally throughout the United States "but no where will the commeratlon exercises command more Interest than those to be held In this little town on February 12. Two miles from here an the Lincoln farm, which has been pur chased by a national association firmed for th purpose. President lloosevett will lay the corner stone of a memorial building now bclnsj erected by popular subscription to li-ark Llncolna birthplace and to pro tot foi all times the little log cabin m which the martyr president was Union and Confederate- The centenary address on this oc casion will be delivered by President Roosevvlt. Qeneral Luke E. Wright, the secretary of war will speak on behalf of the confederate soldiers fienera Grant Wilson will represent the veterans of the union army and Lincoln's native state will be repre sented by Governor Augustus E- Wil son of Kentucky. Other addresses will be made by Bishop Galloway of Mississippi gnd ex-Governor Joseph W. Folk, of Missouri. Hodgenvllle, which Is near - the geographical center of the state of Kentucky and not far from the cen ter of population of the United States, promises to become a new Mecca In .America . and the Lincoln itiikvJwcond Mount. Vernpn, -At-thotffn; 41raham Lincoln had "other homos there la a scntlmenti about hia birthplace that does not attach to any of them, lie lived hvre for eight year and before he left, iknew very much nf what Mark Twnin calls 'th- model little farm that raised a mun." He Went swimming in a nearby creek and by the light from the huge fire place, in the little one, room cabin h learned his first lessons. Married 180 It was In 1806 that Thomas Lin coln brought his bride, Nancy Hanks and established tho rude little home that troee years later was to welcome into the world the future president Their' was the rough life of pion eers; the farm was then as it now, a tterile piece of land and to make both t nds meet tfie elder Lincoln did odd Jobs of carpentry In the vicinity, be sides working the farm- The actual necessities of life wen- seldom lack ing, but it was a life of severe pov erty. For some years Thomas Lin coln .mrved as a county supervisor of public roads an important position in that time- Land owners paid their poll-tax with pick and shovel then and on road mending days he use 1 to take little Abe both for company and for help. There are olii-timers here now who claim that there is not a section of the old pikv within sev eral miles of his home along which Abraham Lincoln has not played or oq which he Jias not driven his ox team. At this time Kentucky offered few allurments to a poor man and in 1814 the Lincoln's sold the little farm and moved to Indiana Subse c.uentlv Abraham Lincoln moved Into Illinois and the rest is history- nut through all the years that followed he never forgot his first home. He rarely referred to it, but after he had become president of the United States he la known to have said: "When the war Is over I would like very much to Visit my old Kentucky home I remember It well." Xevcr Returned. But he never did return and the farm and the little log call in had a varied history. Thomas Lincoln (Continued an page seven.) PRESIDENT GOES TO KENTUCKY; MAKES A FEW REMARKS ON THE WAY (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 1. Begin ning the last extended trip he wlil make as chief executive of the United States, president Rooseve't left Wash ington by special train at noon today for Hodgenville. Ky.. where tomorrow he will do honor to the memory of Abraham Lincoln at the war Presi dent's birth place. The preadential party Is due to ar rhre a-t Hodgenville. which is several mile removed from the railroad aboa noon Friday. After the exer claaa they will return immediately t- Washington arriving here early Sat urday afternoon. . rideM - Roosevelt arrived In PJttabvra; at Mi clock tonight and remained fifteen minute There were sir three stops between Washington and that city, ose at 'Baltimore, one at HerrMtjrg. and one at- Alto ma. At Harris burg there were foor or ve hundred persona coogr-!wd ' and ih rc-tv,t the thief execattv,aritb PRESIDENT IS IN ERROR SAY THE SENATORS Report of Committee on Se cret Service Laid Be fore Upper House WAS DECEIVED BV THE HAWKSHAWS Is the Euphuisti"- Way of Putting it to Avoid Ted dy's Sensitive Nerves (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 1 Seiintnr Hemenway today presented In the c.i ate the report of the committee c.i appropriations concerning the offc l of the limitations upon the soet service contained in the sundry civil b(ll for the fiscal year 1909, wukli limitation was tho subject of protest by President Roosevelt in his annual message to congress. The subject wie Investigated by a special committee f Senators Hemenway, Oallinger and Clay, and these senators found thai the administration had not been ham pered in Its work by the action of congress In limiting the opfratlom, u, the secret service. Discussing the report In a speech on the senate floor. Air. Hemenway today said the appropriations for l:: secret service began with 12,50(1 hi 1857, and has been increased and de ¬ creased from trme to time until for the flscaj year l08 the approprjfttjon, was" ii2S,H0, which enabled ttuwiag ular employment of about sixty-Mi men. Service Xol Hampered. Continuing. Mr. Hemenway bttUT: "There was appropriated by tjift laiit connress over thirty-two million of dollars which Is available din-cl' or indirectly, for protecting the go ernment against frauds ami viola' ions of the law. It can hardly no '-apt J that the amendment to the si.n.lif civil bill which affected the tram-f r and detail of but nlxty-ftve men. wns made In an attempt to protect elim inate, when the game ennsrws thnt made this amendment appropriate I nearly five millions of dollars more than ever was appropriated before in strengthen the executive b antn u the government in law administration If the men .employed by the gn.-irn-ment on inspection work were to march through the streets of Vali Ington, it would appear like an a iur compared with the number of tin t"i employed In 1 896." Prrslth-nt Gets n Thninp. In reply to a question by Mr. f-or-aker. Mr. Hemenway said there Here employed on Inspection work J-.OO men.-which figures did not Ira hide men employed in the enforcement of the pure food law and the mrui In spction law, and those men, he tnl 1 had all the powers of secret sei ,-;, men. With the armv of inspectors. Mr. Hemenway said the government, had ample, power to brine: about :!:?: detection of crime and to bring ti.t guilty to Justice. Mr. Hemenway de clared that the charge made by 'If! president concerning 'he secret ser vice "was absolutely wrong and er roneous, and never ought to hae been made." "I think that when the president of the I'nited States prepared this m.i soge he was misled by the hei I of the secret service bureau- who r.nd at that time sixty-five men in his bu reau. I can understand how mer. a'e ambitious to have great pow : how the head of the- seciet cer .'). bureau would like to have all t c in spection service of the Cnited Stst.-t under his control. That is one f hit dreams." vociferous cheering. At Altoon there was a much larger crowd, and, de spairing of greeting all individually, he undertook to speak t them col lectively, but he was prev 'nted from doing so by the enthusiasm of the crowds. , Here the president gave a talk to several hundred persons gathvred about the rear of his car. The pre Ident congratulated several of the men upon . bringing their -better halves." He said the average Amer ican citizen was a good fellow but bis wife was a better fellow. President Roosevelt said he always felt that when he left the whit house he wanted the people to feel that be had always done the beet thtft- for tbea. He appeared extremely Please the crowd yelled "Too ha." The president is due at LoaisvOte tomorrow tt l.lt a. m-. and at Hd renvllle. the- nearest railroad atattoa" t the Lincoln farm, a boat nooa. . - f TUCUMCARI OFFICERS SCOURING COUNTRY IN SEARCH Special From That City Near There On Government Lands- Disappeared After Newspaper Publications (Special to The Cltlrsn.) WtJM-JARI. X. AI , Keb. II. The receipt of a telegram from Kdin It Hood of New Iberia. Lj.. iiskinK Chief Of Police Ilcnsnn to hold his daughu r, Josephine Hood, or Mrs. Cavendish who was married to I'uvendish, nin-i Lord Doi.glaM," at New Iberia De cember 15. H05, reused the lo! officers to scour the rlly and country in search of the Kill. i n to ttu afternoon she had not been locnted. A woman, who is said to 1m- J ine phlne Hood, came to Tiiennical 'an; October and tiled or one hundred and , sixty acres of government land e.rghf miles from this city. Hhe spent u i good deal of money Improving lie; claim. She disappeared howecer. about two week ago, and It thought that certain puMU allon'. ::i a New Orleann puper to the efe, t that she (Josephine Hood i wa. OFFICERS ARREST ANOTHER SUSPECT First One Came Near Bcin Burned at Stakt hy Infi: riated Citizens. (By Associated Press.) GAINESVILLE. Fli.. Ft b. 1 1 Sheriff Ramsey today arrested .Ja 'I Wade, colored, charged with atteiri,ir ed criminal assault upon Miss Ir.,;a, Newell near Lakeland. Ha.. Tuesday rooming, while she was on her .i.y to school. Officers in this sect:, a have been hunting foi Wade fu,- tir past three days, worl having b n received here Tuesday that he ua suspected of belnit the gullly pir. -. The negro will be taken to Lakeland tonight Two companies of stite troops wre sent from Tampa to Lakeland last night to protect Crumley axalnst far ther efforts of the mob to tneh h'm. Charley Crumley was released from jail today. It being established nr yond a reasonable doubt that h was not the man wanted. Sheriff Logan of Polk county, who la bringing the negro Wade from Gainesville, any he wlft protect hint until taken before Mia Newell, but If She Identified him as being her assailant, "no sheriff in the United State wilt be able to ae the brut from the In." n-lted rttV States That Former Asheville Girl Had Settled Ing near I' tnre. She nncarl N'd i' ' no clue. init mcsKac . :IH!lircx 'I'm out lh. r. Iur ilci-ai- HI ! e.l'' t ' nl -in The for The i.'iliz- secms t , port I i- n in i ii rr , I .,n. II" T-l II to Ihe t .Lin.. pro d .1 -V.is il liar.- effect thai J- but alive ieroiiH rl many it- i desert. l ; ,. hy ttie an- . serti il M" ! ' . hnl!ii! e in t . -J , , v . -, I remain Hi -phlne H"., i siie is se lheor thul AI is ily after I "lord.' .vomen I,. ! ' hv her I. - IHIIS. nrltv, w N ncldental t There has : esm I It . some ae I as reM.i t. uthentn -luted Hi, i' settle, in h. I i.e h.-r. 'I'u i.-ni i-i uli I I., a on J th' not... ! ' p y ' i 1 1 1 M r a stiiiiii.' bad III' i New M, -r.-Kal'l' ! 1 1 T rn-i ri . 1 1'. l'!IWi'llil I POSSUM BECOMES NATIONAL QUESTION (B Aueclsted Prett.) W.rlll -: .N. Feb. I 1 ci.nsi.Jet i' A'AII giwen ;," I!.. tod in i" i Hgrk'uit.n.'l -i.oi lion ... I tart U-l t ' ..ttt. it-4'.ii ih -' iri" firovi -.i: -i.'.i mad.- !-,; preser a i .'-'' ' ' sum an i " iked the I. - l ter h- if a hurTn'r'-ti" '!' bf-tn..n I MCgrc,es v.o- l'iun'1 with I'ri -, i-elect Taf - - '' sum dii'i ' Atlan,i ' ' i.' that i""i as not n ,i-rii.-ii. K r--' ' --ae in . . . i-r for in it ' was ut!c. -i .in- obj.-. to.' Mr. Ma. on .' A" The .: - Itiiinli r r- c.iuld I.- ' present tli.- r.t. ii the fal ll,. ' V- keepiriK '-. I - I , reasei, thus 1--.. n t'. dens of i 1 1 ion. Ttu" m .. rn to a sh.il ! ' -1 With Mr. '' .k --! rad... WASHIJIGTOrjf, Tth. 1 L for North Carolina; ', Fair Frfc.a,;J Saturday increasing eloudlnew; aoathwest to sUTb wlada, ' Foieca. OF MISS HOOD Ico. und ul Han Luis Molnsl, Mexico. vshete the hoitufl lord r-lfliined tiuit he Inn) ist estates worth enormous h nu.-. l iom reliable sources In Hits cllv it Is learned that the girl's father I'lr win It. Hood, who is riow at Ne' Ilrlii. I,a.. has never subscribed the p.i,uiar view tlmt bis only duiigb 1. 1 had been fouly murdered by the miscreant u ho duped her. He Is te le, He, i I,, have frequently Stated t lilt In- had an ii lepreMlble feelltig that i i or later his hlltl would te tiiln alive. A number ..f message sen' by Th't inlmii ' llien to Mis I'harles Malcolm PhlU, . ,,,,, Miss Hood's aunt, ashing Whether o; Hui,.' not she had received news to the f , ,'. r,, t th.it Ihe Kill so long lliOUrliCl t. .:s d'Hil ua-t llvinK were not del' . . r-.l. lr IMatt iia.J hern reportej ,1 , . t. 'hiiini; In either Wlnelie-ster. , m. : , or 1 1 u nt i uKdon. Tenn. KNOX ELIGIBLE UNDER THE BILL Muisiiif to UcHiU'O Kalar.v Meets Approval of Judie i;ti v ( 'oniniittee. 'By Aitoclsted Press ) WAHIi I NHToN. V b il. Kenatot r,.n i i.-' hired hy the senate com ult-e on ju'l.'lary to be eligible for ;.. ointment to Hi office of secretary t.,,t. 't,r the !'.IO t -u. t h m Mr Tafts cabinet provld-wilar- of the office Is reduced .'.fine to K.OOd a yeee wtilch Kaiarv of the OfIce prior to )' hc'I'.ii rif . on x reus In raising it ih r.f.n. rt nat'r Knoxs present term ..' '.fTae The fommlttee toflay con- i l-red tlie bill introduced yesterday t.. Senator tUle it nas derided by the committee hal the main prof.sitlon of the Hale hill wh.cn x to repeal the Increase ,r salarmes of cabinet members so r.ir as h referred to the secretary n tate. was sound. The phraseology ..f the bill, however, met with crltl ism and rt w dldd to draft s iew mensiire and Kenatoi Bacon was entrusted with Us preparation- Home criticism was" made of the Hile bill on the ground that it did not actually Bx the salary of secretary of i tate at tt.io a year although it re pealed the provision for the Increase front that flgtira. Thd substitute de finitely flea the emoluments at e LEGISLATURE ARGUES MUCH TO MAKE SHOW Impossible and Improbable Propositions Have the Right of Way. NEW CONSTITUTION LATEST Tin Vfl HVT Buncombe (Jets New Law Which Affects Near Beer Dealers and the Like. (Otelal to The Cltmn.) IIALKldll. Kob. II Henatol'S Doekery and t'.lllott Introduced bllln today Milling for a constllutlonul fort vetitlon Ul meet the first Thursday In June, Isll, and also mesaurw pro- hiding that general elections be hold etvry four years Instead of every which, of course, would mean that the legislature would meet qualitcli nlally Instead of biennially. Thclturrlnger bill for a new Judicial district, to be composed of the rutin tie of tlutlford and Alamance, .which was passed by the senate yaaterCai on aecomt reading by 11 to t. Vva!0, ur um. Z ..l?J.mppmVma killed today on the third rending by 1 lo 2ft. 1 Annus item's nm. About two hours of the tun of Ihe upper branch waa consumed In Uv bating tho Brltt bill tor tha election of county boards of adtientlon by tho void, at tt people In thai9u.t'ttm-. lies, the aame uuestlon thnt lu ar gund'for nenrly four hour In t lie house yesterday, ttenitfor I'rttt m(J the principal Speech for his niriisiire. Mr. Hrltl believed Ihe bill lo one of the most Imp' riant ttitt! )UJ been before the senate. He dechtrnft tlist Ihe minority members of Hie emits have employed no parliament ary dabntlug tactics, and he declsiefl (hat no political piu-ly could be lieiie titled by either the failure or pass'age or this bill. He urged democrat und republicans alike to line up fir till hill, which, be Insisted, Is deinindtid by the people and Is n line with the principle of local self-government. Henator Hrltt was ably seconded bv Benntor Htsrbuck of the minority, Henstors Blow and Manning delivered the main philllpplcs In . opposition. No action was reached. Ihe nistltr going over until tomorrow. Aflrr Sear-neeir Hellors. Bills passed to amend the ch.ir:r of black Mountain, In Ilunc mbui county, und. for buncombe county. bill to enforce the prohibition law n Introduced by Itepree. ntstlve VVeit-j ver. It is designed to prevent Ih" vlo lutlon of law by the ",iesr. beer' and soft drink establishments of Ashe ville. It provides that upon affi liivlt of any reputable person thai the h Is being violated by am ni'tilsr dealer or pool room, any policeman, sheriff or deputy sheriff shall have Ihe right tn Inspect sin h pl 'n It nJo gives concurrent Jin isdl' ll m to the superior court or all such -fenses against Ihe elite law weli'.i are now In Ihe Jurisdiction of th police court. Mr Weaver states that tomorrow be will Introduce i bill which Is now drafted creating H P" llc commission Tor th lt of Atlie vllle. Hpeaker (irnham Is the author of two bills of -A ide Interest. On", i rx ates fifth class of pensioners. ' )l ored persons wlio aide1 the ronr- t-i -ate cause. The other anthorlx s tli' state geologist by co-operatl'-n ilh the geological siirv,-v, .( mak' i oi'ifi of every county In the state. MAKES LINCOLN DAY HOLIDAY AT THE LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT (By Aseoilited Pr i WAHHISCTOS, Keb II - !v oi,f resolution late today cc,r, -ri-ss ma provision as far as possible, for the observance of February 1'. I0, the centennial anniversary of lh blrlb '.f Abraham Linolu. as a sp il holiday and authorized the president to l,je A proclamation making it ffectlve lo the Iistrh t of Columbia und the ter ritories of Alaska. Arizona New !He ieo and Hawaii., In anticipation of the pnssnge r-f such a resolution after h-j had de parted for Lincoln's blrtn pta ?n Kentucky, the president nad prepared and signed a proclamation which ss issued as soon ss the Joint resolutl-m had been signed by the president the seriate and the speaker of the house. While this proclamation applies only to the District of Coinmbla nnd the territories, the states of Colorado, Connecticut. Delaware, Illinois, K Sai ls , Minnesota, Nevada. New Jersey, New Tor, North Dakota. , pennsyl- Lrania, Washington and Wy tming ! try p'glalatlnn made Lincoln's b' lb- day a legal tio'l'lar. Approves Typo of Canal at Panama and All the Work Done There.. ENGINEERS PREPARE ELARORAtE REPORT Later With His Party takes Part in Festivities in His Honoiv '. " xR ' M'iPvi Wllilum It, Taft landed. tarnonh from ranama and waa moat enthusimwlcrtlly received by the antlr rity, wKese guest be li to be until MatuMay morning. . MK Tain made brlof speech tnli aftrrnrron. , In which he heartily a. ytot ed the present Ioca tyve of ram. I aeioaa tha' lethmua of nanama Ha rvlewed a parada of enUiusiastle r leii mile n length, and tonight at tended one of the nvrnlvJ eaot , ball, that of the Blvea, of Oueroiv Mr. Tun will tomfirenw addreae thv negro V. M. f. A. aptnd teveral houa in autftmoulllnf a tut t night ba Ut guest of honor at tin elaborate baa tiuet at Mhb-fe heart 190 bromlnenl riiisens ill! nay lit a Plata parUeW ' jate, Haturday morning . Mr. Taft will go to Cincinnati, ttmn whora ai Monday he will leave tr Waahlngton returning oguln to flndnnaU Wadnai. uiMrwa uvnr Rnox, t , Mr, Tart received the tir.i ... it . S,l. . . . . "wmon(M qunfetinn whieM hsa i bUntt lfslilsl Mats... Ii.it. iL IWlesa yeaterdnt"!' when tie waa an' pralard, M only by preag maasagea, bur by a dlspainh giving tha vlawa ol Henaior Kliog,; Th-4 a w oma. what Witi-la4 ever tin altuation b night waa ndmlttad, but early iod he reeeived 4hetiiwg p jtha, dlrnosi . lion of aotigresg to amend the cab- " Inet-nlar law V "butlilng the r of Ihe isfreiary of g( Vrhdt l at . before the recant increase, and h.w. was inclined to take thlg a a hapis scgullon of Ih difficulty, psnUng a conferenca on the mslter, whJcft wll tuko plnee between Mr-t Tart an t(n. ator Knox in Waaiilnglca next aih, the preaident-flait ragartU It ad Inv pollile tn discuss Ih question for ub llcHtlon. , !' ;', I nbtoH sliMtaUaUon, i With tho return of Mr. Tart id this country, cabinet aftamtltttlon became at orue sttntrtlve. No Information to iw given lt ,th public, howayat.4 rrom an sutltorltnllve source, , Ut Tsft uid he should adhere to hlai previously nntiounoed plan Id" kaepln. silent and also keening cabinet ap. poltt'tnents open until the very las monienl tn provide against noarlbld contingencies, it I regarded, i bo W' ever, as highly probable that affera of rubinet positions ire to ba mada without great delay, Mr. Taft said he e peeled to be placed In possession of Information lie desired and had nsked to h obtained for him during bis absence. The arrival bera -thw, afternomi of Frank If. Hitchcock wh was granted an Immediate MB fen enre, and the presence here of , 0. Hlmffer, owner of The Chicago B ln Fot, on whose Judgment ,V. Tart ssld he should pUoe walgHt' rsv gurding cabinet aspirants from the rl- Halt of Chicago, made It apnaren. thai caMn.-t activities hare begun. From went Mr. Tait said today it Is a fair Inference that he hag y de ided on no one for the treasury iH.rtroiio, hut thnt as to the other places his ideas are decidedly rtorw definite. ' tiglneer Approre CanaL ,'. Tb Inability of the hoard of Mvrl engineers to complete their report Oft the resolutions regarding which thel. edvlre has been asked concerning thd Panama isnul, made hs Washington visit planned bv Mr Taft necessary. Til'- engineers Will go ut once to (CeMinusd an page seven.) russppoiiitmant will bn felt among the employes at several of tha nary yards throughout tha country tomnr row. notably thoso at Portsmouth, 3t If.. Norfolk, cholewton. Penaacola, and Hun Francisco, bacansa Seorat ry 1 of the Navy Newberry, while belters I lift that the intent of congress) and the president waa to maU tho hol iday general, Issued nn special orders) to the conmmandtints of tha tovy ranis, regarding the observance of Lincoln day except to tltoe spec' Sod by congress. V Questioning tha legality nf the pre, ident's proclamation dec lading tomorw row a special holiday in tha Diatrlat or Columbia and tha territories, be cause the Joint resolution paaaed to day by both houses of coagreea did not reoelvo tha preafdetrt'a sHgnatura In his approval after Its naasage. at torney reipn-nentjnf the banking In terest of this elty tonight tel. . I- I through Assistant Secret r t , the president at Co' t request that he " f ' 1 reS'ilul '!.