1 ll 'ert,XVJ'''iy.,y .iiMiiei:.seMH TUT: ASIIKVILLK CI TI Z EX, PIff HAY. FI'BHUAKY 12. 1900. Clothing Made to Measure SOCIETY w i: in i, T(i Umii mi riitT vr itoi sk ititni in i:v ' Mi. timokk, n.hi i i ii im.ii-vm i.n him. wii.i nwf: TlliriU RKTi:i TtTI I T Ol'ft sTOIil . Toil, 'iv si rid S;i l.i v. l-'cbn: ars- Uiluaml l:'.t!i. I it r f m- The W om.m v - on ir, .. "t ; the, Klrt Pr.ativirrl.ni . h jr. h hrl I H lll. renting; u.erMiir yeatetdav a' the hoinf nt ill. I' P. ti' il .n Grove atrr. t. pun' w . re rend n th. ub)e, t f i "hlii.:' and a rifllfc tlon "I ' i-iU'-h r.ir the fund .,' $t'ti to i- ri-.i lr. Hi" Pr fin ! run Ulllotl. ..Mile l!)'- t-'H la! felilot' u .im 4c(.ll..f!l pleas; t k. J Mm. Mark H . Prown a 1 1 1 entertain Will) u lam" budge party tomorrow afternoon nt her homo on fheatnut Street. There will be Ave table. J J Mr. II. 1. Tight ta to enter: in Saturday afternoon with a bride party nl her horn on. Orunije tr.- 'i Mr. Charlton Millard enirruln. -i With a brldne party yeeterdev aitn lw M hef residence in Prnnlmity Park- Trier1 were four tahl The feat prim wan won by Mm A I IflkXKt-U- Jt J Mr. and Mr. William Tyock bhvu small informal dinner M th Hnttrrv 1 Park I hotel Wadnedy evenln; ror Mr,, and Mr. flnrencti Kdur Hmurt hO were married the tuime afternoon at flav.ehsr'roft. Mm Hmart In Mm. T.ark slater. Mr. ami Mm Hiiiurt re turn to Aahevllle tiurfly and .will ft'Ulilo at the On In hotel. J J ' The JSV O. Club mi l yterdiiy aft ernoon at Elbemar, tho residence of MiM Msncsret IVnnlraan. Tim net meet In of the Hull Will I"- Hiiturduv : niomlltlt With Mlmi Anna Martin. Jt Th un set yesterday afprnnnn ww fine of til moat remarkably beautiful awn In Aahevtll for several year, and Wu th subject of enninaVut amnnif tiattira lovers. The mountain wn shrouded In amenthynt htmo through -''Which the fraat red orb of tha sun sank marnllltaently, leaving tho sky to darken. with purple shad ows. All of the. anow had dlapiear d aava ' "tha torlda and groom" on Waaah. Tha two-anow flKnn-n atood out clearly, tha nlaapad handw, vi-ll and train 0f tha lirlda wn all thcra. Tha ivmln waa Idoal and mint have lM.rn iiclally appreclHK'rt by tin- vlx ttnra In tha city. The ktilbltlon and mtulral tea yf tcrday attirniin at fha IttUry I'ark lifilr) u on of th moat urcaanriil and aKrabl offnlra of the khul which haa takm. pines In aoma tlmn. The tar(a haw drawing room waa uaed and tha llRhtlna ahowad to advantaaa th Tlno jjlcturf Of Mr. Worrall which m hun on A Una around tho room. Tha paatcta war apprfclatd and a nintiM wara aolfl. Tha pleturoa will . (aft on exhibition at tha Ilattary r rk hotrl for aewral daya, antLthoaa that r not marked aold may ba ob talned, tha prteaa will ba lven on apfillratlonj at tha office- Soma of . tha atnaller paktela ara eiqulnlte and tha prteea ra very low. A number of Una etchlnaa were !Viwn and aold . alao. Tha drawing room wan rruwil d all afternoon. The tea anil rbnc olata table waa Httrnrtlve with Ha burden of allvcr and white hvaVlnthi , In allver vaaea, Hllvrr camllr hii. K With White ehadra (had a mift lilmv ever the lble. Mrm. CThnrlre I,. .VII . nor and Mm. K. W. VV. (Iruham acrved tea and chocolate. The Inillrn aim received were, Mra. llarulil lire, Mm M, Dunn McKee, Mra. H. It Hwnpe, Mra, Thonuu P. Chvealioruuith. Mr. i ' ThmMtOre K. Davldmm. Mm. Thumnii Kittle. Mra Jam (ireen Mailln. , ; Mra. Penton, Ml nita Una ami the MuuM'l Keeve. Dr. Tbnininxui l-'ia-ft ployed exceedingly well wvrrnl plerea and utrtick a re"pnnnl cluuil when he plnyeil the nine limmbe H'alta. Mial Ida Hamilton kiiiik h ernl of the Indian live I.mIcm by : Mope-.VrMlen. The exhlbillun m Clven under the nunplcen of the r,,l lowlng rmmmlttee, Dr. H Wcnttuy llivttle, Dr- K. It. Hwupe, (Jrti Tin u (lore P, nnvidmin, Mm. V. V. W ' tjrtthnm, Mr, rimrlen l'i niilnian. Mm M. Dunn MrKre mid Mm .I;iim. Omen Mnrtm. , The Woninn'o I'iiImii pri'ir m. . i lilK will n"t br bi'bl al Hi.' . iirieitn "- tills Week on aoe.uiiit "I the I LL' n ad In itk brlnic Inl.l m tli.. i c A. by Mr. A- f Cui.. Ii. n .i ,s liitk- All ni'-mlirrM .,i t'"- I t ...n I'rajer jtuetiin; air ihKi.i 1 . ,.m.-i,.i : Mr. Uabvli'lim nn n incs. ' J . Mm. A. M- MrlMn 'ft. i mi nun ,Ii',im , , , , n in,i.. With a lunchrmi nt Ir r irii.l',' In Kill,, l'i' Ihr winl. r an. I Ilurbani Tuemlav in li.,ii..r ,, Mm hiiim- with hi" fnnnl VALENTINE SALE OF LACE WAISTS The Richest and Largest Display in the His tory of Oar Business . We predict a must enthusiastic reception for this Hew line of lace waists. Never hefore have we shown so many, SUfli diversity, or vt ater taste and hcaiity in dross waists of this char.-K-'it. They arc. us the savin goes, "simply fine." . AH long sleeves, ehicth while, net. allocr. pnli 4'08prit, and filet hu e; sill; lined: rro hi-t. Persian, flierrj, and aptiletpie triiiiniini;s; hijrli collars with rn f'hin; Some with matched jahut and other simple ncel. ornaments Prices $5 to $20. Some colored net -waists in brown, grey, navy, irreen and mulberry are quite attractive. Prices $7 arid $8.50. Attend this Valentine Waist Display today and to morrow; It will pay you. EL V.M00RE v . tl'OMEJPS rCKXISHKR, v tl rATTOJT kYKKVm. - I ' lillleli' ' lh"'liil ll."l.- Itil,. h'".fl V, IN I I l.f lu.li. ' -I liillCMl .iii.I ,M I ll. III, I . h, 111 l.i iv -... i. i r Mii. Aiinb- u ii ... .( w r,-. t li,. T.I. V . 1'4)U . 'ril.'l'. rtlll lM' A irl 1 , H ) i-r-nrum i.f m.iiii It'iiKtl) hikI Hi.' (ii v III l" ..ii- of Hi. iiii.bI intTi-kllriK ..I Ihr pi.- I- Ml' n :iff.ilr n ifiiii i. sr.ut it ( inilrlliiilril ) Ii l.b.v. I-. l.i ..al i I L'lb. al II a rn . lli'-ri' will I... ,i ,ulii. 1, ifiii. In me iiiorlnl ner Ii e III th- filKlre of tbr I 'brlKtliill Hi l.'lr e win il'tV uf Aahryllle. . ,i i.-r I'ulti.n anil l-'renrh Hroail nr nu... Thl'i "Til' ! will be in r. . bra ti. .ii of lb mm' hundredth iimilver n,ir of the birth of one of ur roun tfy'ii lii.bb'iil MoriH. A bra ha in l.lnoln nnil It in with eliicre plr.iMii,' thu' we. i hrlift in it Hi'lrntiHtii nrwl llixen of our IH-Iovnl Hoiithlaiul, Join llh thoee who have act uulile thin d ilr to pay irilmtr (o bin ninnorv. 'rbc tiailiiliKti of CbrlMt Jemm, iin riiiilut li ll III Cbllellnn Helenie, urr l alllnc vvilll clarion vob en to awake tin- noi l I f' uni the b tbariiy f pride, prej idli e poverty and pain anil from all that lendu In rupture the liit.r.KtH of hu manity, nnd will ultimately anil w l" ly unite nil nation ami i reedn In one ureal worldwide brotherhood, under Ike government of divine love and harmony. In her "Mlwcllnneou Wrltlliga." page 2'H, our revered leader. Mm. Kddy. any: "We ubould remembe- that the world I wide; fhut there aru a tbmiKiinl rnlllbai different human will, oplnbina, ambJtluna, tauten and love; that each pemon hud a llf flerenl hlat. ry. conetltutlon. iii'ture. iltnrMcter from all the reat; thu1 hu man life la the work, the pla, th remade ftctlnn nnd reliction upor each other of theae different ntomx Tben. we should go forlh Into llf with the aiunlleat expectntlona, but with the largeat patience; with 11 keer relleh for and appreelntlnn of every thing beautiful, great and good- but with a temper genial that the fric tion of tho world ahull not wear upon our aenalbllltlra; with an enuan'mlty o ettled that no panning breath nor accidental dtaturhance ihall ngltate n ruffln It; wllb r charity broad enough to cover the whole world'a evil and awetit enough to neutralist vvhut n batter In It. determined not to he of fended when no wrong la meanl, no, ven When It la, utile the olTrn "0 be against God." It 1 In tha light of aur.lt exaltrd teaching aa this that we rejoin- to "forget those thlnga which are be hind" and to honor true gn-ntne wherrver found. A bnaiin neriuon. entitled 'J-'rer- iliilli,' bun brfii irrpiiri'il by tbj ('brimlHH Hrlrnrc llllllr IiikHiiii ''iill mltti i- Ill llimtun fur tin' iibi- nf tbr nii'lli' i ctiiHi h ami "I all II" br inrb I'D till I'bllllKl' In ll" M HIIIM llll DI'I V I' J Krlibn In l'i mliln'i I.liuulu'i uu-ii.' nl. Tbr public Ib riiiillally luvlt.-.l tn piil'tlrlpitl.' II) tbIM 8rllru ki.izaiii;tii KAiti, jiin;;s, l-'lmt Iti-nib r uf tbr lirll inn S Irmu Mtit-U'ty uf XKlirvillr, X. I . PERSONAL Mr. Claude .1. Asbworth lias it turned Iron. KnoxvHle, Tnni. Mr. ami Mrs. . II. W. lib "I Iv : V III, spent V evt' i l, v III A ll' V ll I. M I . Kilwal .1 J frost 1 . till lie I v tcl.laV II . I l'i, .1 II, I' I" lltV Mis. V. K Hal.' Il"l Snriii lis aii.l . v . ill w e. I, ... lell leslefdai , ill I'. .HUM .VI i ll l. e Ml I ho II And, I" "Ml K.ll-I.'il al - i n il d.iv -.. I nine a I'll Mi s. M s. Iflll I PI. Ml e.h i . Ill -h will -!..-1 tit 'V .;. : . ... 1,1 H.,l.i F H I ill it L , m l 3 W WVi 1 Mr. no. I Mm. I.. It. W,i-.hhtirn n miiall Hon r M itiln a p.. In. are vlnllin Mm. S mliliiii n'l f lnl.-r ,' .Mn ril'ioi II Veil nr. Mr. i;,..rK Vjin Ink. of Il.lmr, I 'olo 1 ,1,1. ,. i sprnillllK K..,rri. iliiyM III AhIi'-viII. anil .'lllll' ..II liiilm HH. . .. Mr. liiorgr Wad.- ami mil ibnifch ter, I'llnlli'il , -if 'I'rrlil'il', X. .1.. nrr epen.llUK -ryriiil duvn In Ihr city. Mr K. .1. HlmpHiiii In low o on I.iimIui-nm. f w Vork is Mr. Clyde Mclierinit; of Morrlii town, Trim., In aprndluK nrveral iluy In the city with friend. Mr. ami Mm. K. J, li'iulng of OmiueKtii , I'u.. are aprndlni; a fort PIkIiI In Ahrvllle n tout., from I'loilda to their home. Mr. C. A. Jlennley of Murion. ,V. .'., la here for a abort slaty. Mm. H. M. Ileneilli t of Chicago I pending aSverul week with relative In Anhevllle. Mr. Ininlrl Tutor of Morilntown, Telin.. bun returned to hi home aPer a nil, nt hiiHlneiu trip to AnhevlIU'. Mr. J. M. Kanlpe of Old Fort wns In the city yentrrday. Mini. Carolina l)lckenoi of Italrlub la vlnlllng her coualn Mm. Witt in Charlotte street. Mr. John llnrfntrn of Mayannah ' hi re for a nbort stay. Mr. H. F. Hughrs him returned to Old Fort ufn i a iiuHlm-nn Irlp to Anhevlllr. Mr. I, Tt. Barry of nirmtnghnm I pending several day with filemla In the clly. Mr. 8. .1. Joyce of Candler. N. ' '., was In town yesterday on lnmlnci.. Mr. H. ii. White of Kalllmorr is Spelldlllll a few di.ys With ll lends ill the i II y. I' lllrinlnKbuiii. Mr. J. C. Hhcpcri Ala., is reglntel i0 al 111 hotel. Sw anuaii.iii Mr. W. M Ihiile. ..I Know lllr tm In Anlievill, mi liiiniin nn i".t.ld,i. Mr. Ala., in Mpi iuIiiik frlemlM here. .Mr. W. M. Thomas of y, n,s . , 1 1, i iirrlml yesterday .111. 1 w ill . I - 1 al h with 1 1 (els In 1!,. , 11 , Mr. A. K Meaman ol' lx ri'Klstelc.l at Ihr Hrrkrlev. ill yhss Ih.rothy Cam. I.n ..l M.n.oi I l.i. iirilved yesterday ami will vi. Iin tn., (her on M.irlin.oi nveuu.. t.,r I" V t I ill W eel.,',. Ml. .1. II Si ol CleV. '!: Is III (Ii. , ,1 y lot- a shot I Mav . .1. Mi I II Murphv v . al.. I to Avlirv .He .1 Vevv V.ol. ''be Miss, s Mrl.oght.n ,.f III . 11 ". N. V are gursts nl the I tit 1 1 I'.ii I. hoi' I. Mi v II in Hi- V alia. . , it . t,.r 'i Si. I. .on hot I a i . Mr In ,l.i. Mr. Ill th. M i s ' hail. Ill tile II K niht sp, ii' .1. S. Kniih.ri ,,f AH, mi., t . :lv lot , u ,t.,,s. PiliKltani !,.. h.,s h,.,., ri i me soni, .,. ks m vintni1'. ., t,.,:.,, I" HiiiKhani llrigl.i, U'e.lnes.li. . Mi . .1. II. Whit, has rrliii e. .1 p, Vl.l'-n HI. I :. sh.'i I l.ns'm'sn ti '. -h. . lllr. Mi n. I Mis .' i- Visltmi; Smith of Km ir .l.uiklit' i M' ..I..I Mi-.. .1 s. ill. , n I. II v, '1. 1. 1- I 'l Pal k. isImi, K A .,. . "I " n I i-g some time a I lllr lh.lt". Pal,. Ii.t.l. Mi U ill M. i'l: ml Mrs, '. sp..rt. Pa . n ' 1 1 in i il " 1 1 1 , i Km sts at t i n.l.v for Plnla P. Math, ws , .It . in r. M'- "'h.i.l.s V Cl.llt is ...ititij Mi-i II- i.l I'lnll,,,, , l.. ,..,,, Kv . i .1 ill -hertl. ., t,, Win, I,, st,.,- ,, I'.-n.l s.v,t.,l w,.... with Mr, ,',, 0 Ilia I. nrr. Pev. In. l.-iwi , nee iilul Miss !... I"", hern r.lrsts ,, ti,, Manor, h.ne rrttirtir.l to their lion,., la Slo. kbn,s... M hhv. Mr. i: , siinm if llal iKh. ,h.i ''" n "'I ii visit in It, , ,,.,i,. M'' an-l Mrs. .1. A. K, it. .11. on "h. s. nut sire, ( returned to l.ri lion,, v,v tel.!.,. Mi". Prank llubburd Maaon ba returned front IhIi u.iik i... bund in Akron, Ohio, and I analn a TO Thi: iilllll-'lta. I'ni: -CI:IN. i si it iniiCTii MKi-i in mi i:Piii ssn I-: 01 i m .it: n lll llll M i l t . MTiorsK X tiitoi ii i .lis mi i: ncxoiiii m:iii. iimiI I i:TI IIY TO TIIK MtblN of I.OITII. .INK Tl!f-.llt vl.il I.. fMTi-J (. tl M i t V.HH Alt! Illllll IT l f llll: Mil. II II I: l Tl.'ll ol X a in Ii: I'lioni CT, Hi: I XTKXIl . ( iilllil VI. I t HIMITT; TAHTK. H I.I. IMI Of I Mllilt s. I TO II t I. TIM. (linillM. sTHKYMVl ItllOt'lltr. i:ii. mi tim'ojiimiii mi: oist or ok of tiii si; mik mi si i:i iMiitic. in whi imsii ca nTr:i:i. m n with hi: I'ltn i: ski:u in mi k ii vt H. REDWOOD & CO. gin m at the Hatlery Pa Mui-oti is rxpi-.-tf-d to nt 1 ,r ' ' ii ii r i' i w ill sp, ml some time In v .h. nil-. .u Vnri, Mr. Charles R. Coon -, ,-im iii town .rsterdHy. Mr. W. l'....r .o7'7'h" leave k 1 1 r 1 1 - after n Anhevllle. ' ' Mr. W. W. ruger" of Klrni1(lin t. few days ' In r-r- i Mr. I-:. II. Ifuieok" of lure f.,r a nhort stay. I p Ilia will 1 1 .-.tuy in '..illlmo'rc is .Hi Irlenos h.irloite in Mr. c. W. Pearson m ilreetisborol Is spenilluu neyeral' dfiy w nh 'friends , In town. M. James R. WllsAn u' Clnrlnnntl Is here for u few days. Mr. Albert Kedfera n' New York Is In town on business. Mr. John O. irgnt. c-iiigreiriii,. elect for I he tenth OtHlKI , XBiollu I dW- trbt who ha been spend Ing a fev dny with friends and relatives has returned to his homer b, llendersor vllle. Mr. Urant -Will rave nhortl.. for Washington. , Mr. Alex I.. Hrt,,pf Knoxvllli Is spending a few Jiy.fjJh town on bus Iness. . . . Mr. J. II. WMW1'o-'MnfhnlI I In the city for n shofl Stay. , Mr. (In.rge HjjoJJef of ',.w Yorl. city In spendlnt a .few days ivl!.; friend" In Ashei'ltfe en n ute I.. Mir- rnlugharn. i -: ..' . f i i. tLaai . -..i Mr. W. A. lUltohtlelietfi PHIui .Islphi:, is reglaternd at Ji ill y. . , Atlas Sarah' Ttrrri"nrl fins re. turned to her Home TVi" RfiVahnnli :f ter a short atuy In townrl' Mr. J. II. Hector tiii returned I , High Point utte.1' ajACPlUl. Jicv i iii) days with ri-iaitUe.liaalMkvrita M,-, Hector was- iiymaJiJfciaidrit of Anhevllle and w hile her purchased ait automobile In which he will nui!;, " "'l' lo High Point. Mr. Jack I.ax.nl. ..f Knoxvlll is registered nt the link. ley. Mr. Waller T W'riiy of Kirr- 'ew. X. c. was In i,.wn yrsteidac on lnilnrs. Miss A. M Tn.'. .1 of New Yoin cilv arrived yesleril... nnd will sp. nil Hit-." ,i- ,i.f weeks with relative III Ash. v die. Mi J. M. l.lltle IS regintel-ed al tin o iilclimond. '; s ' anna 11011 hut 1 Mr. James c.,n,.. ,,f Siiirt.inl'iil Was Ho- j(iirsl ol lie 'i. Is in town v Irf.l.iv. .Ml is h. T. A. M. I . ll,; l..r a shot l l.i States, il .Mr. It. i:. I-- .si, ndinv; loisiii. -.s. ii of Mam HP II Ash.'Vllle or l here II I.. I.vda 1 r.elcester wa- ester. lav- on i,u- mesa. M i . .1 I-'. I '.in, II. i making .. sh.,i t m . . It mid--. I' Marshall r llle ell. will M r a . hil.il. li lod.'.v I I Mis i if Plnla.l. -' I Caffcrtv an. . nl will ar-'ivv 1 1 weeks. Mr take II coll nr. all. I M i s. i -a IT. I t v I-. re lal. r in the ' Mi 1 . P McX. .-I with lit. i, II. is returned iftcf spell. li'.U eville ll'len.t. s. v . I a I ,1a .Hid lelatlv. Mr lla.-r. ' Itlist'd. Vv "turn to '.ii nillng sr. ' a tuls. gillla T. Iilie-S. c. w home shoi tlv all r .lav- wi:li Ash.vi'l. Viss Itallh V in .. if Providen II. I . is stopping al K, itlworlh Inn. imi f.s et itifi) in a toTm pays PAZO olXTMKNT i- guaranteed to cure any case of It, i,r, t mind. Bleed ing nr Protruding Pi'.s u 6 to H days or money refunded, i.ii All ... tit ot t'.t t t th. I, t.li, - ,. Ash. v " o IK e. Sl'l lilt: -til's err. . .1 1. . 1 .ol;,, 'l situii 1 r met . il I lit ' Tolic ' a M V i al' w ; ; ' i oat ,i I ...... ii - ma .1. i man. nier. .t l'i snt i-: a. i i. al w ' l Ii l i I he l. a ul V of th. t count lor "UKht. Int. rest to s the show 'UR at have been North P-'ek The vv.iii -I'.iplctc w Uli tnerc va ill be tl.lit vear. T ar'a units an.! I'prltiK !' t- COUNTRY BUTTER our I. utter auriit t.tprrs fresh front the farms of vvci p,unc..nib a hnndsonie lot ol Initt - each week, beint: ci:r. ftll to select only the best. ItuyltiK butter at this -.hop Inmires anin.t butter Iniltatlons. 2S cents pound OWNBEY'S 25 MoUtf Qf4 Aft.' 4 . ' ITiOM Tllirvl.' M I Willi I'lll-JT It . ITTIO Ttf ti l. MI X OF Ills ? VIKW Till. MAI.MI liT I.IM: lit MKtHl KK TKf. I Oil si I'lIK sl'l!(. tli sIMMflt t tii.ons. G4SLIKBT From Kerosene L.impi From Kerosene Lanioc r -t,.k. MK...B !;1;,.. ,, ' I'.'W 1 ,ili. Ilir. (..isliKbl ttie. Park How, Nr V.,rk ill'. AUDITORIUM MONDAY NIGDT 1 . i February 15th ELBERT FOLAND and I THE ITALIAN BOYS Prcsi'Tit in ;"A NIGHT IN VENICE" it t t r 't'-. . ;nisicai and. Literary I-'suitasy and Delightful " ( 'impel t Program Prices: 5Cc, 75c and $1.00, Scats on Sale at NeaweH's Pharniat'V. ANNOUNCEMENT: I wish to call attention to the fnot that I have op. nr j n groc ry bushn-sn nt ; Montl'iv.-d uvenu'1. anfl respect fully solicit the paU'onilge of my frlttnda tind tlic gcuur.U puulio. 1).-, i to nil purls ol tho city. , - ' J. P. SIMS, Pbone ttmttmtnjttanttmtnmunnmtKuntmi SCALP MASSAGE Scleniliically iidmUiisterrd Is a positive i-ure for railing hair and dandruff. 7", its. cucli treatment, nr tlclcrts fur si tl i-atmrnts for 1 1.0(1. MISS CRUISE firound Klo?" 2 j 1 lay wood rft. t"si4e4. MlMiieW j ft j February's j A Cold lonih i loll I II, '.ll. I I. V.'ll 11-.' l. .V. . II s nil li. al. t .. . . taroiina toai a ?i Ice Company ; PHONS III. seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeei La Grecqu Coricti. . ! : For every type of flgur. f flDPtiwn su rr . Of JJ., i is Cburch Qtreei - WH MA VII WMWV. a . GIVE US A TRIAL nd alll derporietrate to you that our methods of cleaning jrarmenta of rvrry description are perfect. Lace nd dellcnte fabrics a speetaltv. Queen City Dyeing & Clean ing Works. II Chnivli Street. Phone 1110. Jhe Prettiest Ifou The I letter rrade ol' Messalin1 In i n expet tiim fur sonic time' is licantil ul--a link at t will assure you of this fa ft. It conies in tht in we.-l of shades, namely greeny lack. yray. ' Iiampai'iie, Idue and ('ataw)a. TUiii, Hiessaline is .'!' indies wide and sells for 1.85 vd. - ' ' fy i " -i Jtandard Patterns and designer We are sole a-rents for the famous Slamlard I'at-" terns. 'I'iiese arc pi !,,! at'lDe alid l")c ea.-h; 1?lu. Designer sell-. ,',,' li.r'a cnpp. - few Jw55 and tfet Curtains Just Slralrriff's Ice Cream 1 noted for It's purity aa.l richness. Delivered to all parts of tha CltJ Phone ru. tr..0ll meal ticket 14.00 SHIRRIFPS CAFE 16 PATTON AVENUE D..McKINN0 7 Pattoo Avenue , (Oyer Redwood Mors.) ladies and Genllemens TAILOR Youp Clillclren : (an not he .-t ri in-- and vigorous without good, pure milk. It it tluiir ST A I ' K K I A Fi . ( ur hulk is gootVawt-rmre .jjn.l'briV()nahlt. that it is- 'acttiallr'the .'halr'fed you can provide. Asheville Pure PHONE 554. THE WANT ADS WILL RIGHT SORT OF HELP PHONE EIGHTY. :t M. W pRRl V 1 J A y WIHIoro Imnonrr. No, BMteri Para ei-ce, Ptn.m. las. mi a .mak-erttlev . ). SKINNER & HUNTER JonZoTw. Tim":,Thz Asheville School Si apeclalty of eleotrlel fr .,,.1 - " Zz'a reatmenta. I , t, ., nt ...... . , i . . - - - --f. e, , III, ,u lair Ooorlt and Hair Dreaalna. Switches and Pua made from your combing j Ho. K'ooil a Kith!.' i "u air- .' ' I'V il e as V d will ' ur If. K.'l. W " .7 m -M ii,,,ni, re n.TTA.i ' nr-1 ri r rn - 31 I7Y1 ASHEVJIXE N.C. New Printed .ilk - l ' V ''''V' silks Id- km, .nas. The 1 1 i few hUssaUne ver Sav 1 !ii h we liavo ' !''' It i iri(cd Jirrived ; VCHIROPRACTir I (Kb-ro-prac-tlc) , j CONDEMNATION WITHOUT Vft- VKSTIGATION IS POOR ! JUDGMENT. , Abnormal pressure upon nerves is the cause of all diseases; by removing this pressure, normal conditions and i health will be restored. ReooTnlsed : and endorsed by thousands of cltlaene of other :ab. IKtirable diseases our apeclalty DR. C P. COMITON. ChlropraKtar. Legal Bolldlng. South of Fonofaln PHONE Ul. Milk Company HELP YOU FIND TTTT! ' S?em ,IS NCf WA1TOJ& bl be Kri ve.l at our plan that titA I ' ... " samefaa " " ' ' tho , in line. ii y.m haven't ben, eatjpr . with ,. ,.ii ... .i , .. .... TT Mv voitiv l.i cu itixm t- 11 South Main st ! lasic and Dramatic At I TH ACDfTORlV Phone 344 ttfli rsaAuHHH47rrrr v. i rk. at ,Hir We Kl'al'.iat: eiifm. is )! Ibeiii just .in ; "like, --Just PlioXE i!2 : inrinti UUU1IU1 If p n ILKA2 PHOMs: i i! '''dMime line of fanev pa.ferns are as ,,rettv ... - - - - , -a J

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