THM SDOTAY' CITIZEN 21 9 aaes I m Today THE WEATHER BAIN. ASHEVILLE, X. C, SUNDAY M RXIX(i, FKimUA UV 14, 190!). VOL. XXV. NO. 117. PRICK FIVE CENTS. St Valentine's Day STATEHOOD IS NOW FAR FROM REALIZATION Powerful interests Will Kill the Bill in the Senate PEOPLE TURN OUT TO GREET MEN WHO SLEW BILL FOR POLICE CARMACK WILL j COMMISSION IS BE TRIED SOON; INTRODOCED State Abandons Intention! Representative Weaver Pre-1 f Challenging Jurv- sents Moasurc for the ' TAFT ENROUTE As If He Were Campaign ing Again forVot"s He Didn't Get. men. New Bodv. , Committee. ' liEVERIDQK WILL DECIDE ITS FATE Railroad Combines and Oth er Influences Have Rea sons for Fighting It. BY l'V. (Special Correspondent of The Citizen ) WASH INQTOM, Fib. 13. Whleii I as the greater influence "n the Un' ir 1 Stat senate.' A piumiw made to the people In the republican national 1 'at form or the railroad interests" The fate of the bill f. r the admls-.-M-n of the territories of Arizona and N-w Mexico at thin ei'on of con gress w!'l answer this question decis ively. The line are clearly drawn. Tic !:ist republican national platform promised to admit the two' territories n' the southwest Into Ihc union M states. On the stronrth of that promise the people of democratic Arizona votel repiiblioun. Now comes the railroad interests opposing statehood. They have brought pressure t. oeir upon their representative s in the nnte to a' -.ango the death of the bill In the somte commHtee on ten itorleg. It appears pracleat'y certain today Arizona ami New Mexio have been Ismboosled again. The statehood bill, passing the house, will, It Is- now p.'icticaJly conceded by its friend. km to its death in 'he territories cmmlttea, presided over by S natoi boverldge. Powerful Opposition, large mining anil trrurfr.g Interests of tne territories, particularly Arizona, are standing back of tfie railroads Add to this opowt oi of the Al'l tich clique, which is oprosed to any new representation In the upper r kjbiuae through ear it .will combjna . i n wiswiinnsww -in - bttukkiu.. ., aealtul the, oligorcl!;' of the special .'iterests. What chance Arizona and New Mexico will stand against this1 c nblnation each render may eonjoc ti re for himself. It now develops the ra'lroads have been quietly giving their support to tie opposition of statehood for ". -'-il years. There are several rea s'i:s. Here Is one: Back. Hi l'JOZ Repre ntative Cur ti.s (now senator) ii In duced a t' H l Ing the Santa Fe l'r ad the right to purchase the Atlantic and Pacific railroad. No objection i.'a made o ; Ib's measure, but now It is discovered! that Just before this bill became o low on June 2J, 1!'J2, some generonsj ne-mber caused an amendment to be; Inserted which provides fie Santa Ke j -hull pay a tax of t17". a. mile on It;? , :incs within the tcrritor'o "in H-u I of all bther taxes" as long as Arizona , and New Mexico remain territorii t'pon the admission of the territui i" Into the union the Santa Ke 'becomes subject to all the laws nnd regula : ions of cither of the mid states." I The Inoffensive arpcnrlng amend , : ent was In reality a oiize package worth millions of dollar.: to the Santa j r. The 17G a mile annual tax lig j iircs out a taxation of IN- companies' j I'loperty on a valuation of ahou' $5,000 a r.ille, which is about Jin.OM! a mile short of what railroad nun consider a fair valuation of railroads i : the territories. Texas, on the east . r New Mexico, aseessi r ii e Southern, rnclflc on a valuation of JIT. aim per nile and California on the west of A" ixona. assesses the tfartn Fe on a valuation of 314. Oeo per mile. Would Tax IViilioiiil. Should Arizona ani New M. xlci 1 n-orne states, the Santa Fe. while it w uld not be taxed at us high a rate us railroads In Tixai are tax.-.', 'could be compelled to pay the new j (Continued on page four.) BANDITS HOLD UP PASSENGER TRAIN SECURE $35,000 WORTH OF BOOT) (By Associated Press.? TiT..xT-irt-l Vtth 13. A hold-un of the Denver & Rio Grande passenger train No. 4 near Denwr early this morning was the work of three in stead Of two robbers as at first was believed, and the robbery of the mail car gave them, a loot of possibly 3 5,009. This is indicated by the investiga tion of the police and railroad officials today. So fas no tangible clew to the identity or whereabouts of the robbers has been found, but it seems probable that the men came to Denver and are now hldin In this city. Eighteen package of registered mall were se- TJie robbery wa remarkable for it originality and daring. It took place within eight mile of Denver, within Us than two miles of Fort Logan, the United- State military reservation and at- a spot where habitation are plentiful. Tet so thorough was the work of the robber and well wer their plan laid that they had fuUy an hour and half atart of the pBiccm. v . -. ;.,,' (.,.. POSSUMS, FLOWERS AND BONBONS MIXED Gets Hot When He Talks of Slanders of the Pana ma Canal. (By Associated Press.) niHMI.CUHAM, Alu . Feb- r. -T.ilking through Louisiana, Mississtr pi and Ala'iama. Just like campaign days, the president-elect had todav the grtl'kutlon, which be evident' enjoyed. oJ being heartily received b large ami enthusiastic crowds" who had not toted for him. lie took num ?rous Delations to make bis appreela tlon pla'n. at the same time leaving a touch of irony behind in the forn of a reminded that his pre-campalgn predictions had surely come true, and not only i'!d the South seem willing to accept Mm as their president, bui his greutvst desire was to be the pres ident ot every man, woman and child in the ration. There was one other burden on the Tift mind today a desire to show bis utter contempt for what he term ed the b-seless and hurtful criticism of-the work being done on the Pana ma canal. i.ook for the Smile. The gen'ulity of the Taft smile ma. be seen In this sentence, which wen' home t the people of llattiesburi; Hiss: "I am delighted to look into youi laces; delighted to say to you that un I'nitcd States president and yoi cannot hc!p It. and If ever an opport unity '-tur.e;: again to show. It wil gratify me to come down here t Hattli sbnrg, named after, 1 doubt not a beautiful woman, and say to tin people of Ilattiesburg, come up t. Washington and we will give you thi ri,ht hand of fellowship, and wil' show yo.i that you own Just as rnuet if the wh'io house and have aa muc right to .call oh tP? , preid';nt. sn-J; .ttdd, en' fY woman who occupl It nnd ions fit as anybody " The cmal remarks of Mr. Taft wit- dijlivt-rt d tth unusual manifest!. ions of ri.irressiveness. "The ru ama canal Is soing to b built," be declared, "and what I war you to do and what ! want eer American ciizen to do, is t.i stand b the men .''no are building it (Voices Ve will do It). Don't set a lire ! the rear, don't distrust the in- n tha are giving ;p thr xtreiiKtli and en ttrjirise t put that great woil llirouth- 1 don't care whether vie .lie dei-Mi.'rats or republicans. m w'int the work done and win n th army engineers who are doing tin work are giving all their time to It .arrying out of this work That wi . I) being done honestly. 1 knew v h;: I am talking almut, I knuw what tin people of the I'nlted Stat s want i mat roi?nrd, and In so far as I hav l-oer. ..s he executive of litis conn i'v. I a M g ling to push that work md Ian frying to stand beiiind til :n"n wlio are doing it- And no gentlemen, vim have goiten me int more h. at ihan I expeeted, but think you very much for your wel come." Tnrneil Possums Isiow. There was a cordial leave taking n N'ew Orlcins this morning, when tie 'aft party departed Slid, II, Iji turned not the first ' crow.) 'to gree the pre-id nt-eect- Mrs. Taft tool part in th-- demonstra I ions and wa heere : by the people. Floral trio etes, boii I nni and two live ' ltlll pi ssunn-" . constituted the prescntn lions of th'- day. The possums wen fillowe " to egeapo from their woodei crat" and '.a e to the woo Is at night fall. The two big demonstrations oi the day were at Hattiesbarg and .Me i !inn. vbiie at Hlrmingbani tonigh" there ivdi a tremendous crowd, whle' expresi-d Its great enthusiasm at tu snort tall, Mr. Taft was able to mak In tin' limited time at bis disposal. I Fusillade of Shot. j Search of the vicinity of the hold-up ' Indicates that a third man and pos j sibly a fourth were engaged in tht ! robbery, that a rubber tired buggy wat In waiting for the actual hold-up and i that torpedoes and red signal flrei were used unsuccessfully in an at tempt to stop the train before t!ie automatic revolvers of the two men on the engine tender succeeded in doing so. Amid a fusillade of revolver shot) from, one of the robber another forced the mall clerk to open the dooi of his car. The second robber thcr coolly searched every piece of reg istered mail In the car, threw th package he desired Into a sack and jumped off. At the points of rwol vers the engineer, fireman, baggage man and mall clerk were marched at the track a distance, then told to ge hack to their train. The robber the disappeared with their booty. Armed force of deputle an squads of regular soldiers from For' Logan and police are searching th country around Fort Logan a$d thi foothill in search of the two bandit but no trace of them has bee a found- DATE IS FIXED FOR U. C. V. REUNION To Be Held at Memphis From June 8 to 10 b Command of (Jen. Evans. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 13 Adlu- tant-General ahd t'hlef of Staff Wil liam E. Miekle today Issued from the headquarters of the United Confeder ate Veterans the following general or der, by' command of Gen. Clement A, Evans, commander-in-chief: "The general commanding an nounce that, according to the custom heretofore I lA force, which leaves to liJjc genera! commanding and the de partment commander th Axing Of the date of the reunion, the nineteenth annual reunion of the United Con federate Veterans will be held in the city of Memphis, Term., on June 8, and 10. 19Q9, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, respectively, these days hawing been named by our host as satisfactory. "For the nrth lime iY. the brief life of this order the people of Tennessee hrow open their doors and invite the survivors ot the glorious armies f the Confederacy to partake of their hospitality, while the noble and patri otic citizens of Memphis for a second time beg the wearers of the gray to e their guests. "The general commanding with much pleasure announces, at the re- tuest of its most eiWgetle president, Mrs. W. J. Hehan. that the Confed erate Southern Memorial association will hold Its meeting at the same 'I me. "The general commanding sincerely hopes that the press of the entire country will endeavor to stir up in terest in the coming meeting, and to tliis end he reoouests that this order be published and editorial comment made thereon." FIVE INDICTED FOR CUTTING OFF LAWYER'S BEARD (By Auoclated Press.) NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 13. A sen-; satlon was created in the United States circuit court this afternoon, when n grand Jury returned Indict-' ments against the mayor and other prominent citizens of Kenner, ' Jeffer on parish, charging them with "con spiring and agreeing to arm them selves with pistols, guns, scissors and other weapons to Injure, oppress and 'hreaten certain voters." The Indicted men are Nfayor Paul Felix. Dave Meyer. John T. Fltzger--lld. Moxie Wlldensteln and Frank I Kali. 1 " The Indictments grew out of the -uttlng off of the whiskers of E. A. O'Sulllvon. a prominent attorney of N'ew Orleans, at the Kenner polls at he last national election. Mr. O'Sul livan went to the polls for the avowed nirpose of giving legal advice to cer tain clients opposing the Felix -eglme As he approached the voting booth be was seized and his flowing: whiskers, with a statewide reputation for their luxuriant growth, were ummarily clipped. An Incidental In Mrtildatlon of other parties. It Is al leged, figured In today's Indictments. m si.c ' nrxs-AMrcit. '-.t--. r-- PORT NORRtS. N. J.. Feb. 13. Inflamed. It Is said, by Jrllousy. Rlch lrd Donegan today shot and killed Teph Somerfleld and eriouly rounded Mrs. Madge Klnkle. with whom he was enamored. The elgh-'en-year-old son of the woman was also shot, but not seriously Injured. Oonegan fled, but wa later cauttired 'n Brldgeton. ponegan said to the notice that he had ttrlce escaped from th state insane asylum at Norris town. Pa... . . ' . ..: "Come in Dear. FIVE FIREMEN KILLED UNDER FALUNG'WALL Disastrous Fire in Milwau kee Fatal -to the Brave Fire Lads. PROPERTY LOSS A QUARTER MILLION Besides tho. Dead a Dozen "WVre Injured, Two ' Fatally. (By Auoclatej Press.) MllAVAJKKI-: Wl.. F.b. 13 rive firemen w re killed and about u dozen Injun. I, n fatally, by the top. pllng over of a Ion k wad Willie tight-, Ing a lire in the lug plant of the II .lolui-M-in J!- Manufacturing com-j panv, n' bourne street, (hii, a(t rno' n. An mploye of the Cjfi.i err n rec-i.i.l li.wis in bis attempt io, ese-ipi ii,';' Hi burning re-! siii'.ed hi his I. o'l ota hospital The 1 pectinla'v loss ,- estimated at J;'-,it.. orui. com red I- insuruiic' . Two e .ir,;i.ji,! of iiremen uere h tu ned -in i ..nd roor "f the Wal ham plain. I m i mg,' south of the lt 'V. Jul m-'l iM- plant, when, wIV.-j out win nie ' 1 rear null of l i ; aOlln.-i-Alllli 'HCeril huVeil oi,,. ward nnd it. el. I down. The lire- men Were rani: brl'-k iin-l iiltli tlirourb III i" lioose. c.i II' 'i Moor b ,-:,w. Fire ("ii, , .1 had acci.ji.ti"! i. ho ha, I I. --.Ml boil. lin'; nti i ' of dead! io; Jil'ed ;t . i Jack Mei;., i, fire wi" :iii"b i The d..... ;i., Assis';, n' i i n;c. Meiib-nanl V -IllSI "H i;r JAMES HI I Ii MI.V K I; i TIH I i AS IT th.- John--- -M , cd burns hospital. ' under tin i'ihs-. of ' Whieh stn;tsn-.; of the piano will" i lie; ti n ii nil to tii no Clarice said In r all of Ills fir, mi n ::htlng ii lb,, at tl ' Ihe eoln j , ! I ,. I,. I her five, i ,f tl,,. , . "r, a ilru.-r. ai.,1 probable ,., Th -atrol at 1 .-. ,. , I JAM i:s 1 WIIAI.KV 'HKr, ip man. . K. 1 'IIS, an . mpiov 'e com p., ,, . i vhlch In .li..l "f ('(ll ll'l OF PATENTS. (By A AV ASH INC I svi-.lsd Pr.ii. ' Feb. 1.1 A bill In -ted Btat'S court of establish a I patent appeal from the hou today by l'nite.1 St.r peals of live n Ington. ii which court president ai"i Judges to be the Judges ot courts by tl,. preme court oi ' ' favorably reporieif Judiciary coinmittei. sentatlve Tlrrell or 'ihe bill provtides tor, court of patent ap. 'i ber to sit In W'nsh ihe chief Justice of be appointed by the t he. four associate -tgnated from among lie circuit and f- ib ial 'l.f Justice o the s 1- Hie United Ktates. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Forecast for North Carolina: Increasing cloud iness in east, rain In west portion 8unday; .Monday fair, colder In west, rain in east portion: moderate to brisk south to southwest wlndV M OFFICER MONROE IS SHOTBY NEGRO Wound is Probably Mortal, lias Two Souh Ii'Vinj? iu This Citv. ... '8pclsl to The Cltiten.) HALlHBUKY, Feb. I J Policeman V. A. Monroe of Hallsbtiry was shot and mortally wounded by Joe Jack son, colored, here late tonight. Jack son was beating hls"wlfe, when Offi cers Monroe and Hlceloff were called to the scene on a dark street. Bee. Ing the officers, Jackon ran and wa pursued. He turned and fired, and Monroe fell with a bullet under hi heart. H was carried to a sanitarium and his conditions I decidedly critical. jai'Kson made tils escape,. s. Th officers trailed him to Barber Junction and there lost track of him. It is the belief of the officer that th negro Is headed for Asheville. Ths negro Is about six feet tall, light In color, thick lipped and heavy set. The shooting caused great excite ment bore, as Policeman Monroe was one of the most popular officer un the force. fe has two son living In Asheville. who are employed on the K.mthern railway. The above dispatch came to The I'ltizen last night very lato. Kfforts were made to communicate with th only two Monroes found In the (II ! rectory, but they could not be reached 1 by telephone. They are George A. Monroe, machinist, and John 11. Mon . roe. hrHkeman. 1 The chief of police nf Pallshory notified the local police last night of the shooting and allied them to be I on the lookout for the negro. There ; Is a reward of f lao offered for the apprehension of ihe criminal, and hs will have h poor chance to get through b.-re. It Is supposed that he boarded it freight at Itarbers, and the yard at the depot w-. re watched last night. MUSIC FESTIVAL WILL HAVE SOME SPLENDIDTALEN1 SI'AUTANUI'Hfl, H. Feb. 13. 'f'he 1111n01111ce111. nl of artists for the lilt'-. -run annual music festival of the .south Atlanih- states was made here tonight by Director A. L. Manehestei. th- ,p,tc !.,,, April 2 to 23. The nrtists liictii'ie Mme. oilv, I'emstrad frr,m the M tropolilan operu house, V, w York: Mm' Jeanne Jeallle. Mrs. ('arrlne Itlder Kelsey, Miss Nevada V:iii,itv"it. (iiistaf Halnuiulst arid rtee.l Miller The New York 8ym phony orchestra. Waller Iiiimrosch. ihre, tor n n,l tin- Dresden Harmonic onhestia. Willy Olset. con ductor, together with the Converse Choral socleu, will take part In the concerts. I'F.KISH IV 111' It I 7lHOM V.. Itlf'H.MfJND. Vn . Fib. 13. Mrs Robert Sklpwltli. mi aged woman be longing to a prominent family, and s man named Johnson were burned to death In a fire which destroyed an old mansion near Clayvlile. Powhatan county, last night. Johnson and his v, if.- u-re tenants in the house, which k.ik the property of Mrs. Hklpwlth. .Johnson had returned to rescue Mrs. Kkipwith when th" roof fell In. KOKiti i is nu itriiKs. pF..'SACOI.Al'7aTFeb. 13 tv t.. Joins arrested here charged with rob bing In churches, when . confronte? with thousands of dollar worth of stolen Jewelry this morning confessed, implicating two other men. TO I'lfoilK DIKPFN'WARIFJ. COLUMBIA. 8. C Feb, U. The general assembly Is considering s bill to Investigate the various county dis pensaries. There hav - been some charge a to Irregularities in soma of the county djspenaarles, but the cases have not been named. The bill wa Introduced by the prohibitionist. DIFFICULT TO GET j INTELLIGENT MEN I None Who Had Read Texti moiiy in Case Permitted to Serve on Jurv, (By Associated Press.) NASH Teiin.. Feb- 13. On Tuesday at o'clock a. m.. will begin Ibe trlai of Col. Duncan B. Ooopor. Itoliln J. Ci.iper and John D- Hharp, cnarged with slaying Senator E. W t'ai mncli. After twenty day v of wearisome jury draivln; the derision was sud denly and somewhat unexpectedly reached thi morning. When court adjourned yesterday the prosecution a.-ked that che Jury be not sworn un Ml the jtate had a chance to Investl i. ile chmtv uiulnst two of th Jur ors. V hen court convened thia morn ing Alt' rnty-)cnrra) McCarn mafe no refvience to thtsu charges, . but simply said; We are ready for th Jury to lie worn jour honor" Kepnntlng the oath after ibe clerk the jurors were then awurn. Tho state next asked several dnsni In which to father Us wltnesaes, th court hungit-tcd that the taking ) u-sfrri my nvgin at a. m-, TYueony, nd counsel agreed. Then eottrt ad journed until Tuesday. Jluny ImmmnHent. In dmwlpg for the Jury the law made those Incompetent who had talked with a witness to the murder or tall: ;d with nomev one who hrd talked with the wltniie. , .On. the ap plication f'tr ball the local pupuM printed ttinugraphic reports of' the taetlmory ef.wUnesse. The supreme court has held that a newspaper printing vernutlm testimony lieeohiej a Wtnoss who has talked tu a witness. Therefore everyone in the county who read th'. bsdlmony became Incompe tent to sit in the case a a Jdrnr. This ilitnlnated at once the most Intelli gent cltiyen of the county- s a nsiilt It was necessary t 'Iraw I'.t venires of SOU name each, an. I one I Mg, u total of 3.0)1) before the Jury wan secured. Four of ths i irors ai ee ted can neither read nor write end two other understand I.tigllsl- only Indifferently. All except .nc of Hie twelve swore he' had re id a nc vspaper since Iwfore the killing and some hud not read one for ten years. Blerrnan, the only e cfptlon, hud been out of the stl from fie week before the killing until .he duv he was summoned- Hows, the last man chosen, was foreman rf the Jury In the famous fix (ic. Cox was charged with thr .iiirdcr of a policeman- The Jtir,' 1'iund hou guilty of murder In thk iirst degrcn, but recommended merer. Judge ('sit refused to heed the rc un ndn l"ii '.nd sentence I Cox to dcutb. t".og 4l powerful friends, an.: ihe nlf lit iu fore he was to be execiil i'l some one silppel poison Into hl cell with which he cotnmltted suicide 1 idiro Anile'non, chief counsel for the defense in the case, ii I si J defend" I Cox. The fact that Andesrnn c edited flows created no little com ment llil. Is Ihe Jurv. V- M Ptuke, carfs nler. age forty s"en: fth.'it McPherson. farmer age fcrty-aine; (1. A. Iiiie, mrmir. "i. as." fif" -two; W. A. Adcocl.. farm"-', ii t weniy-ilght ; Casper Schnupp. farmer, age forty-one; S: H- Vaiikha, farmer, age forty-nine, S. M. Hyde, farmer, age flfty.fyv ( in Kn ;.ir, farmer, age forty-seven, F. O. Ii'irmm, real estate, age fortv two; J. A Woodruff, farmer. age Iftv-flv : Ji.eoli I f:ulger. farmo age fort, tilnt. William Hows, farif.--r, age filly -five The siab- has not yi t decided upon nev; Tu-'ici i'- Mri'. Kiistman, wh.i w.m tai'.liiK to Senator Curnifi!. vhen h( vi klled, probably will be the fl st witness Th, attorney for the rosecntion eXp'ct to flllt Ir t.iindnx- and .vlondav nrrunplng t lie .jr w, r of th. witnesses The courts of I. r of tln-ii witnesses. The marts of in.- suite. SIGNS PROTOCOL FOR ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFERENCES (By Assoefsts Press.) t WABH1NOTON, Feb. 13 Willlamj I. Buchanan, special American am-i hasandor to Venesuefa has slgrntj u proUx ol with that government for the , adjudication of the disputed claims! tietween the two countries, thus pav-j ing the way for a final settlement of Issues which for year have been the subject of negotiation and the refusal I Sf President Castro to arbitrate whlrihl led to a rupture of diplomatic rela tions last spring. A to the money consideration In volved In th claim of th New Tork and Bermudec Asphalt company, th officials are not fully advised, while a to Jsurett the understanding at state department Is that he will re ceive $'.. Official are greatly elated over Mr. Buchanan' success, and ret press themselves a particularly MANNING'S BILL ; TO PAY BONDS Bill of Interest to tho State Physicians Will b( Ro- i considered. ,'A (tpselal to Th Cltltsn.) It A Winn. .V. C.. ceb. . Rp. ' risotitntivo yoavr today Introduced Ills bl I i ) create the nnliea annunl slon for . shcvllle. If the Mil passe n ( omn ission of fir cltlen will appointed y - , t Hills iwsd the honssi relating to thn holl , .1 1, flam nf,lll. . school tag district of Buneombs oimtyi t icdumt ths fee of Mods Inn roiPtty oirtper. The enul during long sesalon 1 lody eun'if th enlendnr nf big nntifh h' lorar bill and now and again put Ihrotigb, ons that excited , something t.iore than passing1 Interest. The Mt u hilt Issulna thred ' inlllloni of refunding state bond trt pnv oft ihe bond falling du In ttn :. iwssed Ida second rend In on roll ' Call. ' , ..-" V,p;-.; ' ', yi The J ha r wf to gtv corporation; in insprfiid.j Intrrent of ths niriovrs . nnd other uffent passed Anal read In I . and wis ,nt to the house. , ' ' f 'to ray Bond. , .'Ite lull hy Manning, authorising thr. payment of five more outstanding Western fnrlh i.rolln railroad roo ' mrucll'in bonds of (he South Dakdiu liiU class regdinsa snd : -.. Tfnt to lit, house. , ' v , - , s ' The .iHto Indulged (ii . Ion dlf cusslon ot the bill , to. gulate th anelysU of irtlnera.1 watara, but fall-, ed to rit it a. vote. The hou voud .to eut . imJ tJi 4ucaUon4 fluallflca if") for rpt licunu for llcsn to pros- i tlee malieiii W' u narrow margin of three votes,, and than 1 recorwid e so f to jLlv; the doetor jutbr (Innoe "tl , jUlMP! II,' Which was' .'taUe a specJAI order M next Tuts tiny. In hiculately after the Hinsdale) child laloi bill Is dlsttosed of. 1 - . The III making it a orlma for man to prom Is to pay lor goods out til money t.. eome td him, and Hl b. nay lifter he got th money, vt- . dence oi tho. promiM and th fallilrs ti- pay being presumptive of thn frunduleni nteiit. wa quelched. Only y.t. Lonmen.and Mr, Turner" raised ti It voire for It, ;' For Div lomnilttee on lnsurnee, 1 Jit- Co., f WitJte, imrodueed a bll I with the (ith "An act to provide foe ftmr em nd yes in ths Insurance , J purlin' nr." However, It proved ' Oi in-rdv increase the Salary of th sVs tlMitv 'i, ,ni fifteen hundred (n i,, t Ihousariii and the assistant com mis- . sioner ft oi ii twelve hundred t( elf hs-.i to' n In Miir d. . . . , , The Seiiaie-Tliirticlb Day. ' The senute ronveneid at 11 o'clock. lilciitenant-Oovernor Newland In Ul chair. Prayer by Senator -Ls af Wilkes county. During the report of committees notice whs given by Senators Bar- hum ( kr , r, .1 t A , K .. . mUM.. ' would be a minority favorable report for the Hurrlnger bill, to eliminate ths" requirement of railroad companies fo 1 the mileage book to ba' presented at the ticket window for th mllcag, to be pulled by (he agent and th)' ticket Issued instead of th old m. . tem of letting the conductor pull th mlb age This nolle wag right X- ter the bill had been reported tilts favorably by the committee on rail roads In accordance, with the action taken laat night, when the commit tee vote was 7 to t. New bills introduced: Mannl'ig Regulate the practice of architecture nnd create a state board of examiners. Ilawes Incorporate the town of Atkinson. f nd, r county. Klnttz Allow Bust flpeneer to U- sue bonds. Dawes Incorporate the town Of Hta iitonsbiirg. Wilson county. Johnson Kstahllsh the office of stiindiird keeper in Cumden county. I'urton Allow Onslow county to Is sue bonds. ( Continued en ss four.) WITH VENEZUELA pleased that the asphalt company" dispute is nut to go to arbitration be cause of certain feature Involved, PifHumably Mr. Buchanan' work lit the slgnlpg of a protocol will be fol low. -, by a general arbitration treat between tho two countries, as th ba sis fir a special treaty or compro mise stating specifically the Issue t be arbitrated, which require ratifica tion by the senate bfor th eases) may go to The Magus. A The special commissioner fat rur , ton to consult with former Minister Russell, who I to return to Vans' fuels a minister, ana for this reason the latter wjtl ndt proceed to Caracas until after Mr. Buchanan, reaches Washington, for which plao he will start next Tuesday. President Oomea Is expected to promptly nam a min ister to Washington. o u J