THE ASHEVI.LLE CITIZEN m THE WEATHER COOLER Sworn Daily Average Ft January AKIIEVILLE, X. (, TUESDAY MORXLNO, FKPftFARY lfi, 1909. VOL. XXV. NO. 119. PHICK FIVE CENTS. THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE ARE BURNED TO DEATH IN PACKED MEXICAN THEATER FIRE CAUGHT FROM MOVING PICTURE MA CHINE AND SPREAD QUICKLY, CATCHING A THOUSAND PEOPLE IN TRAP. PERFORMANCE GIVEN IN VISIT OF THE Whole Families Are Wiped Out. The Dead Burned Be yond All Possibility of Recognition Are Buried by the City" Authorities in Trenches. ' - Hy Axsc'luted Press.) MEXICO CITY. FVI. 15. Hriwcrn 250 ami Son people were humeri to death find many more were Injured hi a Are willed ! hlniyxl I he Floren theatre in the cliy of Acnpnh-o lnt night, liie neWH of Uie dlHHHler reached tin eailal this afternoon. telegraphic eomiiiuiileatlon with Aeapuleo dating been destroyed owing to the fui t that tde telegraph office adjoining the llieatre was burned and all wlrca put out of eomiiiisMlon. v4 Tin- floor of the theatre was a wood-. cn uTalr. and last night' over 1,000 people crowded Into it to witness a m i l ial performance.-given In honor of Governor Damian Flores of the stain t.i (luerroro who waa visiting the port at the time. One of the numbers of tin- program, consisted of a series of moving pictures. While the operator wis exhibiting these, a film. caught lire and a blaze was quickly commu nicated to some hunting which had been used for decorative purposes. In an Incredibly short time the fire spread to all parts of the structure. Kills Were Blocked. There were but three, narrow cn't. to the building and ("he panic strick en uudience rushed to these, many falling and being crushed to death, their bodies choking the way to es cape to others. The screams of those Imprisoned were terrifying and heartrending. Owing. taibejtRirJity w'th which the fire spread and to Us Intense heat, It was impossible to attempt rescue work and those Imprisoned were literally roasted alive, as the fire burned with little smoke and few were suffocated. The efforts of the fire department were confined to the attempt to save ! ailoinlng buildings, anil they succeed-! ed so that the property logs was small. The telegraph office, postofTlce and c ustom house Were damaged, but all I PAYS $50,000 FINE TO STAY IN STATE (By Associated freiij JEKPKKKON CITV. .Mo , l' ! 1 on the ground that the Wctets I'ierce Oil Company of Missouri has not complied with the ouster decree of the supreme .court of the state in an answer filed this morning. Attor ney General Major this afternoon filed with the court a suggestion that the ouster be made effective against the concern. The action of the attorney general Is based upon the fuct thai the company has not furnished satis factory evidence that it has severed relations with the Standard Oil Company- Henry S. Pries, of St. Louis, and H. Clay Pierce, chairman of the Ixiard of the Waters-Pierce oil Com pany today Hied in the supreme court of Missouri an acceptance of the terms Imposed upon the company by the recent ouster order of tin- court The fine of 150.000 was paid. The ouster decree provided that 'the company must show to the court that It had severer all connection with the Standard oil Company. A statement t this effect may yet b required by the court. Judge Priest, however, said that he Ix-lieved todays action covered tin case so Tar as the Missouri corpora tion is concerned. SENATOR CARMACK'S SLAYERS, BEGIN FIGHT FOR LIVES TODAY (By Associated Press.) NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 15. On the eve of the trial of ' Duncan B. Cooper, Robin J. Cooper and John D. Sharp for the slaying of former Sen ator B. W. Carmack, the factions are figuratively resting: on their arms. Most of the witnesses for the state, who are from a distance, are in the city. The others are on the way. Mrs. E. W. Carmack. wife of the slain senator, arrived tonight, and will be behind the attorneys for the state. Sara C Carmaek. the dead man's brother, and 8. S. Carmack, a cousin, are now here. The state promises to establish first, the death' of Senator Carmack by the eye witnesses. Then it will begin to lay the foundation for its theory that the killing waa the result of a con spiracy. Just at this point will come the bis; legal battle of the trial. The defense proposes to fight this conten tion from ffie start. The laws of Tennessee a poo conspiracy are amid to be very liberal once the. ground work la laM tki, h neini1atlAS mild, tie ery flron 1 , 1 HONOR OF GOVERNOR OF THE STATE of the government records and regis tered mail was saved. Scone Is I'llifiil. Today pitiful scenes of grief arc being enacted In the streets of trie little west coast port. Men, woman and children ate wandering from place to place, hunting for relatlvet or friends. Many of the dead are from the first families of the state, the affair at the theatre being a soc ial event of considerable Importance and calling out the wealthiest and oldest families for miles around. In some Instances entire families are wiped out of existence. The municipal author ities c aused large trenches to lie duf and Into these-, the remains of the dead were laid. According to tele grams received from the city offleerf recognition of many of the dead hat been an impossibility owing to the fact that the bodies' were burned In most caaes to a crisp. Telegrams to the, American consul at Acapulco by The Associated Press asking for the names of the Amer lean dead, have as yet not been re filled to. ' Acapulco, on the west coast of the state of (iuerroero is one of the thre important ports of the Pacific coast of Mexico. Nearly all of the steam ship lines make It a port of call, ane the harbor Is accounted the best In .Mexico. SHIPS IN COLLISION -FORTY SIX PERISH (By Associated Press.) AI.C.IKUS. Ken. li An unknov.i sailing vessel rammed the- HelKim steamer Australia during a st.irn February 12. near Alboran Island, it the Mediterranean, erne hundro miles) from Gibraltar. Itoth vessel. foundered. The- tetal loss of life wa forty-six. Captain Norman, of tin- Australia who was the last to leave his ship states that he left Oran on Wednes day in heavy weather. On Krida morning the fog was so dense that i made navigation almost impossible Suddenly a large sailing ve ssel loom eel up, and struck the- Australia en the port bow. The steamer Imtned Iptely settled ami sank within three minutes The crew liael Just time- ti scramble into the- boats. withnui food or clothes. Tlle-y we re tossi e about fer fwet days, during whlel tin)'- the boats he-onme s. par. it. -d frein each either. When tin- men in thi captain's tttint were about giving up the- steamer Liberia was "ii; !i t el an' she' responded to their fri-nzi-il sig n;ils. Captain Norman estimate's th" to tai numhe-r eef victims at forty-six So far aa is known only ten of th cr-w of the- Australia, which num be-reel twenty-six. wore naved The state's early witnesses will be Mrs. Eastman with whom the sena tor was talking when shot; former State Treasurer Ed Craig, who car ried ColoneT Cooper's threats to Sen ator "Carmack; Carey Folk, brother of the state treasurer, who saw the defendants standing near the scene of the tragedy a few moments before It happened. Just what line the defense will follow, except the broad one of self defense, lias not been announced nor will It be until the state's case In chief is made. Attorneys for both sides were In conference' until late tonight Both sides also have In their employ se cret agents in numbers and every stranger In the city Is subject to close scrutiny and espionage. The Is lit tle or no display of feeling: in public, however. ' r ' ' The court official ham prepared to take care of large crowds. Judge Hart has ordered that only as many as can be accommodated with seats will be admitted to the court room. Ney tickets will be issued and those who arrive first will get the prlxesv Wis ; ,..v -.'kciv. 4?.v . f -sty. '.'.'..r itrj ;-v."'.:trm- K!, ' -; U Se.iutor Philander C. Knox Whom Way NAVAL BUDGET AROUSES FIRE OF CRITICISM House Made Protpnlel striction With )Mlint AVith Trusts. MUST BUY POWOKII OF TIIK 0( TOIM.N Hale Defends Police of Oiv ing ('onimitteeinen Xavy Yards in Their States. (By Associated Press.) AVA-SIIlNij'P N. 1 . 1 .". Tin houi povlnltm in th- nnvnl npr prlatloiiH hil th;it n purl uf th propriHtfnri fur iinndcr should he palil to any trut or monopoly 'Vxrpt in th' tvi'nt of an tni'Ttifru y, wan t i -Mtjbjcrt of ronsidiTfi t-li- c rit I' Ihth in !natc tmtiiv. That it was for iht puipos' of hitfi'Ivv itikitiR thf puti- aml would hot rall aff'-rt Ih- pnrchaHo of powT to any apptvf la-I.h- fxti nt w.i rliarK'l Jiy H-nator "Tin- prohihition "f the hill as pas 1 by th' Iioum'," sai( Mr- Cummin, is keeping th' promisn- to tb- ear ari'l hrfJiMijE it to thf hop?." H- addt'd that n- underxtoml th- na y (lfpartini'nt unib-r this provision . onlil buy from ot )m th r x cpt trunt m nly Mark powih r for loading hIk-IIm. ind urh pow.lrr t rn pa r-d with all the powilrr ud v t h.- ro t-rn m nt, is, hf wiiii, .-o Htriall to h- at most n KlifClbh'- fl rhary. d th tioum with an intention of d r dvinje. ' II that bf trut-.'' Mr Pommtnn naid. "we haw hern a bill whirp has In . n h-r- ald-d to tto world a.- on. whirh pro hibits th- I'littfd Htat'-t from buinj', powder from combination in r Htraint of trad-, whlb- in fuct it con taint no substantial limitation w hat rv-r. ' KenAtnr Stin 8iitrift"d that th Du Pont Powih r Company wan th only nourc" from which Kiwd?r can be obtained. Mul Hay of lrat. "So." tfftid th Miouri enator. "the powdr trust I the ho If nource o our nupply except o far as tht government itself manufacture pw der at Indian Head." If the Cre tan of the navy should find that h could buy pftwder from no one except the trust. Mr. Stone wished to knv whether thaTt would be an "errn cy" as provided for in -the bill and if so he wished to know 'whether the houmr provision wa not "a pretense ndafriw on J8 5, (Cntinua m flva.) - ; ft, a& X r , . W.ii.l.a T .,''. -IF y fc&si CeTrttiL nca. . S 6. O. Wtf.- to Cnhlnet Is Maelc Clear. STORM SWEEPS ON LEAVING A PATH OF RUIN Chiciiffo and Middle W'.'st Kiifffi'ed 1'i'oui Wind, Slc(jt ;iiiil Slnv. IS FK'KKZIMJ COLD . , at m:w OWLLANS Tornado I -troys V i c Houses in Mi.s$issiijti T"H'n. (By AitK 'IIK'i:i. I KIM.W- Mll'l ! t til" In-'l fnil-. . Il.l HI' rill 1i I- 1 Hi- lii tin- mi.! '.- Mlilll Iniri'ill ', tin- iv iitln r i i h;i vintj sn nt ' Willi It Wrll ! uf Hiiil.-ritiK -J' SI l..nvi. i i .. Slut III. Hl.lrt ll ir n HI. ri'ii in ' r i! r;ilii iirnl I. i pjii ,i fnl tin i S ' lt in K.r' - M iKSiiuri, ' it. : 1 ( ihiu thi- .i. t' iix i-r IHlii'iii r lii illi.l Mil, Mted F-sm.) Ki -.'I'll.- Hillil ' irm w iin Ii ilin ni houiH. Ii.i- rir-'i nh w ircH mnl t r:i f- A'f-Ht v i II i Hllti ,'! II" ht, ;n t rirrliiifi I ler. Ji tun. ri-- In tin- iiil'l'li' vltiK wit i Hx fill l.'ntt'tii't inn np th. ley. Tillliullt III.: ifis riiitiliw. .-t. .ii- ni-MHi-c, wild a t.i!! Uileri-. Tin .MiMMi" vallex n .i . r- m .ii i i . Ni-bn. k:i. .i i. .i!l, lijilimni inn WH - lii rix WttM HrK I ing. mi I .V. Ill (llil,ll(.M (lis I.A'IC ill ' A v.:iiil n-.i lllllllll ti rll.l. .. tliniM r-'.-I T , , r. 1.11. lM I' nut tin- mm.' Anjiii'iri., ;i f- IDHM ki;it. rv. tikhi-. I ' ir I '. in miiiihiTi) ' ikhi l h ni-w mnl ih.t . 'hi. exl r.-nnl'. tmril prcvaili-il tiiri.uKli twn da. niaea ri r. I ii (Continued on sB six.) "COOLER. (By AtMelatsal srss.) VA8HI.')'1"N. Kcb. fore cast: orth '.ir"llBa: Bain .Tuesday, roldr-r in intcrinr. much colder ut night; WedneiMiiiir av-nrrally fulr. coMir In eaet pinliffi;' -ntMterate to brisk southwest to northwest wind r rv," 7 r c I POLICE BILL IS APPROVED BY COMMITTEE Reported Favorably to the House ami Will I'ass That BtKlv. IMPORTANT NEW MKAHUltKHAPPEAK Hill to Pav Solicitors Week ly Salary and Fees to (lo to State. (S-m lal to Tim t'lllwn.) It AI.KKlll. Keb. 1 S. Th houac i'ommltt on countlns, ritlcK and towns today vutd tit njx.rt favontlily the bill Introduced by rnprnst'tatlve Weaver of Buncombe, provid ing for the creation of a po lice commission for the city of Ashfvllle. The bill provides for a comralaalon of live clt Iseni who Khali have full pow ers over the city's police force. The bill will, It Is ex pected pass the house on the n port without any opposition. 4r 4444 44 rtgifaTnrig ronsldera,bIy below tn two- Renntor Hnrrlngi-r Introduced In ths senate today two notahlo bills, one muklnir safe cracking In North Carolina a felony punishable by life Imprisonment with sentences as low as ten years where the Jury recom mends mercy and 18 years for hav ing In possesHh.n Implements for per pretratinK this crime. The other pro posed that the sollcllVirs of the state be paid $120 per week and fraction thereof while actually attending the criminal courts In fhelr official ca pacity, the fees now received -by the solicitors to. be diverted to the state treasury. ' - Hn-natc Ptmen Refunding Bill. The sennte paused. m final reading the H.000,000 bond Issue bill to re fund the bonds falling due neit year. Honnter Wray Introduced In hs sea ate and Representative Xilnney In the house bills In line with tbe repubil- in state platform provldlfur thst the atnte honril of education shall fur niBh free to tndlifent chilijren the text bnnkM requiri-il In the public si It mils. Mr. K nonce, (ifffred in the house a hill tn iniTiuae the appmpriutloh tor confederate penalons from $400,000 to . 1(10. 000. Itepreaentalb Morton offered an amendment lo the slate prohibition low iletlnlnK Ule percent of alcohoi in iiiin-lntrrxli'iitliiK drinks thnt can lie Hiilrl, f i x 1 1 1 k It nt not more than two percent. Tills will admit some ot ttie lighter wines, A hill hy Kpeuker (Irahnm would .-Httiiilish 11 liri.K cnmmlaslon und pro vide min hlnery fnr preventing tlic sale nf adulterated drugs. National ftuaril fU II. The lull rurrylntt the changes In the state military laws desired by the North t'aroima national gourd as sn lotion was introduced tn th sen nte hy Senator Hcott. II would mnki the state appropriation I2S.000 Instead uf $14,000 would provide 2fi cents pay n-r month fnr each enlisted man InereliHes the mem lie rsii I p of the Im.'iiii nf advisors and calls fnr more Irerjni'iit meetings. Irf'iilh'iiien Nliuke 1-lslH. After Mr. Morton hail Hhaken hi' list In Mr rnderwood's face at tin i-lime of an hour and a half debate on tin- Mute drainage i 11 " . which wa" warm, tlie iinnne ailjoiu'ned at neari;. i-!.ii n'l'inrk tiinlvlit itiunit enming tn a vote Tin- Hp was compell ed in rail nn the sergeant at arms tn seat the gentleman from New llunnv- r ami the gintl'inan from tomtier laml And the hmiie was In more 01 li-s," runliisloTT Mr i'lnlerwiiod ex jiI.iiii. 'I linil in- wai nnlv jesting when In refiTt-eil in Mr Mnrt'in as reprt--sinting speilal Int. r. sis, 1 1 1 J I th 14 lll nut satisfy Mr Morton and Mr. I'n'Hiil exi l.iirni'il tlint. ultiiiiiigh h' I'..'t tin- gentleman frnrn New llon "' r f.rr he kne him to lie an hon'li- gi-ntl- inan. in-vi rtlii li -s If h a.i n..t iniii-ii uith I Is apology ll' X'...iill lint h:m anywhere mitslde nl (In- hmise and settle It Hpe.ik"! I I r. 1 1 1 .'1 111 ignrnnsK pull tided his desk : 1 i.rl 1.1II11I tin gi-ntlemnti from .'nio l.i-ihiiiil tn nl'lii vaxlllg that lie Tim' nnl ii'i' sni'h language y;i the h"iis II was after tliis that tin 11 line ailjniirni-'l. Mum' local lull p,n-. d i a r I v in evi-n lug. I a voi a lily H-sirt-d. Tin- hniisi- i-'iinmltlee on countiei and I'ltlis made favfirahle reports on th.- hill tn repial the charier of Oak lll'lge. r;iiilriii innrity. and to allow llenilermm ille to Increase Its lux levy fnr grade. I s-'linols, and a senate hill tn allou I'.ast Spi-nr-er to Issue bonds. The Jnlnt 'iiinmlttee on Insurance, stli-r h'-nring frnm Messrs. Koonre, I 'inierwoiiil and H.-nderson, decided 1.1 repnrt i:nraor;iliIy Mr. Koonce s anti trust bill that contains so much of tin Texas law as defines private innii'ipnllea. The vote was 6 to 3. Mr. Koonce ga- notice of a minority report Then- were many Insurance ni'-n present. Messrs Henderson and rrnlerwood opposed the bill. Mlb-agc Hill Today. Senators are anticipating a lively discussion tomorrow of the Harrlng er bill to make railroad mileage good .rn the trains Instead of having to get mileage tickets from the station agents as the pres. nt railroad rnles require. The bill came from the com mittee with sn ' unfavorable report, even to threeand the minority report Contlnud an pa lx. JUGGLE RULES TO GIVE KNOX CABINET JOB Democratic Loaders Do - noiiiico Methods to .Taic. Hill Through FAT LED TO IWS8 ON THF FIRST VOTE i Has Passed Senate and In Now Ready For Siffiui ture of President. v Asseclstsd Press.) WASHINGTON. Keb. IS. Hy a Vote of 17S tn 117 the house today passed the bill removing the bar to Senator' Knox's eligibility for tbe office Of aee-j rtury of atate. This was the second vote of the day on this measure, and the two were Separated only by about two hours time. The first vote was' taken en 'the bill under general order j for the auaiiension ot the rules, and 1 under that order, according to .the' standing rule of the house, s bill must receive a two-thirds majority to. Insure Its passage. The first vnto! stood 17 (o Its, the majority thus tnirua requirement. Immediately after this result was announced the house commute on rules held a meeting, wthich resulted In Mr. Dalicell' bringing In a rule making It In order for th house to gain take up the till and art upon It under conditions which should require only a majority vote to pass It The opponent of th measure did not oeas their antagonism, which on the previous consideration had torou,, out a numoer 01 snarp criticism. but Immediately demanded roll oall on tbe previous Question en thead optlon of the rule. The call con sumed twenty-five minutes, and after the rule had been adopted the debate wa resumed. 1 .-stid Mr. Oimstead, of Pennsylvania, con? tended that ths bill doe not aocomp llsh an evasion of th constitution. Among several rhsr precedent Mr. Olmsted cited the case of Senator Mon hill of Vermont, who was appointed secretary of the treasury. Williams Denounce It. In the opinion of Mr. Williams 0f( iti mnipnippi, will! vposeu inn 1,111, IIIBV was the only reputable authority al luded to. Henator Morrill,, he said, hud been continued through senatorial courtesy, which, he said "over rides all liars, constitutional and otherwise. The bill." he declared, was "a clear, plain pnlpuble obvious and manifest raw of direct and expressed con stitutional Inhibition." Mr. Clark of Mlsaourf, for the sec ond time during the day, took the Door in opposition to the bill, and aald that congress wa making Itself "th laughing stock of every man on tt face of Hod's green earth." lTtffs ferrcd to a famous expression of th lute Tim Campbell of New Tork, "who usked "what's the constitution be tween friends?" and said that If th hill under discussion should pas". Mr. ('umpliell would stand justified as a constitutional lawyer. In adding his voice against the hill, Mr. t'aJilfieM nf Missouri, declared that It was a case of constitutional Jugglery or legislative favoritism. lie dehnta was brought to a elose by lie Armond of Missouri, who ar aued for the passage of the bill. fin a yea and nay vote the hill was passed ITS to 117. The debate was brought to n close one which has been pri-vlnusly passed by the (senate It u.-ik not um.-ndid. and It will not therefore In- nwesenrv fur It to k.i to eonfer ence. Th iiieitHiir' reiiuircw nnlv the signature of tin- prcldwit to nnike ll u law. NO I WI-KTIO VI'IO.V (By Adto(.ia Press.) hia. s i' . i'.-1, i r, -Tim state Semite to'lav Killed the bill pro- vlillng for an !n -iitii.:ii.f I'm of lii" t I'oiinty illsiciiMjir. s lis' a vole i,f I. In l:: Tills hill i as n inohl liltlonlt tni'iisnri' Th iim"OM'IiI of, the Mil that llni.- i-.:i M i n ii nf an linestlcatioli, tin ri being i .lisp. m.iry auditor. CROWD ASSEMBLING AT OLD POINT TO WELCOME FLEET FROM VOYAGE (By AMOclatse' Pretc.) OLD HOIN'T ro.VIKOKT. Va . Feb. 1.1 The advance guard of visitors, en route here to view tin notable naval demonstration of Mot4riav next and to participate In the we I. -nine b.- by a liall and during ma home of the haitl'-shlp fleet Jiegan to stay of the ships In the road thero arrive today. Hotel accoiiyrindatlon ' will lie a round of galtles. . Officer St Old Point already are at premium, of the army at Fort Monroe ar pr and quarter nr.- now being atoight at1 paring to have a share In the wl Norfolk. Hampton and othsr cltle come to the fleet. bordering on Hampton Roa-ls. As understood here. It la Admiral The program of ent.-rtalnnent here Fperry's Intention to bring the ship Is still Indefinite as It Is nog known ; In the capes and past the president' as yet Just how mnnv of the .(hips' will r yacht in two line of eight hlp be detached following the pirealdent'a each. The anchoring maneuver review and sent to the na"y yard. (after the ships pas th government Some a. 000 of the blue Jacki-t fromjpter probably will be th prettiest the fleet are to be sent t.s Wash- j pert of the line sectacle. , ington to participate In the Irgaugurali A numer of the "navy widow. or parade of March t4h, and the. vessels officer wive who wltned the de from which they are to be dratwn on-j parture of the fleet from here, and dbubtedly will remain here. .Effort; alnte that time have followed or pro are to be made to haw President. ceded the ship all tha way around Roosevelt and hi guet on th May-the world, hav arrived to ae tha flower com aahor U evtenlnjr oti close of th history-making voyage. MAY LEVY TAX TO MAKE UP BIG SHORTAGE 1 RosiiiTocfion of War Time j Hooy May He Found j Necessary. Ml?. KOOSEVELT'S ! TERM EXPENSIVE Deficit For the Fiscal Y.wr M.ay Jiuu Close to L'W,0()0,000. BY TAV. ; (SpeclAl correspondent of Thg Cltltan) ' WASHINGTON, Feb, 19 Beeau of. the unparalleled extrsviiranre ' et the llooseveit admiltrtton Unci . Sam will probably be forced" to reaur- : rect wyme war-time taxes to put' the flnancey nf the government wi iwl f ! In;. ' t , Ihirln January the deflolt nearly Ill.OOO.tlOO. . This hrlnss th ' doncit thus far In th lineal year w , to I7.I14,4)4J. Official figure do not ' sustain the position of tharepublloan : leaders that th dncreassd deficit 1 1 due "entirely or chiefly"' tn th it- diction In the natlonar Income be cause of larkenwl , commercial o- ; tlvity. They indlcatg th deilclt ia due more to an Increase of expendi ture than W a decline of fe venue. Hit lallli Off. During the flrst l month or the fiscal year,, which faded last Jun to, ' the total treaaur rsoelpt war 41,S. They were only J,4li 161 diirtng th first x month ot th , fllcer year Bow current, which ahowg a falling off of 2J,tl,7l, But th expenditures during the correspond ing prriwi were $1!,I1S,oe and Bf,H,74 pctlvly. , Ihl la an Inerense of expendUur of tl,lM U. , which - -aceaunta for ulitanllaliy more than half , of i;h avtuat ilji- Clancy, , , , The deficit fi) tha present fiscal yr' threatens tn run up ta ItSO.aoo,- ni)o, and tbe deficit of, tha poxt fiscal , year, accordln; to., genretarv .of , (An Tregstiry Cortetyou, will, be vrjr,lQ to th iim of $Ht,oOO,ooo. Th. .dftora't wis that tha, Vnttc48tt .a government I on th Verge of kunlt- ruptcy, because th available balance '' on Dec. ll. IftOd, was 11,SJ33J. Ilowever, the Unnncler of the repub- ' llcan pnrly are worrying., for a--few annual deficit of more than one hun dred million would mail quit hole In a surplus nf any slue, , . ll win nt drat rumored, and r It la being stilled as a certainty, that the ways and means committee, which Is In charge of the tariff revision. Will ultimately hiivn to recommend ill ome and Inheritance tax In Its re port. Champ Clark and hi to liit'-s in democralic leadership bell rvo Income und Inheritance taxe to b far preferable to Imposing rtutl on necrssltlca, which th republl-an party would really Ilk to do. Iteiresenlntive Clark and hi Col- , leagues have iie.-n c n vasal rg th gt uiillon llli great care. If th Wya and means committee fall lo provide for the income and Inherlfnco taxes the democratic leader will formally move a provlelon for uch legislation lie Inserted when th mat ter conn s before fhe house. How To Tag C. Here Is I he program that has rath er definitely been worked oul by tho republican manager, to meet the rev enue situation: To Impose a tax nf 3 cents a pound on iiifTi'i-, which It Is estimated would produce annually SMrrJrlma'.ey, ' 127. 000, 000. To Impose n tax of 1 rents nn lea, prdu'-liig 1 0,000.000. To Increase from II lo 2 the in ternal revenue tax on beer, I80,U')0." (100. Total Increase In sight. t97,000,OO. Tin- d.-irii" rats believe the tax on the liri akfnst tntile la thor .ughly un popular with the country and wrong In principle They also believe Ih'lt tlio country l more than ever In favor of tin iiii nine and Inherll.ihce taxis, whleh would call upon the people of wealth mor.- than those who toll to dive assistance In standing increased exp.-nsi s of the government. nn this issue th- democrat ar ready to meet defeat on the floor of (Continued on pso five.) the review lo attend the dinner In honor of the flag and commanding officer of the fleet by the navy leaicue, of which Oenoral Horac Porter is president. Thle dinner win

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