IZEN THE WEATHER FAIR voLXxy; no. 124. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 21, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS; HAD NO POWER TO AUTHORIZE BOOMING GUNS SIGNAL THAT Say, Can" This Be True? ROBIN COOPER ON STAND GIVES DESCRIPTION OF STEEL MERGER FLEET IS NEAR THE CARMACK THE SUMS AY CIT 29 Pages -!i , Today ; asaaBgBaMnnaBaaMi . Sub-Committee of Senate Says T. C.I. Absorption Contrary to Law. REPOliT CREATES . CONSTERNATION Senators Not Willing to Go Whole Length Advised by Committee. (y AtMelatM frmJ WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. By a vot of thrc to two the sub-commlUee of the committee on Judiciary which haa been Investigating the merger of the Tennessee oCal and Iron company and the United States steel corporation to day decided to report to the full com mittee that the president was not au thorised to permit the absorption. The committee found also that President Roosevelt was equally unauthorized to direct the at'torneygeneral not to In . terfere'wlth thn merger and not to enforce the federal statutes against it. It was decided also thai as both com panies '-were engaged' in Interstate commerce the absorption was In vio lation of the Sherman anti-trust law. It was found Ulat the effect and pur pose of the absorption were to mon opolise the-Iron ore supply of tho country and generally to eliminate the Tennessee, company as a competitor of the united States steel corporation, Itebuke for Roosevelt. Th fact that such a report was to be made created consternation In the senate. ' It was realized that if the full committee subscribes to the find ings of the sub-committee the effect would be to administer he severest ot rebuke to President Roosevelt and practically to, direct the attorney-general to bring proceedings agalnat"4h steel corporation under the Sherman Jaw. " . " - ' Leaders in the senate , make no - cret of the fact that they are unwill ing g4ht far. . Under Mhess, clr cumstanoe the full committee, -when It Meats on Monday probably win de cide to consider vary carefully the po sibla effect of the report before- decid ing to adopt K. The report acted upon was drafted by Benator Culberson, author of the resolution providing for the inquiry. The inquiry was conducted by ub comreltU, of five, Messrs. Clark, of Wyoming Dillingham, Klttredge, Cul bersod and Overman. The first three of these are republicans and the last two democrats. Senator Klttredge Joined With th two democrats In making1 the majority report. Deny Necessity for Merger. The report quote from the presi dent's message declaring that the ab sorption was necessary, according to the representation to htm by Judge E. H. Gary and H. C. Frlck on behalf of theteel corporation, as a crtain business firm ot real importance in New York circles, would undoubtedly fall unles tho deal could be made. After giving much of the testimony on thi. point the report specifically do nl tlV assertion of. the presidei.t that the merger was necessary to savs any important banking . concern or business house In New Tork. ,.- It Js asserted by the committee that whatswer may be the supposed emer gency.. no discretion Is lodged In the president as to the enforcement of the law. ' Itwas found in the opinion of a majority of the sub-committee that th president's communication to Attorney-General Bonaparte was In effect a dlrrctioVnot to Interfere with the merger. It was pointed out that under federal institution, the presi dent Is he official who is expressly enjoined to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." MOBEHEAP BANKS CLOSED. RALEIGH, , N. C.. Feb. 20. The Bank i of Carteret, a state bank at Morelfead City, was closed today by order of the North Carolina corpora tion commission, it being declared in solvent The capital It I20,000i and the deposits about 117,000. The trouble" Was because of unsecured over-drafts amounting to $3,771 of wtich nearly 18,000 was on the notes of the president. R. W. Taylor. The cash Is also said to be short $513. Depositors will be paid in full and a receiver Is to be appointed. KING ALFONSO WANTED TO FLY BUT HIS WIFE (By Associated Press.) POU, France, Feb. 20. King Al fonso, of Spain, who arrived here from San Sebastian last night, today witnessed two successful aeroplane flights by the Wright brothers, the American aviators, after which he en tertained Wilbur and Orvllle Wright. Hart O. Berg, their European busi ness managen, and the mayor and Pau at lnnoheon During the lunch the king kept up a- lively conversation, principally on the subject of aviation. He admitted , that h was sorely tempted to make . "a., flight, but declared that a good soldier could not break his word. t'Jttm,;Umghlnglfx thevking exclaim- i"; 4V Veaily tibJuk If l'had' tayed fiv ; minute longer. I could not . have put .. th tempter behind ma. " , cv. North Carolina Fires Salute to Blue Flag of Admiral Sperry EVERY HOTEL IS JAMMED TO DOORS Officers Wives Flock to Old Point to Meet Their Spouses. FORT MONROE, Va., Feb. 20. (Old Point Cemfort, Va.) When the sa luting guns on the forward bridge of the armored cruiser North Carolina, boomed thirteen times today In honor of the blue flag of Rear Admiral Sper ry on the battleship Connecticut, the combined naval forces that are to en ter the Virginia capes on Monday morning to be reviewed by President Roosevelt in the celebration of the world cruise of sixteen American bat tleships were completed. Wireless sig nals received from the North Caroling and her junior consort, the Montana, early today told of the approach of the last two ships sent to welcome the home-coming' vessels to the main body of the fleet. The wireless station at the Norfolk navy yard could not pick up the fleet direct either last night or today owing to static interference In the atmos phere, but the messages from the North Carolina were sufficient to in dicate that the fleet Is near enough to the Virginia capes tonight to Insure Its arrival off the entrance to Hamp ton Roads some time tomorrow. Officer's Wive Watting. Scores of officers' wives are already at the hotels here. Among them are about nineteen who made the journey all jthe way around the world on mer chant Bhlps and who over-took or awaited the naval vessels at the vari ous ports visited. Some of these In trepid -women even went all the way to Australia, but most of them re mained In Japan, while their husband were In tlfe antipodes, f There are other wives here who went with th fleet as far a California. Still other there are who contented themselves with witnessing the departure from here fourteen months ago and who then returned to their homes In vari ous parts of the country. The social feature of the-fleet's return and stay In the roads is to be as notable as at the departure. From Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Horn, Richmond and Norfolk large parties have arrived for "fleet weeks" and every room in the hotels Is taken, and many persons were turned away today at the Chamberlain. Will Celebrate Holiday. Washington's birthday Is to be cele brated as a holiday more generally than ever before In this section and all theresldentsofNorsiD$xMvavcvr.,n all the residents of Norfolk, Newport News, Hampton and other cities who can uosslblv do so will either De afloat or gathered along the shores of the roadstead to witness the impres sive arrival of the ship and the cere monies attending the visitors of the president. Rear Admiral William H. Emory who commanded one of the divisions of the fleet up to the time of his re tirement at Manila last NovemDer, ar rived today to witness the home-coming of the fleet and to provide for tho transfer of Ills effects brounht horn on his old flagship, the Louisiana. NEARLY MILLION FOR 8AII.ORS WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. Carrying $800,000 In gold pieces fresh from the government mint to pay the officers and men of the Atlantic fleet, the gun boat Yankton. Which yesterday com pleted its cruise around the world, left today for Norfolk to rejoin the fleet. The Yankton also took a sup ply of the new signal code for the fleet. RALEIGH ATTORNEY KILLED BY TRAIN RALEIGH, N. C. Feb. 20. W. A. Stewart, of Dunn, a prominent attor ney. thirty-four years old, was killed tonight at the BrcJad street crossing in Dunn, by a backing freight en gine shifting cars on the Atlantic Coast Line. HIS body was cut to nimres. In 101 and In 1905 he was a member of the house of representa tives. WOULDN'T LET HIM In again felicitating Wilbur Wright oh his achievements, the king humor ously remarked that the only record he had gained was that for youthful ness among the sovereigns, but tie had even lost this, first to King Manuel of Portugal, and then to the infant Emperor of China. "It had been generally supposed that Hi Majesty would take advantage Of this opportunity to be th first sov ereign to make a trip in an aeroplane, a belief that brought out aTery num erous crowd, bnt it was soon learned that this was not to be. The king bad promised Queen Victoria not go aloft under any circumstances, and J kept hi pledge. - ' ' ! " -f At half pat nine Wilbur Wrfgt began a. plendld flight of twenty. eight minute. . , , :' , ' ... ; . v 1 CHOOSES HORRIBLE WAY TDSUIODE Saturates Her Clothing with r Oil and Sets Fire to Her self. (Sosclal to Th Cltlxtn.) CONCORD. N. C, Feb. 20. Driven to deperat!on by poor health Mrs. Allda Burkhead, widow of John U. Burkhead and daughter of Capt. John Woodhouse, who for many year was editor of tfhe Concord Register, sat urated her clothing with kerosene Fri day afternoon anjl then set Are to her self. She was burned to death. At 2:10 o'clock she complained and told her 17-year-old daughter that she wanted to' lie down, and went to her room at the . head of the stairway. Tere'h saturated her clothing wjth kerosene oil and set fire to herself, arid before any one could reach her the flames had burned the flesh on her face, neck and body to the waist band into a crisp. She was conveyed to a room in the lower part of the house, where she was attended by physirians until death, which occurred at 7:45. Her bad physical condition had somewhat Impaired her mind. The members of her family had kept close watch on the unfortunate woman for msny days, but she work ed the ruse today, and eluded them. From all information now at hand It is inferred that the burning of herself had been planned by her for several day. Mr. Burkhead was about 50 years of age and is survived by Ave children Misses Dora, Florence and Jessie, of thl city; Mr. Calvin Burkhead, of the United States navy, who Is now on his way from Beaufort to visit his moth er, and John Burkhead. who left onlv a few weeks ago for California, where he is employed on a ranch. She is also survived by one brother, Mr. H. Irvin Woodhouse. president of the Cabarrus Springs, of this city. BURNING SHIP CARRIES DOWN TWENTY SOULS (By Associated Press.) BUENOS AY RES, Feb. 20. The Argentine steamer. Presidents Roca. from Southern ports, according to re ports received here has been wrecked between Puerto de San Antonio and Puerto Madrln on the east coast. Tha steamer caught lire, and press dispatches received here this after noon state that the flames spread with great rapidity and that the steamer was headed into shore as rapidly as possible. Later official messages re port that the vessel sank, but that only twenty lives were lost. Three hundred and fifty passengers and fifty members of the crew were saved according to these advices. CE?fTE!f ARIAS DEAD. (By Associated Press.) NEWARK. N. J.. Amody Bastion Eddy, a Confederate war wteran, died at the German hospital today, ag9 ninety-nine years and nine months. He had been a great favorite at. Pw In stitution, where he had been for near ly six years, because of hi soldierly baring and dignified manner. Noth ing Is known of the past history of the old soldier, who always refused to talk of himself okept to say that he foukht with Lee. CARROLL D. WKIGUT DEAD. (By Associate Pras.) WORSTEKv Mas.. Feb. 10. Car roll D- Wright, president of the Clark College and former commissioner of labor, died tonight aged sixty nine years, President Wright had bees a sufferer from diabetes for more than two-year but that disease did not give hiiti seiious trouble until after his return from Washington on De cember t,-'.V-v: ; ii-'V-w,:..-,i.- I rr"- ' MARDI GfcAS OPENS WITH AUTO RACE - Mrs. Cune Breaks Own Record and Makes Men Drivers Hustle. (v Assoclstsd Press.) NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 20. The principal feature of th first day's Mardl Qra automobile races was the breaking of th ten-mil, world' track record for heavyweight gasoline car by Ralph- De Palms, In tils Flat oar he made the distance In t.ll 2-5, which 1 11-J 5 second better than the record made by Barney Oldfleld In l0t. De Palma made this record In tha ten-mil handicap, defeating a field ox ihm after being ha&dleappad a full minute. I . ., j Mrs. Joan Cuneo broke her own record for five mile In an exhibition race, .her time being 6.05 2-6, her former record, which was also the world' woman's record, which was (.04 S-6. Mrs. Cuneo negotiated the turn with ease and made them sharp er than most of the men and kept abreast of De rat ma for the first eigh teen mile of the fifty-mile race. No accidents of any kind occurred, The races last two days more. Th features of Sunday' race will be the 1100 mile event In which there will be ten entries. Including Mr. Cuneo and De Palma. SUPPLY MEASURES ENOAOECONGRESS In Debate on Military Bill West Point is Severely Scored. (By Aiaoclatsd Prsu.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 Two more of the annual supply bills, the diplo matic and consular and the military academy measures were passed by the house of n-pnsonfatlves today in a comparatively brief time. Neither ex cited much debate nor were they amended In any Important particular. The rivers ami harbors bill also was passed under uspenton of the rules, after Mr. Kelfcr, of Ohio, had Inau gurated a full-fledged filibuster against it in th.- expectation of secur ing an amendment providing for a survey of the proposed Ohio and Erie canal. The sundry civil bill, carrying an appropriation of $137,000,000, was called up and an agreement reached whereby two hour were to be devot ed Monday to general debate. CritiHte Academy. During the consideration of the mil itary academy appropriation bill Mr, Tirrell. of Mississippi, crltlciz-d the entrance examination and course of l 7,600 brine rrom two lormer ot tiMv ot w.-m Point u he.lriK- to s.-, " ll "f the German National bank vere. Becauie of that fact he said, many a promising boy had been I thwarted in lTs ambition. ; At 5.B7 p. rn. the house adjourned until tomorrow at noon, when a spe- Clal sssion will b lield for the de. livery of eulngl. on the late Benator! Allison, of Iowa, and Ijitlmer. of South Carolina, and Representative j Wiley, of A lal.a ma. The fact that the 5ZKLMr S af tr. ' tlnuous legislative day. j (FAIR WASHINGTON, Feb. !0. Forecast ; North Carolina: Fair, slightly Warm er; Monday partly cioodyj- light to moderate, mostly aoutnweat wind.' DEMOCRAT WILL BE IN THE CABINET Dickinson of Tennessee Will Succeed Wright as War Secretary. (By Assoclstsd Press.) COLUMBUB. O.. Fob. 20 J. M. Dickinson, of Tennessee, will be sec retary of war In tho Taft cabinet Charles Nagel, of St Louis, will b Mr. Taft' secretary ot commerce and labor. . , R. A. Ballingor will be Mcretary of the interior. Thl statement Is not mad upon th announcement of Mr. taft, put it oor- rectnsss k mar b ocpud wRhout ouestion. .rr Mr. Nagal was a caller updTT tin president-elect Friday and Mr. Dick inson had a conference with him to day. Mr. Taft will permit of no an nouncement from him a to thsse con clusion".. It has been known for some time, however, that he had pracfieffily decided upon Mr. Nagul appoint ment, and the Interview yesterday bears all the ear-mark of having been arranged for th express pur pose of an offer and acceptance. Dickinson Democrat. Mr. Dickinson came to Cincinnati from Chicago today. . He ha not been under consideration a a cabinet pos sibility so long a time, but has been personally and most favorably known by Mr. Taft for many years. His em inent legal record and acknowledged ability are such a to commend him peculiarly to Mr. Taft. Mr. Dickin son Is a Tennesseean, although tem porarily residing in Chicago, whert his duties a general solicitor of the Illinois Central railway system re quires his presence. He Is a democrat, although always having opposed liryan. ONE GRAFTER FOUND GUILTY IN PITTSBURG PITTSBURG, Feb. 20. After de liberating twenty minutes thl after noon, the Jury In the case of Captain John F. Klein, charged with accept ing and soliciting a bribe in connec tion with an ordinance pending In council relating to the city deposi tories, returned a verdict of "guilty an indicted." Attorneys for Klein will appeal the ca-. The convicted man was re leased on $25,000 ball and will be tried later on additional charges of conspiracy ami accepting a bribe. Hi received the verdict without emotion. Klein, who was a member of common council, was tnargea witn receiving a "f thl 'lty. Hlx other councllmen were arrested In connection with the ca-. Ernest Frey, a saddler, testified today hat K,'',n n "nown hi 'S'000 bills and remarked: "That is the way to get It K"ln "ld he nad never KPn S u0 blu- , imw tmr? HALF AN ARMY Willis march in parade WASHINOTON, Feb. 20. More than 31.000 men will march In au gural parade. March 4, according to official reports made to the Inaugura tion committee at a meeting held yes terday. There will be approximately 2 2,000 soldiers and sailor and ma rines of the regular service, national guardsmen and Independent military bodies. Including ' the cadet from West Point and Annapolis In the mili tary division. KILLED IN WRECK NEW ORLEANS, Feb. $0 A Tex as and Pacific freight train Jumped the track tonight near Orand Can, La., crushing to death Brakemaa, No land and fatally raldinr Engineer gangster and Fireman O'Neill, v - POLICE BILL PASSES HOUSE, NOW IN SENATE Several matters of Local In terest Before Legisla tive Session PROPOSED BOND LSSUE FOR INSANK Bill Providing For Austra lian Ballot Law in State Elections. . . .(peel! t Th Cltlisn.) RALEIGH, Feb. 20. Th. house passed today Mr. Weaver' bill for the creation of a police, commission for oaiiKvuia ana u wss sent to in sen ate. Mr. Weaver Introduced today bill to defin th voting precinct of AShevllls and allow foreign executor to convey lands devised to them with- out first giving bond In thl state. The house bill to prohibit public drunken- in Buncombe county passed th' senate today and I ordered enrolled tor ratification. A bill for th application of the Australian ballot to be applied to the North Carolina general electionr'w Introduced In th senate today by I Beoator Elliott, of Hickory, and went to the committee on elections. Th senate passed th substitute Manning bill to require that all se curities deposited by tnsuurano com panies with the state department of Insurance shall b delivered to th stat treasury for af keeping., This I on of th results of th sensation al legislative examiner's report made earlier in th session. -, i Th solicitors salary bill, td pay all solicitor 13,80 til Hen of fa, was mad a special order tor- nate Thursday of nest week. k,h ' ' P KlmrotiilkMl IMII. . Bo far a th house's action of th matter may control, there will be no more hangings In North Carolina, but felons sentenced to pay th death penalty will be put to death by th electric chair method at the state's prison at Raleigh. The committee substitute for the eledtroautlon bill was passed without division today. The bill to Issue ll.Ut.eoo bonds refund the consolidated bond Is sue of 1179 for $$,427,000 passed It second reading. The issue I to be forty year, 'four per cent. Th dif ference of twelve thousand Is to de fray cost of plate and other ex penses of the Issue. Chairman Gordon of the commit tea on appropriations Introduced a bill providing for a bond Issue of fiv hundred thousand dollar to carry out the act of two year ago to care for th Insane. LOMCS HWTOIUC BUILDING. (By Aselts Press.) ANNAFOLIB. Md Feb. 20 "lr thl afternoon gutted hist or Is old Mc Dowel! hall, tho central building or th srrnuo composing Bt John's college While the Interior wa completely de irnl the massive walls, throe ft -' - . ' . ., . . . , - thick and built of brick brought from t Kngland, withstood the flame and will be used In the '""tru1"" f tne nuuaing in- dv nrrieiais of om wiibbo v and the Insurance Is given a tIS.000. The origin of the fire ha not been determined. The officer of the naval acaeemy rushd midshipmen, marine and fir fighting apparatus to the scene, and to this In large measure w due th confining of the fire to McDowell hall. NEW TKLrXJRArH Hl'PT. WASHINOTON. Feb. 20. The Houthern railway today announced the DDolntment of W. H. Potter a su- Derlntendent of telegraph with head- auarters In this city to succeed th late C. P. Adams. HOLD VP MAN ;KTH SO YEAR HKMTENMK Kansas City, Feb .10. Robert Bled o of Dallas Texas, who on Tuesday last enta-red the home of Iviwrence M. J ns, a m'l'ionalre merchant of this city, and attempted to extort $1000 from him was sentenced to thirty yeatu-s in the penitentiary today. CASTRO, DEPOSED, IS ENJOYING DELIGHTS OF EU ROPE AU CITIES (By Assoclstsd Press.) CARCAKAH, Feb. 11 V a Wlllem- .tsd. Feb. $o.-Clprl.o Outtro ha. lost his title aa president of Veneweia, the high federal court having render ed a decision that sufficient eidnc haa been presented In the utt brought against him by tfl attorney- general at the Instance of Benor At- canUra, minister of th Interior, on th charge of having- attempted U bring about the assassination of Juaa' Vicente Gomel, th acting president In bis decision th high federal court transfer the uK to the criminal court and declares that Castro la conse quence of th disclosure, la constitu tionally suspended from th gireal Wr. , ; - ;,,tJJi!vLUs1 Is Almost Feminine in Ai pearance, but; Mode! Good Witness t SWEARS SENATOR SHOT HIM FIRST; Narrates in Detail Events Leading Up to Tragedy, in Calm Manner, (By Assselats rVess.) - . NASHVILLE, Tenn.. Feb. $0 Thl wa th defense's day in she trial of Col. Duncan B. Cooper.- Robin, J, Cooper and John D. Sharp, eharg4 with, th murder of .tha former Ban. ator Edward W. CarinackV , Only on witness Was examined, th boy! defendant, ttobln J- Cooper, ' ad b mad a plndld wit new. When th court opened it wa exfcotd ,ht th state would offer one or mor of Its missing witness; At teat three arrived lat night,- but th' attorney gnrl dsolded lther not to a them at All. or to sav them . for hi .big. conspiracy fight In .rebuttak;; " Both side seemed to be arrlnt for time at th opening of th day's . session. Finally th stat' attorney appeared. . Then - th defsns . akd for thirty, minute, Indulgence and took an hour gad half. It w pre sumed that a oonfrsnc wa on but In reality the tlm wa requested U order that - an, ray ,. photograph might b taken to learn If th bullet which Robin noonar raealved n tha shoulder wa itlll ther. !, Dr , Fort thought it wa and so testified.; However, the day after th hootln Robin Cooper' found a bullet In th bed near hi kns at the t Thorns , hospHal, H ws a $$ callbr bulieb' Th gun . fqund' near Senator Car mack' body with two empty hsllg ls a $l-callbr. ,Th defense-evident, r ly wanted to b sur that th .g-rayv showed no, bullet- )n, Ilobln' hul der before they, produced th tnlssll found fa,th boy" bed,. - , - , . , ' , A soon as th g-ray plit bad bests geyelopei and disolosed no, trac of bullet th defense announced ready and railed young JniMr-w th suuid. '.V Ifoswg Vuopef rrepussfiln.--,-.'" : Th boy la -a gUftder. - rct, clean out, high bred type of a young man, HI feature r dalioat, almost fem inine, but h earrles himself tn an ' reel and manly fashion and ther -It nothing effeminaf in hi manner. '' HI vole soft and well cultivated, h speak slowly, t ftlmost with ' drawl. He answered .vry question with a dellberaten and caution that at time seemed . to xaperat hl counsel, Judg Anderson, and put hlm In th light of, an uowlllmg wlUi.,! - t'WHirr'l Vrstlmony. , , -. If He said that h practised Ja. In th ofllc of his uncle Jama Bra- ford, and that On November I, thv father called at Bradford otn In the forenoon. , Young Cooper, ' wh i gave hi age aa $T rtrrd t hl father as "papa." , . - , , , v ' ; Paoa told ms." h testified, fh wa afraid he wa going to hav UoU- ,- bl with Mr. Cnrmack," ,w . l , After a long argument of counsel Cooper was allowed -to explain such part of the conversation as had twn previously twrtinsfl to by Mis fce. who said she over-heard part, of th -conversation, Th witnee continued, speaking . of hi fthr. 'i t. : "He said he wa afraid of troubl nri t ara mm -wny. -vie i,wr ,UD-UnCf, ,ht Mr crmtek to ,W and I asked him why. He said t I. Hacking hi character and, a h put it, shooting pobmned arrow. H said It was becoming unbearabla, H i he had seen Mr. Craig th night be fore and told bint to- tall OsrmAck that h must ceas using hi nwm In hi paper. He said Mr. 'Craig re turned and said -h had aeeft Camtaek but Carmack would agre to nothing. Wa Worried. "As I remember It. Mr. Craig salt to papa that Carmack wa la a Vie lou humor or mood." Robin said his father aim told Craig to toll Car, muck that unU-s he ceased using ht name th town wa not big enough to hold them both. i "I wa greatly worried," the wtl. ness eonlnued, "and said I believed my uncle could bring Influence t bear to show Carmack the jnjuetle of his Course. It wa then that PP said: 'He had no right to us my name and 1 have a right to proWet myself.' " ' , ' ' 4 The defense attempted to get k testimony by Robin tending to show that Colonel Cooper' waiting tor (Cantlnu MP feor.) Th suit to brinfftbout th ooni , : "UtuUonal remove of Pml4t Oti was InsUtuted ver4 week at th Instano of th minister of th Interior,, who communication to tha attorney-general on thta gubjset Wn accompanied by a (arg quantity of documentary evidence relating to th alleged plot against th life ot Oosn Th minister declared- that th doeu . ments showed that thl plot wa ui result of suggestion, ad vie and r it er of Oenerai Castro.- Castro.' who ha recovered from an operaUo which h underwent at a private sani tarlum at -Berlin, left that city yea terday for Dresden. "her H i big intention to make a protracted atay.