HIE SUNDAY (HTIZEN; -FEBtlTTARY 21, 1909; 'lts t fc' u it 1 v SOCIETY Mlaa UMIan Weaver entertain thl week with a violet luncheon given in honor el Mtrx Wlllella Hauler who i jLw visiting Mlrs Ullage Patea. The Taharnat club (rave a atag theatre part) net evening at thi' Orand dm 'a Ihucm- tu "The Win Doum." Tl ' rt Included Mr.ileatlx Carrier. All riiry i:uhl. Mr. 8. U. Rernarri M s-.ua. ne Hawyer. Mr J- Bh Rbi -ju. Mr. Vonno OudK'T, lir. D. H. Millard. Mr. Kcriilall NorthUD, Mr. W . J. Horn. Mr .Muh olu Beatllea Mr. Walter Taylor. Mr. Charles Flom, Mr. Theodore Hurl aon, Cinil. Jflrei. Mr. W. A. liaker, and Ht. Redwood. The Tqung Woman Missionary so ciety of the First frwbyterlan church will mart with Mr. J. H. wood, hi Bartlett atreet. Monday February 22, ft lour o'clock. Mra. Charl L. Minor entertains rith a tea Tuesday afternoon at her Yen, af af The Droaram of the ornn recital ariven tltia Afternoon at All Moula' Church. Elltmore. by Mr. F. F. Hark er. will include three well known work of Chart re Ouoood. The pro- fram Ibm oiipwe;( 1 ' I tt la 1. March Bollennell., .. .. Gtionod. 1. Borceuee (Serenade).... uuomxv March nomalne ouonod js - Ji rumored that a dance will be "tlrea hirlnf the week toy thai Tahkeo ut club at the club room on Pack j. ' "Mr.' and Mra. John B. Roger ar ' 1 rhrad reeterday and are wending av w era! de at th Hotel Berkeley. Mra ft, 'itovera, whoaa marriage to Mr. Roger m ooeureo aeverai oaya ago in tMrming ' tarn, Ala., wae Mra. Max! a Oarvey and B reetded lit AaheVUIe (or aeveral veare, .. where aha he many ftienda Mr. t and Mrs. Roger leave the mMdIe of .. the week for waahlngton. D. C. where they vltl remain until after the Inauguration of preeldent Taft. S "Thl golf tournament, mixed four " enma. waa continued yeaterday at' a fernpon at n coumrjr oiuo. m Saturday afternoon the laat tourna- ' ment wilt be played In the big tonrne t ment. ' which1 taated for number of weoka tad much Jntereat W dltpiayoa ift the' outcomo. The aooree yeatei day were; Dr. O. M. lanvbert and MM Rita Reee,' Tlhandlcap net l: Dr. and Mr. Charleo Jordan, t handicap 14 oat It: Mr. J J. MeCloakey n Mm Thompeoo Pre jry 7 hjinun'.-ip o -not o. "' At Central Methodlat church thla tnornlrttf Mr. IlurnKt Jardan will elni "It la rnoufh.,,''p BUMh. The AnthefTi tm tip Your Heeda, C te Oatea," will also he eune Mra. Jamee O. BOkvieather will elng at the even(ng arrvice. jt j0 ' Mlaa Minnie Farrlae waa married to Mr. W'x-nU f Mayfleld. In LouUrWlle, Jty... laat, week, and the announcement of the "wedding will he of Intareet to many friend made by the brldn dur- lar her aeveral vielte to Aithevllle. Mlea Charlotta Smith arave an In I formal hrUlgn party for her houee K meat. Mlea Virginia Meyer, of New f Orleana. Friday afternoon, at ltoae k bank cotta Jt Jt Mra. Jullua O. Martin gave a miill tea the latter part of the werk at her home on l iberty etrert. Mra Mar tln'a w;h v,r: Mra. Onorgf 1. Hackney, Mr 8. ! Roberteon, Mra T. C. ftmltli. jr., Mra Ktxrman. Mra. J. Walter Moore. Mra Marlon WIb-Ih, Owen Smith and Mlae Marlon Wlggln. 1 Jt' J The muelnel tea which will be given fey the member of the Altar UulUl of All Soure church, at Mine Annlo Wll- ' llama1 reaklence, St Haywood atreet Tueaday afternoon, will be an Internet ting event f the wweck, and will un- aouDteoiy o aiietMeo oy many peo ple. A atrver offerlnf will be eaked at the door, and the public In moat cordially Invited to attend. Thehoura are from four until half paat elx o'clock. The program will !e from fonr until n-e, and while tea le be ing eerved after that hour, a Vh-tor phonoRTaph concert will bo Klwn lr. end Mra. K. It. 8wop, Mm. ('. D. tloadlea and Mlea Annlo Wllliatna will receive, ami tea and chwnlate will bo eerwnd by MIm Ue and Mlae Ann Martin. The 'i.nrnm. will Incude a I; i number r,f well known people. Thoae taklnv ttirt are: llr K. I', llarker. Mra. Jamc J. Hllkelealher, Mlaa May Klmlierly, Mn. J. Vttughn Merrl arn. Minn May Thayer. MlKa Minnie Wenlull. Mlaa I(bi llinnlltn, Or. Paul Ringer nixl Mr. Hurnetti' Jordan, r a The npiiarnnee of Mme. Ellen He. h Yaw at The Auditorium Bxt Tuewlay evening will be one of the chief topic of Interest during the week. Mme Vaw'a remarkable voir hua guliud the altiger fame In many land, and even the unmusical mar vol at th piccolo note almoit an oc tave higher than any living alnger, and even aeveral tone higher than the only linger, an Italian of the nine teenth century, who haa come down In th hlatory of mualc. The forthcom ing concert haa a ro lined unuaual lnter eat among mualc lower of Aahevllle, and a good elied audience la expec ted according to the I lata. aP af At the Woman' Exchange, the latter Dart of the week, an Informal tea party waa given hy nineteen of the teacher of the Normal Collegiate. r' f The Wrangler! meet tomorrow even in at the Manor. Afer the uaual din nr Mr. John H. Hunter will read a oaoer entitled, "Are We FVcing Na tlonal Dlaaolutlon?" The rcapondent will be Mr. Oeorge Wright. Mra flobert 8. Carroll entcrtalna In formally, Monday afternoon. Jt J The Thursday Bridge Club met thla week at th reldence of Mra. Oeorg Calvert. The Stroller meeting la postponed untU a later date, which will be an nounced duely. Jt Jt Mia Btalev will lead the eervlcet thla afternoon at the Henrietta on South Main atreet. The aervicea be gin at four o'clock. Jt J Th ladle' alngtea golf tournament. which haa been played for aeveral weeka at the Country clu6 wltniot be nnlahed. Mlea Ethel Reevea having won aufflclent number of polnu to nlace her too far ahead of the oonteat- anta for the other to catch up.. The allver violet caae offeredi by Mr. Tencb Ooae, goee to Mlaa Reevea. A aec ond trophy will be preaented by Dr. a. H. XmberL s At the anlied four om tourn-jrucnt yeaterday afternoon, Mra jr. B. Fentoa aerved tea, and a great httwlier of member were rea- nt. ... f at The colonial ball tomorrow evening at the Hatterv Park hotel will be on of the moat pletureeque and Important aoolal affair of the winter. The ball room will be draped with the national ambient, and the ploture of Oeorg ana Martha Waahlngtoa will be glv an the elaoe of honor at the end of th room, The colonial dame and dameele In their haodaoro gown ant powdered coiffure will dance the Vir ginia reel at ten o'clook, at the end of which the amall half man will b removed. MIm Wlllella Kanler. of Union Spring. Ala., and Robt. B. Rey nold will load the Virginia reel. Ran lor la the guest of Mia Lalag Oates. and la one of the moat popu lar be I lee of Alabama. The reel will be lead from each end. the second leaders to be aolecled by Mlea Ranlor and Mr. Reynold. Maryland! Dixie. number of old fashioned aire ending with the Btar Spangled Banner, will he aung while the mask are re moved. The dance hpglna at nine o'clock Mr. Bpear'e orchestra will furnlah the mualc. Mr. J. U Alex ander of the Mattery Park hotel, r. reived a great many request yeater day for cards of admission, by vlallora who are dealroua of vlsllng llie ball. r if Tho meeting of the Woman's Jclu will not be held Monday artornofn n usual, but will be postponed until March 8. the place to be announced later. i Jl Jt An Interesting mualcul was given m the Methodist t'roteslnut cottux Thursday evening, by Mlaa Jowl. Rowo Williams. Mlaa Williams kiichIi were, Misses Hlmpson of Ktatcavllli' Anderson, Carter, KUvr, Camp, lliv in. Hackney, t oung. I'iikii. ilnh. Staples. Hwnln. Uellluger. Vlnnle and Jannle Htephens. Whallon, lllakc and Roberts; Messrs. Bridges, Carter Swain. Austin. Norman, Anderson. Wror. Lewis, rickott. I.ongntt. K.I- words, Uelllnger. Rlckmjn, Reed Mclnlyre, Oreacjirm, Hhrhun: Dr anH Mrs. (Ilbba, Mr. onil Mrs. nie. Mr Tha following! and Mra. Richardson, program w as given : Duet Wltchca Flight (Oalop oaprtvef 11. M. Ruaeell Misses Delllnger and William Vocnl solo Hear Heart . Tito Matter Mra. Joe Richardson, piano oo Khapcodlv Hongrolsa Llazt Mlaa Mary Kate rellln(r Vocal solo Love' tjolden Iream is Past . .Lindsay Ijcnnog MHs Jeftsle Rowe Williams. Reading A ileorgla Wedding. Miss Augusta Anderson. Vocal aolo The Haunt of the Witches Mis Rryson. Iuet The Village Chime (Polka) Kd Waddlngtnn Misses Dellinger and Williams. Vocal solo The Kissed. Mis liryson. Vocal ol- The Mission of a Rose Mlsa Annie Hllmson. Piano solo, violin oliilgato Hlug Me to Kleep. Mr. Richardson and Mr. Hickman. Reading A Peculiar Attack, Mia Anderson. Vocal aolo I Cannot Help Loving Thee Clavton John Mis Jeeale Rowe Williams JaTjaJB1(p1BJBJBJBJBJtpJBJ ssjiaTaaHiii Drestei for CM dren Jfre Priced aaaar at SQcZachonUp Uisit Ours Corset Department :fqf ffetiest Modeb. PERSOHALf 4f Mlaa Hester Kvana who haa been! visiting her parents in Atlanta for several month past, has returned to I the city. Mr. W. O. Wolfe and Master Tom I left yesterday morning for New Ur-1 leans to attend the Mardl (Ira. Theyl will visit Augusta before returning to j Aahevllle. Mr. K. C. Knight, of Wllllamsport. Pa., arrived yeaterday aand will epend several day In the city. Hawklne, of Baltimore, ls 3 SMART NEW WAISTS For SPRING White Tailored Madras, good weaving but plain waists: Prices $1.75, $2,.r0 and $3.50. White Tailored Linen, at prices $2.50 to $5.00. The $2.50 waist deserves especial praise. We guaran tee U to bo pure Irish luieti. Knickerboeker make ; plain, broad or narrow tucks; open front; long sleeves ; stiff cu ff. A real linen waist at $2.50 speaks for itself. White Hand Embroidered Linen, Price $6.50. White Muslin, open back or front, cluster tucked, Price $2.50. White Cotton Crepe, an attractive novelty, imitation Irish lace trimmed, Price $6.50. J4ngorie Waists, from $2 to $25. An entirely new line. , expressing the latest, styles. New effects in laces -and embroidery. All made correctly and to fit, the price variations being due to the differeoit grades of body fabric and trimming. call to see these waists will be profitable. Their style i i.: .ii! j. j jh auuiuruuvc. x o oniigaiion 10 Duy M V. MOORE 11 fiJTOy ATKi Mr. K W. In the city. Mr. Nkhol poller, of Knoxvllla,! has returned to Aahevllle after a trip I on the Murphy branch. Mia Pe'arce. of New York, la spending a few daye with (rlenda In Aahevllle. Mr. Q. W. Corey, of Chattanooga. la In Aahevllle on bualneaa. Mra. a B. Knight of Mt. Airy, N.I C, la the gueat of frlenda In the city. Mr. and Mra. I. S. Field and Mr. A. W. Hew. or Baltimore, are ra late red at the Bwannanoa hotel. Mr. J. Jt. McCracken haa returned I to hie home In wayneavllle after a I bualneaa trip to Aahevllle. Mr. J. W. Hcealan. of Wilmington, Cel., la spending aeveral day In thai city. Mr. David Billot, of LaBVyette, Ind..l la In town on tmaloaai Mr. Robert Lelb. of Bwannanoa, waa I here on bualneaa yeaterday. Mr. P. 8. Bmlth, of Hendraonvlllg, I In Aahevllle for a few daya. Mr. C. a. Ferguson, of Bprlng Creek, N. C- Is here for a few day. Mr. Floyd Gordon, of Marlon, N. C, la ap ending a few day In Aahevllle wlh frlenda Mr. John M. Clyde after a villa. Henry haa returned to business) trip to Ashe Mr. C, U Reed, of Marlon, waa in the city yeaterday. Mr. John B. Hood, who la the guest of Mr. and Mra. Henry Roberta, at Fletcher, apont yesterday In tho city, Mlaa Marlon Weston, of Ardcn. tvaj In town yeaterday. Mr. M. Rhelmer. or New York, la spending; several daya In the city. Mr. William M. Ktevrns. of the V. 8. Treasury department, la a guest at the Hotel Berkeley. Mr. U M. Fowler, of Canton, yesterday In th city. spent Mr. Ii. F. Wutson. of Burnsvllle, Ii spending a few days In the city. Mr. W. J. Thomas, or Philadelphia, I In the city for a brief stay. Mr. W. M. Coeby, of Charlotte, Ashevllle for a short stay. la in Mr. A. Prary, of Woonsockel. Is visitor to Ashevllle. Mr. Charles is In the city. It. Ryan, of Knoxvllle, Mr. Henry A. Pltimmer. nf Knox vllle. Tenn.. Is In the city tor a few 1 it s. Miss Hncel Martin has returned from a visit of several weeks to friends In Louisville. Ky. Mr. W. W. Conkwright. of Chicago, Is spending a few days In the city. Miss Kurd, of Kentucky, is spend ing aovvral weeka In Ashevllle. Mr. Lbttia Bos.' of Philadelphia, II in trie city on bualneaa. Mr. Joseph Hereof, of New York, Is spending several daya In the city. Mr. John W. Fisher, of Newport. Tenn.. Is In Ashevllle for a few davs. Mra W. J. Utile and small aon. of reenstioro, are spending several davs wun relatives In the city. Miss Daisy Fuller has gone to Balls. hnry to visit her couain. Mlsa Mary inn. tor lo weeka Mr and Mrs. Thomas McDonald, of f harlott. arc vWtlng Mra M, Don (Id a parents In West AshevllU. Some Ifew Jhings in Our Ready -to-Wear department During the last week we have received numerous ship ments of prettv things for our Ready-to Wear Department. Our buyer has just returned from New York, where pur chased some of te newest and most up-to-date goods of this line ever seen in Asheville. Last Fall we did the biggest business in this line that we have ever done and our satisfied customers may be counted by the hundreds. This Spring we have to offer them the prettiest Spring line of ready-to-wear garments ever shown in the store. We don't ask you to buy these goods on past records, but because they are neat and pretty, well made and reason ably priced; because you can look far and wide and jyou 11 seldom see such a selection of beautiful colorings and except ionally tailored garments. Most of our Suits are in and are selling well, but others are arriving every day to take the place of the ones that are purchased. fc Three of the leading shades our suits come in ''.' J ' i , , are Mulberry, Wisteria and Old Rose. We have other col ors, including Peacock blue navy blue, gray, etc. They are priced at $15.00, $17.50, $20.00 on up. Our Silk Dresses are indeed beautiful. Every one who, has seen them has expressed their approval of them. The way they fit is in itself remarkable; almost all we have sold did pi need alterations, although we cheerfully make altera tions tyhen necessary. They are made in the Princess front and Empire back, that is, long front and short back, the new est models Dame Fashion has decreed. We carry Foulard, Messaline and Rajah Silk Dresses at prices ranging from $17.50 on up. We have just received a line of Rubberized Rain Coats priced afr $12.50 on up. Black and colored Silk Underskirts are priced at $4.00 each. Gingham underskirts, all colors, 59c to $1.50 each. For SAVINSAKE Make Your HUSBAND SHIRTUP AT THE ii k ! Closing-Up Sale! Mr York. hotel. and Mra B. J. Marin, of New are guests at the Hattery Park Mr. J. C. M. Bain, of Toledo, O.. Is In Ashevllle for a few daye Miss Clara Whltmore. of Raleirh. is th g-unet of Mrs. C. T. Davis, on South Main atreet. Mr. David R. Harrla of Dlllaboro. la tn Aahevllle for a few dava (Cntlju en ta. thre.) FITJCS CtmKTt Vt I TO 14 DA VR TKZO OINTMENT I guaranteed to eure any case of Itching. Blind. Bleed ing or protrndlnc Pile la I to 14 dan D.R.MCKUSN0N 7 PUoa kywvt 0ea JVadsora Mote.) "IkiH WU1TK ' ! BEST MACHINE XAhVK ON KAHTII. We have the agency for this cele brated sewing machine. It la noted for its easy running and durability It doe as good work In Its old age a when first installed in your home "The While" sells on lis merit and once used Is always appreciated. It lasts a life time. We sell shuttles bobbins, needles, etc., to nt all makes of machines. MACHINE! REPAIRING A SPECIALTY., BEAUMONT FURNITURE COMPANY can not be strong and-vigorous without good; pure milk. It is their STAFF OF LIFE . 0ur milk is goof and pure and so reasonable that it is actually the cheapest food you can provide. , , Asheville Pure Milk Company , raoMB 6. " ; - DON'T TIRE YOUR WIFE WALKING IHE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A HOUBB OR Q01I ft mmm 37 South Main St. Phone 1002, Ladies and Gentlemens iM. WEBB ITAILOR Millinery Impnrtrrt Batlcra Bark l'lace, Phone 104 Aahevllle, N. C -A ) PEERLESS A8IIEVIUJJ, C. liaiidstmie line of are just as uretty StiirrU f's Ice Cream Is noted for It' purity and richness. Delivered to all part of the city. Phone HO l.voo meal tickets 14.00. SHIRRIFF'S CAFE 1 Patt.ui Avenuex SPECIALS IN FRUITS THIS WEEK ib)x. 200 doieii OrailgrN. SO crut-s. Regular forty.cent size. XO dosrn (iraM-frull. 85 rts. dot. Ilegular dollar sie. 10 dosen Grapnfntlt. 91.00 (k. Regular 41,20 sixe. 25 Montf ord Av. OWN BEY'S Phone Have you been in to see our Lineu and Poplin Suits? Thev and stylish as t an he, and are marked at very moder ate prices. ' ' The prices range from $7.98 to $25.00 for a hand some Laee Trimmed Suit. The Suits, are in .jyltfte, pink, light blue, dark blue, green, black, heliotrope and tan. Beautifuul Messalin Suits in Wisteria, old rose, Copenhagen blue, gray, navy blue from $16.50 to $25.00 i Alterations FJade Freed Charije l Another large shipment of white goods, colored wau goutw, percales and domestics. Just Uz v - re- . ,evriai, dr 1 1 1 in iiitiniiiiif i flf money taftaded. to. i I

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