.. m . -t-- rT Fr,.-.:jr. THE ASHEV1IXE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY,-23, 1909. r5QC7T The Colonial Hall ut the Battery Park hotel laat evening waa very u ceasful and wai attended by several hundred people. Tli" hull room was decorated with tin national c.tfori, Uld picture of Oenrge and M&rtha Wablnton. Tin- feature of the ev Jilnf wan the iliim nm of the Virginia reel which wax lr;il by MkM Wlllclla Ranker, of I'nioii Hprinlr, arid Mr Robert Iteyriol.l .ltns Kanli-r luokod like a I rr.-wb-n Hhi i.henle anil Wart the p rieuilloitiori .,( Krat-u an he tripped IlKhilv through thi' jnaxe of the Virginia reel, who h a We41 dancwd. Tli hull room whs lln.-d with spectators anil the hall wan one if the most Interesting of r i nt m claj events Mr Spear's orchestra played for the dancers. Among the several hundred guests noth-ed were Mis Wtllells, Unnlcr. of Colon ffprlng. MIm Adelaide l.nghriui. Mis Mary Xtlkelmher, MIh J. . Rtlkeleaiher. MIm Lillian Weaver, Miss Klesaor , Lambrrtsun, MIm triage Oatea, MIm Kranoe Dufour, Mlas Paulina Paquln, MIm Anne Hall, Mlw Xathlsen Ware, MIm Margaret Mor ris, Mr. and Mr C. F. white, Mr Annie BrWtroa, Mr. H. C. Iwwley, Dr. and Mr Orr, lila Marlon Cham- : Jdon, MkM Baxa.li Gossett, Mr Wataon, Mm.- Julian "Woodoock, Mr. and Mra. William Bchoenhelt, MIm Reynolds, Mr. aad Mr. Jam U Alexander. Mr. and Mr. Frederics; Kent, Mln Parhert Mr Jervey. Mr. tuid Mra. J. P. Sawyer, Mr. J, M. Child, Mra. i Lambertson, Mra Hchaussler, Mia Ellaa MerrlitHin, Mr. and Mra. J. V. Menrlain, Mra. Harbor, Mr., Robert It. . Reynolds, ' Mra. Brewster Chapman, Mr. Eugsna d V. .Rrenematt, Mr. I. H. Andersoa, Mr. Von no Oudger, Mr. D. R. Millard. Mr Edwin Hay, Mr. . Caaalua . ,Uder. Ur. 8awyr Mr lwrc Jonea. Mr. Cleveland Naughton, Mr, Jack Ule, Mr. W Sflott Radkr, Mr. Chariest Folsom, Mr." Karl punning, Mr. Merrltt. Mr . Harold Johaaton, Mr. O. C- Rngan, ? M4 Mr Carey E. Morgan 1 , ... The following; clipping from frh Herald will be of Interest to the , frlanda of Mr. and Mra. Illohmond 4 Pearaon in Aahavllle; v "Athena, Saturday. Olurlotia un ahtne and a glorlou welcome greeted the American battUmhlpa here. An of ficial dinner to American and Greek naval officer waa given by the Amerl- ' ran Mlnlatnr and , Mra. Richmond Pearaon Jaat night It waa followed by -a cotillon, In which all th royal. prlncea) and prlnoeeaee and the entire diplomatio body participated. - "Th royal quadrille waa opened by th American MlnUter, dahclng with th crown prlnoeea. Tha coUllon waa : led. by tJeutenant-Cemmander Bypher and Mlaa peanon. Th favora had been ent from Pari and Vienna. The ; eatertalnment laated till nearly 4 -' o'okrck. th mambera of the royal fam ily remaining to the end and dwtarlng - tha American officer to be tha moat delightful waltier In th world. ' "Th king and the cjueen cordially hook the hand of th commanding offlceri and their ataff. They vlalted th ahlp and took na with the of- fleer thla afternoon and will entertain th officer at a tate banquet In the palace .tomorrow." Th Junior of Weavervllle college entertained In- a very dollghtful man Mr the aenlor claaa at the home of Preeldent M. A. Yot on he evrnlnt of February 20. Tha dinning room and recaption room were decorated in garnet and white, th aenlor clan color. Progreaalve domlnoe waa the , principal gam of the evening, and Mr. Aldlne Lotapoleh won the prlxe, Refreahment were aerved. in the int. (ter part of the evnlng the gueai with 'charmingly entertained with violin mualc by Matters Marlon and Mlilnni Toat, accompanied on the piano l.v little Mia Sarah Yoiit. The Inut fi a ture of th evening wu a Kplrlted clan aong by the junlora followed hy their cloaa yell, after which came a rousing yell from the claaa of 'OS. At a Utj hour the guttata departed after having apent a molt delightful evening. Thuiic tireaent were Mlaaes Llllln FerKUNon. Buale Hunter, Jeaale Hector, Hontilo Reagan, Laasnphlne Iteevi'g, (lertle Well, I.ucy Cathey, Funny Hluiclns Annie Weaver, Helen tlush. Mexara. Luclu Weaver. R. W. Wall. Luxlon Smart. Fred Alllaon. Italph W'.-nver. Reggie AlllHon. Wmle M.nr. Wad. Warren, lilvii l'ulioer uml Al.llnr I,oin pelch. . .4 IleglnlitiiK on the fourth of March Mr. F. F. Hark.r will Kive wt.kly ..r gan recitals at All Soul s church. Illlt CROSS SADDLE RIDING SKIRTS Tan Khaki .... , $5.00 and $7.00 Tho $5.00 Skirt is osie.'iallwalueful. Blue and Tan Silk Khaki .... ... $12.50 Something new; very rich. Taa Covert ,., .. .... ..$15.00 Best Wear of All. Black and Blue Serge $10.00 and $12.50 Sedate and ineonspiruos Pepper and Salt Worsted . .$12.00 or good all around roughing it. .-These skirts are all properly made for comfort, convenience, modest ap . , , pcarancc, and safety in cross-saddle riding, the only sensible way. s ? We also have a good assortment of " j" complete habits in prices $30 to $50. M. V.M00RE xsouebtb orrrrriEB. ; kP , it patios avk 5 . a r . t . : : i more. Inler-nlnn proxrama have ben arri.iiKi-d and tho lei-ltula In-gun at H.I'. har,. J J Mi ImlMy Hifiith niTtaln at her hoiiH un 'hfitnut Htr4t thta aftfrnoui) vMih a I'd for tli- rn''i7ibrfi (f the tn.ir tf -ntr;i -M'-lho.Jlxt church J J M tk. H fi i !i. St-vtn '-ntorto Infld wlili a hrt'JK" f'aiiy ThurM.lay evifhihK ai )ittt i'-Htl-n( .m Moutforil avenue Tk' !vw hfltH that have found their way from Got hum In anticipation of the wprlriK; anil aummer atyle ar modt bn:omln(c and distinctively en couraging an to atyle. The pure muahroom ahape prevail without he In it ehorn of It ymmetry by havlnx whole allcea cut from the moat unex- ji'i ted plnc.-a. i,at aeaaon the hut m-emed to melt away from the hid eoua gmteaque pompadoura. and run down the hack of the wearera .which frequently gave the fair wearer nort of "snatched" appearance. The new murfhroom are like the KriKllxh muahrooma. where they originated everal year ago, and wT revived for the faahlona of Hlr Joahuu Hey nold day, and were copied from mine of hi moat celebrated pictures. The drooping brim were alway unbroken in line and were the least eccentric In shape of any of tha large hat worn. They Were usually bound with an Inch band of velvet, had a large Alsatian bow Of the aamu material on the out aide for trimming, and underneath were lined with small ruffles of white lave uat over each ear attached to the very emull bandeau was a alngle rose (pink preferably) and from either Idtt of th crown outside, two Inch and a half wide string of velvet were attached and tied In a email bow with long ends, Juat about on a line with the ear. It Is extraordinary how be coming tha muehroom hats of thl character are, even the plalneat of women, provided they ar of the pic turesque type. Immediately take on quit aa air "d Beaute." The Eng lish girl apend so much time on the Thame during , tha aummer, each bank of th beautiful rlvar being lined with palatial house boats. Th mush room hat of a rough cream straw Imply draped with on of th lovely east Indian orf, from Liberty, made a most becoming cheapau. Th mushroom oaa b aa lmpl a de sired, to wear with wash gowns In the morning, and as elaborate a desired for the afternoon gown. Home time a little lac cap I worn with them on thla occasion, showing 'luat a narrow frill over the softly parted hair, and graduating to a two Inch frill In the back, which fall gracefully over the hair. Soft willow plume look peb tally well on th mushroom, which should always b worn squarely on the head without the slightest suspic ion of a tilt, and worn with the small est possible bandeau. Th ladle golf tournament which was to hav been played this week at the Country club for a cup presented by Dr. H. H. Lambert haa been post poned until next week. Th condi tions and date of the tournament will be announced later. J J Ml Mary and Mta Jessie Htlko leather will entertain with a series of Informal bridge partle this week In honor of their gueat, Miss Harah Ooa aett. Mr, fharlca W. Halrd entertained yeaterdny afternoon with a bridge party at her realdence on Cumberland avenue. The home waa effectively decorated with the national color Mrs. W. 11. I'enland won the tlrel prlxe. Mra Halrd entertained again Informally with bridge lat everting Thoae at the afternoon party wer Mr. llmlHon. Mra. Mark Hrown. Mrs Penland, Mra. Carland. Mra. Wood bridge, Mra. (Irnham Webb. Mrs. An bury Harnett, Mrs. James II. ('aloe. Mrs. James Mortimer, Jr., Mra. John Carroll, Mra Frank Weaver. Mra Martin 1.. Mtevena, Mra. Kamtn l Tan nehlll, Mra. Carl V. Reynolds, Mrs, Forbes. Mlsa Hlddell, Mlsa Penland Mlsa Annie PenUinil, Mlsa Si'rah Hor laon, Miss Inilse Tannehlll. Miss Urace Jones, Mlsa Loulae Cani.phi'11 mid Mlsa Kllxabeth Bernard. J J The Phllnthea class of the First rinitlat church will entertain the Hur acas In the Sunday school annex fnun s to 11 o'clock thla evening. An lu terellnx program has been nming..,! Hud the oung people of the ihmvh are Invited to attend. J Jt Mrs Hubert S. Carroll was a dinner hostess last evening nt her residence Oti Zllllioa street. The dinner Is on of a series of Monday evening dinner which will be given by Mrs. Carroll. Pink and white. bride and brides maid rones de.ornle.l the talde and rose shaped place , aids were used. Mrs. i in r oll s Kuests were. jr. and Mrs. Hartlett of St. I.ouis, Dr. find Mrs. K F. Campbell. Mrs. Stelnwedell Mlsa Htemw.-deil. Mrs. I'm terlield. Miss Mm KlmSerlv. Mlsa Nell I'ofter tleld. Mrs. Wassar or ( lev-land. Mr llrldge ,,r HI. I.ouis and I'r. ft X Carroll. Mr. I). K. Hevler gave one of the prettiest partlen of the season eter ilay afternoon at lor residence on Oak street. The house was artistically and elaborately dec. rated with the nation al n.lors and with lull' George Washington hat. bets. the hlntorlal tree appealed In miniature as a cen tre piece lioleri with pink cherry blossoms. i 'lo rry Ice was served at the buffet luncheon. Five hundred was played during the afternoon. Mrs. HeWer's guests were, Mrs. R. J. Tlghe. Mrs. Curl V 'Reynolds, Mrs. J. M. Parker. Mrs. Mark Krwln. Mrs J, W. Faucett. Mrs. Thomas R Rol lins. Mrs. K. H. tJlenn. Mrs. fleorge A. Hhuford. Mrs. Owen Hmlth. Mrs Hob-! ert Headbs. Mrs. (ieorge I.. Haeknev. Mrs. J. Frazler (il.nn, Mrs. T. K. W. Hrown. Mrs. N. A. Reynolds. Mr. J. c. Martin. Mrs. John Htephen. Mra Kunphy. Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. J. A. Him lair. Mrs. A. Mathews. Mrs. H. VS. f JK j..aJA 'V "I "JK '"P""MW i- u..,l..e Mrs. Philip 1-eary. Miss i.-..,nr, n,.llins. Miss Hadle Rollins Miss Templeton, Miss Snider. Miss Uash. Miss Annie Keynoms auo Katherlne Beadles. PERSONAL 1 Miss Louise Watklns lft yesterday for Murpby, S. C to visit Mlas Grace Woodberry. Mlas Nellls Cook Iavls left yestor day morning for Fayettevllle. vi r i.,.rA i.nva.11. eeneral superin tendent of tha Southern railway, spent the week end aa the guest of Mr. Lynn Hahn, at Kenliworin inn. irrlia at Kenllworth Inn are: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ray. New York; Mr orl Mra. J. !. Husaell. L,oulsvtlte, Ky.. Mra U. U H. Hodges, Oerman town, Pa. Mr. Rrewatnr Chaiinian arrived Sun day from New York and will be In Ashevllle for a few weeka Mr. John W. Roger of Balem, Mass I In Asheville for a short stay. Mr. and Mra W. li. Chadbourne of St. Paul. Minn., are gueat at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. David Mende of New York la expected today to visit Mrs. Duvld II. Roaenstein. who Is her sister. Mr. Carey Morgan of Chicago Is In the city on business for a few days. Mr. L. T. Miller of Richmond. Va., la in Ashevllla for a short stay Mr. and Mr. Beekman Lorlllard have returned from Washrlngton, u C, where they have spent the winter, and are the guests of Mrs. A. 13. Doyle In Victoria, Mr. Orlfllth C. Rngan of Rusaell vllle, Tenn., has arrived from Florida, and will apeml several months in the oity, making his temporary headquar ters at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. Hogan was former manager of Ken llworth Inn and ia wel and favWrably known in Ashevllle. Mr. and Mr. James Ollfld have returned to their home In Greenville after a several days visit to Mr. Clif fords parents In llaltlmore. Mr, William W. Annette of Well ington la In Ashevile for a few days. Mlsa Sarah Goasett arrived yester day and will bo tlte guest of tli Mis ses rittkclcather. Mr. Clyde Alexander of Danville, Va., Is In Ashevllle for u brief stay. Mra. Webb Morton, Miss Cnrrle Morton and Mia Conklln will return to Mlddletown, if. Y , this week af ter u visit to Mra. c. W. H. Radeker at Rldgelawn, Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. K. s. Hunter of Bris tol, Ya.. are spending some time at the Buttery Park hotel. Mr. O. C. Hamilton of Chtoago Is visiting his family at Ardiuloii Park. Mr I.. II. Johnson of Indiaiaipolls Is In Ash. vliie tor a f(w dn.s. Miss Minnie N'orl"li has retinne.l from a lsit tu frlendH in Italcinli. N. C. M A II. Spencer en. I Mi. I-. Hradley of Old Fort. lio hae spent wveral days In the city with I rlcii.la. have return.-d t their hnic. Mr. F. 1. ljinsing of Montreal. N. C, api'iit the k end lii AHheville. Mr. H. O Corzad and Mr. John Qlenwood of Andrews, N. ('.. have re turned to their home after spending a few days with friends in the city. Mr. T. L. Hoswell of ltrvson City was in town yvstorday. Mr. L,. n. Moose of Hlu.-mont. N. C. arrived yesterday and will spend sev eral days with friends In Ashevllle. Mr. F. F. Calloway of Murphy was In town on bu.sineas yesterday. Mr. August Junes of Wayncsvtlle Is spending a few da) wTfh friends In the city. Mr. A. L. Goodwin of llemleraon- vllle waa in town yesterday Mr. Samuel H. HrandoJ of Waynes- vile spend Hunday with friends In the city. Mr. John Q. Grant has returned to his home in Hendersonvflle after a business trip to Ashevllle. Mr. John Black and Mr. J. B. White of Arden were th u-.i,..!. nf friends here yesterday. Mr. John Bowman of Canton has returned to his home after spending a few day In the city. Cl'KR FTFKfTKI or HIMFV Can He ilven x-rfilv. OltRISK twin l,i si A BOX Ilie ;unraiilee b m IjoIi lto. His-clal Agciii-: SIITHH IRI I. STORK. I 8. Ma n si. Mr. W W. bourne la registered at the .K, .1 Hrlstol, Xi di.nitn'ifl. Mr. W. P. Htorrs nr.. I Mr. J D. Btorrs of PlalnAeld, OI.h.. arrived Sun day and will spend sc. i il dais with mends in town. Mr. I:. II. Hlackweii ..r Wa nesville was In the cjty on bu-iri.-sa esterday. Mr ft. V. Cunningham hns returnPd to his home In Landnmi, H. ('., after spending the week uith friends In Ashcviile. J Mr. T. H. Wilson. Mr. R. J John son and Mr. 8. 8,; Pri st. .n of Balaam, . C, are spending a lew days with friends In town Mr. O. N. Ryan Of Kuowille, Tenn , I here on business. Mr. K. W. Callowfll of Nashville is spending a few day in town. Mr. W. J. Thomas of Philadelphia Is In Ashevllle for 8 short stay. Mr Henry A, Plumm. r of Knoxville arrived yesterday and will he In the city for a few days on business. ,. -,:Srl.-. Mr. F. I McLean of Whlttier Is In town for a short t,ay with friends. Mr. Samuel Maudle of Danville, Vu., is In town, .t ; i Mr. K. H. riyrTy!of Whlttier, N. was in AsheVllU yest. rdny on busi ness. I Mr. 8. Johnson of Franklin, N. C, la visiting lejida in tli Hy. Mr. Thomas' jrf.vHuphnm of Hickory, N. '., was in town yesterday with friends. - ' Mr. E. W. Ferguson of Waynesvllle is registered at the Berkeley. , , Mr. Robert C. Brooks returned to Ills home In 'Knoxville veHtern.il y after a short visit with, friends In Asheville. Mr. J. II. HTrFr "fa spendfnga few day with friends In town. ' Judge Henry B, Stevens will return from an Kuatern business trip today. Mr. Edward Thompson of Spartan burg spent the weak end with Ashe vllle friend. " ' Mr. James B. firnjth of .. Julsvillo, Ky., is lu re for, a shor t Wy. Mr. H. H. DfllSrd of ffpartanbiirg, 8. C. Is in town-far a abort slay. i t- Mlsa A. Dugan Of Virginia arrived Sunday nnd lsi spending a. few days with friends In'Aaheyllle. Iff o So! DieestindAII Food That is allthere Is to it nothing secret or mysterious, or marvelous just that KoUol contains, in liquid form, all of Na ture's nnturnl digestive ferments ami juices thusenbiin(f itatonce toiliges completely, every particle of food with which it comes in contact. And where t here is perfect die-estion in Uie stomach there, is, necessarily, perfect stomach health. A iroiHlnnlhcalthy(il"Apst.iveir() ressrnn alwat she icsured to one's stom ach, ifonowillmoi olv keopaboUloof Ko dol handv.aniltalii -a Httlo.now anil t hen. Our Guarantee. OXflt you ure not henellteil --the drui-':ist, will at iince return your nicncv. IHn't hesitntr: liny onuryist will sell noh Kodol o tbese terms. Tlai dollar hoKle eom.ous times us iniieti as the tno Inn He. K...1..I is rircisired ui Hie lab oratories et IS. C, Uc Win sV CoCoioaKo, THIS WILL. I NT E REST MOTHERS. Muthor .my n drv.v u certain Ht'iHlfiflif. Hart Sui.'t Inwuen for t'liil n lief for Fpvprl.HhneMH, si.uiirtrh. Ye'tliiTiK I l- irrtrs. niovr n v I rt'irtilnte t hf Mowriti uml utmy ' lllr5 in 24 ll.MU in )m tnntr nti.l tirfMi Mki I lu ni Inls or rtiri'H. T Hll til UKKt-tt net .t ii nv ut'c( irtu They brenk up -;. Tfiy are lcsint l .i i Milt'ns a mtllt. 'hll nv.r lOO.cin (ttiiii.Mi )k nevor all. Sohi-hv Ask (otluy. aT.n t iti.tA La Qrecqui Comti. . For every type of igur. GREENE Si CO., 11 Ckurch (Strtel s SPECIAL LOW RATES To Wa.sliliitton. I. Artnnt Presl dciil Tuft's Inauguration. Account of tho above occasion tbc Southcrn llallroa.l company will scl! tickets from nil stallona to Washing ton, l. t'., and return; Individual rate from Aahevlllc In JlK.45. For partle? of twenty-tlve or more traveling on one ticket from Ashevllle rate of 110.05. Apply to your local ticket agent for rates fr.nh your station. J. H. WOOL). District Passenger Agent Good Jhgesttion SPECIALS IN FRUITS THIS WEEK 200 doien OrnnirCH, SO com, doi. Regular forty-cent stie. SO itincn (irsM-frult, H. cts. dor.. Regular dollar slse. 10 dosra ;rM-frnlt. t. 00 doi. Regular (1.20 slie. 25 Montf ord At. OWNBEY'S Phon M FREE PILE CURE sent to iH-iiHiiMriiu Hie Merits of Pyramid Pile Cure. What It litis done for other, it enn do fir )ou. We have testimonials h the hun dredsshowinK all hIhk".-. kinds at.d de greea of piles which have been cured by Pyramid Pile Cur.-. If you could read these unsolicited letters you would no doubt bo to the nearest drug store and bin a le. ..I Pyramid Pile Cure at one", price llfiy cent. We do not ask you to do this. Send us your name and address and will send you a trial packaee !y ni.iil free. We know what the trial package will do. in many cases It Pas cured piles without further trcatnierii proves Its value to ,,u .rd.-r from your druKkist, at ,'."c a This is fair. Is It not! Simply i it it r more a box. nil out "lay. free coupon below and mail t FRKK IMCKAtiK Ol PO. I Fill out the blank lines below 1 with your name and uddres-. cut 1 j out coupon and mail to the i j PYRAMID l)ltri COMPANY, l'J'i . I Pyramid Hldg., Marhhull. .Mich. A I trial packa-ie of the lircat I'vramid I I Pile Cure wll then be H.-'nt voi at 1 once by mall, Fi:h:K, in plain i wrapper. 1 Name ! Street j city and Slate GO CARTS. sty!', Jiri itciw on nul?. They are beauties. BURTON & HOLT. Patton Ave. and Battery Park Place. M. WEBB Millinery Importer No. 6 Battery Park Place, Phone 104 Aslievllle, N. C VALUABLE WATKIt I'OWUK 1XR SAM". The Reems Creek Woolen Mills Co., are offering their property for sale. WIU ell as a whole or the property without the machinery. Also farm of H01 acres, four miles from the city. For particulars apply to J. H. Wright, Weavervllle ,N. C. CIVK 18 A TRIAL and we will demonstrate to you that our methods of cleaning garments of every description are perfect Lace and delicate fabric a pecl!ty. Queen City Dyeing & Clean ing worcs. 11 Church Street. Phone U0. TiiiniiiimiimiiiiniiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiPg Head Bands For Colonial Ball Ladies attention Invited to ship merit of heudhands In gold, plain nnd Jeweled; also puffs, curls, pompadours, psyche knots, wavy sw itches, etc. MISS CRUISE Ground Floor 25 Haywood St. Phone 16. The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art THM kCDirORItTaf Pboo 144 Eysit 7oman IM iDwrvnu-n avuti iuvuhi Know atKMit tbn wonrtwf a (5 MARVELWhiHingSprgy TIM ratw Vuhial tTmm. tymM ix r ot r-1 1- Icat. It civakine AU roar drnjrrlBtfryrH. I( h cannot euppiy the n A n i a li. vcrp no Other, bat en4 nanrn fur IHiiaU-U'tl hook bVbuM . It tall prtlculvr ud dimrttaiit . -v&latabie to &um. M R1.I.. fcwt 3U Mrtwt. N E W OR H- CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-prac-Uo) CONDEMNATION WITHOUT IN VISTIOATION IS POOR JtTDGMEJfT. Abnormal pressirre upon nerves ! 'he cause of all disease; by removlna thl pressnre, normal condition and health will be restored. Itecogulsei) and endorsed by thousands of cltlsem of other status. Incurable disease our ipectalty. OR, V. V. COM1TON, Chiropractor faecal Ilulldlng. South of fountalr PHONE For Savinsake Attend the Closing-l'p Sale! THERE IS NO WAITING to b nerved at our place that is a feature with us Just the same as serving only the very best In the eat ing line. If you haven't been eating with us, all we ask is a call. NEW YORK LUNCH ROOM 11 South Uain it Is r 1 nY, M-V v t Ml VYfet foulard Silk for Zc yard Ke: iit! v(- ii- civotl a beautiful line of Poulard Silk, wliicli we Iiiivc priced very reasonably, at 25c yard. This silk mines ir the following pretty shades : Old rose, peacock blue, wisteria, green and navv blue. Don't wait till tomorrow to see this silk foi- it might he all gone. The sooner you come the more choice your selection will be. We also have Seco Silk in dots and figures at 35c. ind 40c yard. Scdo Silk in all colors is priced at 50c vard. Pretty New Women Conic in and look over we have just received, ft to look at the many, many ties, etc.. that may be seen are marked at J.-- each on "THE WHITE" BEST MACHINE VAM7E o.v EAimr. We have the agency for this cele brated sewing machine. It la noted for Its easy running and durability. It docs as good work In Its old age aa when first installed In your home. "The White" sells on ita merit and once used U always appreciated. It lasts a life time. We Bell shuttle bobbins, needles, etc., to fit all makes of machines. MACHINE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. BEAUMONT FURNITURE COMPANY 27 South Main St. Phone 1003 Stiirrif f 9s Ice Cream Is noted for It s purity and richn ss. Delivered to all part of the city. Phone 520. jr.,00 meal tUkcts M.00. SHIERIFF'S CAFE 16 I'utt.m Avenue. Your Clillclreri ?an not be strong and vigorous without good, t)ure milk. It is their STA W OF LIFE. Our milk is good and pure and so reasonable that it is actually the cheapest food you can provide. Asheville Pure Milk Company PHONE 554. ))PEERL15xf ASIIEVIL.I.E. N. O. We Have Just Opened Up a Splendid Lot ol Bleached Domestics in the following brands: 3l in. h Hill. '.W inch Fruit of the Loom. .() in h Fearless. :5( inch Hope. Mulch Pride of the West. :b' inch Wamsutta. M inch Elite. ;!( inch Alpine Hose. No. (( Berkelev Cambric. Xo. 1)0 liiMli'lnv O Long ("lotbs. Xainsonlcs and heapest stork of white f , 1 1 t M ,....,, : Ifeckwear for Just in the pretty new Neckwear will be worth your time beautiful collars, jabots, in this department.' These up. f ! : A Mfghty : jGood Feature 5 About our IT. & W. In- I dian Coal is that one ton i is good, more than a ton ! is very much better? Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phono 130. Pa Una Ave. D.R.MeKINNON 7 PattbD A venae (On -.. oo" Mora.) Ladies ;a (icnllecns TAILOR 4 ami tt,t ictao on1 Vl-a- VmZio4- x vo.v c?, CtrllU liiC 1'VOb 4V Wash Goods in the city, f -7'