MhlM CITIZEN Associated Press ; Leased Wire Reports. THE THE WEATHE3 vol. xxv. m 129. COOPER UNDER INQUISITION SHOWSTEMPER Disregards the Objection of Counsel and Insists on Answering. VINDICTIVE IN DENUNCIATION OF PRESIDENT Congressmen Strain to Find Parliamentary Epithets. ABBEVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBUAKY, 26, 1909. The Eclipse of Theodore TRICE FIVE CENTS; GOV, PATTERSON WILL BE WITNESS ALL IS CAUSED BY SECRET SERVICE Political Complications of Case Are Barred Out By Judge Hart. . a .. i ...,4 vt . suvtt .t .m. Tenn.. Feb. Z B. Al ter nearly two days under one of the most searching cross-examination" ever heard In a Tennessee court, Col. Duncan B, jColSper was surrendered to l?r. tonight by the state. Tomorrow the case against e Coop ers and John D. Sharp tor the slaying , ,1L .. a.n.tor E. W. Carraaok will be resumed iwltb, the aged defendant tlll upon the stand. His counsel hav decided upon a re-dlrect examination promising to be brief. , Immediately after Colonel Cooper Is finally dismissed from the stand Gov " r....., on his adjutant gen- era). Colonel Tullcy Brown, will be called to tell what part they played m this political tragedy. Colonel Brown was In James Bradford's office at the conference which began at 3 ... a... via murder and which closed only twenty minutes bo- fore the killing. Jusi - " i.,.rt nowrnor Patterson tele . u fnr rolrmel Cooper. It Is the defense's theory that while the governor's mansion the Coopers Q.,- rarmaek and that the uiv j -. . killing resulted. mL. .... o-rnmlnatton Of Cooper It easily the most striking lure of the trial thus far. The Colo nel had the reputation of being high spirited and easily moved to anger. It was common rumor that tooK the stand against the advice of his counsel. However In Tennessee the defendant who does not take the stand Is looked upon wh suspicion !: n n-nt-ta of the state to .... .k. n.Kneon on the aupjeci h,B dSect examination r"T , .... . -. i , r -njwin av some execution COOper a clerk and master In Chan eery was hort IIOP.OOO ,.iioiv investigating commute charged that a defaulting state treas nrfr used nearly ,100.000 of the louse Finally Adopts Clause Limiting Detectives In Their Activities. fnr Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. By an . . . . n.ithruit Darty overwhelming vuie, fliinctlon the house or representa tives today sustained the committee i appropriations In again reporting . . , .v.. D,.rv civil Buyru- n nrovision in o......., - tvriatlon bill, restricting the operation. of the secret service detectives of the treasury department. The presme... .... iv,ini?lv denounced by Mr. Cook of Colorado, while Mr. Smith of Iowa, a member of the appropriation and one of those nam r mmmmmmmmmmmm wm as mm mm mmw mm mm mm mmm 'mmmZTT . . m-tmrnm I 4 ' V T ' TWENTY EIGHT MILLION SAVED BY STANDARD Ruling of Judge Anderson In Rebating Indicates This. SETTLEM ENTS TO CONSTITUTE OFFENSE SCHOOL BOARD . OF BUNCOMBE ! IS EXCEPTED 'V . 9mWImmWmmmimm IJ'-.rV.V' -- i'v , ' 4 ' " Provision for t Legiflative ApMintment Not to Ap- ' ilyllere. Government Argued for Five Hundred and He Admits Thirty Six. TEETH" 'MEASURE K IS IjAID 0 REST House Bill Will Tass and Its. Teeth Will Not be ' So Sharp. ' civil Colonel committee . . i ,1 n t ?LT lr responsible for the secret service limitation, em ZvTa "all the invective at his com mand in an attack on that a?" .. Consideration of the sundry i . ... ..tinnnl Into the night. 0,iJ:fr.n report on the post office appropriation bill wa agreed to during the day and the naval bill was sent back for runner c . Bmttll Vitriolic. -rl...n denunciation of the secret ,,.,,. j.,,MMIt service of the , " " th. was uttered by mr. d..... -.-,.,inn of the sundry civil bill. rn over an " j Mr. Bennett of New york striking out '""" f oberatlons of the secret service. A similar paragraph frfthe appropriation 1. what gave He to the president's strictures upon members of congress. nrk.. Smith arose to reply H was apparent to every one that .he wa Y MCA. WINS SOU7HERN BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP FR OM A 1 LANTA 1 JAM I ... iphMnTam tn TwATttv-Vniir Atlan. Defeats Champions on Home rioor. oy ocwio i ta Throws Two Field Goals to Asheville's Nra But Files up score on Foul Goal. thoroughly wrouBm " i lh" lfU;r the. game, made a. watemeni ,jm mently declared, In BWnmaf'erThoCn'ect that the Ashevllle hoys rich (6pecll to The Cltlxsn.) ATLANTA Ga Feb. 25.-The Ashevllle Y. M. C. A. basKetoau team wrested the Southern cnampionsmy from the Atlanta Athletic club In a fast game played here tonight. A feature of the game was me uui- hf f fmil eoals. Jemlson for Atlan ta throwing twenty, and Brown for Ashevllle throwing fourteen. Atlanta threw only two field goals to Asnevuw nine. Liulnaky, of the Asnevuie i. hi f. A., was the star of the game, throwing live out of nine goals, uojer mflde throe and Allen one. Th manseer or tno noms made a aratemeni m Ur.."r.T; nromotlng a Mexican I iver mine ann a walnut oB company whieh Colonel Cooper managed. The witness insisted, however that ever dollar of the chancery shortage, du to faulty office system, had been re ,S? "and that he didnot know tha the state treasurer. M. T. Pom, w using the state's funds In the )nesi mntB. , Disobeyed His Counsel. Colonel Cooper today displays of temper '"'gw? the orders of his own counsel . fate's attorneys, to add to nw """' i w)th a ance. Jumped from one point o i wh( wa(! narrative 'to another, asked dlscon j nectea ana m.".'-" """. ,,n the at four this afternoon gave "P tne task and left the witness flushed and anfered, but art Counsel for the defense sWd that they required $ few hours to mee twe new charges rought out by the state promised to make the re-dlrect "nation veryrlef. Upon the assur ance Judge J&art ordered an adjourn ment uptll a. m. torn". When court opened Judge Hart an state offered. .rttr it was a matter secret th. irnnwioriffn that one or tnc requisites of detectives was that he gttould be a common The secret service men. ...felaa. nnd ho said except in the vainglorious boasting ..Vkirf wnuie and the testimony or ui v t,i. ly deserved the victory and that tney completely played their opponents off their feet ih. AKhsville men were at some.! what of a disadvantage because of the floor, which to twenty feet longer than that on which they have een playing, also because of their Jong Journey. However, they ftot togetnar ana piy ed a winning, game, thai chief fault hem the number of fOUl mad. Their team work was much superior to that of tha home team,. . Thr were about thirty people, for. merly of Ashevllle, who reserved ons end ol Xtie field and waved AahewlUe h.nn nd nve Ashevllle yells that the hiiiidlna fairly ring and at time drowned the yells of the Atlanta sympathizer. A irr crowo ."MaJ. t,awr nee Young, of Ashevllle, d the vlDitori. ref- creed the game. To this, no doubt waa due In large measure the reault for the knowledge that th raferea was In sympathy with tnem appeoreo to add to the confidence of the Aane vllle men. There was more rowrh playlnx by both team than waa necessary, The'vlsltora wera extended the prtv. ileges of the ctub room of the At lanta Athletic club by the manage ment, olao the Country elu which Is located In the auhurba.'and gave each playx a two weeks' memoerannr-ii.- et. The line up waa as follow: Atlanta Jemlson . . Hudson . . Atkinson . Thornton . Poonan . . Position .i.. t, t. .... t. t. . c. . . . . 1. g. . . r. . . V AsheWlte .:. og"T Allen . . .Llplnsky . . , . Lynch , . . . Brown CHICAGO, Feb., Sill Former Judge t-mllrf fine of I2t.t40.000 to a pos sible maximum fine of 70,a0 Is a far cry, but that la admitted to be the meanlna of a ruling made by 3Am Anitpson , in the case at tn standard oil company of Indiana f alleged rebatlns today. The ruling was Informal, and made lor ma pur of aipedltlng tha hearing, and al though the government has the prh liege of presenting further argumehlfc. It la practically ecrtaln there will be no chang in the rutin when It Is for. maily entered. Tha decision of the court of ap peals which reversed Judge Landl eliminated the vlewof that Jurist that each carload of oil on which a rebate was accented constituted a separate offense. There were l,43 of these rt lot, the freight bharges for which were paid 4n thlrtv-ala dlffetient set tiamnti. Judtfn Anderson Intefpretal- ed the decision of the appellate court lo Imply that theea. alleged rebates n.iiiitd after, each Of the thlrty-sl .tti.rntnii cimstltuta the unit Of nrTens. . v Vl'lwt fcTOsTrtiarr ludee Anderson's ruling was a .' ..... hi t ilnltnil ettate District At tomey Hirna and W aseociaiea m m. prosecution. Ha and his assistant, James H. Wllkerson, ha arguea mm .h hlument of wmcn mere. r S0. making possible a minimum nn of 1 10,000,000, ctmatltutud an offensa, Thla view Judge Anderson .declared ha nniit not understand. Mr. Wllkerson argued that Ihe line under' thi court's ruling sarva a a license te a treat corporation. """ ... - - That I a consideration wntcn nas no weight with me whatever. he charged no where men who don't know anything about TAFT COMPLETES OFFICIAL FAMILY It did I find that It had done anything m the watching of jurors, and ln;"- no to the fever pitch, he referred to the anamination McVeigh Ha 8 AeOCpted the Ol r i - i.- n ihn venom throw Into his remark secret service the he nossessea ,uoiMQtnrl alnce the men were detailed to watch the pre. " i when President laeni, , niralo hnt down at Munaio MClVlIlli-J " , kl. .lilr arnt aerVlCe TT1HII ....m. tn nhserve ine nv murderer with a bandaged .. . i . onTiirr . t rrtia riiun fllfi nOl it ' .---- ,Z murderer." Then with an expres r.t hltterness still tenance he slowly remarked: "But 'it took a man with a skin to capture the assassin." c.iu, Worn Plains. . r.i, rpnnbllcan. of Colorado . ... thp nrovlslon alW ; eerh and referred II, ";.,;rthe arena of political ac v.(- hvr.rho of arrogant, ego- Wlcal impulMi. Pretending to throw . 1. r.W .0I flllll ill l" Treasury Cabinet. Portfolio In MURDERER PAID, BOY HUSH MONEY 'i i'i LKilled Five and (Save Him Twenty Cents Not to Toll. SOUTHERN STEEL PLAN IS UPHELD i ' Court HefiiHos to flrant In junction for AlleRed Un i fiiiriieKH . WOULD PUT STOP TO COTTON OAMBIalNu WAHH1NOTON, Feb., 2S. Charao- terlalng those who deal in couon ano grain futures as vicious gamblers, free hunters, and buccaneers, aim ... that lhe gambling In cotton Is worse than that at oMnte carlo, t,, i. son, of Atlanta, Oa., counsel rr me Farmers nlon anaoresseo mj committee of agriculture today on leg- lslatlon proposed to prevent neauns ... cotton and grain futures. on his coun- black his and lionet . . - nm4 ,abnr. and endin, stana n5 vk .- - commenclnt I ,th the cunnln ine cruw cac. - ... intr nvtv . So denunciatory . . . .. 1 . that hP was Mr. . nrivilege of continmn ni "'-- C he had spoken bu, a few mlnutea. Referring to the attitude of hr president In the mailer of '"retina out fraud, Mr. Cook declared that In r. nrt feathers a whole an . - , . ... . . . ... i. ... hBtiuppn Wltn ineflfi. - - .,KornntO' t,.... durina the last gubernato rial cmpftlgn. Hukes Word "Hell." Wltn&s said that armack attack him nearly every day In his ebte "What were the facts of this debate the iords?" Fltzhugh asked. dlSn't recall except the one about .r cr n Tth ( r . was denied the ? :r. hell od " ""- - MMt. and his the 'Angel wltn me i administration, w. n( his Wings.'" . diPHMt attorney ,-r.n Know 'v " hellf "ou use inc ...itB ..f av It's a favorite word of mine, and I use it whenever 1 tebJS." aa on W. feet rlng questions rapidly and Judge Andean siYd i wish counsel would avoid dlese exciting demonutrations. .inn" vi id Colonel coo- 5 v. inn. He can t per. -ixn lm alone. single plutocrat to the penitentiary -BT.-WwnABs'a Kill. inata im rni The "ntire time of the senate war ManVltem, of the bill proWdlng for varans investigation, and matter. , re va iianin were stricken uumi w. of ordpr. The "again sorely criticised by Senator Carter and Hey The .mate at .08 o'clock adjourn (Continued- on page four.) roi I FfTT DUTY ON ALL PRECIOUS SOUVENIRS SMLORS BROUGHT FORT MONROR Va Feb. 25. Rear Admiral fi. Sperry who brought the American battleship fleet from Ban Francisco to Hampton RTas. left tonight for Washington It la common gosalP 'n the fleet that , . . intends to name the next commander In chief of the fleet before he etlrea from office one rWa Customs offlcera boarded the ahlpa today and collected considerable "J" arncera who had made - . ,i in nren of the S 100 worth admitted trea. navy regulation that all dutiable goods In excess of the amount in l ji.h1 bv of fleers re- turning from an American cruise and . hn todav was out of the ordinary only in the matter of the number of ships entering at one time. ,h. nfflrers who had purcha- um v . ... . . above the usual umu u. aomewnai uisap""- sca that they woud not be allowed free entry Tor the wearma ii" ,.i-.nm brought home for their lnv ..... m .iu h,.t mt tin time was leant. ggrtlon of evading tbe have been selling In nearly all cigar va. - - - - ... , i ... a.m sAsniiai nruaia. It la atariff law of their native lana. norra su r- -t (By Aisoelsted Press.) NEW YORK, Feb., 25 All quail ncatlons of uncertainty in the predlc tion that Franklin MacVeagh, of Chi caRo, ha been selec ted y Mr. Taf t as his secretary of the treasury, are hereby removed. Mr. MacVeagh ac cepted the place yesterday, and f.rt re- by the Taft Cabinet made complete as heretofore announced by The As solated Press. No official or unofficial declara tions of Mr. MacVeagh's appointment is to be by Mr. Taft until he promul gates his entire Cabinet. Hut In this case, as In other noWces of appoint- g catch oflmPnt8, the facts are known to be cor- ret. The Cabinet, as completed with the selection of Mr. MacVeagh, is fol lows: Secretary of State Philander C, Knox, of Pennsylvania, Secretary of the Treasury Franklin MacVeanh, of Illinois. Secretary of "War Jacob M. Dick inson, of Tennessee. Attorney General George W. Wlck- ersham, of New York. Postmaater-Oeneral Frank H. Hitchcock, of Massachusetts. Secretary of the Navy George Von U Meyer, of Massachusetts. i Secretary of the Interior Richard. A. Balllngir, of Washington. Secretary of Agriculture James, Wilson, of Iowa. I Secretary of Commerce- ana laoor Charles Nagel, of lllinos Charles Negel of Missouri. With his postmaster-general. Frame H. Hitchcock. Mr. Taft, tooK a rive- mile walk through Central Park in the biting wind today. He saw a num ber of New York city financiers aur- inc the dav. but said the calls wen- to express frienship and had no other significances. ThTe was 'a genuine re-unlon of the Taft family tonight at the Henry W- Taft residence. I'n-loiil iBv Atsoalated Press.) DKCATl'lt, Ala., Feb., 2" cle Hob ('li mi ts told me that he ktiiari the K.lmondsona and hud thom in ih.- house and would -t un to the hous.- that night and burn Hu m up and he nave me twenty cents not to ti ll." This wa the uncontradicted evi dence of Gllle rt Luker. thirteen-year old son of a sinter of Bob Olemcf, the man who l " 'W on trial here charg ed with th.- ktimg of a whole family. "I'ncle Hob told me" continued the hov "the whole fdtnonson fnmily K" Hfte'r him nml he had to kill them or thev would hnve killed him and then his children " ould starve The hov Mid he told father nd si.-tcr what NKW YORK. Feb. 25 An applies i, on for a preliminary Injunction re straining U' re-organlatlon com rnlttie of the Houlhern Hteeljom fo1 out Its plan piiny from carrying the r, -i,rsaril.atlon of that compan) ... ioiIhv l.v Judge Noyes, . 1... I'nlted Si u, hoi,.r a m nont siocanunn-i " 0' KOVTHKH ( IITIM.IlPr,-r iuri through John M. Parbul of New Or ..rui(i,.nt ana u io' - iwwi of Pittsburg, chairman of the H., yinmlHi-i'. asring as tees of the unincorporated organisa tion, today acquired "lie ut "" Ht. Matthews church property of Flf- h .nd H streets. The necessary ........ . ........... ,.,r toiiiiv oassa uvi r i.i nihnons and his represetatlves (Mpeclsl te Tha e'1;" fc RAtEKJH. ,N. C- V. Th senate tonight dlscuaae the Blow d ucatinn bill until It o'clock'. Ilndin) toO few aenatora rresrn call vote. 'Thar waa aharp n test owr the feaiura it the bill Which provides for tha appointment of. mmbra f tha county board f edu ction by the legislature In that there w no provisltm for the eption ot thoee al eountlaa that WJ privileged to elect their own boards. Mecklenburg, -Buncombe, (uievetann, Rutherford, Iredell and Edgecombe. Br tit. republican leader from Buncombe, got In really hrllN Innt apeeoh that waa resonant w.... 'nolltlcan thunder" on the principal of allowing each county to elect l own achnol boards. He regarded thla as an Inherent tied given right, and one that the people are demanding. He waa malting a fight primarily 10 re tain for his own county the right now enjoyed. In tha end a eaHefaxilory amendment waa adopted to the effect that the bill shall not apply to any of those counties that are now elect Ing their own school biSardt. 4 . , Tuberculous Insane. The aharp- contest that baa b"" warlnrr Jactf and .ortv between tha legislative .committees., tha Bloksu state hospital commission. "d tha management of the Raleigh and tha , Hr,inrnn(nn hnatlltftlS .fo? the InSfldB over what dlspoallion ahatl be mafla of th tuberculous Insane, terminating this avenln by a ananlmoua vota by the joint committee vin Inaana for acb Institution to hW Its Insana detiHrtment prnprrly Isolated from tha other building of the IhsMutlong Inr stead of segregating these patients a one place. Morgantont for Instance, a the hospital commission had recom mended that they ahould be. Tha committee spent the whola afternoon thrashing out the msttsr, hearing; from Hr, McCampbelll superintend ent of the Western hospital, and Dr. t.u.nt nf the central hospital and then hearing the Indvldual opinions oi ma members of the commutes Which were varied , until there came anow a general rally to tha auggeatloa for cheap wood buildings at each Instu tullori for the tubercuiu patients. made by Dr. Campbell, repreaenwiv from Htanley. The Idea ot havlnf wooden buildings was that If too fcad- ate circuit court. Oeorg. ttm1 w. be Immediately recorded. 11 In KWY" AIVIHOHV IMAltl lVAnHINOTON, K'li 2r)---ine pres- iiiiih.mIIV hnil aitpneu I". junction on the grounn oi n ..,- .uh,llted to congress two 1 ciiTmmnj i .... ... ...mrtilse on othe' I preliminary reixiiM. . rit'-i A In Iiiima and to death his mother. his uncle hud said Kufuf I.uKer, Tamer oi mi- ( ortrainwiuoo ,-' nlnced o" the stand ami h-hi lll.-d - ,,!, to to the came tacts. Tlv Hnutliern nroiM-rtles in Houlhern stale. It affi.ll-H Iiik- be.-n in procuss of ihiiiidailoii for some time and rentlv It whs announced that the re -unimlttee has eotnpiei- all., over the propertle l.e had within fe -The IIHV I R TW WF.KKK. (By Atsoeutsa preis-i eni.rmiilA. H. C. Feb. senate ton.Rbi passed an amendment to the prohibition bill providing that elections Im- b-ld in the various coun ties now on July 15. Krom July 1 to Julv V, the entire state would he prohibition Those counties Noting to retain th- whiskey sal- would do so-under the , -resent law. Thos.- M.ung ith whiskey aie The counties be affected at u Hale loiiB-.. Noyes in his decision sal that n the 'properties of the Houth ern Hteel compuny up at public al' hnnkruptcy. I th- hankrupt he .unolnted to consider certain neeu of the navy- T1 commission recom mend, an advisory body for the sec retary, declaring that what the secre !..'.. n,..d above all is a clear under- ..-,ti., u,l firm arans ui "" military considerations. to do away go t prohlbitl dry would n- were to rx- pu. hv the trustees it must be presumed thai -mrt will take step! ... ,n- a fair price and ni-urmui . v. . . ..,,.,.,t anu.nll the creditori- II" 1 '" and stockholders. He t fraud was not Indicated that the sic. kholders new funds wil new securities vain- nothing .Mr. Hi hul NOT Gl'IliTYt INSAXK. (By Associated Press.) MOXTGoMKHY, Ala., Feb. "Not guilty because of Insanity." was the verdict of the Jury today In the rase of It V. Broadnax. a Jlaynesvllle Ala., merchant, who shot and killed Hherlff W. V- Haynes six monihs ago, following a s-rles Of personal differences. added tha by the fact who advanced receive far mum li than those who ad- The court ruled thai yhnuld have the rlgbl rcm-w his application ir wi" L,u.i.,n cmmltten should n"t . i.,rv out lis i.rewnt Intention U pi" ..h the nrouertles at a Judicial -..I- Mr Hchuler also was granted th- rleht to Institute such proceed Ings In the district court of Alabama as he might FIOKIOA MM t'HKAP viw VfiliK Feb.. 26. The steam . . . , . . t .. I In nn hi i, Flor da of mp j.u.y. i-. ...-. .... i . . v. i,.a miinin ramnn ti nr. Willi n iv th. White Htar liner R-publl- In a fog off Nantucgei ism...., .dav- sold at auction for 122.600 to a man Who gave his name " - Mlsle. said to belong in The sale Is the resu.. . - filed In the United mates .... In favor Of the White lr ..-, claimed 12,000.000 damages from tn Uoyd.Itallsno for the loss ... ... sel. ly Infected With tha term IKey soul be burned down ana repiacoo, Tlilrtcrn "Agio" Trusts. with ths unlucky number of thir teen votes cast against It. sub sect ion "A" of the proposed anti-trust legls- iHtlon went down In defeat this efir- noon In the state senate tier in biggest argumentative contest that baa characterised this session of , tha as setnbly, and on not inrerifw o nm famous contest in tha 1101 legislature) when under the leadership at non. Reuben Ileid RocWngham. . Wiv see- tion "A" wss eipuiteed f rom. tne ami- trust legislation fn tbe narrow margin of one vote. ' ''$. - : An nnaysls Of th -rot Wiowa waa more than half ef tli atrentrtn o mm Loekhart bill In the aena'. waa ac tually represented In th aefiSU com mlttee that reported It wnfawrably. Tci Wot Ho srp. The Blow-Bassett bill Is now t have IU day In the touse and la nected lo pass Without material change nd become the actual "teeth" of the anti-trust act of 107 now In force. The senate passed on final readtnej the general educational bill re frying? ms.hiKtrv for sneclat tal In all ooun ties with Increased state appropriation for maintaining four months school In everv school district In the state. The house passed th til!l esrryln 1500.000 bonds for carrying out tha provisions of th Blckett act of 19T for the enlargement of the stats boa pitals for the Insane, there Pelnsj twelve votes against It. GOV. WILLS0N DECLARES PRESS WE ONLY RECOURSE WHEN COURTS FAIL deem expedient SUFFRAGETTES GET FRAN (By Asteelsts Press.) NKFORT. Ky-. Feb. 25 One CJG VRKTTEH GOIXO. TP. (By Assoe'sted rsss.) NEW YORK, Feb. 15. As the re sult of conferences by prominent cig arette dealers throughout the country the price of cigarettes. U is stated, la about to be raised. The Increase aill be only In the sense that stand ard nrioee are to be restored on brands that during the past few year (mmwmf " Cafr)s THIRTY DAYS IN JAIL of JZ free- pub- (Bv Assoc-istee- Press.' , I ,,c officials ever deliverer. in LONDON, Feb. 25. iteiusmg l"lu,mth was written by uovernw - I ..,'1 I ... L a.. ..Oil D o-i, ,. enrltv lor ineir mum """ I ....t., v. w mn wjaay - behavior the women suffragist whd n t(( Tn( ,iM.ald publishing were arrested last night while ft- f jubjvllle, publishers of The Louisville Herald, lor an rnu.- . t the Calloway ana . ..' "i" . ... .-..... .w. It eourts or weswrn r...w-, charging the paper Ith f for one month. An ,.Jd;- Thomas P- Cook anc , Anade in the casa of "bn" '",?,"., ,ttomey. D- P. SmRh criminally Cook and mm tempting to reacn -h-" to present to him a pfi.ii" " n the cause, were today ..on to i m orison ment. Most of the terms were for one month. exception was I . falHlf ! : .....Mint. ..ofhuftier. wss a previous :- - ,., sentenced to two months ,rofn ... ntcht rider trouble In Kentucky iment. Lady Conetnce Lytton. daugh- the nht ylgorotisly WASHINGTON, Feb. ti Forecast: i UT of the former " ..Jored them for fallow to perform North Carolina Fair, warmer Friday warned her rrieno. in lhMr duty fn proaxtcutlon of the law- and Batwrday; llgni to mooeraie ctien r-- - ts element. to northeaat winds, , sh would repea " In hlch the dls- greater part of Governor Wlllson wrote upon par dons to the newspaper company wm reason: Because the long series of crime In this district, which have not neen punished under these officer" admin istration, mak It necessary preae to criticise all who can no nri responsible. . , '. "ie the onurts do Bot put aa en4 tothe rule of crime In tha countlea In whteh the Judge ana ..common wealth's attorney are selected to up held law and order, the only hop of permanent - relief from. uch condi tions Is In enlightened public senti ment aroused by the tftesa ot thB country and instead of puntsblng thav newspaper which make a Pght against such -Conditions, it should ba regarded as fulfilling J;a duty."

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