2 TTTE ASHEVTLLE CITIZEN'. FRIDAY, FEBftUAftT 26, 1900. SOCIETY Vtl, Overman, th- popular wife tif the junior senator, ban taken lead ing part In the m IhI llr.- f.f the na tional capital this winter. At a rw nt reception at the whit h "" Mrs. Overman wan Inviir.l to l.i- on.- of .Mr. am! Urn l(Mim-II' iciest In tlio tMu room. 8h wrote iliat Mr. i Srian wan out of the city ami that ' cotllft nut arc pt. Mrs. l;...i-v-1t rot' n nut.- In reply nklntr lor t'i omr anyway. :i ti J nl i-r il -wer for the occasion. Mrs I'vermiui lni fnafle many ftronic fri'iiilsl.lp'i In M'MhliiKton soi la I i r i 1 1 x. J . The winter la J Imil I nif nwiiv ami toon It will be spring; anil linn- to filant aarilens. laich year the .-iih.i-teur itardencrs make ambitious plan after reading- nn incounmlris nnl fnB cinatlng bouk nn the order of "RIUu both and Hit (Jermnn dunlin," hut procrastination cripples win bent In tentions, the seeds are nt for too late or arrive too lnte. The catalogues ent out liy eastern seed Iioumh are filled with brilliant promise and col ored pteturi's of now and wonderful varieties of flowers all to be had for a few cent and a great amount of lov ing toll la amply repaid aa the Har den mature. It la a little more ex tensive, and llttla leaa trouble to ttava! the ground or beds put In con dition and buy the younf plants from the areentious. but half the Joy or hawlnir a garden la watehlnr for the frrw awAi tn Minn un and riewclnn. Verbena cosmos, mlirnonettn, naa turtlana, panels, petunias (double end, irtnicte), rwpft peaa and bachelor button do especially -well In thin cli mate. Heliotrope la better transplant ed after having been started by a florist, and blooms luxuriantly all ummer. Hollyhocks, sweet William, and, Canterbury bells have all to be transplanted after enmJnff up from Bweda wiwn In the fall. It Is prob able that soma friend with an over crowded, garden would be glad to veed out the old fashioned flowers that come tip year after year, careful ly, and, give one any number of strong young plants to start a, garden. Par vgy Verandah and bare waits or fen ces ill passion flower vine, largo clematis and hop vines are splendid. The hop vine la very sturdy and has dens foliage and the little pale green hop blossom Is very artistic. It Is high time that the catalogues are brought out and plana made for both the vegetable and flower gardens, and the remembrance of the luxuriance of the gardens art year will be an Incen tive toward making early plana for the garden beautiful next summer, J Mlsa Itelen Cofalu who with her hiother, Mrs. John B. Cefalu, went to New Orleans for the Mardl drag, has been very popular during the festival and (Waa one of the belles of Proteus Palt, glye. Monday evening In New literary and eoclal meeting of the Zpwerth League will be given this evening at Central Methodist church, at o'clock in the ftundny school rooih'A Longfellow program will be irfven gfter which refreshments will be served. . A cordial Invitation la ex tended to the young people of the church to attend the meeting which promises to be Interesting, The fol lowing Is the program: 1. Piano solo Selected '., , Mint Kate Ntohots. i Sketch of the life of Henry W ; , Longfellow. I. Vocal solo "The Arrow" Miss Ruth Wiley. Reading Selected Mia Kuth Brown. t. Vocal solo "The loot Chord" , Mrs. J. M. Hnrns. I. Reading Selected Miss Oussle Smith ,7. Vocal solo "Tin- TliMg. " Miss Htith Wiley. . J Mrs. W. W. Ilnrnitrd guve a email luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her residence on Chestnut street for Minn Laugv-nour of California who In sp.iid ing the winter In Ashevllle. J The Jenny Wrens meet thin uflir tioon at the ThUtcry Turk hotel with little Mine Klslc, Alexander. J Mrs. Ix-tltln. While lwen who linn lectured fieiiiiently during tln Inst fortnight In AxIicmIIc. III kIv.' nn In tPTeatlna; unntc reellnl thin evening at the court house. Mrs. Owen will flret give a humorous lerturn on "What Is Low?" -whleli will le followed by n number of oi.l f iNblnneil neKro soiiki Mrs. Owen Imitates the deep full tone perijlitr to fh Is airumri;nii' tontine. The el.),m he.ir.l for.l. l lli'K v Af' lenn chants which .1 l.i . h.ir.o t. rlntle parl .1,1 plnnt ition xongs are ne. I the opportunity af- . iii:,K I.. MlM. Den Will iii I i - l. .. M u ' al Icr e riter tuineil wilM an Informal tor Mlas -Wlllella oi,. guest, MlHP flrnt prlz VI aF Wheeler and was I,. Mi .Mm V"Mer.ln firt'-rno l.t,.lv ..ir!, ki.. I : h I- i .1 nil ). i .-' i .1 0 ;.,.-t i 'n ni'i l.v Mlm h'.'t ri n I i l.uif. I.uneli of I'm ruin violet. MIbs snkei. ntlc r kIII (five the second of the i ri. of brlilge parties tomorrow af ternoon. The guests were Mis os- tt. Mine Itiinler. Miss I-rftlage Oates. Mine Lillian Weaver, Mlsa Fannie heeler. Miss Ailela.de IxiUKhran. Miss Knte Nichols, Miss Frances Carter. Miss Margaret Meriwether, Miss I'au llne I'atuln. Miss Rleanor Iambert snn. Miss Katherlne Mason, MIhs Welch of New York. Mlsa Jessie Stlkebather and Mrg Ilagnr of Nor folk, Va. Miss Katherln Cartmell entertains with a bridge luncheon today In honor of Miss Wlllella Itanlcr and Mlsa Kar- ah flossett, Ht the residence of her sister. Mrs. Arthur Itankln on trange treet. , , g At the morning service at Central Methodist church Kunday the Jubilate Deo nnlhem, try Dudley Hiick, will he sung by the choir. 'The Iird la My Hhepherd," a duet by Havens, will be sung by Mlsa Anna Hall and Mlsa Hamilton. At the evening service Mrs, James f. Stlkelcather will be the soloist. J J Dr. B. Westray Battle gave a box party at The Auditorium last evening ana had as his guests Dr. and Mrs Thomas P. Cheesbornugh. Miss rtlta Rees, Mr. Louis M. Hotirne, Mr. Kd ward T. Ford and Mr. Jerome Harrington. I PERSONAL I Mrs. Beekman Lorrlllard returns to Washington, I. C, tomorrow after a snort visit to Mrs. A. B. Doyle in Vic toria. Mrs. Lorrlllard will not return until early in the summer. Mrs. Davis and her son Mr. Robert Davis returned to Chattanooga vaster. day after spending several months at ins juattery raric Hotel. Mr. Ralph ffingel of Tryon was In the city yesterday. Mr, H. H. Btroub of Charlotte Is In Ashevllla for a few days. Mr. W. C. Qolda'of New Tork Is In the city for several days on business. Mr. B. n. Hamiln of Virginia Is a viouor in Asneviue. Mrs. C. A. Shaw and Miss Mitchell of Pittsburg are spending soma time t the Battery Park hotel. Mr. H. 11. Coskery of Augusta la In the city. Mr A. K. Pearnoti of New York Is e-pendlng a few days 111 Aahevllle. Mrs. IVtiftlelil millard Is expected to return from Washington. r. C, next week. After a short stay Mrs. IIII llard will return to Washington for an Indefinite period. Mr. ICdward Jones. Jr., of Rievuril spent yesterday In the city. Mrs. White of Kwunnanoa was In town yesterday. Mr Walter W CorrlKan of Milwau kee Is a guest at the Bnttorv Park hotel. Mr. Charles 1. Martin of Lynchburg ! In the city for several days. Mr. Joseph 11 Harts of fharlotte I- In AsheUllc for a brief stny. Mr. Flunk V. Mi-dovern of Albunv. N. Y Is ,it tin. Hiitiery Ynrk hotel Mr n u,l Mn. t:. Ijiiigdon Wilkes will return shortly from New York where they wont In llttelol the wed ding or Mr Wilkes' In-other. Mr Mat thew Wilkes I ' Mils S1ln linen. Mr in. Mrs. . 1. Wells nlol M.s Mjil-.toilc Wells of New Vi.ik me I" ests t Victoria Inn, lOrtM-"-' Half Price Sale of ' Last Season's Styles " Wash Waists Tailored 'andjLingerie ""'Notliint; l)iit our (Tt lcrminai inn o kffp onlv IVcsli Mucks is iiccoinifalilf for nittino; ltalf (h,. pn,.,. oft' those waists. Tln-ir i x i i 1 mn is iciTcct, anl m most 1' t ln-iii few would lct rrl tardy sf vlts, tlit dif fprt'iico is so slight. Aiiy woiium at all handy witli the needle could remodel the sleeves, especiiillv in the ease of the lingerie waists. Lace trimmed muMm w lists, short slc.. s. ri I, , s $i r.o to J3.no Reduced to 75c to $1.50 Plain tucked muslin waists, short slcev. s, ..pen buck or front, jirlce t!.7r Reduced to $1.38 West End Lingerie W.nsts. short sl..,s. 1'rici s J:, to tr,. Reduced to $2.50 ito $8.00 , Cream and Tun Silk Madras, hum 1. .,,.. pi ;,-, s jr.. i). Reduced to $2.50 Linen and Pique, plain fchlrts and Shirt Waists long sleeves Prices 12.50 to I t.uo Reduced to $1.25 to $2.00 ; White plaid muslin, frill front, lung sleeves. Price S.00, Reduced to $2.50 SPECIAL! Plain White Handkerchief Linen, slightly soiled, long i Sleeves, Stiff cuffa, Price $4.60, Reduced to $2.89 Mr. H. W. Gates of Richmond Is In the city for a few days. Mrs. Itebec a ( ushrnan returned v'Nterduy from Columbia, S. C. Mrs. It. L. Northern of lycxlngton, Virginia Is visiting Mrs. N. itiukner. at her residence No, 7 Aston Place. .Mr. and Mrs J. spending some time W. Htevena are In Ashevllle. Mr. mid Mrs II S. House! of Holly. N V., are Msitors to Ash-vllle. .Miss lmrner of Charlotte l In the i ll.', tor a brh f sfty. Mr. and Mrs. Caul A. Jii.ni. I'orto llieo, are toria Inn. Knglish ol Pan guests at Vic- Mr. and Mrs. W. A. fccott have named their house at 2d Charltte strut "Onkwood. " and the guests are .Mr. P. M. Malloy. New York city; Mr. Harvey Mill. r. Thornvllle. () ; Mr. and Mrs. II. o. Toby. Lima, O.; Miss Haw.d Toby, Lima, ).; Mr. and Mrs. D. Kasterllng. Orangeburg, 8. C; Mrs. It. );. Baxter. Petersburg. Va.; Mr. J. C. Tison, Krederlcksburg. Va.; Mrs. Lil lian Hall, rilielbyvllle, Ind.; Mr. Geo. Hill and Miss rtadie Hill of Boston. Mr. W. W. Bourne of Bristol Is In the city. Mr. W. U Hadcllffe of Richmond Is visiting Mr and Mrs. E. Brown on Oak Street. Mrs. Alice Vance Is expected today from a visit of several weeks to friends In Bouth Carolina. Mr J. K. Putney of Klchmand, Va., Is In the city for a brief stay. Miss Matlella Cocke will attend the Inauguration ceremonies and will leave fur Washington Monday. Miss Florence Barnard who has been visiting Mlsa Mary Krost at Hock Hill, N C. returned to town yester day. Mr. Verne Rhoadea a graduate of the Forestry school, lliltmore left the first of the week to vlait relatlwa In Hun Antonio. Tex. Mr. T. J. Crowell of Charlotto Is In the city for a few days. Mrs. Thomas Osborne and small daughter aro visiting Mrs. T. B. Hoe, Mrs. Osborne's mother, on Oak street Mrs. Osborne will not return to Ull note until after March Kith. Mr. J. V. Abel of Waynesvtlle Is In the city for a few days on business. Mr. R. E. Osborne of Waynesvllle Is in the city for several days. Mr. James Miller of Atlanta Is In Ashevllle on business. Mrs. Badcllffe who spent several weeks at the Battery Park hotel has gone to Florida to visit her slater. Mr. W. W. Haddell of Charlaitte was In the city yesterday. Mr. P. B. Tngersoll of Minneapolis Is In the city for several days. Mr. H. R. Price of Baltimore Is In the city for a brief stay. Mr. A. B. Elmore of Bryson City spent yesterday In Ashevllle. Mr. Edwin Lynch of Pittsburg Is In the city tor a few days. Mr. James B. Smith or Louisville, Ky., Is a guest at the Berkeley hotel. Mr. James W. Clurney of James town, N, Y Is In the city on business. Miss Barah Jones Is expected to re turn today after a several weeks visit to friends In the Eastern iurt of the state. i Jlr anil Mrs. HnlY Merrick returned ycMterdiiy from Norfolk. Vn.. where they went for the arrival of the Meet. Major J. fluzzatn Mackenzie of To ledo. Ohio, has returned to Kenllworlh Inn for an extended stay. Muj. Mur Ucir.le Is Rcni't'u! iiiaiiaiiet- ol Ho' Ames llonner compan. the largest hniHli manufacturing company In the t'nited States. Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Randall leave Monday morning for Washington, T". i', to attend the Inauguration of the president and will nlso visit Mr. Ran dall's brother, and will be away a week. AZEF PLOTTED ALL ANARCHIST CRIMES ( By Anoclated Press.) st ri:i'iatsiii iti;. c. n The answer ..f the r.ov III no-tit to tile in lerpellal ion ..I tic e. m-t II ut o ma I dc- 111 a lld'l "11 tin V' cen t l'e e ; I Inns in i Millie, ( . 01 nth e' w h ll.l'l 1 11 l.tiowu .i.s ttie loa. I .-I the IikIiIho: IlllMail S,m i i!;t.S .ind lit. r ,le- ' 1.1 1' ' I" . pill I Ills 111 .1 t. P. 0. ! T! ipl let. I.a.se, I UK In- M. V. MOORE OPTFTTTKn. 11 PATSON Am with tile I'. In III the i a p.u 11 . tiiitli, i, d ih. c ! I I HI tsts pint-, led b tin M I.lliot'il.. who p., I "aris with .1. i. ii oi iKmals ,.f t .i , Viet S tM.ll tie I till'imal. A.. ! plains nl' his , partlculal l a 1 the clii. f 1 1 u 1 1 1 i nil the terroii-ii, nn lulling tin- a nsk , Serums .1 alilv . i in r ut in i.e. nil the lit IT i t i.'tl -C int. cm i Ml e'N i;. . i mn. n t e, in - S., - . atl hour III. I s nl.lte- n thai I elllll'Cl 1,111 in t. I .oily r an. I m i i i l' inipi-i (ant A Dickens) Manuscript. n. P: Dlckena, K. C. tells an Inter- j esnug siury L'oareming me urigiuvi manuscript of bis fathers famons 'Carol." Tbe novelist presented the MR. to Thomas Milton, an old school fellow. In 1875 Mr. Milton sold It to Francis Harvey, a book.-wller. for .V). Then It (tassed Into the hands of ("eorge Churchill, an cn'nn-iusilc au topr.iph collet-tor. Mr. Churchill treas ured It until 1P82, when cjreuuiNtances compelled hltn to part wi'h it. After i holograph. log every pnue of It, tt was sold to Mr. Bennett, a Hirminghnm bookseller and carlo denier, who eventually found a inm baser, who readily signed a check f- r iil for It. Finally It was bought by Stuart M. Samuel of Kensington l'..'a, e Cardcns for f.'too. who Is xald to mil: rciulii the precious dm uinent. Lioal iii 'l it Rita. ill BSSSSSSSSJ Vl'HK KWEtEI r MOVKY RFtT.MM l. Thousands' ot w i . s. mothers and sisters, have gi. o oliCINi; (the w;eret treathlei.i to hus bands, sons, fathers ,nd tooth, rs. and ure enthusiast, in their tiraJse of OR It INK I., unise It has cured their loved op, s or the "I.Uliior llublt," en I thereby biouxht hatinlnesa to iii, Ir homes Can Ite ;lv-n Sasritli. ouitimcirrMc.M. i i (.uaraiitee In I a, h lion. Write for free riltltlNl-: book let (mallet) In Witln . envoi ope to OH It INK Co , :! ; oltCINK !tu I Id I nsr. Washington. O c olt lue Is sold by leudiiiK ilriiKglsts everywhere. SiMNIal Agents: SMITH'S URtt; S'lOIti:, I M. Main si. Humorous Lecture, "Wliat Is Love" K0 RKCITAL OF ()I,I PLANTA TION1 MEIXtlHKS, By Mrs. Letltla bite OvveiL COUNTV COUKT IIOlhK, Friday, February 261 h, H p. m. AdtnlHslon Adults, 25c; school children, 16c. VALUABLE WATKR POWER FOR KALE. The Reems Creek Woolen Mills Co., are offering their property for sale. Will sell as a whole or the property without the machinery. Also farm of 201 aeres. four miles from the city For particulars apply to J. H. Wright. Weavervtlle ,N, C. THE CLEANING WE DO. Meets with the genenjl approval of nil who appreciate, Jllh grade work. Oct our prices. Queen City, Dyeing & Clean ing Works. 11 Church Street. ssJ Phone tllO. The Ashevillc School of Music and Dramatic Art IP ACDITORItm Phone M4. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers No. a Battery Park Place, Phone 104 Aslievllle. N. C v Malt Orders Receitg Prompt and Careful Goods Ifew Spring Arriving Paily We liaic neier Oumn a ireiiler and belter sili'i led line or I mice and wsxonnhlc goods than we have on ill.ilm hi tliin lime. We iIioiikIiI II Im--i lo liealn oiii- -ii in; iitn linsing early, and we can eafely -a i tliut our spring a-siri nieui of good is fur MiM-rior in liny licrelofoi-4' carried by iim. Al wo ak u mat oii i-fiiiia- Hi anil take a esm al tne iii-h sirna arriai. miy and Made Crochet Ma ts W if have just i'ci't i i'l a sliip nicnt of these liaml-niiiile nuits. and we have marked them very ii-ason-i'lly. They are very pretty and also very useful. Priced at 1 0c and l")t- on ii to .$''..)() each. We would adv ise you to all early as these mats are selling verv rap idly. Special Value in Corsets We have placed two lots of Cor sets on sale on our main Hoor at special prit-es. Oiie lot is a $l.f)0 'irsi'f that, we are dosing out at 75c Sach $"1.00 grade of Corset at. 30c Sach These Corsets are up-to-date in style and in good condition. We are just dropping these numbers which is the reason we are selling them at this half price. few art' mentioned below. Jin &xtra (food Value in Potted JV55 We will place on sale todav a superb line of Dotted Swiss, 'with colored stripes. This material is a regular f)0c grade of curtain swiss and is well worth this price. We will have it on sale the balance of this week at a special price of 25c yard iOhite Mercerized Madras is)ith Colored Stripes Wo are showing a very cgeleet line of Madras Waistings with the colored stripes 'at J9c. 23c. 35c and 30c yd. These new waistings will be very popular this spring andfWfladvisV you to make your selection early. Ife w White Ainen Cambrics from 28c to $1. 00 yd. iD.RJIcKINNCW 7 Psflw Avenue (Ovrt JwcsmT Mom.) Lames ud Gcnfleipcns tailor THERE IS NO WAITING to ba served at our place that Is a feature with us just the same as serving only the very best In the eat ing line. If you haven't been eating with us, all we ask Is a call. MiW YORK l.PXCII ROOM 11 South Main it Your Children can not be strong and vigorous without good, pure milk It is their STAFF OF LIFE. Our milk is good and pure and so reasonable that it is actually the cheapest food you can provide. Ashevllle Pure Milk Company PHONIC 654. GO CARTS. Our WhUnpy Jlne of Go-Carts, new My Ir. art1 now mi wale. They are beauties. BURTON & HOLT. Viitton Ave. and Hnttery Park Place CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-prso-tlo) CONDEMNATION WITHOUT IN VESTIGATION IS POOR JTJOOMENT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves Ii the cause of all diseases; by removing this pressure, normal conditions and health will be restored. Recognised and endorsed by thousands of cltlsenr of other status. Incurable diseases our specialty. OR. T. F. OOM1TON, Chlropra. tor lesJ Building. Konth of Fnsmtatn PHONE Ml. 1 1 in ! : I , . . . lb. Hi. - Irs .,,1 I.. !H Ii IH III ll m hiii.ii. linn. ,1 i n h,.l,nn I , i , .US III,. I I!, I V, I'b In "I tell you wliat," said the oltl ninld. "they make love much faster thnu they usetl to In my day " "Yc." replied the sweet young tbliiK. "in your day It wan a rented home and buttify, now It's a mort Raited forty horse power, tulle u luln ute tourlDE car "Detroit Free Press. TnwneJones, so I Dnderstand, Is troubled a great deal ty his wife's In somnia. Hrowtie-I didn't know that Towne-Tes. she usually has a se vere attack of It erery ulght when he comes In late, and then the trouble begins -Iindoo Expresa. PILES CCREI IN TO M DAYS PAZO OINTMKNT la guaranteed to cure any case of Itehlnr Blind. Bleed ing or Protruding Pile In to 14 days or money refunded. o. A Mighty Good Feature About our M. & W. In dian ( al is t hat ono ton nmiv (ban a ton bettor. is good is verv iinii' Carolina Coal & Ice Company For Savinsake Attend the Closing-Up Sale! ; La Grecqut Coriata. . ; ! For every type of flgur.. ! ! GREENE & CO., ; ; 11 Church Streel ; WE SELL for Sliultl.s. Mohblns. Welles, ct, nil liiiil.i s .,( .s. iiiK inai linn s. Aki-iiis lor "The bit.-.- Beaumont Furniture Co., 27 s. Main St. riione 1002 For Savinsake Attend the Closing-Up Sale! (THE DAY 01" DELIGHT) Saturday, Fet. 2T MR. JOHN C0RT presents America's Foremost' Com edian Max Figman in the Biggest Success o tHis Remarkable Career "The Substitute" A Comedy by B. M. Dix and E. G. Sutherland Seats now on sale at the A sheville Pharmacy. Prices, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50. , FOR RESULTS, USE THE CITIZEN WANT ADS. Tliono 1311. Patton Ave Hair Dressing Sliiiiii,..,.lnK. H;i i r rolorlnv. Si.ili 'I'l'.'ll'inent. M:llncurin 1111,1 I'llll.il.inly. r;1ll ninl iiisiect m li. ii line of Is.-. It- K,),,,l. i oinl,. Imi l , tls and all lln- lat est ileii;ns in linlr ornaments. We make up viuir combiner to order. I'lione IG. MISS CRUISE 25 IIiijmikmI St. ) PEERLESS ( ASHEVILIJJ. N. C. Stilrplff's Ice Cream Is noti'i! for It's purity and 'lohn '-is. Pellvereil to all parts of the city Phone 6:0. .",.0 meal t'ekets J.OO. SHIRRIFF'S CAFE IS Psiun Avenue. Whole Evaporated Apples This i'.,,i ete. Willi. ,ly is Just the thiiiK Tor :( t I r ind tart; asstini, j original sir,' 25 Montford Av. iliiiiipliins, sauce, i. b, n (oiiktl. 15 cents Pound. OWNBEY'S Phone 56 Our WHITE GOODS SALE Begins Today Be Sure You Attend ' ! V This Carnival and White Goods Exhibit. .We I ... . wior your mis season's goods only. - tl ,IU,ttt i I

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