THE 'ASUHVITXE CITIZEN SATURDAY, FEBRUATIY 27, Mr. J. A Nlchol of fit. Louis Is fr. Archer registered at the Berkeley hotel. Mountain from Charleston. has returned to Hiack . " - ' aa i.i'.u:gaB- I J ' SOCIETY Nra. Jam a Drown Potter who ha hmn playing a trawl i-nlla n-femenl In Now Y.k 1)t several months li VlsrtlnK he- ("noaMer, Mr. James Villlman, who . Mlaa Ktfl Hotter; tutor up- rr.arrlaire several years axo. , p..i,..r ti Cora Irourwrt of New Or! ;. ai.d whin a rl rre-j ejaemly srrt Hi'' summers in Ashe WStle. He- rr.y ,'a.uty is unimpaired aud M-s. ' "'! i considered till one, of the mi.t ; luiewue fliriircii on th Knt.. h she ha ap peared t-nrt-ir her own management tor A nuralMn of yearn. Mrs. Potter frequently appars at the command ferforma-ces ot Windsor castle, whfn. the kins and aucen ar In residence j r when tlicre I visiting royalty, ll-r j remarkable: beatfty ha made her the tfalUht of artlrta and Lady Iniff or- dan Who dlet'xsjulshcs herself under, the commercial coanoroen of "Uiuts t Ole" In her smartest of London hops. ronaldM-t Mra. Potter as did the elder Worth, her most graceful jm4 trmpu'lttw model, and the nwm he haa li.-m. 1 out for Mra. Potter re what ace nown aa dream In the fmnlne" (ik:Uonary. Mra. Potter's lireaent visit to Mra. Btillman has put at feat th unpleasant rumora which war current for many rear of Jack of sympathy between them. Jt Jt '""A great many oot of town Macon Handed tha Inspection of Cyrene OmmandeiT Knls-hta Templar, which took place at the Maeonle tcm te en Haywood street Thursday sven fnf. The command ery waa inspected by Orand Commander Wlllett of the tate of North Carolina. It la not known yet what the aeore made wae, but heretofore fyrene Oommandery has ranked eweond In thla atate, both In aize and equipment. The Inspec tion aleo inolurted the work and the Knlyht Templar degree wut conferred. The offlcsra ft the sommndry are: 3M. B. V. Hall, Mr. A. 0. Ooerard, Mr. W. eott Radoker, Dr. J. II. Wil liam a. Mr. W. B, Qreena, Rev, A. H, fitnboa. Mr, A. H. Cobb, Mr. A. U Parker, Mr. Oeorge K. Brown, Mr. E. W, Carter, Mr. 9, TU tkrucaa and Mr. i. T. JOytinm. Owing to the ra.p it rwth f tha commandery In North Carolina In recent yeara It t probable that the as Inspection?, w1il"h knew been he!4 onne ft year before, arill be bald More frequently, Jt A wlreetotr gown noticed In the palm room of tha Battery park ho tt at a recent concert had a unique feature wtilch haa not bean noticed heretofore. 1 gown Waa extremely 'clinging, f tha nJtry aerpentlne nut f blaak ' orcpe, with , tanked net aleevee and yoke. Tha Only touch of color waa a reticule hearlly ambroid re4 with gold, attached to a, almtlarly embroidered atrap two Inchon wide which paaeed over the (aft alwuldcr. Tha reticule hung almoet at the knee on the aame aide. The effect waa bl arre Jbut H in probable that If worn at All the retioule wilt not be relatd 1 1 dinner gewne or eemt-evenlng gowna. Tha hata that &ava appeared In aev aral of tha trouaeeaux of Xorthern bride to the oity reoentty are of auch gigantic proportion that egreae from one apartment to another beoomea a matter of eerlou consideration, not Infrequently reeultlng in calamity to 4oth ehmpeau and dignity. There le alwaya the comforting reflection how - over that ii doean't have to wear them and la privileged to ohooen a lent eccentric and more comfortable headgear, Jt Jt The C.iuntry club Thuraday after Boon a well pa)r,nlpd hy mnmber. And a lnili' tennl tournamnnt wna ftlayed f ll!wed by an Informal t. Tha plaeri . Mra. Charlce B. Jor 4an, Mr.. Tench Coin, Mr. I. C, Waddell. ,Ir., Martin of Phtladrl- fhla, tha MimoB Kecve. Mr. Dunn McKee and Mr. Jnhnaton. M la Martin for whom the toa wb alven! la apendtng eeixral wtwke at tlin Man pr, Mrt.. P. W. W. Graham erved tea on 4h verandHh to a number of gueata among whom were Mlw Mar tin. Mr. and Mra, M. thinn McKee, Jr .and Mm. CTharlea fi. Jordan, Mr. I C to. Waddell. Jr.. Mra. Mathewa of; IjOtiUvllle. Ky., Mr. Johuatoti, Mr ! Fenton. Mr. and Mr. H. P. ItavenelJ wtta Klta Reia, the Mlf Ilecvr. Mm. Tench Coxo, Mr Jituimc Har rington, t " . Ktiv.anl 1. Kr.wl. Mr. V. W. W. Cii' m and lr. H. Wrstray Battle. Mra. Lctltl" V fnvcn itave en In tereatlni; recital last evening at lln court ho,.w which waa well att' ruli H. Mra. Owti, (?ave a humoroua lecture Half Price Sale of Last Season's Styles Wash WaistsTailored and Lingerie F Nothing but our (IctcnniiL'il ion to keep only I'ivkIi stocks in acoomitaldt' for cut ting half tho price ,fT these waists. Thoir condition is crfoct, ami on moist of them few would detect tardy styles, the dif ference is so slight. Any woman at all handy with the needle could remodel the sleeves, especially in the ease of the lingerie waists. Lace trimmed muslin w, tints, short sle, . s. Price ll.r.n to iron Reduced to 75c to $1.50 Plain tucked muslin waists, short sleeves, open hack or front, prl, . J Reduced to $1.38 West End Lingerie Walt. short sleeves, nice r, to ttfi, Reduced to $2.50 to $8.00 Cream and Tan 811k Madras, long sleetes, Prices t r.. 00. Reduced to $2.50 Linen and Pititte, plain Shirts and Bhlrt Waists, long !, eves frlces 12.60 to $4.00 Reduced to $1.25 to $2.00 White plaid muslin, frill front, long sleeves, Price $5.00, Reduced to $2.50 8PECIAT,! Plain White Handkerchief Linen, allghtly soiled, long aleevea, stiff cuffs, Price $1.50, Reduced to $2.89 M. V. MOORE Olfl'Wl'l'EK. 11 rATTOJf The HterHry arnil orial meeting of th Kpworth I-eiufU' lant cv.-riinK waa ntrrtatnina- ami Jrmtruct Ive and a nmxt. agreeable pr-xcrarn viaa arrang- e.l for the -iitertairunent of the mem bere and the young people of Central Methodist church. Ml Kate Nlchol played a piano lo with good expret U.n and te hnl.iue. Mlae Ruth Wiley nana- "The lirldfre" and "The Arrow' In a very pleaaing manner. Ml Om- le Bmtth and Mle Drown gave ln- tereatlng reading arid Mra. J. M Hum ang with telling effect "The Iot Chord." Rcfreehmenta were ervvd and the evening waa pleasantly spent by the young people. J Jt The laat tournament of the present erlea will t played thla afternoon at the Country club and the result of the playing will be watched with interest. The tournament which I a mlied foursome, haa been running for a number of weeki at tha link and many of the tt players of Aahevllle are entered In It Tea will be served and owing to the fact that It Is the last of the series It I expected that there will be a very largo attendance. Jt Jt on "What la Ijve?" which waa well received. The old plantation eonga which followed were aung by Mrs. Owen In a deep toned voice with an excellent almulotlon of the agreeable negro dialect, with Its aolt carelessly pronounced words: "Here dem Bella," On the Road to Glory" and "tin wane" Blver" were sung among the song which particularly caught the fancy of the audience. Mra Owen will apeak at the court house Hurulay af ternoon at I o'clock and again Hun' day evening at o'clock at the Be' enth Day Aduenttsta church. Jt Jt The High school glee club met last evening for their regular rehearsal under the direction of Mlsa May Klm- berly. The girls Mendleaaohn glee club have been rehearsing for their Hprlng concert for some time and will require but few more rehearsals. The program will be of good length and excellent selection will be announced at a later date. Jt Jt mm Wlllalla Ranter and Mlsa Ha rah Oossett were the guests of humor at an Informal bridge luncheon yes terday by Mlsa Katharine Cartmell Miss Lalage Oatee will entertain with a bridge party for Mlsa Ranler and Mlsa ttossutt Tuesday afternoon. Mlsa Catherine Maaon will entertain for tha visitors Wednesday and the date of Mum Lillian Weaver's lunrAuton haa not been 'definitely decided. J Jt The regular meeting of the Zeb Vanca Camp. V. O. V., wilt be held thla morning at 11 o'clock in the Confederate hall In the court house, The Confederate choir will attend the meeting and sing "My Old Kentucky Home," -i M Jt Jt Edward Buncombe chapter, D. A, R, met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. 8. Morrison on Pear son Drive. ; jfe! j , Mr. C. P. Carr entertained a num her of his gentlemen friend at a dinner at hi home on Ashland ave nue luat nvmilng The present were Dr. M. C. Mlllander, Prof. R J. Tlghe, Mr. Rdward P. Chiles and Mr. Frank Hmith- PERSONAL J Mr. R. R. Osborne end Tr. J. r. Abel returned to Waynesvllle yeter da after attending a meeting of Cy rene Cnmmandery No. 5. Knights Templar, In thla city. Mr. W. Reynolds Crook of I'rank fort. Ky., Is the guest of friends In tho city. Mr. and Mr. .1. P. Roger who have apent the paet week at the fw keley hotel left yesterday for Wanh- Inglon fr'iin where they will go to Klrniliigham and from there tn New York. Mra. Roger has many frlemls here and prior to her recent man luge waa Mr, (lurvev. Mr. and Mr. F. 1,. Rtiell ami Mr. and Mra II. K. Hunt of Detroit. Mich., are apendlng Beverul duys with friends In the elty. Mr. Ciisrles e. Pyrd of Tenn,HNee Is Mperuliitg aewernl day In v'.he lllo on tmslnes. AT& i Mr. J It. Fkge of New Vork city is spending a few days In AsheWlle on business. Dr. J. M. Matklns of North Carolina Is registered at the Berkeley hotel, Mr. and Mrs Ft A. Robertson lft yesterday for Ioulsvllle. Ky. Mr. M. Dunn McKee left yeterrlay for KM Springs, N. t'.. where he will Hp. nd Mrveral day. Mr. R. F. Ka u rr man of North Car olina is registered at the Berkeley hotel. Mr. and Mrs W . Finch left yes terday for Cincinnati. Mr. J. I Cox of Cleveland, Ohio, Is spending several days In the city. Mr. J. A. Lambers of North Car olina Is a guest In the city. Mr. Pajil Encott of Chattanooga la spending several days In Asheville on business. Mis Cnmeron Drummond haa re turned from Alabama where she has heen the guest of friends for several weeks. Mr J. F, Morton left yesterday for a business trip to Cincinnati. Mr. Peter J. Travers of Buffalo, N. Y., is spending several days In Ashe vllle on business. Mr. Henry . Beaumont of Nash ville, Tenn.. was In the city yesterday. Mrs. W, 8. Thompson has gone to Cincinnati. Mr. H. 8. Hall of North Carolina Is registered at the Berkeley hotel. Mr. J. A. Denney of Triplet. N. C, Is spending several days with friends In the city. 1 . Mr. and Mr Come left yesterday for a trip to Loansport, Indiana. Mr. C. Brewster Chapman lcrt yes terday for Augusta, Oa., where he will Join his father and from there w.ll go to New York. Mr. W. M. Brown left yenterday for Washington. Mr. P. B. Ingallah of Minneapolis, Minn., Is spending several days In Asheville on business. Mr. N. P. Woodslde of Cincinnati arrived yesterday and will spend a few days In Asheville on business. Mr. W. B. Cannon of Detroit will leave shortly after spending several days In the city. Mr. John M. Brcwman of Knox vdlle la here for a short stay with friends. Mr. F. Q. Hull of North Carolina 1 a guest tn the city. Mr. IT. Grant Evans of Cincinnati la her for a short stay with friends. Mr. and Mra. AlT Mc toy left Jt. terday for Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Knapp left yeste-day for a trip to New York cit. Mr. W, W. Harroll of Chattanooga, Tenn., Is spending a few days In the olty with friends. Mr. Jamea Miller of Atlanta, Oa., arrived yesterday and will spend sev eral days In the city. Mr. Stenograffe left yestorday for Washington, D. C. Mr. A. C. Mose has gone to Wash ington, D. C on business. Mrs. Harold Heymour of 112 Hill side street haa returned from a visit to her parents, Mr and Mrs. J. J. Sul livan In Cleveland, O. Mr. K. O. Coffin of this city and Mr. D. Ham White of Mayeaville. Ky returned yesterday from a business trip to Oreenahoro. N. C. Mr. and Mra. P. L. Craig of New Cawtlc, O . are spending several week In the city. Mrs. Oeorge H Johnson and Miss Miry Cooper are guest at the Mattery Park hotel. Mr and Mra. Vere Ooldthwaite (Mine. Kllen Beach Yawl who were guest at the Battery Park hotel during the engagement of the latter In the city, left ycMcrday afternoon. Mr. Wesley Barne of New York In the city for a few da) Mr. Homer Oithev of fiyland was In the city yeaterdav. Mr Tim Cocke has returned from Chapel Hill. Mr. Ktacey Wllliama hss returned from Chicago. Mr TMifT Merrick lcrt Norfolk for Mett' Verb he the till! Oomlnton lltm Hti.t wilt v1lt tier mother Mm Vnrit In Washington oetore returning to Ajihevllle. Mr. Merrick returned Tlnit.tilty from Norfolk. Mrs. s. i ,l, kson and children of Vniinirl,, n ft lire soeiollnir m,o,e time at the Battery Park hotel. Mis Alice Conklln who hn heen the guest of Mrs. C W. I! Itadeker o Victoria for sewral duvs leaves Runday for New York. Mr Tt An.lervon tu oot of the cltv on easiness and will return to town today Mis Mary Oudger of Marshall Is spending several day with relatives In the city. Mis Cor 1.PP Hmmmnnil tt-Kn nm spent some time In New York city returned yesterday. Mr. Jack Cohnrn of Medtn whn 1 spending a few day In the cltv on huslnesa will leaw shortly for a bus iness trip to Bryson city. Miss Rarah Janes Teturned from an extended visit with friend In the eastern part of the state. Mr. Fred Turner of Dnllns. Tena. Is spending the week end with his aunt, Mrs. F. A. Bumner at her home on Montford avenue. Dr. Owen Smith haa r. turned from! "Black Mountain. Mr 11. U. Hlelc has returned from N. w Yurk ,1 t,y hvr chil dren and Is at Mrs. Hazard' resi-i dence. Mr. B. W. Gates of nuhmnnd Is spending a few daya 1r. the city on business. Mr. W C. Qoltlen will have shortly for his home In New York after a huslnesa trip to Aahevllle. Mr. Joseph Hasty of charlotte waa In Asheville yesterday. , Mr. A. R. Edgecorohe of Knoxvllle who has spent Several days in the city will risturn to bis home shottly. The well-dressed store window does good work In Creating or Increasing' huslnesa; if lighted, it doe better : work, If electrically lighted it does! best work works, loo, as long as' you please and without nickering or ! harming the goods displayed. j A leading German electrical com pany ha In contemplation the erec tion of a new plant for the exclusive manufacture of airships and aero planes. OnfJ One "BitOMO QI'r.VlNE" That. 1 LAXATIVK MKOMO QUI NirB. Irfiok for the KiKnalurc of E. W. OROVB. Used the World over to Cur a Cold In One Day. Jf,c. HIGHEST IN HONORS Baker's Cocoa AND CHOCOLATE 50 HIGHEST AWARDS IN EUROPE AND A Cocoa off Inferior quality or artificially flavored soon coasos to bo palatable; but the genuine BAKER'S COCOA never loses Its relish by constant use. It Is a perfect food, pre serves health, prolongs life. WALTER BAKER & CO., LTD. EihMbM nil DORCHESTER. MASS. GO CARTS. Our Whitney line of Go-Carts, new style, are now on sale. They are beauties. BURTON & HOLT. Patton Ave. and Hattery Park I'lao : A Mighty Good Feature About our M. & W. In dian Coal is that one ton is good, more than a ton is very much better. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Tlione ISO. Patton Ave SAVE A THIRD TODAY At The Closing-up Sale Slilrrlff's Is noted for It s purity and Helm Phono 620. ,.00 meal t'ekets J4.0 SHIRRIFF'S CAFE 16 I'att m A venae. Whole Evaporated Apples Till novelty is Just the thliiff for apple .lumplinK. sauce, etc. While and tart, assumes oriteinal sixe when cooked. 15 cents Pound. 25 Montford A: Jfave you Jeen Our few Spring Suits? Xot a few women who have seen our Spring Lino of Suits, have tojd us that they were the liest assort ment to be found in the city. No wonder we sell so many, the reason why is plain to see. Our buyer who is an expert in this line, knew exactly what he was about when he selected these suits and he knew what the women of Ashe ville and this vicinity wanted. The Suits seen here are well made of a splendid quality of material and are matchless values. We only ask you to come in and look over our line. We know you will come hack, for othere have, and why not you. Beautiful worsted suits in solid colors, in check, in fancy stripes, etc. Prices cut a big figure. Our suits are marked most reasonably, that's the reason why we have no trou ble in disposing of them. Juris $5 Upwards D, R. McKINNON 7 Patlup Avenne (Over Ked wood's Store) Ladies and Genllemens TAILOR ! BUTTER. 3,V- per ihmiikI. J The fancy creamery kind, the kind ! you pay 40c arid 42c per pound for j when made in Illinois Instead of here The. express company gets the dlffer- Asheville Pure Milk Co., Kam Walnut St., I'lione or, I TUB CLEANING WE DO. Meets with the general approval of an vvtio appreciate high grade work. uet our prices. Queen City Dyeing & Clean ing works. 11 Ctwrcb Street. Phone 1110 The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art TUB AUDITORIUM Phono 144 CHIROPRACTIC (Kl-ro-prao-tie) CONDEMNATION WITHOUT IN VESTIGATION IS POOB JUDGMENT. Abnormal pressure upon nerves Is the cause of all diseases; by removing this pressure, normal conditions and health will be restored. Recognized and endorsed by thousands of eltlsn of other statue. Incurable dlseaaea onr specialty. OR. O. P. OOMPTON. Chiropractor Legal Building. Booth of Founts u I'HO.HB SJ1. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importer No. (I Hattery Park Place, Phone 104 Asheville, N. C WE SELL Klnilll.-s, tilihlns. Nreilles. etc., for ill ni.ik.s ,,f s.hIhc m.icli lues. Asenta "The White." Beaumont Furniture Co., s- Main si . Phone I0O2 mtaiiiimnitiiiiiiiiiiiinaT Hair Dressing shumpo'.inK. Hair Coloring, N' .ilp 'Ii .-.i i in , ii t . Msnicuring hi.,1 i 'liiropmiy. i 'all and liinirct ni in'u line ol' hair comls, lolnh -. I.Mriel'tv iimI II,,. lat est ,.'.sii:ns in ii.iir u n;i rnent.s. W'' "ik, up yn:ir onmMtiRi to or J, r. ',',;., l MISS CRUISE lift Haywood at. iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiniii"""i itirni IceCream Delivered to all parts of the city. 0. OWNBEY'S Phone Ml THERE IS NO WAITING to be served at our place that is a feature with us Just the same as serving only the very best In the eat loa; line. If you haven't been eating; with us. all we ask la a call. NEW YOltK MJJTCiI ROOM 11 South Main it La Grecqut Corgtti. . For evary typo ot flrurt GREENE & CO, IS Chorea StTMl Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. Hih Art Svilts In choice effo la for Sfiring hae Just Ikcii plaiI on aab. They arc tie flrat pick of .Slrouw's enor iiiouh range anil tlicy fully look the P"1. Aa tJie Al house now lo the ckilJiiiiK business the crack xtylos in fancy effei Ib arc sold up loni? be fore the retailer's season berinx. o that wlien such atylea illaappcar no more can he hail. The moral of which I tluit it In wise to wlci-t your Mill full early and Ret the top notclier vhlle to be had In your enact nlze. Tho Strouxce's hae lenmeil much ainee conimeneliis thirty years nro, but they do not know It all; they study liard yet and Im prove O-llilj eai h M'a.Hou. This season Um, suits ar,. M'nutrH; late cuta with Uno IImIiikh and trhn mlnps, made of eloths In the most ap proved shades. They are em pliatlcally GENTUSME.NS clothes and they Ht as If made to order. Prices? Why very reasonable: $12.50 to $25.00 most of tliem $15 $16.50. $18 and tiO. Call early, please. H. Redwood & Co- oe PEERLESS (( ASHEV1UJJ. X. C Our WHITE GOODS SALE Oontiunes today, Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday wo sold quantitiea of white goods. We are offering the most desirable goods in this sale onlv. t sure to attend this Ravtvl. Jake Sletator for Suit&pt, SAP A THIRD TODAY At The Closing-up Sale 6 $ J sah-it ina means moiiev ' ',- -J JO ' i i ' in .issani..jaissi

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