TV ASHfiVTLLE CITIZEN, MONDAY MARCH 8, 1909. GLM0 fKOM FALLOW FIELDS OF FUN IN THE OLD NORTH STATE rV-llev. Lrurr. Tile JfMvitte American Imputca lo ThOtwcrr ' burst uf gong. "I last her loauin; on th lake. So had n f- w lik" hora and buggy, I wondur 'f my hat on straight, O, tmmu, av m child." NrTer mv'v if tefore. The Amerl an clearly ("pi-Kled on bad mem ry for fall ? ing line by Charlie Ovwataln .it.i associated The Obscr r with thuii l tuh It hit frequent, ly qaoted then with approbation: kt'l tke oaly ()rl I love. Xaa face Ilk a horse and buggy; 1 mat hag Uanlng oa the lake, O, fireman, aave me child!" Thle ia th? only correct version. All then era bas. Imitations. Hereditary Hw-kwarrfnraa. Mr. E. IK ad. wife of Dr. K. X. 0nead. postmaster at Cotton, ha t remarkable faculty of being able ta aawll aa easily backward a for Wards the . i mt and inoet difficult Words. Thr (her day thle reporter CAilaw out t" her suck "etumpera" aa toaseHajieeas, hctro;eneou, blerog tyttk!eV eiyilpeU. and the Ilka, and ah aaatly reeked them off backward. Mra. Seead la aboat It yean of age. aad it Ik tat-Taa-craod-daughter et OoL William Claiborne, who waa prominent la Intel Bounty in Lord Bal timer! troualaaa aajra, Mr. Snead haa aua'ht who apolla wvrda back as flaenily aa her nasta. Hop Mill (orraapojideaca FayttYlll Index. , m .. a fMaratloA. "ft f !. ttiat a man who squeese doOar ttaT tjaeets hia wife.' In rooking arer otir eubecrlpt Ion nt we KTe led tf bell ther ar soma aw fully Ant worn In thl county who Oral not fitting th attention they de- r- aay Th Hadlaon (Co.) Re ward. . . Why flnij employment for thoae 511 V UW1W L flMi wdltor of Tk Bylvaa Valley Haw.- h atltl froaehlng about hie elghbonr ehlckaaa although at the aaan alma h bear traony that he ha aua fof rejoicing. It len t every 4Har that haa a back lot or who set r la, back tram kla doctor Listen to thkf Jra at Juy: ikm arat time la ten year The hTawa adMor haa put In a fall day at wotw. m the wrdea without phystoal HffggaM. Ma taala eartaln that he eaa, mom aarufy to a perfect cure by t thai ttaatiDaal adrertleed eleewhere in 4ae aaar.. . . h And Ikaai thl Job, Ilk lamentation: aat It aar that chicken which ara kav eon fined all the weak man aca reah oat on ehiaday waea thara ta a oaa to moleat or rnaka ham aJraMT And yet thee ar peo ila who voald earn pel a if poaalbla to e tb eoatnuuidmaat Thou ahalt hot awaar, Our Bower garden waa IrtaraUy torn to piece by aomabody chlckeoa laat Bunday." . A Oobhiar and. Bom. ,. " Ta BaldavUI Lodge K. of P. will liar a 4i bafe nest Monday night la It caatla ball on the fallowing queatlon: V Waa Bmith'g turkey cobbler' juetin abla la eating the potato buaa en Jona potato vie" Of ooura it I Jtapoatlbla to forecaet what the d alalon on tM weighty matter will be. but It la likel that the ludaca will aay the gobbler waa not "justified," but -aanctUled." H'-. Boob Unaked. A to of book waa ahlpprd to a wrotploeut eta te-wider In North Caro lina recantlj and ha waa vlalbly dU vonoartcd hm a neighbor notified hUN thai the lok were leaking. W ar reminded, of Senator Jo Blackburn' complaint that he had loot the beat part of hi baggtg on a trip, explaining whan queried thnt the cork bad com out. Charlotte Obaer- Tn " , -.-i w ... f - Waa liter n You. ! Mlae lAilya niggan apent Friday In Xoaklngham. (Why didn't you com to ae wa, MIM tlyaT Been (lad.) Ea -Anglo Snxnn. -f Romrdy Maggaatod. We are having some Rlrknee In r mMat rw." Wayneavllle Cour ier Cor. A drop of singer brandy I wry cf feetlve la euoh cw. AwMhrr KaMgh. "Mr. S.eivarl Seay had quite a Job on hla hand laat Friday night as he took two of the leant girl to ohurrh and It waa all ho roulft do to keep them out of the mud." Wayneavllle Courier Cor. Edna Goodrich Orand tonight. New Silk Coats of attractive We display a handsome lino of new Bilk eoats Buitable hk light wraps in the warm days sure to come now and thou in Spring. There are taffeta, ottoman, and lace coats; self, braid and laeo trimmed; bla. k and tan colore; Romi-titted and the very loose kind; and I length.; Prices $10.00 to $37.50 It will well repay you to stop in and see these coats. They are good value as well as good style. M V. woknero o7rriTncK. Blot Ih-crl. People djn ltv U triKfiMm way getting artdal'UH hd1 Iim In' tlflf cufivtraittlon- Head wlit the Ariglri- Haxon ay: "A good crowd of ounfc pvople went to Blewelt liint lat Hunday W'lut they talk'. I about n Ilio wn waa 'mirablle di' tu.' Had llct Uir. It must b- dlfTnult fur the Anglo Baion to make enda meet If It w.-nds out auch collecorta a thl. He con thin "Aa I paaa along the road good people sign me down and hand me a dollar for The Anglo-Saxon. The oth rr night a stranger handed me a dol lar in the dark, and ao It gone." Jim Moat lie Back. Well. Brevard la to be repreaented at the Inauguration of Taft on Thur day and by a negro. We ar Inform ed that Jim Aiken, our enterprlelng colored merchant, haa gone eaat to buy hi spring atock of goods, and will tak In th Inauguration aa a sort of side-show. A a cot to sleep on I quoted at M. wa opine that Jim won't tarry long In Washington. Rylvan Valley Newa. Meat Blow at Ml Airy. "It la rumored that a good looking unmarried man haa arrived In town Oreat excitement among the eligible of the feminine perauaalon. Ah fudge! He" engaged!" "Tom," he begged, with heart rending pleading In her heavenly blue ye. "If you 11 take m to the show, I'll pay for my own aeat!" Mt Airy Breese. IS! AT THE STAKE Crowd of 1,000 People As aemble to Witness Horri ble Brutality of Mob ROCKWALL, Texaa, March 7 After having bean Identified by Mrs Arthur McKlnney as the negro who attempted a criminal assault upon her Friday morning, Anderson Kill wa taken from tha Rockwall county Jail tonight and secured to an Iron atake driven Into tha earth and waa burned to death In th presence of about a thousand psreona. Earlier In the evening Will Clark, a negro, waa shot and Instantly killed when his father, Andrew Clark, refused perm lemon to. a posse to aeamh hi premise. 111 admitted hla guilt but refurnd to mak a statement or to leave fare well messages for hi relntivea. II did not utter a cry a the pile of cord wood, which had boen well saturated with kerosene was set afire, nor did ha show Ion of nerv aa the flnmoe cooked hi flesh. He was dead within nine minutes after the torch hid been applied. At an early hour Friday morning Mra. McKlnney went Into her back yard and was scuuxl by tho Kills no gro, an employe of McKlnney, who attempted to assault her. She fought deperatly and the negro, running away, railed that he would murder her should she reveal hla attempted act. Tha alarm spread quickly and the entire section turned out, Joining the authorities In the chase after the not gro. Tb search continued through Friday and Saturday, when a ones. today arrived at the farm house of Andrew Clark, a negro. Demand was made to search the premise on th supposition that the negro Rill wa there In hiding. Upon refusal the In mate war commanded to aurrender and two negroe were observed to run from the rear of the house. Shot were fired at them and one, Will Clark, a son of th negro farmer, was killed. Ellis, armed, escaped and made desperate reelatance when overtaken and emptied hla weapon at the pnaxc without effect. Quickly cloning In, the poaoe overpowered tho negro and tied him securely. Cord wood saturated with kerosene wa plied about him and upon hla re fusal to make a itatement. beyond admitting his guilt In the precnc of Mrs. McKlnney. who fully Identified htm as her iwrnllant. the torch wan applied and the negro' body quickly burned In the dame. Tha crowd then quickly dispersed. designs MOORE tf PATTO! AVENUE. Coming Attractions IMH KTWKK COMING. Fur HionUiM h'-frt- the opening' of hln 'Hi'n I " kta'i-r had htc KftfY -T a rft- rs Ma aimI the result f that -rrn "f ' tut tuneful niM 'mJU MfKl witlii "f Uw- itrlhi-r( wt ti Ism haw (" n in t -nr j-rt?J in th fffrr for mart ft iuh ith a itremt ilal of mtWfm iim thnt Mr Dmk-Ptft'l'-r wal1. h '1 hi '-npi-nrrn-nt last iMianun. whi-h l-r 1 K first tifii In the History of minwtr' !. , an i.ntc-rtJn-m:rit waa put out for which every vinjr. very Jok- uii'l vry hn waa prlally wrnt' n. lUrnnjc the po Jibl work of piratl' n plaffiarlm. a pernon who m rit to io ktadTa mlrjtrla wan frtain that what waa Heard In that p'-rformanr- could not b heard -Uw hr. The flmrnt of vaudevdlle was completely llmlnatd th entertainment plat-J upon a axale NKIL O IUllON WIUi Ijcw IVM'kaUulrr'a Mliiatrr-la. of hitherto unknown maaetve propor tions and the rvetiltant nvcpplnn atirrnaa nf the ahow frrtm the Atlantlr to the Pacific oceans was a complete anawer to any question that might hav been put forward aa to the ed- vlMahlltlv tit Miti.ti o larrn evnnHlttire of money in the matter of original production. I o( Kt utter and ma great minstrels will he a en at The Audi torium Weilncwlay evening March 10. Beats are on sale at the Aahevllle Pharmacy. NKW QI'FKN tV DKAPTV. fltaffct neuiitlea crime Hntt alnn they go, hut to He generally acknowl edged as beltiK the iiumt beautiful wo man on the American stage at the present time, la a compliment which any member of the sweeter aex might wen do proud to receive. . i ' . v I.IKIIIKK H. 'ith no Intention nf dlsparaaing the clinrin "f an t the otlwr and Mrtr fotttliulit f.Mrite it mav aafe- ly be claimed that for p.-rfe tlnn of face ami form, and for that Inde. serlbnbu something htch stamps Its pn'iwor n one ,,f those few fortu nate tteinaw wlmtu nnttir, nudds only hen in her oont bcnetl.-rnt mood. Fdna tioo.trl. h. now sharing Mellar hottots with her hneband. Nat C. Ooodwln Ni off the palm. Great writers haw failed utterly In the ta.k of coiiMtncliitcly putttna in words the superlative charms, of their Ideal of feminine pulchritude and any like effort to fittingly describe thr mutlfarloua phsical perfections of Mlvs Ooodrlch .loiihllen would be co:iiall ineffective. fluffloe It Is to mv that the young star, nn in the full bloom of youth an.1 health nuiv most readily be enm- pareni lo that iioen of floral kingdom the American beautv roue looil aral will ,rt at the Ashe- ville Pharmacy. SIIOK KTKIKK OX. LYNN. Mass. March 7 a strike of the ISO M. Kay stitchers em ployee! in tmrty-five arm,, factories In this cltjr, was ordered hv the execu tive, committee of the McKay Stitch ers' union todav. Hhmitrt It be of long aurauon 11 win probably result In throwing Ave thousnnd persons out Of wors. Nat Ooodwln Orand tonight m isi .s.isaj saap.psj,.. mm,m mm, :W9mffi n-' .;. sj 7 ,TT'. m '-r& i h m 1 1 'f- jf j - i a H ' f r ' 'i tv." ssJRaj DEMOCRATS HAVE GOOD CHANCE TO CONTROL' (CoMtMiMMl from first MO-) session of the sixtieth congress spent S1.C0!,04,S4.S7, and th, second ses sion over-spent that fticure by about I )0.!i00.';00. In Spite of a detl. lt for the preatnt fiscal year of more than f 1 20.000,000. The m- n In charge of the national finances say the deficit for the coming fiscal war I certain to be In exceaa of II.IO. 000.000 I'n- daunted. however, It Is planned that the congress which comes Into exist ent' Ajarin it sunn mass appropria tes exceeding bjf f 100,000,000 those of the extravagaat aixtieth congress The money-attending campaign for the sixty-first coagrem has been work ed out already In more or less detail Her are a few Items that will give a general Idea of how It will be a physical possibility for the Incoming congreea to spend f 100.000,000 more than the last one: There was no general rivers and harbors bill In tb sixtieth congress although there waa a special bill car rying lea than f 10.000.000. Next congress' rlvera and harbors bill will carry not leas than DO. 000. 000 or $40,000,000. The navy bill at the last session carried about 11)7,000.000. Senator Hale say next year it wll run up to about 1160,000,000. After that It will go still higher. Senator Hacon pre dict It will go to 1:00.000.000. The navy Mil at the last session carried about 11)7.000.000. Senator Hale says next year It will run up to about 1100,000.000. After that. It will go still higher. Senator Bacon pre dict It will go to $200,000,000. For Public Buildings. At the session Just closed there was no public buildings bill, ajt the next session this bill will be necessary, and will carry 120,000,000 at the lowest estimate. It might easily carry from 15,000,000 to lit, 000. 000 more. Then money must be appropriated for the taking of the census. Th Panama canal will have to b- given a further hug 4 financial lift. The army will need an increase In propor tion to that of the navy. "Going up" will be the watchword of the sixty drat congress, particularly at th first session. It must be borne In mind that at th first session of wry con gress the hunger for pork I especially trong. and tha isader have strong demand for appropriations for a va riety of purpose. It was pointed out by Henry D. Ftalney, of Illlhola, that the 11)0,. 000.000 annual deficits of the Roose velt administration are In marked contrast to th huge annual surplus or the Orover Cleveland administra tion. Ik Nothing Congress. Aside fron appropriating money for the running ef the government, Ralnsy pointedout that the sixtieth congress was a r'do nothing" session throughout. Big subjects were avoided altogether or considered only m nno branch of congress. A case In point Is afforded by the kill to ad mit Arizona and New Mexico Into the union aa states, which passed the house by unanimous Vote, but was ef fectually strangled la the senate. Countless hour were devoted In the senate to postal bank, but no action waa taken, while In the house not even a committee meeting was held to consider bills on that subject. Con gress was too busy to take a half hour off for a vote on the children's bureau, although several hours were devoted to the listening Of oratory on the subject. The congressman's salary Is I7.&00 A year, )62K a month, HO 8.1 a day. SIMPLE IS THE: LIFE IT 1HJ0BE HILL Mr. Roosevelt with His Wife Tramps Through Slush to Oo to Church. (By Aaaodatrd Press.) OVSTEH BAY. N. T., March 7. Further evidence that former Presi dent Theodore Roosevelt la leading the simple life In every reapeet was fur nished today when Mr. Kooaevelt and his wife came trudging for three miles through the slush and snow on font to church. Both were In their pew In "hrlst Episcopal church ten m'ttutes before the hour scheduled for aervlces. On the way they met many of their neighbors and chatted With them. Kvtry one was surprised to see them come to church on foot. Their child ren. Miss Kthel and Kermlt, were not so brave. In a special prayer, aaid during the regular recital of the morning service. the rector offered thank for tha safe return to hi home ef the former ex ecutive of the natloa and for tha wis dom with which th laat official ad ministration had been conducted. Ref erence also was made In the sermon, to the recommendation which Mr. Roosevelt had made to congress In be half of dependent children. During the entire afternoon Mr. Roosevelt remained In hi library reading. He Is thoroughly enjoying a much needed ret. No visitors have been received at Sagamore, hill. Mr. Roosevelt I spending his mornings In doors and afternoons oat of doors He Insists on having a certain amount of exercise in order to keep In trim for his African expedition. Early this week, probably tomorrow. Mr. Roosevelt will go to New York on business. Sauce in Many Kinds or sauces to suit me patrons of this shop. Lea A Perrln Mandalay 8auce. Synder's Chili Sauce. Binder's Red Snapper Sauce and Tohasco. ts Montfiin) It, OWNBET'S CHURCH IS THRONGED WITH HOST OF CURIOUS President Taft's First Ap 1 pearam-e at Worship Fill 1 ed Edifice to Doors. (Hy Asnof-talrd Prrw.) WASHINGTON. March 7 Demo cratic simplicity characterised the first Sunday In the white house of the Taft family. Preaident Taft, accom panied by his brother. Charles P Taft. walked to the Unitarian church tor morning aervices. The capacity of the edifice was taxed to Its utmost with worshipper and stranger whos curiosity Impelled their pres ence. After service the president accom panied by his brother, went on foot to the latter' temporary residence at Hiipont Circle, where he remained for more than an hour. He returned to the white house oa iovt and after luncheon bestrode "Hterrett," his newly acquired horse, purchased at Hot Hprings. Va . and with General Clarence R. Kd wards, hia military aid; Captain Archibald Butt and President Hoosevelt's orderly McDer mott. went for a twelve mile ride over the newly constructed Potomac speed way. 1 Preaident Taft saw no callers who had business to transact during the day. thus beginning his administra tion with his heretofore enforced maxim that Sunday should be a day of rest. Fred V. Carpenter, secretary to the president, apent aome time arranging lor the disposal tomorow of the great mass of communications which have been received since Mr. Taft assum ed the duties of president Aakad regarding published predic tion of diplomatic and federal ap pointments, Mr. Taft announced that he would continue the policy of sil ence until he wa prepared to make official announcements of appoint ments. WKLsSII IX 13 ROl'XDS. NEW ORLEANS. March 7 Freddie Walsh, of England, knocked out Ray Bronson, of Indianapolis, In the thtr teentb round of what waa to be a twenty-round bout before th West Bids Athletic club here Friday. It Tastes Good and Creates Strength the famous cod liver and iron medicine, without oil. Viool is much better than cod liver oil and emulsions, because, while it contains all the medicinal value they do, it disagrees with no one. As a body builder and strength creator for old people, delicate children, after sickness, and for stub born coughs and colds Vinol is unequaled. Bea well's Pharmacy, Ashevllle, N. C. 14 Days More OF THE O. E. STOKER Closing-Up Sale M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers. No. Battery Park Plara, Phone 104 Ashevtlre, N. C HAIR GOODS Everythina for the hafr ran he nh. talned here. In all tha latest style. Th make-uu of all our hair aroods r t-w bst. and can offer you th lowest oncos Manicuring, fhlrnporty. Shara- poolns;, a.nt pnrial Mfb.' MISS CRUISE, A Haywood Ktree. Phone I. THERE IS NO WAITING to be served at our place that 1 a feature .with us just the same as serving only the very beat In ths eat Ing Una. If you haven't been eatln wun us. an wa ask is a call. NEW YORK LITNCII ROOM 11 South Uain it Variety varied tastes Diamond or the cosmopolitan Worcester. Helm' Oyster Cocktail Sauce. Pbnae SI Yiifbl Jome Unusual Values, Will be placed on iSale Jhis Xeek The values quoted in this advertisement will hold good for the whole week unless otherwise speci fied. Most of them are reductions, some are goods at regular prices that we consider specially good values. 6c and 8 l-.V yard India Linon reduced to 5c yard 10c yard India Linon reduced to 8Jc yard 12e yard India Linon reduced to 9Jc yard 15c yard India Linon reduced to .12Jcyard 20c yard India Linon reduced to ,15c yard A 40 inch. India Linon marked very low at 9c yd. A special lot of White Plaid Goods which former- ly sold for 25c to 35c yard reduced to . .19c yard One lot of Long Cloth, 10 yards to the piece for ,89c piece One lot of $1.50 Long Cloth, 12 yards to the piece reduced to . .$L39 piece MILLINERY OPEM Saturday, 5 Haywood SIX- : The Ashevffle School ol Music and Dramatic Art Tim AUDITORIUM PboD M4 D.R.McKINNON 7 PattuD A venae (Over Redwood's Store) Ladies and GenUemens TAILOR BUTTER. S5o per ponnd. The fancy creamery kind, the klaa you pay 40c and 42c per pound foi when made In Illinois Instead of her The express company geu the ditto, ence. Asheville Pure Milk Co East Walnut St., Phono 5541 51 BffT0NAVtETTEg(S'.PH0NE35I5 EES ASHEVILLE N.C:, In Our Ready-to-Wear Department You will find a pretty array of Suits, Skirls Mrasaline Suit, n all the Linen Suits Plain Poplin and Pilllr 8ui(a from ' C t n. . e-Kirta from J4.SS , N'et Waits ai nil prli-os. March 13 La Grecqut Consts, - : For every type of tfar. . QKXErTE ft CO, It Church Street IT'S ALL CO AL AND NO SLACK That's M& W Indian Coal. Good all the way through. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phono 13. Patana At. WE SELL Shuttles, Bobbins. Needles, ate, tot all makes of sewing machine. Agents for "The White." Beaumont Furniture Co., 27 S. Main St. Pbone 1 001 and Waists inn shades, from ,,,!. , l?S. and lace-trlmmed, from t7.i to !.. . fc .

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