. 4 t 4tl,tJrjr$,mrr,-am. T.'Z ASrTEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1909 SOCIETY The 'Wkle ecope mid roniuletrneee of Mr. Florlo'e work rocelvmd & etrlk Inf Uluitrmllon In his rncltal at the T. H.- C. A. lut night. The exteneive range of the program can be deter mined by a (lance at the composer rJrfmiHl: Jnwn, Hal, Schubert, TauaiK, Much, H tliovn. Mokow kl, beirtdca other. It t prol.able that no aui'h rone, rt In pnt yearn reached ao hlirh a l"ve of uniform axcellence. Throughout Mr. Florin' playing thre waa a mark of fuultlne clarity anl feellnit. Admirably Krnph f were the Interpretation of the number making up the flrnt par! "f (ha program. Ills taut group brought oat the Chopin wnltiw with utrlktng Individuality. Mr. Florin wan amilwl 4 by lira. O. C. Hamilton and Mi ' Vaa Klmberly. Her jewel ton from Tanit" vii wen rendered. Miss Klmberly accompanied faultleaaly. The evening waa a rare treat for mu lo lovera, and many xpreaaed the iop that Mr. Tterlo would give a aerie of post IM1 recitals. J J MlM Helen Taylor gave a small party yesterday afternoon at her. res idence tm Haywood street, In celebration-, of a birthday annlvwrsary. The decoration were violet, aa vio let are the March flowers, the same hade being carried out In the can- , file and ornamentation of the large cake -whloh oontalned a ring, a darn- i Ing needle and thimble. Mine Mabel Rlone out the thimble, Mlsa Both Taylor, the needle and the ring was not, cut The gueete were Miss Elea nor TeagtM, Mlae Hortenne J one. MlM Beth Taylor, Mlaa Dorothy Uni an4 mm Mabel Stone. The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian church will have a business meeting tomorrow . afternoon la the Sunday school an nex of the church. The business meeting will begin at I. SO o'clock, preceding a lecture by Rev. n. T Smith, which begin at t o'clock. Mr. Brnlta'a lecture will be "Our Horn Mission Work,'1 and all women are ." cordially Invited to be present. Fol- . lowing the lecture there will be a octal Halt hour. ..-,., jt -j .The new styles of halrdremlng are mora refined and artlstlo thnn those of last year aad gradually the exag gerated pompadours and otiff rowa of fmff. are -disappearing and Instead soft jHiffa, half ahort curia are used : more to round the contour and gotten ugly Una of the head, than as a : dim met ornament or hirsute coronet. Nothing could be more disfiguring - or coareetUaff to a pretty face than 'thai skiff rowa of puff that stirmount- . od Aha monstrous pompadours of Inst eaaoav the puff looked as though they were bought by the yard and measured around the head. When the present style of wearing the hair la a pay one knot of soft coils of hair, or curly puffs, came In which natur ally brought with It the fillet, the greatest beauty of the Greek coiffure, aa tt was meant to preserve the out line of the lower part of the bank of the head. The fillet also supported the knot of hair which was not suf ficiently protruding to be grotesque. The utter disregard or lirnorance of Its Usage at the present time Is daily evident, when one observes a prepos terous appendage made of puffs, fnr out clawing In eccentricity the "Rn llsh bunn" whloh was received with so much derision In this country sev eral years sro. and pinned like n barrette across the inn uses of puff I the poor fillet hideous and purpose less. The fillet Is one of the most beautiful adjuncts to artlmlc luilr dressing and comes In a variety of hapea or "suggestions," and ehould alwaya closely fit the hark of the head, just allowing a few short curls to escape to break the severe line, and supporting the puff of hnlr shove ft. For evening wear, a delicately woven fillet of gold wire net studded with small brilliants In worn In sev eral kinds of fillets studded sotldly with small imitation stones of rrn!:il or colors are sold. The hair Is br ing parted. aaln and con.l.l, r.ililv puffed on the side. An lnex ,i'uM e and satlRfnelory substitute for the' DUTCH COLLARS That Are "All-the-Go Tailored and ' Fancy Plain stiff laundered dutch collars, in two widths. Prices 15 . (s 2 for .") ,-ts; L'O ets 3 for 50 ets and 25 ets straight. I-rfice triminctl muslin dutch collar with lahot attached, somethiii,' special value at f0 ets. Fine mull dutch collar trimmed with imita tion Irish lace insert ion and cdf-rin: $1.00. Hand embroidered mull dutch collar, l.(K). Beautiful Irish ( 'rochet, ucnuinc hand work $2.50. This dutch collar is wonderfully rich and handsome. New Keiser Neck Furnishings. Turnover stiff collars In ill i iKlits, hu e and embroid ered. Prices 25. ta to JIM). Irish Crochet Hows and J.il.ots. t,0 its to 13.08. Soft collars, cream and while, lace and net. 26 ets to 11.00. Lace and net trimmed muslin collars, Jnbot attach ed. Prices 75 ets to IL'.OO. Fine black lace pendants, CO ets to 11.00. Tailored stocks, white collar with colored scarf of madras and linen, very proper for riding, it ets and ( ets. M. V. i WOMEJTS OCTt'iTTEH. various "rats" of wire, etc, Is a small string; of four puffs, which are combed out und curled arid used us the "rat" Is K'-nerully used. When the hnlr parts which It Invariably does, dlscluslng an ugly support, the curled puffs look line one's own hnlr and are not unsightly. It Is v-ry dlflleult to match hair nets and a very successful way of matching them Is to dye them With water color paint, nsliiK a wet pad of cotton hatting. The color dries almost Immediately and can be renewed with little trouble when necessary, nrllllantlne Is very necessary and not only keeps the hair In order but freshens the hair and revives a Jaded and fnKged appear nuee. A French brllllantlne which can be ordered Is used by the profes sional beauties In Paris and adds a wonderful glose to the hair, Is l'ana Ileus ('ristalllse. Mrs. D. IB. Sevier will entertain In formally wHh a luncheon the latter part of the week at her residence on Oak street. The luncheon will be fhe occasion of a family gathering. Jl Jt Mrs. Charlton Millard entertained very informally yesterday afternoon with a tea for Miss Osorgia Dennis who returned from New York Monday after ft several weeks absence Mrs. Millard's guests were Mrs. E. H Dennis, Mrs Thomas Osborne, Mlas Georgia !ennle. Mlsa Katherlne Cart mell. Miss Helen Chapman. Miss Thoreee Chapman. Miss Matlella Cocke, Miss Eleanor Carmlchael, Mlas May Bernard, Miss Katherlne Mason, Miss Fannie Wheeler, Miss Margue rite Wadaworth. Mlas Bottle Bite and Mlsa Anna Carmlrhael. The tennis tournament was con tinued yesterday afternoon at the Country club and Mrs. Harvey and Mr. DuIJols Rees were beaten by Miss Marlon Martin and Dr. Jere Cocke In one of the most Interesting and beat exhibition games played at the club In some time. Mrs. Harvey In one of the nest players In America and won a recant tournament at the Country club. The score yesterday was i 6, 7 D. 2. This afternoon weather permitting, Mlsa Martin and Dr. Cock will play against Mrs. Dunn McKee and Mr. Ellsworth Lyman. On Friday Dr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Jordan will play against Mrs. R, P. Johnston and Mr. J. A. Winn. The finals will he played Saturday and will bring to close one of the most Interesting tournaments of the sea son. The prises are offered by the Country club. J Jt Mrs, William Hudson entertained Informally with a bridge party Mon day afternoon at her residence on Chestnut street In honor of Mrs. Mc airck and Mlaa Riddles of Phlllps burg, Pa. The houso was attractively decorated with cut flowers. ' Jl Jt The fair held by the Allen Indus trial school opened yesterday after noon at the chapel, 841 College street, and was well attended. The fair will be continued this afternoon and evening and the public Is most cordially Invited to attend. Jl Jl The Saturday Music club had a very satisfactory meeting Saturday afternoon at the K. of P. hall on South Main street. The program was well rendered and evidently apprecia ted by the members of the club who were present. The neat meeting will bo held the first Saturday in April and the following program will be xlven: Paper Uvea of Franx Schubert and Robert Schumann. Mrs. M. E. Carter. Song (a) Hnrk, TIark the Lark' Frana Schubert (b) Hat of Oreen Robert Schinnnnn Mrs. J. V. Merrtain. Life of Frederick Chopin. Mrs. M. K. Carter. Violin Nocturne In K flat (ar ranged for violin! Chopin Miss Annie Smith. I.lfe of Beethoven. Mrs. M. K. farter. Song Kennst du das Land Miss IWothv Kchartle. (a Adagio from "Sonata Pnthet- liiie." Op. 73. b I.arithetto from "Sonata In A. Op 3. No. 3. Mien Elizabeth Stevens. Minuet In F: flat Op. 31, No. 3 MIsm Klixnhefh Porter. MOORE M PATTOH AYamm. On Thursday afternoon Rev. R. P. Smith will addreas the ladles of the First Presbyterian wurm on the home mission work of the Asheyllle Presbytery. The meeting will be In the Hunduy school annex. A busi ness rneHIng will be held at 3 30 and lr. Soilt Villl lecture t four o'clock. After the address the ladles will en joy a social half hour. All ladles who are interested in the work of home mission are cordially In Ml tod to ntterirt. Strangers will be welcome. Jl Jl The following Is the program for the student's recital of the Ashevllle School of Music and Dramatic Art which takes place at the studio In The Auditorium building on Haywood street this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock: Polonaise In F ...Iinge Mlas I: t In Handle. Berceuse Hermann Miss Willie 'niter If I Were a low D'F.sscnnclll Miss Hot, In Kcnncti. Two Tone Pictures Hoffmnn (a Oavotte. b) In Hungarian Style. Miss Viola Ownbey Scenes de Ballet r)e Tlcriot Miss Margaret Mlllender. My Noble Knights Meyerbeer Miss I.ydla Ttlneland. Melody In F Rubnateln Herbert Hickman. I.e Cascade Pauer Wilbur Sumner. The public Is cordially Invited. Jl Jl The Purlm ball last evening at the Zeeleka hall was a great success, fvrn the downpour and total darkness o'f two hours or longer failed to put a damper on the festivities. The hall was well filled, and there were In the neighborhood of two hundred and fifty guests. In one of the smaller rooms a long table was laden with Ices, sandwiches, and Iced cakes, de llclously perepared There were a number of handsome evening gowns worn by the ladles present. Webster's orchestra played some of the best dance music heard this season. The small admlssloa charged was well spent. The proceeds will consider ably help the fund which Is to bund the new synagogue. The hall was such a success that It was stated last evening others would he given with in a few months. There were a num ber of people . who were strangers among the guests. A partial list only is given. The Misses Ixmdow, Miss Blomberg, Mlsa Jennie Schaa, Miss Hunt, Mrs. McKlnnon, the Misses McKlnnon, Miss llenky, Miss Rvelyn Novlch. Miss Esther Blomberg, Miss Florence Frledlander, Mr. and Mrs. Frledlander. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fln kolsteln, Mr. and Mrs. Korant, Mr. and Mrs. Mlchalove, Miss Alice Young. Mr. and Mrs. B. SwurUbcrg. Mrs Annie Seldman, Mr. Dannen borg of Wilson. Mr. Louis Scihas, Mr. Morris, Mr. Weinberg, Mr. Morgan Smith, Mr, CJrlever, Mr. C. C. Paul, Mr. A. Moore, Mr. Flnkelstcln, Mr. Knapp. Mr. Miller, Mr. Eomer, Mr. Oowell, Mr. Igrlst, Mr. Henlger, Mr. Jaremegnn and a number of others. 5s II PERSONAL Judge H. H. Stevens will return from a northern business trip today Mr. C C. Co-wan of Webster. N. C. as in town westerday for a few hours. Mrs. A. Blanton and Miss C M Ulantoii of Marlon were shoppers In the city yesterday. Dr. C. F Cotton haa returned to Black Mountain after a shoii business trip to Ashevllle Mr and Mrs. J. C. Campbell of De murest, Oa.. are registered at the Berkeley hotel. Mrs. II. II Bennett of Marlon. N. '. is spending several days with friends In the , Ity. Mr. 1.. X. Fowler has returned to Canton after spending n few days lib friends In Ashe III.- Mlss Charlotte Judd, of Orennlee. N . Is the guest of friends In Ashevllle for a tew days. Mrs J II I ; no ol Mui'luu. N' C, is spending k ft w il:is with o lends ,o Ashevllle Mr 1. Hell ,,f Welch. W. V i . Is registered at the H. rkel. hotel Mr. ami Mrs John J. Welkin of Marietta. Ohio arrhed and will spend se,-ral das with Mis Welkin's sis ter who Is 111 on Merrimon avenue Mrs C S. Klrlty of Marlon u-as In Ash, wile with friends yesterday. Mr J A Mnckle of Winston. N. C, Is spending several days with friends In Asbevlllu. Mr Oeorgc M. l-'rostel of Canton is the guest of Ashevllle friends for ii few days Mr I F. Van Wormcr of Charlotte is aiu ndiiig a few days in Ashevllle on business. Mr. Arthur Case of Canton Is here for a short stay. Miss Bettlo MolTett Is visiting at Union 8prlngs. 8. C. Miss Nell O'Brien will arrive on Wednesday from New York to visit ner sister Mrs. Percy Whitaker for several weeks. Mr. Thomas J. Murray of Marshall, N. C, ia here for a few days. Mr. R. R. Williams has returned from Newton where he has spent three "weks with friends and rela tives. Mrs. William Logan who has been the guest of Mrs. Charles 11. lioness on Ournls-rland circle ;-r the past few months has retu'i,,,l to Pitts burg. MIhs Susie Pearson ''harlottc Is expected to visit friends h, re whortly. Mr und Mrs. QeorK- H.ivwood are are expected lo return from Jamaica and Florida today aft' r a several months absence. Mrs. W tmorc of Al len has gone north on a wveral wei kx tilp. Mrs. Crawford has t' ,o - to Mem phis. Ten ii . to vilt fri 'el-. Mr W V llurnatt oi . York Is spending several d - In Ashevllle Mr John W. Fisher ,,f New Port. Term., Is here for a ihi.vs. Mrs. Arthur Rees I tomorrow for a visit with her ihiught.-r, Mrs Augustus rihepard Jr.. m New York city. Mr Seymour Silver of New York Is in the city. (Continued on pao five.) Vagaries of a Cold. In winter cold mas' set tle in the bowels. In the summer it may give yon colio or summer complaint. But don't fear appen dicitis or inflammation of the bowels. At the first pain or enuup takH Perry Davis' Painkillerin warm water and relief will como at onoe. There is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Alarue8Cc.dzaaaweHaBthe50c.sizo. The Ashcville School of Music and Dramatic Ar I tbs ACDrroRixm Phono 144 13 Days More of the Closinfj-Up Sale MaiiFSt.; South M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers No. Battery Park Place, Phone 104 Ashevillc, K. a MATTRESS LOOK FOR TRADE MARK The guarantee that you are getting the Matlrcaa you think you are fcuytng aSSt fm produce the mat tress that would maintain its origi nal elasticity, be most durable, and conform perfectly to the body lines, thereby guaranteeing perfect rest. Builtof theSouth's best cotton in eight layers of 4 cross webbed" felt, covered with best sateen ticking, in artistic and durable workman ship, they are absolutely sanitary. Try a j&Qr-u sixty nights at our expense. Insist on the ftzHCl Mat tress, obtainable from the best dealers. PRICE $15.00 If $lrtO i more than o c;;ie to inret tn a mattress, ask for the HEGAL SANITARY FELT MATTRESS the best $10.00 Felt Matties:, on tlo- niaiket. SOUTHERN SPRING BED CO. ATLANTA, GEORGIA BURTON & HOLT SEM.IXti .ViKNTS KOII S1IF. II I. K Of Pleasing Quality And startling in size is the ntcx-k of fruits uow on dis play at this shop. Many sizes of California and Florida Oranges, plenty of Bananas. Grapefruit, I'ineapples, Crnndberries and Ripe Tomatoes. Phone orders receive careful attention. H MoiUont ive. OWNBEY'S rtioae M Sarly Spring Showing of Mylish few QooHs The Bon Marche is known all over the city for the store, that ;cairies4tlie most up-to-date stocto of Dry Goods. Our New Spring Arrivals are coming in daily and we can say that our New Goods are prettier and more stylish than any previous stock ever shown in this store. A look will convince you that our line of" New Spring Goods has no equal in the city. See for yourself. Only a few of the many things are noted below: - ;v isJe are Offering Jome Specials on our Main floor Thoy arc out of the ordinary run of Bargains, heing exceptional values. If vou have not taken advantage of the values we offer this week why you will certainly Save ample cause for regret. We cannot duplicate these prices next week, so you had better call in and look them over. Among the specials will he found 10 inch. White Iawns, Sjie-ial at 9c yarl 20e India Lawns for 15cy.ird 1 f)c Tnd i a I iiiwns for 12c yard 12Jc India Lawns for 9Jc yard lfc Initial Handkerchiefs for. .10c each 2fe Handkerchiefs for 15c each 50c Handkerchiefs for 331-3c each WE SELL Shuttles, Bobbins, Needles, etc., for all makes of sewing machines. Agents for "The White." Beaumont Furniture Co., 87 S. Main rit.' Phone 1009 HAIH GOODS Everything for the hair can be ob talned here, In all the latest styles. Th make-up of all our ha'.r goods are tsv best, unil can offer you the lowes prices. Manicuring, Chiropody. Sham poolng, and Facial Massage. MISS CRUISE, SB Haywood Sire. Pboaa ! THEEE IS NO WAITING to be served at our place that Is a feature with us just the same as serving only the vary best In the eat ing line. If you haven't been eating with us, all we ask Is a call. NEW YOKE IjTJNCH ROOM 11 South Main it THE RED CROSS MATTRESS was not perfected in a day. It required years of experience to Mail Orders Promptly filled e E (D) dD EJ) g I sHsHsHBBeHflsaBBBBBBB&HgeBBaasBfl MILLINERY OPENING Saturday, March 13 S Haywood St. D. R. MeKINNON 7 Pattni? Avenue (Over Redwood's Store) Ladies and Genflemens TAILOR BUTTER. 35c per pound. The fancy creamery kind, (he kin you pay 40c and 42o per pound foi when made In Illinois Instead of her The ezprfess company gets the dllte ence. Asheville Pure Milk Co, Kant Walnut St., Phone 554 NONE ASHEV1IE N.C HANDSOME LINE OF NETS IN STOCK. We are now showing a Wautiful lot of plain and fancy net in white, emi ;tn.l .-olors. in plain and fan eies. 4.-)-in, li NVts from 7.1c up to 2.X) yard. Large assortment of ltla.-k X,.t s at all ,,ri,.es. New Ruchings aini Co llai-s. New Huek Toweling in plain and faiu y weaves at .Vc and 75c yard. Linen Handkerchiefs Regular 5c grade j Special this week for 4-0 c. dozen or 3for0c. CJood If em from our Ready to dear Department Wc have a splendid line of Children's and Women's new Spring-Coats. The Children's coats may he had in checks and solid c-ilors from $5 up. They are the well k'lowu 'Piccadilly make, which many Ash ville women are familiar with. A superh line of Children's wash Dresses from f)c cm up. Long Serg1 Coats for Women in blue and black, very stylish and becoming, priced from $10 up. Painty fert Waists You will rind here the. very best selec tion of Waists in the new styles of lawn and lingerie rightly priced from $1.00 to 7.50. r M La Orecqut Ooruta. ! For every type of fnrt. J : GREENE 4 CO, I II Church Stmt. : IT'S ALL COAL AND NO ' SLACK That s M & W Indian Coal. Good all the way through. I Carolina Coal & lee Company e Phoae ISO. Patta Are. jam e

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