THE ASIIEVTLLE CITIZEN TIIFRSDAY,. MAROiT 11, 1900. Reulah Corcoran, Master 'laude Indigestion Young, Paul Kmathers, Terbert rttune flupcrt and Alexander Crowell. Jl Jl SOCIETY Dyspepsia "MWII Mls Enimfl. "Judger will sail from Panama April 2nd and aft'-r a tin dnv's stav In New York will return mm Prompt rttkmoi 10 Aaheilllc Miss (lodger has beer in Panama all winter with h-r r'f nl. Jl Tr" .... " v yfHHV . ."."; r -. - ' mdol ii! w w v i 1 f ' 'tr Mrs. William Iliiiliion will entrr fam Informally with hrlilite Friday afternoon II (hR rml'l'-nr-i' on rheirt mrt trst In honor of Mine Hldillee and Mrs. McGirk of i'hlllpabure;. To. jl Jl fl Has decided to have a '- md lurlm ball Minrtly In order that the great number of prople who pur chased tickets and were unable to at tend on account of the torrent of rain and the general gloom In which the cltjr wan enhroodd, due to the lack of electricity for several hours. tnnv have an uDUortunlty of attend ing; under better Mrcumstanci h. The date will be announced Inter. Thi credit of the eKcHlpnt roiialc playd At the ball Tuesday ewnlng was Klv n by error lo Webster's onheitrn Instead of tjlatehley'a nri'hvstia Which Will again be heard at the next tall. J f r i .Mrs. Ooonr Urown and Mine Jss le Piper have opened a niinimry hop at It Patton avenue. A match team ef golf wai played yesterday afternoon at the Country club with Interesting results, -mere went no trle. The aoore waa aa follow:, Mis faj-rt Morris, Mlsr Ellen Barker, and Mr. Kooenaon 1. Mr. Thompson Fraaler, Mie Charlotte Smith and Mum Fredwlko. Brownv IB. ilia Itetvea, Mis r.lea nor Jrforrleoh, and Mlaa Alio Brown, ft. " Ml Rita Heee, Mn, Charlo 8. fori an and Mlaa Annie Williams, 1M. , The Ladle Aid society of the Chris, tlan church will hold a takn sale Saturday mornlnif at Noland Oroeery tor bn Pack kquare. A variety of cafe .. will ka enld at ' reaeonable prlo. ,. , , . . , J it if tr Tha opening ball and the annual rertnaa which will be riven by the Battery Park Hotel and whim nave ibeew f or ' number of year the two largest balla of the year, will o espe cially beautiful thi season, and Mr, J, u Alexander haa already planned tha tthhja decoration for the occa lon which Will be on a acale aeldom attempted except In . aome of the larg hoatlerlee In Florida and New Tor. The lining hall la alway ued on then oceasionss and will be an aareeabl aurprlee to the expectnnt ejueata, A large Tore of workmen will be engaged several day In. decora tinir the dining hall under the direction of Mr. Alexander, and the remit will mirpaa anything that haa been at tempted on that order at the Battery Park iter eome Um,lj ! Mlaa' kaii XIIHan anf at the mli lonary wieetlhg held at th Preabyte rlaa church yeaterday. 4 -t,ff . . af P rha a fyowan'a ullJ of Trinity hurch will meat at th realdeno of Mra. MoFerran on Panola atreet thle afternoon at I o'clock. - r tr , Kaadham and Wrlghtsmnn's milli nery ator will havs Ita aprlnit open ing on Saturday, March 1.1th. A full Hn of drees hate a well n tailor and eeml-dreaa hata will be ihown. Jl Jl Mlaa Cora "White, daughter of Mr and Mra. O M. White of Jupiter, iwaa married to M O. F. HiminHi i of Waahlnaton at Weawrvlllii yenler- flay mornlns at 11 o'clock. The mar rlaaa ctrnmeny waa wltneued by on tya few of the relntW and friend of the oontractliiK imitlef nml w performed by Kev. Mr. Iloyd nt hla ham a. Mra. Rumlntror In a ehitor of Mra. I. 1. Itrookahlre and Mm. - II Miller of thle rlty. nml 'iim fumy frlenda In Aahevllln mid linn mnlie tt-ounty. The joiin cnuple will make their future home In WnelilnKt"" Jl Jl Mlaa Helen Cefalu, MIb? Dorothy and Mra. John II. CeTnlu relurn ehort ly after a two mouihe alay in New Orleana. Gulfport and Mlaa Cefalu waa very popular and had number or cntoi'talnninnta tlv en In her honor durlnsr her vlnlt. Mra. Cefalu and Mine tvrulu will atop In Itoanoke for it week to vNIt Mle Mnra-uerlte Cefalu at Molllna Institute and will then return to Anhevlllo. The Aahevllln rhnptor. No. C. Hoy el Arch Muanna h.iv- a meeting thle evenlnit at the MnsonU Teml'-. t r Mr. F. F Darker will give nn or gan recital this evenlnit tit All S u!n M. V. WOMEN'S OtrtrtTTEtt. church, at 1:1., o I., t which the public la Invited. The following 1 the program ftoiKitu In K minor, 'o. t Khlenbrger Adagio lol'Tineyzo Wcherjsooo In the Twilight (N-w) Mark"r Am Meer (By the He) .. Rchubeit Idylle Kinder Chanaon do Nult Klgar March "Pomp and Clrcumatnnce r.lgar Jl Jl The engagement of Mine Ttoea F.lea nor Krle to Mr. Hlchaiil F. Wllllng hnm nf Macon, flo., bin ben an nounced by the parent of the bride elect. Colonel and Mra Frank H Frlee, In Wlnnlon-Halem and will be or Intereat to the many friend of the family In Aihevlllw. Mlaa F.leanor Morrlaon haa frequently entertained Mine Frlea, and wa th grueet of Col. and Mra Frlei on a aeveral week tour of th Weet which they made In tnelr private car In the anmmer. The following Intereatlng account la tnken from Th Wlntton-fialem Journal: "One of th moat plctureeqtia af faire of the anaaon waa given yeabf-. day afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the neautirul realdence of Col. and Mra Frank H. Frlea, when at a lovely roae luncheon, the very Intereatlng announcement waa made, of the ert gagement of their daughter, Mlaa Roaa, Fleanor Frlee. to Mr. Richard F. Wllllngham, of Mncon. Oa. The magnlflcant dining room waa brilliant in Ita decoration of long etetnmed pink roeea and amllax. At th four corner of the long dining taoM, email circular table were ar ranged, and on each waa placed a lovely anver loving-cup filled with pink bride' roeea; an exqulilte lace eenterpieca mbroidered with pink roaea, extended the length of the long center table, and on thle reated the largeet of the ver lov fhg cup, upon a table mirror, which reflected the great bouquet of bride' roeea which filled the cup. flllvr candelabra holding pink candle haded with allver filigree hd over pink, were placed nn either end ef the table, while long-etemmed bride' maid roaea In pink were grace fully scattered over thla lovely lun cheon table. "Dainty luncheon card fiandiomely painted, deilgnated tha place of the gueeta. The pretty card Were In the ahane of two heart joined by a pink roee; on one waa Inacrlbed th name of th gueat, while the other Bora th monogram, "V. W.." In all- ver. "Seven baantlfully appointed courae war rv)d; in each one hcarta ap peared, thua auggeettng the aenttment of th pretty affair. Th Ice were whlt brick with pink heart In the center, while the caka Were alao heart-ahaped, whlte-tlpped with or ange blnaeoma, and bearing th mon ogram "V. W.." In green, After the firat courae, Mia Mar guerite Frlea brought in a allver lov ing cup, and preaented It to Mlaa Htith Hlewera, who roe and In a few graceful word, announced the en gagement of hef Poueln, Mlaa Elea nor Frlea. to Mr. Diehard F. Wllllng ham of Macon, (la , and then the cup waa panned to the t'uoata, each of whom toairted Mis Frlea and Mr. Wllllnghum. "A very pretty Incident occurred here, when a dninly dlah filled with orange bloaanma waa preaented to MIh Krlea from her uncle und mint. Dr. and Mra. II T. Hahnaon. lovely itralna of nnmlc were heard iHsulng from the Idoseonia. for the dlah wna a mualc box, thua cunningly devlaed and brought from Ruropo. "When the coffee wna served each gueet waa presented with a lovely vvhlte eatln box di'cornted with apmy of orange bloiiaoms. These dainty aotiuenlra were rilled with tiny silver horaeahoea, which the guests showered upon the happy young host ess." Jl J Mis Hue nell Corcoran was enter tained at her home on Haywood street with a aurprlse party yester day afternoon. A number of Raines were played during the afternoon nnd refreshments were aerwd. Those present were MIh Mary Stevens, Miss Mary Smothers. Mis May Corcoran. Miss Klcanor IVrklnaon, Miss Alma fladger. Miss Alma Bustle, Mlse Kve- lyn Hlikiuan. Miss Margaret Doane, Mls Kthid Horrells. Mlsa Oertrude Kngle, Miss (lladys Cowglll, Mlaa OUR NEW SPRING TAILORED SUITS Are Distinctly Exclusive in Color, Trim, and Form. That m tin strong, l point we make next to quality. It ini-nna that you will not see every Mary- Ann hi Christendom with oulte like, or so nearly like, your own aa to cheapen your MpriiHlvti cult und dull your pleasure In it. Next senson copies of It will appear; thi sea son never, because Moore' suits are exchnlvo; the latest product of style creator not vul gar Imitators. Women who like to appear "different" and exculslve In their apparel trust their dress reiiulrementa to Moore. Come In to the new Spring Suit. MOORE II PATT05 ATKNtm. The cun f r the hlarheat score In the Albemarle bowling tournament which haa lasted five we.k, was won last niaht bv Mr. A. H. Malone. The following scores were made last nlnht: Mr. A. II. Malone. 14 1 1.17 h. 30; total tOO. Mr. J. A. Burckel, 157 119 12 h. 30; total 4f D. J. A rocke. 139 14 143, h 30: total 4C0. Mr W. U. Boger. 123137119, h, 71; total 4S4. Mr. W. A. Klndel, 11& 90 134, h Tf,; total 414. Mr. I.. Raoul. lor, 108 104. h 0; total 307. Jl Jl The eholr of Central Methodist church enjoyed a tea yesterday after noon which followed the usual choir practice. The choir will have a aim liar tea once a month herearler, each member In tarn being hostesa and an Impromptu musical program will be given. Mis ltobln Kennett who aang o charmingly at the Bchool of Mualc earlier In the afternoon, gave everai number which were appreciated by those present. . Jt The Thursday bridt: club meets this afternoon with Mr. W. H. Pen land at her residence on College street. IT f Th public recital yeaterday after noon at the Ashevlllo Bchool of Mu alc and Dramatic Art waa very en Joyablw and wa Well attended, every available seat belfrg occupied. Mlsa I.ydla Hlnaland and Mlaa Robin made their debut and acquitted themeelves unusually wall. Ml Rlnaland haa a high soprano voice of aweetnea and purity of tune and In "My Noble Knight" eaally took the high C and K In a cadenxa. Mlaa Rlnaland' voice I one of promise. Mia Robin Kennett aang "If I Were a Roe." by D'Eaeenneltl, charmingly and die played a warm soprano voice of un usual strength and beauty. Mlaa Etta Handta blayed Handt' "Polonaise In F" well and waa one of the favorites of the afternoon. Mia Viola Owrtbey played two piece designated a tone picture by Hoffman, with discretion and artistic feeling. Little Mia Mar garet Mlllender played "Scene de Ballet" by Da Berlot and showed ex ceptional aptitude for the violin, al though the number waa difficult for one so young to attempt. Ml Mil- Iendar played well. Rubensteln' well mown "Melody In F," wa Interpre ted by Mr. Herbert Rlckman in a manner that brought forth unstinted applauae. Mr. Wilbur Sumner played "La Cascade" by Pauer beautifully, and It gave him ample acope to dl play hi undeniable talent. Mlaa Willie Carter delicately played Hoffman's "Berceuse" with good tone and was warmly encored. The recital was Very enjoyable. Mia Ruth Fladeker accompanied several of Mr. Connell's violin pupils In her usual good style. :i, . 1 1, ... PERSONAL J Mr. a. E. Ilrlckhead, of New York, is 'spending few day in Ash-vtiie on business. Mr. J. 1'. Thompson of Atlaiila, Is spending se nil days with fl'lilulM In the city Miss Mary llniy, of Norfolk . Is Visiting friends on Mom Ton! nvemie Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick .M. Italic:. ,,l Morrlatow ii. rvnn., are xpeiiitioK sev eral ilnya with friends, here. Mr. C. C. Lord, of Montreal, wu.i In town on business yesterday. Mr. CI. Olst. of Milwaukee. Is In town for a few days. Mr. Paul Jones and family left yes terday for Wlhloek, WuHhlngton. Mrs. A. E. Hunt left yesterday for Washington. Mr. Owen C. Steele, of New York city, is hero on business. Mr. J. 11. Crawford, of Richmond. Vs.. is a guest In the city. Miss Nan Kllllan. of WuyncRVlllc. nnd Miss Kathleen Jones, of llomlny. are visiting Mrs. Otis Coxc, in Vic toria. Mr. nnd Mrs. F.. E. Rrnwn, on oak street, are entertaining ns house guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry l.ang an I Miss lnna, who are en rout -from a trip to Florida and Cuba to their homo in Staunton. Va. Mra Annie D. Hill and daughter of Ooldsboro, ure here for a few day-. Mr. Willis (J. Home is routined lo his apartment In the Medical building with a severe at lack of grippe. Mrs. Jamea M- Oudker, Jr , f ex pected to return to day from Wash ington, D. C. where she has been the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Lang ley for several weeks'. Mr. fend Mr. James Ci. Sttkrlviithcr are guests at Miss Tempi- Harris resi dence on Aston Place. Mr. John P. Sloun. of Rock Hill. s. C. Is In the city for a few days on business. Mr Y. T. Denton, of Wnynes Hie. is In the city for a few days. Mr. It, Nlssen, of Wlnston-Saler.i, Is In Ashcvllle on business. J Jl Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Jones, of Tu'r Haven, Vt., are spending a few week? In the city. (Csntlnusd en page Ave.) Crn.DS CAVSE 16EAOACTTE. LAXAT1V fiROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy re moves cause. Call for full name, tsjok for signature E. W. OROVB. tse Indiireli'in and tlj;n j,-ir. a:e ufwavs caused by food tot t.. r!y tl-itfirlj?, la jour stomach. V. n j , ir stomach cannot properly Hgf fisul, of Itidf, It needsallttlej assistance -iin-HhlaSKslsV aneUreaHyuwpll'My KcKkd. Krxlnl assist the MohiHcb, l.v tenporarilr dljfestlnR'aU of the food in the stomach, so that the) stomach m:sy r.-Ht and rsra perttte. Kodul Jirca'1 . a very excellent preparation for ah digestive disorder. Our Guarantee. ffif you sre not tieaeflted- the drapmit, will at onceretura yemr aionev. Hon t UeBltstct any dnifsUH will sUffia.Kilul on lh-se terms. Ttie dollar bottle eop'rot.i tfsie as mie-ii ss the MM bottle.' K ll Is pi-etiared In Hie IslMirattirieS of Jl. C. Uv ln & Cu . Cwcago. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to inform the public that I have moved my official from the.I.eiril building to temporal . ofTltes on I'ut- ton avenue, over West--in I'nlon Tele graph office. After April 1st I v. ill occupy the entire seven modern office rooms that are now being; partitioned ,,rr on the second floor of the l.ang building N. W. cor. Pack Square DR. C. P. COMMON, Chiropractor. Phoito "21. MlaU 7 Paltuo 'venae (Overilaf,ood' Btore) Ladies and B0H i BUTTER. "-'" I9o r ponad. The fancy ereamery kind, the kin you pay 0o andl 42c per pound foi when made In Illinois Instead of her The express company geta the dlfle ence. Asheville Pure Milk do. Bast Wslnnt St., Phone SS4. GET ' ACQUAINTED AViili (lie 1wst fitiiinlvv Wur1 in Aiin rirn, tlint limit' tin mcnois way Phone 95 J. J. Nichols. Mfjr vol wii.i. vi;v:h I ll ANY COM, Tlmt will give more per fect 8:itlifnctlon than our M nnd W Indian conl. In uniform slac, free from nlnte und dirt. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone 130. Patton Are. jl I ANNOUNCEMENT Wt wish to aniKiiui' ( tn the tallies of Aslicvillo ;tiul vii inity tlint m t li.wc kmkmI ; tpnlnr price'! "Millinery Parlor ;it !o I .-tt t .1: avenue, w'ierv we will be jileased to shtnv nur many beautiful jmtterns at popular irit'0S. Watdi for our oprnina: aniKiuneement. BROWN fit PIPFR 90 Patton Avenue. Up One Flight. Of Pleasine Quality And .startlrigln siie is the stock of fruits now on dis play at this Phop. Many sizes of California and Florida Oranges, plenty of liannnas, (haiiefruit, Tineapplep, Crandlierries and I?ipo Tomatoes. PWmp orders receive careful attention. a Monuord it. OWNBEY'S m i Stylish Spring Suits and Stresses !! J L Grecqu Coritti. . I For every type of lfurt. ! 11 Ckurck SiTMl WE SELL Shuttles, Pohblns, Needlns, etc., for all makea or sewin; machines. I Aitents for "The White." ! Beaumont Furniture Co., 27 S. Main St. Phone 1002 ' II A I It i')()l)S i:er.vtlilni; for the hnir can b ob Inini il li. re, in nil the latest utiles. Th , innke-up of all our hnlr Roods are th" best, and can offer yon the lowest nrlces ManlcurlnB, chiropody. Kham IiooIiik. nnd Facial Massage. MISS CRUISE, 3.1 HiivuimmI Street. Phone 16. j THERE IS NO WAITING to ba served at our place Uiat Is a i feature with us Just the same as i serving only the very best In the eat- ! lng line. If you haVen't been eating with us, sll we ask Is a call. ' NEW YORK LUNCH HOOM ! 11 South Main it The Asheville School of, Music and Dramatic Art! thi ATnrroRitm Ptkoii S44 M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importer Vo. BaUetr Park Place, Phone 104 AsliCTille. N. C for women During the last few days W( have opened up several shipments of New Spring Suits and Dresses. Our showing d' New Spring; Knits and Dresses is far in aih aii'-f f any previous seleetiuu bowii at this store. Suits in Fancy Mixtures, in Serges, and other stylish worsteds from $15.00 upwards. Si I k Dresses in the newest shades in fancy Poulards and other stylish silks. Price most reasonably from fl7.")0 upwards. , Dainty Lingerie Dresses in colors and white at $7.50 up, Jtylish tM Idaists fQr, Spring Wear We are showing the very prettiest line of new waists ever seen in Ashe ville. This is saying a good deal, but if you will give us a call you will see that our statement is backed up with the goods. Now White Lingerie Waists from $3.50 upwards'. New Silk Waists from $4.50 upwards. White I .awn Waists from f 1.00 on up. '' Elevator service for second floor. MILLINERY OPENING Saturday, March 13 5 Haywood St. MILLINERY OPENING Saturday March Thirteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Nine. Needham & Wrighlsitiati 10 Church Street. 51 BffTON'AVEK ASHEV1FXEHC New Spring Hosiery We are now nnpaekin ,M,r larire "line" ofstfrins Hosiery for Ladies. Misses and Children. on 11 ,lo well to buy your Spi-hig Hbsi&rv from us Our s is ilu. best that can be had fpr thVmoney. Nitisfacti.m in everv even-pair Tila-k, Bmwn.Tan and Kvening shades forla&; HIaek and colors for Misses and ChildretV:;: X 1