THE ASnmLLE CTTIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1909 SOCIETY Th flower fl!m who uaiially con rrcffats on ihf mrcct cornrr ap leared yesterday with the firm rprlng flower. Tho fraran(" of the deli ct1 pink arbutu tu wullni to the paasersby few of whom mold nslnt buying the firm tokens of apnng. Qalax leaves blended oftly with the rbutua and, the ono or two 1 1 1 1 1 Wild flower in tli basket, wtiii ti wire wreathed witn Ihi- leave of the Variegated lefuig of Ihv wild k'Th ilium. Jt will 'm.ii be time foi tin' mountain iaurrl with It ihh:i of flowers and coral bud which line lie river bank and a IHilo Inter give way to th rhododendron. Tin- f1ow.r r waking up after their lung win tera leep. Jt J The semj-flnala will be played l hi afternoon In Uiu tennl tournnment Which 1 running at the (Viuntry club. lr. and Mr. Chatle H. Jordan play today acklmt Mr, ft. v. Johnston and Mr. J. A. Winn, and tho winner will play b gal nut Ml Marion Martin and lr. Jere Cocke Haturday aftnr noon (or the cup which la offered by th Country club. Neit week a ladle single tournament will be played for : pup presented, by an J. B. Henton nd Mrs. A. H. Harvey. Jl J The Junior Auxiliary of Trinity -hrch met yesterday Afternoon at flifl bom of Mlaa Elisabeth Miller oa Momford avenue and Held an tin usually-, Jntnrmtln- meeting. The mamberi of the auxiliary are dro Ing two doll which are to be aent to AI&MK& lo rn r.wjuimaui cnuurmi at the mJ avion. . Th doll are In tended for Christmas, bin must be aent In June while the Ice I broken. .By Christmas time the trail I Im- aaaaabl and tlie ml I on I out off for. many month from outaide com tnunlcatton. Doll were requested by the1 Esquimau and each Junior Aux iliary baa feeea asked to dree one doll tt send them. After the saw Inc waa finished for the afternoon re frehmnta war aerved. Wrs. IT. Taylor KMgors akd the Current Literary club to have tea in ' formally with her and to meet Mis Laura Winn, who la vaaltintr Mr. Bogara, Tueaday afternoon after the regular meeting of tho club. Th next meeting of th Woman' club will b held at th residence of Mra, SSebuion Vane, Monday week Paper will be read by Mr. P. H , Winston andN Ml Ida Hamilton on Japanese painting and art. Jt jt ' Tli vooal atudent of Mr. Burnett Jordan are to tiav phonographic fo orda mad Saturday morning at th Aahevlll School of Uualo and iMtK Art which will b used la their tudla to oberv defect In singing and also to not progress. Twelve record will b mad tomorrow. Th cylinder I put on th machln and th alnger aing directly v into the ' trumpet and tho aowr ta recorded and can be played immediately after th alnger ha flnlehed the aong. mi Mao Klmfcerly will play for th tu- dents, about a doaan of whom, win log Into tli phonograph. Jt Jt Th Jenny Wren club meet this afternoon at the reatdence or little Mia Carrie Bowie. Jt j$ There will be played thl evening at th Battery Park hotel a large bridge contest and nearly all of ne table In th drawing room are oc cupled. The player will Include number of guttata of the hotel ana their friend In the city. The prison are handsome and the playing win bo cine aa quite a number of excel lent bridge player nrc entered. There will be served email dinner liiirtlen prior to the name tin evening and n number of people will ro up for Mie tiaual concert in the plm room. Jl Jt Mr. Percy Whltuker I being -n-tertalned frequently In nn Informal way by her numerous frtetws In the city with luncheon, ten and card partle. Mis Nell rvrtrten arrives irom Nevi York today and will be the guest of Mrs. H McQueen, whom Mrs. Whltnkrr 1 visiting, on Cumberland avenue. Jt M According to n rllxpntrh to The New York Herald. Ml Ktlwl llurrymore Will be niirrl(jd on Sunday In Itoston. V Mr. HiiRsell (SilHWobl Tolt. ebb st eon of Col. Bamuel f'omeroy Colt, president f the l'nlted Plate HuI.Imt company mid the Indumrliil Trust company of Provbb n. c. It. I. It Is M. V. said thut the only person who has been lt Into Die i ret in tne father of the Intended bridegroom, who Is much rl'iised -Mth th- match and has annoumed his int-iillon or making a large settlement on hi on. Col. ''oil In icputed to be worth several million dollar Kusaell Orlsnold '"It i tAenty-lx year old. Mli Ikirrymore i playing In Boston, and In i 4 mid will continue on trie stage alter b-r marriage. Mis Barrymore )uix been engaged to several well t known rrren according to rumor, the first of which waa the engagement to Mr. Lawreme Irving, on of Sir Hen ry Irving. Gerald DuMurler. son of the famous author of Trilby, waa also said to have .been engaged to Mls Harrymore. There were several other prominent ultor but until this time Mis Barrymore ha not married Her friend will await the announce ment next Sunday with Intereat, as she l exceedingly popular and like able both on and off the stage. Jt Jt Trinity church choir began the tudy of Btralner' Cantata 'The Dauifhtr of Jariui" last evening rne cantata will be rendored shortly after Eaatwr at a special song service In the church. The cantata I under the direction of Mr. K. K. Klmberty and Rome of the beat voice In the city will take part In It. The first rehearsal wfl held last evening. Jt Jl Mr. and Mr. John Fnrrlor and family loft yeterday for Atlanta which will be th4lr future home. Mr. Kred Farrlor ha been a member of the Tahkeoste club and waa very popular among the younger aet. Jl Jl (Mr. and Mr II. A. HnnTiam will entertain th teward of Haywood Utreet church tonight at their rel dene at 224 Patton avenue. I PERSOHAL II J) Judge Walter E. Moor of Wot iter 1 In Aahevlll on bualn. Mi Beatrice Willi who baa ipent the winter In Henderaonvilla I the gueat of friend In Aahevlll for a few day. Mr. O. R. 8. Pool and Mr. W. E. Poet of Hattleeburg, Mia., are the gueat of Mr. 8. O. Bradley. These gentlemen are vlaitlng Aahevlll with th view of opening a grocery store bar. Mr. and Mr. J. O. Stlkeleatner are gala gusat of Ml Temple Harris, on Church trt ' Mr. Van Undny will leave tomor row for Seattle, Washington, where he will join hla brother, Mr. Hiram Undeey, and be anoclated with Mm In the grocery add bakery bueinea. Mra. 3' TI. Pntnn retiirli4Ml vestsr day from. New York after a ten days atwence. Mr. Duff Merrick ha returned from Washington. I). C. 'Mra Petor Thompson of Cincinnati Is visiting her daughter, Mr. J. D. Robertson In Victoria. Mr. M. A. Barber of New Tot l vlaitlng Mra Barber who I upending the season at tho Battery Park bote Mr. and Mr. Philip S. Henry Who havw spent the greater ,liari of the winter In Waahlngton will return to Asheville the latter part or April. Arrivals at Kenllworth tnn are Mr llonald W. M4re, WlllVtts, N. C; Mr. It. A. Kldgeway, Colu,mria, S C; Mr. it. J. Cant, Buffalo; Mr. W. T. IVckcr, Brevard: Mrs. nuntmrn. Hlchmond; Mr. J. II. Harry. Philadel phia; Mrs. Henry I Camman. (Iroen vllle; Miss Louise B. Wlllard, Green wich. Conn.: MIhs P. E. Thonnpson. Miss Jennie Hart. Miss I. Hart and Mr. J. A. Hart, Ureenwlch, Conn. Mr. TtiifU4ell (Nmwell has returned lo Philadelphia uft-r a Hlinrt .stay In A.hf lllo. Mr. M. (I. llunli r i,f Charlotte Is In the city. Mrs. Vergn Htlkebather will short- ly viil frlenilH In VVaynesvillle for .several we-kn. OUR NEW SPRING TAILORED SUITS Are Distinctly Exclusive in Color, Trim, and Form. That Is tli4- HTroiiK-st point we make next to 'lunllty. It me. ins you will not ace every Mary. Ann in 'hristcndoin with suits like, or so nearly like, your own as to cheapen your kxprnslve milt nnd dull your pleasure In It. Next si-uboii copies of It will appear: thl sea son never. b4i aue Moore's suits are exclusive; the latest product of style creators not vul gar Imitator. Women who like to appear "different" and exculnlvo In their apparel trut their dj requirement to Moore. Come In to see th new Spring Suit. . MOORE Mr William 11 Drapler, jr.. of New York I spending ome tlm In Aahe vllle and Is at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Meyer of Loganport are upending several weeks In the city. Mis Haiti HnUler ha gone to Miami, Hu , for aeveral week. Mls Edith Barday who has been the guet of Mrs. Harold Hee for several weeks ha returned to her home in Massachunett. Mr. James lJrummond returns to Whittler tomorrow after a short stay In the city. Mr. J c. Arbogant Is ependlng several days In town and will return to Whittler shortly. Mr. H. L. Alb n who has been se rlously 111 with pneumonia la slightly Improved. Mr. and Mr. E. R. Randall have returned from a several days trip to Washington, I). C, Baltimore and Laurel, Md. Mlaa Ray Waldrop who has been In Washington several months accompanied them home. Mr. Rex Howland spent yesterday In town. Mr. Robert It. Flske of New York I In Ashevllle on business. Mrs. Augustus Van Wyck and Mra. Robert M. Ilx of Brooklyn, N. Y., are guest at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. W. T. Hherwood of Now York I spending a few days In the city. Mr. and Mr. Walter H. Andrew have returned from New York and Waxhlngton. Mr. M. H Bardwell of fit. Ixml 1 In the city. Mr. M. II. Frohman of New York I in the city for a brief stay on tus Ineaa. Mr. W. C. Dawley of Charteaton, West Virginia, I expected tomorrow, and will join Mr. Dawley who It spending tho winter at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. J. O. Merrlrtion.of Ooldsboro Is at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. E. M. Jones, Jr., of Lenoir. N. C, I spending several days In Aahe vlll on business. Mr. C. B. flnodara of Tenneaaee la In Aahevlll for a short tay. Mr. J. W. Chandler of Hlrh Point la spending a few daya with friend here. Mr. n. H. Black well f Way nee villa waa the guest of friend tn th city yesterday. Mr. W. H. Woodbury of Bryson city Is In town for a few day. Mr. and Mr. Derby Bishop of Glai- co. Kansas, arrived yesterday and will spend ome time In Ashevllle and vi clnlty. Mr. B. L. Craig of Murpby was the guest of frlenda here yesterday. Mr. J. J. Wild returned to hi home In Webster shortly after spending u few day with friend here. Mr. T. T. Adams of ftlctimond Is In Ashevllle on business. Dr. N. B. Adams of MurpTiy is spending a few day with friends here. Mr. Charles Mitchell of Knoxville Is here for u 'cw day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jolson of New York left yesterday after spending a short time in Ashevllle. Mr. Harper W. Lane of Texas Is In the city for a short stay. Mr. N. Buckner has returned from a vIsK tii hi old home In Florida. Mr. W. J. Blackburn of Oreens14ro la in the city for n few days on bus iness. Mrs. T. K. Heston left yesterday for New York city. Mr. Oeorge K Smith left yesterday 'or Washington. H. C. Mr P. II. M.ishburn of Old Tort Is spending a few days In AsheMIle on huSlnesH. Mr. Fa i tte left yesterday for N'ew York after short stay with relatives In the city. MIhs Bertha King Is the gueat of friends In Mouth Carolina. BOTH SHIPS TURNED OVER TO WRECKERS (By Associated Press.) CHATHAM. Mass.. March II. The steamer Horatio Hall, which was sunk to her hurricane deck in Pollock Rip lue. In the collision with the steam er H. F. Dlmok yesterday, was aban- onei! to the wreckers early today. nd another fleet of professional se. nhvstcianM nssemhlcd about the stranded steamer Dlmok. on Nauset Beach, to patch her wounds and give her another chance for a useful life. The Hall was abandoned by Captain Jewell, hla mate, pilot and two mem bers of the crew early today, after all hands had remained on board the boat for nearly twenty-four hours after her linking. The tug John O. Chandler took them off In the early morning hour. CHOOSE ANDERSON VILLE. (By Associated Press.) Atlanta, Oa., March 11. Bv a vote of 126 to 70 the Georgia division of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy late today decided on Ander sonvllle aa the location for the mon ument to Captain Wirt. PTI.ES CUKKT) IN TO 14 DATS IPAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to ear any caae of Itchln. Blind. Bleed tug or Protmrjint Piles In ( to II days a Montr refunded, (to. DEMONSTRATE FIRE EXTINGUISHER TODAY A public dcmon; of the merit and practical i of Th- Phoe- i nix Dry Chemical IV- Kxtingulsher ' will be given today ,v 12 .3 on Pack! Square in front or rir- department headquarter. 1 A large fire will be lighted of highly Inflamahle material ml tli-n extln gulshcd with the phoenix I'ry Cheml-j calx, showing how msi il l to put out a fire within a i -ond. It Is stated ttmt this demonstration I to b glvsn by request, as a num ber of bti!4lne men w ho are inter-i-ated did not attend i lo- oilier demon stration v.iib h was h i'' a iihort llmo ago. II WAN. I II.I.KR. (Hy AsHorlal-il I'ww.) Havana. March II. lb- wif- of a poor cigar maker Havana, the mother of fourteen children, gave birth today to ouadnipl-ts. two boys and two girls. Pr nt Gomez sent his congratulations to the mother as a woman deserving w. II of the rr pub- i he. with tender and sulwtuntlal as slstance. emu EfTEC"TKI or MO.MKY ; kepi'xii:i. The ORRINS5 trentment for the cure of th Drink Habit can be used with absolute conlldenie. It destroy all desire lor whlskev. beer or other alcoholic atlmuluiits. Thousands have ueceserullv lined It and huve been restorid to lives of sobrletv and usetniueHH. Can Be (iiKrn Kwrvlly. OHRINE C4UKTM t'XI.V ! A IM)X. (uarautw In lai-li Box. Write for fr' (MtRiNK Book let (mailed In plain neul-d enve lope) to ORRINK C(i..:iL'3 UKKINB Building. Washington. D C. ORRINK Is sold bv hading drugglsta verywhere. SDCWial Agents: mm m m SMITH'S DHIC, STORR 1 . Mnin St. HAIR NETS We hav Just received a large assortment of hair nets, all shades; combings and cut hair mad wp to order. Man icuring, shampooing, chlrop ady and TuUr dressing. MISS CRUISE, ta Haywood st. 4) ; La QrecqueContU . . rormrytypaofflfvr. ; QRIH24B m 00 II Ckturck fitrtti 0sJ D.R.rMLN0N 7 Psttw Avenoe (Over Redwood' Store) ladies arid GenOemens TAILOR BUTTER. ISo per pound. The fancy creamery kind, the kin, you pay 40c and 4!o per pound foi when made In Illinois Instead of her The eipresa company (eta the dilfl ence. Asheville Pure Milk Co, Kant Walnut St., Phone 5M. e e e e Yoii will i;vi:k J I1M ANT rOAL S That will give more per- fi l uli.-f.i. lion than our ( M ami V Indian coal. In uniform tiigt, free from t slatt uml dirt Carolina Coal & Ice Company Phone ISO. Patton Are ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce to the ladies of Asheville and vicinity that we have icr,cd a ponnlnr priced Millinery Parlor at JH) l'attuii avenue, w here we will he pleased to show our many heautit'ul patterns at popular prices. Watch for our opening announcement. BROWN & PIPFR 90 Patton Avenue. Up One Flight. 20 Mackerel lor $1.20 Thpnr" nr rmillun1 ehted 'ivhlte Mm kfrel, counting twenty to the pall. Also frcirh shipment of Irish anil Norway Mackerel, ranging In prkr rr m 10 to I n ntn. Ir you are looktnK for the choicest suit Huh, ronsunnhly priced. "ii will flixl them ill abundance at this Bhop. IS Mo-nfuni tte. OWNBEY'S "s"s 11 1 iii i i ii , mmTf: Our line of Knit ruder torments for ..m4 i. nml hlUlr.m 'm-rltcd. ami w Inrite ?ur Inspwtlon U an early date. Stylish feu Press fabrics for Spring and ; Summer During the last several weeks We have received numer ous shipments of stylish new goods. Our stock is in splendid condition and the fact is we have hardly room enough for all of them. You will do yourself a favor, as well as us, if you make your spring purchases at an early date. Below we quote only a few items from our numer ous departments. Afore tfew Jilks Just Received v It seems as if our silk stock wi!i jiever finish receiving buck orders. During the last few days we have opened up a very super!) line of fan -y rough silks called Kuhiayat. They aiv rough pongees and have a satin finish on one side. They may bo had in f Ik following colors, grey, black, white, lavender, piuk, blue and other shades at $1.00 a yard. New figured awns for Summer We will have, on display today our summer line of fancy colored lawns. There are a beautiful selection of them and you should make your selection nt nn early date. Prices range from 10c upwards to 15c and 20c a yard. Anions; them are stripes, checks, dots and floral effects. Call and see them tottay. toe give Mail Orders Our Prompt and ANNOUNCEMENT. . I wish to Inform the public that I have moved my offices from the building to temporary offices on Pat ton avenue, over Western Union Tele graph office. After April 1st I will occupy the ' entire seven modern office room that are now being partitioned off on the second floor of the Lang building N. W. cor. Click Square. DK. C. 1 (O.M1TON, Oilrojirartor. Phone 621. WE SELL Shuttles, Bobbin, Needles, etc.. Col al makr of sewing machines. Agents for "The White." Beaumont Furniture Co., 27 8. Main St. I'lioue 1009 llAill J'.)OrS Everything for the hair can be ob tallied here, In all the latest styles. Th inake-iiii of all our hCr tioode are th ' bet, and can offer you the lowest in lei . Manicuring, Chiropody. Shain- THERE IS NO WAITING 1 to be served at our place that Is a feature with ua just the same as i nerving only the very best In the eat ing line. If you haven't been eating with us. all we ask is a call. NEW YOUR LUNCH KOOX ,11 South Main it The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art TMM AUDITORIUM PhoM M4 M. WEBB & COMPANY j Millinery Importer No. Battery Park Place, Phone 1J4 Aalievllle, N. C PtMMM U MILLINERY. OPENING Saturday, March 13, 1909. Needham & Wrightsman 10 Church Street. inn-(D)(0) id) j MILLINERY OPENING j Saturday, March 13 5 Haywood St. f "IMKBIRtDF 51 lWT0NAVETfERTH0fi5S6 ASHEV1IXE N.(X 36-in Messaline Satins Wo carry a pretty assortment of iiessalfaie Sa tins in nearly any shade of a splendid quality at $U5 yard, including black and white. Fancy Foulards and Fancy Messages at 80c 'and $1.00 yard. Genuine Kajah Silk, black, white and colors at $1.35 yard. 1 Knit Underwear for ; J J I si jprmg andJumtner Jiandsome feW jDressinens for Spring , Our showing of Dress Linens are matchless. Colored dress linens will lie worn a great deal this summer and ; ii make no mistake when you make your choice at an early date. Bordered dress linens, HO inches wide, for 59c a yard. Striped dress linens, most all colors, at 25c to 50c a yard. Dress linens in solid colore f rom 25o to 50c a yard. &)ool fabrics for Spring It) ear Our assortment of wool . Roods, is superior to any line ever Shown in this city. Call in and be satisfied that this statement is a fact. Light Colors in wool goods in striped effect at $1.25 to $2.00 a yard. A superb collection of wool, dress, goods from 50c to $5.00 a yard, includ ing such materials as fancy mixtures, mohairs ,serges, and many other stylish new weaves. . Caref ul j7ttention. MDDERNIWAY5 I ;. W. ,-,sM.-e .