THE SUNDAY CITIZEN. MARCH 14, VM SOCIETY Swannanoa Rebekah lodge, I. O. 0. 1 Ft ha Issued a challenge to I'legah . Rebekah for a "spelling bee'- to boi held In the L O. O. F. hall on t'hurch Street tha evening of March At tho inoriilm service of Central Methodist church today tin- choir will render Goes' aiilliern "O. Havlor the World." "Cumc to our .Urartu mm by Iad1 evening service, I anil Abide" will I. 2.1th In quart. -I. At the " connection with a solal gathering uf ! which begin at it uYloi It Mm. Jam TV, nt,.ll.n...rI know " k eleii I lier will tie soloist. A ' , ladles' trio will render Dudley Muck's , ' ' '"" ( "Kvi-iilrij! Hymn." t akpsrt spellers and ao ara preparing j jf , for a hard contest, j T'"1 ludlea of the First Presbyterian j$ Jl , church will have a benefit aal for Tha Tth B trade of the Orange building fund of tho orphanage gtreet school was entertatned by 'it Balfour, and will receive donation Mlaa The I ma Wllllama and Mim'I the Hundley building on Haywood Maria MoOulra at the home of Mm street, Frlduy morning. March 26th. ' Wllllama o Vance street Friday; Jf j enlng. Oaniea ware flayed and r- The Jenny Wren club was enter freshments aerved and a very enjoy- tallied at the home of Miss Carrie .able evening spent. It la intended ' Bowled on French Hroad avenue Jerl that several similar gathering w"l nay ancrnoon. Arter aewtng for an ' be given during the aprlng. i "our refreehmenu were served and a Jl j ! social half hour waa enjoyed. Those f "Waster James M. Lawrence. Jr.. tho".r'B w !' Miriam Reynolds, mi r.nzmxnn rivue. Ma Annie four year old aon of Mr. and Mr. J. M. Lawrence, gave a party Friday af . tsraoon In celebration of tha fourth 'anniversary of bla birth. Tha little hoet marahelled bla young guests out - on tha lawn Where they played nu- : i tneroua game daring the afternoon, at tha conclusion of Which refresh- , j tnenta were aerved, A cake waa atao brought In, tha four tapere scarcely shedding swnteJeat light to Illuminate ' tha pretty deooraMon surrounding- it Ther war a number of am an friends at tha party and the diminutive hoat . received nan presents, The Rttlalde Convent will be hon ored1 tvjr a vMt from Mme. Duval 'Mother General of .the Order of , J Christian Education, during tha t month of May. Mother De Flank will o to New York, to meet Mme, Duval Z who cornea to America from Tour. nal, Belgium, and will accompany her AahevUl Tha children of tha ?oavant 'Will give s large concert In , n terlai aase. t ef Mme. Duval during her jrtett,,; The children are to haw lj recital thla week an St. Pat- - rlck'e day, and will play duets, aoloa f will enow their ability to aocom Ipany, several of the children smgrng ' for the purpose. A ascend recital 'wilt be given shortly and It la ru tnor4 that two tittle plays will be , 'given by tha children as surprises. The children have choaan their school ' (Colore which are to be emerald green "and White. There are over a hundred 'children. In tha convent and they are Ilk one great, happy family, tha , lstefs entering to their juvenile : thoughts and game in a moat har- monioua and sympathetic manner, ; Jg Jg The following Jnvrtatlona wars re--cetved yeeterday which win he of In . Merest to the friends tf Mr. and Mrs. . )BuffaM B. Gianni i4 'Eugene Byron Glenn r v At ' Home . ", . from three until fire o'cloclf, i Oa the seventeenth of March. 4 IfCf.Ct, ' i - . Jt ' I There wilt be a meeting of the 'stookhoJders of the Country club ft Monday afternoon at four o'clock. 4 Plans will be dteouasad for the hulld ftaw Of tha new Country club and .other bualneaa of Importance. J - M the West Haywood atrent Meth C d 1st church Hunday evening the ao ilolat will ha Mlaa Ida Hamilton. i :' iiawtnorne, Mlaa Mary Lortck, Mlaa KllMtbeth Bridges, Mlas K. A. 8unv ner. Miss Harsh McLoud and Mlaa Florenoe Millar. Mies Rllxabirih Hyde will be the hostess for tbe club next Friday afternoon at hur home on Montford avenue. J J The CHoBopMc aoclety held their thlrty-nfth annual debate at Weaver vllle In the Weavervllle colleee au dltortum and waa attended by a tium- ner or AsheWlle people. Mr. W. B. warren la president of the society saa air. o. u Blmpson la secretary. ne auoject Tor debate was "Resolved that It would not be good policy for the United States to eetabllah postal emvings oanas," and waa tntereetlns;- ly oiscusaed hy Mr. U C. Hmart and F. K. Allison of the affirmative and Mr. O. B, Jones and B. Wall for tho negative. An Interesting evening was speni. J ins musical tea which will tor given Wednesday afternoon at tha Manor for ths benefit of ths Country! viuu wur ue an interesting svent and wiu undoubtedly attract a. larae .t tendance, owing to the nonularltv nr in country club and Ita remarkable strides toward auoceas during tns last year. Interest has steadily crown In the welfare of the club and the link. are qany uaen bv a sraat nuv r Aihevllie cltlsene who arc memhera. luunnng me visitors who havs not vlallors' membershln carda nf ihn. six or twelve month duration. The program for Wednesday afternoon will include tvonlieth Osntury Mag. lo, by Mr. Ellsworth Lyman, recita tions y Miss Alltabeth Ramsey, aongs by Mrs. J. Vaughn Men-lam and Mlaa Ida Hamilton. Mlas Mae Himberly will ha accompanist for ths vocal numhers. Tea will he served bv sv- Mrot v. . nnu are memoera or tne club. Tlokets may be purchased from me memoers or at the door. Jl Jl Hood's millinery opening- attracted a great number of people throughout the day yesterday, and the hats were very attractive. After the afternoon waa over one retained a very pleasing Muuf jr ni loveijr willow plumes and marveiousiy natural small fruits and oorriea wnich ppear frequently In th me aimpieat and moat striking of (h " isrse model, with s close iy pacaeci wreutli of half clnsed lesve of rhirk sreen. Two lonif pom lllly Htcms wi re laid arley acroas the leaves and ended In a hiiiuM lllly and ud at one aide. One of moat artiallc and unkiue Irlsuiilnsn was a 'lull blue larK- ht, trimmed with llic queer itnd rare Gutiru bird from New Ouln.-a. This bird la creat ed and a powder blue color, hae feather delicate and frlngy like the eaprey or egrette with email tufteu til. An exceedingly large leghorn) waa wreathed with email yellow flow er, two Immenee gauze roues of Shade darker, attar hed to either side of the crown In front. Hmall ji-t hnta are greatly In evidence and will prob ably prove very effective for evenlna wear. Nearly nil or the hata were trlrnmeil with (lowers of every kind and color, ninny never seen before and evidently the reiiult of the de mand fur artlHtlc rulnrtntc. etc, tn match the plrtiir. mine faahlonn In gowns. Mr Hood liaa returnea -from Paris with a very complete array of chs peaun. Mr. F. F. Marker will give another of bis series of Lenten organ recitals Thursday evening at All Houla" church at I p. rn. The follolng In the pro gram: (Jranil Prelude and Fugue In It minor Ilach Rornanza Mar famine I Funeral March and Chant 8era- phlque Oullmant Meditation (new) Harkur Oriental Hkelch No. 3 Bird Orund Choaur Rogers Jl Jl The finals In the tennis tournament which were to have been played to day at the Country clulb were post poned on account of the weather. Mrs. R. P. Johnston and Mr. J. A. Winn will play against Mias Mnrlonl Martin and Dr. Jere Cocke tomoyowl gsgggagsssssssssssssssss L ' !! Special Values in tfew Jpting (foods Seldom do you see Special Values offered on New Spring Goods, We believe in making business, when there is no great demand for Season able Goods. Ifet Curtains at Special Prices During tho coming week wo will sell any of our Beautiful Net Curtains at a discount of Twenty per cent or l-5th off. Net Curtains from $L' to $15 pair. iiS Spring Clearance Sale on Dresses and Gowns of the past season stock Phenomenal Bargains in Good-conditioned Costumes, The following list of dresses are our best Btock excepting tho new Spring styles. VVe sell them for just what they are good-condi- T. tioned costumes of proper enough style, hut not Spring goods. The style difft rence is neghgablc: the quality is our usual high standard. Only one each: sizes mostly ll and 36: all one-piece dresses in princess and empire etl'ect. Note the tremendous price re ductions. Tun net. lnco and blue nppltquc trimmed, reduced $-15.00 to $23.00 r renin inue Aieasallne, net yoke self trimmed, rc- uuceu i mm $20.00 to $11.50 "lessunne, net yoke a.-lf trimmed, reduced mm... $20.00 to $11.50 .i.i n nnu nno neNlls pluld silk, black net oae. from $15.00 to $ $.50 .,ii..- vi niie nnppiTas- plaid allk, blue net yoke r.-iiuceo forn 6.oo to $ 8.80 "Ml" '" "line cheiK ailk. aatin stripe, black trimminga. hue l.,-a and yoke, reduced ,r"m M.00 to $27.50 mm net, tucKa anil braid trimmed. reduced ,n,m $5.00 to $11.50 tirseua green. Nunaveillng, white lace yoke, br.-ild ant iuck trimmings, reducod from ..$27.50 to $11.50 iinuK nirron I'kiuuiu, cream luce yoke and cuffn allk, button, and braid trimmed, reduc.-d f""" $25.00 to JIS.SO Taupe fancy, wnrated. crochet yoke. Persian trim ming, muurixi rrnm 137.50 to $19 , Ml orey llroadcloth. cream llllet yoke, button and ailk trimmed, reduced from $40.00 to $20.50 Tan voile, pink ailk-llned throughout, lace yoke, em broidery and satin trimmed, reduced from $A0. to $35.50 Pink voile, silk-lined throushnul. luoe yoke, astln sna applique trimmed, reduced from $50.00 y gaa.r.o Hiaca iiatiste. White lace yoke, black lace and bra!d trimmed, reduced from s.12.50 to $!5..o Blue and Green novelty woratfal. white lace yoke. reduced from $25.00 to $13 .V) Blue (Solid) novelty worsted, lace yoke. Persian band trimmed, reduced from $M.O0 to $tS 50 Black cloth, white lace yoke, reduced from$IS.M to $ 50 M V. MOORE .troMAtm octfttter. It PAXTON AVE. afternoon for the trophy which presented by the Country club. The public recital at the Ashevllle School of Music and Pramatlc Art will haw an Interesting feature this week In the appearance of .' Mr. James O. mikcleather who Is a pupil of Mrs. F. F. Harker and also member of the farulty of tho school. Mrs Htikaleattier possesses an un usually good and well trained voice and a program devoted entirely to Mrs. Btlkeleather will be a treat. The recital this week Is given on Thurs day and will, commence at 4.80 o'clock. J J Mrs. D. E. Sevier entertained with an Informal luncheon yesterday at her residence on Oak street, which was the second of a series of Inre ma! entertainments given fcy AStg. Bevler. violets were banked as center piece and formed an attractive ana fragrant decoration. There were fourteen guests. Mrs. Sevier will en tertaln again this week with ao even Ing rard party. J Jl Tne mixed foursome golf tourna ment waa continued yesterday after noon In the rain and the nlayera were thoroughly drenched before the afternoon waa over. A detailed re port could not -be obtained but ths Tonowing will serve to give the stand ing ot the players st the end of the anernoon. Dr. O. H. Lambert and Mrs Thompson Fraer were first with a score of 0. Mr. Edward I. Ftost and Mrs Robertson second, and Mr. Jerome Harrington and Mrs. Charles ft Jordan third. Other players wers mr. Bugene Bawyer and Miss Eleanor Morrison. Dr. Paul H. Ringer end Miss Ethel Reeves and Dr. Charles 8. Jordan and Miss Rita Reea, J" Jl mihs Hlna West, supreme record keeper of the Ladles of the Mitcca bees of the World, will visit the Ashe vine Hive. No. 1, March 20th end will give a public lecture that evening Miss West la from Port Huron. Mich. and nan been record keeper or na iioniii secretary since the organisation of the order in 111(12, and hna a na tloniil reputation na a speaxer. as lute thinker nml progressive leader tne entire beneficiary system. The Order of thij Maccabees is n rrnteriml and Denellclery aoclety, gning- life protection to women only In amount ranging from, 1260 to tS.non. also having tables of rates providing for disability under varying conditions It has 1 CO, 000 members. 2.700 aubor luiigea. i ne orner has an emergency fund of IS. 000, 000 which Is conservatively invested tn sm-ern- ment and municipal bonds, drawing over sivv.uuu int. Teat annually. Jl Jl I tie ivnedham and Wrlgthaman opening of millinery yesterday, nt their ahop on Haywood street dia- IHiiyeii n Inrir.. nml Interesting assort ment of spring; millinery. amine n uie nesi small mushroom ahapes of (he aenaon were displayed at Oils shop nml were exceedingly Mmnrt nnd simple. There were Imposing ,lr hats laden with the new anil vm giiieu norm wreaths or drooping wil low plutncH and a number of simple morning lints to lie worn with wash gowns, were exhibited. Mushrooms were nlmi In evlden ind looked very necoinliiK. Some of Hie r.,.,,i. rs or this season are very distln ii.i.niiiK itiutoiign no tiii-.i .-er KHVe growth to such lilnninee T, 1,,-IT- l-lllll III IOI 11 Oil I t.. Ml,,,,, It ,u I'll patronieil nil iiu. Jl Jl The Purlin bull which was n suc cess In spite of the tremendous hand icap of rain nml darkness Tuesd.iv evenlng will be given again Momlav evening at Zeleckn lull on Patton avenue to glvv those who hail pur chased tickets nn.l w. re unable to at tend another chance tn attend the ball An Invitation Is also extended to those who came Tuesday evening to again attend the ball, thev will not be required to purchase tickets The public Is Invited to attend and a amall entrance fee will be charged which will be added to the fund which la to build the new Jewish synagogue. Music will again be fur nished by Rlatchley'a orchestra which will be augmented for the occasion and refreshments will also be served. The ball begins at R.30 o'.-l,M w Jl Jt Miss Willella Ranler who has been the guest of Mlas IJiluirn ot. u tailing Miss Lillian Weaver nt tier resilience on Chestnut ir.. rm. $5. sr.. eevesl entertainments to be given tor Mlaa Ranler the latter part of the week, among others a Kstom Helm dinner by Miss Weaver, a card nartv y Mrs. James Mortimer. lr s lun cheon by Miss Adelaide 1-oughran, and an Informal card nartv hv ui Eleanor 1-ambertson Jl Jl In Dixie," Mrs. Mary C. Robin- Special (food Values in Press A'mens JmioMdras iOaistings The very latest in new Dress Uncus in stripes and solid colors. 25c grade, all the week, for . 35c grade, all the week, for . grade, all the week, for . grade, all theSweek, for . 40c 50c 25c all 19c yard 29c yard 33c yard 39c yard Whie Mecrerized Madras Waistings easily worth yard, a large assortment to chmise from; special he week for ':"'tu 15c yd Special Values in hosiery Guar and of si $1.50 at ., $2.00 anteed Hosiery- for men in tan. blue black, lisle thread, the kind that sell for $3 box ; special tor this week at $2.19 box grade of E yerwear Half Hose for men; special - $1.39 box box Eyerwear Hose; special at $1.50 box , Cadet Hose for 15c pair. They are the second's, have ligM-liawv but are almost as good as the 2"x grade. For women and children. Sxtra good Values in Silks and Ribbons .r0c Tamise and a few. other fancy silks to close out Monday and Tuesday only, at KoMgh Pongee Silks and, 'Fanpy Jap Silks, selling; regularly for J9c and 75c yard; special Monday only 59c yd. Yard wide Black Taffeta Silk $1.00 grade, special Monday for 89c yard; $1.25 grade, special . Monday for 98c yard. Beautiful floral ribbons, the kind that should sell for 39c and 50c yard; all the week for 25c yd. Ribbons from 1 to 3 inches wide, the,-kind that sold from 10c to 20c yard; special all the week at 5c and 20c yd. " ' '- vSmm&Smn, HORSE RADISH The variety of Horse Radish at this shop is not to be seen eisrwmjij the city. Evaporated Horse Radish, 25c Bottle Prepared Horse Radish, 10c Bottle Horse Radish Roots, ; lOc Pound Moo,,ort AvM,,,t' OWNBEY'S Phone 56 Dramatic club of Converse college the first of the week waa the greatest success the club has ever hud ond ! It la aald netted 1125, which consider.! ably added to their reserve fund. The play received excellent notloes frpm I the Rpurtanbtirg papers, and Miss Maude Ouclgcr and Mlsa Margaret j Ware of Ashevllle, recetved special mention for the capable way In which ! they handled their parts. J J The Vesper services at the Henri- . etts on South Main stroev will be held : this afternoon at four o'clock. Hev. Dr. ('antlne, rcturnud, missionary from i Arabia, will address the meeting, his theme being "Incidents From an Ex- ' perlence of Twenty Years, Illustrating! ruble Stories" There will be a! special program of music. The social s-us..n will shortly begin 1 J J I at the Ilattery I'urk hotel and with i the Issuing of invitations for rh.. season s iinnc.s. within the next fort-' night, will be fairly launched for tn- , summer campaign. The semi-weekly ence. HAIR NETS We have Jnst received a large assortment of hair nets, all shades; combings and cut hair made up to order. Man icuring, shampooing, chlrop ady and nalr dressing. MISS CRUISE, 25 Haywood SL I MILLINERY OPENING BROVV1M & JPIlPrR Wednesday March 17th 90 Patton Avenue BUTTER. SSo per pound. The fancy creamery kind, the klna you pay 40c and 42c per pound foi when made in Illinois Instead of her The express company gets the dlfts. (Continued on pegs thrte.) 1'll.Ks (TltltO IN TO II I)YS. I'AZu (UNTMKXT Is guaranteed to cure any cose of Itching. Blind. Ttleed. UK or I'rolu.liiiK piles In fi to 14 days or money refunded. EOc. Asheville Pure East Walnut St., Milk Co. Puoae 554. ft. "'-at. -DAIHTT at- DEUCiOUS" ' 'HZ V I 1118 k2 : iyJ".,'rn'r,!"T t7in " """e bot If yen know ths ssterj ratuuuons of thedltTi-rant brands. th..uperiorrepuUtlon .ndqusllty of Steers" leaves no room for doubt, or (r k. Tk. i i.-J,- T-i ...i. KT!:the an. Wea ecl? invsliisl piece in manufacture nd hsndlingraaulta inacanaj as altri.cUve as it is wholesome SoldSrsllDnillisUanlCMlecUoaMa. Manufactured by LITTLEFIELD at STEERK CO.. KnoniUm. TsV Exclusive Agencies Granted. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to Inform the public thr.t I mve moved my offices from the Leml Milldlng to temporary offices on Tat- on avenue, over Western Cnlon Tele graph office. After April 1st I wilt occupy- the ntire seven modern office rooms that are now being partitioned off on the ond floor of the Laps building N. W. cor. l'ai'k Square. PH. C. P. rOMITO!. Chlronrator. rhoiie 21. DR. MATTHEWS Dental Parlors, a. ST Xew McAfee ftulbllng. Cor. aixl Spnicf, Near Court House. Our work ts the best. tur prices ,very reasonable, j We fill and extract teelh without pain, aluwya. We guarantee all our aork. ' No charge for examination and eat!-! mate of oat of work. Beat I1&.06 piste! for a while st 11.00.' ! '' f OFF1CK PHONE a. ! w; -s' -i. x mLmntDF, n a de n noways J! 51 BUTTON AVE1 Rl npeve'n Jl yes ASHEVILLE N.C. Visit Our Readyo Wear Department We Are shf)n'astici' assoilinent of Linen, Piqix. iik1 TVijiliu Suits. Plain Tail ored Suits iu white and col ors from $7.98 up. Handsome Linen Suits Elaborately trimmed with Lace, from $12.50 to $25,00. Messaline Satin Suits in Black and Colors, from $16.50 to $25.00. Larte variety of new and styUsi Skirts from $4.93 to $16.50.' fc lis ts WC A I eons play, which was put on y the 11