fc-iJM,.Jy JU l g SOCIETY The Woman Ootid of Trinity Church will meet with Mm. Talbot Pennlman, Forest Kill .Thursday ul i. J J Mine May Alexander entertained in formally at her residence the latter part of the week. The house n beautifully decorated with ferns, put ted "plants and gala leave. Jtcfresh Bients were served. A musical con test and other Interesting Karnes were played and entertained thn innny ; sru1 for an hour or two, during the . very pleasant evening. J A Mrs. James O. fltlkelealher irlves a public recital at the Ashevllle Hchool Of Music and Dramatic Art at 4.30 o'clock, assisted by Miss Minnie Wft all, who will render several piano olos. Mr. Y. V. Marker will accotn- JMtay Mrs. gtlkeleather. An excellent . proVram ha been arranged and both . tlx. BUkeUather Bad Miss W eMail " tiav chosen numbers which will show ta advantage their undeniable musical gifts. The Brown-Piper millinery open Ins; yesterday at their new shop over Paul a bakery, was Interesting; and the hats very attractive. The new firm la making- a specialty of popular : priced hats, which will be within the - reach of everyone. Hone of the hats re over 111.50, art stylish and not overladen with cheap trimming, but Imply trimmed and in food taste. fleveral of the mora pretentions hats " for dress occasions were becoming Mid in good style. There were a num ber of people at the opening. J Dr. Charles W. Eliot, who lectures at the Auditorium Monday evening, wilt M greeted by a representative audience, and society will turn out an masse to do honor to the brilliant and distinguished educator. Dr. Eliot ' la one of America' prominent men. and Aehevllle Is fortunate In having the opportunity of hearing him lec ture before he retires from the lecture platform which, it hi hoped, will be deferred for many years. In the how window of the Field Jewelry eompany there Is displayed a brnnie replica of the medal made by Leon Deschamps, the French medallist, for a, committee of Harvard men, the original of which Is to be presented to President Eliot of Harvard on the completion of his fortieth year of service, tn May. The medal Is a work of art Interesting In Itself, and also Of eopeelal Interest to the people of AshevJIle on account of the approach ing visit of Dr. Bitot to this olty. Mr. P. P. ITarksr will give his usual Thursday Lntn reoltal this evening t Alt Souls' church, Blltmor. The organ recital begins at I o'clock and , the following program will be given! Orand Prelude and Fugue In B Minor. .. ... ... ... ..Bach Romania Macfarlane . Funeral March and Chant Sera-. phlque CI u 1 1 man t Meditation (new) Ilarker Oriental Sketch No. S Bird Grand Choeur Ttogors J The Ionic council will have a meet ing this evening at the Masonic tem ple. r ; The wedding of Mies Ethel Barry more and Mr. Russell Ctriswnld Colt, t son of Colonel Samuel Pomeroy Colt. Of Provldenle, II. I., occurred In ltos i ton Monday and was very quiet, only ; Mr. John Barrymorc, the younKent brother of the bride, being present. Borne difficulty, was experienced In ar : ranging the wedding as the bride la 7; Catholic, and a special dispensation ' had to be secured to allow the wed - ding to take place during tient. Miss Barrymore. or rather Mrs. Colt. litis been one of the most picturesque and lovable figures of the American stage, not only by right of Inheritance from her thesplan ancestors, hut on ac count of her straightforward charm of manner and. her unfailing eympa- thy, which has endeared her to count ies struggling artists and player. Miss Barrymore I the daughter of the late Maurice and Oeorgle Drew Barrymore, and l the sister of Mr Lionel and Mr. John Tlarrymore. Mr. 3 John Drew I her uncle, mid his mother, the lute Mr. John Orew, svas IMls Barrymore' grandmother. All of the Barrymore and Drews have occupied prominent places on the stage, both In this country and In England. Plain tailored solid serges In black, navy, taupe, gray ami wine, ImiKoii trtmincd, light shade silk linings. . Vmmy serge la blue, green, and Mock, black and while nu.l Ian. y weave, stlk braid and Persian trimmed. Movetty Worsted in ian moile, green, gray, blue nod rainy rh ( brown and wlkitev, blue and white, gray and white, init and while. White sergr jUln, and with black, brown, gray or gruuu trl'. ' All the newest styles: gotiM are Uiesa price. M. V. rnn oiTi-Tn'Krt. On account of tin- address of Dr. fliarles W Kltoi, liirnier president nf Harvard iinlw-rslly. wlilili Is to be held at the Auditorium Monday even ing, the rcgulnr meeting of the Wrnngli is IniH Im cii postponed to the following Mnii'hty evening. J J Mr. mid Alia. M. W. Iirooks enter tained Willi a progressive live hund red party at their home on rattmi iiviniie Tuesday evening. Mia Jlell Kees won the ladle prize mid Mr ('baric Fowler was the winner of the gentleman's prize. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. James, Mr. C. ('. Hcitwcll, Ml ('riilne, Mlas Btewart, MIh Hell Hee. Mls Jarrett, Mia Minnie line. Mr. l,on Hoktrhansser, Mr. Charles Fow ler, Mr. Morgan Smith, Mr. Ilces, Mr. (1 C. James and Mr. J. r. BmJth. The decorations were shamrocks and car nations, and refreshment were served, , , J J The Invitations for the annual per formance by the students of the ABhe vllle School of Muslo and Dramatic society were Issued yesterdsy and the dato is March 25th. "The Royal Necklace," a musical skit written by a Columbia man and produced by that university will be played by the atu dents. The anrtual play hi one of the most Interesting events of the year and there are few professional com panies that come to Aahevllle that play so cleverly or are enjoyed a the young men of the Dramatic society in their musical comedies. The new music will be Introduced and the usual treat Is looked forward to. The small son of Dr. and Mrs. Ku gene B. Qlenn celebrated the second anniversary of his birth yesterday and about twelve of his wry young friends were Invited to assist In the merry making. The children were each decorated with a green apron, in re spect to St. Patrick, and with real Irish clay pipe blew soap bulbblos. Other game were played and Vncle 8am Allison played old time tunes on his "llddlo" In accompaniment to the games. In the dining room a birth day cake resting on a bed of violets occupied the center of tho table, Last year's candlo and this year's, snd a green one to grow on. lighted the cake, also a dainty shower of shamrock leave nn Its white surface. Suspended from the chandelier was a gilder harp of Erin supported by green ribbons. Silver candle stick with white shades were placed on heavy lace dollies over green satin and shamrock were carelessly scat tered over the table. The host, Eu gene Byron Olenn, jr.. and hi small guest seemed to enjoy the party greatly, and the party was one of the prettiest of the recent Juvenile events. Mrs. W. R. Huntington and her young daughter, Miss Ldllian Hunting ton, of Klyrla, Ohio, are spending the spring season lit the Battery Park hotel. Mlas Huntington, who I bare ly In her teens, la belres to the Im menac fortune of five million dnl.ir. left by her uncle. Mr. It Ice of Hous ton. Tex., for whose tragic death Mr. Patrick, the New York lawyer, Is serving a life sentence. Mra. Hunt- tngton mid a friend. Mr. Baldwin, and Utile Mlas 1 1 untlnntun, are here for a few weeks only. J J The Country club lea at the Manor yesterday afternoon met with well deserved success and was one of the usual delightful entertainment of an Informal order glwn by the ladle of the dub. The tea table was glowing with yellow Jonquil amid an unusual iv handsome silver tea service. Mrs. VV. W. Ornham and Mrs. Charle M Jordan served tea, naalsted by Mrs. Thompson Fraer, Mis Hee nnd Mr. Jame H. Venton. Mr. Ellsworth l.ymnn entertained the audience for over half an hour with his exceeding ly clever card tricks, bringing forth flag of every nation including the lrlxh emblem nnd the stars and stripe from nn apparently flat piece of wrapping paper rolled Into n cor nucopia. HI reading nf message written and In sealed envelopes was especially mysterious and received much applause. The whole perform ance was worthy of a professional and a good one at that. Mlsa Kliz ancth Kumsey recited verv clcvvrly a chapter from "l.ovev Mary." charac terising It Interest Ingly. "The. Mes EXCEPTIONAL VALUES AT $25.00 IN SPRING TAILORED SUITS True to our promise earlier in the season to make a specialty of tailor ed suits at $25.00 we have imported some ?." of the new Spring models to sell at $25.00 notwithstanding their cost to us would justify prices of $27.50, $(), and J.fiO. Women who limit their outlay in suits to !f2.r should sec these at olicc: and women who have need of a "hack" suit to save their better ones should grasp this opportunity. MOORE SI PATTOTT AVEXTTK. THE ASHEVIIXE sage," by Adalalde Proctor foEowed and was given with dramatic feeling and musical voice. Mrs. J. Vaughn Merrlam sane charmingly a group of three songs, all too short, anil was warmly appfciuded. Her last song, "Madcap .Vfarjorle," was naively sung, with sweetns of tone and poise. In the middle rf the song Mrs, Merrlam Mopped nnd charmingly naked per- mlxslnri to sing It over, having for gotten the words. 'I'iu- mistak wax so prellily overcome that tin- audience as loth to l. t the singer leave the stage .Wins Ida. Hamilton sang ' o- liiard's "Alack n Day" auii the- "11a- lanern" from Carmen. MIsh May Klmbcrley placed fauiltlesnly and much of he success or Hie program was dm- to hr remarkably fine play ing. There was a good audience and Hie lea w.im In evxry way a success. The following wire the howling wore at tie- Albctn.'irl' club tourna ment: Cocke, 147. 17fi. 17. h. 30; total r30. Bnrckel. 125, 200, 181, h. 30; total B2r. Millard, ir8, 111, 153, h. 30; total 506. Reynolds, 178. 1S3. 133. h. 60; total r,04. Malone. 141, 17. 1S, h. SO; total 49D. Wawyer, lfllt, 134, 1 44, h. 80; total 477. Fltrpatrlck, 144, 1 34, 14, h. 0; to tal 472. Uaoul, ID, 12. 122, h. 00; total 470. KIndel, 14 5. 103. 147. h. 75; total 470. Jones, 128. 121, 17J. h. 0; total 446. Baker, IIS, 106, 141. h. 75; total 435. ' Morrison. 136, 103. 111. h. 7G; total 426. Jt J A wedding occurr at high noon on Saturday In New York that will Inter est tbe many friends of the bride In this citty, where he Is one of the most popular girls of the younger set. Miss Janle Reynold will be married to Mr. Wood, a slock broker of New York and prominently connected. After a short honeymoon they will o abroad for the summer with Mr. and Mrs, Bohert W. Chambers. Miss Reynold hn been at Mis Bemiple' school on Itlverslde drive during the winter and met Mr. Wood in New York. Mra K. A. Reynold, her mother, Mrs. O. W. Spears and her (brother, Mr. tl. Spear Reynolds have gone to New York to attend the wed ding. Miss Reynold Is widely con nected In Ashevllle nnd In the state, and possesses personal charm and beauty. Mr .and Mrs. Wood will re side In New York after they return from abroad late in the Hummer. c 3 PERSONAL Miss Myrtle Lockhart hn returned to Salisbury after an extended visit with friends In Ashevllle. Miss Margaret I'enland leave today for New YoYrk city where she will study professional nursing at the t'reshyUtrliiii hospital. I Ms Mary Anderson of the Ashe- vllle High school in suffering from a sevvre attack of grip. Mr. nnd Mrs. Rex T. Rostlc nnd inn left yesterdny for Charleston where Mr. Tloetlc Is stationed with the Warren Rrothem Paving compa ny. Mr. Hostic lias been visiting Mr. Joseph T. itostlo III Aahevllle for a few weeks. Rev. ami Mrs. VVelborne who spent last winter visiting relatives In Indi ana have returned to the city. Rev. and Mrs. tic urge I Curry of Wenvervilllo were the guests of friends lu the city yesterday. Dr. nnd Mrs. Martin I.. Stevens re turned from Chimney Rock, where Dr. Stevens has spent a fortnight. Mrs. R. It. Pritxfeld or New York Is visiting her father Mr. A. Whit lock. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Hewitt went yesterday afternoon to spend a few days In Chattanooga where Mr. Hew itt has business. Mr. and Mrs. II. fi Remsford and family of New York are spending several days In Ashevllle. Mr. M. 1.. Pean of Johnson City. Tenn . Is spending several days w ith friends here. i Mr. K. T. C.lenn of New York is In Ashevllle on business. Mr. J. O. Vandner of Spartanburg. S. C, was In town yesterday. Mr R O. Hunt of Sylva Is regis tered at the lterkeley. Mr. C. D. CushlnK or Plctcher. N. C. 1 the guest of Ashevllle friend. Mr. T. J. Archer has returned to Black Mountain nfter a Inisiness trip to Ashevllle. j Mr. R. A. Hunt of Canton was the gueet of friends In the city yesterday XM,I". CU'SK MKADACIffS. L.AXATIVK RROMO Quinine, the world wide Cold and ftrlp remedy re move cause. Call for full name Lok for signature E. W. OROVE. 25e Time's Changes. The captain m receiving the new middy. "Well, boy, the old story. 1 suppose fool of the family sent to sen ?" "Oh, no, sir," piped the boy. "that's all altered since your day." -London News. Net Mleplsced. Hotel Clerk-! found tbe "Not to Re I'sed Except In Case of rir' plncard those college boy stole out of the cor rtdor. Manager Where? Clerk They'd lied It up over tbe coal bin.-Boston i raocrlpt. OHMy. "Fifty mile an hour! Are you braver She (swallowing another pint of duat-Tes, dear; I'm full of grtt CITIZ EN, THURSDAY, Proof That Charcoal Will Absorb Impurities Many l'i-ople Are Not "from MIsmmi r" Hut Tlu-y Like U lie Shown. a Himpic Vft i-:rretiiui 'lest fur Clutrcoal. Frequently people like ., Iinow If an article will do all tlni m claimed of II. and we ak-ree Wjn, ii,,st. peo ple for 11 is p. rfectly rlKlit Hint they should know The K. A. Stuart C i. has gone to ciinslderahle expense to perfect some simple met hud by which It i-uuld be conviio iiirIv prov en that their Charcoal l.i..i nuea po s.'ss. d all the iiiedicin.il piulltlea claimed of them, and le n In print simple yet effective proof Take anything which . uiits an ob noxious odor and place it in Home convenient place, any In a box or something that tan be easily covered. Then putverlw- sufficient of Stuart's Charcoul Ixizenges to completely cov er the decaying or odious matter. Care must be tuken that the pulveriz ed charcoal completed envelop whatever the odor Is coining from. It be immediately noticed that there wil lie immediately noticed tha there absorb positively all the odor and should you make the test with a piece of meat or somelhliiK that de cays rapidly complete disintegration will take place without Hie si I K rites' trace of an odor noticeable. This is proof positive Hint Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges will eliminate odors and Insure the user a clean, sweet breulh. While the general Im provement in the health and ai tion of the stomach and boivcl will be sufficient to convince the most skep tic. Stuart' Charcoal Lozenge are for sale everywhere, 25 cents n box, guar anteed to contain nothing but young willow wood charcoal and pure hon ey; sample sent free upon request, Address V. A, Stuart Co., 200 Stuart Hid , Marshall. Mich. Too Humiliating. A certain small boy of six it rapidly smmtng manly wy. Not long ago Hi "room" at school piaoued an euter talnment. There were to be little songs std recitation and a mysterious grab bag. The small boy waxed elo quent concerning th coming glories of this show, and mora especially the part he would take. On the morning of the entertainment hi mother suggested that be should take hi little Bister1, aged four, with htm. lie hung bis head. "Don't yon want to take her?" hi mother asktal. "No, I don't." bo ftfuwered. "And why not?" I ;, The reply cam quickly. " 'Cause there ain't none of th' other fellers has to bring their children!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. No Acid Needed. Weary Wlllliuu Ithoadoa Bay, Ilnp py, wot' tie difference between us an' new fall cider? Happy Harry-Beiti rch me. Weary William Rboades Dey don't have tcr put no add In us ter keep us frum workln." At which the dry bay in the mow burst luto a furious flume. Exchange. Getting His 8tralght. "I wouldn't make a confidante of May," said tlio conceited fellow, with a self satisfied smirk. "She told me you said you were crazy to marry me. Of cotirso she's no friend If" "No," Interrupted Mliw Wise, "and she's not even a good reporter. 1 didn't eny I 'was,' but 'would be.'" Catho lic Klatulurd and Times. Noiseless. Wife Would It please you. dear. If I lenrncd another hnignngeT nuttband Yos. It would delight me Infinitely. Wife Well, which one shall I study? Husband The sign language. Smart Ret. A Woman's Secret. BlKgs There goci ti woman with n psst. Boggst Yes, nnd there nre about twenty years more of It than she Is willing to own up to. Now York Jour ual. firent Is the fact that our Interests gradually take a wider scope, allowing more scope for the healing power of compensation. Dtneh Mulock Cralk. BELCHING 1 STOMACH PAINS MEAN ndigesiion liodol TAHt Kodol very speedily overoomos lndl gest ion nnilifyspt'psia throtijfh efficient and complete aid given Nature in tho processes of food digest ion. The ymi toms of indigestion and dyspop8'8- aro sipnal of stomach-tllstrpsa. Kodol an swers the ignal( if you let It) result is: immediate relief anil permanent benefit. Kodol never fails to do what rt wan made and Intended to do. Hutevenso don't expect to find am thing- remsrkable or nMnrelou about 'Kodol. It digests food that is nil. But that is enough. Our Guarantee. tSJSS. you ro not N'nofltcd t hr rtmiflt will at oiuo return your money, 1tin't hfsitate; nn dniinrit. will fhI1 you KnUM on thome term, The tlalltir bnitle contains fi times as nnwl n iho ."io irottlr. Kodni is prepared in the ltxnitone8 ol K. C.lMWltt A CoCtuCtt, Frankfurt Sausage IMh dry nnd in pickle, boiled ham, summer sau sape, a variety of pickled Sii usages, pickled pigs' feet, sliced raw ham, sliced break fast bacon. All these are convenient when the ITntche r's order is late or when un expected guests arrive; h ttnMford Avenue OWNBEY'S Phone 56 MARCH 18, im, r3 vtt''?! gest ine of Up-io &ate Jpring Mts and Presses Sver Shorn Jfere Our select showing of new Spring SOMETHING ABOUT THE OAS METER Road your meter. The gas company la in business to serve yor not to rob you, a Borne evil minded people sug gest. There Is never any ilspute with people who read their meters, became these people know when they aro wasting: gas and stop the waste. Unless you rwul wour meter, you may waste gas without realising that you nre doing so. Reading tho meter reg ularly soon ntop unnecessary extrav agance in using gas. IJo not entertain for one moment hut silly lie about gias meters ibelng made to run f rust, or that they work Whwther gas Is being used or not. Iook your meter over cwrefully, study Its construction, lutk the gas company about It, use your common scn?c. We would not tolerate an Incorrect meter. That Is why a testing and proving apparatus i maintained. Oas meters are far more correct, cm the average than watchce. Take time to think over these fig ures: Tbe Bound of Gas and Klrt trle IJghe Commissioners of the i'ttm iiionweallli of Massachusetts, In their I tiventv-thlril annual report for the year Milling Jiene 30, 1!I07. on Jiage lilleen, haw the following figures on (las Meter Inspection: "Total nuimber uf meters inspectiil, r.n,475. In which were sr.6 com b nt meter. Of t'hcHe, 2 would pass gas, hut would not register: 177 wen- fast, MS were correct. a9 were slow." NViw note this: "The Hvierage error of tl' fast meters was 4.4G per cent. The average error of the slow meters was 7 7 per cenit." Now- think over this fact: "Out of r9,47.ri meter tested there wore ac tually "J 0 1! Incorrect some Blow, some fast, the average of the Blow being 3.1'S per cent over the average of the fast." ' IV. yon honestly believe that 5!.4 7o of the tlnest watches thai nre made would make a creditable showing as that? THERE IS NO WAITING to ba served at our place that Is a feature with us just the same a serving only the very beet In the eat ing line. If ye haven't been eating with us. all w ask Is a call. NEW YORK LUNCH BOOM 11 South HaiB it BUTTER. 8 So per pousd. The fancy creamery kind, the klM you pay 4Uc and 42c per pound foi when medo In Illinois Instead of her The express company gets the dlfja nee. Asheville Pure Milk Co- East WsJnat Itiooe KM. DR. MATTHEWS Dental Parlors, 25. 2. 27 New McAfeo Building, '. tillcge and SprutT, Near t'ourt House. Our work is th best. Our prices very reasonable. We fill and extract teeth without pain always. We guarantee all our work. OFFICE PHONE 910. Suits is far in advance of any previous display. If you haw not lookt'dour line over we suggest that von cull in todav and make an inspection. Amonj; the new "Spring Suits mav he seen all the latest and most stylish shades, iiu-ludinf' Catawha. Wisteria, the new. shades of (litcii and (rayi also tlje must stylish shades of blue as well as tan, cream and black. The prices are the most remarkable thing about these new suits, being so very reasonable for the superior and high class quality of the suits. Prices range from $12.50 to $55.00. Painty Jilk presses for Women Now is the time to select your silk dress. Don't put it off until Easter. Our selection is in good shape at the present time, but every day we are selling these new silk dresses, therefore .would like you to take a look before they have been picked over. Silk Dresses in Taffeta, Foulard and Me.esaline, in plain and fancy colors. Priced from $13.50 to $30.00,, ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce to the ladies of Asbevill and vicinity that we have opened a first class Dress making establishment at 90 Pattern Ave. Reception and Evening Gowns a specialty at moderate prices. JAMES & PENLAND 90 PATTON AVE. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wlBh to Inform the public thai I have moved my offices from the Legil building to temporary offices on Pat ton avenue, over Western Union Tele graph office. After April 1st i will occupy the entire seven modern office rooms that are now being partitioned off on the second floor of the I.ang building N. W. cor. Tack Square. DIl. C. F. C'OMPTON, Chiropractor. F'.ione 681. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers No. Battery Park I'lace, Phone liH AsiievHIe, N. C D.R.McKINNON 7 PaltwD il venae (Over Redwood's tore) Ladies and Gentlemens TAILOR HAIR NETS We have Just received a large assortment of hair nets, all shades; combing and cut hair made up to order. Man icuring, shampooing, chirop ady and hair dressing. MISS CRUISE, xa Haywood St. PEERLESS C ASIIEVILIJJ. X. c. Laces and Tucked Nets We have just received I.aces in French Vals. (lernian or Round Thread and Mechlin Vals. These Laces are in new designs and J as pretty as can be. ' , 36-in. Tucked Net in white at $1.25 and $1.50 yd. ' Big line of Fancy Nets fro,n 75yuril up. . f White Crepes just i at 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c and I 30c vard. - - -nt nit ' m our Ready-to-ldear department on Sec ond floor. ONE FLIGHT UP. WE SELL Shuttles, Bobbins, Needle, ate, tor all make of sewing machine. 1 Agent for "Th Whit.'' Beaumont Furniture Co., ST S. Main St, Phone 1003 You Get The Benefit 2 Of a choice and select coal z when you use M. and W. Indian Coa!. Carolina Coa!& Ice Company J Phone ISA, Pattoa Are La Grecque Corsets For every type of jSgure GREENE & CO-, 12 Church Street The Asheville School ol Music and Dramatic Art TK AVDITQlttfriC i . v. v '- e rswita m a large lot of Beautiful : ....... " L. -

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