SOCIETY The annual H i ( I he Anhevlllo ftchooi lat -'iiinir -in nri" of the tout given yl h 1 s - - Ir;irri:l ic uncle-I ty, and fully m nt i ihr iimiiiullfleil success It altalri'-.l. Th- pltiy iiml mini I niirrih-r m with a simp that cftiTW-il Ihi iiH.ri. rit i' wi(h tli. ni and double mi l t r 1 1 . 1 r in iir w rc ; the order of th' .. num. The wrath- j er failed to dain n the hiiIi'IIji of the tarn auHerice wliiih braved lh: el ments to Wilms tho pluv mid the oc- i caalon wm nuc Mifu I In every jiartle-; UlaT. nintulu the Kahn of Kalinin WU played by Mr. Mac Colin ltd j lllK'tion and n keen appreciation of iho1 humour f the cbsruciwr. Ir. tteed I 1 cava a clever d''linsilion of the part of tho rightful heir. Kawilni, and re ceived a largo share of the applause. Mr. O'nrge Jmkwui bus earned l preceding appwiraitees tin- right to the title of principal comedian and his Capt. Han Heine of iho flood j flhlp LouIh wu greeted eiitliualuatt tally. Mr. Jackson's mualcal num ibers wore especially woli given. Aa i Willie, hi younger brother, Mr. Mor fton, another old favorite, made a hit, and waa roundly applauded for his hare of the excellent performance. Mr. Schell cleverly portrayed the in ventor with a name that would tax ' the ordinary memory to the limit, and ' cava evidence of real talent a a char- aeter actor. ' Another god perform smoe -waa that of Lou la Lunatic, play- . ed by Mr. Case, who Was one of the favorites of the evening. Mr. Meyers ' played Anafaboo, General of the .JCanne forces splendidly and brought 'to the character much Intelligent dls t cretlon. Mr. Alien as Cbouchoucou -was exceedingly 'funny and made an instantaneous hit The three feml : ,nlne roles were entrusted to the care i of Messrs. Davison, Becker and Kld 4la, who Made most attractive girls, their costumes were Becoming, ana at a distance they would defy detec tion. The parts were well taken and naddcil greatly to the performance. Mr, Hlddkaaa Kate News, lady report . er.-etruek a sympathetic chord, and - caught on immensely with the au dience. There were a score or more .iof soldiers, slaves, vlllssa maidens. te.., welt costumed and trained, who contributed agreeably to the ensem ble. The musical numbers were un usually Una and at times tfie action of the play waa delayed for some min utes owing to the frequent encores, The scenery was handsome and ap propriate, It writ be another year un- til another play rolls around, but ths .'t memory of the excellent performance ;;of the Dramatic Pocloty last evening wll Hand toward shortening the fJmev"' sf ef The following clipping from The Wilson Times of recent date will be ef loterfst to the Ashsvllls friends of e Dr. snd Mr. Harris and a number of the guests: "On March tt, tr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, their children and grand-chll-ydren received their friends from five, . - to nine. In honor or tho golden anni versary of their wedding. Miss Mabel and lluttlo Mai Cohen, of Ncwbern, met the guests end (inh ered them Into the east parlor where Mrs. Samuel Ward of Wilson and Mian Clara Liftman or Mount onve,, intro duced them to tho hi hie nnd groom. They were then invited to the lower ' hall where Memlumca Kugi-ne 1-ciuh and J. t), lewla sorved punch. The Color scheme waa artistically carried out in the, parlors and dlnlnit ' room, where cut flowers of Joniiill, carnations and frelmires added u touch of beauty. A three-course entlntlon wna sen sd. The tables were urrunKrd u as to form the letter "II," one of the no ticeable, feature by tlfly was tnpi iM. cake surmounted hv llfty wa tupi in. forinlllK the pleilomlli'itlnit liuilih' I. Among the out oT town Ml"'.ft were Mrs. Arthur l.lllmart mid MIh Bvelyn Norvlch of Ashevltle, N. C; Mrs. Iula j lochmnn und sons, and Mr. V. It ,jl4tng of Norfolk. Vn.; Mr. nnd Mrs. II. Cohen anil children. Kewbern, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. 1 Cohen, Oiddslmrn: ' Mr. J. lsaacaohn and daughter, of is HennetlBvllle, is. (V. Mr. and Mrs. II. L Cohen, Mr. Max llnrrla and Clara Llttmnn. of Mount Olive. N. C A numle r of beautiful Klft". tele- grams unil t-ongratulatlnK letters hulp- ' ed to make the day a happy one, r sf Miss Lillian Weaver save a dinner f last evening ut her residence on, Chest nut street for her guest Miss Wllella TRanler, which waa owe of the most agreeable entertainments given for '-Miss Itarder during; her visit. Miss "Tftanler leaves this morning for her home In dilon HprlnKS. Ala., and luvs ! been one of the most popular visitors , 1 of the season The Kappa I'elta col ors were used c lnsl - lv In the d i rations and the centi r .r the tatde was adorned by a lame l.nrh li of white How to in the trade. a path of sites of 175 the suit f'lri.-'j-r .'A roses, the place canls were done In waf r colors ; learinK a similar white rose Mihh Weavers' guests were. .Ml-s Iiunler. Mlns Katherlne Miuein, Mluti Mury Mtlkeleather, Mian Lallaxe Jat a, Mlsa Jcaaie Htlkeleather Mr. Kuchm r. Mr. Cleveland Norton,1 Mr HotM-rt K. Reynolds, Mr. Tim Coc ke. Mr. Willie O. Borne, and Mr. Theodore Rorlson. Mrs. Thomas H. Osborne enterUaln ed yesterday afternoon with a bridge party at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Ifoe, on Oak street, which was attended by a number of guests. Tho occasion was very Informal. r if The ladles of the Maccabees will meet In regular review this evening at 8 o'clock promptly. All members are requested to be present. After the meting there Will be a surprise party Information regarding which members may obtain by phoning 1081 or 1141. Owing to the Inclement weather yesterday afternoon the Battery Park tennis tournament was not continued and will be played this afternoen, weather permitting. A few contest ants risked the cold and practised during the afternoon, going later in to the club room to thaw out and have tea. Mr. William Lester Beebe of Chica go, who Is soon to be connected with the Ashevtlle School of Music and Dramatic Art In the capacity of teach er of art, will arrive the first week In April. Mr. Bebe will shortly after his arrival make preparations for the opening of his classes and an art ex hibit at ths studios. The first of the Informsl dances of tke season wll) be given at the Bat tery Park hotel this evening, which practically opens the spring season at the hotel. Several hundred Invita tions were Issued the first of the week by Mr. J. L. Alexander, for the danc es of the season, and It Is expected that the dance this evening will be largely attended. The music will be supplied by Mr. Spears orchestra. The ladles of the First Presbyter Ian church will hold a benefit sale for the building fund of the Balfour or phanage, this morning at the Bondley building on Haywood street. The ar ticles offered are of great variety, both useful and ornamental, and the friends and those interested In the or phanage are most cordially invited to attend- Weather permitting the mixed four some golf tournament will be contin ued tomorrow afternoon at the Coun try club. The tournament which has still a number of weeks to run, is one of great interest and at the con clusion Mr. Jerome Harrington's tro phy will be awardod. If tho weath er continues In Its present state of blustering and sleet, tea will be serv ed Indoors by one of the members of the club as usual. ff ST Mrs. Theodore V. Davidson will en tertain with a luncheon today for Mrs. M. C. llerry. Mrs. Berry la a sister of Capt. t). W. Hudd and was former ly closely Identified Willi social life In Aahevllle where she resided for some ycitra. There will be twelve guests. An lotoreiHIna- Ui'Ulao tournament was plavcl lajtt eenliiK at ttve Bat tery I'arH hotel n which a mimbw of AlH'Villc Indies and Ktiesb of the hotel, were entered Miss Mtuy Thayer u mi the Hist prlie. oj un usually handine silver ptvitiorraph frame, M r. Iofli.vv.od won the c- oinl peine, n massive slltir belt buck le, the Ihlrd prlw bluo erntl vcjc with tl-r IIHItiK. went to Mrs. WuhIi imkIoii. The fourth, n, Kold fotU pin of uivhiue deslKti wa won ly 'Mrs TWitlck. Mr. C O. Dcw-y won the u a ii.i prists ti iUutk trMrUHrajh iviw of leather. This morning ii bridge tournament will lx a-lven In lienor of Mr .?. M. Koherlson. which will he lat'Kely ut uiidl end of which u numlsT of prUes are offeri'il. The gueets hist evening wore Mrs. K. C. Davvley. Mrs. Huntington. Mies Lillian lluutinsrtnn. Mi's, I win, Mr. J. M. Hohertson. Mrs. c. Dewey, Mrs. (.'. o lowey, Mr. K. ('. Dawley, Mrs. IV II Lockwood, Mrs AltjtUKtus Vsji Weke. Mrs. llx. Mr. B. J. Mann. Mrs. suhmI. Mrs. Wtinh iriffbon. Mrs. J. 1 Alexander, Mm. He4rden, Mrs. Ultswjill.r. Mrs leo. K-ller. (Nlrs. aflar' "ligi na-yi iTiuns 11. Z Forties. Mr. and .Mrs. Teodlck. Mi ks Mitrgtret Morris. Mr. (hUe Alexander. Mr. Clyde Alexander, .Mrs. Hen Graham, Miss Norrla, Mbm I. c. 1 hi ryes. Miss Knilhr, Mina Thay- r. Mrs Hrldirra, Stra. CI E. Stirling. Mr. Jhs II. Ooodwln. Get Suits Mode w ell-liitltiK. and yet marked at a rranonable price Is u perplexing problem to many women. Confusion l natuiul with ao many bide for your RlRn - hnards on tho way are multltuduous and misleading. There Is ono aafo, sure and dependable road reasonablo assurance In all the requi fashion, tit. quality and price the path Which reads "to Moores." Moores policy is to buy the best and cueranti satisfaction. It means that whether ni 1.:. i at contains quality, worth and value. It means your approval or your money hack. Tako the road "to Moores" ne.vt time and 1c. at the new Spring 'Tailored Suits. M. V. MOORE COMPLETE OCTTTrTER. THE 'AHHKVILLK PERSONAL Mr. It. II. Haras went to Canton yesterday. Mr and Mrs. John It. Hervy of Orauaham, N C . are guests at the Hotel Berkeley. Dr W. C. Huberts left yesterday for Washington, D. ". Mrs. N C Berry of New York, a former resident of Astievllle, Is a guest at Kenilworth Inn. Mlsa Margaret l-'psoomh of Nash ville, accomrmnled by a friend. Miss Ethel Meyers, are expected Monday to vlBit Mrs. Kldgcley F'ennlman. Miss Lipscomb's aunt, at Elbemar In Vic toria. Mr. John Iluyler and 'a number of friends arrived from Montreat Wed nesday to spend several days In Aahe vllle, but Mr. Iluyler was called to New York on business yesterday, and the party accompanied him. Mr. L. B. ClntiiKb of Warren Pa Is In the city for a few days and Is a guest at the Buttery Park hotel. Mr. Wlllium I'. Hynum Jr. of Oreenahuro Is BMiidlng several days in Ashuvllle. Mrs. :. II Hy of llend. rsonvllle spent yesterday In Aahevllle. Mrs. B. L. IT I nee of Huuthold. L. I., Is spending a few weeks In Ashevllle on her way rsome from Florida, Mr. and Mrsj. A. M. Fuller and Miss Marguerite riller of Meadvllle, Pa., are spending the spring in the city. Mr. O. V. Campbell of Weymouth, Mnv Rentta am of the I n r vest lum ber operators of southern Nova Scotia, Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. W. R. Ashelev of Greensboro was In the city yesterday on business. Mr. J. B. Danglass Is In Ashevllle for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Luther of Me dina, N. Y., are in Aahevllle for a short stay. Mr. H. O. Miller of Charlotte is in the city for several days on busi ness. Mrs. Rufus Woodcock returned yes terday from Florida where she has been visiting her father. Mr. Wood cocks Is expected nn Saturday. Miss Florence Walker has returned from a visit of several weeks to Miss Mary McDonald in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilamner have returned to their home In Beaumont, Texas, after a several weeks' visit to relatives in Ashevllle and Salisbury. Miisj Lucille Craig has gone to Charleston, 8. C, to visit her aunt, Mrs. a. L. Morrow. Mr. E. J. Beat, formerly of this city but wio now resides In Columbia, 8. C., Is In the city fur a short stay. Mr. J. O. Blair of the Peerless Com pany has returned from a trip to New York nnd other eastern points. Mr. Vreeland left Long Branch. yesterday for Mrs. Danforth. who has been In Aahevllle for several days on her way east from Florida, left yesterday for New York city. Mrs O. Gorman and family hiue returned to New York alter spend ing the winter at Rlbemar. Mr. James P. Brown, district pas senger agont of the Illinois Central ut Naahville, waa here yesterday. Mr. J F.dxar 1'ong. n prominent real estate man of Charlotte, w.ik hero yeslertlay. Mr. C II. Itohiiison, a prominent business man of Charlotte, passed throiiKh Ashevllle yesterday on his way from Brevard to his home. HAItACA CLASH MF.I-7IS. The Uirnra cIaks of the First BnptUrt church held a business nnd social niei-tliiK In Us tvonv lat eve ning. This closfl now has on frxit a mcmherxhlp ctimpjiign In which the members arc much Interested PII.KS tl ltKIt l TO It l)YS. PA.ii til.VTMKNT Is guaranteed to ''it"' any ease -of Itching. Blind. lUei-iling or prodrudlnit I'tle in (1 to 14 daya ir money nfundird. r.Oc A MODEL ELECTRICAL EXHIBITION We extend to you a cnrdlsl Invita tion to attend this speclnl and wonder ful demonstration of Klectrlcnl heat ing and cooking devices. Thursday and Friday 10.30 to 13. and S t 6 o'clock, at our rooms on I"atton Ave nue, There will be msny ' things elec tric," nnd the exhibit will he educa tional, not only for those w hose houses are wired for electric service, but for others as well. Marvels never erase. Not long since the Idea of electric lighting w aa laugh ed at. and yet ita practicability Is un questionably established. Now the occupants of a home wired for electricity have at their command, comforts and pleasures unlimited For comfort, convenience and econ omy, electric, cooking utensils are un excelled. W'e cordially invite the public to attend these exhibitions. Mlsa Potts, our Demonstrator, has printed recetpes of the various dishes served, and will tm pleased to give ooplee to all who wish them. A8HBVILLK ELECTRIC CO. Brock and company's studio Is re modeled and now open for business, corner Patton and Asheland avwnae. Morsel! building. a CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1909. DYSPEPSIA MPNVOX'H DYBPEI'SIA KHMKbY sets almost Immediately on the OaexW! Juleet lliel KlVes the Blelhirll tone fllltf l refill 1. 1 dllfcst Slinoat ewl.l t hills' has been pill into it. It soothes sore snd I. I Itnteil MloiuneliS that li .i.-heill Impaired l.r phfle snd liilnrlos diiius We csnnet t'.o urneiilly ndvlne all who suffer from iiiiy of the followtiiif i)iuplonis to tr this reonil): Iilslres nfter estlng. Ii'entine of the stomal Ii, Hlslng of the foo-l, Wiitrrhrssli, Hour Htoinaeh, llrort (urn. Im of Appetite. Constipation. i!jrlne. Kahitness, pslpltsilim of the hcurl. Hhortneds ef breiilti. Hinl sll sffec lions of (he heart caused hy Inillgestkui. We want every dtseoiirniceil and desen tlent sufferer froio lySM'pala or Indiges tion to east sable sll ether medicine nnd give this remedy a trial If It falls to i!ro sallstactiou I Will refnnd your mo Dry. ( MI'NVON. For sale by all druggists. Price, 25c. i 'f Readers, Read Stiefi's Ads Every Week YOU will find them not only In teresting, but Instructive, and if you expect to buy a pluno and will be guided by our knowledge gained from sixty-six years' ex perience, you can secure a piano that will always be good, and buy at the lllglit Price. Watch for Special Bargains Write Today Chas. M. Stiefi Manufacturer of tho AUTISTIC HTWafT' HHAW AMD HTIEFF MCLrYLiA YEll PIANOS Southern Wa-reroom: 5 W. Trade St. Charlotte, : : : : N. C. C. II. WILMOTH, Manager. Mention This Paper. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to Inform the public that 1 have moved my offices from the Levi! building to temporary offices on Pat ton avenue, over Western Union Tele graph office. After April 1st I wilt occupy the entire seven modern office rooms that are now being partitioned off on the second floor of the Lang building N. W. cor. Pack 8iuare. Dlt. C. V. COMITON, Chlroprsclor. Phone OF Spring and Summer Millinery Saturday, larch 27 Paris lilliiery 7 SOUTH MAIN ST. Connoisseurs Of Olive Oil Po not hesitate to buy the brands sold st this shop. Having stocked heavily before the rec ent advances, the present prices will continue for some time. Order a quart or half gallon today and note the quality and amount of moaey saved. U Moottord Arenas) Special Jale of lack Voile Jkirts for Jo-day (dash CJoods for Spring Wear New Percales, in. wide, big assort ment of stripes, cheeks and bordered effects. Good value for 12Jc yard. Cotton Poplins in many pretty shades. Poplin is very stylish this spring and will be used extensively. Priced at 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c and 39c a yard. Scotch Ginghams. A pretty showing ot new Scotch Unij;hams, brown, blue, pink and for 25c a yard. BUTTER. tSc per poind. The fancy creamery kind, the kin you pay 40c and 4te per pound foi when made In Illinois instead of her The express company vets the dlflM enoe. Ashevllle Pure Milk Co East Walnut St Phone BM. DR. MATTHEWS Dental Parlors, 15, 2, ii New McAfee Building, Cor. College and Spruce, Near Court Houee. Our work Is the best. Our prices very reasonable. We All and extract teeth without pain always. Wc guarantee all our work. OFFICE PHONE 49. FOR THE CRITICAL DOM KKTIC TWADK Wo believe the M. & W. In dian Coal leads the entire Held. Entirely free frum elate and clinkers, burns to loss ihan five per rent ash. It is a coal used uir'd will always be used. laroiina Coal & : Ice Company i Phone U. Patloa Are. e OWNBEY'S Phone (6 r: tt-' -y. ' "",'. ""'' ' "'i:a;:ga i.n- one i;iv Kri(l:iv. wo black voilo skirts at a' discount of 25 per cent off the rcffular price. This means that all .. . $ 7.50 Black Voile Skirts w dl be sold for. . . , 5.63 $10.00 Black Voile Skirts will be sold for. . , ., S 7.50 $12.50 Black Voilo Skirts will be sold for. . . . 9.37 $15.00 Black Voilo Skirts will be sold for 511.25 $17.50 Black Voilo Skirts will be sold for. . . . $13.13 Those special prices will prevail Friday and are not good for auy other day. .iJ, in. wine, m green checks and 15c MISS CRUISE PARLORS For Manicuring. Massaging, Chiro pody nnd Hair Dressing. Everything for the hair ran be obtained here, In those styles that are the most modhh and becoming. Combings and cut hair made to order. JOSS CRUISE, 25 Ila'yn-ood Street. D.R.McKINNON 7 PsHod Avenue (Over Redwood's Store) Ladies and Genflemens TAILOR ! M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importers No. Battery Park Place, Phone 44 Ashevtlle, N. C eeea e e e Give GREENE&C O., I Ladies Tailoring anl Dressmaking, 12 Church Street. ASIIEVILIJi, X. c. l A , .... S ': li - ' Our Sale of Torchon Laced Continues for a few days; Torchon Laces from 1 inch, to 3 inch, wide, at 5c yard. We've just unpacked some pretty shirt waists in plain, tucked, and neat embroidered effects at $1.25, $100 up. Waists made f white cotton erepe at $150; white haen waists at $2.50. , 1 For outing skirts, 2$, 35c and 50c a yard. will spll our entire linVif tfeu (foods jot Summer (dear Cotton Crepe, 28 in. wide, in old rose, lavender, light blue and white, regu lar 20c value, for 15c yard. A pretty lino of Fancy Cotton Crepes special good value for 18c a yard Figured, Lawns. A dainty collection of different patterns, including floral designs, all kinds of figures, stripes, checks and solid colors, at ,lOe,, 12c cs, i a yard. ; THERE IS NO WAITING to be served at our place that Is a feature with us just the same as serving enly the very best In the eat Ing line; If yon haven't been eating with us, all we ask Is e oaH. jew tors ixnxck ROOM 11 South Hail rt (GAfEW OFFERS The Biggest Bill of the season. Parry Lee, comedian; Rowland Ranunage, banjo soloist; Ben Dawson and Ojbi pany, presenting "The Burglar." - W. 0. WOLFE y trmim AND GRANITE MONU MENTS. A specialty of Italian Statuary. De signs furnished on application. & EL Cor. Pack So, and Market St Ashevtlle. N. ft Your Dressmaker half a chance" Don't go to her with au old broken down corset and then tell all your friends "she didn't fit me." (io to Greene & Co. and get ;i "Lu (irec(ue" Corset, it will give you a shape if you haven't one. Then your dressmaker can do the rest. We know about the corset and the dressmaker. e r e e e e e