TTTE RTTNBAYCTrTZEN", MARCH 28, 1909. SOCIETY 1 Tho irln wnlriK at th- rarl nUllnry shop n J'nitti Main tirwt. waj very u- nxf nl y-atorilay and th numbfTi of prMtr rrwMtt-ld rrvt wilh tho approval of the larik-a who vk w el thm Tlir miiifiMom ha- a us ajraln In evidence and w mti to thr hapr of the i n of tin- prtttlwct of th- haw bIimwih sks tin V lU'Tt pok honii' t, wild In rrmni of wovfrn rlblwn. ami the soft plume anil flower .!( trimming m-f-m much In vogu and c an air f n:annH to a Mark hat. wlikh otherwise irlmnwd with willow plumr. Tho latter are alio mix h iwd In drewi hat and although iiulle expensive, make up m graceful llnra for their outllnea. The morning huts wrrv epclally good and were aimple and atyllsh. The opening waa vll attended There will b a dance at the Man or Tuesday evening which will toe the Informal opening of the spring at-ason at that hotel. The Manor dunce have alway heen popular and liteeday evening- the young people II! attend largely. J J Mr. Jerome Harrington entertain ed with a stag party laat evening at tho Battery Park hotel, in hie apart rtHfttta, which waa attended by I number of gueete. The Tahkaaate club gave a amoker last evdnlng at the club rooms. Chaf ing dishes war used and a Dutch cupper aurved. The guel Included about tweoty-flva membera of th club and geverai non-number. Mis Bertha Klnr of thl city, who )ia spent a fevr wee km moat anjoyably '. Plaiting her friend, Mln Mattle Saxon nd other In Auguata. da., goea to morrow to Gray court, 8. C, to vlatt - for aom day her uncle, Mr. R. A Knah, and family. J The announcement of th marriage ; of Mia Blanch Pavt a graduate of : th Aahevtlte oollego and a former . mnibr of the Bill mo re choir will be received with interest by her many ' . frlenda in th city. The following la th announcement: "Mr. Robert PoaW Ax la ma Ml Blanch Davi Married Saturday, March twentieth. Nineteen hundred and nine. Mayfleid, Kentucky." . The rangier will hold their monthly meeting tomorrow rvenlng at the Woman' exchange whuh will . be preoeeded by a dinner. Mr. George H. Wright will read a paper thin sub ject ot which will be 'The Coming Rac In America." Th respondent will be Dr. Meeoham. Th dinner la at vien o'clock. J J Dudley Buck' cantata "The Story of Ore Cros" will be sung by the choir of All Bouts' church. Bl It more, thla afternoon. The aololst will be Mr. Y. F. Harker, Mr. and Mrs. James O. Stlkeleather and Mr. Bur nmtt Jordan. Th pubNc la most cor dially Invited to attend. A benefit concert for the library of the Orange tnet school will ! given at the school Friday evening. for which an attractive, program line; been arranged. Mien Katthlrx-n Ware will give a number of cltatkn and readings; Mr. J. II. Rurne will sing; Mim Anne Hall will yrlve several vocal select kina and Mia Kxum Clement will fread. The children of the seventh grade will alao take part In the program. J J The tannla tournament wan post poned at the Battery Pork hotel yes terday afternoon on account of th rain and the contestants and a num ber of visitors epent the afternoon In th club room where punch was ervexl. The tournament will be con tinued tomorrow afternoon at i o'clock, weather permitting, n follows Mr. Kllnwnith Lyman nt scratch will play the winner nf thk Coxe-Oregg mntch. Mr. SeliulUc will play against Mr. 1. It. Mlllurd and the winner. will play against Mr. Allan Morrison. Mrs. J M. Bin mm will !.' the at Central Mrth.xklKt liiutvh at the morning aervlcr tiHlay. The choir will elng Taylors nullum "1,1ft up ye Iwti'U () egHtoM." In filh Mine Anw Hall will wing the hoIu. Mrs. Jiinx-e O. tlkeloather will slim' the solos ut the evening service. . . The lnilien f Trinity church will hold a Hale of fancy .m, uweful ar tlcUcs Kntiirdny April 3r. nt Scaweil e pharmacy, the pnx'ee.ta of which niH he aldHl to th- fund of the paving. debt. . .4 Miss Wrlirht of HalMmnre. who li if oone iimspit uoiim eervlce In alii of th. Ani. rxjii m ;i nt. n , -a ill ajirMe the wnp.-r m.M.riK thi ftfrri'H,n ul Uie 1 1, in i-t t.i ,,n rbiiith Main tri-.-t at four h i to, K Midi! Wright will give an owtllii'' i.r hr Murk and it Ia Iwipi.) that tin- .itt. iiilaoi will lie un NHIIHlly gl-xl, A opeeiul InllKll' . rvee Mill also hi- Bin ii. An lnviltatliiii is .t. ii.Ii i 1., ih- pin. lii anil especially tu tlir w nun ii nf Aihi ville J$ Tli .! liny M'n-n chili decided at th'-ir lat in-,-fiinf, wlhli-h was held ly hill.- Miwi Mlzalxth Ilrlilges at tlii- Haiti rv I'ark hotel that the pro .. ils -if the nale which Is to be. held ut HriiinH'i pharmacy April 10th will ! devoted to the Balfour orph linage. .4 J A Inten recital will lie glvlen at the filrln Friendly society In R4 It more Tui-silay evening by Mia Exum Om ent. who will give a number of head inga. nselated by Miss Robin Kennett who will be heard In vocal number, and Mle Blanche Loftaln. who will play several piano selection, Ten member of the old Kwannanna t'ountry club who are also membera of the present country club, very gracefully acknowleged the aervloes and Intierest of Mr. J. J. McCloslopy also a prominent member of the old club, by presenting him with a hand Home plgxkln irit oase, Quipped with silver mounted toilet articles, 1-Ylday evening at Che (Country club. Mr. Mct'loakey was closely Idenifled with the swannanoa club and the sll ver plate attached to this beautiful present bore the following Inscription 'To Mr. J. J. McCloekey, from hJ old friend of the Country club In token of hla valuable services" Mr. Fred tJonle. presented the gift to Mr MoCloakey Informally at th Ashevlll club. Friday evening, In the name of the several friend. J Mis Bird Philips who has frw quently visltkid In Ashe wl lie I pend Ing the late winter wKh Ms) Lea Callaway In New Orleans Ml Call away width her mother pcnt abmmer before last in thla city and was vtcry popular during heir sUy. Miss Calla way waa oueen of the Momu ball during Mardl area thla year Int New Orleans, and waa one of the most beautiful ruler of thin Momu court in several year. . Jl i The mixed foursome golf ttHjfna ment was continued yesterday aiter noon at this Country club In spit of tn steady drlule all aftTnoon. The following wore tho si -ores; Mr. Ed ward I. Frost and Miss Rita Roc i0, h. 10. n. HO. Mr Jerome Har rlngton and Mia Rtxanor Morrlsnn 7E. n. g. ti. A4. den. A. 15. Bate and Mr. Robertson, fi h. 20. n. BBi ( 'onllnui d on page Miree.) PLAINTIFF WINS IN SEGHRIST VS. JONES Hie Jury which ha been alttlng In i ne case or Husan V . Hechrlat va. Ilea ut it. jinies et al. in the superior court Hinon Tuesday returned a ver dict yesterday morning which Is prac llially a victory for the plaintiff. Tin eonieiiiisn waa over three tract of lainl, the title i which was In H it JniicB. cleceaoil, hualmml of tin. de fenciniit. Mr. Hechrlat claimed that two of these wore hers by reason of tho fact that, as she claimed, Mr Jones in hla life time had Invested certain moneys belonging to her In mem. une suit Involved all three trncta although ilhe dispute centered al.nut one truct principally Inasmuch an the plaintiff made no serious con k '.uon Tor one and the defendant n ade iiuiio fur another. The Jtirv round that two of tho tmots belong io airs. Becnriat. in the routine proceedings of the (oiirt tho cos.' uf tho Swannanoa Lumber Co.. v the Hryan l.umliei c iinixiiiy, appealed from JnntKc court. iMia diamlssed. Si vers I cases wore continued by or-ih- of the court on the ground that there would not I.,, sufficient lime to 1 1 tin in at this term. 'In- court . nleis upmi the Ia.-1 week n this term tomorrow It la not ex pii lnl that any cases of grritl Im p. iIiimcc will be ,-alled Inasmuch as tl -. cal.-tnlar luui been tiailly upset by tin- lenglli of the trials which hav men iicKi. in yesterdays Citizen It HM' ""'"i only minor matters imhiIiI be taken uji yestertlay lnas i.iiii h aw that day wo the last day of no' icrm. i lie worm "term'' was In i.ihi rt. ntly misused for the word week." ami thim mailo the statement n. in that the icrm uf court ended CSte a . How to Get Suits in the Mode well ntliiu:, and yet mat ked at a reasonable price Is 11 perplexing problem to many women. Cr.nfunl.-n if natural with an many bids for ,vour trade Sign-hoards n the way are mullltuduoim and nilNlciilIng There li ono safe, sure and dependable road, a path of reasonable assurance In all the requi sites of fashion, nt. quality and price the path whic h rra.h ' tu Monro." Moores policy Is to buy tho best and guarantee Kallsfacllon. It means that whethor at I26 or at ' 6 Ihe suit contains quality, worth and value. It means your approval or your money back. Take the road "to Moores" next time and look al the new Spring Tailored Buits. M. V. MOORE COM PI.JTK OrTFITTKn. tl PATTO ATKVTTaV THE HARMONY OF HOME Itair Not Mingle Willi or f'jlianate From tiie Table of I ry xprptiiia. In tho home, rncai ttrn should awaken In all the Inhahltaiitii a pecu liar harmony of Jny which will make for tho home the aTilding place of In tercut and happlii'KR. If one member at the dinner tahle Ik nut of aorta, hi Influence In f'-lt and the harmony la lacking, t'on vcmatiiiii and mirth are aluent. Ie vourlng thoughta an.-all the ilim r anil silence prevail. "At The nyspeptlc' Tabl, Omlnlou Quiet and Gloom Crowd Out Mlrtli All physician agree that mirth and )oy at meal time doc much toward digestion. Mirth tingles the whole nervous organism of man, the cells whareln are stored valuable digestive Juice, empty their contents under the nrv tlmulatlon and promote the highest degree of digestion. If gloom and discomfort prevail at table the reverse action obtains and meals become necessities, not antlcl pated Joys. Htuart's Dyspepsia Tablet are little storehouse of digestion which mix with the stomach Juice, digest food retlngle the mucous membrane and Its nerve center, give to the blood great wealth of digestive fluid, pro mot digestion and stays by the stom ach untl lall It duties are complete. If dyspepsia alt at tablea It makes th dining room a place of awe; these tablets should be taken after meals and dyspepsia of a conequence flee. No need for diet or fasting. The dyspeptic who will us them relig lously will find no sense of nausea In the light of generou meal or In the odor of rich cooking. It matter not what the condition of the stomach Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet only Improve the Juices and bring quiet to the whole digestive canal, of which the stomach la the center. Forty thousand physician use these tablets In their practice and every druggist sella them. Price 60c. Hcnd u your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free, Address F. A. Httuurt Co.. 150 Htuart Uldg., Marshall. Mich. HORSE SHOW GOMES OFF NEXT MONTH M'.VKNTH ANM'AL UVKNT Dl'K APRIL 20 AM It 21. Two 'cw ClnKM'M Have Been Added lo InrrcflMc Intercut anil I'lltllU-dltMII. Tin- prize Hut ni the .seventh an ii mil Aahevllte burse hIiuw has )h-ci Ihhui-iI ami from now on detailiil a.t tcntinn will be given to mulling tills vent the moat notable in the history f the horse show association. The ifilcc of the secretary in th., Audito rium will be oiH-n dally from V to lock for tine listing of entries and 111.' giving of Information. Parking space will be placed on sale Thursday for the show April L'Oth und'lMst at Itlvervlilc park. Th' show will be featured b new Inew-s and 111l.ljlnm.1l prizes Mr. '. J. Harris has domitci! a pri.e of $10(1 anil a nip to be 11 warded In a lass lo Im- selected by the din dors and a 1 hiss termed "carriage pair, amateur nas nccn aiMivi ns wen as handsome prizes for yearling colts which shoiisj) ' mnium it- lirciil'i .1 is licllcv-d that the entries will numerous as out of town interest has been Ki-eiillv arousil Ituk-M 1 lie Sanio. I he rules are prai-to ally tin- hiiiu y.-iir ami at prevhuis sliows Die names of the Judges will . an. 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 v - I later, but the pn-sent int. 11011 01 tin- iiHSoetatlon Is to s.uri nth nu n who hae acted in this capacity for the large shows of th eountn. The prescirt of thi lumociallon sr. ir. M. Westrny Hat tie, pnslilcnt. In- . '. Ueynol.ts. vlce-p resident, and W. !' I'.andolph secretary, riw directors nr.-: Thomas wadle Uaoul. Hr. S Westruy llattl. V. 1'. Itiindolph. r T. 1. t'heesls rough. . c J. Harris. lr. C V. u.- II. . I'lummer. P. S. Il.mry. and S. p. ic.i. u. I Tin prie rt tor this .mar includes cnah print. r.uiKing from t"i to Hon There arc twenty-six different " last-ox including all those of la.s-t jvar. with two or three additions. Kireafler per. urns not lieKinuiK i the na:il cMablif u menl recetilng per muwlun to pboloRiapli war vessels m oa y arils will no require! to rurnlsh. without cost, duplicates of all pictures taken. Moving picture films uro included. PII.F.S CI'IIKO IN 6 TO II DAYS. i-aik i w fm l-. XT Is a-intnmiteoii tu cufo any ease of Itching, Itlltul, Weeding or protruding Pllew in li to 14 rtuys or money refunded. &flc KIVK HPNDRKD I-AMIF-S WANTKD To see my samples of Racine Hos iery, l.lnen and Cotton Icn Trim ming and New Curtain Samples. Phone tl. E. L. BROWN. Brock and company's studio i re modeled and now open for business, corner Pattan and Asheland avvnue Moraell building tf Readers. Read Slieff's Ads Every Week YOU will find them not only In terestlng. but Instnn tl ( , and If you expect to buy a piano and will be guided by our knowledge gained from sixty-Fix years' ex perience, you can secure a piano that will always be good, and buy at the Right Prli. Watch for Special Bargain Write Today Cbas. M. Sliell Manufacturer of the ARTISTIC SOTEFF SHAW AXD BTIEFP HELFPLAYER PIANOS Southern Wareroom: 5 W. Trade St. Charlotte, : : : N. C. C. H. WrXiMOTH, Manager. Mention This Paper MANKTUING. Halrdreaslng, Facial Massage. Scalp treatment a specalty. Cp-to-dato lln of hair goods, toilet articles, switches puffs and pnmpadoues made to order, Prices reasonable, work first class. I,A1)IK.S. GKNTLEMEV hKINNFJt St ill TKIl. Mo. 12 South Spruce Street MISS CRUISE PARLORS For Manicuring. Massaging, Chlro pody and Hair Dressing. Kvorything for the hair can be obtained hero, in those styles that are the most modish and becoming. Combings and cut hair made to order, MISS CRUISE, 25 Haywood Street. W. 0. WOLFE MARBLE A. I) GRANITE MONO MENTS. A specialty of Italian Statuary. De sign furnished on application. a B. Cor. Pack Sq. and Market St. Ashevlllc N. 01. GENUINE ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD and Imported new brasses. Gems an high class antique Jewelry. Scrap gold and silver taken In exchange or cast paid for same. Victor Sterna' Antique Shop a North pack square. THERE IS NO WAITING to be served at our dace that is feature with us Just th asme as ervlng only the vry best in th eat ing line. If you haven.'t ben eating wun us. ati we asx Is a call. NEW TORS LUNCH ROOM 11 South Hail 1 La Grecque Corsets For every type of figure GREENE & CO , 12 Church Street The Bankrupt stuck of TIIK STOXKR CLOTHIXd CO. has been moved to No. 18 South Main St. and will be sold at the same Bankrupt Prices as hereto fore. Also 700 Pairs of Ladies Oxfords in all colors just received which will be sold at Bank nipt Prices 0. E STONER CO. 18 South Main Street. We Don't Claim the Earth Rut do claim that there are no bettr seed and onion seta titan LandreUi'. For halo at TDK CAKOMNA PHARMACY Cor Market and College (its. LOGAN Merchant Tailor. 14 N. Pack Square. Phone 7J, Asheyllle. ANNOUNCEMENT. I I wish to Inform th public that I have moved my office from the Legal building to temporary office on Pat ton ateoue. over Western Union Tele graph office. After April 1st I wfli occupy the entire seven modern office rooms that ar now being partitioned off on th second floor of th Lang building N. W. cor. Pack Square. DR. C. F. OOMFTO.V, Chiropractor. XI. DR. MATTHEWS Dental Parlors, 25, 2, 17 New McAfee Bulkllng, Cor. College and Spruce, Near Court House. Our work la the best. Our price very reasonable We fill and extract teeth without pain always. We guarantee all our work. OFFICE PHONE 949. IMPRESSIONS COUNT Tou alway look better with clean perfectly laundered llnena Ws do our part. MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY BUTTER. tSe per poand. Th fancy creamery kind, th kin you pay 40c and tio pr ponnd foi whan mad In IUlnol Instead of her Th ezpr company get th dlAa) ence. Aaheville Pure Milk Co, East Walnut SL, Phone &5A. D.R.McKINNON 7 Pattoo Avenue (Over Redwood' Store) Ladies and GenOemens TAILOR M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importer No. Battery Park Place, Phono i4 AstwTiUe, N. C ASHEV1IXE N.C. Lots ot New Spring Suits and Fix ings Here tor Easter Wear Our Buver recently returned in,,,, Nfw York, when- he purchased a beau tiful assortment of goods for Kaster. We are showing a handsome assortment of Showerproof Foulard Silks at 7.V, 8.V and $1.00 yard. Also Showerproof Tuscan Silks, 27-in. wide, at ,f 1.00 yard in all the new shades and black. Pretty Messaline Satins, litvin. wide, splcdid quality at 1.:5 vard, the kinl that will not s:.gafter its iikmIp up. Most any shade you can name. HOSIERY AND GLOVES We sell t he celebra ted Kayser Double Tipped Gloves and Hose. The gloves sell from :,,. ,ip, in M;t,k. whHc :md (,Vnily,r The Kayser Double Tipped Toe and Garter Hem Silk Hose are $2.50 pair, will outwear; pairs of ordinary Silk Hose. Beautiful Variety of Nets and Ail-Over Laces - iold and Silver Nets at R50 and .$.".( M l vard. The pettiest liue of Val La-es in town. French Vais, (erman Vals, Me. lHi,, ils. New Spring Hosiery in Cut Ion. Lisle and Silk for Ladies, Misses and Child ren, evening shades in lisle hose for ladies for 50,- );,ir. Its of New Ribbons and Beltings in Cotton, Silk and Gilt. C. H. WHITE who lias conducted a cafe for ladit's ami gentlemen at Paul's Baker', 90 Patton Avenue, has removed his plaee of business to 14 CHURCH STREET at which place he will be pleased to see his friends ami patrons. REGULAR MEALS AT 25 CENTS Short Orders Served Y. M. C. A. LYCEUM - GOV. JOSEPH W. FOLK AT AUDITORIUM TUESDAY MARCH 30th, 8:30 P. M Holder of season Lyceum ticket can exchange coupon at Y. M. U. A, beginning Saturday 27th at 9.30 a. m. Subject, "The Era of Conscience." Oreat lecture by a great American. Every one should hear him. Reserve your seat early If you want a good one. : 8. STEBNBEBQ ft CO. J om BUM For rmmxllat dltrry, all gjjida at weaaA ksuU sag. a Jary in Int elas condition. J STEAM B03LEE9. ENGINES OH ALL KDTWL : Pulleys, Hangem, Bearingi, Boxee, Bhaftinij J Band Saw Mill complete; Steam Engines and BoU- crs, of all sizes and makes; Laundry Outfit com- plete; new and second hand Piping, all sizes; one 4- ton Chain Hoist. CX)BRESPONDENCJ BOLIO 5 ! 1 nt in i axxix. New Arrivals of Fish " Smoked Halibut 25 cts pound Smoked Bloaters 35 cts dozen N. C. Roe Herring 25 cts dozen Red Salmon (whole fish) 12k pound These )ds are of ext ra tpiality and will please the most, exacting. as Montford Aenae OWNBEY'8 PhOM 5g 51 PVrTON'AVEmBtTTER PHONE-56 at Reasonable Prices. 1 j-