THE -ABBEVILLE CITIZ EX, MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1909. 'I h ii GLEANED FROM FALLOW FIELDS OF FUN IN THE OLD NORTH STATE HoptiMp-aiiiig t.ranl. llfcri. J .mi i;.,H!,. r. 'n ar. .(! r Mi!! tn Town . fli-rn1 r "f North rami ugr. rr-.iii th-- I'mMi pone, '..'iint- lp-ll of!i e U Monday, tin-th- minors?.-. Ia ri v i 1 1 - ta-l speak1, un.t hi ha f .iii'1 k' -s m in .1)1 mill o-.wu I'.tli. toe fatal 'l:i for lb- I; ms . lift. T t(l. run n h.i.l le ri mad ill" handful of .l.-nio cfaH, lil by tin- doogliU J"lin lit. gerald. An Irtst h.-in brinm of binky I'at McCarren. of l',r.oklyn. N. Y.. had wade Mib.- th ado-ition of " th- old It-ed rul--i ijrunt came out of the stuffy hull lir. d, l,ul r-J thst h- w a fi r-n Lilian and riot a drimii rat. and hungry, gaping from ear tu ax. and 'ifii.i.1 ii I fi luir. for a bit of home-made corn l.i . ;id " 11. thought ruri f.r coMiireitt-" rumign mcnls. nor the tariff ,n bull yearlings but of port' pon from the horne ground i-nni meal and l.uti.-rinilk. Long before the rH-tlb-th eon-cress hail adjourned Col. ml tii n t iiiiic to Washington look th ground over nril harden hi f-l to the asphalt. Kr. long, after arriving In this ity of Diagnifii-ent illxtaiK -ea. th" Tar lie. I mountaineer realized thai all thul glltum I not gold Try an hi- did he could nct find any corn "bread like that In Henderson county, ami before a week had palmed he was so wore of foot, empty stomached, ami kk at - heart that he longed for the running water of the Blue Kldge. ami tint lit tlye grist mlllir at Own river, and was almost Inclined to give up his eat In romnM and return to Un sticks whiri! -he could hear the cha.t tnr of the woodpecker and get ome toothsome rianda. Dlaanipolnti'd, dta. rtM'tl and hplwi h irrled, "Olv m oni- jitrr of old-fuahknd rn dodgur and you may damn m." An old Virginia darkiy who had bwm looking him over from hoad to foot hear him, Jumped nut on thn aanhalt atd knocked out th old frtftlilonnd Jig of the negro. "Town tia country, Ttia nigger aay he lovea muah, Vf h" country, The nWoer any, 'tor (lod'a aake huah.,M Colonel Orant hede-(l not tho Jer : of th negro. Winer there la will there la ' way and the rpubllcan member from the tenth North Carolina la pretty ahlfty, aa the democrats tip his way learned last fall. "There's no corn m Mil here," said Calvin lforton, who halls from Yancey and has a fellow feeling for the man from Henderson. then." said Mr. Grant, "if that 1 the trouble I'll ship a bag on head of me," and he did. and now : With hla hall cut a la mode, hie trotisvrg creased, his face clean shav en and his mind full of high pur poses he represents his "dflextrlct.' II has evdvcrtlsed In an Aehcvlllr paper that he will be in his offlcv t from 1,10 o'clock every morning until unset tn the aft it noon, savti when In "the halls of oongreM, mixing, talk ing and laughing with the win.- men Charlotte Observer. Of tu Whwto 111.1c "From AMhevllle wtmiw the etory of the wife who placed her dead hus band a shoes In his coffin. In ordnr that he might not go barefooted when he returned to earth," says the French Broad Huatler, "There Is a record of a similar Instance In Kenditrson v4lle. Years ago old David Belcher, known of all, died. Ilia wife. Anne Belcher, still living. InalMtcd on bury ing her snouee'e shove In hie grave, that he might 'be properly clnd when the last great trump sounded and the dead awoke." Ashevllle knows nothing alxiut the Incident referred to above, but can resdlly understand why anybody from Hemlersonvlllc might nwd some pnrteirtlon for the soles r Ms feet In the next world. s-nutir Vain' Iikiii. !i. '.ii- f hii l.itt . iimpaign vlh-n I.,- '.ir.ff iMii. Afn p:il;i rooiinl rri S. j,al',i V;in' a:ui r.'(tjeyt,,l ri.'t to all.o!. to that HUbJeet lo a p.-ch u !ji. h he friii'i" in a cotton mill town win ;t " t" filMerver i orrewpon.l .nt, 'itti n.H imual ..i"nti"( h re (.-..! to In- .Ill t iled to and iroci ed'.l t.. m.ik" Co lti ul' i-t Hlei-h .if bin l,f. II" l,, h'iir.m with him t"., :.h -. ,-i the farrnem and th" nitiK j ,.HS Mri( j.r iron. 11- f'.i" I.- IioikIi. ii Ii.- ha.l tit., m laughing as h. re. :t.. Vlary II a. I a lylttle l.:int." -A.tli v.'iriatiorm. Hh.wlng how pr .ii. lion rolit.l. applaiiillng his dec laration for ci.imlity of opportunity nri. I no taxation f..r private benefit I.;it. r 'I'.w-rnur V'flnce fin iKh -! tliat po.'tn ,.nl r..'nl it in the wriate. It w.i r- . ... .1 Aith Hhontn or laugh ter, i .. ti r"pi!llcari wi-nartorM hinlriK back in their (iai ami giving unre- utralneil Hwnv to their niirph. Here la the poe rn: Our Mary had a little lamb. Her heart aob most Intuit, To make its wool beyond lt worih, llr4tig r.i; pi-r cent "A pauper Klrl a. rone the wa Had one email lamb also. Whose wool fir le.sji than half that mim Hhe'd willingly let go. "Another girl who had no nhwfi, No stockings wool nor flax Hut money enough Jiwt for to buy A pair without the tax. "Went to thn pauper girl to get Home, wool to shield her feet. And mak" her etocklnga. not of flax, Hut out of wool complete. "When Mary saw the girl's design She straight ln-gun to swear MheM make her buy both wool and tax Or let one leg go bare. "And so she cried: 'lrrtject, Reform! let pauper wool In free! If It will keep her legs 'botfh warm What will encourage me?" "80 It wan done, and people said Where'er that poor girl went. One 1i g was warm with wool and one With K per cent. "Now praise to Mary and her lamb. Who did the schenie Invent, To clothe one-half a girl m wool And one-hnlf In per cent. come delirious wit hi excitement of a performing t-ar In town Hot tinieu In Mount Airy, eh '.' ' A large white hear In the posscse- lon of Home for. urn p.-leitrlans ha h-en furnishing arn;jemen! to oor clt Ixens. old and young alike, today on our Ktre.-t. it wan Tun to the ojiluok er but from "he movement- ",f the tw-aKT. It ah anything hot fjinnv for him." Kprlng Cleaning. "HprJng Is liere once more, nnil the demand for spring medicines In canning a rush at the drug stores." Hylvan Valley News. Keck and Vo stiall vtmi. "lt'i one of the elgnn of jinwperlty when mechanics lenvo Ashevllle and come to Hendorsonvllle ewklng work. And they find it. too," says the French flroad Hustler. mil SNAKE GOES ON A WITH arrest of Crazy Snake The clerk ad monished the ofTUer t.i he careful, hut Odom replied: Tiny are cow ards, there In 110 danger ' It a Odom n son, H rman. a dep uti. who -a one of the : men kill ed outrtfht when an attempt war rnwde later that day to r e the war rant a,! the ' hiefe house (Continued from first pags.) All honor, too, to Mary's friend. And all protection acts That clothe the rldh In real wool And wrap the poor In tax." he For Hplilnx of Family In the absence, of Theodore House velt. tho answer to the following l niesllc mulllplU'ftllon table, appearing In The Jackson Comity Journal. left lo the powers of "Pro llono Pub lico," " Myitis." or some lumlnury eiiuully imaglrintlve: Hear Kill tor: While I think of will answer Husle Kltchln's and Howell TnyVnr a riddles. Where wus going when he was thirty nine years old? I would think waa going on forty. There was father with twice six sons, suns hnv ing thirty daughters apiece, parti lored, hn'lug one cheek white and the -other black, who newr . e rtu Ihi r's faces nor live over forty liours nor under twenty hours The fatbi Ih a year and Ibe twlci' six whim are the months In the year, the daughters the days of the month, the while cheek day and the black on night and the days never live ovir forty hours nor under twenty. If this not It some one please give the an mwit next week." Is Why Klitmkl He? Ariel- deploring the fail tha,t th x press agent at Mount Airy had neg cclcd to blow Into the advertlaliig .iluiiins of The Hreexc with n lot or sale, our Mount Airy eoivtempo aiy Klves I1I111. without .barge, the ollowing "'pure reading mutter, next 1 local:" "Our exprem agent hna a good bus Men Milliners. The men of llendersonvllle trim med hats for sweet charity last Fri day night at the Hchckuh's lodge rooms. People who have seen the obis ui airs, l-oseya store nrr under the doctor's cure They I. Inc. olllce I'.t he lire,,' MlltS." I lot Hale, next to the expreSK If he ri-ully wunte.1 to sell the should have put 11 In Th. and th. n Just walled for re now may Hi. I r-lnux Miikir. re n another little ..phvr 1. t from The Mount Airy Mlose SUbHcrllH-rs lUV.' lie- SPRING RAINCOATS FOR SPRING SHOWERS And liht wrap jnirpost's arc .juit.f in (lispcusalilc. It shoi'ltl lie ;iS fresh aiitl new as otJier .sjuinu tlunns. Our di play ! Npriiif; Rail ;its w j you. Cotton K' co;its, for misses full length, m miet Iiin at $.").(MI, regular value .fli..")0. uk Hiililierieil ('dais fur misses ladies, plain and fancy stripes, niusiin ami lieiitfalmc in solid misses t oats f.S.(M). Ladies ( to $:m). Military Maekintos ''ain-s. soinetliin new, imported from I iondon, an ad vance style, solid black, blue, and tan also plaids. Prices $18 and $'20. s- interest adies and special and also colors. oats 10 A is it iter t-igagemi-nt. A Htl.lirian dispatch as an gag. merit between officers and Indians or, urre.l near there this morning. In which several Indians were wound .i ii. nn tn- liKiiuns and negroes, many .f the latter allied with the Creeks, took their wounded into th hills, which made t impossible to l.-nrri definitely the casualties. The Lumber of the dead since Thursday I" placed unofficially at six The bodies of MnMluil Haum and I erman Odom were taken to I'ufaula There was evidence that Craxy Hniike and hla family had left hurriedly In the night. Aftr t'hlttl Harjo, Cnczy Hnake" son, struggling hard against tin. rope whispered "let down, tell all know," the n.KW was loosed and he gave o complete list of Indians who partlci- ated In the tight of tho previous night and confessed that his father, insrenri or Deing in wasninglon, was ut the head of the outlaw bands scat tered among tho hills of the former Creek nation. "These were your father's tracks In the yard this morning?" aked lepu ty Jones. "These were his tracks," sold the Indian, who then told that Charles Coker, reputed u it dangerous Indian outlaw, had tired the shots which killed Maum and Odom. Ills confes sion revealed for the first time. Some of the reul secrets of generalship over the Creeks. Mill an Indian. "Coker Is en expert shot.'" he said, "and was fully three hundred yards distant when he made fine targets of the bodies of the officers, lie Is scouting now with the band and will be hard to cau-h." The members of the band In Har- Jo's house last nlKht. he confessed. belong to the light horse guard. Ills admission sent the posse hurrying on the trail of the old Indian, whom they hope to rapture quickly and thus ward off the Impending battle. Young Harjo is a stalwart, Intel i raz. snake has i.;.-add many timed with Federal .-rf,, -rs f .r the restitution of the righti ..r his tribes men A re. table incld-r, ..f his ora lord it! error is was irui'l- it Tulsa, ok- ' I. ile. mil. oo ...-niher : . do;, when he addr.-nyed a comm i ' f of Criit.-i States s- riatocs. then irr.cstigating af fairs in Indian territory Craxy KoskeS I "lea. "I am h re and stan l I" for- vol today, my fathers," elo.i -nt!y plad "d t'raxv Hnake. "as a mart m mis-ry I a mhcre appealing to i..u to bav the laws carrleil out, Th.- KTeat fath er said," lo- added, that If any oiu tri spasM-d on my rrgbn. ..r qu. .ition ed theTn. to let him know and hi- would take cure of thefri and protect them. I always thought that this would be done. 1 believe yet It will be done.' After th- puesc of deputies bad surrounded Crazy Snake's huuse last night, they called on tic Indians within to appear. They appeared with repeating rifle, i liarlcs Coker killed Haum at the (Irst volley. A moment later lie shot odom through the heart The other Indians tired repeatedly, but when Coker shoists. something falls. SlicrllT Wept. When HherlfT Otlom saw th- body of his slain son-, he bnke down and wept bitterly. Sadly he directed that the body be placed In a wagon and taken to ("hecotah and then grimly Insisted on retaking charge of the chose, deferring further display of his fatherly grief until some more op portune time. "I'll get Mm. though." he Mused between his set teeth. "Those red devils will pay for this with big Interest." A posse from Muskogee reached Crazy Hnake'a house today and search- d the place. They found the record of enrollment of Indians whom Crazy Snake has been organlng to fight for what he regards as liberty. The documents furnished indisputable evi dence that the old chief was trying to Incite a general uprising. Citizens of liwiryetta declare that the trouble la largely due to negro outlaws from other states, chiefly Texas, Arkansas and Tennewsee, who are wonted In their home states for various crimes. These negroes read ily fell In with the dlwuitixlled Indians Ideas of Insurrection. When the state troops reached Crazy Snake's camp at 9 o'clock to night, they found It deserted and every tepee shut and tent in flames The Indians had fled to tt stronger position to the north, where a battle the committee the advocates of free lumVr and free hides have been promised separate votes on thine 'luesjion In the senate. Senate a Plan. There ! a well defined rumir In l?i- isenate that the committee on :mante will ups-t the principle de lare.l in the Pavne bill of making tn- estahtishe.i rate the minimum ivith a twenty pr cent retaliatory in- r-.i..e to countri-a which fsui to give their !.- rate to the I'rrited Statcs.j i- it soouio rj- .icemen 10 reverse 'Ins proposition i. . as to make tits .stablish.'d rate th- minimum ond K-ve to the moM friendly nations a favored rate or twenty per cent less, it is asserted that the rates in the Payne bill would have to be raised all along the line ..n th" theory that e. 1 1 grat nations oul. tak- action no as to be given th I'ia- r rate. OiiriiiK th- otisideration of the bill thus far all of th' rat. s which depend Upon existing treaties hav leeri laid aside to b- r.insider.-d v. h.-n th.- maximum and minimum features nr taken up. A Jelegraph Order of the $3.75 Silk Skirts Just Jn, Hi'ot k and company's studio Is re-1 modeled and now open for business corner Patton and Ashclaml av.-nues. Morsell building. Ilgent youth. He ra an athlete and ,,i i. t.,.t.4 rie ...mere,. has played football with ome of the astern Indian schools, bint he r liilns all his rwitlve Instincts. With 'rany Snake's wheremlxiuts almost definitely established, the offkers pre- ., , n.ltk l.n c ..e .... . ...tit in., am ui ine 'iiillliary lO Jje un fm, ciiisn me intiiaiw in tne light which It was believed was Imminent Prepare for War. The expected tight was delayed be aiuic trie troops were forced to wait two hours at Sap u I pn for train While th. offlcera were storming at tho railroad officers for the failure of train service, and llenryetta offi cers were chafing under the delay wnien was rraught with such peril to the town, the various Indian bands broke their front and scattered Into squads. They took up positions of vantage hire and there, apparently gave over for the moment their plans to take the offensive and stationed themselves as in guerilla warfare ti await the coming of the soldiers MiMinwhllc the citizens of Henry. -tla breathed mole easily They ha, I feared an attack on the town. In which event disaster certain would have overtaken llenrvcttan.-i. as tin Indians outnumbered them and hail more arms The citizens prepared, however, t tvpcl any attack Hint mlirlil be mad .u iiewi wiey couiu. Messengers were hurried to Muskogee for urms and ammunition. Complete nillllarv order prevailed. Itivalls Old Days. The Indian scare transformed II. -n- ryctta into a frontier ,ii lilrty years ago. All that was lack ing was the log block lion.".- to mak the picture one of pioneer days When the militia urrlved tills afternoon, all ranger ror tnst particular town was ver. The Snake hand rapidly re treated, falling. Nick to Pl.-rce, when the forces wen. gathered In lui-yer numbers The troops hurried on ifler sending detachments In i.iirsiilt the Indian haders. The rn il i tin. iippleitiented by Hands of deputy herlffi and citizens, started out to mplete a circuit that would mir und pierce and drive th- Indian amis together so that the icons mid cither crush or capture th.- out law s. Aft. r the dash In which forty-one irresls u.-re mad.-. Crazy Snake's rnl- determined on an oggrcaslve :unpaign The chiefs plans had en prematurely sprung on account f tin- unexpected attack on deputies it llenryetta. ImkI ni!ht part of his band run to cover by deputies In a search r lenders of Thursday's tight .lr- Iml Haum. of Chevotalt, and Deputy idom of Kufaula. paid their lives us price This ..vent aroused the state uthoiiil.H. Governor Haskell ord 1 out the militia end the word was passed out ihat the band must In aptiir.-il or killed. Still 1 ncpillli-d ( ruzy Snake, name Is Chilli irjo. in. I whose Kngllsh name 1. lis., ri Jones, is the leader of the Snak. band of Creek Indians These e.-kM, unable to .s,.-ak Kngllsh. have ver turned from old customs They e as primitive ua the l liejennes or oe Sioux They were opposed to the llvislon r ihelr lands by the federal SAW .KEAT KATIIUt. WASIIINOTON, March 2d. "Crazy Snake" and several of his tribesmen of Creek Indians, who are reported to warpath," were In Wash ington during President Taft's Inaug uration and witnessed the ceremonies incident to the convening of the ex tra session of congress. A few days la'er they returned id llenryetta. ok hilioma. "Crazy Snake's" second son. known here ns ThonuiJi Wilson, accompan ied then. In re but did not return with them. When seen tonight at Ins bom-ding house he professed to kn.iw nothing of the outbreak of the Snake clan lie looked downcast when I..M of the capture or his elder brother, Chilli Harjo and Inquired If lie was still alive Readers. Read Slieii's Ads Every Week YOU will find them not only In terestlng, but lnstru"tlve, and If you expect to buy a piano and will be guided by our knowledge gained from sixty-six yearn" ex perience, you can secure a piano that will always be good, and buy at the Illght Price. Watch for Special Hnrgalns Write Today Chas. M. Slieff Manufacturer of the ARTISTIC STIKFF SHAW AND STIEFF SFJ.,FPI,AYEH PIANOS PREPARING PARTY Southern Wareroom: 5 W. Trade St, Charlotte, : : : : N. C. c. ii. wn.Moni, Manager. Mention This Paper. The other day we had a Special sale on. our Black Silk Petticoats for $3.75. We sold completely out and had to wire in order fur more. They art: here, so ex pect t o see you today if von wish one of them. Only i to a customer. geautiul Showing of ong and Jhort Kimonos New Crepe Kimonas from 1 to sf-2.7f. New Lawn Kimonas from ;S.)c up. New Silk Kimonas from if 4. 50 to 10.00. Klcvator Service for Ready-to-wear Dept. Y. M. C. A. LYCEUM GOV. JOSEPH W. FOLK AT AUDITORIUM TUESDAY MARCH 30th, 8:30 P. M. Holders of season Lyceum tlckota can exchange counona at T M V A. beginning Saturday 27th at 9.30 a. m. ' K Blibject, "The Kra of Conscience."' Great lecture by a peat A merles. Every ope should hear him. K American. Reserve your seat early if you want a good one. WHEN IT COMES To real COAfi QO.1I.ITy no put M W Indian against any coal In the world. Over 03 per cent heat. Carolina Cdal& Ice Company Phone IS. Patton An. (Cantrnuid from first pags.) have proved atrong advocates of the ristoiiitlon of tin- duty while Senator IjihIkc is said to stand almost aloti'- C'f . ,'nnpiUKii for free hides. Champions or tho .movement to tak.- the uuty off tiirnlN-r entirely nr. not so sanguine of success as tin- a.l- ciit. s of free hides so far xih thoir nles. in the committee Is concrneil. nator in accordance witli the Instruct ions of the legisla ture of North Dakota, Is ti irry th.- light to the floor of th--hate. Hegardless of the te ..f MAMCIHIXG. Hairdresslng, Facial Massages. Scalp treatment a specalty. Up-to-date line of hair goods, toilet articles, switches, puffs and pompadoues made to order. I'rices roawinuble, work Ilrst class. I A I I KS. ( KXTI.KM 1 ; V. SKINNER A IH'.N'TKK, No. 12 South Spruce Street WeSeU oa the positive guarantee that if it does not give sat isfaction we will return the entire amount of money paid H us for it. We ask all those who are run-down, nervous, debili tated, aged or weak, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, hanging-on coughs, bronchitis or incipi ent consumption to try Vinol with this understanding. Seawell's Pharmacy, Asheville. N. C. We Don't Claim the Earth But do claim that there, are no better seeds and onion sets tlian Isindretlia'. For Sale at THK CA'tOIiINA PILAR MA Cy Cor Market and College fits. M. WEBB & COMPANY Millinery Importer No. Battery Park Place, Phone i4 Astievtlle, N. a IMPRESSIONS COUNT You always look better with clean perfectly laundered linen. We do our oart. MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY DR. MATTHEWS Dental Parlors, 25, 28, ST New McAfee Building, Cor. College and Spruce, Near Court House. Our work is the best. Our prices very reasonable, we fill and extract teeth tihn..i i. always. We guarantee all our work. OFFICE PHONE S4S. BUTTER. 1 5c per poand. The fancy creamery kind, the kin yon pay 40o and 4 to per pound fof when mads In Illlnola Instead of her The express company gat the dill Asheville Pure Milk Co East Walnut St.. Phone 554. La Grecque Corsets For every type of figure GREENE & CO , 12 Church Street THERE IS NO WAITING to b served at oar plaoe that la feature with ua just the same as serving only the very beat In the eat ing line. If you haven't been eating witn ua. aii we ask is a call. SiBW YORK LUNCH ROOM 11 South Mala si GENUINE ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD nnd Imported new brasses, Oems ari l high class antique Jewelry. Scrap gold aird silver taUen in exchange or casb rmid for same. Victor Sterns Antique Shop 6 North Pack Square. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to Inform the public that 1 have moved my oiTlees from the Legal building to temporary offices on Pat ton avenue, over Western Union Tele graph office. After April 1st I will occupy the entire seven modern office rooms that are now being partitioned off on the second floor of the I.ang building N. W. cor. Pack Square. DR. C. F. COMPTON. Chiropractor. Phone 621. D.RJMINNON 7 PattuD Avenue (Over Redwood' Store) Ladies and Gentlemens TAILOR v"nflT5TaRE0F M0DERN1WAY5 MISS CRUISE PARLORS For Manicuring. Massaging. Chiro pody and Hair Dressing. Everything for the hair can bo obtained here. In those styles that are the most modish and becoming. Combings and cut hair made to order. MISS CRUISE, a. itayvcoou street. New Arrivals ot Fish M. V. MOORE THK OtTFITlTSR. II PATTON AVE. yeriinunt. refusing to take their ai lments They persistently- resisted Hm Air Art Hallhlit OK l taxation of their nroocrtv. Kvl- 177 wW pUUUU lently. the wily old chief determined OUJUacu !WMJrS Od CIS QOZen make good his frvquent thteuLs N. C. R06 HeiTln? . 9Ji C, rlnvar following last Thursday's tight. Kven pJ fiol- u . fl t. v ,n, " 'V .ifter this light, offU ers believed I V .juio uauf DOUHa there would be no further serious re- 1 llCSO STdtHlS JU'C Of t't I Jl (UlalitV ."111(1 Will Illt'.lSC t)lO . i ------- suits. Tills was shown when on Nut ttrday Sheriff Odom received from the district clerk a warrant for the most exact ing. ti Montford Avena OWNBEY'S Phone 56 51 BffTONAVEmBEtTE JwSS ASHEVILLE Do Your Shopping tor Easier at This Store Wc ;,iv i-c.-eivinir ,laily new KMis 'f rir, iissortnit'iits of l),vs.s (ioods. Hi'autiful assoi'tnicnt ,, i , (lis,l;,y. 7 "" olu,s liy express. Silks, Wash Laces, how on